A Two-Stage Fuzzy Logic Controller For Tra C Signals: Mohamed B. Trabia, Mohamed S. Kaseko, Murali Ande

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Transportation Research Part C 7 (1999) 353±367


A two-stage fuzzy logic controller for trac signals

Mohamed B. Trabia *, Mohamed S. Kaseko, Murali Ande
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering, University of Nevada, 4505 Maryland
Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154-4027, USA
Received 25 June 1997; accepted 7 December 1999

This paper presents the design and evaluation of a fuzzy logic trac signal controller for an isolated
intersection. The controller is designed to be responsive to real-time trac demands. The fuzzy controller
uses vehicle loop detectors, placed upstream of the intersection on each approach, to measure approach
¯ows and estimate queues. These data are used to decide, at regular time intervals, whether to extend or
terminate the current signal phase. These decisions are made using a two-stage fuzzy logic procedure. In the
®rst stage, observed approach trac ¯ows are used to estimate relative trac intensities in the competing
approaches. These trac intensities are then used in the second stage to determine whether the current
signal phase should be extended or terminated. The performance of this controller is compared to that of a
trac-actuated controller for di€erent trac conditions on a simulated four-approach intersec-
tion. Ó 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Trac signal control; Adaptive control; Fuzzy logic; Intersection; Computer simulation

1. Introduction

Trac control in most signalized trac intersections is done with either pre-timed signal
control and/or trac-actuated control. Pre-timed control is based on pre-set signal timings and is,
therefore, non-responsive to real-time ¯uctuations in trac demand. Trac-actuated control
presents an improvement over pre-timed, but it has limited ability to respond to real-time trac
demand. For an intersection with actuated control, performance generally deteriorates with heavy
trac conditions and the proportion of stopped vehicles is generally high. Adaptive controllers

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-702-895-1331; fax: +1-702-895-3936.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.B. Trabia).

0968-090X/99/$ - see front matter Ó 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 6 8 - 0 9 0 X ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 2 6 - 1
354 M.B. Trabia et al. / Transportation Research Part C 7 (1999) 353±367

are designed to address these de®ciencies, as they have the ability to make real-time adjustments to
signal settings in response to both observed and/or predicted real-time trac demands.
Several approaches have been proposed for the design and implementation of adaptive signal
control systems (Gartner, 1983; Lin and Cooke, 1986; Lin and Vijayakumar, 1988; Kronborg and
Davidson, 1993). Recently, a major research focus has been on application of arti®cial intelligence
techniques such as expert systems, fuzzy logic, and neural networks on intersection control.
This paper presents the design and evaluation of a fuzzy logic trac signal controller for a
signalized intersection. Fuzzy logic, ®rst introduced by Zadeh (1973), is based on mathematical
representation of human knowledge and experiences. Fuzzy logic controllers have been success-
fully implemented in many systems that have inherent uncertainties. These systems include anti-
lock brakes, camera-focusing system, etc. where traditional modeling techniques and controllers
do not usually provide satisfactory system performance. The basic theory and application of fuzzy
logic control can be found in several references, such as Kosko (1992) and Driankov et al. (1993).
The following paragraphs present a brief review of earlier applications of fuzzy logic to trac
signal control.
Pappis and Mamdani (1977) considered the control of an isolated trac intersection with
simple one-way east±west/north±south trac control with random vehicle arrivals and no turning
movements. Fuzzy rules were developed for evaluating the suitability of extending a current green
phase by di€erent time durations based on a computed measure of ``degree of con®dence''. These
extensions were compared and the one providing the highest degree of con®dence is selected. If
none of the extensions has a degree of con®dence of 50% or higher, then a decision is made to
terminate the green signal immediately. Otherwise, the green signal is extended by the selected
time, at the end of which the decision process is repeated until the maximum allowable green time
is reached. Kelsey and Bisset (1993) also simulated trac control of an isolated north±south/east±
west intersection using both fuzzy logic and pre-timed control. The fuzzy inputs were the average
density of trac ¯ow on the green approach, the average density on the red approach, and the
length of the current cycle time. A simple two-phase signal, with turning movements was simu-
Nakatsuyama et al. (1984) used fuzzy logic to model the control of two adjacent intersections
with one-way movements. Fuzzy control rules were developed to select an option of extending the
red signal or the green signal for the downstream intersection in anticipation of the upstream
trac. Chiu (1992) applied fuzzy logic for controlling multiple intersections in a network of two-
way streets with no turning movements. This approach involved adjusting the cycle lengths, splits
and o€sets for each intersection independently using only local trac data. Adjustments to the
signal cycle length and splits were made based on the degree of saturation for each approach of an
intersection. Fuzzy sets were used to determine the degrees of saturation and the o€set between
adjacent signals to minimize stops in the dominant approach.
All the research reviewed above have generally reported better performance of the fuzzy logic
controllers compared to pre-timed and actuated controllers. However, the reviewed research in-
volved either only one-way streets or intersections with no turning movements. The main ob-
jective of this research is to design a fuzzy logic-based signal controller for a four-approach
isolated intersection with through and left-turning movements. The fuzzy controller will regularly
query the trac conditions in order to decide whether to extend or terminate a current green
phase. The performance of the controller will be evaluated based on average vehicle delays and
M.B. Trabia et al. / Transportation Research Part C 7 (1999) 353±367 355

