Std12 Chem EM 1 PDF
Std12 Chem EM 1 PDF
Std12 Chem EM 1 PDF
Untouchability is a sin
Untouchability is a crime
Untouchability is inhuman
College Road, Chennai - 600 006
© Government of Tamilnadu
First Edition - 2005
Second Edition - 2006
Revised Edition - 2007
Lecturer in Chemistry P.G. Teacher in Chemistry,
Academy of Maritime Education & Training, J.G.G. Higher Secondary School
BITS (Ranchi) Ext. Centre, Virugambakkam, Chennai - 600 092.
Kanathur-603 112. Mrs. R.C.SARASWATHY,
Mr. V.JAISANKAR, P.G. Teacher in Chemistry,
Lecturer in Chemistry Govt. Girls Higher Secondary School
L.N.Government Arts College, Ashok Nagar, Chennai - 600 083.
Ponneri - 601 204. Dr. V. NARAYANAN,
Mrs. S.MERLIN STEPHEN, Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry
P.G.Teacher in Chemistry University of Madras, Chennai - 600 025.
CSI Bain Mat. Hr. Sec. School Dr. K. SATHYANARAYANAN,
Kilpauk, Chennai - 600 010. P.G. Teacher in Chemistry,
Stanes Anglo Indian Hr. Sec. School,
Price : Rs. Coimbatore - 18.
Printed by Offset at :
Chemistry, a branch of science concerned with the properties, structures
and composition of substances and their reactions with one another. Inorganic
Chemistry studies the preparation, properties and reactions of all chemical
elements and their compounds, except those of carbon. Organic Chemistry studies
the reactions of carbon compounds, which are 100 times more numerous than
nonorganic ones. It also studies an immense variety of molecules, including those
of industrial compounds such as plastics, rubber, dyes, drugs and solvents. Physical
Chemistry deals with the Physical properties of substances, such as their boiling
and melting points.
The present book is included for the students of higher secondary second
year. For convenience sake this text book of chemistry is published in two volumes.
This text book is written after following the revised syllabus, keeping in view the
expectations of the National Council of Educational Research & Training
(NCERT). This book will provide an “inverted pyramid” model to gain knowledge
in all branches of chemistry. The topics such as Atomic Structure - II, Periodic
Classification - II, Solid State - II, Thermodynamics - II, Chemical equilibrium -
II, Chemical Kinetics - II, Electrochemistry - I and II are designed in such a way
that students should have a continuous access to these topics. Hence, the
knowledge gained in higher secondary first year will help the students to have a
continuous access to these topics. The knowledge gained in +1 will help the
students to achieve excellence in the path of quest for chemical knowledge. Many
problems are introduced in inorganic, physical and organic chemistry to enhance
the quantitative aptitude of students. The quantitative aptitude will enable the
students to understand the concepts well.
The importance of chemistry is well known. A knowledge of chemistry
will help anybody to understand biology, natural processes, geochemical concepts,
pharmaceutical and biochemical concepts. Hence this text book will enhance the
image of the students in such a way that they can face any competitive examination
in future. The problems in all branches of chemistry and many more mechanisms
of organic chemical reactions will help the students to understand the chemical
Syllabus Revision Committee (Chemistry)
& Higher Secondary Second Year Chemistry
Text Book Writing Committee
Unit 8 - Solid state II
Types of packing in crystals - X-Ray crystal structure - Types of ionic
crystals - Imperfections in solids - Properties of crystalline solids - Amorphous
Unit 9 - Thermodynamics - II
Review of I law - Need for the II law of thermodynamics - Spontaneous
and non spontaneous processes - Entropy - Gibb’s free energy - Free energy
change and chemical equilibrium - Third law of thermodynamics.
Unit 10 - Chemical equilibrium II
Applications of law of mass action - Le Chatlier’s principle.
Unit 11 - Chemical Kinetics -II
First order reaction and pseudo first order reaction - Experimental
determination of first order reaction - method of determining order of reaction -
temperature dependence of rate constant - Simple and complex reactions.
Unit 12 – Surface Chemistry
Adsorption - Catalysis - Theory of catalysis - Colloids - Preparation of
colloids - Properties of colloids - Emulsions.
Unit 13 – Electrochemistry – I
Conductors, insulators and semi conductors - Theory of electrical
conductance - Theory of strong electrolytes - Faraday’s laws of electrolysis -
Specific resistance, specific conductance, equivalent and molar conductance -
Variation of conductance with dilution - Kohlraush’s law - Ionic product of water,
pH and pOH - Buffer solutions - Use of pH values.
Unit 14 – Electrochemistry - II
Cells - Electrodes and electrode potentials - Construction of cell and
EMF - Corrosion and its preventions - commercial production of chemicals -
Fuel cells.
Unit 15 – Isomerism in Organic Chemistry
Geometrical isomerism - Conformations of cyclic compounds - Optical
isomerism - Optical activity - Chirality - Compounds containing chiral centres -
D-L and R-S notation - Isomerism in benzene.
Unit 16 – Hydroxy Derivatives
Nomenclature of alcohols - Classification of alcohols - General methods
of preparation of primary alcohols - Properties Methods of distinction between
three classes of alcohols 1°, 2° and 3°) - Methods of preparation of dihydric
alcohols. (glycol) - Properties - Uses - Methods of preparation of trihydric
alcohols - Properties - Uses - Aromatic alcohols - Methods of preparation of
benzyl alcohol - Properties - Uses - Phenols - Manufacture of phenols - Properties
- Chemical properties - Uses of Phenols.
Unit 17 - Ethers
Ethers - General methods of preparation of aliphatic ethers - Properties
- Uses - Aromatic ethers - Preparation of anisole - Reactions of anisole - Uses.
Unit – 18 Carbonyl Compounds
Nomenclature of carbonyl compounds - Comparison of aldehydes and
ketones - General methods of preparation of aldehydes - Properties - Uses
Aromatic aldehydes - Preparation of benzaldehyde - Properties - Uses - Ketones
- general methods of preparation of aliphatic ketones (acetone) - Properties -
Uses - Aromatic ketones - preparation of acetophenone- Properties - Uses -
preparation of benzophenone - Properties.
Physical Chemistry
8 Solid State - II 188
9 Thermodynamics - II 205
10 Chemical Equilibrium - II 224
1 2
H He
1 2 1 .0 0 7 9 1 3 /III 14 15 16 17 4 .0 0 3
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 Li Be B C N O F Ne
6 .9 4 1 9.0 12 10 .8 1 1 2 .0 1 1 4 .0 1 1 6 .0 0 1 9 .00 2 0 .1 8
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
3 Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
2 2 .9 9 2 4 .3 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 6 .9 8 2 8.0 9 3 0 .9 7 3 2 .0 7 3 5 .4 5 3 9 .9 5 .
