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PRL 96, 067201 (2006) 17 FEBRUARY 2006

Exchange Bias Training Effect in Coupled All Ferromagnetic Bilayer Structures

Ch. Binek,1 S. Polisetty,2 Xi He,1 and A. Berger2
Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Center for Materials Research and Analysis, Ferguson Hall, University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0111, USA
San Jose Research Center, Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, San Jose, California, USA
(Received 26 October 2005; published 13 February 2006)
Exchange coupled bilayers of soft and hard ferromagnetic thin films show remarkable analogies to
conventional antiferromagnetic/ferromagnetic exchange bias heterostructures. Not only do all these
ferromagnetic bilayers exhibit a tunable exchange bias effect, they also show a distinct training behavior
upon cycling the soft layer through consecutive hysteresis loops. In contrast with conventional exchange
bias systems, such all ferromagnetic bilayer structures allow the observation of training induced changes
in the bias-setting hardmagnetic layer by means of simple magnetometry. Our experiments show
unambiguously that the exchange bias training effect is driven by deviations from equilibrium in the
pinning layer. A comparison of our experimental data with predictions from a theory based upon triggered
relaxation phenomena shows excellent agreement.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.96.067201 PACS numbers: 75.60.d, 75.70.Cn

Exchange bias (EB) is known as a magnetic coupling that gives rise to conventional EB [15,18,19]. Also, in these
phenomenon at ferromagnetic (FM)-antiferromagnetic EB systems, proportionality between the moment at the
(AFM) interfaces with strong implications for magnetic interface and the AFM bulk magnetic moment is a faintly
field sensor applications, read heads, and modern ap- motivated assumption. The latter is far more reasonable in
proaches to spintronics [1–6]. It is initialized by field the case of a thin FM pinning layer with a homogeneous
cooling the heterosystem to below the blocking tempera- spin structure along the normal of the film. We also present
ture, TB , at which AFM order is established, at least on a a transparent theory of the TE adapted to all FM bilayers,
mesoscopic scale [7]. The most striking and widely studied which shows excellent agreement with our experimental
feature in EB systems is the shift of the FM hysteresis loop data.
along the magnetic field axis by the amount 0 HEB . Figure 1 (left frame) displays a schematic of our sample
Furthermore, a gradual degradation of the EB field can structure and its overall magnetic hysteresis m vs 0 H
be observed upon cycling the heterostructure through con- (dashed line) where m is the magnetic moment and H is the
secutive hysteresis loops [8–12]. This aging phenomenon applied magnetic field. The measurements are done at
is know as the training effect (TE) and is quantified by
0 HEB vs n, where n is the number of loops cycled after HB
first setting the EB via field cooling. EB and its training
have been observed in various magnetic systems ranging 5
m[ Am]

from core-shell magnetic granules and AFM-FM thin film mr

m-mr(HL) [nA m ]

heterolayers to ferromagnetic nanodomains embedded in

an AFM matrix of charge ordered manganites [13–16]. 0.0 0
In this Letter, we study the EB training effect in all FM
bilayers, in which a magnetically soft CoCr layer (SL) is
exchange coupled via a Ru interlayer with a hardmagnetic
CoPtCrB pinning layer (HL) (see the inset in Fig. 1). In Ru
comparison to the conventionally used AFM layer in EB -0.1
structures, FM pinning layers provide unique experimental
-0.5 0.0 0.5 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
access to the change in their magnetization state and, in
turn, reveal the dependence of the bias field on the pinning 0
H[T] 0

layer magnetization [17]. Therefore, the cycle dependent

evolution of the pinning layer magnetization can be un- FIG. 1 (color online). Overall magnetic hysteresis m vs 0 H
(left frame, dashed line). Thick solid lines are low field minor
ambiguously measured by means of simple magnetometry
loops after positive and negative saturation, respectively. The
and its correlation with training of the bias field is clearly horizontal line visualizes mr for the upper SL loop, the vertical
evidenced. Recent attempts to show the analogous corre- line indicates the shift of the SL loop along the field axis relative
lation between aging of the interface magnetization in an to H  0. The inset is a schematic of the sample . The right
AFM pinning layer and the training of the EB field in frame shows the TE between the first (squares) and 20th (circles)
AFM-FM heterostructures faced serious difficulties be- hysteresis loop of the CoCr soft layer after first setting the
cause of the smallness of the excess magnetic moment CoPtCrB magnetization state.

