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For and on behalf of the Food Corporation of India (hereinafter called the Corporation) the Area
Manager, Food Corporation of India, District office Bareilly invites online tenders UNDER TWO BID
SYSTEM at Central Public Procurement Portal (URL:https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app) from
experienced/in-experienced/ Sole Proprietary concern or Registered Partnership Firm or a Private
Limited Company or a Public Limited Company incorporated in India for appointment of Handling and
Transport Contractor for food grains and allied material etc. of under mentioned depot/Centre (as
specified in the table below) of District office, Bareilly for a period of 04 months with option to
extend the same for further period of 03 months on same rate, terms and conditions.

Sl Name of Estimated Earnest Security Another In case of non- Contract

No. Purchase centre Value of Money @ 2% deposit at SD @10% experienced Period
of EV through 5% of EV in of EV in tenderer, additional from the
Contract RTGS /NEFT/
(In Rs.) the form of the form SD @10% of EV in date of
DD/Pay of bank the form of Bank joining
Order/ ECS guarantee Guarantee in addition upto
means (In Rs.)
(In Rs.) (In Rs.) to column no. 5&6
(In Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1 Pipriya Majhara 7,00,000/- 14,000/- 35,000/- 70,000/- 70,000/- 4 Month
2 Bisalpur Mandi 7,00,000/- 14,000/- 35,000/- 70,000/- 70,000/- 4 Month
3 Mehmudapur 6,00,000/- 12,000/- 30,000/- 60,000/- 60,000/- 4 Month
4 Fulbaiya 6,00,000/- 12,000/- 30,000/- 60,000/- 60,000/- 4 Month
5 Kunwargaon 5,00,000/- 10,000/- 25,000/- 50,000/- 50,000/- 4 Month


Tender document Tender document Online Bid Online Bid Online Technical
Download Start Download End submission Start submission End Bid opening date
date & time date& time date& time date& time & time
07.09.2017 14.09.2017 07.09.2017 14.09.2017 15.09.2017
11.00 Hrs at 11.00 Hrs at 11.30 Hrs at 11.30 Hrs at 12.00 Hrs
1. COST OF EACH TENDER FORM WILL BE Rs.500/- + Rs.90/- (GST)=Rs.590/- (Non-refundable)
2. No negotiation will be held with any of the bidders/ tenderer who participate in this tender. Hence,
tenderers / Bidders are requested to indicate their lowest rates at the very first instance.
3. Where the estimated contract value of HTC is less than Rs. Five Crore, Tenderers without
experience can also participate in the tender by giving/providing undertaking for depositing
additional Bank Guarantee @ 10% value of contract as per MTF.
4. Tender documents may be downloaded from Central Public Procurement Portal
https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app Aspiring Bidders/ Suppliers who have not registered in
e-procurement should enroll /register before participating through the website
https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app.The portal enrolment is free of cost. Bidders are advised to
go through instructions provided at Annexure-A regarding ‘Instructions for online Bid Submission’.

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5. Tenderers can access tender documents on the website, fill them with all relevant information and
submit the completed tender document into electronic tender on the website
https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app.Tenders and supporting documents should be uploaded
through e-procurement portal. Hard copy of the tender document will not be accepted.
6. Corrigendum to the Tender Notice, if any shall be issued/ available online only. Prospective
Bidders are requested to view website regularly.
7. Tenderers are also requested to furnish the following details, while submitting their tenders.
(i) Name of party as mentioned in Bank A/C.
(ii) Bank A/C No. and Name of Bank
(iii) Nature of A/C (Current/Saving)
(iv) IFSC No.
(v) MICR No.
(vi) E-mail ID and Fax Number.
8. Tenderers have to bring the original documents as uploaded during applying for participation in
the tender after opening of technical bid for verification of documents.
9. Apart from above, tenderer will also be bound by all the rules and regulations of GST.


The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the CPP Portal, using valid
Digital Signature Certificates. The instructions given below are meant to assist the bidders in registering
on the CPP Portal, prepare their bids in accordance with the requirements and submitting their bids on the
CPP Portal. More information useful for submitting online bids on the CPP Portal may be obtained at:


1. Bidders are required to enroll on the e-Procurement module of the Central Public Procurement
Portal (URL:https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app.) by clicking on the link “Click here to Enroll” on
the CPP Portal is free of charge.
2. As part of the enrolment process, the bidders will be required to choose a unique user name and
assign a password for their accounts.
3. Bidders are advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of the
registration process. These would be used for any communication from the CPP Portal.
4. Upon enrolment, the bidders will be required to register their valid Digital Signature Certificate
(Class II or Class III Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying Authority
recognized by CCA India (e.g. Sify /TCS/n Code/e Mudhraes=c.),with their profile.
5. Only valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are responsible to
ensure that they do not lend their DSC’s to others which may lead to misuse.
6. Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-I by entering their user ID/password and
the password of the DSC/e-Token.


