Design and Analysis of Fuselage Skin Repair Joint: Dr. S. Solomon Raj, Dr. G. Laxmaiah & V. Ravi Kumar

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International Journal of Mechanical and Production

Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)

ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001
Vol. 9, Issue 3, Jun 2019, 887-894
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd



Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
M. Tech student, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India

In this paper, a dent occurred on a fuselage skin is considered, for which, a repair joint is designed using
rivets and is analyzed for static and fatigue loads. Two dimensional model of a joint is taken and the load transfer
through the joint is calculated using Patran and Nastran. Then, life of the joint is evaluated by carrying out the fatigue
analysis in Ansys. The proposed joint is proved to be satisfactory as far as standards are concerned.

KEYWORDS: Fuselage Skin, Rivets, Patran & Nastran

Received: Apr 02, 2019; Accepted: Apr 23, 2019; Published: May 17, 2019; Paper Id.: IJMPERDJUN201997


Original Article
Aircraft, subjected to structural repair / modification needs to be analyzed /evaluated to check the repair
/modification in serving the adequate strength to resist the applied loads. The analysis uses static and dynamic
loads, which causes fatigue in a structure. Here, a dent on a fuselage skin is analyzed and a repair joint is suggested
using rivets. Riveted joints are often the most critical parts, with respect to fatigue life of structures. Therefore, it is
important to analyze these components and the forces they are subjected to.

1.1 Pressurization Cycles

Commercial airplanes are pressurized to maintain the comfort level of passengers during flight.
The fuselage skin behaves like a thin-walled pressure vessel, such as a balloon. The difference in pressure inside
and outside the passenger cabin (∆P) produces axial and radial tension loads. Membrane or hoop stresses result in
the fuselage skin and curved bulkheads. Below figure 1, illustrates the effects of pressure (∆P) on the fuselage skin.

Figure 1: Effect of Pressure on Fuselage Skin SCOPUS Indexed Journal [email protected]

888 Dr. S. Solomon Raj, Dr. G. Laxmaiah & V. Ravi Kumar


The damage considered here is only on skin, a dent. The dent was not reported in SRM or the dimensions might
have been exceeding allowable limits. Therefore, a new repair configuration needs to be designed. Geometric details of
damage, such as dent diameter and depth are shown in below figure 2.

Repair doubler

Dia: 25.4mm

A Depth on dent: 2.286mm

20.32mm 12.7mm

Structural Filler

Figure 2: Dent on Fuselage Skin

2.1 Material, Geometric and Mechanical Properties

The material of the repair doubler and filler considered to be the same as to that of the baseline or primary
structure, to avoid irregular load transfer. Since the load transfer is a function of flexibility, the less flexible is the more
load carrying member and is not regular in transferring the load. The material properties of skin, doubler and structural
filler are presented in the below given table 1.

Table 1: Material Properties

S. No part Thickness/dia (mm) Material E Syt Sut
1 Fuselage 1.016 Al2024-T3 clad sheet 73.1 270 405
2 Repair Doubler 1.6002 Al2024-T3 clad sheet 73.1 275 420
3 Structural Filler 1.6002 Al2024-T3 clad sheet 73.1 275 420
4 Fastener (MS20426-6D) 9.525 Al2017-T4 72.4 -- --


The dent identified on the center fuselage crown is having a dent depth greater than thickness; it is considered to
be a major stress concentrated area, where a potential crack may start due to operating loads. Clearing the dent (sharp
material elongation out of plane), i. e. flattening the dent parallel with skin may cause deformation. Therefore, clearing the
dent in terms of trimming the elongated area has been proposed.

3.1 Static Analysis

The static analysis of the repair configuration gives the safety margin factor with respect to geometry and
strength. The strength margin factor is calculated for doubler and the joint. In calculations, the actual loss of strength or
required strength will be compared against the strength added in the form of doubler and the strength given to the joint with
fasteners. The doubler is thicker and larger than the cut-out. The materials are same. The minimum margin safety factor

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Design and Analysis of Fuselage Skin Repair Joint 889

is: = − 1, the margin of safety if greater than zero, which says the material loss, is

restored and is ‘1+MS’ times to the original thickness. − ! ! "# # , %&'(( = ) *+, ∗ (.+/ .

