Material Caterpillar Common Rail Fuel System Technology High Pressure Pump Components Injector Electronics Benefits
Material Caterpillar Common Rail Fuel System Technology High Pressure Pump Components Injector Electronics Benefits
Material Caterpillar Common Rail Fuel System Technology High Pressure Pump Components Injector Electronics Benefits
Furthermore, during normal load opera- and low emissions at all loads. Character-
tion NOx emissions can be reduced istic of Cat Common Rail is the approach Less Fuel and Reduced Emissions Mean More Environmental Care
without sacrificing fuel consumption. In of using the fuel (whether it’s heavy fuel
general, the Cat Common Rail fuel system oil, marine diesel oil or diesel oil) as the
enables vessel operation without visible control fluid for the injector, thus avoiding
soot throughout the whole operating the added complexity of a separate con-
range. trol fluid system.
During the development, the retrofit
aspect of the complete system has been
emphasized. As a result, the Cat Common
Rail fuel system can be retrofitted to
existing M 32 C engines. This means
increased customer value to reach future
environmental regulations.
Caterpillar Marine Caterpillar Marine MaK Americas Inc. Caterpillar Marine Trading Caterpillar Marine Asia
Cat CR
Power Systems Power Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Pacific Pte Ltd
Neumühlen 9 Neumühlen 9 3450 Executive Way 25/F, Caterpillar Marine Center 14 Tractor Road
22763 Hamburg/Germany 22763 Hamburg/Germany Miramar Park of Commerce 1319, Yan’an West Road Singapore 627973/
Miramar, FL. 33025/USA 200050 Shanghai/P. R.China Singapore
Phone: +49 40 2380-3000 Phone: +49 40 2380-3000 Phone: +1 954 885 3200 Phone: +86 21 6226 2200 Phone: +65 68287-600
Telefax: +49 40 2380-3535 Telefax: +49 40 2380-3535 Telefax: +1 954 885 3131 Telefax: +86 21 6226 4500 Telefax: +65 68287-624
For more information please visit our website: Subject to change without notice. © 2010 Caterpillar All Rights Reserved. Printed in Germany. CAT, CATERPILLAR, their
MARINE.CAT.COM Leaflet No. 245 · 08.10 · e · LWK · VM3 respective logos, ACERT, ADEM, „Caterpillar Yellow“ and the POWER EDGE trade
dress, as well as corporate identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and
may not be used without permission
Caterpillar Marine Power Systems is committed to sustainability. This document
is printed on PEFC certificated paper.
© ©
CCR_2010.qxd:Layout 1 03.08.2010 11:45 Uhr Seite 2
Cat Common Rail – Fuel System Cat Common Rail – Technology Cat Common Rail – Technology
From its introduction the MaK long-stroke generation of main diesel engines has been recognized for good Caterpillar has chosen “inside the en- Furthermore, redundant speed pick-ups Pump Drive ■ Injector
performance and reasonable fuel consumption, alongside outstanding reliability and long component life. gine” measures as the technology with and pressure sensors, a safety gear
MaK engines are compliant with current emission regulations without the need for additional aftertreatment. Caterpillar has chosen a simple and
the highest customer value. In combina- between pump and engine, a pressure
To fulfil the upcoming emission legislations the development of new combustion process supporting techno- robust approach by using the actual fuel
tion with the long-stroke concept and relief valve and flow limiters all increase
logies is necessary. as control fluid, thereby eliminating the Cable Injector
high performance air systems the Cat operational safety.
need for a separate control fluid system.
Common Rail (Cat CR) fuel system is the
The injector nozzle is cooled by lube oil,
Caterpillar has made a huge investment most effective technology to meet emis- ■ High Pressure Pump
1,2 a typical feature for heavy fuel operation.
to develop an emission reduction technol- sion regulations and customer Two high pressure pumps deliver the
Current For the Cat CR injector, the lube oil circuit
ogy now marketed as ACERT® Technology 1,0 FCT
expectations. required amount of fuel to the rail and
has been extended to provide cooling to Injector
for Caterpillar high-speed engines. After a Soot Emissions (FSN) Cat CR The key features of the Cat Common Rail provide the desired rail pressure in closed
the electrical components within the in-
successful demonstration in the on-high- 0,8 technology are: loop control. The pump itself is based on
jector, thereby increasing the lifetime.
way high-speed engines, Caterpillar will ■ High injection pressure over the a proven design and has been modified
Visibility Limit The injector design is simple, robust and
now embark on a stepwise migration of entire engine operating range. for HFO operation. By having two pumps
compact; the key features are:
selected elements of ACERT® Technology 0,4 ■ Fully flexible fuel injection system for all in-line engines the amount of HP
■ Electronically controlled.
across the entire product line and range enabling optimized emissions and connections and components is drastic-
0,2 ■ Flexible injection timing and duration. ■ Electronics
of applications. The broad range of Cater- engine performance. ally reduced and thus increases reliability.
