MTF of Wheat - 5
MTF of Wheat - 5
MTF of Wheat - 5
क्षेत्रिय कायाालय,
पता:- हहमाली टावर के पास, श्यामल क्रोस रोड,
सेटेलाईट, अहमदाबाद- 380015
फोि िं.:- 079-26733012, 26731725
ई-मेल: -
Food Corporation of India reserves the right to reject any or all bid(s) or cancel
or withdraw any lot or quantity of stocks and/ or scrap the sale of Wheat
through e-Auction at any stage without assigning any reasons and without any
Sale of Wheat to the empanelled traders/ bulk consumers of Wheat under
OMSS (D) lying at various Depots under FCI Regional Office Ahmedabad
through E- Auction (Auction No.12, dated 21.08.2019)
2. Only those bidders who are empanelled with FCI and already registered
with mjunction before the day of issue of this Notice of e- auction on
mjunction /FCI website are permitted to participate in the e-auction. The
requirements of empanelment are to be read and construed as part and
parcel of this document and binding on the bidders. The empanelment of
interested bidders is an on going and continuous process and those
bidders who are interested to get themselves empanelled may contact
help desk provided by mjunction on Toll Free No.18001027136
(ii) If EMD is not credited in the designated bank account of FCI one day
prior to the start of E-auction or Bids is submitted without/ with
insufficient EMD if shall be summarily rejected and bidder shall not be
allowed to participate in the bidding process.
(iii) EMD furnished by the bidder shall be forfeited, if the bidder withdraws
his offer or modifies the terms & conditions thereof or does not keep his
offer open for acceptance during the validity period or resiles from the
offer or fails or neglects to observe/perform any of the obligations under
the contract or violates any of the terms of contract subject to clause10
A (iii) and 10 A(vi).
(iv) The EMD of all unsuccessful tenderers shall be refunded within three
working days from the date of issuance of acceptance letter to the
successful bidder. However, no interest shall be payable for delay in
refund of EMD, in any case.
(i) The bidder(s) shall participate in the e- auction separately for each
Depot. The bidder shall quote the rate per quintal at or above the
reserve price of Wheat shown at Appendix-I on e- auction platform as
depicted at Appendix-II. Applicable taxes will be levied extra. Each bid
by bulk consumer/trader shall be for a minimum quantity of 50 MT
and total quoted quantity for all Depot(s) put together in an e-
auction shall not exceed 5000 MT.
(ii) Once submitted, the bids can be modified only upward in terms of either
rate [in multiple of Rs. 5/- (Rs. Five)] or quantity (in multiple of 50 MT) or
both. All bid(s) shall be irrevocable. The bidders are not permitted to
withdraw the bids. Bidders shall keep their offers open for acceptance
for seven working days from the date of e auction, failing which the EMD
furnished by the bidders is liable to be forfeited.
For acceptance of Bids, each depot shall be treated as a separate unit.
Bid(s) will be accepted on the principle of Price, Time and Quantity. For
each depot, first the quantity as quoted by H-1 will be approved at H-1
rates. Then the quantity as quoted by H-2 will be approved at H-2 rates.
This process will continue till the depot wise quantity offered is
exhausted. In case of similar rate being quoted by multiple tenderers at
any stage i.e. H1, H2…etc, the available quantity (if less than the total
bid quantity) shall be accepted on “first quoted first allotted basis” i.e. the
bidder who has quoted the rate first will be allotted the bid quantity
subject to availability of stocks for allocation. In case of similar rate being
quoted by multiple tenderers at the same time, the bidder who has
quoted for the higher quantity shall be allotted the bid quantity subject to
availability of stocks for allocation.
After the close of the e–auction, Acceptance letters will be
communicated to the successful bidders by e-mail in the e-mail ID
provided by the bidder at the time of empanelment and the same can
also be viewed by logging into the system at
The acceptance of the Bid by the General Manager or an officer
authorized by him on his behalf shall constitute the contract between the
bidder and the Food Corporation of India and no separate Agreement is
required to be executed after the issue of the Acceptance Letter.
iv) The buyer shall complete the lifting within free period of fourteen (14)
working days from the next date of communication of acceptance by
v) After Fourteen (14) working days, on the request of buyer, Area
Manager, FCI may allow the extension for a maximum period of another
*Fourteen (14) working days for lifting the stocks from FCI godowns on
payment of storage charges in case the allotted quantity is less than
2000 MT.
In case, the allotted quantity is equal to or more than 2000 MT, on the
Request of buyer, Area Manager, FCI may allow the extension for a
maximum period of another Twenty one (21) working days for lifting the
stock from FCI godowns on payment of storage charges.
viii) If the successful bidder is unable to lift the allotted stocks within the
stipulated period of lifting because of operational difficulties of FCI or
reasons beyond human control (Force Majeure) the concerned General
Manager, Region, FCI may consider to refund the balance amount
equivalent to the unlifted stocks of Wheat based on merit of each case,
provided Force Majeure event is notified by the tenderer to FCI in writing
within seven (7) days of occurrence of such event. A speaking order has
to be passed by General Manager, Region elaborating the operational
difficulties of FCI and action taken if such difficulties are caused due to
negligence. Under no circumstances, stocks shall be delivered to any
successful bidder after the expiry of the stipulated delivery period.
(B) The food grains will be sold on “as is where is basis”.