The circumferential or the hoop stress generated due to the internal pressure loading is calculated as
6 77 ∗8
follows. # !/ 1 23 , 4''5 = , The strength loss or the strength to be restored due to trim out

or area loss is Ploss = fhoop * Aloss.. The joint strength can be calculated as 9 3 ℎ = ;<=( >/>*?=&&'@=A&> ∗
B# C . The joint strength is compared against the strength loss which is to be restored and the margin of
D'+/ E *>/F 4
safety calculated as follows. = − 1. Therefore, the joint is having adequate strength to

compensate the strength loss due to trim-out and it is structurally acceptable.

3.2 Fatigue Analysis

The fatigue analysis performed for the designed repair configuration, to know the number of flight cycles without
having damage is generally known as threshold limit. The fatigue calculations performed herein, takes few points into
account mentioned ref [1]: Severity factor (SF), which accounts for fastener type, method of installation, interference, hole
preparation. detail design, fastener load distribution to avoid ‘peaking effect’, minimization of the stress concentration
caused by both local load transfer at a fastener and bypass load, discrepancy factor, fatigue quality index, and finally
fatigue life from S-N Curve.

3.2.1 Severity Factor

The severity factor (SF) as given by equations 1&2 is a fatigue factor that accounts for local peak stress caused by
load transfer through fastener and by pass load transfer through plate.

SF = ∗ NσP + σR S (1)


σP + σR = θ+ (2)


α - Surface Condition Factor

β - Hole Filling factor

Ktb - Bearing Stress Concentration Factor

Ktg - Stress Concentration Factor

θ - Bearing distribution factor

D - Diameter of the fastener

t - Thickness of the skin

W - Width of the plate

∆P - Load transfer through fastener

P - Bypass Load. SCOPUS Indexed Journal [email protected]

890 Dr. S. Solomon Raj, Dr. G. Laxmaiah & V. Ravi Kumar

3.2.2. Modeling of Joint

In order to calculate the severity factor (SF), it is mandatory to know the load transfer through fastener. The load
transfer through fastener has been calculated by modeling a flexible joint assembly including number of rows of fastener
elements. The below figure 3 shows the creation of common 1D model used to calculate the fastener load transfer.





Figure 3: Idealization of Common 1D-Model of a Joint [2]

Though it is widely accepted to go with 1D model, the present analysis of calculating fastener loading factor uses
2D model. And, the creation of the 2D model has done using “Patran” and the calculations are processed in Nastran with
finite element techniques. Using a two-dimensional model figure 4, one can take into account variations in bolt properties
between fastener columns and handle situations where, for example, a large joint assembly has been reinforced at some
point with additional plates and fasteners of different dimensions. This kind of model could also more accurately account
for forces in the transverse direction, in cases where these are prominent.

6D 6D 6D 3D

P = 1kN
3D 6D

Figure 4: 2D joint Dimensions for Patran Modeling

The guideline of the model is that of the two-dimensional model. However, in order to be able to handle
temperature variations and to spare the user from having to calculate the stiffness’s in the joined elements (plates) and
fasteners, the fasteners are modeled as bars. Since the plate is directly created and the real properties are assigned, no
external stiffness calculation is required. Since the fastener is modeling as bar element, the fastener stiffness is calculated
externally using “Huth” formula and supplied to Patran as a bar property. As seen, there are several ways to find the
fastener flexibility experimentally. Many have attempted - via testing on geometries with varying parameters - to create
methods for describing the joint behavior by calculating the fastener flexibility as a function of these parameters. These
include, empirical formulas derived from specific types of joints and materials by Grumman [10], Huth [5], Boeing [10],
Douglas [10], Tate & Rosenfeld [6] and others, using an analytical approach such as methods by Barrois [3] and ESDU [4].
The great variety of available methods is due to the fact that they have been derived using different simplifications and/or
that they apply to specific materials or specific types of joints. Based on extensive testing on different types of joints and

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Design and Analysis of Fuselage Skin Repair Joint 891

materials, a formula for fastener flexibility was fitted to load-displacement curves as given by Huth is