proportion of stopped vehicles. Comparison will be made with an optimized pre-timed controller.
Preliminary tuning of the controller will be presented.

2. Simulation of the trac at an isolated intersection

This section presents a model for simulating trac parameters and performance measures at an
isolated signalized intersection. It is assumed that this intersection is provided with typical trac
detectors, which are placed upstream of each approach. While more accurate trac data may be
obtained using advanced sensors such as video systems, the simulation uses this simple detection
to ensure wide applicability.

2.1. Overview

The model represents an isolated signalized intersection with four approaches and typical ve-
hicle detector con®guration (Fig. 1). Each approach has through and left-turning movements.
Inductive loops for vehicle detection are placed on each approach, upstream of the intersection.
These detectors count the total number of approach vehicles from each approach direction,
Onorth …t†; Osouth …t†; Oeast …t†; and Owest …t†, within a time interval Dt. To detect left-turning vehicles,
presence detectors are placed on the left-turning bays. These detectors can only detect whether a
vehicle is present or not, but cannot count the number of vehicles.

Fig. 1. An isolated intersection with typical detector and lane con®guration.

356 M.B. Trabia et al. / Transportation Research Part C 7 (1999) 353±367

On any approach, the number of vehicles waiting in a queue at any time t is de®ned as
Qnorth …t†; Qsouth …t†; Qeast …t†; and Qwest …t†. If the count detectors are placed at a distance D up-
stream of the stop-line, the maximum detectable queue by the system for each through lane is
given by
Qlimit ˆ ; …1†
where D is the distance between the detectors and the stop-line, and l is the average length oc-
cupied by each vehicle in the queue.
Similarly, the queues at any time t on the left-turn lanes are de®ned as
Qltnorth …t†; Qltsouth …t†; Qlteast …t†; or Qltwest …t†, respectively. The storage capacity of the left-turn lane
is equal to Qbay vehicles.
A four-phase signal consisting of leading left turns is considered (Fig. 2). In a cycle, each ap-
proach goes through two time intervals, the green interval during which vehicles on this approach
can proceed through the intersection, and the red interval. The green interval has three timing
parameters, namely, lost time, Tlost , minimum duration, Tmin , and maximum duration, Tmax . Lost
time represents the green time not utilized by the vehicles waiting in queue. It consists of start-up
lost time at the beginning of a green phase, and clearance lost time at the end of the phase. The
proposed model used assumes that the entire lost time per phase occurs only at the beginning of
the green phase. Minimum duration, Tmin , represents the minimum green time duration that
should be provided for each phase when it is initiated. This ensures that the green signal stays long
enough for safe passage of a single vehicle to clear the intersection. Maximum duration, Tmax ,
represents the maximum green duration that can be provided to any phase.

