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Contributors ................................................................................................................ i
Module 2 Course overview ......................................................................................... i
Unit 1 Introduction to the workplace............................................................................1
Unit 2 Organisations..................................................................................................17
Unit 3 The working week...........................................................................................28
Unit 4 Socialising ..................................................................................................... 39
Unit 5 Food and Drink ............................................................................................. 54
Unit 6 Sport and Exercise........................................................................................ 62
Unit 7 Attending a meeting ...................................................................................... 69
Unit 8 ASEAN Countries ......................................................................................... 81
Unit 9 Development assistance ............................................................................... 91
Unit 10 Tourist attractions ..................................................................................... 105
Unit 11 Tourism ..................................................................................................... 118
Unit 12 Travel abroad ............................................................................................ 131
Unit 13 Capital cities.............................................................................................. 149
Unit 14 Conference presentations ......................................................................... 165
Unit 15 Changes ................................................................................................... 179
Abbreviations ........................................................................................................ 193
List of positions / jobs ............................................................................................ 194
List of workplaces .................................................................................................. 195
Words used in instructions .................................................................................... 197
Vocabulary ............................................................................................................ 198
Irregular verbs ....................................................................................................... 219
Lao Government Officials
Module 2

Student Book
The Lao Australia Institute (LAI) would like to acknowledge the contributions of the many
people who made possible the development, writing and publication of English for
Government Officials curriculum materials.
The curriculum, materials development and training team
David Hagan - Adviser
Julie Wallis - Adviser
Khamkheuane Vannasouk – Senior project consultant – ELT specialist, formerly MoES
Ladomchanh Khantry – Director LICELT/LANS Head teacher, NUOL.
Viengkham Phonpaseuth – ELT training specialist –RIES MoES
Vongdeuane Osay - Senior lecturer, NUOL
Layout and graphic design team
Chaleunsak Khamsakpasit
Souksakhone Phongoudom
Keryang Liamorkamar
Khonesavanh Chanthavixay
Thanks to the following people for making the audio materials
Anita Vannasouk
Chanthajorn Chanthapanya
David Hagan
Julie Wallis
Jurgen Treue
Kieran Sandom
Viengkham Phonepraseuth
Khamkeuane Vannasouk
Ladomchanh Khantry
Percy Aaron
Somxay Inthasone
Vongdeuane Osay
Manoly Dongvanh
Digital recording and mastering
Anysay Keola – New Wave Studios, Vientiane
We wish to acknowledge the work of the original design team for the first edition of English
for Lao Government Officials and English for ASEAN curriculum materials, first published
2001, upon which this new version is based.
The program was funded by the Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and
Trade (DFAT) and implemented as a component of the Lao Australia Institute (LAI)
Edited by:
Dr. Bouasavanh Keovilay
Dr. Thouankham Soukchaleun
Khamphanh Pimsipasom
Viengkham Phonepraseuth
Bill Louangkhot
Module 2 Course overview
Topic Language Focus Vocabulary Skills
Unit 1 Imperatives Office furniture and Speaking/conversation: Introductions in the
Introduction to Prepositions of place/location equipment workplace; to turn on the computer
the workplace Responsible for + noun/ V-ing Workplace actions and Listening: listen and fill in the blanks; listen and
Contraction tasks draw where things are
Reading: Personal ID
Writing: Write about the procedure for arranging
a meeting, using ATM to withdraw money
Unit 2 Imperative use with direction International and local Speaking/dialogue: Asking for and giving
Organisations abbreviations organisations directions,
Gerunds directions survey about work place responsibility
Revise Responsible for + noun/ doing Personal ID information Listening: work place and responsibility
Workplace actions Reading: brochures of the work place
Writing: drawing/describing organisational chart
Unit 3 Present continuous for present and future Arranging to meet Listening: Telephone conversation on arranging
The working meaning Suggesting time to meet to meet
week Connectors of ‘reason’ Duties Speaking/Dialogue: making an appointment and
Dust cleaning diary
Reading: Dust on road needs to....
Writing: an email to arrange a meeting, a
response to the email
Unit 4 Requests – ‘would’ and ‘could’ Invitations and socialising Speaking: appointment for a social event;
Socialising Simple past vocabulary invitations and work responsibility survey;
adverbs of frequency and adverbial Like and dislike activities Dialogue: dinner conversation; leisure activities
phrases Listening: workplace information and duties
Simple present with third person singular Reading: work and duties;
Writing: Survey on work duties and
responsibilities workplace and spare time

Topic Language Focus Vocabulary Skills
Unit 5 How much, How many Foods and Drinks Speaking: Asking recommendation for a place to
Food and There is /There are Places to eat eat, Ordering food and Drink
Drink Some and Any Listening: Breakfast around the world
Countable and uncountable Reading: Food and restaurants
Writing: Favourite dish recipe and ingredients
Unit 6 Like/enjoy/ love+to /v-ing /noun Sport and exercise Speaking and listening: Talking about sport and
Sport and Present simple tense with third person Adverbs of frequency exercise places
Exercise singular Time expressions Reading: Sport and exercise
Time expression Writing: Fact File on favourite sport and exercise
Adverbs of frequency and write a paragraph about sport and exercise
Unit 7 Geographical terms Compass points: north, Speaking/Dialogue: compass points, asking about
Attending a Future with ‘going to’ west, east and south the provincial population, a survey about
meeting Comparisons more/less than Data terminology development needs
Approximations Distance terms Listening: a conversation about Sayaboury ,
geographical information and data
Reading: meeting agenda; geographical text of
Sayaboury Province,
Writing: descriptive geographical texts of provinces
Unit 8 Question words ASEAN countries Speaking: Conversation about Lao PDR
ASEAN Connectors Flags and their meanings geography
Countries Borders Listening: Development gap of young ASEAN
Reading: Laos in ASEAN
Writing: Possible benefits and problems of
ASEAN nations
Unit 9 Comparatives and superlatives Development sector Speaking: economic/ regional information
Development Indefinite articles: a and an vocabulary Listening: Video development assistance in
assistance Future with ‘will’ Meeting agenda Sayaboury
Because and so Reading: Report on development assistance
Writing: Province development assistance

Topic Language Focus Vocabulary Skills
Unit 10 If clauses - first conditionals Travel and tourism place Speaking: Asking for information & places to
Tourist ‘There is’/ ‘there are’ revision vocabulary visit in Laos
attractions Prepositions of time Lao tourist terms: Listening: National game in Oudomxay and
Present perfect Events and festivals Circus to mark Laos National Day
Reading: Cultural attractions for tourist in Laos.
Facts of Champasack Province
Writing: Write about your favourite place

Unit 11 Simple past ‘to be’ Tourist industry Speaking: Asking about well-known places in
Tourism Modals “should” and “shouldn’t” terminology Laos
Comparative and superlative adjectives Listening: A conversation about a place Julie has
Present perfect tense visited
Reading: Newspaper article about festivals & A
Rocket Festival
Writing: A Special event or Festival

Unit 12 Modals-“should” and “could” Travelling terminology Listening: find someone who has been to.....
Travel Abroad Modals- spoken and written form Speaking/conversation: practice saying the
“when” “where” times, Soumaly asks Julie about her trip to the
conference in china next week
Reading: Read about Laos’s tourist visa,
Writing: filling the forms
Unit 13 What’s it like? Hotel, shopping and Speaking: Checking in at the hotel; role play
Capital cities Imperatives restaurant terminology guest/receptionist
Comparatives as revision Listening: At the Hotel
Reading: Tourist information in brochure about
Writing: A city in an ASEAN country you have

Topic Language Focus Vocabulary Skills
Unit 14 questions ‘Which’ How many Development terms Speaking: At the Conference: presentation
Conference Present perfect for time ‘for, since, how Demographic terms abstracts, making choices of the parallel sessions,
presentations long’ Statistics/data information a group discussion and presentation about women
And “in the few years” words status and roles.
Comparatives: fewer, lower, higher, Listening: Conference presentation, world
more population
Reading: Women population statistics, promote
Gender Equality and Empower Women in Laos
Writing: paragraphs about the situation of Lao
Unit 15 Superlative adjectives using ‘most’ School vocabulary Listening: A dialogue about changes, some
Changes Present perfect, ‘ever’, ’never’ Language of ‘change’ changes in education, enrolment in Higher
Comparative & superlative of ‘good’ and Education
‘bad’ Reading: a newspaper article on road accidents
Contrast “ago” with “since” and “in the Writing: Report writing about changes in Laos over the
last few years’ last few years about traffic, road, agriculture or
Speaking: problems are discussed in the report, causes
of the problems

Unit 1: Introduction to the workplace Unit 1 Introduction to the workplace

Unit 1 Introduction to the workplace

In this unit you will:

 Participate in a dialogue about welcoming a foreigner to the office
 Practice some conversation strategies
 Talk about your workplace and position
 Read passport details
 Follow spoken instructions
 Read written instructions

Language focus:
 3rd person singular ‘s’ – simple present
 Responsible for + verb + ing
 Responsible for + noun
 Imperative
 Contractions
 Prepositions of place

administration ການປົກຄອງ introduce ແນະນາ press ກ ົດ, ບີບ
ATM ບ ັດ ATM issue ອອກໃຫັ້ procedure ຂນຕອນ
ັ ັ້
budget ງ ົບປະມານ plug (into) ສບໄຟ, ສຽບໄຟ refrigerator ຕູເັ້ ຢັນ
button ປມ
ຸ່ left ເບືອ
ັ້ ງຊາັ້ ຍ right ເບືອ
ັ້ ງຂວາ

date of birth ວ ັນ ເດືອນ ປີເກີດ library ຫອ

ັ້ ງສະໝດ slide ເລືຸ່ ອນ
dial ກ ົດ, ໝູນ lid ຝາປິດ photocopier ເຄືຸ່ ອງອ ັດ
downstairs ຊນລ
ັ ັ້ ມ
ຸ່ lift ຍ ົກຂນ
ັ້ ເອກະສານupstairs ຊນເທິ
ັ ັ້ ງ

equipment ອປະກອນ nationality ສ ັນຊາດ

expire ໝົດອາຍການນາໃຊ ັ້ responsibility ຄວາມຮ ັບຜິດຊອບ then ຕຸ່ ໄປ

fax ໂທລະສານ near ໃກ ັ້ toilet ຫອ

ັ້ ງນາັ້

filing cabinet ຕູມັ້ ຽນເອກະສານ

ັ້ responsible for ຮ ັບຜິດຊອບ under ຢູລ
ຸ່ ມ

finally ສດທາັ້ ຍ passport ໜັງສືເດີນທາງ welcome ຍິນດີຕອັ້ ນຮ ັບ

first ທີໜຸ່ ງ, ກອຸ່ ນອືຸ່ ນໝົດ pleased ຍິນດີ, ດີໃຈ withdraw ຖອນ

instructions ການແນະນາ

1 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

1 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 11:Introduction

Unit 1 Introduction to the workplace

a) Look at the picture and discuss with your class:
1. Who do you think is in this picture?
2. Where are they?
3. What are they doing?
4. What do you think they are saying?
Ms Julie Wilson is an Australian AID adviser. This is her
first day at work in the office of the Human Resource
Development (HRD) in Vientiane. She meets the office
staff, finds out where everything is in the office, finds out
the office procedures and gets instructions for using the office equipment.

b) Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below. Do not read while you listen.
You can listen to the dialogue up to 3 times.
1. Where are they?
2. What is Mr Khamsene’s position?
3. Where is the director?
c) Listen to the dialogue again and complete. Check the answers with the teacher.
Listen and repeat each phrase or sentence of the dialogue.
At the Office
Mr Khamsene: Good morning, Ms Wilson. Please come in.
Ms Wilson: Good morning.
Mr Khamsene: I’d like to welcome you to the office of
_________________________________________________ .
Ms Wilson: Thank you.
Mr Khamsene: My name’s Khamsene. I’m the _________________________
The Director and Deputy Director are at
___________________ today. They’re sorry they couldn’t be
here to meet you.
Ms Wilson: That’s fine. I’m pleased to meet you, Mr Khamsene.
Mr Khamsene: Pleased to meet you too, Ms Wilson. I’d like to introduce you
to the staff here.
Ms Wilson: That would be good.
2 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 2
Unit 1: Introduction to the workplace Unit 1 Introduction to the workplace

Practice the dialogue in pairs. Practice it until you can say it without looking at your book.
a) Match the English with Lao translations of these workplaces. When you have finished
you can check your answers with the list of workplaces and organizations on the first
page of the unit.

English Lao
(a) Ministry of Education and Sports ັ້ ງການເຈົາັ້ ແຂວງ
_(k)_ ຫອ
(MoES) ___ ຫອ
ັ້ ງການພ ັດທະນາຊ ັບພະຍາກອນມະນດ
(b) Office of Human Resource ___ ກະຊວງກພສິກາ ແລະ ປຸ່າໄມ ັ້
Development (OHRD) ___ ກະຊວງການຕາຸ່ ງປະເທດ
(c) Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry ___ ອ ົງການສະຫະປະຊາຊາດເພືຸ່ອການພ ັດທະນາ
(d) Australian AID ___ ກະຊວງຍຕິທາ
(e) Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) ___ ກ ົມປຸ່າໄມ ັ້
(f) United Nations Development ___ ກະຊວງສກສາທິການ ແລະ ກິລາ
Programme (UNDP) ___ ອ ົງການຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອສາກ ົນ ຂອງອ ົດສະຕຣາລີ
(g) Ministry of Justice (MoJ) ___ ກະຊວງປອ
ັ້ ງກ ັນຄວາມສະຫງ ົບ
(h) Ministry of Public Security (MPS) ___ ກ ົມອາຊຽນ
(i) Department of Forestry ___ ກະຊວງພາຍໃນ
(j) Department of ASEAN
(k) Governor’s office
(l) Ministry of Home Affairs

a) Work in groups of 4 to ask each other about the workplaces and positions. Use the
vocabulary list of workplaces and positions to complete the chart.

e.g. What’s your name?  My name’s …………………...

Where do you work?  I work at ……………………...
What’s your position?  I am a/the ……………………..
Name Workplace Position

b) Make a class list on the board of workplaces and positions and practice the

3 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

3 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 11:Introduction

c) Group discussion: Work in small groups. Discuss among the group members about the
questions below. After the discussion, each group can report back to the class.
1. Do foreigners visit your office? When? Why?
2 What countries do they come from?
3. Where do they work?
4. Do you introduce yourself to them?
5. Do you meet foreigners outside the office? Where?

d) Presentation: One person from each group stands up and tells the class about their
group’s discussion. Others in the class must listen for the following information and
take notes:

1. Why do foreigners visit their offices?

2. What countries do the foreigners come from?

3. Where do they work?

4. Apart from the workplace, where do they meet foreigners?

After each group’s presentation, check your answers with the rest of your group and
then with the whole class.

4 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 4
Unit 1: Introduction to the workplace Unit 1 Introduction to the workplace

Welcoming and introducing a visitor

a) Put a tick () next to the things that happen in your office when a foreign visitor arrives.
1. Someone welcomes the visitor.
2. Someone introduces the visitor to other people.
3. People tell the visitor about their work responsibilities.
4. The visitor drinks coffee.
5. Someone shows the visitor around the office.
6. They talk about the visitor’s family.
7. Someone explains about the work of your office.
8. The visitor gets a gift.
9. Someone asks the visitor about his/her work and why he/she is in Laos.

Compare your answers with a partner’s.

a) Listen to the dialogue again and complete. Check the answers with the teacher.

Mr. Khamsene is introducing Ms Julie to other staff in the office.

Khamsene: Ms Wilson, this is Pany, our ______________ . She’s responsible for

preparing documents for meetings. Pany, this is Julie Wilson from
__________________ . Ms Wilson’s _________________ on the
Pany: I’m pleased to meet you, Ms Wilson.
Julie: Sorry? Could you say your name again, please?
Pany: My name’s Pany.
Julie: Nice to meet you, Pany.
Khamsene: Also, I’d like to introduce the ________________________ , Vandy.
She’s responsible for all ______________________ . Please give a copy
of your passport to her.
Julie: Pleased to meet you, Vandy. Did Khamsene say “Give a copy of my
passport to you?”
Vandy: Yes, that’s right. I’m responsible for ________________________
Khamsene: Excuse me, Ms Wilson. Let’s go to the meeting room now to have some
coffee and then I’ll show you around the office.
Julie: Thank you, and please call me Julie

5 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

5 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 11:Introduction

b) Use the information in the dialogue to answer the questions below.

1. What is Pany’s position?
2. Where is Julie Wilson from?
3. What is Julie Wilson’s position?
4. What is Vandy’s position?
5. What is Vandy’s responsibility?

c) Listen and repeat each phrase or sentence of the dialogue.

Work in groups of four: Practice the dialogue. Practice it until you can say it without
looking at your book.

Grammar note: Responsible for

Responsible for + verb + ing

e.g. She is responsible for organizing workshops.
Responsible for + noun
e.g. He is responsible for the budget.

d) Complete the sentences below with information from the dialogue.

e.g. 1. Pany is responsible for ………………………………………………
2. Vandy is responsible for ………………………………………………

e) Match these responsibilities with their Lao translations.

e.g. 1. preparing documents for meeting ______ ງ ົບປະມານ

2. writing reports ______ ຕອບໂທລະສ ັບ
3. summarizing reports ______ ກາຸ່ ວຄາປາໃສ
4. organizing visas ັ ັ້
______ ຈ ັດຕງກອງປະຊມ
5. organizing meetings ___1__ ກະກຽມເອກະສານຂອງກອງປະຊມ
6. making photocopies ______ ຫອ
ັ້ ງການປົກຄອງ
7. answering the telephone ______ ຕອ
ັ້ ນຮ ັບແຂກຕາຸ່ ງປະເທດ
8. writing letters ______ ຂຽນບ ົດລາຍງານ
9. sending e-mail ______ ການສະຫບບ ົດລາຍງານ
10. giving speeches ______ ການຂອະນມ ັດວີຊາ
11. welcoming foreigners ______ ອ ັດເອກະສານ
12. office administration ______ ຂຽນຈ ົດໝາຍ
13. the budget ______ ສຸ່ ງົ ອີເມວ

6 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 6
Unit 1: Introduction to the workplace Unit 1 Introduction to the workplace

f) Find someone who is….: Stand up and walk around the class. Find someone who is
responsible for the work tasks below. You must ask “Are you responsible for ….?”
If someone answers “Yes”, write their names next to each responsibility. If they answer
“No”, ask another person. Try to get a name for each responsibility.

Find someone who is responsible for ……….


E.g. Khamsene is responsible for writing reports

…………………………………………… summarising reports

.…………………………………………... organising visas

…………………………………………… organising meetings

…………………………………………… making photocopies

…………………………………………… answering the telephone

………………………………………….... writing letters

…………………………………………… sending faxes

…………………………………………... giving speeches

…………………………………………… welcoming foreigners

…………………………………………… preparing documents for meeting

…………………………………………... office administration

…………………………………………… the budget

g) Report back. Stand in a circle. Your teacher and / or another student will ask, e.g.
“Did you find someone who is responsible for writing reports?” You will answer,
e.g. “Yes, …Keo…… is responsible for writing reports.” Listen to each other’s

7 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

7 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 11:Introduction

h) Conversation: Introduce yourself to a partner. Take turns to be ‘A’and ‘B’. Use the
language below. Remember, the listener checks his/her understanding by asking


Good morning / afternoon.

My name is ……. Sorry, Could you say your name
again please?

My name is …..
I work for…...
I am responsible for… Did you say you work for ….?

Yes, that’s right Pleased to meet you.

My name is ……
I work for ….

Sorry? Where do you work?

I work for ….
I am responsible for ….

Did you say you are responsible for ….? No, I am responsible for …

Walk around the class and introduce yourself to others using the language above.
Remember to check your understanding.

Write sentences about people you have talked to.

e.g. Vanh works at the Ministry of Education. He’s responsible for organizing training.

a) Match the words below with the correct pictures of office equipment.

computer telephone fax cupboard filing cabinet photocopier

printer toilet desk bookshelf table and chairs refrigerator

8 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 8
Unit 1: Introduction to the workplace Unit 1 Introduction to the workplace

b) Work alone. What would you find in each room? Write the names of the office
equipment under the correct headings:
Kitchen Administration Library Meeting Room
(e) refrigerator

c) Think of some other furniture items and add them to the list for each room above

9 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

9 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

Grammar note: Prepositions of place and adverbs

We use prepositions of place and some adverbs (upstairs and downstairs) to describe
where things are. Look at the pictures below:

in near

on some distance from

to the left of (or next to) upstairs

to the right of (or next to) downstairs

under, beneath, below

d) Complete these sentences using words from above.

e.g. The box is next to the table.

The box is _____ the table.

The box is _____ the table.

The box is _____________.

The box is _____________.

The box is on ___________ of the table.

The box is on ___________ of the table.

10 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 10
Unit 1: Introduction to the workplace Unit 1 Introduction to the workplace

Look at the office building below. Listen to Khamsene telling Julie where things are in
the OHRD office. Write the name of each room, and write or draw where the office
equipment is. You can listen to the information up to 3 times.

e.g. The meeting room is downstairs on the left.

After listening, check your answers with a partner and then with the whole class.


a) Pair Work: First work alone. Look at the office building ‘A’. Decide what each room is
and what office equipment is in each room. Write or draw on building ‘A’.
Do not show your partner.

Office building A

11 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

11 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 1: to the
1 Introduction to the workplace

In pairs, take turns to be student ‘A’ and ‘B’. ‘A’ says what each room is and what is in
each room.
e.g. The library is upstairs on the left. The filing cabinet is in the library.
‘B’ listens to ‘A’ and writes and draws what he/she hears about the arrangement in office
building ‘B’. Remember to use checking strategies.

Office building B

Check with your partner that your building ‘B’ is the same as their building ‘A’.

b) Match the verbs with the phrases below. The first one has been done for you.

Example: 1. send = h. a fax

1. send a. some information about Laos

2. make b. a project report

3. find c. a drink of cold water

4. have d. a meeting

5. read e. some stationary

6. make f. a telephone call

7. make g. photocopies

8. have h. a fax

9. get i. some coffee

12 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 12
Unit 1: Introduction to the workplace Unit 1 Introduction to the workplace

c) Look again at the picture of the OHRD office you completed in the listening task.
Where can Julie go to do these things?
e.g. send a fax – go to the administration office

a. make photocopies – go to the …………………………………..………….…….

b. read a project report – go to the ………………………………………….……...

c. get some paper – go to the ………………………………………………………

d. have a drink of cold water - go to the ………………………………………….

e. make a telephone call – go to the ……………………………………………….

f. have a meeting – go to the ………………………………....……………………

g. make some coffee – go to the ……………………………….…………………..

h. find some information about Laos – go to the ………………..………………….

With a partner, take turns to ask and answer questions about where you go to do things.
Check your understanding. Use the vocabulary from above.
For example:
A: Where can I make a telephone call?
B: In the administration office.
A: Did you say in the administration office? / Did you say the secretary’s office?
B: Yes, that’s right./ No, the administration office.

Mr. Vandy is responsible for arranging visas for foreign visitors. He needs Julie Wilson’s
passport. Here are some words and phrases you will find on a passport.
Match the English words below with the Lao word.

1. Nationality _____ a. ວ ັນ ເດືອນ ປີ ເກີດ

2. Given name _____- b. ຊືຸ່

3. Issued _____ c. ວ ັນອອກໃບໜັງສືເດີນທາງ

4. Expired _____ d. ສະຖານທີຸ່ ເກີດ

5. Family name _____ e. ນາມສະກນ

6. Date of birth _____ f. ວ ັນໝ ົດອາຍການນາໃຊໜ

ັ້ ງັ ສືເດີນທາງ
7. Place of birth _____ g. ສ ັນຊາດ

13 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

13 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 1: to the
1 Introduction to the workplace

Read the information in the passport below and answer the following questions:

1. Where was Mrs Petleung born?

2. When was she born?
3. What is her given name?
4. What is her nationality?
5. When was her passport issued?
6. When will her passport expire?

What about you? Fill this form with personal information about yourself. You can get
these information from your passport or ID card.

Family name: …………..………………..………………….……………………...

Given name: ….……………………….……….…………………….…………….

Date of birth: ……………..…………………………….………..….……………..

Place of birth: ………...………….……………………........………………….…..

Nationality: ………………………………..………………………………….....…

Passport number: ……….…………..……………………………....….…….….…

Date of issue: ………….……………………………………………………….…..

Date of expiry: ...………..…………………………..…………………….………..

14 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 14
Unit 1: Introduction to the workplace Unit 1 Introduction to the workplace

a) Match the words below with the pictures.

put lift lid press button slide plug (into) open

b) Listen to the teacher giving two sets of instructions, A and B, about how to do two
different things. Number the instructions in each set from 1-4 as you hear them. You can
listen to each set of instructions up to 3 times.
____ put the paper on the machine ____ press the start button
____ lift the lid ____ lift the handset
____ press the green button ____ put the paper in
____ press the number of copies you want ____ dial the number you want

Grammar Note: The imperative

The imperative form of the verb is used for telling people what to do.
e.g. Give the passport to …
Put the paper in …
Press the red button.
Don’t press the start button.

15 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

15 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 1: to the
1 Introduction to the workplace

c) Pair work: Take turns to tell your partner how to turn on the computer using the
language below with the use of sequence words: first, second, … then, next and finally.


Can you help me start this computer, please?

OK. First …. Did you say….?

Yes, that’s right

(or No, …)

Then … Sorry, say that again please.

Next …

Finally … Did you say ….?

Yes, that’s right. OK. Thank you.

(or No, …)

Work in groups of 4 to write a short paragraph on the procedure for arranging a

meeting. You can start your paragraph like this:

There are some important steps for arranging a meeting. First, …………………………





After the teacher corrects your writing, take notes of your mistakes and write the
paragraph again correctly. Put up on the wall of the classroom for others to read.

Write the instructions on how to use the ATM to withdraw money.

16 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 16
Unit 2: organisations Unit 2 organisations

Unit 2 Organisations

In this unit you will:

 Practice a dialogue about workplaces, positions and directions
 Give and follow directions to ministries and other places in Vientiane
 Read descriptions of the responsibilities and duties of an organisation
 Listen to information about organisations
 Talk about the responsibilities and duties of your workplace
 Write about the responsibilities and duties of an organisation

Language focus:
 3rd person singular ‘s’ – simple present
 Contractions
 Responsible for + verb + ing
 Responsible for + noun
 Prepositions of place
 Imperative


abbreviations ຄາຫຍັ້ embassy ສະຖານທູດ organisational chart ໂຄງຮາຸ່ ງການ

assist ຊວຸ່ ຍ government ລ ັດຖະບານ ຈ ັດຕງັ ັ້

brochure ແຜນ
ຸ່ ພັບ implement ນາມາປະຕິບ ັດ policy ນະໂຍບາຍ
business card ນາມບ ັດ information ຂມັ້ ນູ project ໂຄງການ
cabinet ຫອ
ັ້ ງການກະຊວງ inspect ກວດກາ report to ລາຍງານໃຫັ້
citizen ປະຊາຊ ົນ knowledge ຄວາມຮູັ້ skills ທັກສະ
description ຄາອະທິບາຍ member ສະມາຊິກ turn (left, right) ລຽັ້ ວ (ຊາັ້ ຍ, ຂວາ)
develop ພັດທະນາ organizationອ ົງການຈ ັດຕງັັ້ plan ແຜນການ (n), ການວາງແຜນ (v)
directions ທິດທາງ objective ຈດປະສ ົງ

17 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

17 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 2:
2 organisations

Unit 2 Organisataions

Look at the picture and discuss with your class.

1. What can you see in the picture?

2. Where are they?
3. What do you think they are talking about?


Julie Wilson asks Soumaly for directions.

a) Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below. Do not read while you listen.
You can listen to the dialogue up to 3 times.
1. Where does Julie Wilson want to go?
2. How does she ask for directions?
3. What direction does Soumaly give Julie?

b) Listen to the dialogue again and complete. Check the answers with the teacher.

Asking for directions

Julie: Excuse me, Could you tell me where the __________________ is, please?

Soumaly: Yes. It’s not far. _______________ at the corner here and then turn left at
the next corner. ____________ along Lane Xang Avenue for about 200
metres. The Ministry of Education’s on the ___________ .

Julie: Did you say turn left at the first corner?

Soumaly: No. Turn right at the first corner and then left at the next corner into Lane
Xang Avenue.

Julie: OK. Thank you.

c) Follow the recording and repeat each phrase or sentence of the dialogue.

18 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 18
Unit 2: organisations Unit 2 organisations

a) Practise the dialogue in pairs until you can remember it.
Language note: giving direction

between next to on the left on the right turn left turn right walk past
across from near in front of on the corner of go straight on opposite

b) Work in pairs to create a dialogue similar to a dialogue of Julie and Soumaly to practice
asking for direction of the main places on the map. Use the language note to give
e.g. A: Where’s the Ministry of Education and Sports?
B: Did you say the Ministry of Education and Sports?
A: Yes, the Ministry of Education and Sports.
B: It’s …on …………………………..near ……………………...…………
A: How can I get to the Ministry of Education and Sports?
B: Did you say the Ministry of Justice?
A: No, the Ministry of Education and Sports.
B: Go along ……………………………….. It’s …in front of ……………..
……………………… next to …………………………

Reading a map
a) Match the place names with the abbreviations. There is a list of abbreviations at the
back of the book. Practice the pronunciation.

1. UNDP _____ a. World Health Organisation

2. WHO _____ b. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

3. MoFA _____ c. Ministry of Investment and Planning

4. MoES _(1)_ d. United Nations Development Programme

5. MoJ _____ e. Ministry of Finance

6. MoF _____ f. Ministry of Justice

7. MIP _____ g. Ministry of Education and Sports

19 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

19 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 2:
2 organisations

b) Find these places on the map of Vientiane on the next page.

Lane Xang Avenue That Luang Road
Post Office British Embassy
French Embassy Safe the Children International
Settathirath Road MoF
Vientiane map


Look at the map of Vientiane. Match these place names with the descriptions of where
they are. Number “1” is done as an example.
Place names:
a. Ministry of Defense f. British Embassy
b. Ministry of Foreign Affairs g. Ministry of Finance
c. Prime Minister Office h. French Embassy
d. Ministry of Justice i. Bus Station
e. Ministry of Education and Sports

20 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 20
Unit 2: organisations Unit 2 organisations

Description of where they are.

1. Opposite the Morning Market, on the corner of Khou Vieng Road and Nong Bone
i. Bus Station
2. On Sethathirath Road, opposite Mahosot Hospital.
3 On That Luang Road, on the left, past the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
4 Near the Safe the Children International.
5 On Lane Xang Avenue, on the left, near Hor Kham.
6 Near the Victory Gate, on the right.
7 On That Luang Road, on the right, near the Ministry of Finance.
8 On Phone Kheng Road, on the left, not far from Military Museum.
9 Across from the Victory Gate, on the left.

c) Look at the map of Vientiane. Listen to the teacher telling you where you are on the
map. Find that place on the map. The teacher will then give the directions from where
you are to another place on the map. The teacher will repeat the directions 3 times.
Follow her directions on the map and write the place to which the teacher is giving

Remember you can ask your teacher questions to make sure you understand the
directions given, e.g. “Did you say on the left?”

1. You are standing outside the Ministry of Education and Sports. (Find the MoES on
the map.)
The teacher is giving directions to ………………………….

2. You are standing outside Mahosot Hospital on Settathirath Road. (Find Mahosot
Hospital.) The teacher is giving directions to ………………..…………..

3. You are standing outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (Find the MFA.)
The teacher is giving the directions to ……………..…………..

4. You are standing outside the British Embassy. (Find the British Embassy.)
The teacher is giving directions to ……………………………..

5. You are standing outside the Prime Minister Office. (Find the Prime Minister
The teacher is giving directions to ……………………….……

21 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

21 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 2:
2 organisations

d) Look at the map. Complete the directions using words and phrases below.

straight along turn right turn left on the right / left

1. Talat Sao Mall to British Embassy:

Walk ……………………. Lane Xang Avenue, past the monument. ………………
at the first street. Walk ……………… for about 100 meters.
The British Embassy is ……………………………………....

2. Ministry of Education and Sports to the Ministry of Defense:

Walk ……………… Lane Xang Avenue. …………………. at the small street after
Samsenthai Road. The Ministry of Defense is ………………….………….………

3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Safe the Children International Office:

Walk ………………… That Luang Road. ………………… at the second street.
Walk past the British Embassy. Safe the Children International Office is

4. MFA to ANZ Bank:

Walk ………………….….. That Luang Road to the Monument. Go straight to
Lanxang Avenue , …………………...……………………………………………

e) Pair work: Work with a partner. Take turns to give directions to somewhere on the
map. Listen to your partner and say where he/she is giving directions to.
Remember to check your understanding by asking:

“What did you say?”

“Could you say that again, please?”
“Did you say……?”
A: You are at Mahosot Hospital. Walk straight along to Lane Xang Avenue.
Turn right at Lane Xang Avenue. Walk straight ahead about 100 metres.
B: Sorry, did you say about 100 metres?
A: That’s right. Now, what’s on your left?
B: The Ministry of Education.
A: That’s right.
22 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 22
Unit 2: organisations Unit 2 organisations

a) Soumaly is asking Julie Wilson about her work in Laos. What do you think Soumaly
asks Julie? Brainstorm with a partner then complete the web map below.

In Laos

a) Listen to the dialogue and circle T (true) or F (false) next to the statements below.
Do not read while you listen. You can listen to the dialogue up to 3 times.

1. Soumaly works at the Ministry of Information and Culture. T/F

2. Soumaly gives Julie her card. T/F
3. Soumaly is responsible for human resources. T/F
4. Julie will call Soumaly. T/F

b) Listen again and complete the dialogue.

Soumaly: Excuse me, do you work in Laos?
Julie: Yes, I work at the Leading Committee for______________________ .
Soumaly: Oh, really?
Julie: Yes, I’m a ___________________ on an Australian AID project.
My name’s Julie Wilson.
Soumaly: Pleased to meet you. My name’s Soumaly. I work at the
_____________________ ____________ . I’m the Head of the
Secretariat of Human Resource Development. What does the
Julie: I’ll send you a _______________ . What’s your address?
Soumaly : Here’s my ____________ . My e-mail address is on it too.
Julie: Thank you. And here’s my card.
Soumaly: Thanks.
c) Follow the recording and repeat each phrase or sentence of the dialogue.
Then use the information about yourself and your own workplace.

This is Soumaly’s e-mail address: [email protected]
In e-mail address, “@” is pronounced “at”. A full stop (.) is pronounced “dot”.
For example:
Write; [email protected]
Say: “soumaly at gmail dot org dot com”

23 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

23 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 2:
2 organisations

Look at Soumaly’s business card. Underline the workplace, her position and e-mail address.



Soumaly Luangbanthao
Head of HRD Secretariat Office

P.O. Box 6080 Tel: (856-21) 217450

Vientiane Fax: (856-21) 217450
Lao PDR e-mail: [email protected]

d) Create your own business card then exchange it with your classmates.

Julie will send Soumaly a brochure about the work of the National HRD Secretariat for
National Commission for HRD.
1. What is the address of the Office for National HRD Secretariat for the National
Commission for HRD?

2 What is the phone number?

3 What is the fax number?
Reading comprehension
a) The brochure has three parts. What are they?
1. …………………….....……………….

2. ……………………......………………

3. ………………………….....………….

b) Read the first part.

1. How many objectives are there?
2. When was the National HRD Secretariat for National Commission for HRD formed?
3. How many members does the committee have?

24 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 24
Unit 2: organisations Unit 2 organisations

c) Read the second part.

Write down the two responsibilities of the National HRD Secretariat for National
Commission for HRD:
1. ………………………………………………………………………
2. ………………………………………………………………………

d) Choose the word below with similar meaning as ‘cabinet’.

committee administration department office building

Human Resource Development in Laos is important to the party and the government of
the Lao PDR. The objectives of human resource development in the Lao PDR are to:
- educate people to be good citizens who
love the country and live by the laws
- develop the knowledge and skills of
the Lao people.
The National HRD Secretariat for National Commission for HRD was reformed in January,
2014. It has 11 members.
The National HRD Secretariat for National Commission for HRD is responsible for:
- planning policies for implementing the government’s HRD plan
- assisting ministries and organizations with implementing their HRD plans
The office is responsible for:
- coordinating the work of the SSCHRD
- inspecting the work of the SSCHRD
- reporting to the president or vice- president of the SSCHRD
- reviewing and summarising reports from the ministry and provincial HRD
- preparing documents for SHRD meetings
- reporting to the Cabinet of the Central Party Committee and to the Cabinet of he
Prime Minister’s Office.
e) Find the following words in the brochure and underline them.
1. summarising 5. inspecting
2. reporting to 6. assisting
3. coordinating 7. planning
4. preparing 8. implementing

25 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

25 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 2:
2 organisations

f) Match the words above with their meanings.

____ telling or writing to someone about what has happened
____ making people or things work together
____ getting ready to begin
____ telling or writing about the important points
____ helping
____ checking
____ putting a plan into action
____ thinking about when and how to do something

a) Survey: Walk around the classroom and ask four other people about their workplace.
Write their names and answers in the survey table below.
“Is your workplace responsible for ………………..?”

Coordinating with other organisations

Supervising activities

Preparing documents

Summarising reports
Implementing plans
Organising training

Inspecting projects
Planning policy
Writing reports

b) Report to others in your class about one person whom you have talked to.
e.g. Vandy’s workplace is responsible for coordinating with other organisations, writing
reports and organising training. His workplace is not responsible for planning policy or
inspecting projects.

26 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 26
Unit 2: organisations Unit 2 organisations

a) An organisational chart shows how a workplace is organised and who reports to whom.
In groups of four, look at the organisational chart below and try to complete the missing

………………… bureau


Leading Committee for Human Resource Development Vice-President

Ministry of Education and Sports

Ministry of Labour and Social

organisations related to HRD

Ministry of Information and
Organisation and Personnel

Ministry of Public Health

Central Committee for

Other ministries and



Cabinet of
LCHRD ……………….