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
4 K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
3 9 .1 0 4 0 .0 8 4 4 .9 6 4 7.8 7 5 0.9 4 5 2 .00 5 4 .9 4 5 5 .8 5 5 8 .9 3 5 8 .6 8 6 3 .5 5 6 5.3 9 6 9 .7 2 7 2 .61 74 .92 7 8.9 6 7 9.9 0 83.80
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
P e rio d
5 Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pdt Ag Cd In Sn Sb Xe Te I
8 5 .4 7 87 .62 8 8 .9 1 9 1 .2 2 9 2 .91 95 .9 4 (9 8 ) 10 1 .07 1 0 2 .9 1 1 0 6 .4 2 10 7 .87 11 2 .4 1 114 .8 2 11 8 .7 1 1 2 1 .7 6 12 7 .60 1 26 .9 0 131 .29
55 56 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
L a- W Os Hg
6 Cs Ba Hf Ta Re Ir Pt Au Ti Pb Bi Po At Rn
1 32 .91 1 3 7 .3 3
Lu 17 8 .49 1 8 0 .9 5 1 8 3 .8 4 1 86 .21 1 9 0 .2 3 1 9 2 .2 2 1 9 5.0 8 19 6 .97 2 0 0 .5 9 20 4 .3 8 2 0 7 .2 2 0 8 .9 8 (2 0 9 ) (2 1 0 ) (22 2 )
87 88 1 04 105 106 107 108 109
A c- 110 111 11 2 11 3 11 4 11 5 11 6 11 7 118
7 Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt
S b lo ck d b lo ck p b lo ck
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
L a n th a n id es La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
1 3 8 .9 1 14 0 .12 1 4 0 .9 1 14 4 .2 4 (1 4 5 ) 15 0 .3 6 1 5 1 .9 6 15 7 .25 1 5 8 .9 3 16 2 .50 1 6 4 .9 3 16 7 .26 1 6 8 .9 3 17 3 .04 1 7 4 .9 7
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 10 0 101 10 2 103
A ctin id e s Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
(2 2 7 ) 2 3 2 .0 4 2 3 1 .0 4 2 3 8 .0 3 (2 3 7 ) (24 4 ) (2 4 3 ) (2 47 ) (2 4 7 ) (25 1 ) (2 5 2 ) (25 7 ) (2 5 8 ) (25 9 ) (2 6 2 )
f b lo c k
Learning Objectives
1. A particle occupies a well-defined 1. a wave is spread out in space e.g. on throwing
position in space i.e a particle is a stone in a pond of water, the waves start
localized in space e.g. a grain of moving out in the form of concentric circles.
sand, a cricket ball etc. Similarly, the sound of the speaker reaches
everybody in the audience. Thus a wave is
delocalized in space.
2. When a particular space is occupied 2. Two or more waves can coexist in the same
by one particle, the same space region of space and hence interfere.
cannot be occupied simultaneously
by any other particle. In other
words, particles do not interfere.
3. When a number of particles are 3. When a number of waves are present in a
present in a given region of space, given region of space, due to interference, the
their total value is equal to their resultant wave can be larger or smaller
sum i.e it is neither less nor more. than the individual waves i.e. interference may
be constructive or destructive.
P h o to g ra p h ic
p la te
In of e
c id le
en ctr
t b on
ea s
Nickel crystal
Fig.1.1 Electron diffraction experiment by Davisson and Germer
Since X-rays have wave character, therefore, the electrons must also have
wave character associated with them. Moreover, the wave length of the electrons
as determined by the diffraction experiments were found to be in agreement with
the values calculated from de-Broglie equation.
From the above discussion, it is clear that an electron behaves as a wave.
ii) Thomson’s experiment
G.P. Thomson in 1928 performed experiments with thin foil of gold in place
of nickel crystal. He observed that if the beam of electrons after passing through
the thin foil of gold is received on the photographic plate placed perpendicular to
the direction of the beam, a diffraction pattern is observed as before (Fig. 1.2).
This again confirmed the wave nature of electrons.
Thin foil
of Gold
Fig. 1.2 Diffraction of electron beam by thin foil of gold (G.P. Thomson
b) Verification of the particle character
The particle character of the electron is proved by the following different
i) When an electron strikes a zinc sulphide screen, a spot of light known as
scintillation is produced. A scintillation is localized on the zinc sulphide screen.
Therefore the striking electron which produces it, also must be localized
and is not spread out on the screen. But the localized character is possessed
by particles. Hence electron has particle character.
ii) Experiments such as J.J.Thomson’s experiment for determination of the ratio
of charge to mass (i.e. e/m) and Milliken oil drop experiment for
determination of charge on electron also show that electron has particle
iii) The phenomenon of Black body radiation and Photoelectric effect also prove
the particle nature of radiation.
λ = h / mv or λ = h / p
By de-Broglie equation, λ = ___
But λ = __
v h
∴ __ = ___
ν mv
⎛1 2⎞ − 16
⎜ mv ⎟ = 1.609 ×10 J
⎝ 2 ⎠
or × 9.1×10 − 31 v 2 = 1.609 ×10 − 16 J
or v 2 = 3.536×1014
or v = 1.88 ×10 7 ms − 1
Problem 3
Calculate the wavelength associated with an electron (mass 9.1 × 10-31 kg)
moving with a velocity of 103m sec-1 (h=6.626 × 10-34 kg m2 sec-1).
Here we are given
m = 9.1 × 10-31 kg
v = 103 m sec-1
h = 6.626 × 10-34 kg m2 sec-1
h 6.626 ×10−34
ë= =
mv (9.1×10−31 ) ×103
= 7.25 × 10-7 m
Problem 4
A moving electron has 4.55 × 10-25 joules of kinetic energy. Calculate its
wavelength (mass = 9.1 × 10-31 kg and h = 6.626 × 10-34 kg m2 s-1).
Here we are given
Kinetic energy i.e. mv 2 = 4.55 ×10 − 25 J
m = 9.1 × 10-31 kg
h = 6.626 × 10-34 kg m2 s-1
∴ × (9.1×10 − 31 )v 2 = 4.55 ×10 − 25
4.55 ×10 −25 × 2
or v2 = − 31
= 10 6
9.1× 10
or v = 103 m sec−1
h 6.626 ×10−34
∴ ë= =
mv (9.1×10−31 )×103
= 7.25 × 10-7 m.
Problem 5
Calculate the kinetic energy of a moving electron which has a wavelength of
4.8 pm. [mass of electron = 9.11 × 10-31 kg, h = 6.626 × 10-34 Kg m2 s-1].
According to de-Broglie equation,
h h
ë= or v=
mv më
h 6.626 ×10−34 kg m 2 s −1
∴ v= = −31 −12
= 1.516 ×108 ms −1
më 9.11×10 kg × 4.8 ×10 m
1 1
Kinetic energy = mv2 = × 9.11×10−31 kg × (1.516×108 ms−1 ) 2
2 2
= 10.47 × 10-15 kg m2 s-2 = 1.047 × 10-14 J
Problem 6
Two particles A and B are in motion. If the wavelength associated with the
particle A is 5 × 10-8m, calculate the wavelength of particle B, if its momentum
is half of A.
According to de-Broglie relation,
h h
ë = or p =
p ë
For particle A, p A = ë
For particle B, p B = ë
But, pB = pA
h 1 h
∴ =
ëB 2 ëA
ëA 1
= or λB = 2λA
ëB 2
But λA = 5 × 10-8 m
λB = 2λA = 2 × 5 × 10-8 m = 10 × 10-8 m = 10-7 m.
Problem for practice
1. Calculate the momentum of a particle which has a de-Broglie wavelength of
1A°. [h = 6.626 × 10-34 kg m2 s-1]
[Ans. : 6.63 × 10-24 kg ms-1]
2. What is the mass of a photon of sodium light with a wavelength of 5890 Å?
[h= 6.626 × 10-34 Js]
[Ans. : 3.75 × 10-36 kg]
3. Calculate the wavelength of 1000 kg rocket moving with a velocity of 300
km per hour.
[Ans.: 7.92 × 10-39 m]
4. What must be the velocity of a beam of electrons if they are to display a de-
Broglie wavelength of 100Å?
[Ans. : 7.25 × 104 ms-1]
5. The wavelength of a moving body of mass 0.1 mg is 3.31 x 10-29m. Calculate
its kinetic energy (h = 6.626 x 10-34 Js).