0031-9007=06=96(6)=067201(4)$23.00 067201-1 © 2006 The American Physical Society

PRL 96, 067201 (2006) 17 FEBRUARY 2006

m [n Am ]
room temperature by means of alternating gradient force 0.081 25

m [nAm ]
magnetometry. The shape of the overall loop reflects the 0
0.080 24

m [nAm ]
well separated switching field distributions of the HL and

SL. The thick solid lines are low field minor loops after 0.079 23
0.078 0.079 30
positive and negative saturation, respectively. The low field 0

HB [T]
response of these minor loops is dominated by the magne- -0.078

tization reversal of the soft magnetic CoCr layer. Their

positions are shifted along the m axis due to the remanent -0.079 0

magnetic moment mr of the CoPtCrB layer and along the -0.080

field axis due to the Ru mediated interlayer exchange field 0
0.6 20

0 HB . The loop shift along the field axis is denoted as -0.081

0 HB to distinguish it from the EB field, 0 HEB , in AFM- 0 5 10 15 20 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12
FM systems. Figure 1 (right frame) shows an example of loop# n HAmp[T]

the TE in our all FM bilayers. The measurements were

performed after first saturating the bilayer in 0 H  0:8 T FIG. 2 (color online). Training effect 0 HB vs n (left frame) of
and subsequent partial demagnetization of the pinning the HL-SL bilayer for set fields 0 Hset  0:36 and 0:34 T
after saturation in 0 H  0:8 T for negative and 0:8 T for
layer in a static set field of 0 Hset  0:34 T. The minor
positive set fields, respectively. Experimental data are shown as
SL loops are measured in magnetic fields of moderate triangles while lines represent least-squares fits of Eq. (5) to the
strength, 0  0 H < 0:14 T, which do not switch the respective data sets. The right frame shows the change of the TE
HL. After subtracting mr HL, respectively, the first (n  (squares) for various field amplitudes 0 HAmp , as measured by
1, squares) and 20th (n  20, circles) minor hysteresis the HL remanence magnetization in comparison to the up
loops of the SL reveal a clear relative shift along the field magnetization branch of the SL hysteresis. The inset (open
axis. Evidently, the bias field experiences training through circles) evidences the linear relation between the remanent
consecutive magnetization reversals of the SL and in- magnetization and the bias field in our training experiments.
creases within the 20 subsequently cycled loops by about Data are obtained from 20 consecutive loops after saturation at
1 mT. This TE in 0 HB is accompanied by the training of 0 H  0:8 T and initialization in a set field of 0 Hset 
the HL magnetization towards an increased equilibrium 0:34 T. The line is the best linear fit to the data.
value. More specific, the shifts of the SL loops along the m
and field axis are linearly correlated [17]. In order to Given the fact that the time-averaged applied magnetic
analyze the 0 HB vs n dependence quantitatively we field in our measurements of the TE is not zero, it is
determine the EB field at each n value for a number of necessary to show experimentally that the TE is indeed
different starting conditions. triggered by the cycled SL hysteresis loops. In particular,
Figure 2 (left frame) shows the TE of the FM bilayer for we have to rule out that the change of 0 HB reflects a
4 different set fields 0 Hset  0:36 and 0:34 T after continuous relaxation phenomenon depending on the time
saturation in 0 H  0:8 T, respectively. When saturat- the HL is exposed to the applied magnetic field. In order to
ing the bilayer in a positive (negative) magnetic field, a evidence the triggered nature of the TE we study the
negative (positive) set field reduces (increases) the magne- change of the HL magnetization for 10 subsequent SL
tization of the pinning layer. Subsequent SL hysteresis loops obtained for various field amplitudes 0 HAmp .
loops will drag the HL back towards equilibrium corre-
Each set of 10 loops takes place in applied magnetic fields
sponding to increased (reduced) magnetization. Triangles
0  0 H  0 HAmp after the sample has been initialized
display the experimental 0 HB vs n training data. Similar
to previous findings for conventional EB systems [15], we each time in an identical fashion through saturation of the
observe that the loop-to-loop TE is strongest in the begin- bilayer in 0 H  0:8 T and partial demagnetization in a
ning of the measurement procedure, i.e., for low n values, set field of 0 Hset  0:34 T. Since the SL does not
and becomes substantially less pronounced for higher n. completely reverse for 0 HAmp smaller than the saturation
This also indicates that the related relaxation processes in field, a meaningful bias field cannot be determined from
the biasing HL occur predominantly during the first few the loop itself. However, due to the proportionality be-
reversals, while subsequent SL loops produce only minor tween the HL magnetization and 0 HB , we are able to
changes. In accordance with the symmetry of the overall determine the field cycling effect onto the bilayer system
hysteresis loop (see Fig. 1, left frame) identical absolute by simply measuring the remanent HL magnetization. The
values but opposite signs of the saturation and set fields proportionality between mr and HB , known from Ref. [17]
generates symmetry in the corresponding 0 HB vs n de- is independently evidenced here. The inset of Fig. 2 (right
pendence with respect to 0 HB  0. The data in Fig. 2 also frame) shows as an example the remanent magnetization
show that with increasing absolute value of the set field the mH  0 of the bilayer for 20 consecutive loops which is
resulting absolute bias field decreases, which simply re- proportional to the HL magnetization due to uniform anti-
flects the fact that the absolute value of the HL magneti- parallel alignment of the SL in zero field. Each loop results
zation is further reduced [20]. in an individual value for the remanent magnetization and
PRL 96, 067201 (2006) 17 FEBRUARY 2006
the bias field. Clearly, within the statistical error of the
data, the expected linear dependence mH  0 / 0 HB is
confirmed. Therefore the change of the remanent mag-
netization m  mH  0;n  1  mH  0;n  10 tak-