……. Other staff

(Adapted from information in brochure on Cabinet of LCHRD)

a) Pair work: Work with a partner to answer these questions about the chart.
1. Whom does the cabinet of the LCHRD report to?
2. How many people work at the cabinet of the LCHRD?
3. Whom does the LCHRD report to?
4. How many members does the LCHRD have in total?
5. Whom does the Central Committee for Organisation and Personnel report to?

Work individually to choose a workplace or an organisation which you know about.
Draw an organisational chart showing how the organisation or workplace is organised
and to whom it reports. Write a paragraph explaining the organisational chart.
Put your organisational chart and written paragraph on the classroom walls. Walk around
to read the paragraphs and study the organisational charts of the others.
27 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
27 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 33:The

Unit 3 The working week

In this unit you will:

 Listen to a conversation about the arrangement of a meeting
 Practice a dialogue on the arrangement of a meeting
 Read a newspaper article about a dusty road needing clean-up
 Read an email about making an appointment
 Write an email telling a teacher a reason for not attending class

Language focus:
 Present Continuous for something happening now
 Present Continuous for something planned for the future
 Connectors: because and so

arrange ຈ ັດ (ສ ັນເວລາ) hazardous ເປັນການສຽຸ່ ງເຕັ ມໄປ suggest ແນະນາ

ັ້ ຍອ ັນຕະລາຍ
attend ເຂົັ້າຮວ
ຸ່ ມ sweeping ການປັດຝນ
listener ຜູຟ
ັ້ ງັ
concerned ກຽຸ່ ວຂອ
ັ້ ງ tidy ທາຄວາມສະອາດ, ມຽນໃຫ
ັ້ ັ້
meet ພ ົບ
confirm ຢືນຢັງັ້ ເປັນລະບຽບຮຽບຮອ
ັ້ ຍ
meeting ການປະຊມ ັ້ ບຸ່ ລຽບ
convenient ສະດວກສະບາຍ undulations ເປັນຄືນ
potholes ຂມຕາມຖະນ ົນ
diary ປັ້ ມບ ັນທກສວ
ຸ່ ນຕ ົວ vehicle ຍານພາຫານະ
reason ເຫດຜ ົນ
discuss ປກສາຫາລື whirl up ໝູນວຽນ ປິຸ່ ນໄວໆ

ັ້ ນ ັ້ ນ
residents ຜູອ
ັ້ າໄສ
dust ຂີຝ ຸ່ , ປັດຂີຝ ຸ່ workshop ກອງປະຊມວິຊາ
severe ຮນແຮງ ການ
get rid of ປັດສະຈາກ, ກາຈ ັດ

28 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 28
Unit 3: The working week Unit 3 The working week

Unit 3 The working week

Look at the pictures

1. Who is in the pictures?
2. What are they doing?
3. What do you think they are saying?

Soumaly and Julie are talking on the phone about their plans for the week, and arrange to
a) Listen to the dialogue and complete the information below.
Do not read while you listen. You can listen to the dialogue up to 3 times.
1. ………………………… is telephoning ………………………………….
2. Julie is ………………………………………………while Soumaly is telephoning.
3. Julie sent Soumaly …………………………………………………….…..

b) Complete Soumaly’s diary below with information from the dialogue.

Sun 17
Mon 18
Tue 19
Wed 20
Thu 21
Fri 22
Sat 23

29 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

29 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 33:The

c) Listen to the dialogue again and complete. Check the answers with the teacher.
Receptionist: Good morning, this is the Office of HRD.
Soumaly: Can I speak to Julie Wilson, please?
Receptionist: e.g ……………………………………………………………
Julie: Hello, this ………………..… Julie Wilson ……...…………..
Soumaly: Hello, this is Soumaly Louangkhot.
Julie: Nice to hear from you, Soumaly.
Soumaly: Are you busy, Julie?
Julie: Yes, a little. ………………………………………… .
Soumaly: Thank you for ………………………. about the OHRD to me, Julie.
I’d like to talk to you more about your work. …………………………?
Julie: Yes, of course. What ……you …………on Friday? Are you free?
Soumaly: Sorry, I ………………………… you on Friday because I’m …………
for a workshop. What about Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon?
Julie: I ……………….. a workshop on Tuesday afternoon so I can’t meet
you then. Wednesday afternoon would be good. How about at 2:30?
Soumaly: Did you say 2:30?
Julie: Yes, 2:30.
Soumaly: 2:30 is fine
Julie: Good. So, see you here on Wednesday at 2:30.
Soumaly: See you then. Goodbye.

d) Listen and repeat each phrase or sentence of the dialogue.

a) Practice the dialogue in pairs. Practice it until you can say without looking at your book.

b) In the dialogue above, Julie is suggesting when to meet. Read the dialogue and
underline these three phrases:

- What about Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon?

- How about at 2:30?
- What are you doing on Friday? Are you free?

30 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 30
Unit 3: The working week Unit 3 The working week

c) Class work: Repeat each phrase or sentence of the mini-dialogues below after your
A: What about Friday morning?
B: Sorry, I can’t meet you on Friday because I’m meeting Ms Wilson.
A: How about Tuesday?
B: Yes, Tuesday’s fine.
A: What are you doing on Friday? Are you free?
B: Sorry, I’m attending a workshop on Friday so I can’t meet you.

d) Half the class is ‘A’. The other half is ‘B’. Practice the mini-dialogue above together.

e) Practice the mini-dialogue in pairs. Take turn to be ‘A’ and ‘B’ Practice them until you
can say them without looking at your book.

f) Pair work: Below is the beginning of a telephone conversation. Work with a partner to
arrange the order of the conversation. Number the sentences 1-5.
____ May I speak to Soumaly Louangkhot, please?
____ Good morning, this is the OHRD.
____ Hello, Soumaly this is Julie Wilson.
____ One moment, please.
____ Hello, Soumaly’s speaking.

g) Check the order arragement of the conversation with the class. Then rewrite the
conversation in the correct order below.





h) Work in groups of three. Practice the telephone conversation above using your own
names and workplaces. Take turn to be each person. Practice until you can say it without
looking at your book.

31 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

31 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 33:The


a) Work in pairs. Match the phrases (1-10) below with the correct purposes in the left
column of the table. One is done for you.

Topic: Arranging a meeting Phrases

1. Say why you are phoning. _1_Could we meet to talk about your work?
2. Suggest a day and time to meet. ___ Sorry, I can’t meet on Friday because
I’m getting ready for a workshop.
3. Give reason why not. ___ Are you free on Wednesday?
4. Suggest another day. ___ So, see you on Wednesday at 2:30.
5. Agree on day and suggest time. ___ Yes, 2:30 is fine.
6. Check understanding of time. ___ Yes, see you then.
7. Confirm time. ___ Did you say 2:30?
8. Agree with time. ___ Yes, 2:30.
9. Check day/time. ___ Yes, I am. How about 2:30?
10. Confirm meeting. ___ Yes, what about Friday at 1:30.

b) Conversation: Work in pairs. Complete the conversation below. Practice the

conversation. Take turns to be ‘A’ and ‘B’
A: Could we meet to discuss ……………………………………………...... ?
B: Yes, of course.
A: What about on ………………………at ……………….……………...…?
B: Sorry,……………………………,……………………………………..…
Are …………………………………………………….……………….… ?
A: Yes, …………..………………. is fine. ………..………..……… 2 pm?
B: Did ……………………………………….……………………………..…?
A: Yes, ………………………………………………………………….……
B: ……………………………………...……………………………..….is fine.
A So, …………….……………………………………………………………
B: Yes, see you then.

32 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 32
Unit 3: The working week Unit 3 The working week

Grammar note: Present continuous.

The present continuous is used:
 To show that something is happening now or around now.
e.g. I’m writing a report.

 To show something is planned for the future.

e.g. On Monday afternoon, I’m attending a workshop.

Present continuous form:

 Am / is / are + verb + ing

 Verbs ending in ‘e’ – drop the ‘e’ + ing, e.g. smoke / smoking
 Verbs with a short vowel- double last letter, e.g. get / getting

Spoken / written language:

 Spoken language – use contractions.
e.g. I’m attending a meeting. He’s writing a report.

 Written language – use full form.

e.g. I am attending a meeting. He is writing a report.

c) Miming: What am I doing? Work as a class. One student mimes to the class something
he/she does at work. Others guess ‘What’s he/she doing?’
e.g. he’s typing a letter.

d) Pair work: Work with a partner. One student looks at Julie’s diary – A’ on this page.
The other students look at ‘Julie’s diary – B’ on the next page. Ask each other questions
to get information to complete Julie’s diary.
e.g. What’s Julie doing on …….. ?

Remember- the listener can ask questions to check understanding.

e.g. Did you say….?
Sorry, could you say that again, please?

33 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

33 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 33:The

Julie’s diary A


Sun 17

Mon 18

Tue 19

Wed 20 Meet Soumaly at 2:30

Thu 21 Write the monthly report

Fri 22 Prepare for workshop/ 6:30 - dinner with Soumaly

Sat 23

After you have finished asking and answering questions, check with your partner to
make sure that both diary pages have the same information.

Julie’s diary B

Sun 17
Mon 18 Attend workshop 8:30-4:30
Tue 19 9:30 - meet cabinet staff of OHRD
2:30- Visit UNDP project
Wed 20
Thu 21
Fri 22
Sat 23

34 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 34
Unit 3: The working week Unit 3 The working week

e) Work alone to fill in the activities in your own diary from 17-23 of March
Diary A

Sun 17
Mon 18
Tue 19
Wed 20
Thu 21
Fri 22
Sat 23

e) Pair work: Work with a partner. Ask your partner what he/she is doing each day. Write
their answers on the diary page ‘B’ on the next page.
E.g. what are you doing on ………………………………?
What time are you ……………………………………?
Diary B

Sun 17
Mon 18
Tue 19
Wed 20
Thu 21
Fri 22
Sat 23

35 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

35 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 33:The

f) Report back: Work in a small group. Tell the group about the working week of the
person whom you have talked to.
e.g. “Bounmy’s attending a workshop on Monday morning at 8.30. On Tuesday he's
writing a report. On …………………………………”

a) Look at the title of the newspaper article. With your class, predict at least 3 things that
the article might say.
b) Group work: Do you know these words? Discuss the meaning in a small group and then
check against the vocabulary list on the first page of unit 3.

concerned get rid of convenient vehicle residents sweeping

severe undulations potholes whirl up tidy dust hazardous

Dust on roads needs to be cleaned up

Dust along the city's roads has been a problem for many years, so it is time that the
sectors concerned should work harder to clean it.
Each year the government spends a large amount of money to build scores of roads to
link the villages and to make driving easier and more convenient, but so many roads
still under the cover of dust make Vientiane look dirty, not so beautiful.
When vehicles pass by, the dust at the side of the road swirls up and gets spread
around the area affecting anyone riding on two wheels or in a car with the top down or
windows open as well as the residents living along the dusty road.
Many of the roads have not yet had any sweeping done, so we are still facing with
clouds of dust, especially when a large truck passes by.
Khamphengmeuang road from the That Luang traffic light to that of Nonghai is a
good example of such overwhelming dust.
As if that weren't enough, the surface of the road has many severe undulations and
countless potholes filled with water during the rain, resulting in more hazardous
Two-wheel riders constantly complain about the Khamphengmeuang road with
countless of potholes, resulting in car driver’s veering left and right to avoid such
holes and thus causing frequent accidents.
The sector concerned recently have started some road cleaning activities, which can be
seen on Souphanouvong, Setthathrat and Lane Xang roads.
They should also do the same for other roads such as Khamphengmeuang because it
will do much to make the city more clean and tidy.
Pasaxon Van-Athit Weekly. December 7
36 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 36
Unit 3: The working week Unit 3 The working week

Reading comprehension
1. What causes Vientiane to look dirty?
2. Give an example of a dusty road in Vientiane.
3. What is a frequent cause of accidents?
4. Has there been anything done to deal with the dust? Provide some evidence from the

a) Work in group to discuss about dust/rubbish management in your village/community.
b) Make a list of things that can be done to deal with dust/rubbish.
c) Share the information of dust/rubbish management with other students.
d) Report to the whole class.

a) Pair work: Giving reasons. Work with a partner to connect the two sets of phrases
below using ‘because’ or ‘so’.
I cannot meet you on Monday.
I am attending a workshop on Tuesday.
I am not free on Wednesday.
I am meeting with officials at the Ministry of Education and Sports.
because / so
I cannot meet you then.
I am going to Sayaboury.
I am preparing for a workshop.
I cannot come to the meeting.

Check your answers in a small group and then with the whole class.

Grammar note:

To give reasons for something, we can use because or so.

1 Fact + because + reason
eg: I can’t meet you on Monday because I’m going to Pakse.
2 Reason + so + fact
eg: I’m going to Pakse so I can’t meet you on Monday.

37 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

37 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 33:The

b) Read the email below and answer the questions.

1. For whom is the email? (Whose mail is it?)
2. ……………………………………………………………………………
3. Who writes the email?
4. ……………………………………………………………………………
5. What does she want to discuss?
6. ……………………………………………………………………………
7. What does Ammaly have to do?
8. ……………………………………………………………………………

Dear Ammaly,

I would like to meet you later this week to discuss the HRD plan for 2016.
I am attending a workshop on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I cannot meet you
then. Are you free on Thursday at 2 pm? Could you contact me to arrange a
meeting time?
I look forward to hearing from you.


c) Pair work: Work with a partner to put in order the parts of Julie’s fax (1-4).
____ Julie suggests a time to meet.
____ Julie says what she wants Ammaly to do.
____ Julie says why she is writing the fax.
____ Julie gives a reason why she is not free.

d) Check your answers with another pair.

a) Individual writing: Imagine you are Ammaly writing an email reply to Julie including
the following points in your email.
1. Why you are writing?
2. When you are tied-up and why?
3. Suggest a day and time to meet.
4. What do you want Julie do?

b) Exchange your email with a partner. Does his/her email include points 1, 2, 3 and 4?
c) Discuss with him/her about any unclear areas.
d) Edit all mistakes found and then hand in the email to the teacher to check, or write an
email to the teacher telling that you want to make an appointment with him/her, use the
questions above as a guide to write your email.
38 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 38
Unit 3: The working week

39 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

Unit 4:
4 Socialising

Unit 4 Socialising

In this unit you will:

 Practice dialogues to arrange social meetings and exchange work information

 Practice short casual conversations using strategies for showing interest

 Listen to information about work responsibilities

 Read about the work and social routines of a Lao government official

 Write about the work and social routines of a colleague

Language focus:
 Polite requests / offers with ‘would' and 'should’

 Simple Past Tense verbs

 Adverbs of frequency and adverbial phrases

always ເປັນປະຈາ pick you up ໄປຮ ັບເອົາເຈົາັ້

are you free? ເຈົາັ້ ມີເວລາຫວາຸ່ ງບຸ່ ? picnic ກິນເຂົັ້າປຸ່າ

invitation ການເຊີນ politics ການເມືອງ

never ບຸ່ ເຄີຍ seldom ໜອ

ັ້ ຍທີຸ່ ສດ

news ຂາຸ່ ວ sometimes ບາງເທືຸ່ ອ/ບາງຄງັັ້

newspaper ໜັງສືພິມ sport ກິລາ

observe ສ ັງເກດ travel overseas ເດີນທາງໄປຕາຸ່ ງປະເທດ

once a week ອາທິດລະຄງັັ້ usually ເລືັ້ອຍໆ

40 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 40
Unit 4: Socialising Unit 4 Socialising

Unit 4 Socialising

Sun 24
Mon 25 Attend workshop 8:30- 4:30
Tue 26 Meet Soumaly at 10:30
Wed 27 9:30 - meet cabinet staff of HRD Office
Thu 28 1:30 Meet – Australian AID office
Fri 29 Lunch with Keiko
Sat 30

Pair work: Work with a partner. Look at Julie’s diary. What is Julie doing this week?
What do you think Julie would ask Soumaly?

Soumaly arrives at Julie’s office for her appointment.
a) Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below. Do not read while you are
listening. You can listen to the dialogue up to 3 times.
1. Where did Julie go yesterday? What did Julie say about it?

2. What does Julie invite Soumaly to do?

3. When is Soumaly not free? Why?

4. When do they agree to meet?

b) Listen to the dialogue again and complete the conversation. Check the answers with the

41 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

41 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 4:
4 Socialising

Making an arrangement

Soumaly: Hello, Julie.

Julie: Hello, Soumaly.
Soumaly: Nice to see you again. How was the workshop yesterday?
Julie: Great! It was a very _____________________ because many different
ideas were discussed.
Soumaly: Oh, really?
Julie: Yes, Soumaly, ___________ to go out for dinner sometime this week?
Soumaly: Yes, of course.
Julie: Are you free on Friday night?
Soumaly: Oh, Sorry! I can’t go out on Friday night because I am going to a Baci
Julie: Well, what about ______________ night?
Soumaly: That’s fine. What time?
Julie: How about 6:30?
Soumaly: 6:30 is fine. Is it possible for you to pick me up?
Julie: Of course. I’ll pick you up at __________ at your house.
Soumaly: Thanks. See you then.

c) Follow the recording and repeat each phrase or sentence of the dialogue.
d) Half the class is Julie and the other half is Soumaly. Practice the dialogue together.
e) Practice the dialogue in pairs. Practice it until you can say it without looking at your

a) Class work: Repeat the mini-dialogues below after your teacher.
A: Would you like to go for a picnic this Sunday?
B: Sorry. I can’t go on Sunday because I’m visiting my mother.

A: Could you pick me up at 10?

B: OK. I’ll pick you up at 10.
A: Thanks. See you then.

A: Would you like some coffee?

B: Yes, please.

A: Could I have some papers, please?

B: Yes, here you are.

42 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 42
Unit 4: Socialising Unit 4 Socialising

b) Practice the mini-dialogues in pairs. Take turns to be ‘A’ and ‘B’. Practice until you can
say them without looking at your book.

Grammar note: ‘Would’ and ‘Could’

‘Would’ is used to make an invitation or offer in a polite way.

Would you like to go out for lunch?
Would you like a coffee?

‘Could’ is used to request something in a polite way.

Could you pick me up?
Could I have some paper, please?

c) Pair work: Below is an extract from the conversation between Soumaly and Julie.
Work with a partner to put the conversation in the correct order. Number the sentences 1-8.

Julie Soumaly

e.g __ Hello, Soumaly. __ Ok. I’ll meet you at your office at 11:30.
__ Yes. Could you pick me up at __ Hello, Julie.
my office?
__ Fine thanks. Are you busy?
__ How are you?
__ Well, would you like to go out for lunch
__ Yes, a little. I’m preparing
with me today?
documents for the workshop.

d) Check your answer with the class then rewrite the conversation in the correct order.

Julie: …………………………………………………………………………….
Soumaly: …………………………………………………………………………….
Julie: …………………………………………………………………………….
Soumaly: …………………………………………………………………………….
Julie: …………………………………………………………………………….
Soumaly: …………………………………………………………………………….
Julie: ………………………………………………………………………….…
Soumaly: ……………………………………………………………………….……

43 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

43 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 4:
4 Socialising

e) Conversation: Work in pairs. Complete the conversation below. Use your own words,
then practice the conversation and take turn to be ‘A’ and ‘B’.
A: Would you like to ……………………………………………………… ?

B: Yes, of course.

A: Are you free ………………………………….. ?

B: Sorry, …………………………….. because …………………………….

A: What about ………………………………..?

B: Yes, ……………………………. is fine.

A: Could you ……………………………. ?

B: Yes, ………………. on ……………… at …………………………...…..

A: Yes, ………………. then.

Brain storm: What do you talk about when you have dinner with people whom you work
For example, family, politics, sport.

a) Listen to the dialogue and tick () what Julie says. Do not read the conversation while
you are listening. You can listen to the dialogue up to 3 times.
Julie says:
1. ____ I’m busy at work.
2. ____ I’m preparing a trip to the provinces.
3. ____ I’m organising a workshop.
4. ____ Next month I’m attending a workshop in Champasack.
5. ____ I’m visiting 5 provinces next month.
6. ____ I went to an interesting workshop last week.
7. ____ Yesterday, I went to observe some HRD training.
8. ____ I often travel to Champasack for this project.
9. ____ In Australia I often travelled for work.

44 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 44
Unit 4: Socialising Unit 4 Socialising

b) Listen again and check. Then complete the dialogue below.

Soumaly: So, Julie, tell me about your work at the Office of HRD.
Julie: Well, I’m very busy at the moment. ___________________ to observe
some HRD training next month.
Soumaly: That’s interesting.
Julie: And, I’m writing _____________________ .
Soumaly: Mmm.
Julie: I’m visiting five provinces on that trip.
Soumaly: Really?
Julie: Yes. Yesterday, I went to observe some HRD training at the MoES.
Soumaly: Oh.
Julie: It was a good workshop.
Soumaly: That’s good.
Julie: Yes. The HRD _________________________ . I often travel to
Champasack for this project.
Soumaly: What a good job you have!
Julie: Yes. Now how’s your work, Soumaly?

Strategy note: Showing interest in the conversation

In a conversation, the listeners must show their intrest in what the speaker is talking
about. They can express it by nodding, smiling and in words by such as:
“That’s interesting”
“That sounds interesting’
“Tell me more”
It is important to say these words with a rising intonation. If the listener uses a
falling intonation, the speaker will think the listener is not interested and the
conversation may come to and end. Practice each response with a rising intonation.

c) Listen to the dialogue again. Check the answers with the teacher.
d) Follow the tape recording and repeat each phrase or sentence of the dialogue.
e) Half the class is Julie. The other half is Soumaly. Practise the dialogue together.

45 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

45 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 4:
4 Socialising

a) Pair work: Some of the sentences below are about work and some about social life.
Write the sentences under the correct headings.
Last weekend, I went fishing at Thalat.
How’s work?
Are you busy at work at the moment?
I don’t often play sport.
What do you do on the weekends?
Do you often travel for work?
Do you like your job?
What did you do last weekend?
How often do you go to the provinces for work?
Do you often watch a video in the evenings?

Work Social

b) Match the questions and answers below. Write the correct answers in the space provided
below for each question.

1. How’s work?
2. Are you busy at work at the moment?
3. Do you often travel overseas for work?
4. What are you doing at work at the moment?
5. How often do you work in the provinces?
6. Do you like your job?
46 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 46
Unit 4: Socialising Unit 4 Socialising

I’m planning some training.

Yes, I’m very busy but I like my job.

Yes, very. We are organising a two- week workshop. It starts next week.

About twice a month.

Yes, I travel to other countries about three times a year.

Good. I’m working on a new project now.

c) Pair work: Work with a partner to ask and answer the questions above. Use your own
information to answer those questions.

d) Group work: Work in groups of 4. Tell the group about the person you have
e.g. Souvathana works at …………………………….She is a ……………………… At
work, she ……………………….…………………………………………………………

e) Pair work: Work with a partner to complete the conversation with the phrases given
A conversation between Khamsene and Julie who met each other before in Australia. They
meet each other again at the post office. Use the correct phrase from the list below to add to
the dialogue.

Would you like to join us?

Do you like your job?

I’m working on an Australian AID project.


That sounds interesting.

How’s your work, Khamsene?

When did you come to Laos?

What are you doing in Laos, Julie?

47 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

47 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 4:
4 Socialising

Khamsene : Julie! What a surprise!

Julie: Khamsene! Great to see you.
Khamsene : __________________________
Julie: Well, ________________________ as an adviser with the HRD.
Khamsene : Really? ______________________________ ?
Julie: Just last month.
Khamsene : I see.
Julie: __________________________________ ?
Khamsene : Well, I left the Faculty of Law.
Julie: ________________________________ ?
Khamsene : Yes, Now I work at the HRD office as Deputy Head.
Julie: Oh! I know Ms Soumaly, the director _________________________?
Khamsene : Yes, it’s interesting because I have to work with many people and
sometimes I go to the provinces.
Julie: ______________ , Khamsene . I’m having dinner with Soumaly on
Saturday night. __________________________ ?
Khamsene : Thank you, but I’m teaching on Saturday night.
Julie: Oh, you work too hard, Khamsene. Here’s my card. Please phone me
when you are free.

Check the answers with a partner and then check with the class.

f) Conversation: In pairs have a conversation about work. Take turns to talk about your
work. The listeners make appropriate responses to show interest and to keep the
conversation going. The listener can also check his/her understanding.

Topic: Talking about work Conversation strategies

One person begins talking about his / her I’m busy at work at the moment. I’m …….

Listener shows interest with appropriate That’s interesting

responses ( and rising intonation) Really?
That sounds interesting

Listener checks understanding. Did you say …….. ?

Could you say that again, please? Pardon?

48 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 48
Unit 4: Socialising Unit 4 Socialising

Brainstorm: Do you know the meaning of these words? Discuss the meaning with a partner
and then check against the vocabulary list on the first page of this Unit.

director responsibilities planning training supervising organising

travelling meeting conferences interesting people reports

The Office of the HRD invited Julie to give a short presentation about her work in Australia.
a) Listen to the presentation about Julie’s work in Australia and complete the text below
using the words in the box. You can listen to the text up to 3 times.

Thank you for asking me to give a talk about my work in Australia. I will talk about where
I worked, my position, my (1)…………………………………………. , and what kind of
things I did in my job.

In Australia I worked for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) in
Canberra. Canberra is the capital city of Australia. I was deputy (2)……………………..
of the Human Resources Development Department.

I was responsible for finding out the (3) ……………………………. needs of staff and
then (4)…………………………. and (5)……………………….. training. I was also
responsible for (6) ………………………. the work of the 15 staff in the HRD department.

Every week, I had many (7)……………………………. with staff and wrote training plans
and (8)……………………………. After training courses, I met with the staff to hear a
report about the training. I often had to travel to other cities in Australia for meetings and
(9)…….………………. .

My work was very (10)…………………… , so I liked my job. I liked (11)

………………………… for work because I met many (12) …………........................ , but
sometimes I felt tired because I attended too many meetings.

So, that’s a short description of my work in Australia. Do you have any questions for me?

After listening, check your answers with a partner and then with the whole class.

49 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

49 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 4:
4 Socialising

Grammar note: Reminder-simple past tense

Julie talked about her job in Australia. She used the simple past tense because she
talked about something that happened before now.

In the simple past tense the verb changes. Most verbs are regular verbs and change by
adding ‘ed’ to the end of the verb.
Example: In Laos, I work at the Office of the HRD.
In Australia, I worked at the DFAT.

Some are called irregular verbs whose participles assume different forms. You can
find a list of irregular past tense verbs on the back of this book.

Past Simple: Regular and irregular verbs

1. Regular verbs: usually we add – ed to the verb.

I/you/he/she/it/we/they worked, wanted, finished, listened, watched and played
Other spelling rules:

Verb Rule Example

Ends in –e (lived) +d She lived in Australia.
Ends in a consonant double the final He stopped work at 5.30
+ vowel + consonant consonant
Ends in consonant change y to ied I studied economics.
+ y (study)

2. Irregular verbs: many common verbs have an irregular past form:

go-went, have-had, meet-met, know-knew.

b) Find the past tense of these verbs in the listening text. Write the past tense of each verb.
Check your answers on the back of the book.

Verbs Past tense Verbs Past tense

1. work ………………… 4. feel …………………

2. like ………………… 5. teach …………………

3. paint ………………… 6. attend …………………

c) Tell your partner about the activities you did yesterday.

e.g. Yesterday, I was very busy in my office, I prepared the documents for the workshop
next week, I sent invitations to participants from different offices within the MoES.

50 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 50
Unit 4: Socialising Unit 4 Socialising

a) Work in groups: Discuss the meaning of these adverbs of frequency:
never usually sometimes often always rarely
b) Use your dictionary to find out the meanings of the words in Lao and then arrange these
adverbs in the correct order along the line below:
Check your answers with the whole class.

a) Read the text below about Poumy’s work responsibilities. Then write true or false next
to each sentence.
1. _________ Phoumy always works in Vientiane.
2. _________ He seldom goes to meetings.
3. _________ He usually travels by plane to the provinces.
4. _________ Poumy can use a computer.
5. _________ Poumy never travels to another country.
6. _________ Phoumy has free time on Sunday.

Phoumy’s Work
Phoumy works for Savannakhet Cabinet office. He has many tasks in dealing with the
staff at the district level and he sometimes travels to the district to discuss with the
district governors about annual planning. He often attends the meetings every Monday
and Friday mornings and also attends workshops and seminars in Vientiane about twice a
year. He usually travels by car to the districts but sometimes he goes by motorbike to
monitor and inspect the project work.
After working in the office, he always writes a report. He usually uses the computer at his
office to type his reports. Once a year, Phoumy travels to another country for a meeting
or a conference about budgeting and planning.
Phoumy relaxes in the evenings because he is very busy at work during the week. He
likes to play sport once a week and on Sundays, he sometimes helps his wife selling
handicrafts. He doesn’t often get time to watch TV, but he reads the newspaper every
night. He never has time to visit his friends from Monday to Saturday, so he usually visits
them only once a month, on Sunday.
Phoumy likes his job because the work is interesting, but sometimes he is too busy.

51 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

51 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 4:
4 Socialising

b) Read the text again and complete the information about Phoumy.
What he does How often

1. He uses the computer. usually

2. He attends workshops. ………………….
3. He works in the district. ………………….
4. He travels to another country. ………………….
5. He reads the newspaper. ………………….
6. He attends workshops and seminars ………….………
7. He helps his wife selling handicraft ……………….…
8. He visits friends. ………………….

a) Survey: Walk around and ask others about how often they do things. Write the
information in the survey table below.
“How often do you ….?”

Work responsibilities Name How often

write reports Khamsene once a month
go to meetings
attend workshops
travel to another country
use the computer
inspect projects
use English at work
organise training
have lunch in a restaurant
have a baci at home
play sport
go on picnic
read the newspaper

b) Sit in groups of four and tell the others what you have found out.
e.g. Khamsene writes reports once a month.

52 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 52
Unit 4: Socialising Unit 4 Socialising

a) Find someone who: Stand up, walk around the class and find someone who likes to do
the following activities at weekends.
Ask: Do you like to play sport on weekends?
If they answer ‘Yes’, write their names.
If they answer ‘No’, ask another person.
Try to get a name in a space provided for each activity.

……………………………….. likes to play sport.
……………………………….. likes to read.
……………………………….. likes to work in the garden.
……………………………….. likes to visit friends.
……………………………….. likes to go on a picnic.
……………………………….. likes to watch television.
……………………………….. likes to spend time with his/her family.
……………………………….. likes to go out dancing.
……………………………….. likes to drink beer.

b) Report what you have found out. Stand in a circle. Your teacher or another student asks,
for example, “Who plays sport on weekend?”
Take turns to answer. For example, “Vandy plays sport on weekends.”
Listen to each other's answers.
c) Write five sentences about the people you have talked to.
e.g: Chanthana visits friends on weekends.
Report back: After the group work, report to the class about someone you have talked to.
e.g. “Vankham likes his work because he travels a lot, but he doesn’t like writing reports
when he comes back.”

d) Tell others in your group what you like and dislike about your work. e.g. “I like
organising workshops, but I don’t like going to meetings.”

e) Write some ideas about yourself under the topics below.

What I do at work:
What I do on the weekend:
What I like / dislike about work:

53 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

53 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit 4:
4 Socialising

a) Pair work: Exchange texts with a partner. Read your partner’s text. Check grammar and
spelling. Choose one of your two texts and show it to another pair.

b) Group work: Work with another pair. Show the text you and your partner have chosen
for the other pair. As a group, choose one of the two texts and show it to another group.

c) Give the text you have chosen to another group. This group has to guess who the person

54 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 54
Unit 5: Food and restaurants Unit 5 Food and restaurants

Unit 5 Food and restaurants

In this unit you will:

 Practice a dialogue about ordering food and drink
 Listen to people talking about breakfast around the world
 Read the text about food and restaurant
 Listen to find out where to eat out
 Write about food and describe different kinds of food

Language focus:

 Revision of present tense

 some and any
 How much and How many with countable nouns and uncountable nouns


bamboo ໄມໄຜ
ັ້ ຸ່ noodles ເຂົັ້າປັ້ນ
bread ເຂົັ້າຈີຸ່ pandan leave ໃບເຕີຍ
chilli ໝາກເຜັ ດ papaya salad ຕາໝາກຮງຸ່
delicious ແຊບ popular ເປັນທີຸ່ ນິຍ ົມ
dish ຈານ/ອາຫານ prawn ກງັ້
favourite dish ອາຫານທີຸ່ ມ ັກ recommend ແນະນາ
food stall ຮາັ້ ນອາຫານແຄມທາງ ັ້
sauce ນາແຈວຸ່
fruit ໝາກໄມ ັ້ sausage ໄສກ
ັ້ ອກ
grilled(adj) ປີັ້ ງ snack ອາຫານວາຸ່ ງ
juice ນາໝາກໄມ ັ້ spicy/hot ເຜັ ດ
lemon ໝາກນາວ sticky rice ເຂົັ້າໜຽວ
meat ຊີນ waiter/waitress ຜູເັ້ ສີບຍິງ/ຊາຍ

55 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

55 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit5:5 Food and restaurants

Unit 5 Food and restaurants

a) Work in groups of four to make a list of five common food and restaurants and put them
on the board to share with the class.
b) Match these foods with the pictures

1. grilled chicken 2. orange juice 3. papaya salad

4. spicy beef with potato beans 5. prawns with chilli and coconut milk
6. chicken fried with garlic wrapped in pandan leaves

a. ….………………………… b. ………………………… c. ...…………………....

d. …………………………… e. …………………….…… f. ...………………….......

c) Work in pairs. Make a list of five foods that you think are healthy and unhealthy.

Healthy food Unhealthy food

green vegetables chocolate

56 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 56
Unit 5: Food and restaurants Unit 5 Food and restaurants

Grammar note
Some and any
1. We use some and any with uncountable and plural nouns.
Have……………………………………….. orange juice with your breakfast.
Don’t drink……………………………juice between meals
If you want a snack , try……………………………nuts.

2. Notice that, in questions, we normally use any.

Is there any milk?
Have we got any eggs?

a) Complete the sentences with some or any.
1. It’s a good idea to drink …………………………fruit juice between meals.

2. For a healthy snack, you can eat ……………………nuts or ……………….melon.

3. Don’t drink……………………coffee before you go to bed. It’s bad for you.

4. Chocolate hasn’t got……………………vitamins or minerals in it.

Grammar note
How much and how many
When we ask questions we use:
Underline the correct alternative.
 How many with countable/uncountable nouns and
 How much with countable/uncountable nouns

b) Complete the questions with How much or How many.

1. …………………water do you drink every day?

2. …………………cups of coffee do you drink every day?

3. …………………sugar do you have with your coffee or tea?

4. …………………fruit do you eat every day?

5. …………………hours’ sleep do you have every night?

6. …………………time do you work on a computer every day?

57 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
57 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit5:5 Food and restaurants

Ask your partner the questions below
 What are your favorite foods?
 What are the most well-known Lao foods?
 What kind of food from other countries do
you like?

a) ‘Before dinner’
At her office in Laos, Julie asks the staff about places to eat. They talk about different types
of food and well-known restaurants.
Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below. Do not read while you listen. You
can hear the dialogue 3 times.

1. Where does Julie want to eat out tonight?

2. What kind of food is she looking for?
3. What does Khamsene suggest and recommend?
Julie: I want to eat Lao food tonight? Can you recommend a good restaurant?
Khamsene: There are two restaurants around here one is behind MoES and one is near
Namphou. What kinds of food do you want to have?
Julie: I’d like to eat typical Lao food.
Khamsene: I’d recommend the one near Namphou.
Julie: Thank you Khamsene.
Practice dialogue in pairs and practice until you can say it without looking at your book.
You can use your own name and restaurant in the conversation.
b) ‘At the restaurant’
Listen to the conversation three times and then answer the questions. Do not read the
conversation while listening.
1. What kind of dishes does Julie order?
2. What kind of drink does she order?

Waitress: Good evening Madam,

are you ready to order?
Julie: Yes, I am. I’d like sticky rice,
chicken soup and stir fried vegetables.
Waitress: Would you like anything to drink?
Julie: Lemon juice, please.
Waitress: With ice?
Julie: Yes, please.
Waitress: Anything else?
Julie: No, thanks.
58 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 58
Unit 5: Food and restaurants Unit 5 Food and restaurants

a) Practice the dialogue until you can remember it; you can put your favorite dishes and
drink in the conversation.
b) Work in pairs, ask your partner the following questions and report back to the class.
1. Do you like to eat out? If yes, where would you like to go? If no, ask the next
2. What are your favourite dishes?
3. How often do you cook/make your own food?

1. Make a list of breakfast food.
2. Work in groups of four. Discuss: “It’s ok not to eat breakfast.”
Give reasons to support your opinion.

a) Listen to five people from different places talking about their breakfast. Fill in the
missing food and drink they usually have for breakfast.

Breakfast around the world

Kemal: Well, I usually have breakfast at home before I go to work. I always have
tea, black tea maybe two or three glasses. And I have (1) ………………….. and
(2) ………………. and tomatoes, and in Turkey we have fantastic bread so I usually
have bread with butter and (3) …………….., and sometimes I have yoghurt, too.

Mi-Kyung I always have breakfast with my family. We usually have (4)

…………… …………………, and we have (5) ……………….. We cannot live
without Kim-chi! Kim-chi is a traditional dish of mixed Korean (6)....………….. It's
very hot and spicy.

Dimitry Well, for breakfast, when I have time, I have tea, usually, black tea with
lemon and lots of sugar. Never with milk. Then I have bread and cold (7)
…………….. and some cucumber as well. And then I sometimes have a small
(8) ……………….. or some (9) ………………. to finish.