2.1.1. Computation of the queue lengths during a left-turn phase

Each approach a has two queues at any time t: the queue length on the through approach, Qa …t†
and the queue length on the left-turn lanes, Qlta …t†. The queue on a left-turn lane is a function of:
(i) Olta …t† during the last time interval Dt,
(ii) the previous left-turn queue length at time t ÿ Dt, and
(iii) the phase of the left-turn signal.
When the left-turning signal is red, the queue lengths in the approach direction a, are expressed

Fig. 2. Phase diagram for a four-phase signal.

M.B. Trabia et al. / Transportation Research Part C 7 (1999) 353±367 357

Qlta …t† ˆ min Qlta …t ÿ Dt† ‡ Olta …t†; nl Qbay ;
Qa …t† ˆ Qa …t ÿ Dt† ‡ Oa …t† ‡ max 0; Qlta …t ÿ Dt† ‡ Olta …t† ÿ nl Qbay ;
where nl is the number of left-turn lanes. When the left-turning signal of an approach direction a is
green, the queue lengths are
Qlta …t† ˆ max min Qlta …t ÿ Dt† ‡ Olta …t† ÿ OSL…t†; nl Qbay ; 0 ;
Qa …t† ˆ Qa …t ÿ Dt† ‡ Oa …t† ‡ max Qlta …t ÿ Dt† ‡ Olta …t† ÿ OSL…t† ÿ nl Qbay ; 0 ;
where OSL…t† is the discharge ¯ow within time step Dt, which is de®ned as:
OSL…t† ˆ 0 during the lost time (i.e., the ®rst Tlost seconds at the start of the green interval,
OSL…t† ˆ SL, otherwise.
SL is the left-turn saturation ¯ow rate, i.e., the maximum discharge ¯ow rate.

2.1.2. Computation of the queue lengths during a through phase

The queue on a through approach is a function of the detected approach ¯ow, Oa …t†, during the
last time interval Dt, the previous queue length at time t ÿ Dt, and the phase of the signal. In this
model, the travel time between the upstream count detector and the back of the queue, at free ¯ow
speed, is neglected.
When the through signal is red, the queue lengths in the approach direction a, are expressed as
Qa …t† ˆ Qa …t ÿ Dt† ‡ Oa …t†;
Qlta …t† ˆ min Qlta …t ÿ Dt† ‡ Olta …t†; Qbay ;
where n is the number of through lanes per approach.
Similarly, the queue length in an approach with a green interval is equal to
Qa …t† ˆ max f min fQa …t ÿ Dt† ‡ Oa …t† ÿ nOS…t†; nQlimit g; 0g;
Qlta …t† ˆ min Qlta …t ÿ Dt† ‡ Olta …t†; Qbay ;
where OS(t) is the discharge ¯ow within time step Dt, which is de®ned as:
OS(t) ˆ 0 during the lost time (i.e., the ®rst Tlost seconds at the start of the green interval),
OS(t) ˆ S otherwise.
S is the saturation ¯ow rate, i.e., the maximum discharge ¯ow rate.

2.2. Computation of performance measures: average vehicle delays

Measures for evaluating the performance of trac controllers typically include average vehicle
delays and the proportion of stopped vehicles. The total vehicle delay within the interval Dt for an
approach a, at time t, is the integration of the queue length over time, i.e.,
Da …t† ˆ 12 ‰…Qa …t ÿ Dt† ‡ Qa …t†† ‡ …Qlta …t ÿ Dt† ‡ Qlta …t††ŠDt; …6†
where Da …t† is the total delay for approach a at time t.
The average delay per cycle for all approaches may be de®ned as the total delay divided by the
total number of vehicles, and is computed as
358 M.B. Trabia et al. / Transportation Research Part C 7 (1999) 353±367
t2cycle …Deast …t†
‡ Dwest …t† ‡ Dnorth …t† ‡ Dsouth …t††
average delay ˆ P : …7†
t2cycle …Oeast …t† ‡ Owest …t† ‡ Onorth …t† ‡ Osouth …t†† ‡ QI

QI is the sum of the queues at the beginning of this cycle.