0 ■ Capability of multi shot injections.
pillar’s marine program calls for a differ- ■ Suitable for HFO, MDO and DO. The suction control of the pump ensures The key component is the Caterpillar The engine protection system operates
0 20 40 60 80 100
entiated approach. ■ 100% retrofittable system. a high pump efficiency. A4E4 (or ADEM™) Electronic Control independently of the engine control system
Power Output (%)
The key features are: Module (ECM). The ECM acts as the brain and has its own independent sensor equip-
■ Cat CR System ■ Two pumps for redundancy. of the Cat Common Rail fuel system. Pio- ment. This ensures that engine operation
The main components of the Cat Common ■ Suction valve control. neered by Caterpillar 20 years ago, the is monitored independently of other control
Key criteria are: The goals are: Rail fuel system are a high pressure (HP) ■ Maximum system pressure as high Rail and Cylinder ADEM™ controller coordinates and en- systems.
■ Prevailing emission limits for the Keeping in mind the high reliability expec- ■ Invisible smoke under all engine pump, rail, injector and electronics. Cater- as the conventional system. hances fuel delivery, air supply and other
The ECM functions can be divided into a
respective power range and timing tations of customers, Caterpillar decided operating conditions. pillar’s broad experience with electroni- ■ High injection pressure over a wide engine functions to maximize overall per-
core system and a performance system.
of their introduction. to adopt a two step approach providing ■ Reduce emissions beyond current cally controlled engines, range of product operating range. formance and reduce emissions output.
■ Customer expectations in terms of the most effective solutions with lowest and future IMO regulations, offering lines and in-house design and analysis ■ Closed loop control of rail pressure. The core system consists of:
Having in-house expertise for core elec-
engine performance, maintenance complexity. an attractive technology for emissions expertise allow for a unique system ■ Control device A4E4.
tronic components and software puts
practices, fuel quality and mode of sensitive areas. approach. All components are developed ■ Rail ■ One crankshaft speed pick-up.
Caterpillar in a unique position and allows
operation. Flexible Camshaft Technology (FCT) has ■ Maintain or improve engine perform- under Caterpillar design control. The double-walled rails are pressurized ■ Two camshaft speed pick-ups.
for an advantageous systems approach.
been developed and put into production. ance by taking advantage of the cap- and act as an accumulator, with one rail ■ Two high-pressure sensors.
By adopting well proven elements of this In addition Caterpillar’s expertise in elec-
The next milestone in emissions techno- abilities and benefits of a fully flexible segment feeding fuel to three injectors, Based on existing software and engine ■ Two suction throttles.
technology for medium-speed engines, it tronics is a major asset to the Cat Com-
logy is a fully flexible fuel system suitable fuel system. i. e. a nine cylinder engine has only three control strategies, the specific needs of ■ Injectors.
is our goal to meet and exceed customer mon Rail technology.
for HFO, MDO and DO, called the Cat ■ Continue to meet the level of reliability rail segments, an eight cylinder engine heavy fuel burning engines and applica-
expectations by maximizing product value The performance system ensures optimal
Common Rail (Cat CR) fuel system. Cat in heavy fuel operation expected by has two rail segments, each feeding four tions can be easily adopted. Depending
through: ■ Safety Concept engine settings under all operating condi-
Common Rail is considered one major our marine customers. injectors. This layout reduces the number on engine type, application and boundary
■ Superior reliability in heavy fuel Safety considerations and high customer tions, using information like exhaust gas
building block towards low emissions, of parts and the number of high pressure conditions, a tailor made version allows
operation. value were the main focus throughout the temperature, charge air pressure, ambient
high performance and highest customer connections. Flow limiters prevent the for optimal operation.
■ Best fuel efficiency in its class. development, resulting in a state-of-the- conditions and lube oil temperature.
value. cylinders from overfueling; a safety valve
■ Lowest engine emissions with art design with the following features:
acts as pressure relief in case of an un-
minimum additional complexity. ■ Two high pressure pumps for
wanted overpressurized rail.
■ Double-walled lines and rails.