Sonia In Brazil, we have very good tropical (10) ………………, guava, mango and
things like that, and we always have fruit for our breakfast-also we have
(11) …………….., of course, everybody knows in Brazil we have very good coffee,
and may be (12) ……………… and jam.
Jose I don't usually have breakfast. I don't have time because I go to work very early
about seven o'clock in the morning, so I just have a (13)……………….. for
breakfast, in a café with my wife Anita. But I usually stop work for a (14) ………….
at about eleven, half past eleven and go to a café near my office. I have another cup

59 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

59 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit5:5 Food and restaurants

of coffee and a nice big piece of tortilla-Spanish (15) …………………. made with
potatoes and eggs-it's really delicious.

a) Work in groups of 3 to 4 students to discuss these questions:

1. Are the breakfasts described in the recording the same or different from yours?
2. Which one would you like to try?
3. Where do the 5 people come from?

Work in pairs to ask
1. What are the traditional Lao dishes?
2. What is the typical Lao meal?

Read the text and answer the questions below.

Food and restaurants

1. All around Vientiane Capital, you can see food stalls on the street selling different
kinds of Lao food. Papaya salad is a popular snack. It is very spicy, and people
like eating it at any time of the day.

2. On the street stalls, you can buy grilled chicken or fish. Another favourite Lao
food is laap. This is chopped meat or fish mixed with vegetables. Noodles are also
very popular. People often go to noodle shops at lunchtime.

3. Laos is famous for sticky rice. This is a special kind of rice and you eat it with
your fingers. Another food is kao lam. This is rice cooked with coconut milk in
bamboo. People like eating it as a snack at festivals especially at Boat Racing and
Thatluang Festivals. Kaiphean (river weed) is well known and goes with
Cheobong (Chilli sauce)and sausages from LuangPrabang.

4. Along the Mekong Bank you can find many bars and restaurants, you can also eat
food from many other countries in Vientiane Capital. There are French, Italian,
Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean and Indian resturants and Swedish House
near Namphou. Most of the international restaurants are in the centre of the city.
They are usually more expensive than the Lao food restaurants.

a) Answers to these questions based on the information in the text:

1) How many different kinds of Lao dishes are there in the text? What are they?
2) What is laap?
3) Where do people often go to eat at lunchtime?
60 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 60
Unit 5: Food and restaurants Unit 5 Food and restaurants

4) Do you eat food at a street stall? Why? / Why not?

5) What kind of international restaurants are there in Vientiane?

b) Look at the sentences about some popular Lao dishes. Can you write the missing words?
The first two letters of a word are given.
1. Laap is ch……………….. meat or fish mixed with ve…………………………….
2. St…………….. rice is a special kind of rice. You eat it with your

3. Kao lam is rice cooked in ba………………….. People like eating it at festivals.

4. Pa…………… sa……… is very spicy. People like eating it at any time of the day.

First, match the English words with Lao translation

English words Lao words

1. Green papaya _____ ໝາກເລັຸ່ ນ

2. Chilly _____ ຟັກ

3. Tomato _____ ໝາກຮງຸ່ ດິບ

4. Lemon _____ ຊອຍ

5. Salt _____ ນາປາ


6. Sugar _____ ໝາກເຜັ ດ

7. Fermented fish _____ ເກືອ

8. Fish sauce _____ ໝາກນາວ

9. Chop _____ ນາຕານ


10. Slice _____ ປາແດກ

a) Write a recipe and steps of how to make/cook your favorite dish in your note book.
b) Share the description of the dish with your partner and then discuss with each other
about unclear areas.
Start your description with: e.g. The name of a dish “Instant noodle soup”
Ingredients: - a pack of instant noodle
- some vegetables: morning glory, leek, coriander
- one egg
Steps: 1. Boil half a litre of water.
2. Put instant noodle’s seasoning, a little of salt and sugar into the boiling water
3. Add noodle, some prepared vegetables and egg
61 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
61 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit5:5 Food and restaurants

4. Wait until the mixture boils and leave it for one minute
5. Pour all the mixture into a bowl and serve.
The name of the dish: …………………………………………………..


1. …………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………….
5. …………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. …………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. …………………………………………………………………………………………….


Present your favourite dish to the class. Start with the name of the dish, its ingredients and
cooking/making steps. This time you have to use sequence words to tell the steps.

62 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 62
Unit 6: Sport and exercise Unit 6 Sport and exercise

Unit 6 Sport and exercise

In this unit you will:

 Talk about sport and exercise
 Study vocabulary about sport and exercise
 Listen to a man talking about his favorite sport and exercise
 Read for specific information of the text about sport and exercise
 Conduct and report a small survey

Language focus:
 like/enjoy/love + to / v-ing and like/enjoy/love + noun
 Present simple tense with third person singular (ending-s and -es)
 Time expressions: every morning/afternoon/evening, once/twice …a
 Adverbs of frequency: always, often, sometimes, rarely/occasionally and never.
 Write a short paragraph about sport and exercise

aerobics ການອອກກາລ ັງກາຍຕາມຈ ັງຫວະເພງ petanque ກິລາຕີບນ

badminton ກິລາຕີດອກປີ ກໄກ ຸ່ play/ player ຫິັ້ນກິລາຫິັ້ນກິລາ/ນ ັກກິລາ
competition ການແຂງຸ່ ຂ ັນ, ການຍາດແຍງຸ່ popular ເປັນທີຸ່ ນິຍ ົມກ ັນ, ມີຄ ົນມ ັກຫາຍ
cycling ຂີຸ່ ລ ົດຖີບ public ຂອງລ ັດ, ສາທາລະນະ
exercise ການອອກກາລ ັງກາຍ river ban k ແຄມນາັ້
finish ເຮັດໃຫແ
ັ້ ລວ
ັ້ , ສາເລັ ດ ັ້ ວາຍ
Sepaktakraw/ratten ball ກິລາກະຕຫ
football ກິລາເຕະບານ sport ກິລາ
gamesການແຂງຸ່ ຂ ັນກິລາ stadium ສະໜາມກິລາ
go jogging ໄປແລນ
ຸ່ ອອກາລ ັງກາຍຊາັ້ ໆ staff ພະນ ັກງານ, ຄະນະພະນ ັກງານ,
healthy ສຂະພາບດີ ັ້ ກິລາລອຍນາັ້
swimming ການລອຍນາ,
ັ້ ັກ
lose weight ການຫດນາໜ traditional ທີຸ່ ເປັນປະເພນີ, ທີຸ່ ເປັນຮີດຄອງ
ັ ັ້ ຈ ັດການ
organise ຈ ັດຕງ, volleyball ກິລາບານສຸ່ງົ
park ສວນສາທາລະນະ watch ເບິຸ່ ງ, ຊ ົມ
Patuxay Monument ປະຕູໄຊ

63 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

63 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit6:6 Sport and exercise

Unit 6 Sport and exercise

a) Work in pairs. Make a list of sports and exercises that you know and then share your list
with other pairs.
b) Match the sports in the table below with the pictures
playing football playing tennis doing aerobic
running cycling playing volleyball

1. …………. 2. ……….…. 3. ..…………

4. …………. 5. ….….…... 6. …..….…..

a) Listen to the conversation between Julie and Soumaly talking about the sport and places
for exercise.
Julie: Soumaly, where should I go for exercise?
Soumaly: Oh! Do you like playing sport or doing exercise?
Julie: I enjoy both.
Soumaly: What kind of sport do you like to play?
Julie: I like playing tennis and watching football.
Soumaly: Oh! It sounds interesting. To exercise you’d better go to the Mekong River
bank where a large number of people do some jogging, running, walking and
can enjoy fresh air at the same time.
Julie: Really! I may go there after work.
Soumaly: For football matches, you’d better go to the Sea Games football stadium.
There’s going to be a junior match between Malaysia and Cambodia soon.
Julie: I will go there beause I love watching football.
Soumaly:Julie, I’m going to join you.
b) Listen to the conversation again and repeat each sentence after the recording.

64 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 64
Unit 6: Sport and exercise Unit 6 Sport and exercise

Practice the dialogue in pairs. Practice it until you can say it without looking at your book.
You can add your own information for sports and exercises and places in the conversation.

Grammar note: like/love/enjoy

After like/love/enjoy + to or V-ing
I love to watch or I love watching badminton
I like to play badminton after work. Or I like playing badminton after work
(More on ideas; more on actions)
We can use like/love/enjoy + a noun:
I like football.
I love badminton.
Common mistake
I enjoy with my family. I enjoy going out with my family.
I enjoy with my friends. I enjoy going out with my friends.

a) Make three sentences using like, love and enjoy base on the rules above.
1. ……………………………………………………………………………………
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………
3. …………………………………………………………………………………....

b) Share your sentences with your partner about the kinds of sports that both of you
like/enjoy/love playing.

Ask your partner: What kind of sport and exercise do you enjoy doing?
When/where do you play sport/do exercise?
Who do you play sport/do exercise with?

Listen to the conversation between Julie and Khamsene talking about sports and exercises.
Take note of what kind of sport and exercise Khamsene enjoys doing. You can listen to the
conversation three times. Use the questions below to help you with the note taking.
Khamsene enjoys …………………………………………………………………………
He does …………………………………………………………………………………...
Share your notes with your classmates and then check the notes with the whole class.

65 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

65 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit6:6 Sport and exercise

a) Use the ideas below to write about yourself on a piece of paper. Give yours to the

Fact File
Sport: I enjoy ………………………………………………… I also
Exercise: I always …………………………………………………..
Name: ___________________________

b) Your teacher will give you another student’s paper. Tell the class about this person, so
the other students can guess who he/ she is.

This person enjoys playing and
watching football, he also loves to
play badminton with his friends after
work. He usually does aerobics at
weekends. Who is it?

Grammar note
Present simple
1. Which of the following sentence describes:
- habit - something that is always true.
a. Julie likes to go jogging in the evening.
b. Julie comes from Australia.
Adding -s, -es -ies and change its form when a verb follows he/she/it
Notice these: have He has a dog.
go She goes to work every day.
try Kham tries very hard to win the game.
watch My son watches TV every evening.
spend Khamsene spends with his family at weekends.
How often?
2. The phrases below tell us how often things happen.
- every morning/afternoon/evening
- five times a week/month/year
- on Sundays/Mondays/Tuesday…etc.
- always, often, sometime, rarely/occasionally and never

66 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 66
Unit 6: Sport and exercise Unit 6 Sport and exercise

a) Match the vocabulary with the correct translation:

1. exercise __10___ 1) ການແຂງຸ່ ຂ ັນ

2. healthy _______ 2) ຈ ັດຕງັ ັ້
3. to lose weight _______ 3) ໄປແລນ
ຸ່ ອອກກາລ ັງກາຍຊາັ້ ໆ
4. to organize _______ 4) ພະນ ັກງານ
5. a competition _______ 5) ພືັ້ນບາັ້ ນ
6. staff _______ 6) ກິລາດອກປີ ກໄກ ຸ່
7. badminton _______ 7) ກິລາບານສຸ່ງົ
8. volleyball _______ 8) ັ້ ັກ
9. traditional _______ 9) ສຂະພາບດີ
10. jogging _______ 10) ການອອກກາລ ັງກາຍ

Reading task
a) Read the text below and answer the questions:
1. How many kinds of sport and exercise are there in the text?
2. What are they? Make a list.
3. When do most people do exercise?
4. Why are people doing sport and exercise?
5. What do some workplaces organise for their staff?
6. What kind of sport do most people take up at their workplaces after work?
7. What traditional sport can you see around the city?
8. What kind of exercise do people do at Patuxay Monument in the evening?

Sport and exercise

a. More and more people are doing sport and exercise now in Vientiane because they
want to be healthy and lose weight. Most people do exercise in the evening after
work or at the weekend. A lot of people go to parks to exercise or they play sport at
their workplaces. Some workplaces organise sports competitions for their staff.
b. One of the most popular sports in Laos is football. People also like playing
badminton and volleyball. Another very popular sport is petanque. Around the city,
you can see many people playing petanque at their workplace after work. You can
also sometimes see young men playing the traditional sport of sepaktakraw.
c. Jogging is a popular kind of exercise in the city. People usually go jogging early in
the morning when the streets are not so busy, or they go after work. At Patuxay
Monument around 5.00 p.m., you can see people of all ages walking or jogging
around the park.

67 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

67 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit6:6 Sport and exercise

b) Read the text again and decide whether the sentences below are true or false. Write T or
F next to each sentence. If the sentence is false, correct it.
eg. . _False__ More people do sport and exercise in Vientiane.
1. _______ Many people do exercise at their workplace or in public parks.
2. _______ A lot of people like playing petanque.
3. _______ People go jogging late in the morning when the streets are busy.
4. _______ Only young people do exercise at Patuxay Monument in the evening.

c) Write the correct word in each sentence. The Lao translation is in brackets.
e.g. I do …exercise….. every morning before work. (ການອອກກາລ ັງກາຍ)
1. It is important to eat …………………………………….food. (ສຂະພາບດີ)
2. ັ້ ັກ)
I don’t eat much because I want to …………………………(ຫດນາໜ
3. ັ ັ້
We can ..…………………………………… a meeting next week. (ຈ ັດຕງ)
4. They are playing in a football …………………………………. (ການແຂງຸ່ ຂ ັນ)
5. There are ten ….………………...…….. in my office. (ພະນ ັກງານ)
6. Sepaktakraw is a ………………………………….…..…… sport. (ພືັ້ນບາັ້ ນ)

a) Put the letters in correct order to come up with the comprehensible words for different
kinds of sport or exercise. You can find all the words in the text.
1. KLAWING ____walking______
2. BLATFOOL ________________
3. MADBINNOT ________________
4. LLOVEYLLAB ________________
5. NATEPQUE ________________
6. NIGGOJG ________________

b) Ask your classmate to find out someone who likes doing sport and exercise.
e.g. 1. Do you go swimming at the weekend? If yes, fill in the name.
1. ……………………… goes swimming at the weekend.
2. ………………… …… likes walking along the Mekong riverbank.
3. ……………………… plays football with his friends.
4. ……………………… plays petanque.
5. ……………………… enjoy doing exercise.
c) Work in pairs to ask each other about the favorite sport and exercise
eg: 1. What is your favorite sport/exercise?
2. How often do you do each one?
3. When and where do you do it?

68 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English for Lao Government Officials Module 2 68
Unit 6: Sport and exercise Unit 6 Sport and exercise

Use the notes to write a paragraph about your partner.
Start your paragraph like this:

Sport and exercise

Many people enjoy sport and exercise to stay healthy. Khamsene’s favorite sports are






Swap the paragraph with your partners to check the mistakes. Rewrite the paragraph on a
piece of paper and then stick it on the wall, so other students can read it.

69 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2

69 English for Lao Government Officials Module 2
Unit7:8 ASEAN
ASEAN countries

Unit 7 Attending a meeting

In this unit you will:

 Read an agenda for a meeting
 Practice a dialogue about the meeting
 Practice a conversation about a province
 Listen to an agenda item giving information about a province
 Compare population statistics of different provinces in Laos
 Read an introductory paragraph from a report about a province
 Write an introductory paragraph about a province

Language focus:

 Future with ‘going to’

 Time sequencing words
 Comparisons ‘more than’ and ‘less than’
 Approximations

area ພືນ
ັ້ ທີຸ່ , ເຂດ, ຂອບເຂດ poor ທກຍາກ
attend ໄປ(ໂຮງຮຽນ), ໄປ/ເຂົັ້າຮວຸ່ ມ(ປະຊມ) population ພົນລະເມືອງ, ປະຊາກອນ
border ເຂດແດນ, ພົມແດນ, ຊາຍແດນ province ແຂວງ
capacity ຄວາມສາມາດ,ສະຕິປນັ ຍາ regionເຂດ, ພາກ, ແຄວັ້ ນ
capital city ນະຄອນຫວງ rich ຮງຸ່ ັ ມີ, ອດ ົມສ ົມບູນ
east ທິດ/ພາກຕາເວັນອອກ rural ກຽຸ່ ວກ ັບຊ ົນນະບ ົດ
ethnic group ຊ ົນຊາດຫືເຜົຸ່ າພັນ south ທິດ/ພາກໃຕ ັ້
kilometers (km) ຫ ັກ, ພັນແມັດ square ສີຸ່ ຫຽຸ່ ມມນທົ
ົ ນ, ຮູບສີຸ່ ຫຽຸ່ ມມນທົ
ົ ນ

north ທິດ/ພາກເໜືອ statistics ສະຖິຕິ

percent (%) ເປີ ເຊັນ strengthen ເຮັດໃຫແັ້ ຂງແຮງຂນ
ັ້ , ເຮັດໃຫັ້

percentage ສວຸ່ ນຮອັ້ ຍ, ອ ັດຕາສວຸ່ ນ ັ້ ແຂງຂນ

ເຂັມ ັ້

plateau ພູພຽງ west ທິດ/ພາກຕະເວັນຕ ົກ

70for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module702
Unit 7: ASEAN countries Unit 8 ASEAN countries

Unit 7 Attending a meeting

Work in groups of four to find out and take notes of how meetings are organised and run
in different workplaces for example, topics of the meeting, agenda/activities during the
meeting, roles of chairperson and minute taker…etc. Then share the list with the class.

The Agenda
An agenda is a list of topics to be discussed at a meeting. It includes the name of the
meeting and when and where it will be held. Read the agenda of the meeting and answer
the questions.

Human Resource Development Committee Meeting

Date: Tuesday, 7 February, 2015

Time: 9:00-11:00a.m.
Place: Meeting Room, ASEAN Department
1 Apologies
2 Correspondence
3 Reports
3.1 Background information about Sayaboury province
3.2 Development assistance in AEC preparation
4 Issues
4.1 Development needs
4.2 Current projects
4.3 Future projects
4.4 Issues
5 Any other issues
6 Date and time of next meeting

71 71 English
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Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit7:8 ASEAN
ASEAN countries

1. What is the name of this meeting?
2. When is it being held?
3. Where is it being held?
4. What are they going to talk about in the first item on the agenda?
5. What are they going to talk about in the second item on the agenda?
6. What are they going to talk about in the next item on the agenda?
7. What are they going to talk about in the fourth item on the agenda?
8. What is the last item on the agenda?

Members unable to attend the meeting is expected to inform the chairperson before the
meeting, and give their reasons.
For item 1 on the agenda, the chairperson presents their apologies to the meeting.
The chairperson says (for example):
“Mr Souksakhone and Ms Lattana send their apologies. They have left for the provinces
and cannot attend the meeting.”
Who is absent from your class today? Take turns to be the chairperson and give apologies
(with reasons) to the class.

Pre listening
Agenda item 3 is a report “Background information on Sayaboury Province”.
As a class, brainstorm what you think of the report to be about.

Listening task
Listen to the dialogue and answer the question below. Do not read while you are listening.
You can listen to the dialogue up to 3 times.
Julie and Khamsene are discussing the UNDP meeting that they are about to attend.

a) What 3 things does Julie want to know about Sayaboury Province?

b) Listen to the dialogue again and complete. Check your answers with the teacher.
Julie: Khamsene, could you tell me more about Sayaboury Province before the
Khamsene: Yes, of course. I was born in Sayaboury Province. What do you want to
Julie: Well, first – where is it?
72for Lao Government Officials Module 2
English English for Lao Government Officials Module722
Unit 7: ASEAN countries Unit 8 ASEAN countries

Khamsene: I’ll show you on the map. Look, it’s _________________________

__________ . But it’s not __________________________________.
Only Sayaboury and Champasack Province, in the south, are on the other
side of the Mekong.
Julie: Really? That’s interesting! Only two! Is Sayaboury a big province?
Khamsene: Its area _____________________________________. Only a few
provinces: Bokeo in the north, on the border with China, Saravan, Sekong
and Attapeu in the south, are smaller.
Julie: I see. And is it in the mountains?
Khamsene: Yes, ______________________________________________ so it’s
difficult to get to some villages. I think they need more roads.
Julie: Mmm. What else do they need?
Khamsene: Many things! But let’s go to the meeting now and find out more.
Julie: Yes, it’s 8: 45 already!

Practice the dialogue in pairs. Practice it until you can say it without looking at your book.
Then some pairs perform the dialogue for the class.

Do you know these words?
Square kilometers (km2) percent (%)
Class discussion: Look at the map and the questions below. Guess the answers to the
questions and discuss them with your classmates.

1. Where is Sayaboury Province? North, south, east, or west?

2. How far is it from your province?
3. What is its area? / How big is it? / What size is it?
4. What is its capital city?
5. What is its population?
6. What is the name of the river?
7. What country does it share border with?
8. Is it mountainous?
9. Does it have forests?
10. How prosporius is the province?

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Unit7:8 ASEAN
ASEAN countries


Agenda item 3: Background information of Sayaboury Province.
a) In groups, read the following questions about Sayaboury Province and guess the
answers. Try to come to an agreement on the answers in your group.
1. What is the area of Sayaboury Province?
a. 17,389 km2
b. 60,389 km2
c. 16,389 km2
2. How mountainous is the province?
a. 56%
b. 65%
c. 69%
3. How much of the province is forested?
a. 32%
b. 42%
c. 52%
4. What is Sayaboury’s population?
a. 291,705
b. 291,507
c. 219,705
74for Lao Government Officials Module 2
English English for Lao Government Officials Module742
Unit 7: ASEAN countries Unit 8 ASEAN countries

5. How many villages are there in Sayaboury Province?

a. 595
b. 955
c. 559
6. What is the percentage of the people living in rural regions?
a. 90%
b. 19%
c. 5%
7. Where do 38% of the people live?
a. North
b. South
c. East
Listen to agenda item 3 and check your guesses at the above questions. Circle the answer
you hear. You can listen to the text up to 3 times. After listening, check your answers with
the others in your group and then with the whole class.

Practice - numbers
a) Practice with large numbers. Look at how we say and write large numbers in English:
16,389 km2 = Sixteen thousand, three hundred and eighty-nine square
291,705km2 = Two hundred and ninety-one thousand, seven hundred and
five square kilometers
559 = Five hundred and fifty-nine

d) Write these numbers in words:

29% = ……………………………………………………………………
100% =…………………………………………………………………….
672 km2 = ……………………………………………………………………
6,666 km2 = ……………………………………………………………………
16,300 = ……………………………………………………………………
404,707 = ……………………………………………………………………

a) Pair work: Look at the charts of ‘Provincial Populations. Student A looks at Chart ‘A’
and Student B looks at Chart ‘B’ on the next page.
Student A and Student B complete their charts by asking each other for the missing
information. Write the answers on the charts.
e.g. A: What province is the number 1?
B: Attapeu. What is the population of Attapeu?
A: 112,120 (eighty-seven thousand, eight hundred and twelve)

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Module 22
Unit7:8 ASEAN
ASEAN countries

Chart A: Provincial populations

1 112,120

2 Bokeo

3 225,301

4 Champasack

5 280,938

6 Khammouane

7 145,310

8 Luang Prabang

9 265,179

Grammar note: Comparisons

We can compare numbers using more than (ເກີນ, ລືຸ່ ນ) and less than (ໜອ
ັ້ ຍ, ລດ).
For example:
The population of Attapeu is 87,812. The population of Bokeo is 113,493.
The population of Bokeo is more than the population of Attapeu.
The population of Attapeu is less than the population of Bokeo.

Chart B: Provincial populations

1 Attapeu
2 145,263
3 Borikhamsay
4 607,370
5 Houaphan

6 337,390

7 Luang Namtha
8 407,039
9 Oudomsay

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Unit 7: ASEAN countries Unit 8 ASEAN countries

b) Look again at the Provincial Populations Charts. Complete these sentences by

comparing the populations of the provinces.
1. The population of Champasack is ……………… the population of Luang Prabang.
2. The population of Houaphan is ………………… the population of Champasack.
3. The population of Oudomsay is ……….……… the population of Khammouane, but
……………….…. the population of Borikhamsay.
4. The population of Luang Namtha is ………….…… the population of Attapeu, but
……………..…… the population of Houaphan.

Check your sentences with a partner and then with the whole class.

The whole class discussion: Discuss Sayaboury Province with the use of the questions

1. Where is Sayaboury?
2. How far is it from Vientiane?
3. What other information on Sayaboury do you have?

Reading task
a) Use the words in the box below to complete the missing information in this report about
Sayaboury Province. Check the answers with the class.

area border districts east forest health live

mountainous population province rural west

Sayaboury Province

Sayaboury Province is in the ……………………… of Laos. It shares an international

………… with Thailand to the west. The Mekong River forms the border between
Sayaboury Province and Oudomsay …………….. to the east, and between Luang
Prabang province and Vientiane Province to the ……….. Sayaboury Province has a
total …….…of 16389 km2 ,but 65% of the land is ……………. and 42% is
……………… The province has a total of eight districts and a …………….. of
338,669 people living in 543 villages. Ninety (90%) of the people live in
……………… regions ; 38% in the districts in the south, 35% in the centre and 27% in

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Module 22
Unit7:8 ASEAN
ASEAN countries

the districts in the north. The districts in the north are underdeveloped and Sayaboury
needs more roads, schools and ……………. services there. In 2013, Sayaboury
founded a new district named Saysathan located in a relatively remote area. The
economic potential of Sayaboury is to build the Hydro Power along the Mekong River
to generate the local income and to alleviate the poverty in line with the government’s

e) Read the text again and fill in the table below with the information on Sayaboury .

Description Province 1: ……………………....

Area e.g. 16,389 km2
No. of districts
No. of villages
Ethnic groups
Important/Interesting facts

Grammar note: Approximations

Sayaboury’s population of 338,669. 338,669 is an exact number.
Sometimes the exact number is not available and can only be approximate
instead. Hence, we can use:
more than
less than
about / approximately

For example:

291,705 is more than 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand)

291,705 is less than 300,000 (three hundred thousand)
291,705 is about 290,000 (two hundred and ninety thousand)

78for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module782
Unit 7: ASEAN countries Unit 8 ASEAN countries

a) Rewrite these sentences about Sayaboury using more than, less than, or about.
After writing, compare your sentences with a partner’s sentences.
1. Sayaboury has a total population of 338,669.
2. Sayaboury has a total area of 16,389 square kilometers.
3. 65% of the land is mountainous.
4. 42% of the land is forested.
5. Sayaboury comprises 543 villages.
6. 38% of the people live in the south of Sayaboury.
7. 27% of the people settle in the north of Sayaboury.
Look at the list of needs below. Find someone who needs these things in his/her village/
district/ province.
Stand up and go around the class to ask different students: “Do you need …… in your
province village/ district/ province.?” If someone answers “Yes”, write his/her name next to
the need. If he/she says “No”, ask someone else. Try to get someone’s name next to each
a) Find someone who…………
_______________ needs more roads in his / her ……………………………...…..
_______________ needs more bridges in his / her ………………………......……
_______________ needs more primary schools in his / her …………………....…
_______________ needs more secondary schools in his / her …………………....
_______________ needs more hospitals in his / her ……………………….…......
_______________ needs more health clinics in his / her ………………………....
_______________ needs more airports in his / her …………………………….....
_______________ needs more doctors in his / her …………………………….....
_______________ needs more nurses in his / her ……………………………......
_______________ needs more teachers in his / her ………………………….......
_______________ needs more irrigation systems in his / her …………………...
b) Report your finding. Stand up in a circle. Your teacher and / or students may ask, “Who
needs……….?” Listen to each other’s answers.
e.g. Khamphone needs more teachers in his district.
Sengkeo needs more health clinics in her village.

79 79 English
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Officials Module
Module 22
Unit7:8 ASEAN
ASEAN countries

Sone needs more road in his province.

a) Brainstorm: On the board, brainstorm other development needs. After brainstorming,
write down the needs on your notebooks.

Development needs


b) Group discussion:
Work in groups of three or four. Discuss the following information on Luang Prabang
Province. Discuss the borders, the development needs and other important or interesting
information about the province.
Luang Prabang Province
Capital = Luang Prabang
Area = 15,370km2
Forest = 30%
Total population = 210,820
Districts = 7
Villages = 803
Ethnic groups = 60% Khmu
Location = (north? south? east? west? borders?)
Important/interesting facts?
c) Work in group of three, write an introductory paragraph for a report on Luang Prabang
Province in your notebook. Read through the Sayaboury reading text again and then use
it as a model of how to write a report on Luang Prabang.
d) Put up your paragraph on the wall of the classroom. Read the paragraphs of the other
groups. Is the information the same in each paragraph? Can you find any grammar or
spelling mistakes in any of the paragraphs? Tell the class what mistakes you have found.
Do others agree or disagree?
e) As a class, decide whether the grammar and spelling are correct and write them on the
board. Ask the group to rewrite the report if necessary.

a) Work on your own.
1. Look at the Sekong’s statistics below.
2. Add more information on Sekong’s location, important/interesting facts and needs.
3. Write an introductory paragraph for a report on Sekong Province. Try to use ‘more

80for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module802
Unit 7: ASEAN countries Unit 8 ASEAN countries

than’, ‘less than’, and ‘about’ as well as exact numbers.

Description Province 1: …Sekhong….. Province 2: ……..

Area 7,665 km2
Mountains 60%
Forest/Plateau 35%
Capital Lamarm
Population 63,836
No. of districts 4
Number of villages 278
Lao Loum 3%
Important/Interesting facts?

b) Add more information on one more province which has not been mentioned. Fill in the
table above and then compare the information with that of Sekong Province and
Sayaboury . Write sentences about the population, area and number of villages in the
three provinces using ‘more than’ or ‘less than’.

Write your comparisons in your notebook and then check them with a partner.
e.g. The population of Oudomsay is more than that of Sekong but less than that of

The area of ………………………………………………………………………….…

The number of villages in …………………………………………….……………....

81 81 English
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Lao Government
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Officials Module
Module 22
Unit8:8 ASEAN
ASEAN countries

Unit 8 ASEAN Countries

In this unit you will:

 Participate in a dialogue about Laos
 Practice asking for and make suggestions
 Read about ASEAN development
 Talk about Laos and some other ASEAN countries
 Study about a paragraph structure.

Language focus:
 Revision of “WH’ questions connectors
 Study of a paragraph structure
 Practice of writing a good paragraph relating to the Laos as a member of ASEAN.


courage ຄວາມກາັ້ ຫານ ັ ັ້ ນ

establish ສາັ້ ງຕງຂ ັ້ profile ປະຫວ ັດຫຍັ້
advantage ການໄດປ
ັ້ ຽບ establishment ການກຸ່ ຕງ,ການສ
ັ ັ້ າັ້ ງຕງັ ັ້ prosperity ຄວາມຈະເລີນກາັ້ ວໜາັ້
anniversary ວ ັນຄ ົບຮອບປີ ຂອງເຫດ flag ທງ raise ຍ ົກລະດ ັບ, ກຸ່ ໃຫເັ້ ກີດ
ການສາຄ ັນ friendship ມິດຕະພາບ recognize ຮ ັບຮູ,ັ້ ຍອມຮ ັບ
assume ຮ ັບ(ພາລະ) gap ຊອ
ຸ່ ງວາຸ່ ງ represent ເປັນສ ັນຍາລ ັກ
attract ເຮັດໃຫສ
ັ້ ົນໃຈ human resource development revenue ລາຍໄດ,ັ້ ລາຍຮ ັບ
ັ້ ຖານ
base ພືນ (HRD) ພັດທະນາຊ ັບພະຍາກອນມະນດ ັ້ ົງ,
stability ຄວາມໝັນຄ
benefits ຜ ົນປະໂຫຍດ independence ເອກະລາດ ສະເຖຍລະພາບ
boost ຊກຍູ,ັ້ ສຸ່ ງົ ເສີມ international ນາໆຊາດ, ສາກ ົນ support ສະໜັບສະໜູນ,
border ເຂດແດນ, ຊາຍແດນ investment ການລ ົງທນ ຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອ
budget ງ ົບປະມານ issue ບ ັນຫາ tariffs ອ ັດຕາພາສີ(ຂາເຂົັ້າ-ອອກ)
capital ເມືອງເອກ logo ເຄືຸ່ ອງໝາຍ trade ການຄາັ້
natural resources ຊ ັບພະຍາກອນທາງ
challenges ຄາທາັ້ ທາຍ,ການທາັ້ ທາຍ transnational crime ອາຊະຍາກາ
ທາມະຊາດ ຂາັ້ ມຊາດ
consistent ບຸ່ ປຽຸ່ ນແປງ, ໝັນຄ
ັ້ ງົ
opportunity ໂອກາດ unheard ບຸ່ ເຄີຍໄດຍ
contributing ບລິຈາກ, ໃຫກ
ັ້ ານ ັ້ ນ

peace ສ ັນຕິພາບ, ຄວາມສະຫງ ົບສກ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອ
production ຜະລິດຜ ົນ
cooperation ການຮວຸ່ ມມື
decrease ຫດລ ົງ
disadvantage ຄວາມເສຍປຽບ

82for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module822
Unit 8: ASEAN countries Unit 8 ASEAN countries

Unit 8 ASEAN Countries

a) Brainstorming: What countries does Lao P D R share the border with? Work in pairs
to add countries that share borders with Laos.


a) Listen twice to John asking Julie about Laos and then practice it with your partners until
you can remember the dialogue.
b) Role play to act out the conversation in front of the class.

John is asking Julie about Laos while they’re working in the office in Australia.

John: Julie, I’d like to visit Laos on my New Year holiday. Can you tell me about
Julie: Yes, of course. Laos is a small country sharing border with five neighboring
John: Oh, really! What are they?
Julie: They are Thailand to the west, Vietnam to the east, Cambodia to the south and
China and Myanmar to the north.
John: Interesting, what is the capital of Laos?
Julie: Vientiane is not so big but there are many interesting things to see.
John: I am looking forward to visiting Laos.
Julie: I am sure you will have a good time there.

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Unit8:8 ASEAN
ASEAN countries

a) Pair work: the countries in the region- write sentences describing different countries
sharing borders with Lao PDR.
e.g. Where is Vietnam? Vietnam is in the east of Laos.
1. Where is Cambodia? …………………………………………..……………….
2. Where is Thailand? ……………………………………………………………..
3. Where is China? …………………………………………..……...…………….
4. Where is Myanmar? ………………………………….………….……………….

b) Pair work: Borders with neighboring countries- write sentences describing the countries
sharing international borders with Laos.
e.g. Laos shares an international border with Vietnam to the east.
Write about:
Cambodia ………………………………………………………..………………
China ………………………………………..…………………………………..
Thailand …………………………………………………………………………

a) Look at the Map of ASEAN counties below. Ask your partner: Do you know these
Laos Thailand Philippines Malaysia Myanmar
Singapore Cambodia Indonesia Brunei Vietnam

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Unit 8: ASEAN countries Unit 8 ASEAN countries

b) Now listen to the pronunciation of the countries and repeat

c) Write each country’s name next to the flag.

Laos Thailand

Brunei Myanmar

Singapore Vietnam

Philippines Cambodia

Malaysia Indonesia

……………………….. ………………………..

……………………….. ……………………....



……………….……... ……………….……...

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Unit8:8 ASEAN
ASEAN countries

d) Ask your partner the following questions:

 How many ASEAN countries have you visited? Talk about your experience.
 What does the ASEAN logo represent?

The blue represents peace and stability. Red depicts courage and dynamism. White
shows purity and yellow symbolizes prosperity.

a) Listen to the women talking about the development gap of the young ASEAN countries
and then fill in the missing words. Share the answers with your partner and then check
them as the whole class.

The Development Gap

ASEAN members have recognized that there is a “development gap” between the
ASEAN six (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand) and
the (1)………………………….. of newest ASEAN members: Cambodia, Laos,
Myanmar and (2)……………………………., known as the CLMV. Therefore, in order
to give CLMV a (3)……………………………….. to catch up with the rest, the CLMV
counties have an (4)……………………………… three years, until end of 2018, to
implement all of the listed tariff (6)……………………….............. .

a) Work in pairs; discuss with your partner about the Development Gap text above.
1. What is the full name of ASEAN?
2. What does CLMV stand for?
3. Which countries were the first founding members?
4. Which countries are the newest ASEAN members?
5. What do you think of the benefits to be gained by Lao PDR from being a member
86for Lao Government Officials Module 2
English English for Lao Government Officials Module862
Unit 8: ASEAN countries Unit 8 ASEAN countries

Grammar point
1. There are many two-word questions with how, what, and which
e.g. how long….? Which city….? What kinds of ……?

2. Can you remember? Choose the correct alternatives

We use how many with countable nouns.
We use how much with uncountable nouns.

3. We use what when there are a large number of possible answers.

What is the population of China?
We use which when there are only a few possible answers.
Which country has no access to the sea?

a) Can you explain the meaning of the Lao flag in English? Do you know when did Laos
join ASEAN?
b) Find out all of the capital cities of the ASEAN member countries and write them below.
c) Discuss with your partner: What does being a member of ASEAN mean for Laos?

a) Read the text and match the heading below with the paragraphs. Note that there is one
extra heading you do not need.

1. __B__ Laos can learn from its ASEAN partners.

2. _____ Laos faces funding challenges.
3 _____ PM’s speech notes Laos’ foreign policy success on ASEAN anniversary.
4. _____ Laos needs more skilled officials with strong background of English.
5. _____ ASEAN provides budget for travel and per diem expenses.
6. _____ Laos raises international profile and attracts more FDI.

Laos in ASEAN
A. Laos, along with Myanmar, became a member of ASEAN on July 23, 1997. In a
speech to mark the 47th anniversary of the establishment of ASEAN, the Prime
Minister of Laos, Mr. Thongsing Thammavong, noted that: “Laos’ ASEAN
membership is the fruit of our consistent foreign policy of peace, independence,
friendship, and cooperation, aimed at contributing to the building of Southeast Asia
as a region of peace, stability and cooperation for development.” (LNTV News,

87 87 English
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Module 22
Unit8:8 ASEAN
ASEAN countries

B. Membership of ASEAN has given Laos the opportunity to take part in discussions
with other ASEAN nations on important regional issues, such as trade and
transnational crime. Laos can learn from the experience of the more industrially
developed ASEAN nations, and has received technical support as well as help with
human resource development from ASEAN member states and other dialogue
partners, such as Australia and New Zealand.
C. As ASEAN establishes itself as a single market and production base, Laos will be
better placed to attract more foreign direct investment. In recent years, there has
already been an increase in trade, investment and foreign tourist arrivals in the
country. Laos’ successful chairmanship of ASEAN in 2004-2005 raised the
country’s profile internationally. Subsequently, Laos was entrusted to chair and host
various important regional and international meetings. In 2016, Laos will assume the
ASEAN chairmanship for the second time.

