Of Two For Adaptive Control Of: Analysis
Of Two For Adaptive Control Of: Analysis
Of Two For Adaptive Control Of: Analysis
Adaptive signal control has the potential to provide improved employed, the quality of the information used for making
control at isolated intersections. Adaptive control, however, timing decisions, the level of control efficiencies delivered by
has limitations due to its need to rely on estimated flow con- existing control devices, and the traffic flow patterns involved.
ditions for making signal timing decisions. Such estimated flow Field tests conducted so far have shown mixed but encour-
conditions always differ from the actual conditions, and the aging results for adaptive control. A test of Miller's algorithm
discrepancies can offset the benefit of having an elaborate deci- (8) at an intersection revealed that the resulting control effi-
sion making process in a control logic. Therefore, an issue can ciencies were poorer than those provided by vehicle-actuated
be raised as to whether it is necessary to rely on strenuous controls when the flows approaching the intersection were
decision-making processes for adaptive control. This study less than 1,300 vph. A test of modernized optimized vehicle
compares the relative merits of a simple queue based logic and
actuation strategy (1) for ten time-of-day periods resulted in
a logic that relies on a much more complicated procedure for
making timing decisions. It is found that the queue-based logic delay reductions of 5Vo to l2%o for seven periods, a delay
is nearly as effective as the more complicated logic. This finding increase of.7Vo for one period, and delay reductions of.20Vo
points to a direction for the development of new control logics and 30Vo, respectively, for the remaining two periods. The
-l that can be widely used to replace existing traffic'actuated implementation of the traffic optimization logic (4) at one
control logics. intersection yielded delay reductions of more than20Vo when
compared with a traffic-actuated operation.
Adaptive control, referred to herein, is a mode of control As demonstrated in these field tests, the incorporation of an
which relies on very short-term advance vehicle arrival infor- optimization capability into signal control does not necessarily
mation in an attempt to achieve real-time optimization of guarantee improved signal operations. The accuracy ofthe infor-
signal operations. Several adaptive control logics have been mation utilized to make timing decisions is also critical to adap-
tested in the field, implemented, or recommended for use at tive control. This can be a drawback, because adaptive control
isolated intersections. Examples of such logics include mod- usually relies on estimated flow conditions rather than on actual
ernized optimized vehicle actuation strategy (1), Miller's algo- flow conditions. To facilitate the estimation of flow conditions,
rithm (2), optimization policies for adaptive control (J), traffic it is necessary to place detectors several hundred feet upstream
optimization logic (4), and stepwise adjustment of signal tim- of the intersection in order to provide advance vehicle arrival
ing logic (5). The split, cycle, and offset optimization tech- information. Such detectors can provide perhaps no more than
nique (ó), which is intended mainly for signal coordination, 115 sec of advance information at mbst intersections. In order
has also been tested for the control of isolated intersections to overcome this limitation, some researchers (3, 8) have resorted
(n to the use of predicted vehicle arrival data to supplement the
It should be noted that, regardless of the level of sophis- detector data. This approach tends to introduce errors into the
tication of a control strategy, optimal signal operations can information that is used to make signal timing decisions. Even
never be achieved in a real life situation. The term optimi- if the estimation of the flow conditions is based entirely on
zation is often used casually to represent a process of searching detector data, the resulting estimates can be expected to deviate
for a better course of action. Such a process can be based on from the actual flow conditions. The discrepancies between the
a straightforward trade-off analysis in order to determine estimated and the actual conditions can be attributed to lane
whether the current green duration should be extended for a changes and to variations in vehicle speeds, queue discharge
short time interval (4). It can also be based on an elaborate headways, driver responses to signal change interval, and so
procedure to evaluate alternative signal switching sequences forth.
and, subsequently, to identify the best sequence for a rela- In light of this drawback, it is worth investigating whether
tively long (e.g., 100 sec) future period of time (3). This liberal strenuous decision-making processes can be replaced by sim-
interpretation of optimization is also adopted in this paper. ple decision rules for adaptive control. To address this issue,
two adaptive control logics are compared in this study. One
INTRODUCTION logicis stepwise adjustment of signal timing (SAST) (5), which
requires the evaluation of alternative signal switching sequences
The extent to which adaptive control can irnprove signal oper- in order to reach a signal timing decision. The other logic is
ations depends in part on the specific adaptive control logic based on the consideration of queue length and determines
whether the current green should be terminated by comparing
Civil Engineering Department, Clarkson University, Potsdam, N.Y. the expected maximum queue length of the current green
13676. phase with a threshold queue length.