2.3. Computation of performance measures: stopped vehicles

The second measure of performance for a trac controller is the number of stopped vehicles.
The number of stopped vehicles in each trac cycle is given as
STV ˆ …STVeast …t† ‡ STVwest …t† ‡ STVnorth …t† ‡ STVsouth …t††; …8†

where STVa …t† is the total number of stopped vehicles in time interval Dt at approach a. Ne-
glecting travel time along that approach, STVa …t† can be expressed as
STVa …t† ˆ STVa …t ÿ Dt† ‡ Oa …t† …9†
if the signal is currently red in approach a, or if Qa …t† > OS…t†. If the signal is green in approach a
and Qa …t† ˆ 0 (i.e., no waiting queue)
STVa …t† ˆ STVa …t ÿ Dt†: …10†

3. Fuzzy logic control for an isolated intersection

3.1. Overview

In the proposed controller, trac ¯ow data are collected and evaluated every Dt seconds to
decide whether to extend the current phase or terminate. Fuzzy logic control will be used for this
The ability of the controller to estimate the trac variables is limited by its detectors' con-
®guration, which cannot detect left-turn queues. The following represents estimates of the queue
lengths in the through directions as calculated by the controller. When the through signal is red
for an approach a, the through queues are calculated using the following equation:
Q0a …t† ˆ min Q0a …t ÿ Dt† ‡ Oa …t†; nQlimit :

Similarly, when the through signal is green, the through queues are calculated using the following
Q0a …t† ˆ max min Q0a …t ÿ Dt† ‡ O0a …t† ÿ nOS…t†; nQlimit ; 0 :

3.2. Through-phase fuzzy controller: ®rst stage

During the through-phase, the fuzzy controller determines whether to extend or terminate the
current green phase. This controller is activated after Tmin seconds from the start of the green
M.B. Trabia et al. / Transportation Research Part C 7 (1999) 353±367 359

phase. The length of this phase cannot exceed Tmax seconds. The inputs to this controller are the
¯ows and the queues on the four directions.
The ®rst stage consists of fuzzy interpretation of the ¯ows and queues on all approaches to
obtain a fuzzy description of ``trac intensities''. The trac intensity on an approach with a green
phase is a function of the maximum approach ¯ow that is observed within the previous time
interval Dt. It also depends on the maximum queue length observed at the time. The maximum
¯ow on the approaches with the green phase is de®ned as
Omax ˆ max‰O0east …t†; O0west …t†Š if the green phase is along the eastwest direction; or

Omax ˆ max‰O0north …t†; O0south …t†Š if the green phase is along northsouth direction:
Similarly, the maximum queue is de®ned by
Qmax ˆ max‰Q0east …t†; Q0west …t†Š if the green phase is along eastwest direction;