D. There are also, however, challenges for Laos in being a member of ASEAN, namely a
lack of funds and a lack of skilled staff. Attending ASEAN meetings is expensive.
There are more than 500 ASEAN meetings every year, and as there is no funding
provided by ASEAN to attend these meetings, all ASEAN member countries have to
pay for themselves. Travel and per diem costs, as well as contributions to the ASEAN
budget, cost the country more than US$3 million a year.

E. Another challenge for Laos is its lack of skilled human resources. A large number of
English-speaking Lao government officials are needed to attend ASEAN meetings.
They also need to have a good understanding of international law and international
economics. This remains a significant challenge for Laos as it marks its 17th
anniversary of ASEAN membership. As ASEAN moves forward to form an ASEAN
Economic Community by the end of 2015, it is important that the voice of Laos does
not go unheard.

Lao National Television News (LNTV), Published on 24 Jul 2014


b) Read the text again and answer the following questions.

1. When did Laos become a member of ASEAN?
2. Which four words describe Laos’ foreign policy?
3. In what area has Laos received assistance from its ASEAN partners?
4. What has increased in Laos in recent years?
5. What raised Laos’ profile internationally?
6. Which two challenges does Laos face in being a member of ASEAN?
7. How many ASEAN meetings are there per year?
8. What skills do Lao government officials require to take part in ASEAN meetings?

88for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module882
Unit 8: ASEAN countries Unit 8 ASEAN countries

Practice task
a) Decide if the sentences below are true or false. If the sentence is false, correct it.
1. _T_ Laos and Myanmar became members of ASEAN in 1997.
2. ____ Trade and investment in Laos has decreased in recent years.
3. ____ Successfully chairing the ASEAN Summit in 2004 raised Laos’
international profile.
4. ____ Laos will assume the ASEAN chairmanship for the third time in 2016.
5. ____ ASEAN will form an ASEAN Economic Community by the end of 2015.
6. ____ It is important that the voice of Laos is heard at ASEAN meetings.
b) Complete the sentences with one of the words or phrases below.

single profile resource expensive

challenges opportunity unheard economics

1. Membership of ASEAN has given Laos the ………………………. to take part in

discussions with other ASEAN nations.
2. Laos has received help with human …………………………… development from
other ASEAN member nations.
3. ASEAN will establish itself as a ………..………………… market and production
4. There are also, however, ………………… for Laos in being a member of ASEAN.
5. Attending ASEAN meetings is ………………..…………………………………
6. Lao government officials need to have a good understanding of international law and
international ………………………………………..
7. It is important that the voice of Laos does not go ……………………………

Grammar: Connectors
Connectors are used to add new ideas: and, also, in addition, moreover, furthermore,
e.g. Not everyone enjoys staying at home watching television. Some people prefer going
out to movies instead. Also/In addition, some people prefer staying at home doing other
things such as reading books and working around the house. However, some people love
to stay home
Connectors are also used to contrast our ideas: but, although, while, in contrast,

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Module 22
Unit8:8 ASEAN
ASEAN countries

Sentence structure
a) Group discussion: Being an ASEAN Community could bring several advantages for
ASEAN nations. What are the possible benefits for ASEAN member states?
b) Brainstorm: Work in groups of 4 or 5 and have discussion on the topic below with
your group and then take notes of what your group has talked about and write it down in
the table below:

Benefits of ASEAN Community Possible problems of ASEAN Community

 boost foreign direct investment (FDI),  Govt. will lose some revenue by lowering
therefore bringing more jobs tariffs on imports

a) Work in pairs: Write a paragraph about the benefits and possible problems of the
ASEAN nations.
Topic: The benefits and possible problems of the ASEAN nations
Topic sentence: There are some benefits and possible problems of the ASEAN nations.
Benefit 1: What is it? Give at least one example.
Benefit 2: What is it? Give at least one example.
Problem 1: What is it? Give at least one example.
Problem 2: What is it? Give at least one example.

Concluding sentence: ……………………………………………………………….

You can start the paragraph as follows:

There are some benefits and possible problems of the ASEAN nations. First, the nations
will boost their foreign direct investment (FDI), therefore bringing more jobs for their

90for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module902
Unit 8: ASEAN countries Unit 8 ASEAN countries




However, ……………………………………………………………………………..........




a) Exchange your paragraph with other partners to share ideas and check whether there are
mistakes or not.

b) Edit your text and then rewrite it.

c) Post it on the wall of the class so it can be read by the whole class.

91 91 English
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Module 22
Unit 9: Development assistance

Unit 9 Development assistance

In this unit you will:

 Listen to the item about the development assistance on the agenda
 Read a report on the development assistance organisations and projects in Sayaboury
 Talk about important regions in Laos, agriculture products, export products and projects
 Write about development assistance and projects in another province.

Language focus:
 Comparative adjectives e.g. poorer than
 Superlative adjectives e.g. the poorest
 The indefinite article ‘a’ / ‘an’
 Future with ‘will’/ because /s

assistance ການຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫອ
ື development ການພ ັດທະນາ northern ທາງເໜືອ

assist ຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອ district ເມືອງ presentation ການນາສະເໜີ

associated ກຽຸ່ ວພ ັນກ ັບ export ສຸ່ງົ ອອກ primary school ໂຮງຮຽນປະຖ ົມ

agenda ວາລະກອງປະຊມ government ລ ັດຖະບານ project ໂຄງການ

agriculture ກະສິກາ grow ເຕີບໂຕ provide ສະໜອງໃຫ ັ້

bridge ຂ ົວ health ສຂະພາບ region ເຂດແຄວ

ັ້ ນ

build ສາັ້ ງຂນ import ນາເຂົັ້າ southern ທາງໄຕ ັ້

cotton ຝາັ້ ຍ irrigation system ລະບ ົບຊ ົນ training ການຝກອ ົບຮ ົມ

crop ຜ ົນລະປູກ vow ສ ັນຍາ
irrigation ຊ ົນລະປະທານ

92for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module922
Unit 9: Development assistance Unit 9: Development assistance

Unit 9 Development assistance

a) Work in group: Do you know these words and phrases? Discuss their meaning with your
group and then check the vocabulary list in the first page of the unit.

north (noun) cotton growing region rich

northern (adj.) development assistance export
south (noun) agenda item
southern (adj.) poor

b) Work in Group: Work in small groups. Look at the map of Sayaboury Province and
answer the questions below.


1. What can you remember about Sayaboury Province from the last unit?
2. What else do you know about Sayaboury ?
3. What kind of crops does Sayaboury grow?
4. What does it export?

93 93 English
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Module 22
Unit 9: Development assistance

a) Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below.
Do not read while you are listening.
You can listen to it up to 3 times.

1. What do the northern districts need?

2. Why is Sayaboury an important region?
3. Where does Sayaboury export cotton?

Julie: That was useful information about Sayaboury .

Khamsene: Yes, it was. Did he say that the northern districts are poorer than the others
and the southern districts are the richest?
Julie: I’m not sure, but he said the northern districts needed more
(1)________________ , (2)___________________ and schools. I think
that’s because they are the poorest.
Khamsene: Did you know that Sayaboury is an important
(4)_______________________ region in Laos?
Julie: Really? That’s interesting. Does it export cotton?
Khamsene: Yes, to (5)____________ , I think. Let’s finish our coffee- the meeting’s
going to start again. What’s the next item on the agenda?
Julie: (6)______________________________ in Sayaboury Province. What do
you think they’ll tell us.
Khamsene: Well …

Follow-up tasks
a) Listen to the dialogue again and complete it. Check the answers with the teacher.
b) Listen and repeat each phrase or sentence of the dialogue.
c) Practice the dialogue in pairs. Practice it until you can say it without looking at your

94for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module942
Unit 9: Development assistance Unit 9: Development assistance

Grammar note: Comparative adjectives

To show how two things are not the same, we use comparative adjectives,
e.g. The districts in the north of Sayabouly are poorer than other districts.
To compare two things using comparative adjectives, we organise the sentence like this:
(First thing) is / are + adjective + than (second thing)
Districts in the north are poorer than other districts.
Vientiane is bigger than Pakse.

The spelling of adjectives in comparative sentences changes:
1. adjective + er
e.g. poor - poorer
2. If the adjective has a short vowel, double the last letter and + er
e.g. hot - hotter
3. If the adjective ends in ‘e’, + r
e.g. nice - nicer
4. If the adjective ends in ‘y’, change ‘y’ to ‘i’ + er
e.g. easy - easier

a) Pair work: Look at the table. Put the adjectives under the right headings.

long big large pretty tall thin wide short

hot weak cheap busy lazy heavy strong nice

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

( + er ) (double letter + er) (+r) ( change y to ier )

long – longer big – bigger large – larger pretty - prettier

b) Line up: Stand in a line with others.

Each person in the line compares himself / herself with the next person.
Compare height: I am taller / shorter than………..............………………..…….…..
Compare age: I am older / younger than ………………..............……….........….
Compare size of feet: My feet are bigger / smaller than …………….......….….….…
Compare body size: I am thinner / fatter than …………………………................…

95 95 English
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Module 22
Unit 9: Development assistance

c) Pair work: Work with a partner to make sentences comparing provinces in Laos. Use
the adjectives below.

big small poor rich hot cool

e.g. Phongsaly is cooler than Savannakhet.

d) Work alone: Write 3 sentences by comparing places in Laos.


e) Ask your partner to check your sentences and then check as whole class.

Grammar note: Superlative adjectives

To compare something / somebody with the whole group, we use the superlative.
e.g. The southern districts are the richest.
To use a short adjective to compare somebody / something with the whole group,
We organise the sentence like this:
(something) is/ are the + adjective + est (the whole thing)
The southern districts are the richest in Sayaboury Province.
Vientiane is the biggest city in Laos.
Grammar note: Superlative adjectives (continued)
The spelling of short adjectives in superlative sentences changes:
1. Adjective + est
e.g. long – longest
2. If the adjective has a short vowel, double the last letter and + est
e.g. hot – hottest
3. If the adjective ends in ‘e’, just + st
e.g. nice – nicest
4. If the adjective ends in ‘y’ after a consonant, change ‘y’ to ‘i’ + est.
e.g. easy – easiest

96for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module962
Unit 9: Development assistance Unit 9: Development assistance

f) Find someone: Stand up and walk around the class.

Find someone who knows the answers to each of the questions below.
Write that person’s name next to the question.

______________________ 1. Where is the biggest waterfall in Laos?
______________________ 2. Where is the oldest temple in Laos?
______________________ 3. What is the longest river in Laos?
______________________ 4. What is highest mountain in the world?
______________________ 5. What is the longest river in the world?
______________________ 6. What is the smallest province in Laos?

g) Report back: Work in small groups. Ask others in your group:

“Who knows ……....” Listen to each other’s answers.

h) Quiz: Work in groups. Think of three more questions like those above.

Write the questions.

1. ………………………………………….……………………………..
2. ………………………………………….……………………………..
3. …………………………………………….…………………………..

Each group takes turns to ask the other groups the questions they have written.
Any group that answers a question correctly gets a point. The teacher will write the points
for each team on the board. When all groups have asked their questions, the group with the
highest points is the winner of the quiz.

Grammar note: The indefinite article – ‘a’ / ‘an’

‘a/an’ means ‘one’. It is used with singular nouns.
We use an with a word that begins with a vowel (a, e,i,o,u).
e.g. Sayabouly is an important cotton –growing region.
Grammar note: put in a TG
We use a with a word that begins with consonants (letters that are not vowels).
e.g. Laos is a small country.
Sayabouly is a big province.

97 97 English
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Module 22
Unit 9: Development assistance

i) Conversation: In small groups, one person starts talking about an important region or
place in Laos and gives reasons why he/she thinks so. The others make appropriate
responses to keep the conversation going, ask questions to check their understanding and
add more information. Everyone in the group takes turns to be the presenter and the

Topic: An important region Conversation strategies

One person begins talking about an …… is an important region in Laos
important region or place and gives because …………….

Listeners show interest with appropriate Oh really?

responses. Mmm
That’s interesting.
I see.

Listener checks understanding. Did you know …..?

Sorry ?

Listeners can add information. Did you know ….?

I think ….
Also …..

j) Fill the blank with ‘a’ or ‘ an’.

1. Julie Wilson is ……… adviser from Australia.

2. Khamsene is …….. government official.
3. They are attending …..… meeting at UNDP. The meeting is about Sayaboury

4. Sayaboury shares …….. international border with Thailand to the west. It is

……………………. cotton-growing region.

Julie and Khamsene are going to watch a report relating to issues on the agenda at the
meeting. The item is about the development assistance in Sayaboury . Watch this video
and complete the tasks below.

98for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module982
Unit 9: Development assistance Unit 9: Development assistance

a) Match the Lao with English words. Number 1 is done as an example.

__b__ 1. ສຂະພາບ a. sanitation

_____ 2. ອ ັດຕາການຕາຍຂອງເເມ ຸ່ b. health
_____ 3. ສຂະອານາໄມ e. infant mortality
_____ 4. ອາຍຍືນສະເລຍ
ຸ່ d. maternal mortality
_____ 5. ຜູຊ
ັ້ ວ
ຸ່ ຍພະຍາບານ e. paramedics
_____ 6. ອ ັດຕາການຕາຍຂອງເດັ ກ f. life expectancy

_____ 7. ລຽັ້ ງລູກດວ ັ້ ົມແມ ຸ່ g. breastfeeding

ັ້ ຍນານ

b) Brainstorm: What international organizations provide development assistance to Laos?

What do they assist with? The teacher will write your answers on the board. Later you
can write them in your notebook.

Organisation Assist with

Save the Children UK Teacher tr aining

99 99 English
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Module 22
Unit 9: Development assistance

ADB maternal health project in Sayaboury

a) Watch the video again and answer the following questions:

1. What is the primary objective of the ADB project in Sayaboury ?


2. What is the MDG maternal health goal for Laos for 2020?

3. What was the purpose of the visit by the ADB Country Director to Sayaboury

4. What have been the major achievements of development projects in Sayaboury

5. Why is road building and important part if the ADB health project?

6. What does PHC stand for?


7. What are the primary target groups of the PHC strategy?


8. What are the major constraints (problems) faced by the implementation for the Health
care strategy in Lao PDR

After listening, check your answers with your group and then with the whole class.

100for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module100
Unit 9: Development assistance Unit 9: Development assistance

a) Survey: Walk around and ask the others in the class about development projects in their
provinces. Write the information in the table below.

In your province is there a

Province Who assists with the project?
project to ….?

… improve the hospitals Sayaboury Asian Development Bank

… build roads

… improve education

… train primary school teachers

… improve health services

… build irrigation systems

… build schools

… build hospitals

… train nurses and doctors

b) Report back: After the survey, report to your group about two of the projects you have
found out.

c) Work alone: Write 3 sentences about the projects you have found out.
e.g. The Japanese government assists with a project to improve hospitals in Sayaboury

After the meeting, Kelly will read a report about development assistance in Sayaboury
a) Brainstorm: What do you think the report will say about development assistance in
Sayaboury ? Work in small groups and write down your ideas.


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Unit 9: Development assistance

b) Report reading: Read the text and then answer the questions

Report on Development in Sayaboury Province - 2009

Sayaboury Province is in the west of Laos on the border with Thailand. In 1996,
Sayaboury Province received development assistance because the people needed schools,
health services and roads in the districts in the North. These districts are the poorest in the
province so they needed assistance the most. UNDP had a project to improve roads and
irrigation; UNICEF and CARE assisted with education; and UNICEF, the Japanese
government, CARE and Save the Children (Australia) assisted with health.

Before the health project began, there were no health facilities outside the provincial and
district hospitals. Maternal and infant death rates were very high. Health staff were under-
trained. Transport and communication was limited and there was a lack of medical

Save the Children trained village health volunteers and traditional birth attendants. They
also established and operated village clinics for mothers and babies and provided essential
equipment to district hospitals and clinics. They promoted exclusive breastfeeding until
children were aged 6 months and gave families some recipes for healthy foods made from
local products.

By 2009, health indicators had improved. Life expectancy in the province was 71 years
(both genders) compared to 56 years nationally. The maternal death rate had decreased
from 218 per 100 000 live births in 1998 to 110 per 100 000 in 2009; the infant mortality
rate was 2.4% compared with a national average of 8%. The rate of exclusive
breastfeeding at 4 months of age increased from 28% in 1999 to 66.2% in 2004. Finally,
94% of the population now lived within 5 kilometres or 60 minutes’ walk to a fixed health

1. Why did Sayaboury Province receive development assistance?
2. How many organisations assisted Sayaboury Province in 1996?
3. List three ways in which health had improved by 2003.
4. What did Save the Children do to improve children’s health?
5. What does 2.4 % refer to?

c) Check your answers with someone else and then with the class.

102for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module102
Unit 9: Development assistance Unit 9: Development assistance

a) Brainstorm: What does your province grow? Work in groups of four. Write your
answers below.


b) Survey: What do you grow in your province and what do you export? Walk around and
ask four other people the following questions.
Write the answers in the table below. 1 is done as an example.
1. What province are you from?
2. What does your province grow?
3. What agricultural products does your province export?
4. Where does it export them?
No Name Province Agricultural Exports Where?
. products
1 Somchai Champasack coffee, rice coffee Thailand

c) Conversation: In small groups, talk about what you have found out in your survey.
As you listen, use strategies to check your understanding and to show interest in the

Topic: Grow and export Conversation strat egies

Talk about what you have found about the Did you know that …..?
agricultural products and exports of the I found out that ………..?
different provinces.
Did you say that …..?
Listeners check understanding Sorry, what did you say?
Could you say that again, please?

That’s interesting
Show interest
Also, ………
Add information Yes, and did you know that……?

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Module 22
Unit 9: Development assistance

d) Complete the following text about Sayaboury . Use ‘because’ , ‘so’ and the past tense of
the verbs below.

need build receive help train

In 1996 Sayaboury (1)………………. development assistance from several

international organisations (2)………………… the people needed health services,
hospitals and schools.

The districts in the north of the province are the poorest (3)……………………… they
(4)……………………….. the most assistance. UNDP(5) ……………...……….. roads
and irrigation systems(6) ………………….…. people can grow and export more
agricultural products. UNICEF (7)………..……………………………….….. develop
schools and (8)……………………...….primary school teachers(9) …………………
more children can go to school. The Japanese government built more hospitals(10)
…………………………... there were not enough hospitals.

Check the answers with the class

a) Group presentation preparation: Work in groups of 4 or 5 to prepare a presentation
about a province. Use information from your discussions, the survey and your own
knowledge to help you do this.
b) Choose a province that you know something about. Brainstorm information about the
province. Write them under the correct headings below:

Background Needs Current projects Future projects and/ or Exports

information and/or development development assistance to
on province assistance partners partners where?

c) Decide how to present the information in order. Make some notes.

If you need any visual aids, e.g. maps, charts or pictures, find them or make them before
you give your presentation.
Decide who will present the information to the class. Practice your presentation.

104for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module104
Unit 9: Development assistance Unit 9: Development assistance

d) Group presentation: Each group presents their information to the class. Other groups
listen for the following information and write the answers below.

Information to listen for:

What province is the group talking about?
Where is the province?
What is one of its development needs?
What is one of its current projects?
What is one of the development assistance partner organizations working in that
What is one future project the province will have?
What is one of the province’s export products?
Where do they export to?

Report back after each presentation: After the presentations, check your answers with
the rest of your group, then with the whole class.

e) When all the presentations are completed, divide into four groups.
Each group chooses one of the topics below.
1. Exports
2. Development needs
3. Types of projects
4. Development assistance partners

f) Brainstorm all the words you can think of associated with your group’s topic. Write
them on a piece of paper. Put up the paper on the classroom walls so that everyone can
see it. Walk around and read the other group’s ideas. If you don’t know some of the
words, ask “Excuse me, what does ……… mean?”

Individual writing
Write about 100 words the province your group has chosen for your presentation. Use the
text about Sayaboury as a model and use information from your group presentation.
Further practice
a) Swap texts with a partner. Read each other’s texts. You can ask questions to find out
more information.
e.g. When will UNDP assist with education?
Why does Sayaboury need more schools?

b) Check your partner’s text for grammar and spelling.

105105 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 10:Tourist

Unit 10 Tourist attractions

In this unit you will:

 Participate in a dialogue about places to visit in Laos
 Practice asking for and making suggestions
 Read a tourist brochure about a province and its tourist attractions
 Read a report about a province and its tourist attractions
 Talk about different Lao festivals, events and national holidays
 Read a description of a Lao festival
 Write a description of a Lao festival

Language focus:
 First conditionals (If he comes to school early, he will understand the lesson well.)
 There is/ there are
 Prepositions of time: in, on, at
 Present perfect tense

accommodation ບອ
ຸ່ ນຢູຸ່ damage ຄວາມເສຍຫາຍ ັ ັ້
rocket festival ບນບງໄຟ
acknowledged ເປັນທີຸ່ ຍອມຮ ັບ declare ແຈງ,
ັ້ ບອກໃຫຮ
ັ້ ູັ້ scattered ແຕກຫືຢາຍກະຈ ັກ
agricultural products ຜະລິດ delicious ແຊບຫາຍ ກະຈາຍ
ຕະພ ັນກະສິກາ dolphin ປາໂລມາ, ປາດ ົນຝິນ stupa ທາດ
attraction ດງດູດຄວາມສ ົນໃຈ event ເຫດການ ັ້ ດ
suggestion ຂຄ ິ ເຫັ ນ
ັ້ ລະເບີດ
bombing ການຖິມ export ສຸ່ງົ ສິນຄາັ້ ອອກ
surprise ຄວາມຕືຸ່ ນ, ຄວາມປະ
burial rituals ພິທີຝ ັງສ ົບ ັ້
happen ເກີດຂນ
celebrate ສະຫອງ massage clinics ຄຣີນກ
ິ ນວດ
tourist ນ ັກທອ
ຸ່ ງທຽຸ່ ວ
commerce hub ສູນກາງການຄາັ້ mystery ຄວາມລກລ ັບ
unexploded bombs ລະເບີດບຸ່
competition ການແຂງຸ່ ຂ ັນ national holiday ວ ັນພ ັກແຫງຸ່ ຊາດ ທັນແຕກ
complex ຫຍງັ້ ຍາກ, ສ ັບສ ົນ parade ການແຫຂ
ຸ່ ະບວນ unique ມີຢອ
ຸູ່ ັນດຽວໃນໂລກ
contact ການຕິດຕຸ່ ພ ົວພ ັນ relaxing atmosphere ບ ັນຍາກາດ World Heritage site
ພ ັກຜອ
ຸ່ ນຢອ
ຸ່ ນອາລ ົມ ສະຖານທີຸ່ ມລະດ ົກໂລກ

106for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module106
Unit 10: Tourist attractions Unit10: Tourist attractions

Unit 10 Tourist attractions

a) Look at the picture and discuss with a partner:
Have you ever been to these places? Match the pictures with the places. Write the name
of a place under each picture.

a. Xiengthong temple b. Thatluang Stupa c. Wat Phou Champasack d. Plain of Jars

1. ……………………………... 2. ……………………..………

3. ……………………………... 4. ………………....………….

b) Group work: In small groups discuss interesting places to visit in Laos. Tell the class
where your group would advise a foreign visitor to go and give reasons.

c) Listen to the dialogue and then work with a partner to ask and answer the questions
below. Do not read while you listen. You can listen to the dialogue up to 3 times.
1. Where is Champasack?
2. How can you get there?
3. How long does it take to get there?
4. What is there to see in Champasack?

107107 English
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Lao Government
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Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 10:Tourist

d) Listen to the dialogue again and complete it. Check the answers with your teacher.
Julie: Khamsene, I have a week’s holiday soon. Where’s a good place to go?
Khamsene: Well, you could go to Luang Prabang. It’s always interesting there.
Julie: Mmm
Khamsene: Or you could go to Champasack ____________. It’s an interesting
province. Wat Phou, a temple that is older than Angkor Wat, is located
in Champasack.
Julie: Sounds interesting.
Khamsene: If you go to Champasack this month, you will see ________________.
Julie: Oh? How can I get to Champasack?
Khamsene: Well, you could go __________________ or ___________________.
Julie: If I go by bus, how long will it take?
Khamsene: It usually takes about ______________, but sometimes it takes longer
because some part of the road from Borikhamxay to Khammouan is
under the reconstruction and some part from Savannakhet to Pakse’s as
Julie: Really? Twelve hours!
Khamsene: Yes, But if you go by plane, it takes only ________________.
Julie: I see.

Speaking practice
a) Follow the record and repeat each phrase or sentence of the dialogue.
b) Practice the dialogue in pairs. Practice it until you can say it without looking at your
Further practice
a) Pair work: Find phrases in the dialogue that match 1-3 below.
1. Asking for suggestions:

2. Making suggestions:

3. Explaining what will happen:


108for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module108
Unit 10: Tourist attractions Unit10: Tourist attractions

b) (Optional) Pair Work: Look at a brochure, pamphlet or website on a tourist destination

in another country. Write a dialogue similar to the one above referring to the places you
would visit in another country.

Grammar note: First conditionals

The first conditional is used to express a possible situation and its result.
Possible situation result

Example: If you go to Pakse by bus, it will take about 12 hours.

If +S+ Present Simple tense + S+will + verb
Example: If you go to Pakse, you’ll see Wat Phou. (Spoken language)
If you go to Pakse, you will see Wat Phou. (Written language)

c) Find and underline the if sentences in the dialogue and write them below.

.………………. …………………………………………..……………………………..
d) Class work: First read the mini-dialogues below. Then listen and repeat each phrase or
sentence of the mini-dialogues.
A: Where’s a good place to stay in Luang Prabang?

B: You could stay at the Phou Si Hotel.

A: Where’s a good place to be at Lao New Year?

B: Well, if you stay in Vientiane, you’ll get invited to a lot of parties, but if you go to
Luang Prabang, you’ll see the Nang Sang Khane parade.

A: How can I get to Savannakhet?

B: You could go by bus or plane. If you go by plane, it’ll take only one hour. If you
go by bus, it’ll take 8 hours.

A: How long does it take to get to Thakhek?

B: It usually takes about 3 hours, but sometimes it takes longer in the rainy season.

109109 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 10:Tourist

a) Do you know these words? Match the English with Lao words. Then check with your
classmates. Number 4 is done as an example.

a. National Games …….… 1. ສຸ່ ງົ ເສີມ

b. competition ……… 2. ລະຄອນສ ັດ
c. professional sports ັ້ ຸ່ ີ ມກເລື
……… 3. ຜູທ ັ ັ້ອງຕືຸ່ ນເຕັັ້ນ
d. boost …b… 4. ການແຂງຸ່ ຂ ັນ
e. enthusiasts ……… 5. ກິລາອາຊີບ
f. performance ……… 6. ການສະແດງ/ການປະຕິບ ັດ
g. circus ……… 7. ພິດເສດ/ປະຫາດ
f. extraordinary ……… 8. ນ ັກສະແດງກ ົນ
g. acrobats ……… 9. ນ ັກຕະຫກ
ົ ຊາຍ
h. magician …….…10. ມະຫາກາກິລາແຫງ
ຸ່ ຊາດ
i. comedian …….…11. ນ ັກກາຍຍະກາ

a) Listen to what events are on in Oudomxay in the year 2014. Complete the missing
information of the events below. You can listen to the text up to 3 times. After listening,
check your answers with a partner and then with the class.

What’s On

1. National Games in Oudomxay

The northern province of Oudomxay will host the National Games with 25 different
sports involved in the competition. The games will help to………………….. Lao
professional sports and boost local development and tourism in the province. It is
expected to draw ……………………………. of sports enthusiasts, players and
visitors to the province.

When: The games will run from…………………………………….. The official

opening ceremony is on the first day.

How to go: Visitors from Vientiane can get there by airplane or by bus from the
Northern Bus Station.

110for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module110
Unit 10: Tourist attractions Unit10: Tourist attractions

2. Circus to mark Lao National Day

To help celebrate the 39th anniversary of Lao National Day (December 2), there will
be friendship circus performances including Lao and Vietnamese acrobats.
Audiences will witness extraordinary, exciting and amazing acts
with…………………….., magicians, comedians and performers

Date: November 25-30 at 7pm for weekday shows Saturday will have three shows
each at 9:30 am, 3:30 and 7:30.

Place: The National Circus Theatre in Savang Village, Chanthabouly district,

Vientiane, ……………………………. are to be announced.

Contact: 020 2241 1201 or 020 5542 7837

Adapted from Vientiane Times, Friday November 21, 2014

b) Work in pairs: ask each other questions about the text.

1. How many types of sports are there in the National Games?

2. List the names of each sport.
3. Why does the friendship circus organized?
4. What are the benefits of organizing the friendship circus?
5. What do you think about the job of the magicians?

Grammar note: There is / There are

There is / There are and have both mean ´ó in Lao, but they are not the same.
Have must have a subject
Example: (subject)
Vientiane has a boat racing festival in October.
We have a holiday next week.

There is and there are don’t need a subject (there takes the place of the subject)

Example: There is a boat racing festival in October.

There is a holiday next week.
There are two festivals in my province in October.

111111 English
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Module 22
Unit 10:Tourist

Follow-up tasks
a) Write about ‘What’s on in Vientiane Capital from Vientiane Times and Sethakhit
newspapers using there is / there are, and information from the listening.
b) Group work: Work in groups of four to discuss when these festivals or national holidays
are held. Write the month and / or dates to complete the information below.

Labor’s Day is ……………………………………………...……….……..

Lao New Year is …………………………………………………....…......

Boat Racing Festival is ……………………………………………...……..

That Luang Festival is ………………………………………………..…....

Lao National Day is ……………………………………………….…...….

Buddhist Lent is ……………………………………………………..…....

Children’s Day is …………………………………………………….…....

Teacher’s Day is …… …………………………………………………..…

Labor’s Day is ……………………………………………………………..

Woman’s Day is …………………………………………………….....….

c) Discuss among the group members about the activities people do in each festival or
national holiday and then share your group’s information with the other group
d) Work in pairs. Match the phrases below with the language from a to j. Check the
answers with the class.

Topic: Talking about a holiday trip

1. ………. Ask for suggestions about where to go.
2. ………. Suggest where to go.
3. ………. Show interest.
4. ………. Ask how to get there.
5. ………. Suggest and explain alternatives about transport.
6. ………. Show interest and ask about things to see.
7. ………. Suggest what to see.
8. ………. Show interest and ask about accommodation.
9. ………. Suggest and explain alternatives about accommodation.
10. ………. Show interest.

112for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module112
Unit 10 Tourist attractions Unit10: Tourist attractions

1. If you stay in a ………..……., it’ll …….……….., or, if you stay in a …………….,
it’ll .........................………………
2. How can I get there?
3. You could go to see……………………..….. or …………………………………
4. Sounds interesting.
5. If you go by ……………………….., it’ll take ………………………, or if you go
by……….………………….., it’ll take …………………..………………
6. That sounds interesting. And where's a good place to stay?
7. Where’s a good place to go for…………………………….?
8. I see. And is there anything interesting to see?
9. Really?
10. You could go to ………….…..…….. or you could go to ……………………….
a) Conversation: In pairs, have a conversation about a trip in Laos. Take turns to be the
one who wants to go on holiday somewhere. Ask your partner for his/her advice about
where to go.
Your partner makes suggestions and explains alternatives on where to go, how to get
there, what to see and where to stay. The listener shows interest and keeps the
conversation going by using the strategies below.

Topic: A holiday trip in Laos Conversation strategies

One person asks for suggestions about That sounds interesting

where to go. Really?
Speaker makes suggestions and explains Yes?
alternatives about where to go, how to get
there, and what to see. Oh?
Listener shows interest as the speaker Mmm?

a) Brainstorm: Work as a whole class. What do you know about cultural attractions for
tourists in Laos? Write down your ideas.
…….…. temple


113113 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit10: Tourist attractions
Unit 10 Tourist attractions

Practice 1
a) Work in groups of three, each one reads the texts about Lao cultural attractions below
and then report each other the main idea of each text.
Cultural attractions for tourists in Laos

Phra That Luang

In this most Buddhist of nations, it is no
surprise that temples are a key attraction.
In the capital city of Vientiane, the three-
layered gilded stupa of Phra That Luang is
the national symbol and most important
religious monument in the country, dating
from the 16th century. There are numerous
other beautiful temples which on their own
make a stay in the capital city really good
for any visitor to Laos.
The Plain of Jars near Phonsavan
The Plain of Jars is a landscape dating
from the Iron Age. Thousands of stone jars
are scattered over a large area of the low
foothills near Phonsavan. The main theory
is that the jars formed part of Iron Age
burial rituals in the area, but no one know
for sure and a great deal of mystery
remains. The area suffered damage from
American bombing during the secret war
of the 1960s, and many unexploded bombs
remain. It is very likely this will be
declared a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Wat Phou
This is a ruined Hindu Khmer temple
complex in Champasack Province. It dates
from the 12th century and it is an
important historic and cultural site and was
acknowledged by UNESCO (United
Nations Educational Scientific and
Cultural Organisation) as the second World
Heritage site in Laos on 14 December
2001. Every year in February, Wat Phou
Festival is held at the ruins. It is a three-
day festival, which includes elephant
racing, cock fighting and performances of
traditional Lao music and dancing.

114for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module114
Unit 10: Tourist attractions Unit10: Tourist attractions

Practice 2
a) Read the text and complete the table below using information from the text about
Champasack and check the answers with the class
Champasack Province
Champasack Province is located in the southern part of the country, and shares borders
with Thailand to the west, and Cambodia to the south. It is the third biggest province in
Laos, with a population of over 640 000, including Lowland Lao, Highland Lao, Khmers
and many unique ethnic minority groups. It has an area of 15 415 square kilometers. The
province is also famous for the production of Lao coffee, tea, rattan and other agricultural
produces. The capital city is Pakse.

The easiest way to get to Champasack is to fly to Pakse, but you can also go by road.
Pakse is about 12 hours drive from Vientiane. From Pakse you can travel by road to other
places in the province of Champasack.

Pakse (Pakxe) is the capital city of Champasack Province of southern Laos, and the fourth
largest town in the country. It is as a major transport and commerce hub for southern Laos.
If you plan to go to the Bolaven Plateau, Wat Phou, Si Phan Don (4,000 Islands), the Xe
Pian National Protected Area, or Lao Ngam and Tad Lo (water fall) in neighboring
Salavan Province. Pakse is an ideal base. The city has friendly locals with its relaxing
atmosphere on the Mekong and Sedone Rivers. There are riverside restaurants and bars,
and numerous massage clinics.

There are also many tourist attractions in Champasack. In the south there is the Khon
Phapeng Waterfall, the largest waterfall in Asia. It is also known as the “Niagara Falls of
the East’. Near the group of Four Thousand Islands (Si Phan Don) on the Mekong River,
you may see the fresh water dolphins living in the river. They can be sighted during the
dry season. Two hours drive east of Pakse is the coffee growing region of the Bolaven
Plateau. They grow delicious coffee there and export it to many countries.

Adapted from ‘The Official Lao PDR Tourism Guidebook 2008’





How to get there:

Tourist Attractions:

115115 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
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Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 10:Tourist

b) Work in pairs to ask each other about the text. Follow the example below.
A: Can you tell me what countries Champasack shares the border with?
B: Yes, Laos shares the borders with ………………………………..…….……….
A: How many people are there in Champasack Province?
B: …………………………………………………………………………………….
A: What are the tourist attractions in Champasack?
B: ……………………………………………………………………………………..……………….

a) Work in pairs to tell each other about the favorite place you have been to recently. Take
note while your partner is telling you about the place he/she has been to.
e.g. I’ve been to WatPhou. There are……………….. etc.

Grammar note: Present perfect tense.

1. We use present perfect to describe past actions that are connected the present. Very
often they happen in a time period that is not finished.
I’ve sent about ten e-mails (so far today)
I’ve owned
. three computers (in my life)
I haven’t written any letters (this week)
We also use: ever, never, just, yet, since, for and already with present perfect tense.
We do not say exactly when these things happened with the Present perfect-it is not
2. We form the Present perfect with have/has + past participle.
a. Regular past participle: verb + ed
I’ve watched TV for fifteen hours this week.
b. Irregular past participle: made, sent, written, read
He had read about 4 storybooks since this morning.

b) Find the past participle of the verbs below.

Verbs Past Participle Verbs Past Participle
1. lose ……………… 7. travel ………………
2. forget ……………… 8. visit ………………
3. have ……………… 9. receive ………………
4. pay ……………… 10. buy ………………
5. check ……………… 11. take ………………
6. leave ……………… 12. keep ………………

116for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module116
Unit 10: Tourist attractions Unit10: Tourist attractions

c) Use present perfect to make true sentences for you. Use ever, never, just, yet, since, for
and already in your sentences.
1. Send message in English
2. Eat out
3. Visit a famous place
4. Have a virus on your computer

Writing practice
a) Write about your favorite place you have been visited to promote it as the tourist
sightseeing in your notebook.

You can use the following points as a guide for your writing:
- The name of a place and its attraction (its beauty, location, size)

- How to get there and the accommodation for the visitor

- The activities, food and drink

Eg. VangVieng is a small town in Vientiane province. It is situated on the Xong river and
the town is surrounded by the mountains. …..etc.

b) Exchange your writing with your classmate sitting next to you to check any mistakes,
discuss with each other for unclear information.

c) Edit your writing for a final draft and then rewrite it in a big piece of paper and stick it
on the wall so other students can read it.

