DLL MAPEH Grade10 Quarter1 Music

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DAILY School Grade Level 10


LOG Teaching Dates and Quarter FIRST


A. Content Standards The learner…
Demonstrate understanding of the 20th century musical styles and characteristic features.

B. Performance Standards The learner…

Creates musical pieces using particular styles of the 20th century

C. Learning Competencies/ The Learner… The Learner… The Learner… The Learner… The Learner…
Objectives *Listens perceptively to selected *relates 20th century music to its *create short electronic and *explores other arts media that *explains the performance
20th century music. historical and cultural chance music pieces using portray 20th century elements practice (setting , composition,
MU10TC-Ia-h-1 background. knowledge of 2oth century. through video films or live role of composers/performers,
MU10TC-Ia-g-3 performances audience) of 20th century’
*describes distinctive musical MU10TC-Ic-h-7
elements of given pieces in 20th MU10TC-Ic-h-6 MU10TC-IB-G-4
MU10TC- Ia –h-2

II. CONTENT Music of the 20th century Music of the 20th century Music of the 20th century Music of the 20th century Music of the 20th century
“ Impressionism and “Other Musical style” “ New Musical style” “ Creating a music video and a “Film showing or Video
Expressionism” re-enacting live performance” watching”
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material Pages 4 – 11 12-23 25-30 34 35
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous Recall concepts on previous Give the characteristic features Historical and cultural
lesson or presenting the lessons and musical style of background of one of the other
new lesson impressionism and musical style
B. Establishing a purpose for Recognize the characteristic Recognize the characteristic Describe what is: Identify the elements of the
the lesson features and musical styles of features of other musical styles. a. electronic music performance
Impressionism and b. Chance music Creating a Music Video /Re-
expressionism enacting a Live Performance

C. Presenting examples/ Picture analysis: Reading Activity: What makes the music of the 20th Based in your research:
instances of the new lesson Pictures and paintings posted Other musical styles/composers century unique and very The students will make a 10-min
on the board. (a. Impressionists LM PG 12-23 interesting? video clips and a 10-min audio video What are the different
b. expressionists) presentation. elements of the performance?
Let the student’s state /tell
their descriptions and Refer LM pg 34 letter C What are the functions or
observations on the class for uses of each element?
picture A and picture B
D. Discussing new concepts Reading Activity: Buzz Session: Reading Activity:
and practicing new skill #1 Life and works of Claude Historical and cultural NEW MUSICAL STYLES -Groupings Performance Activity 5:
Debussy, Maurice Ravel and background of each musical - Draw lots for the task Film Showing or
Arnold Schoenberg) styles LM pg 25 – 30 a. Video Clips Video Watching
LM pg 4-11 b. Live Performance
(West Side Story or any
Filipino Stage Musical play)

E. Discussing new concepts Listening Activity: Stand and Deliver: Sharing period:
and practicing new skill #2 a. Music of impressionism Listen and watch carefully to
b. Music of Expressionism Representative of each group What are the 2 new musical Practice recognize/understand the
will report the summary of their styles created by 2oth century message of the stage musical
Students will give impressions, discussion to the class classical composers that truly play
thoughts and feelings to the unique and innovative?
-Characteristics of each style

F. Developing Mastery Let them compare the paintings Listening Activity; Perform Activity 1: Write reaction paper
to the music in terms of the -Musical composition of the Experimentation with the sounds explaining the following
elements and characteristic of following composer: of 20th century music systems Practice elements of the performance
each composer. - Bartok
- Prokofieff LM pg 33 1.setting
- Gerswhin 2.musical composition
- Poulenc 3.Role of composer
- Bernstein 4. role of audience
(Or you can use any Filipino - Students reaction 5.Sound and musical direction
Music belong to this style) . regarding activity 6. script/ screen play
7. props, costumes

G. Finding practical Sharing period: Student will listen carefully to Perform Activity 2: practice Class Discussion:
applications of concepts & * Give the characteristics of recognize the distinct musical
skills in daily living a. Impressionistic music style of each composer. Original Chance and Electronic -Elements of Performance
b. Expressionistic music Then, they will choose a music -Role and importance of each
composition that they like and element
write a short reaction on it. LM pg 34

H. Making generalizations & Comparative style of: How the other musical styles Practice Group Presentation Listening Activity:
abstractions about the a. Impressionist - differ from the impressionism -from video or recordings of
lesson Expressionist and expressionism in terms of West Side Story
b. elements of music? (Tonight/Maria /Somewhere
and I want to be in America)
I. Evaluating Learning Make a graph or drawing Paper and pencil test (Teacher’s Presentation: Sing and perform the song
showing the characteristics of made test) Leader will discuss video works in in class with or without
impressionism and expressionism Performances will be judged: class accompaniment or you
while listening to its music. -Very Good may also sing with
-Good Evaluate learners presentation
-Fair through rubrics
-Needs Follow up Evaluate learners
presentation through rubrics
J. Additional activities for Research and watch 20th century
application or remediation musical play West side story or any
Filipino musical stage play for our
next activity/performance
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

DAILY School Grade Level 10

LESSON Teacher Learning Area MUSIC(c0nt.)
LOG Teaching Dates and Quarter FIRST


A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competencies/ The learner…

Objectives *sing melodic fragments of given
impressionism period pieces

II. CONTENT Music of 20th Century

“Singing or Humming
Musical Fragments”
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material Pages Page 34
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous Recall the concepts of
lesson or presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for Identify the distinct musical style
the lesson of the composers of the 20th
C. Presenting examples/ Throw questions about the
instances of the new lesson musical styles of different
composers of the 20th century
D. Discussing new concepts
and practicing new skill #1
E. Discussing new concepts Listening activity:
and practicing new skill #2 play several selected works by
20th century composers

F. Developing Mastery Listen carefully to the music in

order to recognize the distinct
musical style of each composer.

G. Finding practical Sing /hum some melodic

applications of concepts & fragments as the music play
skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations & Based on the melodic fragments
abstractions about the of the excerpt that you sang or
lesson hummed, you should be able to
identify now the different
selected works of the 20th
century composer.
I. Evaluating Learning Think of a Filipino Folk song and
perform this using with new
musical style or dressed up it
with new musical style.
J. Additional activities for . .
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of
learners who caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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