HB(n=1)- 0HB [ mT ]
ing place during a 10 loop training sequence in the field
interval 0  0 H  0 HAmp can be used as a measure of

the change of the bias field HB  HB n  1  HB n  2

10. Figure 2 (right frame) shows that m vs 0 HAmp

(squares) increases significantly at 0 HAmp  0:08 T, si-

multaneous with the onset of magnetization reversal in the 1

SL. This correlation between hysteretic behavior of the SL

and the TE is evidenced when comparing m vs 0 HAmp
with the up magnetization branch m vs 0 H of the hys- 0
0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00
teresis loop (solid circles). The constant value of m vs H (n=1)/ 0HB
0 B
0 HAmp for field amplitudes 0:02  0 HAmp < 0:08 T
and HAmp > 0:12 T indicates that the TE is not directly FIG. 3. Dynamics of the TE j0 HB n  1  0 HBe j mea-
caused by the time and amplitude of the applied field, but sured for various magnetization states of the HL. The HL
triggered by the SL magnetization reversal. This result is in magnetization at n  1 is linearly correlated with the bias field
accordance with previous findings obtained by polarized 0 HB n  1. The maximum bias field 0 HBmax  0:084 T is
neutron scattering, high resolution photoemission electron achieved when the HL is saturated and no training appears.
microscopy, and micromagnetic simulations [21,22].
It is general consensus that training of the EB is caused mines 0 HEB n 1 from its predecessor [28,29]. Here,
by the nonequilibrium nature of the spin structure in the we outline the analogous theoretical approach in order to
pinning layer [12,23–27]. Thus, the gradual decrease of calculate the TE in all FM bilayer systems [30]. Using this
0 HEB with increasing n is a fingerprint of rearrangements LK approach the time evolution of the interface magneti-
in the pinning layer spin structure towards an equilibrium zation in the pinning layer S is given by
configuration. These general assumptions are corroborated
by our experimental observation that virtually no TE is @F
S_   ; (1)
present in our samples if we start the minor loop cycling @S
from a fully magnetized HL state, i.e., beginning very close
to the equilibrium configuration of the HL. Significant TE where  is a phenomenological damping constant, S_ is the
is achieved only when a set field drives the HL out of time derivative of S, and F the nonequilibrium free
saturation into a domain state. Consecutively cycled loops energy of the pinning layer. The triggered nature of the
of the SL then drive the HL, in part, back towards satura- TE [compare discussion of Fig. 2 (right frame)] is best
tion causing the TE. This qualitative picture is for the first taken into account through discretization of the continuous
time confirmed by means of magnetometry. It is a con- differential equation (1), by replacing S_ with
Sn 1 
ceptual advantage of all FM bilayer systems that the de- Sn =, with  being the relevant experimental time con-
viation of the HL magnetization from its equilibrium state stant. In its simplest form, F is characterized by a single
can be measured via either mr HL or the bias field which FM order parameter. A series expansion of F in the
is proportional to mr HL. Figure 3 shows the experimen- vicinity of the equilibrium value, S  Se , has a leading
tally measured size of the TE, j0 HB n  1  0 HBe j vs quadratic term
j0 HB n  1j, i.e., the measurement starting point.
F / S2 ; (2)
Hereby 0 HBe denotes the equilibrium bias field in the
limit of large n. According to the proportionality between where S  Sn  Se quantifies the deviation from the
the HL magnetization and the bias field, the increase of equilibrium interface magnetization during the nth loop.
j0 HB n  1  0 HBe j with decreasing bias field Together with Eq. (2) we obtain from the discretized LK
0 HB n  1 evidences that training requires a HL do- equation (1) an implicit sequence equation
main state that is not in equilibrium to allow for spin
configurational rearrangements towards this very equilib- Sn 1  K 1Sn  KSe (3)
rium state. The more the HL magnetization deviates from
its equilibrium state of saturation the more pronounced is where K is a constant containing the proportionality con-
the TE. stant involved in (2) as well as  and , that can be used as
In the framework of this physical picture, the TE in fitting parameter. Hereby, numerical values for K need to
conventional EB systems has recently been described by be limited to 1 < K < 0 in order to facilitate conver-
means of the Landau-Khalatnikov (LK) theory, which gence. A further inspection of Eq. (3) actually allows us to
allowed the derivation of a sequence equation that deter- derive an explicit expression for Sn
PRL 96, 067201 (2006) 17 FEBRUARY 2006

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