117117 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 11:Tourism
Unit11: Tourism

Unit 11 Tourism

In this unit you will:

 Participate in a dialogue about a trip to Champasack Province
 Give opinions and suggestions
 Give advice to tourists about what to do and what not to do in Laos
 Read newspaper articles about tourism in Laos
 Write short reports about a festival or holiday in Laos

Language focus:

 Simple past tense of verb ‘to be’

 Modals- ‘should’ and ‘should not’
 Comparative and superlative adjectives
 Present perfect tense


announce ປະກາດ, ແຈງັ້ danger ອ ັນຕະລາຍ

ancient place ສະຖານທີຸ່ ບູຮານ enough ພຽງພ

authority ອານາດການປົກຄອງ further up ສຸ່ງົ ຂນ

ັ້ ໄປ

boat racing ບນຊວ

ຸ່ ງເຮືອ ັ້ ,ູັ້ ແຈງໃຫ
inform ບອກໃຫຮ ັ້ ຮັ້ ູັ້

celebrate ສະຫອງ monkຄູບາ, ພະ, ນ ັກບວດ

contact ການຕິດຕຸ່ ພ ົວພ ັນ pleasureຄວາມດີໃຈ, ຄວາມຍິນດີ, ຄວາມພໃຈ

crop ພືດຜ ົນລະປູກ ູ ົນເຈົາັ້ ເດ!

Poor you!ເປັນຕາອິດຕ

crowd ກມຸ່ ຄ ົນ, ຝູງຊ ົນ religious ceremony ພິທີສະຫອງບນສາດສະໜາ

ັ ັ້
rocket festival ບນບງໄຟ What a pain! ເປັນຕາເຈັບແສບເດ!

tourism ການທອ
ຸ່ ງທຽຸ່ ວ What a pity! ເປັນຕາອີຕ ົນເດ!
That’s awful/terrible! ໂອເປັນຕາຢາັ້ ນແທ!ັ້ What a shame! ເປັນຕາເສຍດາຍເດ!

118for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module118
Unit 11: Tourism Unit11: Tourism

Unit 11 Tourism

In this unit you will:

 Participate in a dialogue about a trip to Champasack Province
a) Brain
Give storming.
opinions and suggestions
 Work in group.
Give advice Make aabout
to tourists list of some
what famous
to do places
and what nottotovisit
do ininLaos
Laos and then share the
group’s list with the class.
 Read newspaper articles about tourism in Laos
 Write short reports about a festival or holiday in Laos

Language focus: Famous places

 Simple past tense of verb ‘to be’

 Modals- ‘should’ and ‘should not’
b) Listen to the conversation
Comparative andadjectives
and superlative then answer the following questions.
1. Whatperfect
 Present are thetense
recommended places?
2. Where does Julie want to go?
3. Is it far from Vientiane?

announce ປະກາດ, ແຈງັ້ danger ອ ັນຕະລາຍ

ancient place ສະຖານທີຸ່ ບູຮານ enough ພຽງພ

authority ອານາດການປົກຄອງ further up ສຸ່ງົ ຂນ

ັ້ ໄປ

boat racing ບນຊວ

ຸ່ ງເຮືອ ັ້ ,ູັ້ ແຈງໃຫ
inform ບອກໃຫຮ ັ້ ຮັ້ ູັ້

celebrate ສະຫອງ monkຄູບາ, ພະ, ນ ັກບວດ

contact ການຕິດຕຸ່ ພ ົວພ ັນ pleasureຄວາມດີໃຈ, ຄວາມຍິນດີ, ຄວາມພໃຈ

crop ພືດຜ ົນລະປູກ ູ ົນເຈົາັ້ ເດ!

Poor you!ເປັນຕາອິດຕ

crowd ກມຸ່ ຄ ົນ, ຝູງຊ ົນ religious ceremony ພິທີສະຫອງບນສາດສະໜາ

ັ ັ້
rocket festival ບນບງໄຟ What a pain! ເປັນຕາເຈັບແສບເດ!

tourism ການທອ
ຸ່ ງທຽຸ່ ວ What a pity! ເປັນຕາອີຕ ົນເດ!
That’s awful/terrible! ໂອເປັນຕາຢາັ້ ນແທ!ັ້ What a shame! ເປັນຕາເສຍດາຍເດ!

119 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 11:Tourism
Unit11: Tourism

Julie is asking Soumaly about famous places in Laos

Julie: Soumaly, can you recommend me some famous places to visit?

Soumaly: Yes, I would like to see temples, or waterfalls, or an ancient place.
Julie: Well, I am interested in visiting a beautiful ancient place.
Soumaly: I recommend Vat Sene in Luang Prabang Province and Wat Phou in
Champasack Province.
Julie: I am interested in visiting Wat Phou.
How far is it from Vientiane Capital?
Soumaly: It’s about 750 kilometers.
Julie: How can I get there?
Soumaly: By plane, car or bus.
Julie: Thanks Soumaly for you recommendation.
Soummaly: It’s my pleasure.

Practice asking and answering questions with your partner. One person plays the role of
Julie and the other Soummaly. You can put your own places in the conversation.

a) Use your own name and place to make up a new conversation and then practice it in
pairs until you can remember.
b) Hold the conversation in front of the class without looking at the paper or the textbook.

a) Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentences below. Do not read while you are
You can listen to the dialogue up to 3 times.
1. KongLor Cave was ……………………………………….……..…………………..

2. There were enough ………………………………………….……………..……….

3. Julie found a room in a …………………………………………...………………..

4. The guest house was very …………....…. but the food was very ………..……..

5. Julie thinks they should ……………………………………………………...…….

6. The ……….….…… authorities should provide more information on what to

…………...………. in Champasack and how to ………..….…………. there.

120for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module120
Unit 11: Tourism Unit11: Tourism

b) Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing information in the dialogue below. You can
listen to the conversation for up to three times.
A conversation between Khamsene and Julie about a place Julie has been to.
Khamsene: How was your trip to Champasack, Julie?
Julie: Well, Khone Phapeng Waterfall was _________________, and Wat Phou
was very interesting, and there were enough ____________________.
Khamsene: Oh! Please tell me more!
Julie: First, I went to a hotel, but there wasn’t any room available. So I went to a
big guest house, but it was full too.
Khamsene: Oh dear!
Julie: So, finally, I found a room in ___________________________, but it
wasn’t ________________ and the food was very ______________.
Khamsene: Oh, what a pity!
Julie: Yes, I think they should _____________________________________.
Khamsene: Yes, I think so too.
Julie: Also, there wasn’t enough information for tourists about what to see in
Champasack, and how to ________________________________ there.
Khamsene: Really? I think the ____________ authorities should provide more
Julie: Yes, I agree with you. Anyway, let’s have a coffee, and you can tell me
about what’s happening here.
c) Listen to the dialogue again and complete it. Check the answers with the teacher.
d) Listen and repeat.
e) Practice the dialogue in pairs.

121121 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 11:Tourism
Unit11: Tourism

Grammar note: Reminder - simple past tense of verb ‘to be’

Present Past
is was
isn’t wasn’t
are were
aren’t weren’t

a) Read the dialogue. Underline the sentences that have the simple past tense of the verb
‘to be’.
b) Rewrite the sentences below using simple past tense of the verb ‘to be’:
1. There aren’t enough hotel rooms in Champasack.
2. The guest house is very clean.
3. The food isn’t expensive.
4. There is enough information for tourists.
5. There are enough places to eat.

Strategy note: Responses to negative statements

To show interest in what people are saying about problems they have, you can use
the following responses.

Oh dear! That’s awful/terrible!

What a pity! What a shame! What a pain! (colloquial)
Oh, no! Poor you!

a) Work alone: Read the dialogue. Underline where Khamsene uses these responses.
Practice saying these responses.

122for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module122
Unit 11: Tourism Unit11: Tourism

Grammar note: Modals- ‘should’ and ‘should not’

Should and shouldn’t are used to give advice on how to do thing appropriately.
Eg: You should wear long trousers to a temple.
You shouldn’t touch Lao people on the head.

Should is used to politely say what needs to be done.

Eg: Officials should give tourists more information.
They should build more hotels.

Other modals like must and have to are used to tell someone the necessity of doing
Eg: You have to take off your shoes at the temple.
A woman mustn’t touch a monk.

b) Work alone: In the dialogue Julie and Khamsene are:

 giving opinions
 saying what they think needs to be done
 agreeing

Read the dialogue again and underline the parts where they do these.

c) Pair work: Practice these mini-dialogues with a partner. Practice them until you can say
them without looking at your book.
A: I think more tourist information should be made available in the provinces.
B: I agree with you.
A: I think food shouldn’t be so expensive during festivals.
B: I think so too.
A: I think the tourist authority should inspect the cleanliness and service of those
hotels and guest houses.
B: I agree with you.

123123 English
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Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 11:Tourism
Unit11: Tourism

a) Match the name of the places with the right pictures.

The Plain of Jars That Luang Stupa Phou Si That Ing Hang

(a)……………………........ (b)…….....….……………

(c)……………......……..…. (d) ……………….....…....

Listening task
a) Listen to the following monologues from 1-4 and write the name next to each one
Monologue 1: …………………….…………………………….

Monologue 2: ………………….……………………………….

Monologue 3: …………………………………………………..

Monologue 4: …………………………………………………..

a) Look at the tape scripts of each place at the back of the book and then choose two places
to make comparison between them. Look at the grammar note in the box provided
below to help you with the comparison sentence.
e.g: That Luang is older than That Ing Hang.
That Ing Hang is smaller than That Luang.

124for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module124
Unit 11: Tourism Unit11: Tourism

Grammar note: Comparative adjectives

Reminder: Adjectives with one syllable, add ‘er’ when you compare two things that
are not the same.
Eg: Vientiane is bigger than Pakse.
China is larger than Vietnam.

There are spelling rules when making change to the adjectives. Look back at Unit 8 to
review the spelling of comparative adjectives.

Adjectives with three syllables: Adjectives with three syllables do not change in their
spelling, but ‘more’ is used before the adjective in a comparative sentence.
Eg: Lao food is more delicious than French food.
Luang Prabang is more beautiful than Vientiane.

* Special case: ‘good’ and ‘bad’ change in special ways.

good – better
bad – worse

Eg: I speak Lao better than I speak French.

The road from Savannakhet to Pakse is worse than the road from Vang Vieng
to LuangPrabang.

a) Brainstorm: Work in small groups. What should the government do to promote the
National Games and ensure everything goes well? Write down your ideas.

National Game

125125 English
English for
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Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 11:Tourism
Unit11: Tourism

Reading practice
a) Work in group: Read the newspaper article about the Stupa Festival and answer the
questions below.

Taken from Vientiane Time, dated January 21, 2015

1. When and how long is the Stupa Festival organized?
2. Where is the Festival organized?
3. How can we get to the Festival?
4. What are other tourist attractions in Khammuan Province?
126for Lao Government Officials Module 2
English English for Lao Government Officials Module126
Unit 11: Tourism Unit11: Tourism

b) Work in group. Read the texts about Elephant and That Phonh Festivals. Answers the
questions for each text to help you summarize the main ideas of the festivals.

1. When and where is the
ElephantFestival held?
2. Why is it organised?
3. What can we do at the festival?

Xayaboury province will hold the 9th Elephant Festival next

month, to pay tribute to the Lao national symbol in a country
which is also known as The Land of Million Elephants. Activities
include making a Baci ceremony for elephants and feelding food
to elephants taking part in the event.
Where: Xayaboury district.
When: February 13-15.

province will hold
its annual Phra That Questions
Phonh Festival next
month. The stupa 1. When and where is the That Phon
was built in the 16th Festival held?
century and is one
of the most revered
2. How long is the Festival?
in the country. 3. What can we do at the festival?
ceremonies and
trade fair.
When: February 2-3

127127 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 11:Tourism
Unit11: Tourism

Reading practice

a) Read the text about the Rocket Festival and match the following parts to the correct
place in the text. Write the name of each part above the paragraph.
 Closing sentence(s) - How do people feel about the festival? How has it changed?
 Details- What happens? What do people do?
 Introductory sentence(s) -What is the festival called? When is it held? Why is it held?

Photos of the Rocket Festival

The Rocket Festival

1. ……………………………………………….
The Rocket Festival, or ‘Boun Bang Fai’, is an exciting, colorful and noisy festival held
at the end of the hot season, in about mid-May, every year. The purpose of the festival
is to ask gods for some rain. The rain is vital to growing rice and other crops. Villagers
launch rockets to the sky gods in the hope of receiving rain in return.

2. ………………………………………………….
In the morning, a religious ceremony is held at the village temple. By the afternoon, the
people start gathering in the nearby field to launch rockets made by the villagers. There
is a competition for the best rockets that can travel the furthest up in the sky. Men dress
as women to make the gods angry so that they would send rain. Playing Khene and
beating drums, groups of young men mingle with the crowd.

3. ……………………………………………
Boun Bang Fai is a traditional Lao festival still celebrated in various villages. But now
in the cities there are fewer Rocket Festivals because of the serious risk of having
houses and people living nearby hit by big rockets. Many visitors visiting Lao can
travel to villages outside Vientiane to enjoy the Rocket Festivals there.

128for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module128
Unit 11: Tourism Unit11: Tourism

b) Read the text again and answer the following questions:

1. When is the Rocket Festival held? ……………………………………………...........
2. What is the purpose of the festival? …………………………………….....................
3. What do the young men do during the festival?
4. Why are there fewer Rocket Festivals now?………………..........................….............

c) Check the answers with the class.

a) Group work: Work in small groups. What do you think of the rocket festival?
Summarize the group’s ideas on the festival and report to the class, including both
positive and negative points of view.

a) Short Presentation: Each person in the class prepares a five-minute presentation on the
festival or special day that he or she enjoys the most. Use the following questions to
help you with the preparation:

 What festival / special day did you write about?

 When and why is it held?
 What happens? What make you enjoy it?
 How did you celebrate it when you were a child?

e.g. We always went to the Boat Racing Festival. My family and I sat near the river all
day. We …………………….
Or I like Lao New Year the best because I have four-day holiday.

Writing practice
Uses the information above or choose any festival or special day in Laos to write about.
Make sure your writing includes these parts:
 Title
 Introductory sentence(s) - name of the festival or special day; and
- where or when or why it is held; who takes part.
 Details- what happens: preparations, ceremonies, food, clothes, performances
 Closing sentence(s) - your personal thought on the festival or special day;and
- potential changes of the way to celebrate.

129129 English
English for
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Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 11:Tourism
Unit11: Tourism

a) Use the following questions to guide you in finding out information about the festival:
 What is the festival?
 Where / when is it held?
 Who takes part?
 Why is it held?
 What happens at the festival? (Performances, special food, ceremonies)
 How do people feel about the festival?
 Do people enjoy it? Why?
 Is it celebrated in the same way as it used to be?
b) Exchange your writing with a student sitting next to you to compare the writing and
then hand in your writing to your teacher after completion.
Note: You may visit the following websites on the internet to collect any necessary
 http://www.visit-laos.com/sabbaidee/festivals.htm
 http://www.threeland.com/Laos_festivals_events.htm
 http://asiarecipe.com/laofestival.html
 http://www.vis.laopdr.com/llps/festivals_fold/festivals.htm

Learning Strategies: Thinking about writing

Look again at your writing for units 4, 5, 6 and 7. Then answer the following
1. What type of grammar mistakes do I often make?
2. Do I really understand how to use them correcly?

Simple present?, Simple past?, Present continuous? Future tense? Connectors?

1st conditional? There is / there are ? Comparative & superlative adjectives?
Adverbs of frequency and adverbial phrases? Modal verbs?
Other grammar items?

3. Do I use different conjunction? Yes / No

4. Do I write good introductory sentences? Yes / No
5. Do I use full stops and capital letters correctly? Yes / No
6. Do I use correct tenses? Yes / No
7. What kinds of books will help me improve my writing?
Which unit/ page/ exercise?
8. What else can I do to improve myself?

130for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module130
Unit 12: Travel abroad Unit12 Travel abroad

Unit 12 Travel abroad

In this unit you will:

 Participate in dialogue discussing travel plans.
 Read e-mail about travel arrangements.
 Listen to information about what must be done to prepare for a trip abroad.
 Read travel information about visas.
 Read information about airline tickets, boarding passes and flight schedules.
 Look at the custom procedures at the airport.
 Write e-mail about travel arrangements.

Language focus:
 Modals - ‘should’ and ‘could’
 Modals - spoken and written form
 ‘When’ and ‘where’ as sentence connectors

applicant ຜູສ
ັ້ ະໝກ
ັ fine (verb) ປັບໃໝ

ັ , ຄາຮອ
application ໃບສະໝກ ັ້ ງ flight number ຖຽັ້ ວບິນເລກທີ

baggage ຫີບ, ກະເປົາເດີນທາງ immigration ການເຂົັ້າເມືອງ

ັ້ ຫືເຂົັ້າເຮືອບິນ
board (verb) ຂນ luggage ຫີບເດີນທາງ
boarding pass ບ ັດຜາຸ່ ນເຂົັ້າເຄືຸ່ ອງບິນ overstay ຢູເຸ່ ກີນການ ົດ

check-in counter ບອ ັ້ ັ້ ຍ ົນ
ຸ່ ນແຈງປີ passenger ຄ ົນໂດຍສານ

country of residence ປະເທດꆵøÈ-¯½¥÷-®ñ- passport control ບອ

ຸ່ ນຄວບຄມປັດສະປ

customs ດາຸ່ ນພາສີ return ticket ປິັ້ ໄປ-ກ ັບ

departure gate ປະຕູຂາອອກໄປຫາເຄືຸ່ ອງບິນ routeເສັ ັ້ນທາງ, ສາຍ

departure ການອອກເດີນທາງ single ticket ປີັ້ ດຽຸ່ ວ (ປິັ້ ໄປຫືປີັ້ກ ັບ)

destination ຈດໝາຍປາຍທາງ transit ຜາຸ່ ນ/ປຽຸ່ ນຖຽັ້ ວບິນ

extend ຂະຫຍາຍອອກໄປ, ຍືດເວລາອອກ valid ຖືກຕອ

ັ້ ງຕາມກ ົດໝາຍ

extension ການຂະຫຍາຍ, ການຍືດເວລາ

131131 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 12: Travel abroad

Unit 12 Travel abroads

a) Group work: Find someone in your group who has:
1. Mr/Ms……………………….. been to Bangkok.

Why did he/she go there?

How did he/she get there?
2. Mr/Ms……………….............. travelled abroad by plane.
Where did he/she go?
How long did the flight take?

b) Survey: How would the individual(s) in your group like to travel? By car, bus, train or
plane? Why? Complete the chart below.
“How would you like to travel?” “Why”
Name Likes to travel by…. Why?

a) Listen to the dialogue and complete the chart below. You can listen to the dialogue

Transportation From Cost Travel time

Nong Khai

$ 30


132for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module132
Unit 12: Travel abroad Unit12 Travel abroad

Soumaly: Julie, Khamsene told me that both of you are going to a conference in
Bangkok next month.
Julie: Yes, we are.
Soumaly: Well, Khamsene’s visa is not required, so you don’t have to get one. I’m
also making the ___________and ______________bookings.
Julie: Oh, good. How are we getting there?
Soumaly: Well, if you go by from Nong Khai, it’ll take and
cost about ________________.Then you take a plane to Bangkok.
Julie: Mmm.
Soumaly: But if you ___________ it’ll take ________and cost about $30, and if
you __________, it’ll take an hour and cost______________ one way.
Julie: I see. Well…. Oh, excuse me, Khamsene. How do you think we should
get to Bangkok for the ____________________ next month?
Khamsene: Maybe we should go by___________, or ___________because you’ll
have a chance then to see a little of that part of Thailand. We could cross
the border early and have lunch and look around before leaving for
Julie: Yes, that’s a good idea. If we_______________ we’ll have time to visit
Nong Khai and Oudone Thani.
Khamsene: Sounds good. Soumaly, could you arrange for the tickets please?

b) Listen to the dialogue again and complete the dialogue. Check the answers with the
c) Listen and repeat.
d) Practice the dialogue in pairs.

Grammar note; Reminder - ‘should’

Should and shouldn’t are used to give advice about what is the correct thing to do.
e.g. You should book your train tickets a few days before you leave.
Should and shouldn’t are also used to politely say what you think needs to be done.
e.g. The hotel should make sure the rooms are clean.
Should and shouldn’t can also be used to make a suggestion when used with maybe.
e.g. Maybe we should go out for dinner tonight.

133133 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 12: Travel abroad

Grammar note: Reminder - ‘could’

“Could” can be used to politely request someone to do something.
e.g. Could you call the airline office for me?
“Could”can also be used to make a suggestion.
e.g. We could stay in a small guest house because they’re cheaper.

a) Work alone. Read the dialogue. Write the name of the person who is:
giving choices: ……………………………..…….
making suggestions: ……………………………..…….
asking for advice: ………………………………..….
agreeing: …………………………..……….
making a polite request: …………………….……….…….
b) Underline the parts of the dialogue that match these phrases and then write them below.
giving choices ………………………………………………….……………..….……
making suggestions ...……………………………..………………………………..…
asking for advice ………………………………………………….………………...…
agreeing …………………………………………...……………………………….…..
making a polite request ...………………………………………………..……....……
Check the answers with the class.

c) Pair work: Practice the mini-dialogues below until you can say them without looking at
your book.
A: If you go by train, it’ll be cheaper than by plane.
B: I see.
A: You could fly to Bangkok from Oudone Thani because it’s cheaper than from
B: Yes, that’s a good idea.
A: Maybe we should drive to Savannakhet.
B: No, it takes too long.
A: Where do you think we should stay?
B: I think we should stay in a small guest house.
A: Yes, I agree.
A: Could you book a hotel room for me in LuangPrabang, please?
B: Yes, of course.
134for Lao Government Officials Module 2
English English for Lao Government Officials Module134
Unit 12: Travel abroad Unit12 Travel abroad

d) Pair work: Julie wants to go to the Friendship Bridge to cross over to NongKhai. She
asks your advice on how and how much time to get there and its cost. Write few
sentences explaining some alternatives.
If you go by bus ……………………………………………..……………...…………
If you go by ……………………………….………………………………………...…
But if you ………………………………….………………………………………..…
Read your sentences to another pair.

a) Listen to your teacher and practice saying these times. Then write them in numbers,
e.g. two thirty p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
1. Four thirty p.m. ……………….
2. Eight fifteen a.m. ……………….
3. Nine forty-five p.m. ……………….
4. Six fifteen a.m. ……………….
5. Three forty-five p.m. ……………….
6. Seven thirty-five a.m. ……………….
7. Four fifty p.m. ……………….
8. Eight twenty a.m. ……………….
9. Two twenty-five p.m. ……………….
10. Nine forty a.m. ……………….
11. One fifty-five p.m. ……………….
b) Listen to what your teacher says and write down the time you hear.
e.g. You hear: Six thirty in the evening You write: 6:30 p.m.
c) Write these times using the 24-hour clock.
e.g. 7:30 p.m. - 19:30
8:15 p.m. - ………………….
3:15 p.m. - ………………….
9:30 p.m. - ………………….
10:45 p.m. - ………………….
6:45 p.m. - ………………….

135135 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 12: Travel abroad

Speaking practice
a) Listen to the conversation two times without reading through the conversation and then
answer the questions below.
1. When is Julie leaving for China?
2. What is her flight number?
3. What time does she have to leave for the airport?

b) Practice the conversation in pairs until you can remember the conversation and then you
can change your own name, country, time and date in the conversation.
c) Read out the conversation loud with your partner so the class can hear you.

Soumaly is asking Julie about her trip to the conference in China next week

Soumaly: Julie, when are you leaving for the conference in China?
Julie: I am leaving on Tuesday next week.
Soumaly: What’s the date?
Julie: On January, 31st.
Soumaly: Oh, so soon. What’s your flight number, then?
Julie: QV 235.
Soumaly: How long does the flight take? Is it a direct or indirect flight?
Julie: It’s a direct flight for 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Soumaly: What time do you have to be at the airport?
Julie: My flight leaves at 9:00 am so I have to be at the airport 2 hours before the
departure time.
Soumaly: Enjoy your trip!
Julie: Thank you.

a) Pair work:One person looks at ‘Ticket A’. The other person looks at ‘Ticket B’. Ask
each other questions to complete the missing information. Write down the missing
information in the spaces (……….) provided. When you have finished, check if the
tickets are the same.

136for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module136
Unit 12: Travel abroad Unit12 Travel abroad


NWA Confirmation No: 7XQEJN

Passenger Name E-Ticket Number Frequent Flyer Number
WEI/MING 0127203292118 ……………………..

Date: Flight: NW 70
Departs: Taipei-Chiang Kai Shek, Taiwan (TPE) at………………
Arrives: Osaka-Kansai Airport, Japan(KIX) at 12:00N
Class of Service: Economy Class (W) Seat: 36-F
Flight Duration:…………… Approximate Miles: 1,063
Meal Service: Breakfast Aircraft: Boeing 747-400

Date: Wednesday, February 13 Flight: …………………

Departs: Osaka-Kansai Airport, Japan (KIX) at 6:40PM
Arrives: Taipei-Chiang Kai Shek, Taiwan (TPE) at …………………………
Class of Service: Economy Class (W) Seat: ……………………
Flight Duration: 2 hours 15 minutes Approximate Miles: 1,063
Meal Service: ……………… 0 Aircraft: Boeing 747-40


NWA Confirmation No: 7XQEJN

Passenger Name E-Ticket Number Frequent Flyer Number
WEI/MING ………………… 003551487

Date: Monday, December 3 Flight:

Departs: Taipei-Chiang Kai Shek, Taiwan (TPE) at 8:30AM
Arrives: Osaka-Kansai Airport, Japan (KIX) at ……………………
Class of Service: Economy Class (W) Seat: ……………………
Flight Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes Approximate Miles: 1,063
Meal Service: ……………… Aircraft: Boeing 747-400

Date: …………………… Flight: NW 69

Departs: Osaka-Kansai Airport, Japan (KIX) at ……………………
Arrives: Taipei-Chiang Kai Shek, Taiwan (TPE) at 8:55PM
Class of Service: Economy Class (W) Seat: 43-G
Flight Duration: ……………… Approximate Miles: 1,063
Meal Service: Dinner Aircraft: Boeing 747-400

137137 English
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Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 12: Travel abroad

Further practice
a) Work alone: Find the answers to the following questions as quickly as you can, using
information from the Lao Airlines’ flight schedule on the next page.
1. How many flights are there per week from Vientiane to Bangkok?
2. What time does the flight leave for Bangkok on Monday?
3. What days are there flights to Phnom Penh?
4. What time does flight no. QV 921 arrive in Phnom Penh.
5. What time does flight no. QV 512 leave for Siem Reap.
6. What days can you fly from Vientiane to Hanoi?
7. What days are the flights to Chiang Mai?
8. What is the flight number of the flight to Kunming?
Lao Airlines – International Routes
Departures from Vientiane (VTE)

Destination Days Flight No. Departure time Arrival time

Bangkok (BKK) Daily QV 442 09.05 10.15
QV 415 19:00 20.05
Phnom Penh(PNH) Daily QV 921 11.45 13.15

Siem Reap(REP) Daily QV 512 06.30 09.25

Hanoi (HAN) QV 312 14.40 15.50

QV 920 20.05 21.05
Hochiminh QA 515 09.15 10.50

Singapore QV 535 15.40 19.40

Kunming (KMG) Daily QV 817 08.00 10.35

(Adapted from the Lao Airlines’ Flight Schedule, Dec. 2014)

Note 1=Monday; 2=Tuesday; 3=Wednesday; 4=Thursday; 5= Friday; 6=Saturday; 7=Sunday

b) Pair work: Take turns to ask each other questions about the flight schedule. Check your
answers with each other.

138for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module138
Unit 12: Travel abroad Unit12 Travel abroad

a) Match the verbs with the nouns.
Verbs Nouns
1 receive (a) a staff member
2 nominate (b) a visa
3 attend (c) a presentation
4 prepare (d) a trip
5 apply for (e) a conference
6 book (f) a fax/e-mail
7 organize (g) a ticket
b) Group work: In your group, who has been to a mass meeting or conference in another
city or abroad?
Find out: Where did they go?
What was the conference about?
What had to be arranged before they left?
Who was responsible for making their arrangements?

Grammar note: Modals – spoken and written form

Spoken Written
shouldn’t should not
mustn’t must not
don’t have to do not have to (I / you / we / they)
doesn’t have to does not have to(he / she)

a) Listen to the text about what Julie, Khamsene and Soumaly have to do in preparation for
the trip.
Tick () the things each person has to do. You can listen to the text twice.

Khamsene Julie Soumaly

prepare a presentation
contact UNDP
currency exchange
pay for tickets
leave Vientiane early

b) After listening, check your answers with a partner then with the whole class.

139139 English
English for
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Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 12: Travel abroad

a) Listen to the text again. Listen for what Julie has to do. Write ‘has to’, ‘doesn’t have to’
or ‘should’ in the chart on the previous page.
b) Write 3 sentences about what Julie has to do to prepare for the trip.
c) Work in pairs: A friend has an important trip to Europe next week. Give him/her advice
about what is needed to do before the trip. Use ‘should’, ‘must’, ‘have to’ and ‘mustn’t’,
e.g. ‘You should get a visa and should pack enough warm clothes.’
Tell the class 2 things on which you have given advice to your friend of what to do.
d) Work in groups: One member in your group is leaving to Australia next week. What
should you do if things go wrong? Take turns to ask and answer.
e.g. If your car breaks down on the way to the airport, you should take a taxi.
What should I do if … I lose my air tickets?
… I lose my passport?
… the airline loses my luggage?
… someone steals my wallet?
… I get sick?
… I miss my plane home?

a) Do you know the meaning of these words? Discuss with your group and then check the
meaning with your class.
application, fine, return ticket, valid, extend, fee, passenger, luggage, claim,
overstay, regulation, extension, transit, applicant, check-in counter, boarding pass,
passport control, departure hall, gate, customs, immigration, arrival card.
Skim the text about Laos’ tourist visa to find the answers to the questions only.
Do not read every word.
1. How long is the Lao tourist visa valid?
2. How much is the tourist visa for Canadians?
3. How much is the tourist visa for ASEAN member counties?
4. If you want a visa on arrival, can you pay by credit card?
5. How can you extend a tourist visa?
6. What happens if a tourist overstays their visa?
7. How much is the departure tax for tourists leaving Laos?

140for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module140
Unit 12: Travel abroad Unit12 Travel abroad

Laos Tourist visa

The 30 –day tourist visa for Laos can be issued at some entry points, via a travel agency or
through a Lao embassy or consulate. Via an embassy, the visa should cost between US$30
to US$37 depending on your nationality and the office you use. The fee for Canadians is
US$ 44.
Some nationalities, notably ASEAN members, may get a visa-free stay check with a Lao
consulate or embassy for the very latest information.
Visa on arrival may be obtained at various overland crossings between Laos and Thailand,
including the Huay Xai, Vientiane, Savannakhet, Thakhek and Songmek entry points. It is
also available at both Vientiane and Luang Prabang Airports (US$37, cash only, one
passport photo) and at Boten crossing with China and the main international crossing with
Visa on arrival is not available at Paksan crossing, but now obtainable at the popular
southern crossing from Cambodia.

Extending a tourist visa is straightforward and can be arranged at the immigration office in
Vientiane. An extension costs US$ 2-3 per day depending on whether you handle it
yourself or work through a travel agent, i.e., US$ 30 for extra ten days.

Validity issues
All tourist visas are single-entry only. The visa sticker for visas issued from an embassy
are full page, so bear that in mind if you do not have many pages left in your passport. No
big deal, if you want to stay in Laos longer than a month, you could leave for Thailand and
come back on a new tourist visa for another 30 days.
While it isn’t big deal to overstay a visa in Laos, at US$10 a day, it is expensive. If you’re
looking at an overstay of anything more than a couple of days, you’re better be off leaving
on time and coming back on another visa.
Things to watch out for
If you get your visa beforehand from a Lao embassy, it should be valid for 30 days, but
pay attention to the stamped visa because it may only be for 15 days instead.

Departure tax
There is no departure tax if using a land crossing, though on weekends and evenings you
may be required to pay a small “overtime fee”, generally no more than US$ 1. If you’re
flying out of Vientiane or Luang Prabang International Airport, there is a departure tax of
US$ 10, but as of early January 2009 this fee was included in the airline ticket, so no
longer does one need to pay in person at the airport.

141141 English
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Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 12: Travel abroad

Border crossings
For information on border crossings and to read traveller report, please see our Lao border
crossing page, or the exhaustive Border Crossing FAQ which includes reports from
travellers who have recently crossed.

a) Fill in the blanks with the words in the table below.
boarding pass customs gate departure
departure hall check-in counter arrival card
Things to do at the airport
You have to get to the airport about one and a half hours before the plane leaves when you
travel abroad because there are many things to do.
First you have to go to the ………………………………. to have your ticket checked and
your luggage weighed. The airline staff will give you your ……………………..…………
It will tell you what time to go to the boarding gate and board the plane.

You must fill in your…………………………… card before you go to passport control,

where your passport and boarding pass will be checked.

You should check your flight departure time and what ………………….. your plane
leaves from, on your boarding pass or on the TV monitors in the departure hall.

You should do all these things before your flight boarding time, so you can have some
time to shop or relax in the ………………………..……..

Also, you should go to the boarding gate on time, so that you do not miss your flight. Fill
in the …………………….…… when you have time during the flight. After you collect
your bags, you must go to…………….…………, where your bags may be inspected.

142for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module142
Unit 12: Travel abroad Unit12 Travel abroad

b) Check the answers with a partner and then with the class.
c) Complete the sentences below with the words/phrases from the text above.
1. If you want to extend your visa, it can be done at………………………………….
2. Visa on arrival is not available at ………………………………………………….
3. All tourist visas are ……………………………………………………… entry.
4. If you have an overstay, you need to pay…………………………………………
5. There is no …………………………………………… if using a land crossing.

Note: Time
When speaking, to make clear if a time is before or after noon, we add a.m or p.m.
after the time, e.g. See you at 9 p.m. on Tuesday.
Travel timetable and air tickets use the 24-hour clock system to make the travel
time clear.
e.g. 11 a.m . = 11:00
11 p.m. = 23:00
8 a.m. = 08:00
2 p.m. = 14:00

Grammar note: Connectors ‘when’, ‘where’

‘When’ and ‘where’ can be used to join two parts of a sentence.
You must go to passport control where your passport will be checked.
You have to get to the airport one and a half hours before the plane leaves when
you travel abroad.

d) Connect the sentences and phrases below with ‘when’ or ‘where’.

First go to the check-in counter. Your luggage will be weighed.
You can go to your hotel. You get your luggage and pass customs.
Go to the boarding gate. You are ready to get on the plane.
There is a coffee shop near the gate number 45. You can get something to drink there..

143143 English
English for
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Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 12: Travel abroad

a) Work alone: Look at the four boarding passes on the next page. Answer the questions
below using information from the boarding passes.
1. What is the Thai flight number from Sydney?
2. When is Mrs Keovongsa flying to Vientiane?
3. Who is going to Manila?
4. Where is Mr Meng going?
5. Which boarding gate is for Lao Aviation flight from Bangkok to Vientiane?
6. Where is Mr Warren traveling from?
7. What is Ms Wallis’s seat number?
8. What is the boarding time for the Singapore Airlines flight to Kuala Lumpur?
b) Pair work: Ask and answer more questions using information from the boarding
passes. Use the questions above as models.

Bangkok International Airport Sydney International Airport

Boa rd in g P a s s Boa rd in g P a s s




QV 425 Y 07 SEP TG 657 Y 21 JUN


21 1520 7D 24 0850 35F


144for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module144
Unit 12: Travel abroad Unit12 Travel abroad

Bangkok International Airport London Heathrow Airport

Boa rd in g P a s s Boa rd in g P a s s







SQ 157 Y 15 OCT BA 786 Y 09 DEC


12 1509 24E


145145 English
English for
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Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 12: Travel abroad

a) Pair work: Work with a partner to match the words below.

1. race ____ a. ທີຸ່ ຢູປ

ຸ່ ະຈບ ັນ
2. male ____ b. ອາຊີບ

3. female ____ c. ຈດປະສ ົງຂອງການຢຽັ້ ມຢາມ

4. occupation ____ d. ລາຍເຊັ ນ

5. class of visa ັ້ ຊາດ

__1_ e. ເຊືອ

6. date of issue ____ f. ປະເພດວິຊາ

7. date of expiry - ____ g. ເພດຍິງ

8. signature ____ h. ວ ັນໝ ົດອາຍບ ັດ

9. departure point ____ i. ວ ັນອອກບ ັດ

10.purpose of visit ____ j. ດາຸ່ ນຂາອອກ

11. country of residence ____ k. ເພດຊາຍ

a) Work in pairs: Fill in the arrival visa on the next page by using some of your
b) Work alone: Use your own personal information to complete the Lao departure and
arrival cards on the next page.

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English English for Lao Government Officials Module146
Unit 12: Travel abroad Unit12 Travel abroad

147147 English
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Lao Government
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Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 12: Travel abroad

Exchange your cards with your partner’s and then discuss with him/her about any confusing
information and then check with the whole class.

148for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module148
Unit 13: Capital cities Unit13 Capital cities

Unit 13 Capital cities

In this unit you will:

 Participate in a dialogue at the hotel.
 Fill in a hotel registration form.
 Ask for directions and follow them on a map.
 Listen to the information on where the hotel facilities are.
 Read instructions for using the hotel safe and a public phone.
 Read tourist information about Bangkok.
 Share information on other cities.
 Write about another city.