[Ans : 2 × 10-3 J]
Example 1
Calculate the uncertainty in the velocity of a wagon of mass 3000kg
whose position is known to an accuracy of ± 10 pm (Planck’s constant =
6.626 × 10−34 Kg m2 s-1.
Solution : Ηere we are given
m = 3000 kg
Δx = 10 pm
= 10 ×10-12 m = 10-11 m
∴ Βy uncertainty principle,
Äv =
4ð × m × Äx
6.626 × 10 −34
4 × × 3000 × 10 −11
= 1.76×× 10-27ms-1
Example 2
Calculate the uncertainty in the position of an electron if the uncertainty in its
velocity is 5.7 ×105 m/sec (h = 6.626 × 10-34 kg m2 s-1, mass of the electron
= 9.1 × 10−31 kg).
Solution: Here we are given
Δv = 5.7 × 10 5 ms-1
m = 9.1 × 10 −31 kg
h = 6.626 × 10 −34 kg m2 s-1
Substituting these values in the equation for uncertainty principle
i.e. Äx × (m × Äv) =
we have Äx =
4ð × m × Ä ν
6.626 × 10 −34
4× × 9.1×10 −31 × 5.7 × 105
= 1.0 × 10-10 m
i.e Uncertainty in position = ± 10-10 m.
1. The approximate mass of an electron is 10-27 g. Calculate the uncertainty in
its velocity if the uncertainty in its position were of the order of 10-11 m .
[Ans: 5.25 x 106 m sec-1]
2. Calculate the product of uncertainity in position and velocity for an electron
of mass 9.1 x 10-31 kg according to Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
[Ans: 5.77 x 10-5 m2 sec-1]
3. Calculate the uncertainty in velocity (Δv ) of a cricket ball (mass = 0.15 kg)
if the uncertainty position (Δx ) is of the order of 1 Å (i.e. 10-10 m).
[Ans: 3.5x10-24 m sec-1]
4. Using uncertainity principle,calculate the uncertainty in velocity of an electron
if the uncertainty in position is 10-4 m.
[Ans: 0.577 m sec-1]
5. The uncertainity in the position of a moving bullet of mass 10 g is
10-5 m.Calculate the uncertainty in its velocity .
[Ans: 5.25 x 10-28 m sec-1]
It has been made clear that, if a substance is divided into finer and finer
pieces, we reach molecules and atoms, then we realize that the atoms consist of
electrons and nuclei. It has been clarified that matter is a collection of ultra
microscopic particles. Upto the 19th century, these particles were considered to
move obeying Newtonian mechanics and Maxwellian electromagnetism.
However, this view point has became doubtful after the proposal of the Bohr
model of the atomic structure (Bohr’s quantum theory).
On the other hand, light had been considered to be electromagnetic waves.
However, after the discovery of light quanta (photons), it was clarified that
the light has wave nature at one time and particle nature at another time. Therefore,
light has a kind of duality.
The idea of deBroglie wave nature waves or deBroglie matter waves is
based on the fact that light has both wave and particle nature. Hence particle like
electron or proton can also be considered to be ‘particle’ with ‘wave nature’.
Einstein’s relations which connect the particle and wave aspects in light
E = hν, p= (1)
would be satisfied for de Broglie matter waves as well. Therefore the relations,
Eq.(1), are often called Einstein-de Broglie’s relations.
If we apply these relations to the case of the Bohr model of the hydrogen
atom, we can well understand its possibility as follows. If we consider that the
electron in a hydrogen atom moves at constant speed along a circular orbit around
the nucleus (proton), the quantum condition in Bohr’s quantum theory is written
as Eq(2). By using Einstein’s relation p = h/λ in this equation, the quantum
condition is written
2πa = nλ, (n = 1, 2, 3, ....) (2)
This equation means that the circumference of the circular orbit of the electron
must be a integral multiple of the wavelength of de Broglie wave. In other word,
de-Broglie wave accompanying the motion of the electron should be continuous.
Therefore, we can easily understand the quantum condition that determines the
stationary states by considering the continuity of de Broglie waves (See the
following figure).
Bohr’s quantum condition. The condition
for stationary states
The circumference of the circular orbit of
the electron should be an integral multiple of
the wavelength of de Broglie wave,
otherwise the wave cannot be smoothly
ÄE 984×103 J/atom
Energy released per atom = =
N 6.0237×1023
ÄE c Nh1c
= hí = h ; ∴ë =
N ë ÄE
6.626×10−34 Js × 3 ×108 ms−1 × 6.0237 ×1023
∴ë = = 1.2 × 10-7 m
984 ×103 J
Example 2
The electron energy of hydrogen atom in the ground state works out to be
–2.18 × 10-18 J per atom. Calculate what will happen to the position of the
electron in this atom if an energy of 1.938 × 10-18 J is supplied to the each hydrogen
Energy of H atom in the ground state = -2.18 × 10-18 J atom-1
Energy added = 1.938 × 10-18 J atom-1
Energy of electron in the excited state = (-2.18 + 1.938) × 10-18 J atom-1
= -0.242 × 10-18 J atom-1
−2.18 × 10−18 J atom−1
n = = 9, n=3
−0. 242 × 10−18 J atom−1
Hence electron will get excited to third shell.
Example 3
Calculate the ionisation energy of hydrogen atom as well as energy needed
to promote its electron from first energy level to third energy level.
The energy of electron in hydrogen atom is given by the expression,
i) Ionisation energy is the amount of energy required to remove an electron
from neutral gaseous atom i.e. to shift the electron from n = 1 to n = ∞
When n = 1, E1 = -1312 kJ mol-1; n = ∞, E∞ = 0
∴ Ionisation energy = E∞ - E1 = 0 - (-1312 kJ mol-1) = + 1312 kJ mol-1
− 1312 − 1312
E1 = = −1312 kJ mol −1 : E3 = = −146 kJ mol −1
12 32
∴ Energy needed to promote an electron from
n = 1 to n = 3 is, ΔE where ΔE = E3 - E1 = [-146 - (-1312)] kJ mol-1
= 1166 kJ mol-1
Shapes of orbitals
An orbital is the region of space around the nucleus within which the
probability of finding an electron of given energy is maximum .The shape of this
region (electron cloud) gives the shape of the orbital. The plot of angular wave
functions or square of angular wave functions (probability functions) give us the
shapes of orbitals.These two plots differ only slightly. Let us consider the individual
Shape of s-orbitals
For s-orbitals, when l = 0, the value of m is 0 i.e., there is only one possible
orientation. This means that the probability of finding an electron is the same in all
directions at a given distance from the nucleus. It should, therefore, be spherical
in shape. Hence all s- orbitals are non- directional and spherically symmetrical
about the nucleus.
The size of an s-orbital depends upon value of the principal quantum number
n. Greater the value of ‘n’ larger is the size of the orbital.
means d- orbitals can have five orientations. These are represented by dxy, dyz,
dzx, dx2-y2 and dz2; for example, 3dxy, 3dyz, 3dzx, 3dx2-y2 and 3dz2. The dxy, dyz and
dzx orbitals have same shape i.e., clover leaf shape but they lie in XY, YZ and ZX-
planes respectively.The dz2 orbital is symmetrical about Z-axis and has a dumb -
bell shape with a doughnut shaped electron cloud in the centre. The
dx2-y2 orbital is also clovar leaf shaped but its leaves are directed along the X and
Y- axis.