Qmax ˆ max‰Q0north …t†; Q0south …t†Š if the green phase is along northsouth direction:
In this research, the parameters Omax and Qmax are described using trapezoidal fuzzy mem-
berships sets as shown in Figs. 3 and 4, respectively. These fuzzy sets provide an analogy to
human characterization by assigning truthfulness value, l, to linguistic terms. These terms are:
Zero (Z), Small (S), Medium (M), and Big (B). For example, a ¯ow of two vehicles per approach
per time interval has memberships in the Small and Medium fuzzy sets with truthfulness of one-
half in each set. This indicates an uncertainty on whether this ¯ow should be considered small or
medium. On the other hand, a ¯ow of three vehicles per approach per time interval has mem-
bership only in the Medium set with truthfulness value of 1, indicating a certainty that this ¯ow is
medium. The fuzzy sets for Qmax provide similar linguistic interpretation of the maximum queue
length. While the general shape and location of these membership sets can be obtained by
common sense, the sets are tuned by studying the performance of the controller under various
trac conditions to improve the performance of the controller.
With linguistic descriptions of Omax and Qmax as input, the trac intensity in the green direc-
tion, TRgreen , is determined by the fuzzy rules given in Table 1. For example, if Omax is Small, and
Qmax is Medium, then TRgreen is Big, i.e.,
if fOmax is Smallg and fQmax is Mediumg then fTRgreen is Bigg

Fig. 3. Fuzzy sets for ¯ow, Omax .

360 M.B. Trabia et al. / Transportation Research Part C 7 (1999) 353±367

Fig. 4. Fuzzy sets for queue, Qmax .

Table 1
Fuzzy rules for geen trac intensity
Maximum queue, Qmax Maximum ¯ow, Omax
Z (Zero) S (Small) M (Medium) B (Big)
Z (Zero) Z S M B
S (Small) S M B B
M (Medium) M B B B
B (Big) B B B B

The truthfulness of TRgreen is equal to

l…TRgreen ; B† ˆ min…l…Omax ; S†; l…Qmax ; M††:
The fuzzy description of trac intensity in the approaches with the red phase are de®ned by the
maximum queue as follows:
TRred ˆ max‰Qeast …t†; Qwest …t†Š if red phase is along the eastwest direction; or

TRred ˆ max‰Qnorth …t†; Qsouth …t†Š if red phase is along the northsouth direction:
The membership sets for trac intensity are shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. Fuzzy sets for trac intensity, TRgreen .

M.B. Trabia et al. / Transportation Research Part C 7 (1999) 353±367 361

3.3. Through-phase fuzzy controller: second stage

The second stage of the fuzzy controller determines whether to extend or terminate the current
green signal phase. The inputs to this stage are the trac intensities, TRgreen and TRred (Fig. 6).
The output of the controller can be to either extend (E) the current phase or terminate (T) it. The
rules of this stage are presented in Table 2. A sample rule is
if fTRgreen is Bigg and fTRred is Zerog then fExtendg:

The rules were initially determined subjectively by intuition. First, the rules for extreme trac
conditions were determined. For example, if the trac intensity on the green approaches is Big
while the trac intensity on the red approaches is Zero, extension (E) of the green phase is more
appropriate. On the other extreme, if the green approaches have Zero intensity and red ap-
proaches have Big intensity, phase termination (T) is more appropriate. Similarly, the occurrence
of Big trac intensities on both approaches indicates very high trac and usually requires a
longer cycle length. Hence phase extension (E) is more appropriate for this case. Conversely, Zero
trac intensities on both approaches indicate light trac which usually requires a shorter cycle
length, hence the entry ``T '' for faster termination of phases. The rest of the rules are determined
based on gradual transition between these two corners of the table.
The decision to terminate is described using a crisp value of )1.0. Similarly, the decision to
extend is described using a value of 1.0. The outputs of the fuzzy rules are summed and divided by
the number of ®red rules. The result is rounded-o€ to )1.0 (T) if it is less than zero, or to 1.0 (E)

Fig. 6. Fuzzy sets for trac intensity, TRred .