1) There are various search options built in the CPP Portal, to facilitate bidders to search active
tenders by several parameters. These parameters could include Tender ID, organization name,
location, date other keywords etc. There is also an option of advance search for tenders, where in
the bidders may combine a number of search parameters such as organization name, form of
contract, location, date, other keywords etc. to search for a tender published on the CPP PortaL

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2) Once the bidders have selected the tenders they are interested in, they may download the
required documents/tender schedules. These tender scan be moved to the respective ‘My
Tenders’ folder. This would enable the CPP Portal to intimate the bidders through SMS/e-mail in
case there is any corrigendum issued to the tender document.
3) The bidder should make a note of unique Tender ID assigned to each tender, in case they want to
obtain any clarification/help from the Helpdesk.


Bidder should take into account any corrigendum published on the tender document before submitting
their bids. Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to understand
the documents required to be submitted, the number of documents–including the names and content of
each of the document that need to be submitted. Any deviations from these may lead to rejection of the
bid. Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in the tender
document/ schedule and generally, they can be in PDF/XLS/RAR/DWF formats. Bid documents may be
scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option. To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the
same set of standard documents which are required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of
uploading such standard documents (e.g. PAN card copy, annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has
been provided to the bidders. Bidders can use “My Space” area available to them to upload such
documents. These documents may be directly submitted from the “My Space” area while submitting a bid,
and need not be uploaded again and again. This will lead to a reduction in the time required for bid
submission process.


1) Bidder should login to the site well in advance for bid submission so that he/she upload the bid in
time i.e. on or before the bid submission time .Bidder will be responsible for any delay due to
other issues.
2) The bidder has to digitally sign and upload the required documents one by one as indicated in the
tender document.
3) Bidder has to select the payment option as “offline” to pay the tender fee/EMD as applicable and
enter details of the transaction no. (UTR No.)at appropriate place.
4) Bidder should deposit the EMD as per the instruction specified in the tender document. The
details of the EMD/tender fee should be filled carefully at specified place well before the closure
time of the bid as indicated in the tender form. Otherwise the uploaded bid will be rejected.
5) Bidders are requested to note that they should necessarily submit their financial bids in the format
provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price has been given as a standard BoQ format
with the tender document, then the same is to be downloaded and to be filled by all the bidders.
Bidders are required to download the BoQ, open it and complete the white colored (unprotected)
cells with their respective financial quotes and other details (such as name of the bidder). No
other cell should be changes. Once the details have been completed, the bidder should save it
and submit it online, without changing the filename. If the BoQ file is found to be modified by the
bidder, the bid will be rejected.
6) The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dash board) will be considered as the
standard time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders, opening of
bids etc. The bidders should follow this time during bid submission.
7) All the documents being submitted by the bidders would been crypted using PKI encryption
technique to ensure the secrecy of the data. The data entered cannot be viewed by unauthorized
person until the time of bid opening. The confidentiality of the bids is maintained using the

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secured Socket Layer 128 bit encryption technology. Data storage encryption of sensitive fields is
8) The uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the
authorized bid openers.
9) Upon the successful and timely submission of bids, the portal will give a successful bid
submission message & a bid summary will be displayed with the bid no. and the date & time of
the submission of the bid with all other relevant details.
10) The bid summary has to be printed and kept as an acknowledgement of the submission of the
bid. This acknowledgement may be used as an entry pass for any bid opening meetings.
11) Prospective tenderers should have ESI Code No. for H&T Contract in notified areas.