The reason for the presence of four lobes in any nd orbital lies in the fact that
the d - orbitals have two nodes, and hence two changes in algebraic sign of ψ,
which lead to four lobes.
y z z y z
x yx x x x
d xy d yz d xz d x 2 -y 2 d z2
Fig. 1.6 Shapes of d-orbitals
Molecular orbital theory was put forward by Hund and Mullikan in 1932.
This theory is modern and more rational. This theory assume that in molecules,
atomic orbitals lose their identity and the electrons in molecules are present in
new orbitals called molecular orbitals. A brief outline of this theory is given below:
(i) In a molecule, electrons are present in new orbitals called molecular orbitals.
(ii) Molecular orbitals are formed by combination of atomic orbitals of equal
energies (in case of homonuclear molecules) or of comparable energies (in
case of heteronuclear molecules).
(iii) The number of molecular orbitals formed is equal to the number of atomic
orbitals undergoing combination.
(iv) Two atomic orbitals can combine to form two molecular orbitals. One of
these two molecular orbitals one has a lower energy and the other has a
higher energy. The molecular orbital with lower energy is called bonding
molecular orbital and the other with higher energy is called anti bonding
molecular orbital.
(v) The shapes of molecular orbitals depend upon the shapes of combining
atomic orbitals.
(vi) The bonding molecular orbitals are represented by σ (sigma), π (pi), δ (delta)
and the antibonding molecular orbitals are represented by σ∗, π∗, δ*.
(vii) The molecular orbitals are filled in the increasing order of their energies,
starting with orbital of least energy. (Aufbau principle).
(viii) A molecular orbital can accommodate only two electrons and these two
electrons must have opposite spins. (Paul’s exclusion principle).
(ix) While filling molecular orbitals of equal energy, pairing of electrons does
not take place until all such molecular orbitals are singly filled with electrons
having parallel spins. (Hund’s rule).
1.5.1 Energy level diagram for molecular orbitals
In case of homonuclear diatomic molecules, combination of two 1s atomic
orbitals of participating atoms give rise to two new molecular orbitals designated
as σ1s and σ*1s. In the same manner the 2s and three 2p-orbitals of each atom
i.e., eight atomic orbitals can give rise to eight new molecular orbitals viz.,
ó 2s , ó*2s , ð 2p x , ð*2p x , ð 2p y , ð*2p y , ó 2p z , ó *2p z .
This order of energies of various MOs is valid for molecules or ions like O2,
O (super oxide ion), O22- (peroxide ion), F2 and Ne2 (hypothetical). This energy
Table 1. Bond order, Bond dissociation energy and bond length in N2,
O2 and Li2 molecules
Nb − Na 2 − 0
∴ Bond order = = = 1.
2 2
i) Nature of bond : This means that the two hydrogen atoms in a molecule of
hydrogen are bonded by a single covalent bond.
ii) Diamagnetic character : Since no unpaired electron is present in hydrogen
molecule, it is diamagnetic in nature.
2. Diatomic helium molecule, He2 (Hypothetical). The electronic
configuration of helium (Z = 2) in the ground state is 1s2. As each helium atom
contains two electrons, there will be four electrons in He2 molecule. Keeping in
view the Aufbau principle and Pauli’s exclusion principle its electronic configuration
would be as follows.
He2 : (σ1s)2 (σ*1s)2.
The molecular orbital energy level diagram of He2 (hypothetical) is given in
Fig. 1.9.
N 2 : KK(ó 2s ) 2 (ó*2s ) 2 (ð 2p x ) 2 (ð 2p y ) 2 (ó 2p z ) 2
Nb − Na 8 − 4
∴ Bond order = = = 2.
2 2
Hybridization is the concept of intermixing of the orbitals of an atom having
nearly the same energy to give exactly equivalent orbitals with same energy, identical
shapes and symmetrical orientations in space.
The new equivalent orbitals formed are known as the hybrid orbitals or
hybridized orbitals. Hybrid orbitals have properties entirely different from the
properties of the original orbitals from which they have been obtained.
∴ Hybridisation = sp
ii) BF3
Total valence electrons = 3 + 7 × 3 = 24
= 3(Q1 ) + zero(R 1 ) ; X=3
∴ Hybridisation = sp2
iii) NH3
Total valence electrons = 5 + 3 = 8 ; X= =4
∴ Hybridisation = sp3
iv) H2O
Total valence electrons = 2 + 6 = 8 ; X= =4
∴ Hybridisation = sp3
v) PCl5
Total valence electrons = 5 + 7 × 5 = 40
= 5(Q1 ) + zero(R 1 ) ; X=5
∴ Hybridisation = sp3d
vi) SF6
Total valence electrons = 6 + 7 × 6 = 48
= 6(Q 1 ) + 0(R 1 ) ; X = 6
∴ Hybridisation = sp3d2
vii) IF7
Total valence electrons = 7 + 7 × 7 = 56
= 7(Q1) + 0(R1) ; X=7
∴ Hybridisation = sp3d3
∴ Hybridisation = sp3d2
xiii) NH4+
Total valence electrons = 5 + 4 = 9; Charge = +1
∴ Total electrons in NH4+= 9 - 1 = 8
= 4(Q 1 ) + 0(R 1 ) ; X = 4
∴ Hybridisation is sp3
Hybridisation in some Typical Molecules and Ions
Hybridisation Examples
sp Be F2, BeCl2, C2H2, CO2
sp2 SO2, BH3, BF3, NO2-, NO3-, CO32-
sp3 NH3, H2O, CH4, CCl4, SiCl4, H3O+,NH4+, ClO2-,
ClO3-, ClO4-,NF3
sp3d PCl5, ClF3, SF4, XeF2
sp3d2 SF6, XeF4, XeOF4, BrF5
sp3d3 IF7, XeF6
The ionic, covalent and coordinate bond arises due to attractive forces
between atoms. Vander Waal (Dutch physicist, 1873) was the first to propose
the existence of attractive forces between the atoms of inert gases with fully filled
orbitals. These forces also exist between non-polar molecules as well as polar
molecules. The attractive interactions between the molecules are responsible for
bringing the molecules close together. The attractive interactions between the
different molecule of a substance are called intermolecular forces. The magnitude
of these forces is maximum in the solids and decreases on passing from solid to
liquids and from liquid to gaseous state. Vander Waal successfully explained the
liquefaction of gases on the basis of inter molecular forces. These forces are
purely electrostatic and thus physical in nature.
Therefore, hydrogen fluoride is represented as (HF)n.
δ2− δ
2. Water H . In water molecule, the electronegative oxygen atom
δ +
forms two polar covalent bonds with two hydrogen atoms. The oxygen atom
due to its higher electronegativity acquires partial negative charge and the two
hydrogen atoms acquire partial positive charge. The negatively charged oxygen
forms two hydrogen bonds with two positively charged hydrogen atoms of two
neighbouring molecules. Each oxygen atom is tetrahedrally surrounded by four
hydrogen atoms as shown below :
1. En = − , If the value of Ei = -34.84 to which value ‘n’ corresponds
a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1
2. Dual character of an electron was explained by
a) Bohr b) Heisenberg c) de-Broglie d) Pauli
3. de-Broglie equation is
mv hv h
a) ë= b) λ = hmv c) ë= d) ë=
h m mv
4. The value of Bohr radius for hydrogen atom is
a) 0.529 × 10-8 cm b) 0.529 × 10-10 cm
c) 0.529 × 10-6 cm d) 0.529 × 10-12 cm
5. Which of the following particle having same kinetic energy, would have the
maximum de-Broglie wave length
a) α-particle b) proton c) β-particle d) neutron
6. If the energy of an electron in the second Bohr orbit of H-atom is -E, what
is the energy of the electron in the Bohr’s first orbit?