Language focus:
 What’s it like?
 Imperatives

air-conditioned ມີເຄືຸ່ ອງປັບອາກາດ porter ຄ ົນຂ ົນເຄືຸ່ອງ, ພະນ ັກງານຫິັ້ວກະເປົາ
card ບ ັດ reception ຫອ
ັ້ ງຮ ັບແຂກໃນໂຮງແຮມ
cash ເງິນສ ົດ receptionist ພະນ ັກງານຕອ
ັ້ ນຮ ັບ
ັ້ ອງຕິດໜີັ້ທຸ່ ີທະນາຄານອອກໃຫ ັ້
credit card ບ ັດຊືຂ relax ຜອ
ຸ່ ນຄາຍ,ພ ັກຜອ
ຸ່ ນ
department store ຮາັ້ ນສ ັບພະສິນຄາັ້ reservation ການຈອງທີຸ່
ຸ່ ພ ັກ/ ຫອ
ັ້ ງນອນ
double room ຫອ
ັ້ ງຄູຸ່ room service ພະແນກບລິການໃນໂຮງແຮມ
fresh ສ ົດ, ໃໝ,ຸ່ ສ ົດຊືຸ່ນ safe (noun) ຕູເັ້ ສັ ບ / ຕູນ
ັ້ ລ
ີ ະໄພ
gift ຂອງຂວ ັນ seafood ອາຫານທະເລ
jewelry ເຄືຸ່ ອງເພັ ດພອຍ sign (noun) ປັ້າຍ, ເຄືຸ່ ອງໝາຍ
lift (noun) ລິຟ, ຕູສ ັ້ ລ ົງຈາກຕກຊນ
ັ້ າລ ັບນາຄ ົນຂນ ັ ັ້ sign (verb) ລ ົງລາຍເຊັ ນ
ໜຸ່ ງໄປອີ
ຸ່ ັ ັ້ ຸ່ ງໃຊແ
ກຊນໜ ັ້ ທນຄ ັນໄດ single room ຫອ
ັ້ ງດຽຸ່ ວ
modern ສະໄໝໃໝ,ຸ່ ທັນສະໄໝ souvenir ຂອງທີຸ່ ລະລກ
money exchange ແລກປຽຸ່ ນເງິນ swimming pool ສະລອຍນາັ້
parking ບອ
ຸ່ ນຈອດລ ົດ wake-up call ໂທລະສ ັບເພືຸ່ອປກໃຫລ
ັ້ ກ
popular ເປັນທີຸ່ ນິຍ ົມກ ັນ, ມີຄ ົນມ ັກຫາຍ

149149 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 13: Capital cities

Unit 13 Capital cities

Introductory tasks
a) Pair work: Look at the picture and discuss:
1. Where do you think Julie and Khamsene are?
2. What do you think they are doing?

b) Pair work: Discuss with your partner the meanings of these words. Check the meanings
on the first page of the unit.

reservation single room double room

porter luggage fill in sign

150for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module150
Unit 13: Capital cities Unit13 Capital cities

c) Julie and Khamsene check in at the hotel. Listen to the dialogue and tick the sentences
you hear. You can listen to the dialogue twice.
1. Can I help you? 
2. What are your names? 
3. Do you have a reservation? 
4. We have a reservation. 
5. How long are your staying? 
6. Could you fill in these forms, please? 
7. Here are some forms. 
8. Could the porter take our luggage? 
9. The porter will take your luggage. 
10. Could you book a table for us at 8 pm, please? 
11. Could you book a taxi for us at 8 am, please? 
12. I’d like a wake-up call, please. 
13. I’d like to make a phone call. 
d) Listen to the dialogue again and complete the information below. Check the answers
with the teacher.

Receptionist: Good evening. ?

Julie: Good evening. My name is Julie Wilson. We
or two single rooms.
Receptionist: Yes, two single rooms for five nights. Is that right?
Julie: Yes, that’s right.
Receptionist: , and sign here.
(Julie and Khamsene fill in the hotel registration forms.)
Receptionist: Thank you. Here are your keys. Your rooms are on the third floor -
room 312 and 314. The
Julie: Thank you. for us at 8 am, please, to go to UNDP?
Receptionist: Yes, certainly. Do you need anything else?
Khamsenee: I’d like a , please?
Receptionist: Yes, at what time?
Khamsenee:: At 6:30 am.
Receptionist: Yes, I’ll book that.

151151 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 13: Capital cities

e) Read through the dialogue above and complete the information below.
Evergreen Laurel Hotel,
Reservation Information
Reservation: Yes

Name: Ms Julie Wilson

Number of nights:

Number of rooms:

Single / Double:

Room number(s):
Special requests: 1 ……………. Time: 8.00 am
2 Wake-up call Time: ……… (Room 314)

a) Listen to your teacher and repeat each phrase or sentence of the dialogue after him / her.
b) Practice the dialogue in groups of three. Take turns to play different role in the dialogue.

Pair work
a) Work in pairs: Take turns to be the guest and the hotel receptionist. Use the dialogue
above as an example and practice with a partner.
In your dialogue, use this information:
 Your own name
 One double room for 3 nights
 Ask the receptionist to book a table for you for dinner at 8 pm.
 Find out what time the restaurant opens for breakfast.
 Ask the receptionist to book a table for you for breakfast at 7:30 am.
Now, use another new set of information for practice:
 Your own name
 One double room for 2 nights
 Ask the receptionist to book the hotel meeting room the next day at 8:30 am.
 Find out what time the restaurant closes.
 Ask the receptionist to book a table for dinner at 7:30 pm.

152for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module152
Unit 13: Capital cities Unit13 Capital cities

b) Work alone: Fill in this hotel registration card with your own information.

Evergreen Laurel Hotel, Penang

53 Persia ran Gurney, 10250 George Town, Malaysia
Hotel Registration
Given name: ………………………………………………………………………..…
Family name: …………………………………………………………………………
Mr. Ms. Mrs. (Circle one)
Nationality: …………………………………………….……………………………..
Passport number: .……………………………………………………………….…
Occupation: ……………………………………………………………………………
Home Address: ………………………………………………………………………
City: ….………..………….….… Country: ………………………….….……..….
Coming from: …………………………………………………………………………
Going to: ……..……………………….…………………………………………….…
Date of arrival: ………………………………………………………………….……
Date of departure: …………………………………………………………………
Method of payment: (tick one)
 Cash
 Credit card

a) Pair work: Use the following sets of questions / responses, work with a partner to make
3 sets of dialogue for 3 different situations – “Going to the airport”, “Dinner at the
restaurant” and “Going to the Embassy”. Choose a suitable sentence / response from
each set to form a dialogue for each situation. Write down the dialogues below.

Set 1 When does the hotel bus leave for the airport?
What time does the restaurant open?
How far is the Australian Embassy?
Set 2 About 10 minutes by taxi from here.
At twelve fifteen.
At 6 p.m.
Set 3 Would you please ask a porter to collect my bags from my room at twelve?
Would you please book a table for five people at six thirty?
Would you please call a taxi for me?
Set 4 Certainly.
Of course.
Yes, I will.

153153 English
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Lao Government
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Module 22
Unit 13: Capital cities

b) Dialogue one: ‘Going to the airport’

e.g. A: When does the hotel bus leave for the airport?
B: At twelve fifteen.
A: ……………………………………………………………………………....
B: ……………………………………………………………………………....
c) Dialogue two: ‘Dinner at the restaurant”
A: ……………………………………………………………………………....
B: ……………………………………………………………………………....
A: ……………………………………………………………………………....
B: ……………………………………………………………………………....
d) Dialogue three: ‘Going to the embassy’
A: ……………………………………………………………………………....
B: ……………………………………………………………………………....
A: ……………………………………………………………………………....
B: ……………………………………………………………………………....
e) Practice the mini-dialogues with a partner. Practice them until you can say them without
looking at your book.

Introductory task
a) Pair work
What do these signs mean in a hotel?
Match the words with the pictures from 1-12

Bar Parking Wheelchair Access Lift Restaurant

No Entry Male and Female’s Toilet Information
Money Exchange Telephone Coffee Shop No smoking

1………………… 2…………………. 3….……………. 4……..…………

154for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module154
Unit 13: Capital cities Unit13 Capital cities

5…………………. 6…..……………. 7……..…………. 8…..……………

9………………… 10………………. 11……….………. 12…..……………

a) Listen to the receptionist talking about the facilities at Evergreen Laurel Hotel. Tick on
the list below the facilities you hear. You can listen to the text twice.
Before you listen, check the meanings of the words in the list and then discuss with
1. restaurant 
2. coffee shop 
3. children’s playroom 
4. swimming pool 
5. business centre 
6. bar 
7. tennis court 
8. nightclub 
9. room service 
10. hairdresser 
11. gift shop 

b) Look at the plan of the hotel. Listen to a set of descriptions telling you where the hotel
facilities are. Write the correct name next to each number on the plan. You can listen to it

155155 English
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Lao Government
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Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 13: Capital cities

a) Pair work: One person looks at the plan ‘A’ and the other at ‘B’.
Ask and answer the questions to complete the plans.
Plan ‘A’

Where’s the …….………… ?

gift shop
ladies’ toilet
conference room

156for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module156
Unit 13: Capital cities Unit13 Capital cities

Plan ‘B’

Where’s the ………………… ?

coffee shop
barber’s shop
manager’s office
b) Look at your partner’s plan. Check whether both plans are the same.
c) Pair work: In the hotel lobby there is a public phone with instructions for making an
international phone call with a phone card.
The instruction steps below are not in the right order. Number the steps correctly from 1-5.
Press 007 + country code + area code + required number.
Finally, remember to remove your card.
Speak into the receiver when the person answers.
After you have finished your call, hang up the receiver.
_1_ Lift the receiver. Listen to dial tone and then insert your phone card.


157157 English
English for
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Lao Government
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Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 13: Capital cities

a) Work in groups: Discuss the following questions:
 Have you ever been to Malaysia?
 If you have, what do you like/ dislike about it?
 If you have not, what would you like to see in Malaysia?

b) Group work: Do you know these words? Discuss them with your group. Find their
meanings in the vocabulary list on the first page of the unit for the unknown words.

seafood silk museum boat souvenir crab spicy park

shopping centre palace train cotton prawn bus

c) Match the words in part b with the headings below. Write the words under each

Food Shopping Transport Tourist attractions

d) Pair work: Do you know the meanings of these adjectives? Discuss them with a partner
and check their meanings on the first page of the unit.
popular relaxing delicious modern
crowded fresh interesting

e) Pair work: Choose the correct adjective from the box above and complete each phrase
or sentence.
Big office buildings and ……………….. streets

There is also an ………………… snake farm.

It is a very …………………….. city with many tall buildings.

Riverside restaurants are ……………….

Seafood in Malaysia is ………………….

Food centres in the large shopping centers are ………………….

Thai food is always ………………

158for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module158
Unit 13: Capital cities Unit13 Capital cities

a) On the next page, read the tourist information in the brochure about Bangkok.
Then check your answers in part e above.
b) Read the brochure again. Choose True (T) or False (F) for the following statements.
1. Visitors to Bangkok can see both modern and traditional Thai buildings.
2. Thai food is cheap in food centers and large shopping centres, but it is expensive in
the restaurant.
3. There are not many shopping places in Bangkok.
4. There is a wide choice of transport in Bangkok.
5. There is nothing to see in Bangkok for people interested in animals.


City Facts
Bangkok, the capital city of Thailand, has a population of about 10 million. The Chao
Phraya River runs through Bangkok. It is a very modern city with large number of tall
buildings, big shopping centres, large factories, offices of international businesses and
crowded streets. There are also numerous places of cultural interest in Bangkok such as
temples and palaces. Bangkok is famous for its food, shopping and nightlife.

Thai food is always delicious and not so expensive. Food centres, in large shopping malls,
are popular and cheap. Garden and riverside restaurants are relaxing and also not
expensive. The cheapest way to eat out is to try food sold on the street. Seafood in
Thailand is fresh. Try some spicy prawn soup or fresh fish and crab.

159159 English
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Lao Government
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Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 13: Capital cities

Thai silk and cottons, jewellery and handicrafts are good gifts and souvenirs. There is a
wide choice of places for shopping such as Silom and Suriwong Roads with a large
number of silk shops and clothing stores. Chatuchak is a big market not far from the
Central Plaza Hotel where merchandises produced or grown in Thailand are sold at low
Public buses are plentiful and cheap, with a minimum fare of 3.50 baht to most
destinations within the city. Air-conditioned blue buses have minimum and maximum
fares of 6 and 16 baht respectively. Orange air-conditioned buses charge 8 – 18 baht. Air-
conditioned microbuses charge a flat fare of 20 baht for all routes. The BTS sky train
(Bangkok Mass Transit System) is another way to travel around the city. It can transport
up to 50,000 people per hour in one direction. There are 23 stations altogether. The total
distance is 23.5 kilometres. Hotel and airport taxis have fixed rates. Taxis on the city
streets are metered. They charge a minimum of 35 Baht for the first 3 kms, and
approximately 5 Baht per km thereafter. Tuk-tuks or three-wheeled ‘open-air’ motorized
taxis are popular for short journeys. Fares must be bargained in advance. Minimum fares,
for journeys of up to 3 kms, are approximately 30 Baht.
Tourist Attractions
Bangkok’s tourist attractions include Wat Phra Keo temple and the Grand Palace. Other
temples to see are Wat Arun and Wat Pho. Vimannek Palace, the favourite palace of King
Chulalongkorn, is the world’s largest golden teak-wood building. There is also the
interesting snake farm where they are fed daily. Jim Thompson’s House, where you can
see beautiful Asian art, is also a nice place to visit. The world’s largest Crocodile Farm
and an open-air museum called the Ancient City are near Bangkok. Bangkok also offers
many amusement parks such as Siam Water Park and Safari World Zoo.
Updated information from http://www.bangkoksite.com

Conversation note: ‘What’s it like?’

‘What’s ………. like?’ is used to ask people to describe something.
Example: What’s Bangkok like?
- Oh, it’s very busy.

What’s that restaurant like?

- It’s good, not expensive and the food is delicious

160for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module160
Unit 13: Capital cities Unit13 Capital cities

a) Look at the information about Hanoi and Singapore. What information is relevant to
which city? Write the name of the correct city at the beginning of each text.
b) Match the headings below with the information about each city. Write the correct
heading following headings with each part of the information.
Background information
Tourist Attractions

City 1: The City of ………………………………………………………………

 a modern city
 many businesses and international companies
 very clean, well-organised streets
 beautiful parks and gardens
 a lot of tall buildings
 places to buy hi-tech electronic equipment
 large modern shopping centres and department stores
 a wide choice of Asian food
 big food centres in shopping mall
 a fast, modern underground train system
 a modern bus service
 a famous zoo and bird park
 Sentosa Island fun park
 Chinese temples

City 2: The City of ……………………………………………………………….…

 a large crowded city
 wide shady streets
 old French-style buildings
 narrow streets in the old quarter
 busy traffic
 several famous lakes
 many large parks

161161 English
English for
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Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 13: Capital cities

 many old temples

 large museums
 beautiful and cheap silk
 handicrafts
 delicious fresh seafood
 lots of street food stalls
 bicycle and motorbikes are the main type of transport
 trishaws popular with tourists
 cheap taxis
c) Work alone: Give information about your home town or city to a visitor. Complete the
mini-dialogue below with the name of your home town and your suggestions.
A: I’m going to ……………………….…………………….…. What’s it like there?
B: Well,………………………………………………………………………………
A: What is there to see and do in …………………………………………..……….?
B: Well, …………………………………..……………………………………..…...
A: Where’s good place to eat in …………………………….…………………..…. ?
B: You could ………………………………………….………………………..…….
A: Where’s a good place to shop in …………………………………………...…… ?
B: You should ………………………………………………….………………..…...
A: How should I travel around …………………………………………………..… ?
B: A good way to travel around is ……………………………………………..…….
d) Pair work: Practice the mini-dialogues with a partner. Take turns to give information
about your home town. Practice the mini-dialogues until you can say them without
looking at your book.

162for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module162
Unit 13: Capital cities Unit13 Capital cities

Introductory tasks
a) Group Work:
Work in groups of four. Choose a city among the ASEAN countries for a group
presentation. You can choose Hanoi, Singapore, Vientiane etc. Each group has to choose a
different city.
Look for information online about the city your group has selected. Use the following
headings to help you collect information.
 General background information about the city
 Tourist attractions
 Shopping
 Food
 Transport
You may use the resource books or internet to help in the collection of information.
b) Group Presentation
After collecting the information, use it to prepare a draft for the presentation. Decide who
will be responsible for each section. Prepare the draft and visual aids such as maps or
pictures that your group will use during the presentation.
Your teacher will inform you of the date of the presentation. Each group will take turns to
give their presentation. Listen and record the information in the following table:

Name of city



Type of Food

Kind of Transport


Other Interesting

163163 English
English for
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Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 13: Capital cities

Follow-up task
a) After each presentation, make sure that you have the correct information in your notes.
b) Ask the presenters questions to verify the accuracy of your note. Use the following
language for question such as: ‘Did you say…?’ ‘What did you say about…?’ ‘How
many……..did you say?’

Writing task
In your group, write a paragraph or more about the city you have presented. Using the plan
you have made, write in about 100 words about the city. You have 30 minutes to complete
the task. Check the following in your group writing:
 Has your writing met the requirement of 100 words?
 Have you had a good introductory sentence(s)?
 Have you used at least 3 different conjunctions to link the information (and, so, but,
 Are your grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation correct?

Make any necessary changes before handing in your work to your teacher.

164for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module164
Unit 14: Conference presentations Unit14: Conference presentations

Unit 14 Conference presentaions

In this unit you will:

 Read an abstract from a conference manual
 Listen to some world population statistics
 Compare Lao, Cambodian, Vietnamese and Australian statistics
 Participate in dialogue about world population
 Read a part of report about Cambodian women
 Present information about Lao women

Language focus:
 Question: ‘Which?’How many?
 Present perfect with ‘for’ or ‘since’ and ‘in the last few years’

about (approximately) ປະມານ lack ການມີບຸ່ ພ, ຄວາມຂາດແຄນ life expectancy ອ ັດຕາສະເລັຸ່ຍ
ລະດັບອາຍຍືນຂອງຄ ົນ
about (concerning) ກຽຸ່ ວກ ັບ ັ້ ງັ ສື, ອາຸ່ ນອອກຂຽນໄດ ັ້
literate(adj) ຮູໜ

abstract ບ ົດຄ ັດຫຍັ້ malnourished (adj) ທີຸ່ ຂາດສານອາຫານ ັ້ ງັ ສື, ການອາຸ່ ນ

literacy(n) ການຮູໜ
ອອກຂຽນໄດ ັ້
access ການເຂົັ້າເຖິງ malnutrition (n) ຂາດສານອາຫານ
traditional (adj) ທີຸ່ ເປັນປະເພນີ, ທີຸ່
childcare centers ສູນລຽັ້ ງເດັກ percentage ເປີ ເຊັ ນ, ອ ັດຕາສວ
ຸ່ ນ
development ການພັດທະນາ small business ທລະກິດຂະໜາດນອ
ັ້ ຍ
wealth ຄວາມຫວງຫາຍ, ຄວາມ
equal (adj) ເທົຸ່ າກ ັນ, ສະເໝີກ ັນ socio-economic ເສດຖະກິດສ ັງຄ ົມ
ອດ ົມສ ົມບູນ
equality (n) ຄວາມສະເໝີ ພາບ statistics ສະຖິຕິ
ັ້ ງັ ສື, ອາຸ່ ນບຸ່ ອອກຂຽນ
illiterate ບຸ່ ຮູໜ
housework ວຽກບາັ້ ນ tradition(n) ປະເພນີ, ຮີດຄອງ ບຸ່ ເປັນ
ັ້ , ໃຫຍຂ
increase ເພີຸ່ ມຂນ ັ້
ຸ່ ນ sex trade ການຄາັ້ ປະເວນີ ຸ່ , ຈານວນ
average ອ ັດຕາສະເລຍ

parity ຄວາມສະເໝີ ພາບ combat ການຕຸ່ ສູັ້ ສະເລຍ


ູ ຸ່ ວ
prevalent ທີຸ່ ມີຢຸ່ທ ົ ໄປ, ແຜຫ
ຸ່ າຍ victims ຜູຖ contribute ບລິຈາກ, ໃຫກ
ັ້ ານຊວ
ຸ່ ຍ
ັູ້ ກ
ື ເຄາະຮາັ້ ຍ
proportions ອ ັດຕາສວ
ຸ່ ນ wage ເງິນເດືອນ
decision-making ການຕ ັດສິນໃຈ
workforce ກາລ ັງແຮງງານ dynamics ພະລງັ
billion (1,000,000,000) ພັນລາັ້ ນ/ຕືັ້
trigger ສາເຫດ
disseminate ເຜີຍແຜຸ່

165165 English
English for
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Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 14: Conference presentations

Unit 14 Conference presentaions

a) Pair work: Look at the picture.
Where do you think Julie and Khamsene are?
What do you think they are doing?
b) Pair work: Below are abstracts of three
presentations at the conference Khamsene
and Julie are attending. Read the abstract
and match the correct titles below with the
Provide an appropriate title for each abstract.
c) Pair work: Discus with your partner: Which presentation do you think Julie or
Khamsene will attend? Why? Which presentation would you go to? Why?

Abstract one

By Dr. Halim Shafie and Ms. Mahaesvary Rajagopal

The National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN) is responsible for human
resource training for all officers and staff of the Malaysian Public Service. Language
training has always been an important part of INTAN’s training programmes because the
government of Malaysia sees language training as important for improving the skills of
public service officials.
This paper will present INTAN’s training programme and explain how INTAN is
meeting its objective of delivering quality language training.

Abstract two
By Gerri Brightwell, Nick Dimmit and Pierre Walter.
How can teachers and curriculum planners in development projects improve education for
poor communities? This was the question the writers of this paper had to answer when they
were asked to help organise and develop an HRD training program for the Department of
Agriculture and Forestry in Savannakhet province. A series of training workshops were
developed and conducted in 1999. In this paper we will describe the training methods
used in the workshop, the objectives of the training, and the plans for future cooperation.

166for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module166
Unit 14: Conference presentations Unit14: Conference presentations

Abstract three
By Lynda Clarke
As the population of the world increases so do inequalities around the world-inequalities
between rich and poor, and between men and women.
This presentation will give some of the latest statistics on world population and then talk
in more detail about some inequalities. Gender equality will be one of the main topics
d) Listen to the dialogue: Complete sentences 1-3 with the correct phrases below. You can
listen twice.
- looks interesting
- looks relevant to work of the OHRD
- will provide some useful information for Julie
The presentation on:
1. INTAN training …………………………………………………………
2. HRD training in Laos …………………………………………………...
3. World population ……………………………………………………….
e) Listen again and complete these sentences with the phrases given below.
- HRD training in Savannakhet
- can learn more about HRD training in Laos
- world population
- needs some information for a report
Julie is going to the presentation on ………………………………..…………………
because/so she …………………………………………………………………………
Khamsene is going to the presentation on …………………………………………….
because/so he ………………………..…………………………………………………

f) Listen to the dialogue again and complete the blank.

Khamsene: Well, Julie, there are a lot of interesting presentations to choose from in the
next session. Which one are you going to?
Julie: I’m not sure. The one about INTAN’s training (1)___________________
(2)____________________. Maybe I’ll go to that one.
Khamsene: Yes, it does look relevant to our work, and also the one about
(3)__________________ in Savannakhet (4) _________________.
Maybe I’ll go to that one too.
Julie: Mmm. And I’d also like to hear the latest statistics on
(5)________________. There should be some useful information in that
presentation. I think I’ll go to that because I need to get some
(6)_____________________________ for a report to be written next
month. What about you, Khamsene?
Khamsene: I’ll go to the presentation on the HRD training in Savannakhet so that I can
learn more about what is happening in (7)__________________________
Julie: Good idea. See you after this session.

167167 English
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Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 14: Conference presentations

a) Repeat each sentence or phrase of the dialogue after your teacher.
b) Practice the dialogue in pairs.

a) In the dialogue Julie and Khamsene are discussing the different possible choices and
trying to decide what to do. Underline these phrases in the dialogue.

Which one…? …looks relevant And also…

What about you? …looks interesting

Maybe… …but also, …

Grammar note: ‘Which’

‘Which’ is used when there are a small number of choices.
Which presentation will you go to - world population or HRD training?
Which color do you want? I have brown, blue and red.

b) Complete the mini-dialogue with the phrases in a above.

A: There are two presentations. ………. …………………………..should we go to?
B: Well, the one on education …………………………………………… …
A: Yes, and also the one on health …………………………….. ……to our work.
B: Mmm, …………………………………………. I’ll go to the one on health.
A: I’m going to the presentation on health ………… ………………….….…… ?
B: Well, …………….……… I’ll go to the one on health too. ……… ………….the one
on education ………………... … I think I’ll go to that one.
A: Yes, good idea.
A: Which airline should we take to London?
B: …………………we should fly Singapore Airline. It is the most comfortable.
A: Yes, ……………………… ………..it is also the most expensive.
B: Oh, then …………………..……we should fly Thai International. They‘re cheaper.

b) Practice the mini-dialogue with a partner. Practice them until you can say them without
looking at your book.

168for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module168
Unit 14: Conference presentations Unit14: Conference presentations

a) Match: Match the words in the first column with the definitions in the second column.
Number 1 is done as an example.

1. average life expectancy cannot use something because you do not have it
2. poor quality differences between groups of people
3. increase things of value, like money or property
4. malnourished unable to read and write
5. lack access to not having enough food to eat to stay healthy
6. illiterate 1 the number of years most of the population live
7. inequalities become more
8. wealth not good enough for its purpose

b) Pair work: Work with a partner to complete these sentences about Laos. Try to
understand the context and put in the most suitable answers.
In Laos the life expectancy of men is about ……………………………..……………
In Laos about ……………………….…. % of the population are illiterate.
In rural areas many people lack access to ……………………………………………..
In Laos about ………..….. % of children under five years old is malnourished.
c) Compare: Compare your answers with others in the class.
d) Guess: Read the statistics below about world population and guess the missing numbers
(write in the ‘Guesses’ column).

World Population
Guesses Actual
In 2014, the world population reached ………. ………. billion.
100 years ago the population was ………. ………. billion.
Average life expectancy has increased to ………. ………. years.
Guesses Actual
………..% …… % of the population own 59% of the wealth.
………..% …… % live in poor quality housing.
………..% …… % do not have enough food (are malnourished).
………..% …… % do not have (lack access to) clean water.
………..% …… % cannot read (are illiterate).
………..% …… % of small businesses is run by women.
………..% …… % of the housework and child-raising is done by women

169169 English
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Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
Unit 14: Conference presentations

a) Presentation: Conference presentation: Listen to the conference presentation. Complete
the information above (write in the ‘actual’ column). You can listen to the presentation
b) Work in pairs: Compare your answers after listening to the presentation.

Data commentary
a) Work in pairs: Look at the graphs below. Complete the sentences about the graphs.

Graph 1 Graph 2

Source: MoES Statics 2013/14

Graph 1
 This graph shows the number of early childhood enrolled in 2012/13 was ...................,
but the number of pupils in Primary school was..................

Graph 2
 The proportion of students enrolled in Lower Secondary was higher (consisting of
........................................) than the numbers of students enrolled in Non-formal
Education covering ................................................ in 2012/13.
b) Group discussion: What do you think about Lao Basic Education today?
Will the number of pupils go up? Why?
c) Giving information: Work in pairs. One partner is ‘A’ and the other is ‘B’.
Do not look at each other’s graphs. Give each other information to complete the graphs.

You can use ‘about’ in your answers.

e.g. About…….................. of students enrolled in Non-Formal Education.
This means you are not sure of the exact figure from the graph. Compare your graph with
that of your partner.

170for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module170
Unit 14: Conference presentations Unit14: Conference presentations

Graph A

Source: MoES Statics 2013/14

Student A
Ask your partner: How many students were rolled in Upper Secondary?
Complete the graph.
Student B
Ask your partner: How many students were enrolled in Lower Secondary?
Complete the graph.

Graph B

Source: MoES Statics 2013/14

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Unit 14: Conference presentations

d) Complete: Look at the graphs and complete the sentences below using one of the
following words:

lower higher fewer more

1 ……………............. number of students attended Technical and Vocational schools.

2 There are……….………......... students attending Upper Secondary schools.
3 ...................................... number of students attended Lower Secondary schools.
4 There are……….………......... students enrolling in Non-Formal Education.
d) Group discussion: Discuss in small groups. Then report back to the class on your
group’s answers
 Why do you think more students are attending Upper Secondary schools?
 Why do you think fewer students are attending Technical and Vocational schools?
e) Work alone: Write the past tense and past participles of the following verbs, then check
them against the irregular verbs list on the back of the book.
Infinitive Past tense Past participle
be was / were been
try ……..…….. ……….........
assist ………..…. ……….........
finish ………..…. …………......
increase ………..…. …………......
take ………..…. ……..….......
build …………... ……..….......
give …………... …..…….......
f) Work in pairs: Complete these sentences using the present perfect tense.
1. Since 1995 the number of Lao women getting a tertiary education

2. The Lao Government, assisted by some international organizations, ……….............a

lot of new roads since 1996. (build)

3. UNICEF …………………….……..…… with projects for women and children in

Laos for many years. (assist)

4. Over the last 10 years Australian AID ………..……………….. many scholarships

to enable Lao students to study in Australia. (give)

172for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module172
Unit 14: Conference presentations Unit14: Conference presentations

Grammar note: Present perfect

The present perfect tense is formed with:
I / you / we / they + have + past participle of verb
He / she / it + has + past participle of verb
Regular verbs add ‘ed’ to make the past participle. Irregular verbs change in different
ways. See the irregular verb list on the back of this book
The present perfect tense relates past actions or situations to the present.
It is used to talk about a situation or action that began in the past and is still true in the
present. The situation or action has not finished.
e.g. Life expectancy in Laos has increased since 1950.
Julie has been in Laos for the last six months.
Since and for
Since is used when we talk about a certain time in the past
I have lived in Laos since 1992.
For is used to talk abut a period of time from the past until now.
I have lived in Laos for eight years.

a) Brainstorm: Women population statistics: The pie charts show statistics of Lao
women in 2013. Discuss with the class:
What is each chart about?
e.g. Chart 1 is about woman population in Lao PDR.
What does each graph show us?
e.g. Chart 1 shows us that 50.2% of Lao population are women.

Answer these questions about each chart. Write your answers under the charts

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Unit 14: Conference presentations

Source: Research Report of Female Leadership in Local Governance, Lao PDR (2013)

a) Pair work: Answer the questions about the picture
1. Where do you think she is?
2. What is a woman doing?
3. What do you think the people in the picture are doing?

174for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module174
Unit 14: Conference presentations Unit14: Conference presentations

b) Do you know these words? Discuss their meanings and then check the vocabulary list on
the first page of the unit.
gender equality targets tertiary education human trafficking
garment factories agricultural industries sex trade

c) Work alone: Read the text about ‘Promote gender equality and empower women in
Laos’. Then answer the questions below.
1. Do men and women have equal opportunities in the workforce? Give an example to
your answer.
2. Who are the victims of human trafficking in Laos? Give examples of the working
3. What does the government do to solve the problem of human trafficking?
Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women in Laos
The Lao PDR has made steady progress on its gender equality targets. It is on track to
realize parity between boys and girls by 2015. In higher education, however, equality is
not as prevalent; falling to 77 girls per 100 boys by the time they reach tertiary education.
Women and men account for equal proportions of the total workforce, but there is a wage
gap between male and female workers. A quarter of the national parliament in 2012 was
composed of women, giving the the Lao PDR one of the highest proportions of women in
parliament in the region.
The Lao PDR remains primarily a source country for victims of human trafficking. Young
women and girls, especially those from economically disadvantaged demography, may be
forced into Thailand’s commercial sex trade or domestic service, garment factories and
agricultural industries. Approximately 72% of trafficked children are young girls under 18
years of age. The Government has adopted several laws, regulations and plans to combat
trafficking and is a signatory to numerous regional MOUs that seek to prevent, combat and
assist human trafficking victims.
Meeting the goal targets requires a better understanding at all levels of the dynamics that
sustain and/or create gender inequalities, as well as targeted policies, strategies, actions and re-
prioritised public expenditures. In turn, this requires committed leadership and political will to
trigger social change, because gender inequality has been deeply rooted. Establishment of the
Lao National Commission for the Advancement in Women (Lao NCAW) provides an
excellent opportunity for the Government to consider gender issues across sectors. A need
exists to further collect and disseminate data specific to women and men.
Adapted from Millennium Development Goals of Laos (2013) “Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women”

175175 English
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Module 22
Unit 14: Conference presentations

d) Work alone: Refer to the text above, write true or false next to these sentences.
1. ........ The proportion of boys and girls are equal in the tertiary education.
2. ........ There is no gap between men and women in the workforce.
3. ........ There is a high percentage of Lao women elected to the parliament.
4. ........ Many young women and girls from the disadvantaged districts are the
victims of human trafficking.
5. ........ Many trafficked girls are teenagers.

Check your answers with a partner.

e) Work in pairs: Underline the sentences in the text that are in the present perfect tense.
Then complete these sentences about Laos.

1. In recent years, Lao government has tried to ……………………………..………

2. Traditionally, in Laos girls from rural areas have …………………………………….

3. About …………. % of Lao women have learnt how to read and write.

4. Lao women have always been responsible for ………………………………………

a) Work in pairs: Complete this dialogue between Julie and another participant during the
coffee break in the lobby after the conference presentations.

Julie: What presentation did you go to?

Participant: The one about HRD training in Laos . What about you?

Julie: I went to Lynda Clarke’s about world population.

Participant: Oh really?

Julie: Yes. Did you know that …………………………..…………………….?

Participant: That’s interesting. What else did she say?

Julie: Well, ………….……………………………………………………………

Participant: Well, I know that in Laos …………………………………………………

Julie: Yes, and also in Laos ……………………………………………………..

g) Work in pairs: Practice the dialogue with your partner.

176for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module176
Unit 14: Conference presentations Unit14: Conference presentations

a) Group work: Work in groups of fours. Each group will prepare a presentation on ‘The
situation of women in Laos’. Come up with a chart or graph you may need to help you
with your presentation. Talk about the situation of women in health, education, the
workplace, the home and society.
Use the Lao statistics above and any other information you may have to make your group
presentation on the situation of Lao women.
b) Presentation: Each group is to gives their presentation. Listen for the following
information and write it down under the headings below. You will need these notes later
for your writing task.
Health: Education:

Workplace: Home:


c) Report back: After each presentation, review the information in your notes.
Ask the presenters: ‘Did you say…?’ ‘What did you talk about…?’ ‘How many… did
you say?’

Work in pairs: Use your note, and as a group devise a plan of a short essay,
e.g., The situation of women in Laos. You could also add other information if necessary.
Group work
a) First writing: Work in groups of 4. Write a paragraph or more about the situation of
women in Laos. Using the plan you have made, and write an essay of about 100 words.
You have 30 minutes to finish the task. Everybody should share ideas.
b) After writing, check the following points and make any necessary change in your group
 Have you met a 100-word requirement, inclusive of any additional information?
 Do you have a good introductory sentence(s)?
 Did you use at least 3 different conjunctions to link the information, e.g., and, so,
but, because?
 Are your grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation correct?
c) Exchange text with another group and then check with the whole class.
d) Pick someone in your group to provide some feedback.

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Unit 14: Conference presentations

Follow-up tasks
a) Each group’s chosen speaker takes turn reading their writing aloud. Following the
reading, think of one question to ask the group about their note taking.
b) Class work: Imagine what changes would take place for women in the next 10 years.
Discuss what the future trend would be like for women in term of health, education,
workplace, family responsibility, society and so on.
e.g. The number of Lao women in high positions has significantly increased.

Change Future trends / changes







178for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module178
Unit 15: Changes Unit 15 Changes

Unit 15 Changes

In this unit you will:

 Participate in dialogues about changes in Laos
 Listen to information about improvements in Lao education over this past few years
 Read a newspaper article about Vientiane Today
 Give information on changes in the provinces
 Participate in debate
 Write about changes that have taken place in Laos over the past few years and the
advantages and disadvantages of such changes.

Language focus:
 Superlative adjectives using ‘most’
 Present perfect with ‘ever’ / ‘never’
 Comparative and superlative of ‘good’ and ‘bad’
 Contrast ‘ago’ with ‘since’ and ‘in the last few years’

accident ອປະຕິເຫດ inhabitants ພ ົນລະເມືອງ primary school ໂຮງຮຽນປະຖ ົມ

advantage ການໄດປ
ັ້ ຽບ, ຜ ົນ disadvantage ຄວາມເສຍປຽບ, problem ບ ັນຫາ
ປະໂຫຍດ ຂເັ້ ສຍປຽບ school ໂຮງຮຽນ

ago ມາແລວ
ັ້ , ທີຸ່ ຜາຸ່ ນມາແລວ
ັ້ electricity ກະແສໄຟຟາ
ັ້ , situation ສະຖານະການ,
alcohol ເຫັ້ົ າ ໄຟຟັ້າ ສະພາບການ

attend ໄປ(ໂຮງຮຽນ), ໄປ/ເຂົັ້າຮວ

ຸ່ ມ ever ເຄີຍ solve ແກບ
ັ້ ັນຫາ
(ປະຊມ) ັ້
happen ເກີດຂນ traffic lights ໄຟຈາລະຈອນ

best ດີທຸ່ ີສດ improve ເຮັດໃຫດ

ັ້ ຂ ັ້ , ປັບປງ
ີ ນ traffic ການຈາລະຈອນ

cause ສາເຫດ, ຕນເຫດ lower secondary school ໂຮງ upper secondary school
ໂຮງຮຽນມ ັດທະຍ ົມປາຍ
change ປຸ່ຽນ, ປຸ່ຽນແປງ ົັ້
ຮຽນມ ັດທະຍ ົມຕນ
achieve ບ ັນລຜ ົນ
crowded ຄ ົນແໜນ
ັ້ , ຄ ົນເຕັມ never ບຸ່ ເຄີຍ
skew ບິດເບືອນ,ອຽຸ່ ງ
enrolments ການລ ົງທະບຽນເຂົັ້າຮຽນ polluted ທີຸ່ ມີເປັນມ ົນລະພິດ

decline ຕ ົກຕາຸ່ ລ ົງ equate ຊາຸ່ ກ ັນ

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15 Changes

Unit 15 Changes

Pair work: Look at the pictures and talk about the differences,
e.g. Twenty years ago DongDok did not have that many buildings but now…
Dongdok in the past and Dongdok at present

1. What do you think Julie and Vandy are talking about?

2. Which picture shows DongDok 20 years ago?
3. Which picture shows the situation in DongDok now?
4. What are the differences in the two pictures?
Listening tasks
a) Listen to the dialogue. You can listen twice. Do not read while listening. Tick the
adjectives you have heard in the dialogue
 interesting
 busy
 difficult
 small
 modern
 old
 busy
 beautiful
 excellent
 crowded
 high
 good
 long
 Bad
 high
 good
 long
 bad

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English English for Lao Government Officials Module180
Unit 15: Changes Unit 15 Changes

b) Listen to the dialogue again without reading it and answer the questions below.
1. When did Julie go to the National University of Laos?
2. How much change has taken place since 2000?
3. Why was Julie at the National University of Laos?