Time is T
exi s ts
Li )*u, 'I
es ti mate
queue I engths
atT opt'imization
termìnate green
reached at
extend green to
T+¿T, then enter
change i nterval
SAST LOGIC either to extend the green beyond the current step or to ter-
minate the green at the end of that step. Referring to Figure
SAST logic relies on a binary choice decision-making process 2,let T be the beginning of a step. At least two types of data
for stepwise adjustment of signal timing. In this decision- are needed for making a timing decision. One type of data is
making process, time is divided into small intervals, or steps. the vehicle arrival sequence that is expected at the stop line
In each step, an analysis is made to determine whether the in several steps beyond Z. This type of data is derived from
current green should be terminated at the end of that step. vehicle arrival data obtained by the upstream detectors. The
The rationale for the development of this logic is discussed procedure for deriving such data is simple.
elsewhere (5). Let f, be the arrival time of a vehicle at an upstream detector
The decision-making process adopted in SAST logic for location and r the average travel time between the detector
stepwise adjustment of a green duration is shown in Figure and the stop line in the absence of interferences by signal
1. This process has four levels of decision-making activities, operations. Then, the expected arrival time of that vehicle at
which are marked in the figure as I, II, III, and IV, respec- the stop line is assumed to be A¡ : t¡ r. This expected arrival
tively. The first three levels employ simple decision rules which time can be used directly for decision making. It can also be
either permit the current green to be extended beyond the represented as one arrival in a specified step. The latter
first step or call for additional analyses. The data processing approach enables more efficient data processing. Therefore,
requirements for these three levels are very limited. Signal it is adopted in SAST logic. Following this approach, ,4, is
optimization, which is the last level of the decision-making transformed into one vehicle arrival in the ¿th step beyond
process, comes into play only if the first three levels fail to Tif ,4, falls in that step. Since the efficiency of adaptive control
choose a definitive course of action. can be sensitive to the errors in the vehicle arrival sequence
The manner in which SAST logic processes and utilizes that is used for signal optimization, the step size A,T should
information to reach signal timing decisions is described in be sufficiently small. Large step sizes will distort an arrival
detail below. sequence. Two second steps are a reasonable choice. In each
of such steps, the number of vehicle arrivals will rarely exceed
Data Acquisition and Processing one. On the other hand, the step size should be sufficiently
large in order to allow time for data processing, signal optim-
Time is divided into successive steps in SAST logic. Each step ization, and implementation of a timing decision.
is AZ sec in length. A decision must be made in each step Because the number of arrivals in each step is derived from
detector data, a finite amount of advãnce information is avail- the right-of-way before most of its queuing vehicles enter the
able at a given point in time. Referring again to Figure 2; if intersection. The result is poor signal operation. This problem
the average travel time between an upstream detector and can be eliminated when a threshold queue length is used to
the stop line is equivalentto M steps, then only those vehicles bypass signal optimization.
detected between T - MLT and Z will produce advance For example, if the threshold queue length is set at four
information for decision making at T. In other words, the vehicles, the queue lengths of the current phase can be reduced
amount of advance information available at T is MAT sec. to about four vehicles before other phases are allowed to
The second type of data needed for decision making is the compete for the right-of-way through signal optimization. This
expected queue length in each tratÏic lane at time Z. Such ensures that the queue lengths of every phase will not grow
queue lengths are determined from a traffic model, which is at excessive rates due to the existence of short green intervals.
an integral part of SAST logic, and are defined as the differ- A previous study (5) reveals that the best threshold queue
ences between expected cumulative arrivals and departures Iength to use appears to be about four vehicles. This implies
as measured at the stop line for a specified point in time. that it is best to allow the queue lengths of the current green
phase to be reduced to approximately four vehicles before
other phases are allowed to compete for the green.