Gateway Commu-
M 32 C nications Module External to Control System –
(PL1000E) supplied by Caterpillar Motoren or OEM
M 32 C Common Rail System
J1939 Modbus
Modbus FieldBus
J1 Module
Cat CR Pump 1
J2 J1
Atmospheric Pressure
Cat Common Rail – Fuel System Cat Common Rail – Technology Cat Common Rail – Technology
From its introduction the MaK long-stroke generation of main diesel engines has been recognized for good Caterpillar has chosen “inside the en- Furthermore, redundant speed pick-ups Pump Drive ■ Injector
performance and reasonable fuel consumption, alongside outstanding reliability and long component life. gine” measures as the technology with and pressure sensors, a safety gear
MaK engines are compliant with current emission regulations without the need for additional aftertreatment. Caterpillar has chosen a simple and
the highest customer value. In combina- between pump and engine, a pressure
To fulfil the upcoming emission legislations the development of new combustion process supporting techno- robust approach by using the actual fuel
tion with the long-stroke concept and relief valve and flow limiters all increase
logies is necessary. as control fluid, thereby eliminating the Cable Injector
high performance air systems the Cat operational safety.
need for a separate control fluid system.
Common Rail (Cat CR) fuel system is the
The injector nozzle is cooled by lube oil,
Caterpillar has made a huge investment most effective technology to meet emis- ■ High Pressure Pump
1,2 a typical feature for heavy fuel operation.
to develop an emission reduction technol- sion regulations and customer Two high pressure pumps deliver the
Current For the Cat CR injector, the lube oil circuit
ogy now marketed as ACERT® Technology 1,0 FCT
expectations. required amount of fuel to the rail and
has been extended to provide cooling to Injector
for Caterpillar high-speed engines. After a Soot Emissions (FSN) Cat CR The key features of the Cat Common Rail provide the desired rail pressure in closed
the electrical components within the in-
successful demonstration in the on-high- 0,8 technology are: loop control. The pump itself is based on
jector, thereby increasing the lifetime.
way high-speed engines, Caterpillar will ■ High injection pressure over the a proven design and has been modified
Visibility Limit The injector design is simple, robust and
now embark on a stepwise migration of entire engine operating range. for HFO operation. By having two pumps
compact; the key features are:
selected elements of ACERT® Technology 0,4 ■ Fully flexible fuel injection system for all in-line engines the amount of HP
■ Electronically controlled.
across the entire product line and range enabling optimized emissions and connections and components is drastic-
0,2 ■ Flexible injection timing and duration. ■ Electronics
of applications. The broad range of Cater- engine performance. ally reduced and thus increases reliability.
0 ■ Capability of multi shot injections.
pillar’s marine program calls for a differ- ■ Suitable for HFO, MDO and DO. The suction control of the pump ensures The key component is the Caterpillar The engine protection system operates
0 20 40 60 80 100
entiated approach. ■ 100% retrofittable system. a high pump efficiency. A4E4 (or ADEM™) Electronic Control independently of the engine control system
Power Output (%)
The key features are: Module (ECM). The ECM acts as the brain and has its own independent sensor equip-
■ Cat CR System ■ Two pumps for redundancy. of the Cat Common Rail fuel system. Pio- ment. This ensures that engine operation
The main components of the Cat Common ■ Suction valve control. neered by Caterpillar 20 years ago, the is monitored independently of other control
Key criteria are: The goals are: Rail fuel system are a high pressure (HP) ■ Maximum system pressure as high Rail and Cylinder ADEM™ controller coordinates and en- systems.
■ Prevailing emission limits for the Keeping in mind the high reliability expec- ■ Invisible smoke under all engine pump, rail, injector and electronics. Cater- as the conventional system. hances fuel delivery, air supply and other
The ECM functions can be divided into a
respective power range and timing tations of customers, Caterpillar decided operating conditions. pillar’s broad experience with electroni- ■ High injection pressure over a wide engine functions to maximize overall per-
core system and a performance system.
of their introduction. to adopt a two step approach providing ■ Reduce emissions beyond current cally controlled engines, range of product operating range. formance and reduce emissions output.
■ Customer expectations in terms of the most effective solutions with lowest and future IMO regulations, offering lines and in-house design and analysis ■ Closed loop control of rail pressure. The core system consists of:
Having in-house expertise for core elec-
engine performance, maintenance complexity. an attractive technology for emissions expertise allow for a unique system ■ Control device A4E4.
tronic components and software puts
practices, fuel quality and mode of sensitive areas. approach. All components are developed ■ Rail ■ One crankshaft speed pick-up.