Listening 1: Dialogue
Vandy: Hi Julie. I haven’t seen you for a while. Have you been busy?
Julie: Yes, I have. I’ve spent the last week at the National University of Laos. So
much has changed since I was last there. Have you been there recently?
Vandy: No, not recently. I studied there back in the 1990s.
Julie: That’s a long time ago. It has changed so much since 2000 when I was last
there. It was very interesting to see it again. So many more modern buildings
and students but some old buildings are still there. There are beautiful gardens
and a lot of cars of course. I was stuck in a traffic jam trying to leave the
Vandy: Yes, the traffic has increased so much in Vientiane. It’s becoming difficult to
get around sometimes. Dongdok’s campus is crowded now. What were you
doing at the University?
Julie: More research really. I interviewed two female professors about the place of
women in the workplace in Laos. I got some excellent information about how
things have changed about women in recent years. Women are involved more
in making decisions. There are more women in high positions.
Vandy: That’s good.
Julie: Yes, more and more changes. I hope most of the changes are for the better!
Vandy: Yes, me too.

a) Listen and repeat each phrase or sentence of the dialogue.
b) Practice the dialogue in pairs. Practice it until you can say it without looking at your
c) Work in pairs to come up with a conversation about changes in your hometown.
e.g. A: What change has taken place in your hometown over the last ten years?
B: A few things have changed in my hometown. For example, more houses have
been built; a new primary school was constructed five year ago; and also a new
access road to the town was built in 2013. What about your hometown?
A: It has seen quite a few changes too. A number of restaurants, banks, and stores
are on the increase including a new shopping mall built two years ago.
B: Oh, a lot of things have changed in your home town!
A: That’s right.

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15 Changes

Grammar Note: Present perfect with adverbs

Some adverbs are used with the present perfect.
‘Ever’ means at any time before now and is used in questions.
e.g. Have you ever been to Bangkok?
‘Never’ means not at any time before now.
e.g. I have never been to Bangkok.

Further practice
a) Survey: Ask the students in the class “Have you ever…?”
Write the names of the people you ask and write yes or no on the chart below.
Example: Have you ever been to Malaysia?
Yes, I’ve been to Malaysia.
No, I’ve never been to Malaysia.
Have you ever…? Name Yes/no
been to National University of Laos? ………………… ……………..
been to Singapore? ………………… ……………..
travelled on a train? ………………… ……………..
attended a conference abroad? ………………… ……………..
seen Wat Phou? ………………… ……………..
eaten French food? ………………… ……………..
had an accident? ………………… ……………..
studied abroad? ………………… ……………..
b) Group work: Turn in the report to your group on two people with whom you have had
a conversation.
e.g. Bounmy has never seen Wat Phou.
Ammaly has studied abroad.

Grammar Note: Superlative adjectives

The superlative is used to compare more than two things / persons.
For adjectives of one syllable ending with ‘y’, and some two-syllable adjectives, ‘est’
must be used to form the superlative.
Example: Vientiane is the biggest city in Laos.
The easiest way to get to Luang Prabang is by plane.
The Champa Guest House is the quietest guest house in Pakse.
Many adjectives with two syllables, and those with three or more syllables, do not
change their spelling in the comparative and superlative forms; however, they must be
preceded by the word ‘more’ for comparative form and ‘most’ for superlative.
Example: Bangkok is more crowded now than 20 years ago.
The most interesting presentation was the one about…
‘Good’ and ‘bad’ have their own comparative and their own superlative structure:
Adjective Comparative Superlative
good better than the best
bad worse than the worst

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Unit 15: Changes Unit 15 Changes

c) Pair work: Complete the chart with the correct forms of adjectives
Adjective Comparative Superlative
(1)……………... (2)…………….… the most modern
polluted (3)…………….. (4)……………………
(5)…………….... worse than (6)……………………
(7)………………. more crowded (8)……………………
interesting (9)…………..…. (10)…………...………

d) Pair work: Complete each sentence below with an adjective from the chart in (f).
The traffic in Vientiane is (1)………….. ……….……......... five years ago.
Manila is one of (2)……..……. …………….. ………….….. cities in Asia.
Shanghai is one of (3)………..….. ……….…….. ………….…….. cities in the world.
Luang Prabang is (4) …………..…… ………………… for tourists than Vientiane.
Singapore is a (5)…………..… ……………….…… city than Penang.
Check the answers with the class.

e) Pair work: Discuss the changes taking place in Vientiane Capital as compared to the
past. Write three sentences about how things have changed over the last ten years.
e.g. The traffic in Vientiane Capital now is worse than ten years ago.
Read your sentences to another pair.

a) Work in groups of 4: Discuss about what has changed in Vientiane since 2000
Fill in the chart below.

2000 Now

eg. In Vientiane there were a few banks eg. Now there are many banks

183183 English
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Module 22
15 Changes

a) Brainstorm: Do you know these words?

surfacing thoroughfares footpaths gutters sharp traffic

jams noticeable commuters fleets accident increase ambulance
ATM enormous appeared internet customers issue cope century

b) Practice pronunciation of the words above.

Vientiane Today
If we compare Vientiane in 2000 and Vientiane now, there are many changes to note. The
roads have much been improved with many new major thoroughfares as well as the
surfacing of many smaller roads. In the center of the city the footpaths and gutters have been
newly built.

Better roads are important because of the traffic flow in recent years plus a sharp increase in
the number of cars on the roads. Traffic jams are now part of the daily life of most
commuters in Vientiane. Fleets of new buses help keep the number of cars down, but traffic
continues to be a growing issue in Vientiane. The increase in cars and motorbikes has also
meant the increase in the number of road accidents. Fortunately, a new fleet of ambulances
in the capital helps cope with the increase in road accidents.

An enormous amount of high-rise buildings are becoming a common sight in the city.
Shopping centres, new government facilities, hospitals and schools can be seen all around
Vientiane. On top of this, a number of new banks and particularly the introduction of
Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs) are also noticeable.

Internet is more widely available throughout Laos and certainly in Vientiane Capital. Wi-Fi
is freely available at home, and numerous cafes also offer free Wi-Fi to their customers.

As Laos is about to enter the 21st century, a lot of more changes in Vientiane and all over the
country are to be expected.

c) Read the text and check whether these sentences are true or false
1. Vientiane has changed a lot for more than a decade. T/F

2. Many roads have seen much of improvement in Vientiane. T/F

3. Recently the number of cars has sharply been on the increase in Vientiane. T/F

4. Many buildings and shopping centres have been expanded. T/F

5. The number of vehicles have risen dramatically. T/F

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English English for Lao Government Officials Module184
Unit 15: Changes Unit 15 Changes

d) Read the text and discuss with your partner what changes have taken place in Vientiane.

Further practice
a) Discuss with your friend what changes occured in your hometown/district/ province and
report back to the class.
b) Work in groups of 4. Discuss about four disadvantages and four advantages for that
changes. Write down the information on the chart below.

Advantages Disadvantages

c) Find someone: Ask him/her to stand up and walk around the class.
Use the following chart, ask any student ‘Have you been to………………..?’
Ask ‘Where was that? ‘When was that?’ and ‘Have things changed?’

Write down the information on the chart as shown below:

Place Where When Change
a rural area with
no electricity ..….…… ………… ……….…

a rural area with no

access to clean water ……….… .………… ………….

a rural area with

no roads. .……...… …………. ………….

d) Report back: share your information and give your comments. Use ‘is’ if the situation
is the same now. Use ‘was’ if things have changed.
e.g. Student A says:

185185 English
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15 Changes

Vandy has been to Toumyai in Champasack Province where there was no electricity.
Life was difficult with no electricity because the villagers used oil lamps and it was very
dark at night.
Some things have changed; there is electricity in almost houses now, a better road
connected to the city and a newly built primary school in a village.

a) Group work: Do you know these words? Discuss their meanings and then check against
the vocabulary list on the first page of the unit 15.

enrolments decline equate inhabitants skew achieve

b) Look at the graphs below. What is each graph about? Complete these sentences about the
Graph 1 is about ………………………………………………………………...
Graph 2 is about ………………………………………………………………...
Graph 1 Graph 2

c) Group work: Discuss.

1. What are the differences between the numbers of enrolment of Lower Secondary and
Upper Secondary?
2. Why is there a low number of students’ enrolment in Technical and Vocational

Listening 2
Khamsene has found some statistics on changes in education from Lao Edu- Info website.
a) Listen to what Khamsene telling Julie about the number of students’ enrolments and
then complete the following sentences. You can listen to the talk twice. Then compare
your answers with what you have heard.
1. The number of students attending Lower Secondary school in 2012-2013 was
2. There were.......…...... students attending Upper Secondary Schools in 2012-2013

186for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module186
Unit 15: Changes Unit 15 Changes

3. The number of students attending Non-Formal Education was ………….………


4. The number of students attending Technical & Vocational was ……...……………....

Source: Ministry of Education – The Education Strategic Vision, May 2000)

b) Group work: Compare the two graphs, which level of education (lower secondary or
upper secondary) had the highest number of students attending school? Why?
c) Group work: What do you think of the items as shown in the list below?
Has there been an increase or decrease, or does it remains the same in Laos over the last few
years? Discuss why do we see such a change.
 Population of Laos
 Traffic
 Tourism
 Road accidents
 Illiteracy
 The number of villages with no access to clean water
 The number of villages with no electricity
 The number of girls attending school
 The number of women in high position in government
 Life expectancy
 The number of poor people
 The number of wealthy people
 Agricultural production
 The number of small businesses
 Malnutrition
 The number of rural areas with no access to a health clinic
 The number of people who can speak English.
d) Report back: Teacher will invite students to share the facts and their opinions.
Students can say:
Agricultural production has increased because many projects have helped farmers with
learning how to grow crops that provide security of sustainable income.
The percentage of illiteracy has decreased because more schools are built in the rural
areas, thus enabling more children to attend school.

a) Brainstorm with your group: What are the advantages and disadvantages of more people
able to afford to buy cars and motorbikes?

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Module 22
15 Changes

Advantages Disadvantages

Reading task
a) Read the text below and answer the questions.
1. Looking at the topic of the report what does it tell you?
2. According to the traffic police what are the main causes of the road accidents?
3. What should the public help to reduce the road accidents?
4. What should the concerned ministries do to solve the road accidents?

Cooperation is essential to stopping road accidents

A number of factors are the causes behind road accidents which have now become a
major social problem in dire need of public involvement to find solution to it.
The newspapers must continue to report them regularly because motorists do not respect
the regulations and traffic congestion is getting worse every year.
Between 2013-2014, the Vientiane Traffic Police Department reported that 175 people
died and 2,200 people were injured as a result of road accidents.
The main causes of the accidents were the same as those of last year, e.g., not following
traffic regulations, car speed, rough road surfaces, no street lights, driving under
toxication, and more vehicles on the road.
To solve these problems the police must get tougher on motorists who drive under the
influence of alcohol and enforce the traffic regulations in a very strict sens
In the absence of the law banning the sale of alcohol to anyone under 18, a large number
of younsters are able to buy it and can enter any drinking establishment at any time.
The Ministry of Public Security recently ordered a step-up in the prevention of and
solution to these social problems.
It is expected that in the near future the National Assembly will adopt such alcohol
control law to be used as a tool to punish motorists who drives under intoxication.
If such law and regulations are put in place, they will considerably help reduce the
number of road accidents. As a result, the public will be able to feel safer when driving.
Khuamsangob Daily, December 16

188for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module188
Unit 15: Changes Unit 15 Changes

a) Group work: What problems are discussed in the report? What other traffic problems
are there in Vientiane? What are the causes of these problems? How could these
problems be solved?

b) Share your ideas and complete the chart below.

Problems Causes Solutions

e.g. Roads are crowded

c) Report back: Teacher will invite students to share their ideas and ask for comments
from others in class.
d) Role play: Work with a partner. One student plays the role of a traffic police officer
and another student plays the character of a motorist who rides his motocycle with high
speed and with no helmet, thus got stopped by the police officer. Come up with a
conversation between the two of them and have it written down.
Police: Stop! Stop! Stop!
Motorist: What did I do wrong?
Police: Well, ………………………………………………………………..
Motorist: ………………………………………………………………………

e) Teacher-student discussion: ‘What has changed in your province?’ Use the chart
below to conduct the discussion. Invite students to share information and opinions.
In the last five years, what type of change has taken place in your province/ Laos?
What are the results of those changes?

Yes / No What are the results?

…have the roads been improved?

… have more hospitals been built?

… have more teachers been trained?

189189 English
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Module 22
15 Changes

… has tourism increased?

… has the health of people improved?

… have more government officials

learnt to speak English?
… have agricultural products

… has malnutrition decreased?

… has the number of villages with no

access to clean water or electricity
… has the number of girls attending
school increased in the rural areas?
… has the number of poor people
… has the number of women in high
position increased?
… has the number of small businesses

… has the number of wealthy people


a) Group discussion
Divide the class into four groups. Two groups (A & B) will talk about why they agree with
this statement: ‘No more cars should be imported into Laos.’
They will prepare statements about why no more new cars should be imported to Laos.
The other two groups (C & D) will talk about why they disagree with the above statement.
They will prepare statements about why more cars should be imported to Laos.

b) Brainstorm: Each group brainstorms ideas to support the statement.

List your ideas. Decide who in the group will present each idea. Write down what you will
say. Every member in the group has to give reasons for agreeing and disagreeing. Finally,
write these reasons in the chart below.
No more cars should be imported into Laos

190for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module190
Unit 15: Changes Unit 15 Changes

Agree Disagree

Individual Writing
a) Brain storm: Think about something that has changed in Laos over the last few years.
Traffic Education Roads Exports/imports Agriculture

b) Choose one of the above topics that you would like to write about, or choose another
topic of your choice. Brainstorm for ideas for your chosen topic. You can use
information and statistics from other units in this book and other information sources.
Use the following questions to guide you:
What is the situation now and the one in the past?
How have things gone through some changes?
Why have things gone through some changes?
Give some advantages and disadvantages of the changes?
What are we looking forward to in the next few years?

c) Work alone: Using your notes, organize the information for the writing about
“Changes in …………....... Laos”.

d) Write a report: Write of about 100 words related to the changes under the topic you
have chosen.
You have 30 minutes to finish the task.

e) Check the following in your group writing:

1. Have you written about 100 words?
2. Have you had a sound introductory sentence(s)?
3. Have you used at least 3 different conjunctions to link the information, e.g., and, so,
4. Have your grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation been properly used?
5. Has your writing had a closing paragraph?

Further practice
a) Group work: Work in groups of 4-5. Read your report to your group. Your group is
listen and take notes for the questions given below while you are reading them :

191191 English
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Module 22
15 Changes

 What is the topic?

 What changes have taken place?
 Are there any available statistics?
 What are some advantages and disadvantages of such changes?

b) After each report presentation, check your answers with the speaker.
What did you say about…………….?
Could you tell me the statistics again please?
c) Hand your individual report to your teacher for marking. The following checklist will be
used to grade your writing.

Writing checklist Yes No

Have you written on the correct topic?

Have you written 100 or more words?

Have you organized your information?

Is there a good introductory sentence?

Have you used at least 3 different conjunctions?

Have you used correct tenses?

Have you used correct vocabularies, capital letters, punctuation

and spelling?

192for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module192
ADB Asian Development Bank ທະນາຄານພັດທະນາອາຊີ
ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations ສະມາຄ ົມບ ັນດາປະຊາຊາດອາຊີອາຄະເນ
DFAT Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade ກ ົມການຕາຸ່ ງປະເທດ ແລະ ການຄາັ້
FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation ອ ົງການອາຫານໂລກ
GDP Gross Domestic Product ປະລິມານການຜະລິດແຫງຸ່ ຊາດ/ຍອດຜະລິດພາຍໃນ
LCHRD Leading Committee for Human Resource ັ້ າການພັດທະນາຊ ັບພະກອນມະນດ
LNCDC Lao National Commission on Drugs Control ຄະນະກາມະການປາບປາມຢາເສັ ບຕິດແຫງຸ່ ຊາດ
LNMC Lao National Mekong Committee ຄະນະກາມະການແມນ ັ້
ຸ່ າຂອງແຫງຸ່ ຊາດ
LWU The Lao Women's Union ສະຫະພັນຍິງ
MAF Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry ກະຊວງກະສິກາ ແລະ ປຸ່າໄມ ັ້
MPWT Ministry of Public Works and Transport ກະຊວງໂຍທາທິການ ແລະ ຂ ົນສຸ່ ງົ
MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs ກະຊວງການຕາຸ່ ງປະເທດ
MIC Ministry of Information, Culture & Tourism ກະຊວງຖະແລງການ, ວ ັດທະນະທາ ແລະ ທອ
ຸ່ ງທຽຸ່ ວ
MIT Ministry of Industry & Handicrafts ອ ົກະຊວງອດສະຫະກາ ແລະ ການຄາັ້
MLSW Ministry of Labour & Social Welfare ກະຊວງສະຫວ ັດດີການ ແລະ ສ ັງຄ ົມ
MND Ministry of National Defence ກະຊວງປອ
ັ້ ງກ ັນປະເທດ
MoES Ministry of Education and Sports ກະຊວງສກສາທິການ ແລະ ກິລາ
MoF Ministry of Finance ກະຊວງການເງິນ
MoEM Ministry of Energy and Mining ກະຊວງພະລ ັງງານ ແລະ ບຸ່ ແຮ ຸ່
MoI Ministry of Public Security ກະຊວງປັ້ອງກ ັນຄວາມສະງ ົບ
MoJ Ministry of Justice ກະຊວງຍຕິທາ
MPH Ministry of Public Health ກະຊວງສາທາລະນະສກ
MHA Ministry of Home Affairs ກະຊວງພາຍໃນ
NEM New Economic Mechanism ລະບ ົບກ ົນໄກເສດຖະກິດໃໝຸ່
NGO Non- government Organisation ັ ັ້ ບຸ່ ຂນ
ອ ົງການຈ ັດຕງທີຸ່ ຶ້ ກ ັບລ ັດຖະບານ
NOSPA National Organisation for the Study of Policy ສະຖາບ ັນການເມືອງ ແລະ ການປົກຄອງ
& Administration
NUOL National University of Laos ມະຫາວິທະຍາໄລແຫງຸ່ ຊາດ
ODA Official Development Assistance ການຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫອ
ື ດາັ້ ນການພັດທະນາ
PTC Propaganda & Training Committee ຄະນະໂຄສະນາອ ົບຮ ົມສູນກາງ
SCF Save the Child Fund ກອງທນຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອເດັກ
MST Ministry of Science and Technology ກະຊວງວິທະຍາສາດ ແລະ ເຕັ ກໂນໂລຊີ
MNE Ministry of Natural Resources and ກະຊວງຊ ັບພະຍາກອນ ແລະ ສິຸ່ ງແວດລອ
ັ້ ມ
UNDP United Nations Development Programme ອ ົງການສະຫະປະຊາຊາດເພືຸ່ອການພັດທະນາ
UNHCR United Nations High Commission for ອ ົງການສະຫະປະຊາຊາດເພືຸ່ອຊາວອ ົບພະຍ ົບ
UNICEF United Nations International Children's ກອງທນຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອເດັກສາກ ົນຂອງສະຫະປະຊາຊາດ
Emergency Fund

193193 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
List of positions / jobs
Academic Staff ພະນ ັກງານວິຊາການ
Administration Manager ຜູຈ
ັ້ ັດການຝາຍບລິຫານ
Adviser ທີຸ່ ປກສາ
Agriculturalist ກະເສດຕະກອນ/ຊາວສວນ
Chairman of Economy, Planning & Finance ປະທານກາມະທິການເສດຖະກິດ, ແຜນການ ແລະ ການເງິນ
Chairman of Committee for Legislative Affairs ຫົວໜາັ້ ກາມະທິການກ ົດໝາຍ
Chairman of External Affairs Committee ຫົວໜາັ້ ກາມະທິການ ການຕາຸ່ ງປະເທດ
Chairman of Minority Committee ຫົວໜາັ້ ກາມະທິການຊ ົນເຜົຸ່າ
Chairman, chief, head of, boss ຫົວໜາັ້
Civil Servant ລ ັດຖະກອນ
Dean ຄະນະບດີ
Deputy Chief of Cabinet ຮອງຫົວໜາັ້ ຫອ
ັ້ ງວາຸ່ ການ
Deputy Dean ຮອງຄະນະບດີ
Deputy Director General ຮອງຫົວໜາັ້ ກ ົມ,ຮອງຜູອ
ັ້ ານວຍການ
Director General ຫົວໜາັ້ ກ ົມ/ຜູອ
ັ້ ານວຍການ
Director for Information Collection & Analysis ົັ້
ຫົວໜາັ້ ກ ົມຄນຄວ າັ້ ສ ັງລວມ
Director of Administration & Management ຫົວໜາັ້ ກ ົມບລິຫານ ແລະ ຄມ
ັ້ ຄອງ
Director's Assistant ຜູຊ
ັ້ ວ
ຸ່ ຍຫົວໜາັ້ ກ ົມ
Economist ນ ັກເສດຖະກິດ
Extension Worker ພະນ ັກງານສຸ່ ງົ ເສີມ
Government official ພະນ ັກງານລ ັດ
Governor ເຈົາັ້ ແຂວງ
Governor's Office ຫອ
ັ້ ງວາຸ່ ການແຂວງ
Head of Party Organisation, Protection & ພະຫົວໜາັ້ ຫອ ັ ັ້ ັ້ອງກ ັນ ແລະ ບລະນະປັບປງ
ັ້ ງການຈ ັດຕງ-ປ
Head of Section ຫົວໜາັ້ ພະແນກ
Minister ລ ັດຖະມນຕີ

Project Coordinator ຜູປ
ັ້ ະສານງານໂຄງການ
Project Counterpart ຄູຮ
ຸ່ ວ
ຸ່ ມງານໂຄງການ
Project Manager ຜູບ
ັ້ ລິຫານໂຄງການ
Prime Minister ນາຍ ົກລ ັດຖະມນຕີ

Rector ອະທິການບດີ
Secretary ເລຂາທິການ
Vice Governor ຮອງເຈົາັ້ ແຂວງ
Vice Minister ລ ັດຖະມນຕີ
ົ ຊວຸ່ ຍວາຸ່ ການ
Vice Rector ຮອງອະທິການບດີ
Volunteer ອາສາສະໝັກ

194for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module194
List of workplaces
Administration & Protocol Department ກ ົມບລິຫານ-ພິທີການ
Agriculture Division ພະແນກກະສິກາ
Anti- Corruption Committee ຄະນະກາມະການສະເພາະກິດ
Australian Embassy ສະຖານທູດອ ົດສະຕຣາລີ
Cabinet ຫອ
ັ້ ງການກະຊວງ, ຫອ
ັ້ ງວາຸ່ ການ
Central Bank/ Bank of Lao P.D.R ທະນະຄານແຫງຸ່ ຊາດ
Central Party Organisation & Personnel ັ ັ້ ນກາງພັກ
ຄະນະຈ ັດຕງສູ
Commercial Division ພະແນກການຄາັ້
Committee for Planning & Cooperation ຄະນະກາມະການ ແລະແຜນການຮວ
ຸ່ ມມື
Department ກ ົມ, ພະແນກ
Department of Forestry ກ ົມປາ
ຸ່ ໄມ ັ້
Science, Technology & the Environment Agency ອ ົງການວິທະຍາສາດເຕັກໂນໂລຍີ ແລະສິຸ່ ງແວດລອ
ັ້ ມ
Documentation National Archive Department ກ ົມສາເນົາເອກະສານແຫງຸ່ ຊາດ
Embassy ສະຖານທູດ
Faculty ຄະນະວິຊາ
Finance & Asset Management Department ກ ົມການເງິນ ແລະຄມ
ັ້ ຄອງວ ັດຖ
Foreign Relations Committee ຄະນະກາມະການພົວພົນຕາຸ່ ງປະເທດ
Foreign Relations Department ກ ົມພົວພັນຕາຸ່ ງປະເທດ
General Education Department ກ ົມສາມນສ
ັ ກສາ
Health Division ພະແນກສາທາລະນະສກ
Industry & Handicrafts Division ພະແນກອດສະຫະກາ ແລະ ຫັດຖະກາ
Information & Culture Division ພະແນກຖະແຫງຸ່ ຂາຸ່ ວ ແລະ ວ ັດທະນະທາ
Inspection Department ກ ົມກວດກາ
Irrigation Department ກ ົມຊ ົນລະປະທານ
Lao Federation of Trade Unions ສູນກາງສະຫະພັນກາມະບານລາວ
Lao National Commission on Drugs Control ຄະນະກາມະການປາບປາມຢາເສບຕິດແຫງຸ່ ຊາດ
Lao National Mekong Committee ຄະນະກາມະການຮວ
ຸ່ ມມືແມນ ັ້
ຸ່ າຂອງແຫງຸ່ ຊາດ
Lao Red Cross ສະພາກາແດງ
Lao Revolutionary Youth Union ສູນກາງຊາວໜມ
ຸ່ ປະຊາຊ ົນປະຕິວ ັດລາວ
National Construction & Edification Committee ຄະນະກາມະການສູນກາງແນວລາວສາັ້ ງຊາດ
National Organisation for the Study of Policy & ສະຖາບ ັນການເມືອງ ແລະ ການປົກຄອງແຫງຸ່ ຊາດ
Administration (NOSPA)
National University of Laos (NUOL) ມະຫາວິທະຍາໄລແຫງຸ່ ຊາດ
Non- Formal Education Department ກ ົມສກສານອກລະບ ົບ
Organisation & Personnel Department ັ ັ້
ກ ົມຈ ັດຕງພະນ ັກງານ
Organisation & Personnel Division ພະແນກຈ ັດຕງັ ັ້
Party & State Control/ Inspection ຄະນະກວດກາສູນກາງພັກ
Party & State Control Committee ຄະນະກາມະການກວດກາພັກລ ັດ

195195 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
People's Supreme Court ສານປະຊາຊ ົນສູງສດ
Planning & Cooperation Division ພະແນກແຜນການ ແລະ ການຮວ
ຸ່ ມມື
Politburo Central Committee ຄະນະກາມະການສູນກາງພັກ
Provincial Education Division ພະແນກສກສາແຂວງ
Presidential Palace ສານ ັກງານປະທານປະເທດ
Prime Minister's Office ສານ ັກງານນາຍຍ ົກລ ັດຖະມນຕີ

Propaganda & Training Cabinet ຫອ
ັ້ ງການຄະນະໂຄສະນາອ ົບຮ ົມສູນກາງ
Propaganda & Training Division ພະແນກໂຄສະນາອ ົບຮ ົມ
Provincial Administration/ Governor's Office ຫອ
ັ້ ງວາຸ່ ການປົກຄອງແຂວງ
Road & Bridge Construction & Maintenance ພະແນກກຸ່ ສາັ້ ງ ແລະ ສອ
ັ້ ມແປງຂ ົວທາງ
Secretary Department ກ ົມເລຂານການ
Social Welfare Division ພະແນກສະຫວ ັດດີການສ ັງຄ ົມ
Teacher Training Department (TTD) ກ ົມສາັ້ ງຄູ
The Lao Women's Union ສະຫະພັນແມຍິ
ຸ່ ງ
The National Assembly ສະພາແຫງຸ່ ຊາດ
World Peace Committee ຄະນະກາມະການສ ັນຕິພາບໂລກ

196for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module196
Words used in instructions
above ຂາັ້ ງເທິງ list ບ ັນຊີລາຍຊືຸ່ ຕາຸ່ ງໆ
after ຫ ັງຈາກ look up ັ້
ຊອກຫາ, ເງີຍໜາັ້ ຂນ
another ອ ັນອືຸ່ນໆ match ຈ ັດຄູໃຸ່ ຫກ
ັ້ ົງກ ັນ
ask ຖາມ meaning ຄວາມໝາຍ
before ກອ
ຸ່ ນ mime ສະແດງອອກດວ
ັ້ ຍທາຸ່ ທາງ
below ຂາັ້ ງລມ
ຸ່ missing ຂາດຫາຍໄປ
brainstorm ຖາມຄວາມຄິດເຫັນຈາກຫາຍຄ ົນ model ແບບຢາ
ຸ່ ງ
brochure ແຜນພັບ, ປືັ້ ມນອ
ັ້ ຍສາລບ
ັ ແນະນາ order ຈ ັດລຽງຕາມລາດ ັບ
change with ສ ັບປຸ່ຽນກ ັນ pair ຄູຸ່
check ກວດແກ ັ້ paragraph ວ ັກຕອນ, ບ ົດ
choose ຄ ັດເລືອກ part (noun) ພາກສວ
ຸ່ ນ
column ແຖວຕງັ ັ້ partner ຄູສ
ຸ່ ົນທະນາ
comment ການມີຄາເຫັນ phrase ວະລີ, ກມ ຸ່ ຄາເວົັ້າ
compare ປຽບທຽບ practice ການຝກແອບ
complete ຕືຸ່ ມໃຫຄ
ັ້ ບ
ົ practise ຝກແອບ
conversation ການສ ົນທະນາ reading ການອາຸ່ ນ
copy ກາຸ່ ຍ reasons ເຫດຜ ົນ
correct ຖືກຕອ
ັ້ ງ remember ຈືຸ່ ຈາ
describe ພັນລະນາ reminder ສິຸ່ ງທວນຄວາມຈາ
description ການພັນລະນາ repeat ເວົັ້າຕາມ
dialogue ບ ົດສ ົນທະນາ report to ລາຍງານເຖິງ
discuss ສ ົນທະນາ, ປກສາ rewrite ຂຽນຄືນ
divide ແບງຸ່ , ປັນ stand in a circle ຢື ນເປັນຮູບວ ົງມນົ
draft ໂຄງຸ່ ຮາຸ່ ງ stand up ັ້
ຢື ນຂນ
draw ແຕມ
ັ້ steps ັ ັ້
ບາດກາັ້ ວ, ຂນຕອນ
example ຕ ົວຢຸ່າງ suggestion ການແນະນາ
explain ອະທິບາຍ table ຕາຕະລາງ, ໂຕະ
fill in ຕືຸ່ ມໃສ ຸ່ take turns ປຸ່ຽນຜຽນ
find ຊອກຫາ tell ບອກ
group ໝວດ, ກມ
ຸ່ text ບ ົດອາຸ່ ນ
guess ເດົາ title ເລືຸ່ ອງ
happen ັ້
ປາກ ົດຂນ together ພອ
ັ້ ມກ ັນທັງໝົດ
headings ຫົວຂັ້ translation ການແປ
hear ໄດຍ
ັ້ ນ
ິ underline ຂີດກອ
ັ້ ງ
idea ແນວຄວາມຄິດ vocabulary ຄາສ ັບ
imagine ວາດພາບ, ກະຕວງ walk around ຍາຸ່ ງເລາະ
information ັ້ ນ
ຂມ ູ wh question ຄາຖາມທີຸ່ ໃຊ ັ້ Wh
instruction ການແນະນາ work on your ເຮັດດວ
ັ້ ຍຕ ົນເອງ, ເຮັດຄ ົນດຽວ
own/work alone
intonation ັ້ ສຽງລ ົງ
ລະດ ັບສຽງຂືນ work with a partner ເຮັດກ ັບໝູຸ່
join ຕຸ່ ເຂົັ້າກ ັນ, ເຂົັ້າຮວ
ຸ່ ມ yes/no question ຄາຖາມທີຸ່ ໃຊ ັ້ Yes/No

197197 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
abroad ຕາຸ່ ງປະເທດ
abstract ັ້ ໃນຫຍທ
ເນືອ ັ້ ຸ່ ີ ຍ ົກອອກມາຈາກບ ົດຂຽນຕາຸ່ ງໆ

access ນາໃຊ ັ້

accident ອບ ັດເຫດ

accommodation ທີຸ່ ພັກພາອາໄສ, ບອ

ຸ່ ນພັກພາອາໄສເວລາເດີນທາງ
accountant ນາຍບ ັນຊີ

achieve ສາເລັດ, ບ ັນລ

address ທີຸ່ ຢູຸ່

administration ການບລິຫານ

administration office ຫອ
ັ້ ງການປົກຄອງ
advantage ເປັນປະໂຫຍດ

advertise ໂຄສະນາ

adviser ທີຸ່ ປກສາ

after ຫ ັງຈາກ

afternoon ຕອນທຽຸ່ ງ

age ອາຍ

agency ຕ ົວແທນ

agenda ວາລະກອງປະຊມ

ago ຜາຸ່ ນມາ

agriculture ກະສິກາ

air conditioned ເຄືຸ່ ອງປັບອາກາດ

airport ສະໜາມບິນ

alcohol ເຫົັ້າ

alternative ທາງເລືອກ

always ສະໝາຸ່ ສະເໝີ, ເປັນປະຈາ

The United States of America ສະຫະລ ັດອາເມລິກາ

ancient ບູຮານ

announce ປະກາດ

annual ປະຈາປີ

applicant ຜູສ
ຸ່ ະໝັກ
application form ຟອມສະໝັກ, ໃບຄາຮອ
ັ້ ງ
April ເດືອນເມສາ

architecture ສະຖາປະຕິຍະກາ

198for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module198
area ັ້ ທີຸ່

arrange ຫາັ້ ງຫາກະກຽມ

arrivals ການມາຮອດມາເຖິງທີຸ່ ໝາຍ

arrive ມາຮອດ

as a result ັ້ ຍເຫດນນັ ັ້

as well as ເໝືອນການ

asset ຊ ັບສິນ

assist ຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອ
assistance ການຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອ
attend ເຂົັ້າຮວ
ຸ່ ມ
attractive ດງດູດຈິດໃຈ, ງາມ

August ເດືອນສິງຫາ

Australian ຄ ົນອ ົດສະຕຣາລີ

authority ອານາດການປົກຄອງ

average ສະເລຍ
badminton ກິລາຕີດອກປິ ກໄກ ຸ່

bank ທະນາຄານ

beautiful ງາມ

because ເພາະວາຸ່ , ຍອ
ັ້ ນວາຸ່
bed ຕຽງ

beer ເບຍ

before ກອ
ຸ່ ນໜາັ້
behind ທາງຫ ັງ

benefit ຜ ົນປະໂຫຍກ

best ດີເລີດ, ດີທຸ່ ີສດ

between ລະຫວາຸ່ ງ

bicycle ລ ົດຖີບ

big ໃຫຍ
bilateral organisation ັ ັ້
ອ ົງການຈ ັດຕງລະຫວາຸ່ ງສອງລ ັດຖະບານ

billion (1,000,000,000) ໜຸ່ ງຕືັ້

birthday ວ ັນເກີດ

board (verb) ັ້ (ເວລາເດີນທາງ)