(C) The Food Corporation of India reserves the right to withdraw from the
sale any quantity included in the E-Auction prior to the acceptance of
(D) The buyer shall make his own arrangement for transport and will not be
entitled to claim any facility or assistance for transportation from the
Food Corporation of India. However, the stocks shall be loaded in the
trucks of the successful bidder at the cost of FCI.
(E) In case the successful bidder wishes to take delivery of the stocks,
through a representative, he (buyer) must authorize such representative
through a Letter of Authority in prescribed format (Appendix- III) which
shall be presented to the Depot in-charge of concerned Depot. Depot in-
charge after verifying the bonafides of the authorized
representative/Letter of Authority shall issue the stocks to Authorized
representative. However, such Delivery shall be at buyer’s sole
responsibility and risk and no claim whatsoever, shall lie against the
Food Corporation of India on any account, if delivery is affected to a
wrong person.
(F) The FCI shall deliver stocks on 100% weighment basis. The weighment
Slip shall be prepared in triplicate and signed by the buyer/his
representative in token of acceptance of quantity & quality.
(G) Delivery shall be given only during working hours on all FCI working
days on presentation of the copy of the Release Order digitally signed
by FCI and mjunction, by the buyer/his representative to the Depot
(H) The Food Corporation of India does not guarantee to make available any
definite quantity to the bidder.
(I) The Food Corporation of India reserves the right to accept or reject the
bid(s), without assigning any reason.
(J) The bidders shall make their arrangements for obtaining permits, if any
required from the State Government /any other authority.
(K) The wheat so purchased from FCI under OMSS through e auction will
be utilized domestically and shall not be exported by the bidder. If the
bidder violates any of the terms and conditions of the empanelment or
found to be furnishing any wrong/false information at any stage, then in
addition to forfeiture of EMD, bidder will be debarred from participating in
future tenders floated by FCI for disposal of foodgrains and coarse
grains for a period of one year.
If any bribe, commission, advantages offered or promised by or on
behalf of the tenderers to any officer/ employee/ servant of the
Corporation and mjunction, then such bidder(s) shall be debarred from
the E-Auction in addition to initiating criminal action. Canvassing in any
form on the part of the bidder on or his behalf will also make his tender
liable for rejection.
The bidder shall defend, indemnify and hold FCI and their respective
officers, directors, agents, and employees, harmless during and after the
E-Auction against any and all liabilities, damages, claims, fines,
penalties, actions, procedures and expenses of any nature arising out of,
resulting from any violation of any laws by the bidder any way connected
with the acts, negligence, breach, failure to perform obligations relating
to the bidder.
13. COMPLIANCE OF LAWS: Both FCI and Bidder shall comply and abide
by all applicable laws including without limitation all applicable Rules
made thereunder.
14. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: In no event shall FCI be liable for any
direct or indirect or consequential damages of any kind suffered by the
bidders or their agents or beneficiaries, in connection with the sale of
food grains through e auction and/or use of e auction platform of the
service provider.
For and on behalf of Food Corporation of India
General Manager, Gujarat
Appendix – I
Reserve price
Sr.No. Name of Depot Crop Year Quantity including Railway
Offered freight + Road
(in MT) transportation
TOTAL 7500
Details of depots under the MTF (Auction timing, Auction quantity,
Reserve Price) visible
M/S……………………………………………., ADDRESS, DO HEREBY
AUTHORISE SHRI……………………………S/O……………………………FOR
________________________ vide release order No. …. Dated ….
Bank Details of FCI RO Ahmedabad
OMSS CC Account
Instructions for Sale of Wheat through e-auction:
Provisional Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account
for a Quarter/Half year accompanied by a limited review
by Auditor/ Chartered Accountant should be furnished.
The Balance Sheet/ Profit & Loss Account shall also
evidence that the firm is dealing in the business of
wheat/ rice (whichever is applicable), failing which the
firms shall submit copy of GST returns (only in case the
buyer is registered under GST)/ Annual Report by way of
additional documents, to evidence that the firm is
dealing in the business of wheat/ rice (whichever is
7. Only those parties, who are empanelled with FCI and
registered with Service Provider(mjunction) before the day of issue of
notice of e-auction on mjunction /FCI website shall be permitted to
participate in that e-auction. Newly empanelled buyers can however
participate in subsequent e-auction(s) after receiving user id and
password from Service Provider.
12. The Service Provider shall ensure that the prospective bidder
shall have to accept the terms & conditions governing the sale of
wheat under OMSS (D) at the time of participating online in every e-
auction, before their bids are processed.
14. The auction window shall be kept open from 11.00 A.M. to
2.00 P.M. on the day of auction. During the bidding process, the
participating Bidders shall be able to see the highest depot-wise
quoted rate only.
16. GM (Region) will immediately verify the receipt of EMD of the
successful bidder in the system itself and only after authorization by
GM (Region), the Service Provider will communicate to the successful
bidders electronically on the same day and ask them to deposit the
balance cost of stock including taxes/levies, as applicable, directly
into the separate FCI Cash Credit Account.
19. The grievances of the affected bidder(s) and general public will
be decided by GM (Region) in a time bound manner and if bidder(s)
is/are not satisfied/ still aggrieved with the decision of GM (Region),
then appeal may be made to ED (Zone)s. Further, any unresolved
disputes between the parties to the contract will be settled in the
Court of Law of competent jurisdiction.