Caterpillar in a unique position and allows
operation. Flexible Camshaft Technology (FCT) has ■ Maintain or improve engine perform- under Caterpillar design control. The double-walled rails are pressurized ■ Two camshaft speed pick-ups.
for an advantageous systems approach.
been developed and put into production. ance by taking advantage of the cap- and act as an accumulator, with one rail ■ Two high-pressure sensors.
By adopting well proven elements of this In addition Caterpillar’s expertise in elec-
The next milestone in emissions techno- abilities and benefits of a fully flexible segment feeding fuel to three injectors, Based on existing software and engine ■ Two suction throttles.
technology for medium-speed engines, it tronics is a major asset to the Cat Com-
logy is a fully flexible fuel system suitable fuel system. i. e. a nine cylinder engine has only three control strategies, the specific needs of ■ Injectors.
is our goal to meet and exceed customer mon Rail technology.
for HFO, MDO and DO, called the Cat ■ Continue to meet the level of reliability rail segments, an eight cylinder engine heavy fuel burning engines and applica-
expectations by maximizing product value The performance system ensures optimal
Common Rail (Cat CR) fuel system. Cat in heavy fuel operation expected by has two rail segments, each feeding four tions can be easily adopted. Depending
through: ■ Safety Concept engine settings under all operating condi-
Common Rail is considered one major our marine customers. injectors. This layout reduces the number on engine type, application and boundary
■ Superior reliability in heavy fuel Safety considerations and high customer tions, using information like exhaust gas
building block towards low emissions, of parts and the number of high pressure conditions, a tailor made version allows
operation. value were the main focus throughout the temperature, charge air pressure, ambient
high performance and highest customer connections. Flow limiters prevent the for optimal operation.
■ Best fuel efficiency in its class. development, resulting in a state-of-the- conditions and lube oil temperature.
value. cylinders from overfueling; a safety valve
■ Lowest engine emissions with art design with the following features:
acts as pressure relief in case of an un-
minimum additional complexity. ■ Two high pressure pumps for
wanted overpressurized rail.
■ Double-walled lines and rails.
Gateway Commu-
M 32 C nications Module External to Control System –
(PL1000E) supplied by Caterpillar Motoren or OEM
M 32 C Common Rail System
J1939 Modbus
Modbus FieldBus
J1 Module
Cat CR Pump 1
J2 J1
Atmospheric Pressure
Cat Common Rail – Fuel System Cat Common Rail – Technology Cat Common Rail – Technology
From its introduction the MaK long-stroke generation of main diesel engines has been recognized for good Caterpillar has chosen “inside the en- Furthermore, redundant speed pick-ups Pump Drive ■ Injector
performance and reasonable fuel consumption, alongside outstanding reliability and long component life. gine” measures as the technology with and pressure sensors, a safety gear
MaK engines are compliant with current emission regulations without the need for additional aftertreatment. Caterpillar has chosen a simple and
the highest customer value. In combina- between pump and engine, a pressure
To fulfil the upcoming emission legislations the development of new combustion process supporting techno- robust approach by using the actual fuel
tion with the long-stroke concept and relief valve and flow limiters all increase
logies is necessary. as control fluid, thereby eliminating the Cable Injector
high performance air systems the Cat operational safety.
need for a separate control fluid system.
Common Rail (Cat CR) fuel system is the
The injector nozzle is cooled by lube oil,
Caterpillar has made a huge investment most effective technology to meet emis- ■ High Pressure Pump
1,2 a typical feature for heavy fuel operation.
to develop an emission reduction technol- sion regulations and customer Two high pressure pumps deliver the
Current For the Cat CR injector, the lube oil circuit
ogy now marketed as ACERT® Technology 1,0 FCT
expectations. required amount of fuel to the rail and
has been extended to provide cooling to Injector
for Caterpillar high-speed engines. After a Soot Emissions (FSN) Cat CR The key features of the Cat Common Rail provide the desired rail pressure in closed
the electrical components within the in-
successful demonstration in the on-high- 0,8 technology are: loop control. The pump itself is based on
jector, thereby increasing the lifetime.
way high-speed engines, Caterpillar will ■ High injection pressure over the a proven design and has been modified
Visibility Limit The injector design is simple, robust and
now embark on a stepwise migration of entire engine operating range. for HFO operation. By having two pumps
compact; the key features are:
selected elements of ACERT® Technology 0,4 ■ Fully flexible fuel injection system for all in-line engines the amount of HP
■ Electronically controlled.
across the entire product line and range enabling optimized emissions and connections and components is drastic-
0,2 ■ Flexible injection timing and duration. ■ Electronics
of applications. The broad range of Cater- engine performance. ally reduced and thus increases reliability.