Level I Decision Making To prevent exceedingly long green durations, SAST logic
also allows the imposition of a maximum allowable green G-u"
If competing demands for the right-of-way do not exist, there on the current phase. This G*"*, however, is imposed only
is no reason to terminate the current green phase. At a given when the maximum queue length of all completing phases
time 7, competing demands are considered to be nonexistent exceeds a specified threshold value.
if all the phases waiting for the right-of-way have the following
expected flow conditions:
Level III Decision Making
1.. There are no queuing vehicles in any lane at T, and
2. There are no vehicles expected to arrive at the stop liûe This level of decision making takes into consideration the
in n steps following l. queue lengths of the current green phase and those of all
competing phases. The current green in extended beyond Z
A reasonable value of ¿ is one such that nL,T is about 6 + AT if the following two conditions are satisfied:
sec. If a competing demand after a period of ¿AZ results in
a decision to terminate the green, nAT shorter than 6 sec may 1. The maximum queue length (L,)-"* of the current green
unnecessarily force an approaching vehicle to a complete stop phase I is longer than the maximum queue length (L.)*.. of
before it is given the right-of-way. all competing phases, and
2. The total number of queuing vehicles TL,of the current
green phase is larger than the total number of queuing vehicles
Level II Decision Making TL, of all competing phases.
vehicles which a¡e expected to reach the stop line between Z this option are generated and evaluated one at a time. If the
and Z + MA,T. The critical lanes to be included for signal delay D, resulting from such a switching sequence is less than
optimization can vary from one step to another. They are or equal to D-,", it is more desirable to extend the green
determined according to the following criteria for each phase: beyond T + LT. In such a case, the current green is allowed
to continue unless the maximum green constraint prohibits
1. A lane that has a long queue length at time Z is more further extension of the green. If D, is greater than D_,n
critical than a lane that has a short queue. instead, another signal switching sequence is generated and
2. If two lanes have equal queue lengths at time f, the evaluated in the same manner until all alternative sequences
lane that has a larger number of expected arrivals between I associated with terminating the green at T + 2LT are exhausted.
and I + 2AZ is more critical. Following that, the option of terminating the green at T +
3. If two lanes have equal queue lengths at Z and equal nAT for n : 3, 4, . . . may be evaluated.
numbers of expected arrivals between T and T + ZAT, the SAST logic uses a decision variable N*"* to limit the max-
lane which is ahead in the data processing order is more imum number of options that are to be evaluated. For exam-
critical. ple, if N-"* : 3 is specified, only those signal switching
sequences involving the termination of the green at T + AT,
T + 2^T, and T + 3LT are considered for evaluation. With
Optimízation Process M steps of advance information, the value of N-,, can vary
from2to M.
The signal optimization process is illustrated in Figure 3. The
first task in this process is to examine the option of terrninating
the green af T + A?. This option leads to several alternative Generation of Switching Sequences
signal switching sequences. These sequences are generated
and evaluated in order to estimate the minimum delay D-,. Given that the current green is to be terminated at T * nAT
associated with this option. The next task is to determine (, : 1, 2, . . . , M), SAST logic does nor aftempr to generare
whether D-," can be reduced by extending the green beyond all feasible signal switching sequences for evaluation. Instead,
T + LT.This task is carried out byfirstconsidering the option it generates a small number of switching sequences that are
of terminating the green at the end of the second step, i.e., likely among the best few of all feasible sequences.
af T + 2A,7. The signal switching sequences associated with The process of generating signal switching sequence can be
option I
determine delay D
next option
terminate green at T+AT
r- 1.. If a signal change interval is in effect at the end of the
¡ |'.'. i I t--71 | I
last step, i.e., at + 5AT, that interval is allowed to be timed
:liiltl i out at or beyond T + sLT (Fig.4a,4d, and 4e). Afterwards,
(d) 0ption 3 the green is given to the next phase that still has vehicles
waiting to enter the intersection. This green is allowed to
1ltt1F-11¡-l= continue until all the vehicles in that phase are discharged.
