Teacher's Day Celebration

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Teacher’s Day Celebration in My School

Teacher’s Day is a special day in our school. It is not only celebrated in our school but all
the schools in Malaysia. All the students in my school look forward to it every year. We take the
opportunity to thank our teachers for all that they have done for us and show them our appreciation
on Teacher’s Day.
There are no classes on that day because it is a day for the teachers to rest. We would
normally have an assembly in the morning. The school principal will deliver her/his speech and
thank the teachers for their contributions and dedication to the school and students. The Head
Prefect would then present his speech to thank the principal and all our teachers on behalf of all
the students in the school.
During the assembly, every teacher is called to come up on the stage and the class monitor
will present their class teacher with a bouquet of roses. The bouquet of roses is a token of
appreciation from the students to their teachers. It is a nice gesture that the entire teacher
appreciates. Some teachers give their students a hug after receiving the flowers. After that, the
Head Prefect will ask all the students to give a thundering round of applause to all the teachers at
the end of his speech. All the students are usually very excited and could not wait for the assembly
to be over because there will be games and class parties after that.
After the assembly, every one will go to school field to either join or watch the telematches
between the teachers and the students. Usually, the students will win but everyone enjoys the spirit
of taking part in the matches. The telematches are organised by the school prefect with the help of
the Physical Education teachers. There are musical chair, gunny sack running competition, passing
the ball, and many other interesting games. It is fun to watch the teachers letting down their hair
and getting themselves dirty in the field. At the end of the telematches, prizes are given to the
After the games, everyone will return to their classes for the class parties. The class
monitor would normally organise the class party. We would usually have cakes, sandwiches, fried
noodles, fried chicken, coleslaw, mashed potatoes, jelly, fresh fruit and drinks. Everyone loves
class parties because it is a rare occasion. Some students will also present their class teachers
with gifts such as flowers, greeting cards, chocolates, souvenirs, stationeries or decorative items
during the class party. These gifts reflect the love and respect for the teachers by their
students.Usually, at the end of the day there be will a photo-taking session. It is truly a memorable
day for students as well as teachers.
In short, teachers are important in students’ lives. They work hard to ensure that we would
excel in our studies. They are like our mentors who always support and encourage us. Teachers
are also very patient. They never seem to give up hope on us. They always put a smile on our
face. Although, Teacher’s Day is only celebrated once a year, we should show our gratitude to our
teachers every day of the year.

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