0 ■ Capability of multi shot injections.
pillar’s marine program calls for a differ- ■ Suitable for HFO, MDO and DO. The suction control of the pump ensures The key component is the Caterpillar The engine protection system operates
0 20 40 60 80 100
entiated approach. ■ 100% retrofittable system. a high pump efficiency. A4E4 (or ADEM™) Electronic Control independently of the engine control system
Power Output (%)
The key features are: Module (ECM). The ECM acts as the brain and has its own independent sensor equip-
■ Cat CR System ■ Two pumps for redundancy. of the Cat Common Rail fuel system. Pio- ment. This ensures that engine operation
The main components of the Cat Common ■ Suction valve control. neered by Caterpillar 20 years ago, the is monitored independently of other control
Key criteria are: The goals are: Rail fuel system are a high pressure (HP) ■ Maximum system pressure as high Rail and Cylinder ADEM™ controller coordinates and en- systems.
■ Prevailing emission limits for the Keeping in mind the high reliability expec- ■ Invisible smoke under all engine pump, rail, injector and electronics. Cater- as the conventional system. hances fuel delivery, air supply and other
The ECM functions can be divided into a
respective power range and timing tations of customers, Caterpillar decided operating conditions. pillar’s broad experience with electroni- ■ High injection pressure over a wide engine functions to maximize overall per-
core system and a performance system.
of their introduction. to adopt a two step approach providing ■ Reduce emissions beyond current cally controlled engines, range of product operating range. formance and reduce emissions output.
■ Customer expectations in terms of the most effective solutions with lowest and future IMO regulations, offering lines and in-house design and analysis ■ Closed loop control of rail pressure. The core system consists of:
Having in-house expertise for core elec-
engine performance, maintenance complexity. an attractive technology for emissions expertise allow for a unique system ■ Control device A4E4.
tronic components and software puts
practices, fuel quality and mode of sensitive areas. approach. All components are developed ■ Rail ■ One crankshaft speed pick-up.
Caterpillar in a unique position and allows
operation. Flexible Camshaft Technology (FCT) has ■ Maintain or improve engine perform- under Caterpillar design control. The double-walled rails are pressurized ■ Two camshaft speed pick-ups.
for an advantageous systems approach.
been developed and put into production. ance by taking advantage of the cap- and act as an accumulator, with one rail ■ Two high-pressure sensors.
By adopting well proven elements of this In addition Caterpillar’s expertise in elec-
The next milestone in emissions techno- abilities and benefits of a fully flexible segment feeding fuel to three injectors, Based on existing software and engine ■ Two suction throttles.
technology for medium-speed engines, it tronics is a major asset to the Cat Com-
logy is a fully flexible fuel system suitable fuel system. i. e. a nine cylinder engine has only three control strategies, the specific needs of ■ Injectors.
is our goal to meet and exceed customer mon Rail technology.
for HFO, MDO and DO, called the Cat ■ Continue to meet the level of reliability rail segments, an eight cylinder engine heavy fuel burning engines and applica-
expectations by maximizing product value The performance system ensures optimal
Common Rail (Cat CR) fuel system. Cat in heavy fuel operation expected by has two rail segments, each feeding four tions can be easily adopted. Depending
through: ■ Safety Concept engine settings under all operating condi-
Common Rail is considered one major our marine customers. injectors. This layout reduces the number on engine type, application and boundary
■ Superior reliability in heavy fuel Safety considerations and high customer tions, using information like exhaust gas
building block towards low emissions, of parts and the number of high pressure conditions, a tailor made version allows
operation. value were the main focus throughout the temperature, charge air pressure, ambient
high performance and highest customer connections. Flow limiters prevent the for optimal operation.
■ Best fuel efficiency in its class. development, resulting in a state-of-the- conditions and lube oil temperature.
value. cylinders from overfueling; a safety valve
■ Lowest engine emissions with art design with the following features:
acts as pressure relief in case of an un-
minimum additional complexity. ■ Two high pressure pumps for
wanted overpressurized rail.
■ Double-walled lines and rails.