2. lf a green interval is in effect at T + 5Af (Fig. 4b, 4c,
zllliii"-t i
and 4f), this green interval is extended beyond T + 5ATuntil
1 I t t I I I t.- all the vehicles are discharged.
(e) Option 4 3. The generation of a signal switching sequence is com-
pleted when all the vehicles included in the analysis are pre-
I sumably discharged. This point in time is denoted as P in
2 Figure 4.
Option 5
Estimation of Delays
FIGURE 4 Example of generated signal switching sequences.
The delay experienced by a vehicle is measured as the expected
departure time minus the expeçted arrival time at the stop
better described with the example shown in Figure 4. This line in the absence of interferences by signal operations. SAST
figure should be interpreted as follows: logic estimates only the delays of those vehicles which are
expected to reach the stop line by T + MLT. Therefore, it
is assumed that there are no additional vehicle arrivals beyond
1. The total number of signal phases is three.
2. Phase t has the green at time I. T + MAT.
3. The signal change interval following each green equals Delays are estimated simultaneously with the generation of
two steps. each signal switching sequence. When the front portions of
4. A bold ascending line indicates that a phase has the several signal switching sequences are identical, the delays
green, and a bold horizontal line signifies a signal change related to such portions are only estimated once in order to
interval. reduce the CPU time. For example, the first two signal switch-
5. Advance information is available for M : 5 steps beyond ing sequences depicted in Figure 4 have the same switching
pattern between T and T + 3AT. Therefore, the delays incurred
6. Switching sequences marked as (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), in this period and estimated for the first switching sequence
and (f), respectively, are arranged according to the order in are used directly for the second sequence.
which they are generated. The total delay associated with a signal switching sequence
is the sum of the delays incurred in each step. The delays in
In Figure 4a, the current green is terminated at T + LT' each step can be estimated from the cumulative arrivals and
Subsequently, a signal change interval is timed out at T * departures both at the beginning and at the end of that step.
3AT. The green is then given to the next phase, i.e., phase To estimate such delays foreach lane, the following two quan-
2, lf that phase has a demand for the right-of-way. If phase tities are defined first:
2 has no demand, the green is given to phase 3 by skipping CA": Que(Î) (1)
phase 2, provided that phase 3 has a demand for the right-
of-way. If neither phase 2 nor phase 3 has a demand for CD.: g (2)
Lin 11
where as the SAST logic. The only difference is that the optimization
competì ng.
' l'max > L
(Li )*u*
' (1.)*u,
and TL. ' TL.
es ti mate
queue 1 engths impose G*u,
'r'max- > L"
¡ = l+aT
reached at
extend green to
T+AT, then enter
change i nterval
approaches (5). They differ by less than 3Vo when actual ft upstream of the intersection to detect vehicle arrivals. The
vehicle arrival sequences are used as inputs into the simulation step size ATwas seL at2 sec and N*u* was limited to 2. The
model. The differences between the simulated and the mea- maximum green was set at 60 sec. This constraint, however,
sured delays can be greater if vehicle arrivals are generated took effect only when a queuing vehicle was stopped by a red
from specified flow rates. light. In addition, the current green was extended automat-
To provide an insight into the desirability of replacing traffic- ically if the maximum queue length of the current green phase
actuated rrintrol with adaptive control, SAST logic was com- exceeds four vehicles.
pared with ^onventional loop occupancy control logic. This Referring to Figure 6, it can be seen that the advantages
comparison' based on various hourly flow patterns which of the SAST based control over the loop occupancy control
were subjected to either two- to four-phase control. The num- can vary from one hourly flow pattern to another. When the
ber of lanes associated with a phase was varied from two to flow rates are low, and the delays under the loop occupancy
four. The lane flows ranged from 100 to 750 vph per lane. control are less than 10 sec/veh for two-phase operations, the
The total flows approaching the intersection were in the range SAST-based control can be only as efficient as the loop occu-
of 600 to 5,600 vph. No conflicting movements were present. pancy control. For four-phase operations, the SAST-based
The four-phase control had two protected left-turn phases to control cannot be expected to deliver significant improve-
accommodate vehicles in continuous left-turn lanes. The sim- ments when the delay under the loop occupancy control is
ulated vehicle had an average approach speed of 40 ft/sec. less than 20 sec/veh. Under moderate to heavy flow condi-
For the loop occupancy control, the maximum allowable tions, however, the SAST-based control can improve the con-
green was set at 60 sec. When two-phase operations were trol efficiency in some cases by more than 207o; the mosf
encountered, 50-ft detectors were used if a phase was asso- likely level of improvement appears to be in the range of 8Vo
ciated with four lanes, and 70-ft detectors were used if a phase to L5Vo. Since traffic-actuated signals are not necessarily uti-
was associated with two lanes. For four-phase operations, 50- lized to their best ability, the actual improvement through
ft detectors were used in left-turn lanes, while 7O-detectors adaptive control can be greater than what is implied in
were used in others. The extension interval was set at zelo Figure 6.