Z aZb e f P P P P
f=_` d ∗ ∗_ + + + d, (3)
Rc g Z` h` gZb hb RZ` hM RgZb hM

t1= Thickness of primary plate

t2= Thickness of secondary plate

E1=73100 Mpa (modulus of elasticity of Primary Plate)

E2=73100 Mpa (modulus of elasticity of secondary Plate)

Ef=72400 Mpa (modulus of elasticity of Primary Plate)

a=0.4(for riveted metallic joints),

b=2.2 (for riveted metallic joints),

n= 1 (for single lap shear),

d= Diameter of the fastener

The 2D joint is created in patron with the dimensions mentioned above. The material and their properties are
assigned accordingly for the skin, doubler and fasteners. The boundary conditions are also assigned. A. bdf file so created
is processed in Nastran. The maximum resulting fastener load is as shown in figure 5. The maximum load taken by the
fastener is 398N, and the corresponding loading factor is 0.398P.

Figure 5: Load on the Fastener


4.1. Static Analysis

The geometric margin of safety is calculated for different fastener diameters, doubler thicknesses and skin
thicknesses are as shown in table 2.

Table 2: Geometric Margin of Safety

Fastener Fastener Doubler Skin Geometric
Diameter Allowable Thickness Thickness Margin of
(mm) Strength (N) (mm) (mm) Safety
1 3.97 3283.9 1.27 1.016 0.25
2 4.7625 4027.02 1.6002 1.016 0.575
3 6.35 3760.03 1.8034 1.016 0.775 SCOPUS Indexed Journal [email protected]

892 Dr. S. Solomon Raj, Dr. G. Laxmaiah & V. Ravi Kumar

From the above table, Geometric Margin of Safety value 0.575 is acceptable, the reasons are: Geometric Margin
of Safety value 0.25 has corresponding doubler thickness, has 1.27mm. The thickness of doubler can be one grade more
than the thickness of the fuselage skin (1.016mm). Hence, the geometric margin of safety 0.25 is not acceptable. The
Geometric Margin of Safety value 0.775 has corresponding doubler thickness value 1.8034mm and fastener diameter value
6.35mm. So, because of these, the weight of joint will increases, which is undesirable. Hence, geometric margin of safety
0.775 is not acceptable. The joint having strength 4027.02N is chosen as higher strength is preferable. The table 3 shows
the variation of hoop stress as a function of pressure difference.

Table 3: Variation of Hoop Stress as a Function of Pressure Difference

Radius of Pressure Skin Hoop
S. No Fuselage Difference Thickness Stress
(mm) (MPa) (mm) (Mpa)
1 1879.6 0.05136 1.016 95.016
2 1879.6 0.05377 1.016 99.4745
3 1879.6 0.05757 1.016 106.5045

From the above table the maximum hoop stress 106.5045 MPa is acceptable the reason is that: If the fuselage skin
is bearing the maximum hoop stress then it is applicable for lower pressures also and flight life cycles calculated based on
the maximum hoop stress. The corresponding pressure difference value 0.5757MPa is acceptable.

4.2. Fatigue Analysis

The fatigue analysis is carried out to find out the number of flight cycles, the fuselage skin repair joint can sustain.
The loading cycle is as shown below figure 6.

S max = σ = 105.8755 MPa

(σ) S m = 52.938 MPa

S min = 0

Cycles (N)

Figure 6: Load Cycle on Joint

The calculated Kth, Ktg and theta are as shown in following table 4.

Table 4: Kth, Ktg and Theta

The flexibility and stiffness of the joint are calculated and presented in figure 7. The fatigue life and the safety
factors as evaluated from the Ansys are presented in figure 8.

Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11
Design and Analysis of Fuselage Skin Repair Joint 893

Figure 7: Flexibility Variation

Figure 8: Life and Safety Factor as Evaluated through ANSYS


A joint is proposed for a damaged fuselage skin in terms of doubler thickness, no of rows of rivets,
rivets and filler. The
margin of safety is greater than zero to make the joint statically viable. The load carrying capacity of the joint is calculated
as 12081N, and maximum hoop stress as 106Mpa. The life of the joint calculated is 72437 cycles,
cycles which is a reasonable
life as far as aerospace components are concerned.


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Impact Factor (JCC): 7.6197 SCOPUS Indexed Journal NAAS Rating: 3.11

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