Harris QCA 8e Chapter 17 New

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Harris QCA 8e Chapter 17

1. Light with a wavelength of 800 nm has an energy of

(a) 2.48 x 10-19 J.
(b) 2.48 x 10-28 J.
(c) 5.30 x 10-31 J.

2. Light with a frequency of 1.07 x 1015 Hz has a wavenumber (in cm-1) of

(a) 3.57 x 106 cm-1.
(b) 2.80 x 10-7 cm-1.
(c) 3.57 x 104 cm-1.

3. If a sample transmits 75 % of the incident light, it has an absorbance of

(a) 0.125.
(b) 1.88.
(c) -0.125.

4. A liquid sample absorbs light of wavelength 510 nm. The solution will appear
(a) green.
(b) purple.
(c) colorless.

5. A sample in a 1.0 mm cell transmits 75.0% of the incident light at 510 nm. If the solution is 0.075 M,
its molar absorptivity (M-1 cm-1) is
(a) 1.0 x l0-4 M-1 cm-1.
(b) 1.67 M-1 cm-1.
(c) 16.7 M-1 cm-1.

6. A cuvet should be
(a) thoroughly rinsed and dried with an absorbent towel before use.
(b) rinsed and allowed to drain before use.
(c) rinsed and oven dried before use.

7. A sample absorbs too strongly at a particular wavelength. You could decrease the absorbance at that
wavelength by each of the following except
(a) quantitatively diluting the solution.
(b) using a cuvet with a shorter path length.
(c) decreasing the molar absorptivity.

8. Spectrophotometric analysis based on Beer's Law

(a) must be done using a double beam instrument.
(b) requires the use of monochromatic light.
(c) can only be done in the visible region of the spectrum.

9. Which of the following is a source of error in a spectrophotometric analysis of a blue liquid?

(a) using the same cuvet for sample and blank
(b) plotting absorbance versus concentration expressed as ppm analyte
(c) using a wavelength of 450 nm

10. Electromagnetic radiation in the range from 200 to 800 nm causes

(a) electronic, vibrational and rotational excitation.
(b) vibrational and rotational excitation.
(c) rotational excitation.

11. Beer's law effectively states that the relationship between the absorbance of a solution and the
concentration of the absorbing species in a solution is linear. This relationship is most likely to fail when
(a) the absorbing species is very dilute.
(b) the absorbing species participates in a concentration-dependent chemical equilibrium.
(c) a mixture of ions are present in the solution evaluated.
12. Which of the following is not true regarding emission spectra?
(a) Emission spectra is generated by molecules that emit radiation at the same wavelength as the
radiation they absorb.
(b) Luminescence measurements are inherently more sensitive than absorption measurements.
(c) Emission spectra are normally measured at a detector positioned at 90° to the in incident light.

13. Which of the following types of transition would require the shortest wavelength radiation?
(a) Rotational transitions
(b) Vibrational transitions
(c) Electronic transitions

14. A molecule which has absorbed a photon of energy in the visible range could move from the excited
electronic state S1 to a highly excited vibrational level of the ground state (S 0) with the same energy. This
process is
(a) fluorescence.
(b) internal conversion.
(c) intersystem crossing.

15. Compared to the incident (exciting) radiation, fluorescent emission will have a
(a) higher energy.
(b) higher frequency.
(c) longer wavelength.

16. Which of the following is true?

(a) The radiational transition S1 S0 is called fluorescence, and the radiational transition T 1 S0 is
called phosphorescence.
(b) The radiational transition S1 S0 is called phosphorescence, and the radiational transition T 1 S0 is
called fluorescence.
(c) The radiational transition S1 S0 is called fluorescence, and the radiational transition T1 S1 is
called phosphorescence.

17. A sample and its blank had a percent transmittance of 45.4% and 97.5%, respectively. What is the
absorbance due to the analyte?
(a) 0.011
(b) 0.343
(c) 0.332

18. Which of the following is proportional to concentration?

(a) percent transmittance
(b) transmittance
(c) absorbance

19. There is an analogous Beer's Law equation for fluorescence: F = Kc, where F is the fluorescence
emission intensity, K is a proportionality constant, and c is the concentration. What is K, if F = 512 at 370
nm for a 1.5 X 10-6 M solution of pyrene?
(a) 3.4 x 108 M
(b) 3.4 x 108 M-1
(c) 2.9 x 10-9 M-1

20. The absorbance of a 2.31 x 10-5 M solution of a compound is 0.822 at 266 nm in a 1.00 mm cuvet.
What is the sample's percent transmittance?
(a) 15.1%
(b) 0.151
(c) 664%

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