seconds for all the cases examined. These timing settings and Traffic-actuated control based on loop occupancy or vol-
detector configurations yield near optimal operations under ume density logic can be very efficient under light flow con-
heavy flow conditions. ditions. Under heavier flow conditions, two problems may
For SAST-based operations, 5-ft detectors were placed 400 emerge. One problem is the failure of the control to allow
Lin 13
o 4-phase .4-phase
o .: "s5;; 940
; Õ
o tr
ã o
o oJU
30 L
o c
! o
c O
o !
a o
ã20 Æ¿o
lu zo 30 40 50 60
most queuing vehicles to enter the intersection due to pre- for all the hourly patterns tested in this study. At the present
mature termination of the green. This problem can arise when time, however, it is unknown which combination of N-"* and
short detector lengths, short vehicle intervals, or short max- L will result in the best overall operation for an intersection
imum greens are employed. On the other hand, excessively with a wide range of flow conditions. Despite this limitation,
long greens may resuh because of the actuation of detectors it should be noted that, with the exception of a few tested
by vehicles not in a queue. Such vehicles cannot utilize the flow patterns that have low flow rates, the queue-based con-
intersection capacity as efficiently as queuing vehicles. This trol consistently performs better than the loop occupancy con-
problem can become rather acute when many lanes are asso- trol. This characteristic can be exploited for adaptive control
ciated with a signal phase. of intersections where short auxiliary lanes, opposed left turns,
Adaptive control can alleviate these weaknesses of traffic- or frequent right-turn-on-red maneuvers exist. At such inter-
actuated control through real-time optimization. Similarly, sections, reliable advance information cannot be obtained for
the queue-based logic, as shown in Figure 5, can also prohibit all approach lanes. In these cases, real-time information on
vehicles that cannot efficiently utilize the intersection capacity queuing flows may be obtained and used to complement advance
from extending the green. To facilitate a comparative analysis information in order to produce efficient signal operations.
of SAST logic and the queue-based logic, the same simulation
model was used to determine the best threshold queue length
L, that should be used for the level IV decision-making of CONCLUSIONS
the queue-based logic. The best threshold queue length was
found to be in the range of 0.5 to 1.5 vehicles. Adaptive control has the potential to improve the existing
Based on a threshold value ofL, : 1.5 vehicles, the delays level of signal control efficiencies at isolated intersections.
produced respectively by SAST logic and the queue-based Generally, adaptive control requires a logic to identify flow
Iogic for a number of hourly flow patterns were estimated conditions and to use the identified conditions for making
through simulation. The results are shown in Figure 7, where intelligent timing decisions. This process of control usually
it can be seen that, for hourly flow patterns that have delays results in the use of estimated flow conditions for making
under 20 sec per vehicle, the SAST-based control is slightly signal timing decisions. Estimated flow conditions always deviate
better than the queue-based control. Under heavier flow con- from actual conditions. The detrimental effects of flawed
ditions, however, the queue-based control can sometimes per- information on signal timing decisions cannot be compensated
form better than the SAST-based control. for by the use of a strenuous process of searching for better
The ability of the queue-based logic to deliver reasonably signal operations. Therefore, it is pertinent to examine whether
high control efficiencies is not without a logical basis. Never- simple decision rules can be effectively used to replace a more
theless, one reason that the queue-based control can some- strenuous decision-making process for adaptive control.
times deliver better signal operations than the SAST-based In comparison with conventional loop occupancy control
control can be found in the use of N-"* : 2 and a threshold under simulated conditions, the SAST logic, which uses advance
queue length of L : 4 vehicles for the SAST-based control. information in a vigorous process for making signal timing
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