a) 2E b) -4E c) -2E d) 4E
7. The energy of electron in an atom is given by En =
4ð 2 me 4 2ð 2 me 2 2ð 2 me 4 2ð me4
a) − b) − c) − d) −
n 2h 2 n 2h 2 n 2h 2 n 2h 2
8. The bond order of oxygen molecule is
a) 2.5 b) 1 c) 3 d) 2
9. The hybridisation in SF6 molecule is
a) sp3 b) sp3d2 c) sp3d d) sp3d3
10. The intramolecular hydrogen bonding is present in
a) o-nitrophenol b) m-nitro phenol c) p-nitrophenol d) None
B. Answer in one or two sentences
11. What do you understand by the dual character of matter?
12. State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
13. What is the significance of negative electronic energy?
14. Define an orbital.
15. What are molecular orbitals?
16. Why He2 is not formed?
17. What is bond order?
18. Define hybridisation.
C. Answer not exceeding 60 words
19. Discuss the Davisson and Germer experiment.
20. Derive de-Broglie’s equation. What is its significance?
Learning Objectives
Atom(g) ⎯Energy
⎯⎯→ Positive Ion(g) + Electron
The ionisation energy of an atom depends on the following factors (i) size of
the atom (ii) charge on the nucleus (iii) screening effect of inner electrons (iv)
penetration effect of electrons (v) effect of half-filled and completely filled
In a period, the value of ionisation potential increases from left to right with
breaks where the atoms have somewhat stable configurations. In a group, the
ionisation potential decreases from top to bottom.
2.1.3 Electron affinity
Electron affinity or electron gain enthalpy is the amount of energy released
when an isolated gaseous atom accepts an electron to form a monovalent gaseous
r(A) =
The above equation shows that in the case of homonuclear diatomic molecule
of A2 type, the covalent radius of an atom A, r(A) is equal to one half of the inter-
nuclear distance, d(A-A). Therefore, the covalent radius of an atom in a
homonuclear diatomic molecule can be obtained by dividing the internuclear
distance by two.
1. Cl2 molecule
The value of Cl–Cl bond distance as found experimentally is 1.98Å. Thus
d(Cl − Cl) 1.98
r(Cl) = = = 0.99Å
2 2
2. Diamond
The value of d(C–C) distance as found experimentally in a variety of saturated
hydrocarbons is 1.54Å.
d(C − C ) 1.54
Thus r(C) = = = 0.77Å
2 2
b. Heteronuclear diatomic molecule
In case of heteronuclear diatomic molecule of AB type, bond length
d(A – B) is given by
d(A – B) = r(A) + r(B)
r(A) and r(B) are the covalent radii of A and B atoms.
i) CCl4 molecule
The experimental value of d(C – Cl) is 1.76 Å
Thus d(C–Cl) = r(C) + r(Cl)
r(C) = d(C – Cl) – r(Cl)
= 1.76 – r(Cl)
Thus the covalent radius of carbon atom can be calculated by subtracting
the covalent radius of Cl atom from d(C–Cl) bond length. The covalent radius of
Cl atom can also be obtained, provided that covalent radius of C atom is known.
ii) SiC
The experimental value of d(Si-C) is 1.93 Å. Thus,
d(Si – C) = r(Si) + r(C)
r(A − ) á (3)
Z (A − )
Z*(C+) & Z*(A–) are the effective nuclear charges of cation (C+) and anion
(A-) respectively. On combining (2) & (3)
r(C+ ) Z* (A − )
= (4)
r(A − ) Z* (C + )
Hence the above two equations (1) & (4) can be used to evaluate the
values of r(C+) and r(A–) provided that the values of d(C+–A–), Z*(C+) and
Z*(A–) are known.
Slater rules
The value of screening constant (S) and effective nuclear charge (Z*) can
be calculated by using Slater’s rules. According to these rules the value of “S”
for a given electron is estimated as follows.
i) Write down the complete electronic configuration of the element and
divide the electrons into the following orbital groups starting from the inside of
the atom.
(1s) : (2s, 2p) : (3s, 3p) : (3d) : (4s, 4p) :
(4d) : (4f) : (5s, 5p) : (6s, 6p) .......etc.
ii) Select the electron for which the value of S is to be calculated. For this
calculation add up the contributions to S for the other electrons according to the
following rules.
r(Cl–) = = 1.81Å
From (2)
r(K+) = 0.74 r(Cl–)
= 0.74 × 1.81 Å
= 1.33 Å
r(K+) = 1.33 Å
r(Cl–) = 1.81 Å
Ionisation potential
Ionisation energy of an element is defined as the amount of energy required
to remove the most loosely bound electron from isolated neutral gaseous atom in
its lowest energy state. The process is represented as
I +
M (g) + Energy supplied ⎯⎯1 → M (g) + e−
Ionisation energy is measured in electron volts per atom (eV/atom), kilo calories
per mole (kcal/mole) or kilo joules per mole (kJ/mole).
Successive ionisation potentials
In addition to first ionisation potential (I1) defined above, second, third. etc.
ionisation potentials are also known. Second ionisation potential (I2) is the energy
required to remove one more electron from the gaseous cation, M+(g) to get the
doubly positively charged gaseous cation, M2+(g), i.e.,
M + (g) + I 2 → M 2 + (g) + e −
Similarly, third ionisation potential (I3) is the energy required to remove still
one more electron from M2+(g) cation to get M3+(g) cation, i.e.
M 2 + (g) + I 3 → M 3 + (g) + e −
Similarly ionisation potentials of higher and higher grades are also known.
Each successive ionization potential or energy is greater than the previous
one, since the electron must be removed against the net positive charge on the
nuclear charge, the electrons are bound with more force and hence higher energy
will be required for their removal. For instance, magnesium has higher nuclear
charge (12 protons) as compared to sodium (11 protons). Hence ionization energy
in case of magnesium is higher as compared to sodium.
Similarly the I.E. of fluorine is more than that of oxygen. It can be explained
as follows.
(i) F (Z = 9; 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py2 2pz1) is having more nuclear charge than
oxygen (Z = 8; 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py1 2pz1). In both the cases, the electron has to be
removed from the same 2p-subshell. As fluorine is having more nuclear charge
than oxygen, it means that the nucleus of fluorine will attract the outer 2p-electrons
more firmly than oxygen. Hence, first I.E. of fluorine would be more than that of
(c) Effect of number of electrons in the inner shells. (Screening or
shielding effect). The attractive force exerted by the nucleus on the most loosely
bound electron is atleast partially counterbalanced by the repulsive forces exerted
by the electrons present in the inner shells. The electron to be removed is thus
shielded from the nucleus by the electrons in the inner shell. Thus, the electron in
the valence shell experiences less attraction from the nucleus. Hence the ionisation
energy will be low. This is another reason why ionization energy decreases in
moving down a group.
(d) Effect of shape of orbital. The shape of orbital also influences the
ionization potential. As s-electrons remain closer to the nucleus than p-,d-, and
f-electrons of the same valence shell, the ionization energy decreases in the order
given below:
For instance, the first ionization energy of aluminium is lower than that of magnesium.
The electronic configuration of magnesium is [Ne]3s2 and that of aluminium is
[Ne] 3s2 3p1. Thus, one has to remove 3p-electron in case of aluminium and 3s
electron in the case of magnesium. But it is easier to remove the p electron than
the s-electron. Thus, the first ionization energy of aluminium is lower than that of
(e) Effect of arrangement of electrons. The more stable the electronic
arrangement, the greater is the ionization energy. As the noble gases have the
stablest electronic arrangements, they show maximum ionization energy.