ຍ ົນຂນ

boarding pass ັ້ ຍ ົນ
ບ ັດຂນ

boat racing ບນຊວ

ຸ່ ງເຮືອ
border ຊາຍແດນ

199199 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
boring ໜາັ້ ເບືຸ່ ອ

boss ຫົວໜາັ້

bottom ັ້ ງລມ
ເບືອ ຸ່ ສດ
box ແກັດ, ກອ
ຸ່ ງ
breakfast ອາຫານເຊົັ້າ

bridge ຂ ົວ

brochure ແຜນ
ຸ່ ພັບ
brother ອາັ້ ຍ, ນອ
ັ້ ງຊາຍ
budget ງ ົບປະມານ

build ກຸ່ ສາັ້ ງ

bus ລ ົດເມ

bus station ສະຖານນີລ ົດເມ

business card ນາມບ ັດ

busy ຄາວຽກ, ຫຍງັ້ ວຽກ

but ແຕວ
ຸ່ າຸ່
button ປຸ່ມກ ົດ

cabinet ຫອ
ັ້ ງການກະຊວງ
calculator ຈ ັກຄິດໄລເຸ່ ລກ

can ສາມາດ

capacity ຄນນະພາບ, ຄວາມສາມາດ, ຄວາມອາດສາມາດ

capital city ນະຄອນຫວງ

car ລ ົດໃຫຍ
cash ເງິນສ ົດ

cause ສາຍເຫດ

cave ຖາັ້

celebrate ສະເຫີມສະຫອງ

ceremony ງານສະເຫີມສະຫອງ

change ປຽຸ່ ນແປງ

cheap ລາຄາຖືກ

check point ດາຸ່ ນກວດກາ

check- in counter ຸ່ ນແຈງັ້ ປີັ້


chicken ໄກ ຸ່

childcare centres ສູນຊວ

ຸ່ ຍເຫືອເດັກ
circus ໂຮງກາຍະສິນ

citizen ສ ັນຊາດ

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English English for Lao Government Officials Module200
city ຕ ົວເມືອງ

clean (verb) ເຮັດຄວາມສະອາດ

climb ັ້ , ໄຕຂ
ປີ ນຂນ ັ້
ຸ່ ນ
close ປິ ດ

clothes ເຄືຸ່ ອງນງຸ່

clown ຕ ົວຕະຫ ົກ

coastline ຊາຍຝຸ່ງັ

colleague ເພືຸ່ ອນຮວ

ຸ່ ມງານ
colonise ັ້
ລາຸ່ ເມືອງຂນ

colony ັ້

commercial ການຄາັ້ ຂາຍ

committee ຄະນະກາມະການ

competition ການແຂງຸ່ ຂ ັນ

competitive ລ ັກສະນະແຂງຸ່ ຂ ັນ

component ສວ
ຸ່ ນປະກອບ, ໜວ
ຸ່ ຍງານທີຸ່ ເປັນສວ
ຸ່ ນປະກອບ, ອ ົງປະກອບ
computer ຄອມພີວເຕີ

conduct ຈ ັດ, ຈ ັດຕງັ ັ້

confirm ຢື ນຢັນ, ແຈງັ້ ບອກ

congress ສະພານິຕບ
ິ ັນຍ ັດ, ກອງປະຊມ
ຸ່ ໃຫຍ
consequently ັ ັ້ ດງ
ເພາະສະນນ, ຸ່ ັ ນນ,
ັ ັ້ ຕາມລາດ ັບ

constraint ັ້ ັງຄ ັບ, ຂຈ

ຂບ ັ້ າກ ັດ, ອປະສ ັກ

contact ຕິດຕຸ່ ພົວພັນ

contribute ຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອ, ສະໜັບສະໜູນ
contribute (verb) ອະນເຄາະ, ປະກອບສວ
ຸ່ ນ, ຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອ
contribution (noun) ການອະນເຄາະ, ການປະກອບສວ
ຸ່ ນ, ການຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອ
cook ແຕງຸ່ ກິນ

cool ເຢັນ

cooperate (verb) ຮວ
ຸ່ ມມື
cooperation, (noun) ການຮວ
ຸ່ ມມື
coordinate (verb) ປະສານງານ

coordination (noun) ການປະສານງານ

copy ອ ັດສາເນົາ

cotton ຝາັ້ ຍ

country of residence ປະເທດທີຸ່ ພັກຢູຸ່ເປັນຫ ັກເປັນຖານ

credit card ບ ັດເຄຣດິດ

201201 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
crime ອາດຊະຍະກາ

crowded ແອອ ັດ, ຄ ັບແຄບ

culture ວ ັດທະນະທາ

currency ສະກນເງິນ

current situation ສະພາບໃນປັດຈບ ັນ, ສະຖານະການໃນປັດຈບ ັນ

customs ພາສີ

damage ທາລາຍ, ເປຸ່ເພ

danger (noun) ອ ັນຕະລາຍ

dangerous (adjective) ທີຸ່ ເປັນອ ັນຕະລາຍ

date of birth ວ ັນ, ເດືອນ, ປີ ເກີດ

daughter ລູກສາວ
day ມືັ້
debt ໜີັ້

December ເດືອນທັນວາ
decimal ຕ ົວເສດ

decimal point ເຄືຸ່ ອງໝາຍຕ ົວເສດ

decision- making ການຕ ັດສິນໃຈ

decline ປະຕິເສດ, ປັດປຸ່າຍ, ຫດລ ົງ, ຫດໜອ

ັ້ ຍຖອຍລົງ
decrease ຫດລ ົງ

delegate (noun) ຜູແ

ຸ່ ທນ
delegation (noun) ຄະນະຜູແ
ຸ່ ທນ
delicious ແຊບ

dentist ໝປົວແຂວ
department store ຮາັ້ ນຊ ັບພະສິນຄາັ້

departure ເດີນທາງອອກໄປ

describe ພັນລະນາ

description ການພັນລະນາ, ລາຍການ

destination ຈດໝາຍປາຍທາງ

develop ພັດທະນາ

development ການພັດທະນາ

dial ໝູນໂທລະສບ

diary ປືັ້ ມບ ັນທກຂຄ

ັ້ ວາມປະຈາວ ັນ

dinner ເຂົັ້າແລງ

directions ການບອກເສັ ັ້ນທາງ

director ຜູອ
ຸ່ ານວຍການ

202for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module202
disadvantage ຜ ົນເສຍ

discuss ປກສາຫາລື

disease ພະຍາດ

district ເມືອງ

document ເອກະສານ

dolphin ປາໂລມາ

dolphin, fresh water ປາຂາຸ່

donate (verb) ບລິຈາກ

donor ຜູບ
ຸ່ ລິຈາກ, ຜູໃຸ່ ຫທ
ັ້ ືນຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອລາັ້
double room ຫອ
ັ້ ງຕຽງຄູຸ່
down stairs ລ ົງລມ
draw ແຕມ
dry ແຫງັ້

duty ພາລະ, ໜາັ້ ທີຸ່

early ແຕເຸ່ ຊົັ້າ

earthquake ແຜນ
ຸ່ ດີນໄຫວ
east ທິດຕາເວັນອອກ

eastern ພາກຕາເວັນອອກ

economy ປະຢັດ

effective ຢາ
ຸ່ ງມີປະສິດທິຜ ົນ
efficient ຢາ
ຸ່ ງມີປະສິດທິ ພາບ
either ເໝືອນກ ັນ, ໜຸ່ ງໃນສອງ

electricity ໄຟຟາັ້

e- mail ຈ ົດໝາຍທາງອິນເຕີເນັດ

embassy ສະຖາທູດ

emergency ສກເສີນ

employment ການວາຸ່ ຈາັ້ ງ

encourage ຊກຍູ,ັ້ ສຸ່ ງົ ເສີມ

engineer ວິສະວະກອນ

enough ພຽງພ

enterprise ວິສະຫະກິດ

environment ສິຸ່ ງແວດລອ

ັ້ ມ, ສະພາບແວດລອ
ັ້ ມ
equal ເທົຸ່ າກ ັນ, ເທົຸ່ າທຽມກ ັນ

equality ຄວາມສະເໝີ ພາບ

equip ຈ ັດຫາໃຫ/ັ້ ປະກອບໃຫັ້

203203 English
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for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
equipment ວ ັດຖອບປະກອນ

establish ັ ັ້ ັກຖານ, ສາັ້ ງຕງັ ັ້


establishment ັ ັ້ ັກຖານ, ການສາັ້ ງຕງັ ັ້


estimate ຄິດໄລ,ຸ່ ຄາດຄະເນ

ethnic groups ຊ ົນເຜົຸ່າ

evening ຕອນແລງ

event ເຫດການ, ສະພາບການ

ever ເຄີຍ

every day ທກໆມືັ້

excuse ຂໂທດ

expand ຂະຫຍາຍ

expensive ລາຄາແພງ

expire ໝົດອາຍໃຊ ັ້

expiry date ໝົດອາຍການນາໃຊ ັ້

export ສຸ່ ງົ ອອກ (ສິນຄາັ້ )

extend ຂະຫຍາຍອອກ, ຍດອອກ

extension ການຂະຫຍາຍອອກ, ການຍດອອກ

fall ຕ ົກ, ຫດລ ົງ

family ຄອບຄ ົວ

family planning ການວາງແຜນຄອບຄ ົວ

far ໄກ

father ພຸ່

fax ແຟັກ/ໂທລະສານ

February ເດືອນກມພາ

fee ຄາຸ່ ທານຽມ

feed (verb) ໃຫອ

ັ້ າຫານ, ເກືອສ ັດ
festival ບນ, ເທດສະການ

field trip ການທົດສະນະສກສາ

filing cabinet ຕູມ

ັ້ ຽນເອກະສານ
finally ສດທາັ້ ຍ, ຕອນສດທາັ້ ຍ

financial ດາັ້ ນການເງິນ

fine (verb) ປັບໄໝ

first ລາດ ັບທີ 1

firstly ັ ັ້

fishing ຫາປາ

204for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module204
flight ຖຽັ້ ວບິນ

fluctuate ັ້ ໆລ ົງໆ

fly ບິນ, ເດີນທາງດວ

ັ້ ຍຍ ົນ
focus on ັ້ ໜັກ, ສມໃສ ຸ່
ເລັຸ່ ງໃສ,ຸ່ ເນັນ

foot ຕີນ

football ກິລາບານເຕະ

for sale ຕອ
ັ້ ງການຂາຍອອກ
fourth ລາດ ັບທີ 4

free ຫວາຸ່ ງ

fresh ສ ົດ

Friday ວ ັນສກ

friend ໝູເຸ່ ພືຸ່ ອນ

fund (noun) ທນຊວ

ຸ່ ຍເຫອ, ກອງທນ
fund (verb) ໃຫທ
ັ້ ນການຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອ
garden ສວນ

gate (airport) ທາງອອກໄປຫາຍ ົນ

gender ເພດ

get up ຕືຸ່ ນນອນ

gift ຂອງຂວ ັນ

give ເອົ າໃຫັ້

global ທົຸ່ ວໂລກ

go past ໄປຜາຸ່ ນ, ກາຍ

go straight ahead ໄປທາງໜາັ້ ຊືຸ່ ໆ

gods ພະເຈົາັ້

good ດີ

goodbye ລາກອ
ຸ່ ນ
governance ການປົກຄອງ

government ລ ັດຖະບານ

gradual ຕາມລາດ ັບ

grant ທນຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອລາັ້ , ເງິນຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອລາັ້
grilled ປິັ້ ງ

grocery shop ຮາັ້ ນຂາຍເຄືຸ່ ອງແຫງັ້

grow ປູກ

growth ການເຕີບໃຫຍ
guessing from context ການກະຕວງຈາກສະພາບຕ ົວຈິງ

205205 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
guest ແຂກ, ຜູມ
ຸ່ າຢຽັ້ ມຢາມ
guesthouse ເຮືອນພັກ

guitar ກີຸ່ ຕາັ້

half past ເຄິຸ່ ງ (ໂມງເວລາ)

handicrafts ເຄືຸ່ ອງຫັດຖະກາ

happen ັ້

health ສກຂະພາບ

hello ສະບາຍດີ

her ຂອງລາວ (ຜູຍ

ຸ່ ງ
ິ )

his ຂອງລາວ (ຜູຊ

ຸ່ າຍ)
history ປະຫວ ັດສາດ

holiday ວ ັນພັກ

home ບາັ້ ນ

hospital ໂຮງໝ

host (noun) ເຈົາັ້ ພາບ

host (verb) ເປັນເຈົາັ້ ພາບ

hot ຮອ
ັ້ ນ
hotel ໂຮງແຮມ

house ເຮືອນ

housework ວຽກບາັ້ ນ

however ແຕວ
ຸ່ າຸ່
human ມະນດ

human resources ຊ ັບພະຍາກອນມະນດ

husband ຜ ົວ

hydro power ພະລ ັງງານນາັ້

illiterate ກກໜັງສື

immigration ດາັ້ ນກວດຄ ົນເຂົັ້າເມືອງ

immunisation ັ້
ການພົນຈາກເຂດອ ັນຕະລາຍ, ການສ ັກຢາກ ັນພະຍາດ

implement ັ ັ້
ການຈ ັດຕງປະຕິ ບ ັດ

implement (verb) ັ ັ້
ຈ ັດຕງປະຕິ ບ ັດ

implementation ການລ ົງມືປະຕິບ ັດ

improve ປັບປງໃຫດ
ັ້ ຂ ັ້
ີ ນ

in ໃນ

in addition ັ ັ້ ຍິຸ່ ງໄປກວາຸ່ ນນ

ນອກຈາກນນ, ັ ັ້

in conclusion ັ້ , ເວົັ້າລວມແລວ
ສດທາັ້ ຍ, ໃນທີຸ່ ສດ, ໂດຍສ ັງລວມ, ສະຫູບແລວ ັ້

206for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module206
in front of ທາງໜາັ້

in the corner ຢູໃ

ຸ່ ນແຈ
in the middle ຢູຸ່ເຄິຸ່ ງກາງ

income ລາຍໄດ,ັ້ ລາຍຮ ັບ

income generation ການແຈກຍາຍລາຍໄດ,ັ້ ການສາັ້ ງແຫງຸ່ ລາຍຮ ັບ, ລາຍໄດ ັ້

increase ັ້ ຂນ
ເພີມ ັ້

independent ເອກະລາດ

inequality ບຸ່ ສະເໝີ ພາບ

infant mortality ອ ັດຕາການຕາຍຂອງເດັກນອ

ັ້ ຍ
inflation ໄພເງິນເພີັ້

inflation rate ອ ັດຕາໄພເງິນເພີັ້

influence ອິດທິ ພ ົນຄອບງາ

inform ແຈງັ້ ໃຫຊ

ັ້ າບ
information ັ້ ນ
ຂມ ູ , ຂາຸ່ ວສານ

infrastructure ັ້ ຖານໂຄງຸ່ ລາຸ່ ງ


inspect ສາຫວດ, ກວດກາ

instructions ັ້ ນະນາ

integrate ປະສ ົມປະສານ

interesting ໜາັ້ ສ ົນໃຈ

international standard ມາດຕະຖານສາກ ົນ

interview ສາພາດ

introduce ແນະນາຕ ົວ

invest ລ ົງທນ

investment ການລ ົງທນ

invitation ການເຊືຸ່ ອເຊີນ

irrigation system ລະບ ົບຊ ົນລະປະທານ

island ເກາະ, ດອນ

issue ເຊັ ນອອກ, ອະນມດໃຫ

ັ ນັ້ າໃຊ,ັ້ ປະເດັນ, ບ ັນຫາ
itinerary ການ ົດການເດີນທາງ

January ເດືອນມງກອນ

Japanese ຄ ົນຍີຸ່ປຸ່ນ

jewellery ອ ັນຍະມະນີ

job ອາຊີບ

July ເດືອນກລະກ ົດ

jump ັ້
ກະໂດດ, ເຕັນ

207207 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
June ເດືອນມິຖນາ

key aspect ຈດສາຄ ັນ

know ຮູຈ
ັ້ ັກ
labour ກາມະກອນ, ແຮງງານ

lack ຂາດເຂີນ, ບຸ່ ພຽງພ

lastly ັ ັ້
ຂນຕອນສ ດທາັ້ ຍ

late ຊ ັກຊາັ້ , ຊາັ້

laws ກ ົດໝາຍ

lawyer ນ ັກກ ົດໝາຍ

least developed country ປະເທດທີຸ່ ມີການພັດທະນາໜອ

ັ້ ຍ, ປະເທດດອ
ັ້ ຍພັດທະນາ
left ຊາັ້ ຍ

letter ຈ ົດໝາຍ

library ຫອ
ັ້ ງສະໝດ, ຫອ
ັ້ ງໜັງສື
lid ຝາປິ ດ
life expectancy ການກນ ົດສະເລຍ
ຸ່ ອາຍ
lift ັ້
ຍ ົກຂນ

lift (noun) ັ ັ້
like ມກັ

listener ຜູຟ
ຸ່ ງັ
literacy ການລ ົບລາັ້ ງການກກໜັງສື, ການອາຸ່ ນອອກຂຽນເປັນ

literacy rate ອ ັດຕາການຮູໜ

ັ້ ງັ ສື
literate ລ ົບລາັ້ ງການກກໜັງສື, ອາຸ່ ນອອກຂຽນເປັນ

live ອາໃສຢູຸ່

loan ເງິນກູຢ
ັ້ ື ມ
lovely ໜາັ້ ຮ ັກ

lower secondary school ໂຮງຮຽນມດທະຍ

ັ ົັ້

luggage ກະເປົາເດີນທາງ

lunch ອາຫານທຽຸ່ ງ, ເຂົັ້າທຽຸ່ ງ

macro ສວ
ຸ່ ນໃຫຍ
ຸ່ , ມະຫາພາກ
major ົັ້
ສາຄ ັນ, ຕນຕ

make plans ສາັ້ ງແຜນການ

malnourished ຂາດເຂີນທາດອາຫານບາລງ, ບຸ່ ມີທາດອາຫານພຽງພ

malnutrition ການຂາດທາດອາຫານບາລງ, ການບຸ່ ມີທາດອາຫານພຽງພ

management ການຄມ
ັ້ ຄອງ, ການຈ ັດການບລິຫານຄມ
ັ້ ຄອງ
manager ຜູຈ
ຸ່ ັດການ

208for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module208
March ເດືອນມີນາ

market ຕະຫາດ

market economy ເສດຖະກິດການຕະຫາດ

maternal mortality ອ ັດຕາການຕາຍຂອງແມຍິ

ຸ່ ງຖືພາ
May ເດືອນພດສະພາ

meet ພົບ, ພົບປະ

meeting ກອງປະຊມ, ການປະຊມ, ປະຊມ

member ສະມາຊິກ

micro ສວ
ຸ່ ນທີຸ່ ນອ
ັ້ ຍ, ຈລະພາກ
midday 12 ໂມງທຸ່ຽງ

midnight 12 ໂມງກາງຄືນ, ທຽຸ່ ງຄືນ

million ລາັ້ ນ

ministry ກະຊວງ

moderate ພດີ, ປານກາງ

modern ທັນສະໄໝ

Monday ວ ັນຈ ັນ

money exchange ການແລກປຸ່ຽນເງິນຕາ

monitoring each other’s language ສ ັງເກດການໃຊພ

ັ້ າສາເຊິຸ່ ງກ ັນ ແລະກ ັນ
monk ຄູບາ, ພະ

month ເດືອນ

moreover ັ ັ້ ນອກຈາກນນັ ັ້
ຍິຸ່ ງກວາຸ່ ນນ,

morning ຕອນເຊົັ້າ

mother ແມ ຸ່

motorbike ລ ົດຈ ັກ

mountains ພູເຂົາ

multilateral organisation ັ ັ້
ອ ົງການຈ ັດຕງລະຫວາຸ່ ງລ ັດຖະບານ

municipality ກາແພງນະຄອນ

my ຂອງຂອ
ັ້ ຍ
name ຊືຸ່

name card ນາມບ ັດ

national holiday ວ ັນພັກທາງລ ັດຖະການ

nationality ສ ັນຊາດ

natural resources ແຫງຸ່ ຊ ັບພະຍາກອນທາມະຊາດ

near ໃກ ັ້

neither ບຸ່ ເໝືອນກ ັນ, ບຸ່ ແມນໜ

ຸ່ ຸ່ ງໃນສອງ

209209 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
never ບຸ່ ເຄີຍ

new ໃໝຸ່

news ຂາຸ່ ວສານ

newspaper ໜັງສືພມ

next ຕຸ່ ໄປ

next to ທັດຈາກ, ຕຸ່ ຈາກ

nice ດີ, ງາມ

night ກາງຄືນ

no one ບຸ່ ມີໃຜ

nominate ຄ ັດເລືອກ, ບຸ່ງົ ຕ ົວ

non- formal education ການສກສານອກລະບ ົບ

north ພາກເໜືອ

northern ທາງພາກເໜືອ

not often ບຸ່ ເລືັ້ອຍ

November ເດືອນພະຈິກ

o’clock ໂມງ

obey ເຊືຸ່ ອຟັງ, ປະຕິບ ັດຕາມ

objective ຈດປະສ ົງ

observe ສ ັງເກດການ

October ເດືອນຕລາ

office ຫອ
ັ້ ງການ
Official Development Assistance ການຊວ
ຸ່ ຍເຫືອດາັ້ ນການພັດທະນາ
often ເລືັ້ອຍ

old ເກົຸ່ າ, ເຖົາັ້

on ທາງເທິງ

on average ໂດຍສະເລຍ
on the left ັ້ ງຊາັ້ ຍ
ຢູເຸ່ ບືອ

on the other hand ອີກດາັ້ ນໜຸ່ ງ, ໃນດາັ້ ນທີຸ່ ກ ົງກ ັນຂາັ້ ມ

on the right ັ້ ງຂວາ

ຢູເຸ່ ບືອ

once ັ ັ້ ຸ່ ງ, ໜຸ່ ງເທືຸ່ ອ


once a week ັ ັ້ ຸ່ ງຕຸ່ ໜຸ່ ງອາທິດ


open ເປີ ດ

opportunity ໂອກາດ

opposite ກ ົງກ ັນຂາັ້ ມ

organisation ອ ົງການຈ ັດຕງັ ັ້

210for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module210
organisation chart ແຜນ ັ ັ້
ຸ່ ວາດການຈ ັດຕງ,
organise ຈ ັດຕງັ ັ້

overall ລວມທັງໝົດ, ໂດຍລວມ

overstay ຢູກ
ຸ່ າຍການ ົດ
pack ຕຽມເຄືຸ່ ອງໃສກ
ຸ່ ະເປົາ
palace ພະລາດຊະວ ັງ

parade ຂະບວນງານແຫຕ
ຸ່ າຸ່ ງໆ
parking ສະຖານທີຸ່ ຈອດລ ົດ

passenger ຜູໂ
ຸ່ ດຍສານ
passport ໜັງສືຜາຸ່ ນແດນ

passport control ບອ
ຸ່ ນກວດກາໜັງສືຜາຸ່ ນແດນ
peace ສ ັນຕິພາບ

percent (%) ເສດສວ

ຸ່ ນຮອ
ັ້ ຍ/ອ ັດຕາສວ
ຸ່ ນຮອ
ັ້ ຍ/ເປີ ເຊັ ນ
perform ສະແດງ

performance ການສະແດງ

photocopier ເຄືຸ່ ອງຈ ັກອ ັດເອກະສານ

photocopy ອ ັດເອກະສານ, ສາເນົາເອກະສານ

pick you up ໄປຮ ັບເອົ າເຈົາັ້

picnic ການອອກໄປກິນເຂົັ້າປາ
ຸ່ , ກິນເຂົັ້າປາ
plan ວາງແຜນການ

plan (noun) ແຜນການ, ການວາງແຜນ

plane ຍ ົນ

plateau ພູພຽງ

pleased to ສະແດງຄວາມຍິນດີ

plug ປັກສຽບ, ສຽບປັກໄຟ

point (verb) ຊີໃັ້ ສ ຸ່

policy ນະໂຍບາຍ

politics ການເມືອງ

polluted ທາລາຍສະພາບແວດລອ
ັ້ ມ
polluted ເປັນ ພິດ

poor ທກຈ ົນ

popular ມີຊຸ່ ສຽງໂດ

ື ງຸ່ ດ ັງ

population ພົນລະເມືອງ

porter ຄ ົນຂ ົນເຄືຸ່ອງຢູຸ່ໂຮງແຮມ

position ຕາແໜງ

211211 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
post office ຫອ
ັ້ ງການໄປສະນີ
practise ຝກຫັດ

prepare ກະກຽມ

president ປະທານ, ປະທານປະເທດ

press ັ້
ກ ົດ, ເນັນ

prevent ັ້
ປັ້ອງກ ັນ, ຫີກເວັນ

price ລາຄາ

primary school ັ ັ້
ໂຮງຮຽນຊນປະຖ ົມ

prioritise ຈ ັດວາງຕາມລາດ ັບຂອງຄວາມສາຄ ັນ

priority ສາຄ ັນ, ບູລິມະສິດ

problem ບ ັນຫາ

profit ຜ ົນປະໂຫຍດ, ຜ ົນກາໄລ

project ໂຄງການ

promote ສຸ່ ງົ ເສີມ, ສະໜັບສະໜູນ

promotion ັ ັ້ າແໜງ
ການເລືຸ່ ອນຊນຕ ຸ່
provide ຈ ັດຫາໃຫັ້

province ແຂວງ

publicity ການຈ ັດພິມ

publish ຈ ັດພິມຈາໜາຸ່ ຍ

push ຍູ,ັ້ ຊກ

put ເອົ າໃສ ຸ່

quarter past ປາຍ 15 ນາທີ

quarter to ຍ ັງ 15 ນາທີ

radio ວິທະຍ

rapid ໄວວາຸ່

reason ເຫດຜ ົນ

reception ບອ
ຸ່ ນຕອ
ັ້ ນຮ ັບ
receptionist ພະນ ັກງານຕອ
ັ້ ນຮ ັບ
reduce ຫດຜອ
ຸ່ ນລ ົງ
refrigerator ຕູເັ້ ຢັນ

refugee ຊາວອ ົບພະຍ ົບ

region ຂ ົງເຂດ

regulation ັ້ ານ ົດ

relax ພັກຜອ
ຸ່ ນ
reliable ໜາັ້ ເຊືຸ່ ອຖື, ໄວໃັ້ ຈໄດ ັ້

212for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module212
religious ceremony ງານສະເຫີມສະຫອງທາງສາດສະໜາ

rely on ໄວໃັ້ ຈ

remain constant ຍ ັງຄ ົງທີຸ່

remain the same ຍ ັງຄືເກົຸ່ າ, ຍ ັງບຸ່ ປຸ່ຽນແປງ

repatriation ການສຸ່ ງົ ຄືນຖິຸ່ ນຖານເດີມ, ການກ ັບຄືນບາັ້ ນເກີດເມືອງນອນ

report on ລາຍງານກຽຸ່ ວກ ັບເລືຸ່ອງໃດໜຸ່ ງ

report to ລາຍງານເຖິງຜູໃຸ່ ດໜຸ່ ງ

reservation ການຈອງ, ການສະຫງວນຮ ັກສາ

reserve (verb) ສະຫງວນໄວ,ັ້ ຮ ັກສາໄວ ັ້

resettlement ັ ັ້ ນຖານຄືນ
ການກ ັບມາຕງຖິຸ່

resources ຊ ັບພະຍາກອນ

responsibility ວຽກງານທີຸ່ ຮ ັບຜິດຊອບ

responsible for ຮ ັບຜິດຊອບຕຸ່ ວຽກໃດໜຸ່ ງ

restaurant ຮາັ້ ນອາຫານ

restoration ການຊອ
ັ້ ມແຊມ, ການປະຕິສ ັງຂອນ, ການບູລະນະຄືນ
restore ຊອ
ັ້ ມແຊມ, ປະຕິສ ັງຂອນ, ບູລະນະຄືນ
return ticket ປີັ້ ເດີນທາງໄປ-ກ ັບ

rice field ນາເຂົັ້າ, ທົຸ່ ງນາ

rich ຸ່ ັ ມີ

right ັ້ ງຂວາ, ຄວາມຖືກຕອ

ເບືອ ັ້ ງ
rise ັ້

river ຸ່ າັ້

rocket festival ັ ັ້

room service ການບລິການຫອ

ັ້ ງພັກ
rules ກ ົດລະບຽບ

rural ຊ ົນນະບ ົດ

safe (noun) ຄວາມປອດໄພ

sanitation ການສຂະພິບານ

Saturday ວ ັນເສົ າ

scan ັ້ ນ
ຊອກຫາຂມ ູ ສະເພາະ

school ໂຮງຮຽນ

sculpture ັ້
ຮູບແກະສະລ ັກ, ຮູບປັນ

seafood ອາຫານທະເລ

season ລະດູການ

second ລາດ ັບທີຸ່ 2

213213 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
secondary school ັ ັ້ ດທະຍ
ໂຮງຮຽນຊນມ ັ ົມ

secretary ເລຂາ

security ຄວາມປອດໄພ

seldom ດ ົນໆເທືຸ່ອໜຸ່ ງ

self- employed ເຮັດວຽກຂອງຕ ົນເອງ, ປະກອບອາຊີບຂອງຕ ົນເອງ

senior ຜູອ
ຸ່ າວໂສ
September ເດືອນກ ັນຍາ

sharp ແນນ
ຸ່ ອນ, ທຽຸ່ ງຕ ົງ, ແຫມຄມ

shelves ຸ່ ືັ້ ມ
ຖາັ້ ນໃສປ

shifting cultivation ການເຮັດໄຮແ

ຸ່ ບບເລືຸ່ ອນລອຍ
shopping ຊືເັ້ ຄືຸ່ ອງ

should ຄວນຈະ, ສ ົມຄວນ

show ສະແດງ

show respect ສະແດງຄວາມນ ັບຖື

shower (verb) ອາບນາັ້

sick ເປັນໄຂ ັ້

sign ເຊັ ນຊືຸ່

sign (noun) ປາ
ັ້ ຍ
sign (verb) ລ ົງລາຍເຊັ ນ

signature ລາຍເຊັ ນ

significant ສາຄ ັນ, ເດັຸ່ ນ

since ັ ັ້
ຕງແຕ ,ຸ່ ເພາະວາຸ່

sing ຮອ
ັ້ ງເພັງ
single ອ ັນດຽວ, ເປັນໂສດ

single room ຫອ
ັ້ ງຕຽງດຽຸ່ ວ
sister ເອືັ້ອຍ, ນອ
ັ້ ງສາວ
sit down ຸ່ ັ ລ ົງ

situation ສະຖານນະການ

skills ທັກສະ, ຄວາມສາມາດ

skim ຊອກເບິຸ່ ງແບບສ ັງລວມ

slide ເລືຸ່ ອນ

slight ັ້ ຍໜຸ່ ງ
ເບົາໆ, ໜອ

small ນອ
ັ້ ຍ
small business ທລະກິດຂະໜາດນອ
ັ້ ຍ
smuggling ການຄາັ້ ຂອງເຖືຸ່ ອນ, ການລ ັກລອບໜີ ພາສີ

214for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module214
so far ມາຮອດດຽຸ່ ວນີັ້

social services ການບລິການສ ັງຄ ົມ

socio- economic development ການພັດທະນາເສດຖະກິດສ ັງຄ ົມ

solve ແກໄັ້ ຂ

sometimes ັ ັ້
ບາງຄງຄາວ, ບາງເວລາ

son ລູກຊາຍ

south ພາກໃຕ ັ້

southern ທາງພາກໃຕ ັ້

souvenir ຂອງທີຸ່ ລະນກ

spicy ເຜັດ

sport ກິລາ

square ຮູບຈ ັດຕລ ັດ

square kilometre (km2) ກິໂລຕາແມັດ

stability ຄວາມສະໝາຸ່ ສະເໝີ, ຄວາມໝັນຄ

ັ້ ົງ, ຄວາມມີສະຖຽນລະພາບ

stable ັ້ ົງ, ບຸ່ ປຸ່ຽນແປງ


staff ພະນ ັກງານ

stand up ັ້
ຢື ນຂນ

standard ມາດຕະຖານ

statistics ສະຖິຕິ

status ສະຖານະ

steady ັ້ ົງ

steamed ໜັ້ງ

sticky ໜຽວ

strategy ຫ ັກການ, ວິທີການ, ຍດທະສາດ

strengthen ັ້ ແຂງ, ເຮັດໃຫແ

ປັບປງໃຫເັ້ ຂັມ ັ້
ັ້ ຂງແຮງຂນ
study ຮຽນ

stupa ທາດເຈດີ

subsistence farmer ພຸ່ ນາພລຽັ້ ງອາຊີບໄປວ ັນໆ, ພຸ່ ນານອ

ັ້ ຍ
sudden ທັນທີທນ
ັ ໃດ

suggest ແນະນາ

suggestion ຄາແນະນາ, ການແນະນາ

suitcase ກະເປົາເດີນທາງ

summarise ສະຫບ

Sunday ວ ັນອາທິດ

supervise ໃຫຄ
ັ້ າແນະນາ, ດູແລ

215215 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
survey ສາຫວດ

sustainable ຢື ນຍ ົງ

swimming pool ສະລອຍນາັ້

swing ແກວ
ຸ່ ງໄກວ
syllable ພະຍາງ

take ຖື, ເອົ າ

telephone ໂທລະສ ັບ

television ໂທລະພາບ

temple ວ ັດ

then ຕຸ່ ມາ, ຈາກນນ

ັ ັ້

therefore ັ ັ້ ດງ
ເພາະສະນນ, ຸ່ ັ ນນ
ັ ັ້

third ລາດ ັບທີຸ່ 3

this ນີ,ັ້ ອ ັນນີັ້

thousand ພັນ

three times ສາມເທືຸ່ ອ, ສາມຄງັ ັ້

three times a week ສາມເທືຸ່ ອຕຸ່ ໜຸ່ ງອາທິດ, ສາມຄງຕ

ັ ັ້ ຸ່ ໜຸ່ ງອາທິດ

Thursday ວ ັນພະຫັດ

time ເວລາ

timetable ຕາຕະລາງ

tired ເມືຸ່ ອຍ

title ຫົວເລືຸ່ ອງ, ຫົວຂ ັ້

to be in touch with someone ຕິດຕຸ່ ພົວພັນ

to focus on ັ້ ໃສ,ຸ່ ແນໃຸ່ ສ,ຸ່ ເນັນ

ເນັນ ັ້ ໜັກ

to sum up ສະຫບ
ູ ແລວ
ັ້ , ສ ັງລວມແລວ
today ັ້ ີັ້

toilet ັ້ ງນາັ້

tomorrow ັ້ ຸ່ ນ
ມືອ ື

top ເທິງສດ, ຈອມ

tourism ການທອ
ຸ່ ງທຽຸ່ ວ
tourist attraction ການດງດູດນ ັກທອ
ຸ່ ງທຽຸ່ ວ
trade fair ງານວາງສະແດງສິນຄາັ້

tradition ຮີດຄອງປະເພນີ

traditionally ແບບປະເພນີ

traffic ການຈະລາຈອນ

traffic lights ໄຟອານາດ

216for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module216
training ການຝກອ ົບຮ ົມ, ການບາລງ

transit ເດີນທາງຜາຸ່ ນ

transport ຄ ົມມະນາຄ ົມ, ພາຫະນະ

travel overseas ເດີນທາງໄປຕາຸ່ ງປະເທດ

trek ການເດີນທາງທອ
ຸ່ ງທຽຸ່ ວຍາຸ່ ງໄປຕາມສະຖານທີຸ່ ຕາຸ່ ງໆ
trip ການເດີນທາງ

Tuesday ວ ັນອ ັງຄານ

tuktuk ລ ົດຕກໆ

turn ລຽັ້ ວ

twice ັ ັ້ ສອງເທືຸ່ ອ

twice a week ັ ັ້ ຸ່ ອາທິດ, ສອງເທືຸ່ ອຕຸ່ ອາທິດ


type ຕີພມ

type (noun) ປະເພດ, ຊະນິດ

typewriter ຈ ັກພິມດິດ

under ທາງກອ
ັ້ ງ
upgrade ຍ ົກລະດ ັບ, ປັບປງ

upper secondary school ັ ັ້ ດທະຍ

ໂຮງຮຽນຊນມ ັ ົມຕອນປາຍ

upstairs ັ ັ້
ຊນເທິ ງ

usually ປົກກະຕິ

valid ອອກອະນຍາດ

value ລາຄາ, ມູນຄາຸ່ , ຄນຄາຸ່

variety ຫາກຫາຍ

vet ສ ັດຕະວະແພດ

vice director ຮອງຜູອ

ຸ່ ານວຍການ
village ໝູບ
ຸ່ າັ້ ນ
visa ໜັງສືອະນຍາດເຂົັ້າອອກປະເທດ

vocational training ການບາລງວິຊາຊີບ, ການຝກອບ

ົ ຮ ົມວິຊາຊີບ

wake- up call ັ້ ຸ່ ນ
ສ ັນຍານປກໃຫຕ ື

waterfall ັ້ ົກ

wealth ຸ່ ັ ມີ, ອດ ົມສມ

ຮງ ົ ບູນ

weather ອາກາດ

Wednesday ວ ັນພດ

week ອາທິດ

weekend ວ ັນເສົ າ-ວ ັນອາທິດ, ທາັ້ ຍອາທິດ

welcome ຍິນດີຕອ
ັ້ ນຮ ັບ

217217 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22
west ທິດຕາເວັນຕ ົກ

western ທາງພາກຕາເວັນຕ ົກ

wet ປຽກ

what ແມນຫຍ
ຸ່ ັງ

when ເມືຸ່ ອໃດ

why ເປັນຫຍ ັງ

wife ເມຍ

work ວຽກ

workforce ກາລ ັງແຮງງານ

workshop ກອງປະຊມ

world ໂລກ

worried ກ ັງວ ົນ

worst ັ້ າັ້ ຍທີຸ່ ສດ, ບຸ່ ດີທຸ່ ີສດ, ຮາັ້ ຍແຮງທີຸ່ ສດ


worth ມີຄາຸ່ , ມີຄນຄາຸ່ , ມີປະໂຫຍດ, ມີລາຄາ

year ປີ

years old ປີ (ອາຍ)

yesterday ັ້ ານ

your ຂອງເຈົາັ້

218for Lao Government Officials Module 2

English English for Lao Government Officials Module218
Irregular verbs
Infinitive Past tense Past participle Infinitive Past tense Past participle
be was/were been leave left left
become became become lend lent lent
begin began begun let let let
bend bent bent lose lost lost
bite bit bitten make made made
blow blew blown mean meant meant
break broke broken meet met met
bring brought brought pay paid paid
build built built put put put
burn burnt burnt read read read
buy bought bought ride rode ridden
catch caught caught ring rang rung
choose chose chosen rise rose risen
come came come run ran run
cost cost cost say said said
cut cut cut see saw seen
dig dug dug sell sold sold
do did done send sent sent
draw drew drawn shine shone shone
drink drank drunk shoot shot shot
drive drove driven show showed shown
eat ate eaten shut shut shut
fall fell fallen sing sang sung
feed fed fed sink sank sunk
feel felt felt sit sat sat
fight fought fought sleep slept slept
find found found speak spoke spoken
fly flew flown spend spent spent
forget forgot forgotten stand stood stood
get got got (or gotten) steal stole stolen
give gave given sweep swept swept
go went gone (or been) swim swam swum
grow grew grown take took taken
hang hung hung teach taught taught
have had had tell told told
hear heard heard think thought thought
hide hid hidden throw threw thrown
hit hit hit understand understood understood
hold held held wake woke woken
hurt hurt hurt wear wore worn
keep kept kept weave wove woven
know knew known win won won
learn learnt learnt write wrote written

219219 English
English for
for Lao
Lao Government
Government Officials
Officials Module
Module 22

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