Table 2
Fuzzy rules for switching trac signals
TRred TRgreen
Z (Zero) S (Small) M (Medium) B (Big)
Z (Zero) T E E E
S (Small) T E E E
M (Medium) T T E E
B (Big) T T E E
362 M.B. Trabia et al. / Transportation Research Part C 7 (1999) 353±367

3.4. Left-turning phase controller

With the conventional detector con®guration at intersections, it is not possible to count the
number of turning vehicles. The upstream detectors count the total number of approach vehicles,
while the presence detectors at the stop-line simply indicate presence or absence of vehicle(s) on
each left-turn lane.
This inability to obtain suitable estimates for the left-turning trac makes it dicult to design a
controller for the turning movements. Therefore, trac-actuated control will be used to control
the duration of the left-turning phase. When the fuzzy controller terminates a green phase from a
through movement, the left-turning phase for the competing approach will be initiated only if the
presence detectors on the left-turning bays indicate presence of vehicle(s). Once initiated, the left-
turning phase will continue for at least the minimum duration of the left-turn signal, Tltmin . It will
be terminated when there are no more vehicles detected on the left-turning bay, or when the
maximum duration of the left-turn signal, Tltmax , is reached. Signal control will be then reverted to
the fuzzy controller for controlling of the subsequent through phase.

4. Case study: simulation of the fuzzy controller

4.1. Description of the simulation parameters

A program is written to simulate the e€ects of the fuzzy controller described in the previous
section on an intersection with four approaches, Fig. 1, that uses four-phase signal with leading
left turns, as shown in Fig. 2. The intersection has three through lanes and two left-turning bays
on each approach. Figs. 7 and 8 show a typical set of random approach ¯ows that is used in this
simulation. The data are presented in these ®gures using their averages over 5 min intervals to ease
viewing. The ¯ow simulates trac for a typical intersection over 12 h period with the heaviest
trac in the north and west approaches during morning peak period. The pattern of ¯ow is re-
versed in the afternoon peak period. The midday period has less intensive trac as the ®gures
The fuzzy controller is compared to a trac-actuated controller to evaluate its e€ectiveness.
The same trac data are used with both controllers. The trac-actuated controller uses a green
extension of 3 s. This means that the controller switches the through trac signal from green to
red if the upstream count detector senses no incoming vehicles for 3 s and the queue is 0 in both
approaches. The same strategy is used for switching the left-turn phase in both controllers.
Variables used in this simulation are listed in Table 3.

4.2. Evaluation of case study results

Fig. 9 shows cycle length using the fuzzy and trac-actuated controllers. The ®gure shows that
the average cycle length for both controllers is in general proportional to the overall ¯ow, which
indicates that both controllers are able to respond to varying trac conditions. The di€erence in
the cycle length may be explained by the fact that the trac-actuated controller depends on crisp
criterion (no queue and lack of incoming trac on the green approach for a certain duration) to
M.B. Trabia et al. / Transportation Research Part C 7 (1999) 353±367 363

Fig. 7. A typical set of approach ¯ows.

Fig. 8. A typical set of left-turn ¯ows.

switch signal. On the other hand, the fuzzy controller uses trac information of ¯ow and queue
on both directions to switch signal. Minimum cycle length for fuzzy controller is 24 s, which is the
allowable minimum as can be seen in Table 3. This value is used often during the periods of the
364 M.B. Trabia et al. / Transportation Research Part C 7 (1999) 353±367

Table 3
Simulation parameters
Duration of time interval (s) 4
Duration of simulation (h) 12
Maximum detectable queue per lane (vehicles) 20
Number of through lanes per approach 3
Number of left-turn lanes 2
Lost time per phase, Tlost (s) 4
Saturation ¯ow rate (vehicles/hour/lane) 1800
Maximum allowable green phase, Tmax (s) 72
Minimum allowable green phase, Tmin (s) 8
Minimum duration of the left-turn phase, Tltmin (s) 8
Maximum duration of the left-turn phase, Tltmax (s) 12
Green extension for trac-actuated controller (s) 3
Average percentage of left-turn vehicles (%) 5
Capacity of the left-turn bay (vehicles/lane) 5
Initial through queues per approach 10
Initial left-turn queues per approach 5

Fig. 9. Cycle length using the fuzzy and actuated controllers.