The I.E of Ne is greater than that of F. It can be explained as follows:
The nuclear charge of Ne (Z = 10) is more than that of F (Z = 9). Greater
the nuclear charge, greater would be the force of attraction between nucleus and
outermost electron. Hence, the first I.E. of neon would be greater than that of
Electron Affinity or Electron gain enthalpy (E.A.)
The electron affinity of an element may be defined as amount of energy
which is released when an extra electron enters the valence orbital of an isolated
neutral atom to form a negative ion.
Atom(g) + Electron(g) → Negative ion(g) + Energy
The greater the energy released in the process of taking up the extra electron,
the greater will be the electron affinity. Thus, ionisation potential measures the
tendency of an atom to change into a cation (M → M+ + le-) whereas the electron
affinity measures the tendency of an atom to change into anion (X + e- → X-).
Successive Electron Affinities. As more than one electron can be
introduced in an atom, it is called second electron affinity for the addition of two
electrons and so on. The first E. A. of active non metals is positive (exothermic)
while the second E. A. even for the formation of oxide or sulphide ion is negative
(endothermic). For example, the overall E.A. for the formation of oxide or sulphide
ions has been found to be endothermic to the extent of 640 and 390 kJ mol-1
X-(g) + e- + energy → X2-(g)
It is interesting to note that the electron affinity of elements having a d10 s2
configuration has been found to be negative. This is so due to the accommodation
of the electron in the higher p-orbital (Zn = -87 kJ mol-1, Cd = -56 kJ mol-1).
Elements of group 17 possess high electron affinity. The reason for this is
that by picking up an electron halogens attain the stable noble gas electronic
The electron affinity is expressed in kJ mol-1.
Electron affinity á
Size of atom
Smaller the size of an atom, greater is its electron affinity. As the size of
atom increases, the effective nuclear charge decreases or the nuclear attraction
for adding electron decreases. Consequently, atom will have less tendency to
attract additional electron towards itself. Therefore.
Electron affinity α Effective nuclear charge.
In general, electron affinity decreases in going down the group and increases
in going from left to right across the period. On moving down the group atomic
size increases and on going from left to right in a period atomic size decreases.
(2) Shielding or Screening Effect
Electron affinity á
Shielding effect
Electronic energy state, lying between nucleus and outermost state hinder
the nuclear attraction for incoming electron. Therefore, greater the number of
inner lying state, less will be the electron affinity.
(3) Electronic Configuration - The electronic configurations of elements
influence their electron affinities to a considerable extent.
Electron affinities of inert gases are zero. This is because their atoms have
stable ns2 np6 configuration in their valence shell and there is no possibility for
addition of an extra electron.
Electron affinity of beryllium, magnesium and calcium is practically zero.
This is attributed to extra stability of the fully completed s-orbitals in them. Thus,
if an atom has fully filled or half filled orbitals, its electron affinity will be low.
Example 1
The electron affinities of Be, Mg and N are almost zero because both
Be (Z = 4; 1s2 2s2) and Mg (Z = 12; 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2) are having s orbital fully
filled in their valence shell. Fully filled orbitals are most stable due to symmetry.
Therefore, these elements would be having least tendency to accept electron.
Hence, Be and Mg would be having zero electron affinity.
N (Z = 7 ; 1s2 2s2 2px1 2py1 2pz1) is having half filled 2p-subshell. Half filled
sub shells are most stable due to symmetry (Hund’s rule). Thus, nitrogen is having
least tendency to accept electron. Hence, nitrogen is having almost zero electron
Example 2
Electron affinity of fluorine is less than that of chlorine. Although the
electron affinity of elements decreases down the group, yet fluorine is having less
electron affinity than chlorine because the size of F-atom (0.71 Å) is very small
and has only two shells, i.e., n = 1, 2 (9F = 1s2 2s2 2px2 2py2 2pz1).
i) Because of small size of fluorine atom the 2p-subshell becomes compact.
There occurs repulsion among electrons of the valence shell and also with electron
to be added. This repulsion is responsible for less tendency of F-atom to accept
ii) Because of small size of fluorine there occurs large crowding of electrons
around the nucleus. This crowding is able to screen the nucleus. Because of this,
effective nuclear charge gets decreased. Thus, the electron is having less attraction
during addition. Hence electron affinity gets decreased.
Electronegativity scale is an arbitary scale. They are based on various types
of experimental data like bond energy, dipole moment, ionisation potential and
electron affinity. Most commonly used scales are
1. Pauling’s scale
2. Mulliken’s scale
3. Sanderson’s scale
4. Alfred and Rochow’s scale
Pauling’s scale (1932)
This scale is based on an empirical relation between the energy of a bond
and the electronegativities of bonded atoms.
Ä = E HCl − E H − H × E Cl − Cl
Ä = 134 − 104 × 36
= 134 – 61.18 = 72.82
0.208 Ä = X Cl − X H
⇒ X Cl − X H = 0.208 72.82
= 1.77
XCl - 2.1 = 1.77 [ XH = 2.1]
XCl = 1.77 + 2.1
= 3.87
2. Mulliken’s Scale
In 1934, Mulliken suggested an alternative approach to electronegativity
based on ionization energy and electron affinity of an atom. According to this
method electronegativity could be regarded as the average of the ionization energy
and electron affinity of an atom
I.E. + E.A
Electronegativity =
Mulliken used ionisation energy and electron affinity values measured in
electron volts and values were found to be 2.8 times higher than Pauling values.
The values of ionisation energy and electron affinity are measured in
kJ mol-1 and 1eV =96.48 kJ mol-1.
Therefore the commonly accepted Pauling values are more nearly obtained
Calculate the electronegativity values of fluorine and chlorine on Mulliken’s
scale, given that (Ionisation potential) F = 17.4 eV/atom (Electron affinity) F =
3.62 ev/atom, (IP)Cl = 13.0 ev/atom and (EA)Cl = 4.0 ev
(IP) F + (EA) F
Electronegativity of fluorine =
2 × 2.8
17.4 + 3.62 21.02
= = = 3.75
5 .6 5 .6
(IP) Cl + (EA) Cl
Electronegativity of chlorine =
2 × 2.8
1 3 .0 + 4 .0 17
= = = 3.03
5 .6 5 .6
Applications of electronegativity
1) Nature of bond
The concept of electronegativity can be used to predict whether the bond
between similar or dissimilar atoms is non-polar covalent bond, polar covalent
bond (or) ionic bond.
i) When XA = XB, i.e. XA - XB = 0, then A-B bond is non polar covalent bond
or simply covalent bond and is represented as A-B. eg. H-H bond in H2
molecule is a covalent bond and is represented as H-H bond.
ii) When XA is slightly greater than XB, i.e. XA - XB is small, the A-B bond is
polar covalent bond and is represented as Aδ--Bδ+ . e.g. The O-H bonds
in H2O molecule are polar covalent bonds and are represented as Oδ--Hδ+,
since XO > XH and XO - XH is small.
iii) When XA >> XB, i.e., XA - XB is very large, A-B bond is more ionic or
polar bond and is represented as A--B+, Since XA >> XB. For example
Na-Cl bond in Na Cl molecule is an ionic bond and is represented as Na+Cl-
(Here Cl = A and Na = B).
18. Which element of the following has the highest ionisation potential?
Na, Cl, Si and Ar.