1) The time for seeking clarification and giving replies may be specified by RO concerned preferably it
should be before closing of the time of bids. The queries and replies will be submitted by e-mail
only at the e-mail ID indicated in the MTF. Any queries relating to the tender document and the
terms and conditions contained therein should be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a
tender on the relevant contact person indicated in the tender.
2) Any queries relating to the process of the bid submission or queries relating to CPP Portal in
general may be directed to 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk. The contact number for the helpdesk is

The tender shall be submitted online in two parts, viz., technical bid and price bid. All supporting documents
except tender document have to be scanned and uploaded in Technical Bid. Price Bid as prescribed and
provided in Part-B, has to be scanned, encrypted and uploaded at the requisite places in the e-
Procurement system.The envelope/ packet in online containing the Technical Bid shall include the following:

Tender form, all the Annexure & Appendices of MTF duly signed on each page by the Tenderer should be
scanned and uploaded in e-Procurement portal.
Earnest Money Deposit and cost of tender form details along with receipt if any.
List of Scanned copy of Documents attached, as per the format in Appendix II for HTC and Appendix III for
RTC/ ITC duly signed by the Tenderer.
Tender which do not comply with these instructions shall be summarily rejected.

Tenders should be uploaded/ submitted through e-Procurement at https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app.

Manual bids/Hard copy of the tender documents will not be accepted. However the successful tenderer
will have to submit the original hard copy of MTF duly signed on each page of MTF along with annexure/
appendices duly attested on or before the date & time stipulated by FCI, failing which the EMD furnished
by the Bidder is liable to be forfeited and further that the award of contract through the letter of acceptance
will be issued to the successful tenderer only after he fulfils this requirement.
The supporting documents shall be scanned and uploaded by Tenderer clearly neatly and accurately
unreadable format. Any alteration, erasure so overwriting on the supporting documents should be duly
initiated by authorized signatory.
Tenders not accompanied by all the Schedules/ Annexure intact, and duly filled in and signed may be
It should be clearly understood by the Tenderer that no opportunity shall be given to them to alter, modify
or with-draw any offer at any stage after submission of the tender.

Page 4 of 7
Any attempt by tenderer to change the format of any of the supporting documents of the MTF while
uploading or any attempt to tinker with the software of the portal will render his tender liable for cancellation
and his subsequent blacklisting.
The tenderer shall quote one uniform percentage of rates at FCISOR or above schedule of rates
or below schedule of rates as per Appendix VII (Price Bid) for HTC tender and Rupees per MT/Km for
RTC tender and Rupees per MT for the ITC tender. Tenderers are also requested to use the separate
prescribed MTF for HTC, RTC and ITC tender.
The tender documents (non-transferable) containing detailed terms and conditions and NIT may
be downloaded from Central Public Procurement Portal https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/appor from
FCI website at http://www.fciweb.nic.in. Each tender must be accompanied by an Earnest Money@ 2% of
value of contract which must be submitted electronically through NEFT/RTGS/other electronic means by
the tenderers in the CC Account No. 10897664716 MAIN BRACH, Civil Line, Near Kachehari, Bareilly of
State Bank of India. In case of NEFT/RTGS/other electronic means the tenderer has to indicate
transaction no. (UTR No.)of such payments appropriately in the Bid. The Tenderer shall be permitted to
bid on the express condition that in case he resoles, or modifies his
offer,orterms&conditionsthereof,aftersubmittinghistender,foranyreasonwhatsoever during the tender
process, or any of the information furnished by him/her is found to being correct or false, the Earnest
Money Deposited by him shall stand forfeited, without prejudice to any other right sand remedies of the
Corporation under the Contract and Law ,and the Tenderer will be liable for any loss suffered by the
Corporation on account of its withdrawal/modification etc. besides forfeiture of EMD. He will also be
debarred from participating in any other Tender Enquiry with FCI for as period of five years.
The amount of Rs.590/- (Rupees five Hundred Ninety only) inclusive of taxes, has to be paid by tenderer
electronically towards tender document fee as done in case of EMD and the deposit of tender document
fee will have to be done along with EMD.
E-PAYMENT MODES FOR EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (EMD) and tender documents fee: The tenderer
should pay the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and tender documents fee in the e-Procurement portal using
any of the following payment modes:
1. National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT)
3. Any other electronic means.
1. NAME OF BENEFICIARY & ADDRESS Area Manager, FCI, District Office,
83 Civil Line, Bareilly
3. CC Account No. 10897664716
4. I.F.S. CODE No. SBIN0000615
5. MICR No. 243002002
NOTE: Tender not accompanied by Earnest Money/ Tender Cost shall be summarily rejected.


1. Scanned copy of “TENDER SUBMISSION UNDERTAKING” accepting terms and condition of

tender as per Annexure-‘A’ of MTF.
2. Scanned copy of “Forwarding Letter” as per appendix- I for HTC and appendix-II for RTC/ITC of
MTF duly filled and signed. Photo to be invariably affixed on forwarding letter.