lightest overall trac ¯ow. On the other hand, minimum cycle length trac-actuated never goes
below 32 s even at the periods of the lightest overall trac ¯ow. In the periods of medium overall
trac, the cycle length increases signi®cantly for both controllers. The cycle length for the trac-
actuated controller is more uniform than that of the fuzzy controller. As the overall trac reaches
its highest level, the cycle length of the trac-actuated controller tends to become uniform near
the maximum possible duration (168 s). The cycle length of the fuzzy controller at the same
M.B. Trabia et al. / Transportation Research Part C 7 (1999) 353±367 365

Fig. 10. Percentage of stopped vehicles using the fuzzy and actuated controllers.

periods follows the same trend. It, however, shows ¯exibility to reduce the cycle length at some
instances during these periods.
Figs. 10 and 11 show the two performance parameters, percentage of stopped vehicles and
average delay per trac cycle, that are used to evaluate the e€ectiveness of these two controllers.
The results show that the percentage of stopped vehicles is of the same order throughout the
simulation period. The percentage of stopped vehicles varies from cycle to cycle for the fuzzy
controller than for the trac-actuated controller. The average delay is better for the fuzzy con-
troller, especially at the periods of heavy and medium overall trac ¯ow. Table 4 shows the
average values for the overall performance parameters over the simulation periods. These results
indicate 9.5% improvement of the average delay compared to 1.3% improvement in the percentage
of the stopped vehicles.

5. Conclusions and recommendations

This paper presents a fuzzy logic-based adaptive trac signal controller for an isolated four-
approach intersection with through and left-turning movements. The controller has the ability to
make adjustments to signal timing in response to observed changes in the approach ¯ows. Using
upstream vehicle detectors, the controller measures approach ¯ows and estimates approach
queues at regular time intervals. This information is used in a two-stage fuzzy logic procedure to
determine, at any given time, whether to extend or terminate the current signal phase for through
movements. In the ®rst stage, the controller estimates the trac intensity on each approach. This
intensity information is in turn used in the second stage to determine whether to extend or ter-
366 M.B. Trabia et al. / Transportation Research Part C 7 (1999) 353±367

Fig. 11. Average delay using the fuzzy and actuated controllers.

Table 4
Average values of the performance parameters of the simulation
Fuzzy Trac actuated Percentage of
Heavy ¯ow average delay (s) 22.05 26.56 )15.09
Heavy ¯ow overall 88.08 85.46 3.07
Percentage of stopped vehicles

Medium ¯ow average delay (s) 9.51 10.41 )8.65

Medium ¯ow overall 64.23 70.45 )8.83
Percentage of stopped vehicles
Light ¯ow average delay (s) 5.30 5.62 )5.66
Light ¯ow overall percentage of stopped 51.39 50.99 0.77
Overall average delay (s) 7.34 8.11 )9.54
Overall percentage of stopped vehicles 56.97 57.72 )1.29

minate the current phase. The duration of the green phase in the left-turning phase is based on
trac-actuated control.
To evaluate the performance of the controller, average vehicle delays and percentage of stopped
vehicles are compared to those of a trac-actuated controller. These results show that the fuzzy
controller has the ability to adjust its signal timings in response to changing trac conditions on a
M.B. Trabia et al. / Transportation Research Part C 7 (1999) 353±367 367

real-time basis. The controller produces lower vehicle delays than the trac-actuated controller
while maintaining the percentage of stopped vehicles of the same order. The proposed fuzzy
controller would provide a better tool for a more ecient control of trac especially under non-
recurring trac conditions which cannot be pre-programmed into a pre-timed controller. Typical
trac-actuated controllers are not equipped to properly respond to such conditions since their
criteria for switching-o€ trac phases are rigid. Although this research is considered an isolated
intersection, the concept can be extended for control of signal progression on an arterial. Other
performance measures, such as, energy consumption and vehicle emissions can also be evaluated.


This research was partly supported by National Science Foundation, Nevada EPSCoR Project.
Their support is appreciated.


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