19. Describe with reasons which atom in each of the following pairs has higher
ionisation energy?
a) Mg and Al b) B and Al c) Al and Si
20. Which element of the following pairs of elements has higher ionisation energy?
Justify your answer
a) K or Ca b) Be or B c) I or Ba d) F or Cl e) N or O
21. Which element of the following groups of elements has smallest ionisation
energy. Justify your answer.
a) Ca or Be b) Ca or K c) Cl or I d) Be, B, C
22. Answer the following questions
a) Which element has the most positive value of electron affinity?
b) Which element has low electronegativity?
23. Mention the disadvantage of Pauling and Mulliken scale.
24. Why EA of fluorine is less than that of chlorine?
C. Answer not exceeding 60 words
25. How is atomic radii calculated from covalent bond length?
26. Explain Pauling method to determine ionic radii.
27. Explain the variation of IE along the group and period.
28. Explain the various factors that affect electron affinity.
29. How electronegativity values help to find out the nature of bonding between
The periodicity in properties of elements are reviewed briefly. Atomic and
ionic radii of molecules are calculated by using simple examples. The factors
governing ionisation potential are explained with specific examples. The factors
affecting electron affinity are discussed briefly. The different scales of
electronegativity values are explained in detail.
1) Concise Inorganic Chemistry, J.D. Lee, 3rd Edition, 1977.
2) Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry, Wakid V.Malik, G.D.Tuli,
R.D.Madan 7th edition, 2001.
Learning Objectives
n s 2 n p 1-5
He 1
13 14 15 16 17
d B C N O F Ne 2
12 Al Si P S Cl Ar 3
Ga Ge As Se Br Kr 4
In Sn Sb Te I Xe 5
Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn 6
ns2np1 n s 2 n p 2 n s 2n p 3 n s 2n p 4 n s 2n p 5 n s 2 n p 6
p-block elements grouped with s-block elements are called as main group
elements or representative elements. There are 44 main group elements. p–block
elements occupy groups 13-18 of the periodic table including inert gases.
p-block elements play dominant part in all natural processes. Aluminium plays
vital role in aircraft and as conductors. Carbon is the backbone of all organic
compounds. Silicon chips play a vital part in computers. Nitrogen acts as a building
block of life. Molecular oxygen is a cell fuel.
R Si O Si R
The dialkyldichlorosilane R2SiCl2 on hydrolysis gives rise to straight chain
polymers and, since an active OH group is left at each end of the chain,
polymerisation continues and the chain increases in length.
HO Si O Si O Si O Si OH
R Si O Si R
R Si O Si R
1) Silicones act as excellent insulators for electric motors and other appliances
as they can withstand high temperatures.
2) Straight chain polymers of 20 to 500 units are used as silicone fluids. They
are water repellent because of the organic side group. These polymers are
used in waterproofing textiles, as lubricants and as polish.
3) Silicone rubber retain their elasticity even at low temperatures and resist
chemical attack. They are mixed with paints to make them damp-resistant.
4) Silicone resins, a cross-linked polymer used as non-stick coating for pans
and are used in paints and varnish.
5) Silicone oils are highly stable and non-volatile even on heating. Hence used
for high temperature oil bath, high vacuum pump etc.
3.2.2 Metallurgy of Lead
1. Galena PbS
2. Cerrusite PbCO3
3. Anglesite PbSO4
4. Lead ochre PbO
Extraction: Lead is mainly extracted from the sulphide ore galena. Galena
contains lead sulphide and small quantities of silver.
1. Concentration: The ore is concentrated by froth floatation process.
2. Smelting in a Reverberatory furnace: The concentrated ore is roasted
in a reverberatory furnace at a moderate temperature. The temperature of furnace
is controlled by regulating the air supply. During roasting, galena is partly oxidized
to lead monoxide and partly to lead sulphate.
Purification of Lead
Lead extracted by the above method contains impurities such as silver,
copper, tin, bismuth, gold and iron. It is refined by the following processes.
a. Liquation
The impure metal is heated on a sloping hearth. Lead melts and flows down
the slope. The infusible impurities remain on the hearth.
b. Desilverisation
Silver is removed by either Pattinson’s process or Park’s process.
c. Electrolytic refining
Very pure lead is obtained by this process.
Anode – Impure lead
Cathode – Very pure lead
Electrolyte – Lead fluosilicate + Hydrofluosilicic Acid
(PbSiF6) (H2SiF6)
The metallic impurities which are more electropositive than lead, such as
iron and tin, go into the solution while the rest of the impurities are thrown
down as anode mud.
Physical properties
1. Lead is a bluish grey metal with a bright luster.
2. It is soft and can be cut with a knife and drawn into a wire and rolled into a
3. It is not a good conductor of heat and electricity.
4. It marks paper.
Chemical properties
1. Action of air
i) It is unaffected by dry air but in moist air a layer of lead carbonate or lead
hydroxide is deposited on its surface which protects it from further action of
ii) When heated in air or oxygen, lead is oxidized to litharge (PbO) and red
lead (Pb3O4)
2Pb + O2 → 2PbO
3Pb + 2O2 → Pb3O4
2. Action of water
Lead is not attacked by pure water in the absence of air, but water containing
dissolved air has a solvent action on it due to the formation of lead hydroxide (a
poisonous substance). This phenomenon is called Plumbo solvency.
2Pb + O2 + 2H2O → 2Pb(OH)2
3. Action of acids
i) Dilute H2SO4 and HCl have no action on lead.
ii) Hot Conc. H2SO4 liberates SO2 but the reaction is retarded by the formation
of an insoluble layer of lead sulphate.
Pb + 2H2SO4→ PbSO4 + 2H2O + SO2↑
iii) Concentrated HCl evolves hydrogen and also forms Chloroplumbic acid
Pb + 2HCl → PbCl2 +H2↑
PbCl2 + 2HCl H2PbCl4
chloroplumbic acid
General trends
Electronic configuration: All these elements have general electronic
configuration of ns2 np3.
Table 3.3 Electronic configuration of group 15 elements
a) Halides of Phosphorus
Phosphorus combines with all the halogens forming phosphorus halides which
are all covalent compounds. Phosphorus chlorides are more important. Tri and
pentachlorides of phosphorus are most common.
P4 + 6Cl2 → 4PCl3
Dry white phosphorus is placed in the retort and gently heated on a water bath.
A current of pure, dry chlorine is led over the phosphorus. The phosphorus
trichloride formed being volatile distils over and is collected in a water cooled
W H IT E C aC l 2
P C l3
x - E lectro n o f p
P xx - E lectro n o f C l
Cl x Px Cl
Cl Cl Cl
II. Phosphorus pentachloride, PCl5
Preparation: Phosphorus pentachloride is usually prepared by the action of an
excess of chlorine on phosphorus trichloride.
PCl3 + Cl2 → PCl 5
Physical properties
1. Phosphorus pentachloride is a yellowish white crystalline solid.
2. It sublimes on heating at 473 K and melts at 318 K under pressure.
Chemical properties
1. Phosphorus pentachloride dissociates on heating into phosphorus trichloride
and chlorine.
PCl5 PCl3 + Cl2
2. It is violently hydrolysed by water giving phosphorus oxychloride or
phosphoric acid depending upon the quantity of water.
insufficient water
PCl5 + H2O POCl3 + 2HCl
Excess of water
PCl5 + 4H2O H3PO4 + 5HCl
3. It reacts with compounds containing hydroxyl groups forming chloro
derivatives. In all these cases, the hydroxyl group is replaced by chlorine.
C2H5OH + PCl5 → C2 H5Cl + POCl3 + HCl
Ethyl Alcohol Ethyl Chloride
4. It reacts with metals on heating to give corresponding chlorides.
2Ag + PCl5 →2 AgCl + PCl3
PCl5 molecule has trigonal bipyramidal shape in vapour state which arises
from sp3d hybridisation of phosphorus atom.