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3. Where the estimated contract value of HTC is less than Rs. Five Crore, Scanned copy of
“undertaking” to be provided by the tenderer for inexperience tenderer stating therein that an
additional performance guarantee in the form of BG of 10% of the contract value from SBI and its
associate Banks/the other Public Sector Banks will be given if selected as per format appendix-V
of MTF along with attested copy of address proof and PAN Card and details of address and Pan
card should be given in undertaking.
4. Scanned and attested copy of registered deed of Partnership/ Memorandum and Articles of
Association / Bye Laws and certificate of registration etc. as applicable.
5. Scanned and attested copy of Power of attorney in favour of person signing the tender and other
documents, in case of Partnership Firm/Private Limited Company etc.
6. Scanned and attested copy of Certificate of experience and details.

Pro-forma of Work Experience Certificate to be produced by the Tenderer

Sl. Name of the Nature of Contract Product Volume Total Whether Remarks
No. Client the work/ Period Handled Of Work Value work
/Customer Contract Handled Of work/ executed
Served executed In MT Contract satisfactory
executed (yes/No)

7. Scanned and attested copy of duly audited P&L account and Balance Sheet of relevant
completed years for which experience certificate has been submitted by the tenderer.
8. Attested copy of EPF Code Number and Proof of deposit of EPF monthly challans if applicable. If
EPF not applicable for the relevant experience, the exemption certificate issued by appropriate
authority or notarized affidavit to this effect must be enclosed with technical bid; otherwise same
shall not be entertained.
9. Scanned and attested Copy of Income Tax /PAN Card.
10. Attested copy of address proof.
11. Bank Account details and any other documents as per MTF, if applicable.
12. In case of RTC and HTC, Contractor shall give an undertaking agreeing to abide by the section
11 of the Carriage by Road Act, 2007 and shall undertake to compensate the loss as per
provisions of MTF. Contractor shall also submit necessary documents of registration etc to the
13. In case of HTC the bidder has to submit duly filled and self attested Appendix-VI. The information
furnished in Appendix-VI shall be supported by experience certificate issued by client(s) on their
letter head separately. Duly filled appendix VI is mandatory for technical qualification.


1. Scanned copy of Price Bid as per Part-B (Appendix-VII for HTC) along with SOR

The Technical Bids will be opened ONLINE on 15.09.2017 at 12.00 Hrs. The Technical Bid will be
opened online first, in the Office of the Food Corporation of India, District Office, Bareilly at the fixed time
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and the date indicated in the NIT. The Tenderer will be at liberty to be present either in person or through
an authorized representative at the time of opening of the Technical Bid with the Bid Acknowledgement
Receipt or they can view the bid opening event online at their remote end.

The PRICE BIDS of only those tenderers shall be opened whose technical bids qualify, at a time and
place of which notice will be given. The Tenderer technically qualified will be at liberty to be present
either in person or through an authorized representative at the time of opening of the Price Bids with the
bid Acknowledgement Receipt or they can view the bid opening event online at their remote end.

Every handling and transport contractor whose tender is accepted by the Corporation shall
immediately apply for license to the prescribed licensing authority through the FCI (Principal Employer) in
terms and Section 12 of the Contract Labour (R&A) Rules 1971 before entering upon any work under the

The prospective tenderer should have E. S. I. Code No. for Handling and Transport Contracts in
notified areas.

Every HTC/RTC/ITC shall abide to provide the trucks everyday as per requirement at depot level
and terms and conditions of MTF shall be applicable upon them.

The Food Corporation of India reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any

No. S&C/Cont/KMS/2017-18/Bly. Date 07.09.2017

Area Manager
Copy to;

1- The General Manager (Region), FCI, RO. Lucknow for information please.
2- The AGM (Computer), FCI, RO, Lucknow… is requested to find enclosed NIT and MTF for
uploading on FCI website please.
3- Manager (Comml.) FCI, DO.Bareilly…w.r.t. his ION dated 06.09.2017 for information and
necessary action.
4- Manager (D) FCI, C.B.Ganj, New Parsakhera,Pilibhit, Badaun…. for wide publicity of tender.
5- Manager (QC/Purchase) FCI, District Pilibhit, Bareilly, Badaun….for wide publicity of tender.
6- The Manager (Admn-A/Admn-B/Storage/Comml./Movment/Vig.& Security/Fin/Cash/Compilation/
Pay Office), FCI, DO, Bareilly…. for necessary action and wide publicity of tender.
7- Bid opener committee members…for information & necessary action.
8- Notice Board of FCI, DO, Bareilly.

Area Manager

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