Gateway Commu-
M 32 C nications Module External to Control System –
(PL1000E) supplied by Caterpillar Motoren or OEM
M 32 C Common Rail System
J1939 Modbus
Modbus FieldBus
J1 Module
Cat CR Pump 1
J2 J1
Atmospheric Pressure
Furthermore, during normal load opera- and low emissions at all loads. Character-
tion NOx emissions can be reduced istic of Cat Common Rail is the approach Less Fuel and Reduced Emissions Mean More Environmental Care
without sacrificing fuel consumption. In of using the fuel (whether it’s heavy fuel
general, the Cat Common Rail fuel system oil, marine diesel oil or diesel oil) as the
enables vessel operation without visible control fluid for the injector, thus avoiding
soot throughout the whole operating the added complexity of a separate con-
range. trol fluid system.
During the development, the retrofit
aspect of the complete system has been
emphasized. As a result, the Cat Common
Rail fuel system can be retrofitted to
existing M 32 C engines. This means
increased customer value to reach future
environmental regulations.
Caterpillar Marine Caterpillar Marine MaK Americas Inc. Caterpillar Marine Trading Caterpillar Marine Asia
Cat CR
Power Systems Power Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Pacific Pte Ltd
Neumühlen 9 Neumühlen 9 3450 Executive Way 25/F, Caterpillar Marine Center 14 Tractor Road
22763 Hamburg/Germany 22763 Hamburg/Germany Miramar Park of Commerce 1319, Yan’an West Road Singapore 627973/
Miramar, FL. 33025/USA 200050 Shanghai/P. R.China Singapore
Phone: +49 40 2380-3000 Phone: +49 40 2380-3000 Phone: +1 954 885 3200 Phone: +86 21 6226 2200 Phone: +65 68287-600
Telefax: +49 40 2380-3535 Telefax: +49 40 2380-3535 Telefax: +1 954 885 3131 Telefax: +86 21 6226 4500 Telefax: +65 68287-624
For more information please visit our website: Subject to change without notice. © 2010 Caterpillar All Rights Reserved. Printed in Germany. CAT, CATERPILLAR, their
MARINE.CAT.COM Leaflet No. 245 · 08.10 · e · LWK · VM3 respective logos, ACERT, ADEM, „Caterpillar Yellow“ and the POWER EDGE trade
dress, as well as corporate identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and
may not be used without permission
Caterpillar Marine Power Systems is committed to sustainability. This document
is printed on PEFC certificated paper.
© ©
CCR_2010.qxd:Layout 1 03.08.2010 11:43 Uhr Seite 1
Furthermore, during normal load opera- and low emissions at all loads. Character-
tion NOx emissions can be reduced istic of Cat Common Rail is the approach Less Fuel and Reduced Emissions Mean More Environmental Care
without sacrificing fuel consumption. In of using the fuel (whether it’s heavy fuel
general, the Cat Common Rail fuel system oil, marine diesel oil or diesel oil) as the
enables vessel operation without visible control fluid for the injector, thus avoiding
soot throughout the whole operating the added complexity of a separate con-
range. trol fluid system.
During the development, the retrofit
aspect of the complete system has been
emphasized. As a result, the Cat Common
Rail fuel system can be retrofitted to
existing M 32 C engines. This means
increased customer value to reach future
environmental regulations.
Caterpillar Marine Caterpillar Marine MaK Americas Inc. Caterpillar Marine Trading Caterpillar Marine Asia
Cat CR
Power Systems Power Systems (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Pacific Pte Ltd
Neumühlen 9 Neumühlen 9 3450 Executive Way 25/F, Caterpillar Marine Center 14 Tractor Road
22763 Hamburg/Germany 22763 Hamburg/Germany Miramar Park of Commerce 1319, Yan’an West Road Singapore 627973/
Miramar, FL. 33025/USA 200050 Shanghai/P. R.China Singapore
Phone: +49 40 2380-3000 Phone: +49 40 2380-3000 Phone: +1 954 885 3200 Phone: +86 21 6226 2200 Phone: +65 68287-600
Telefax: +49 40 2380-3535 Telefax: +49 40 2380-3535 Telefax: +1 954 885 3131 Telefax: +86 21 6226 4500 Telefax: +65 68287-624
For more information please visit our website: Subject to change without notice. © 2010 Caterpillar All Rights Reserved. Printed in Germany. CAT, CATERPILLAR, their
MARINE.CAT.COM Leaflet No. 245 · 08.10 · e · LWK · VM3 respective logos, ACERT, ADEM, „Caterpillar Yellow“ and the POWER EDGE trade
dress, as well as corporate identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and
may not be used without permission
Caterpillar Marine Power Systems is committed to sustainability. This document
is printed on PEFC certificated paper.
© ©