Cl x x - E lectro n o f p
x x
P Cl P Cl
x - E lectro n o f C l
Cl x
Cl Cl
b) Oxides of phosphorus
I. Phosphorus trioxide P2O3 or P4O6
It is obtained by the combustion of phosphorus in a limited supply of air.
4P + 3O2 → 2P2O3
Physical properties
1. It is a white waxy substance
2. It has a garlic odour.
Chemical properties
1. It reacts with cold water, gives phosphorus acid.
P2O3 +3H2O → 2H3PO3
2HNO3 N2O5
- H2O
Amide -H2O Nitrile
Use: It is used as a dehydrating agent.
c) Oxy-Acids of Phosphorus
I. Phosphorus acid - H3PO3
It is prepared by the action of cold water on phosphorus (III) oxide or
phosphorus (III) chloride.
P2O3 + 3H2O → 2H3PO3
PCl3 + 3H2O → H3PO3 + 3HCl
Physical properties
It is a white crystalline solid with garlic taste.
Chemical Properties
1. Acidic nature: It is a dibasic acid and gives salts of two types.
H3PO3 + NaOH → NaH2PO3 + H2O
Sodium dihydrogen Phosphite
H3PO3 + 2NaOH → Na2HPO3 + 2H2O
Disodium hydrogen Phosphite
2. When it is heated it undergoes auto-oxidation and reduction to form
phosphoric acid and phosphine.
4H3 PO3 → 3H3PO4 + PH3
3. It is a powerful reducing agent because it has P-H bond. It reduces silver
nitrate solution into silver.
2AgNO3 + H3PO3 + H2O → 2Ag +H3PO4+2HNO3
Electronic structure
O x - E lectro n o f P
x x
x x - E lectro n o f C l
H O P O H - E lectro n o f H
x P
1. It is used in the preparation of HBr and HI as a substitute for sulphuric acid.
2. It is used as souring agent in the preparation of soft drinks.
3. It is used in the preparation of phosphate salts of sodium, potassium and
4. It is used in the manufacture of phosphatic fertilisers.
Being a tribasic acid, the structure of phosphoric acid is represented as
x - E lectro n o f P
x x
- E lectro n o f O
H O x P x O H - E lectro n o f H
x P
x x x x
H O x P O x P O H HO P O P OH
x x x x
d) Phosphine - PH3
PH3 + HI → PH4I
Physical properties
Phosphine is colourless gas with rotten fish odour.
Chemical properties
1. Dissociation: Phosphine dissociates at about 723 K and gives red
723 K
4PH3 P4 + 6H2
2. Action of air: It burns with oxygen and produces phosphorus pentoxide.
4PH3 + 8O2 → P4O10 + 6H2O
Chemical Properties
1. Oxidising power: An important feature of the halogen is their oxidising
property which is due to high electron affinity of halogen atoms. The oxidising
power decreases from fluorine to iodine. Fluorine is the strongest oxidising agent.
It oxidises other halide ions to halogens in solution or when dry.
F + 2 X– → 2F – + X (X– = Cl –, Br –, I–)
2 2
Halogen of low atomic number oxidises the halide ion of higher atomic number.
2. Solubility: Halogens, being non-polar molecules, do not dissolve to a
considerable extent in a polar solvent like water. However, fluorine reacts with
water readily forming a mixture of O2 and O3.
2F2 + 2H2O → 4HF + O2
3F2 + 3H2O → 6HF + O3
Chlorine, bromine and Iodine are more soluble in organic solvents such as
CCl4, CHCl3 and produce yellow, brown and violet colour.
3. Hydrides of the Halogens (Hydrogen halides):
i) All halogens react with hydrogen to form volatile covalent hydrides of formula
ii) These hydrides are called hydracids.
iii) The activity of halogens towards hydrogen decreases from fluorine to iodine.
Hydrogen combines explosively with fluorine even in dark. It combines
with chlorine in the presence of sunlight and with bromine on heating.
Hydrogen combines with iodine on heating and in presence of a catalyst.
iv) Hydracids are the reducing agents.
v) Except HF, all hydrogen halides are gases. HF is a liquid because of inter
molecular hydrogen bonding.
H – F ....... H –F ....... H–F ....... H–F
vi) The acidic character of HX are in the following order.
HF < HCl < HBr < HΙ.
Etching glass
Industrially, hydrogen fluoride is obtained by heating fluorspar (CaF2) with
concentrated H2SO4 in a lead vessel.
CaF2 + H2SO4→ CaSO4 + 2HF.
HF distils over and the vapours are condensed in water in a lead receiver.
Aqueous HF thus obtained is stored in wax bottles. It cannot be stored in glass
or silica bottles as it attacks silicates and silica.
Na2 SiO3 + 6HF → Na2SiF6 + 3H2O
SiO2 + 4HF → SiF4 + 2H2O
The action of hydrofluoric acid on silica and silicates is used for etching
glass. The glass article is first covered with a film on wax. The design to be
etched is now drawn on the waxed surface and is then exposed to the action of
hydrofluoric acid. Now the glass can be very soon etched. The wax is finally
washed off with turpentine.
Symbol - F Atomic number -9 Period Number : 2
Valency –1 Atomic mass–19 Group Number : 17
Fluorine does not occur free in nature. It occurs in the combined form.
Dennis’ Method: This was devised by Dennis, Veeder and Rochow in 1931.
In this fluorine is prepared by the electrolysis of fused sodium or potassium
hydrogen fluoride (perfectly dry) Electrolysis is carried out between graphite
electrodes in a V-shaped electrically heated copper tube. The ends of the tube
are covered with copper caps into which the graphite electrodes are fixed with
bakelite cement. The copper tube is thickly lagged to prevent loss of heat.
KHF2 → KF + HF
HF → H+ + F¯
2H+ + 2e– → H 2 (At cathode)
2F – – 2e– → F 2 (At anode)
N aF N aF
Si + 2F2 → SiF4
Silicon tetrafluoride
2P + 5F2 → 2PF5
Phosphorus pentafluoride
1. Fluorine is used in the manufacture of a series of compounds known as
freons. These non-toxic, non-combustible and volatile liquids are used as
refrigerants in refrigerators, deep freezers and air conditioners. The most
common, freon is known as dichlorodifluoro methane CF2 Cl2.
2. CaF2 is used as flux in metallurgy.
3. NaF is used as a preservative to prevent fermentation and also for preventing
dental cavities.
4. SF6 is used as an insulating material in high voltage equipment.
5. Teflon is used as container to store hydrofluoric acid.
6. UF6 is used in the separation of U235 from U238.
Each halogen combines with another halogen to form several compounds
known as interhalogen compounds. The less electronegative element is written
first. In naming also, the less electronegative element is mentioned first.
They are divided into four types.
Cl2 + 3F2 (excess) 2 ClF3 (AX3 type)
Br2 + 3F2 (diluted with nitrogen)→ 2Br F3
Br2 + 5F2 (excess) → 2Br F5 (AX5 Type)
ΙCl + OH– Cl ¯ + OΙ ¯ + H+
Structures of interhalogen compounds
Interhalogen compounds are generally covalent compounds in which the
larger halogen forms the central atom.
1. Type AX. As excepted, the compounds of the type AX are linear. Thus
CΙF, BrF, BrCl, ΙBr and ΙCI are all linear in structure.
Electronic structure of Chlorine atom, in the ground state and hybridised
state is represented as in Fig. 3.4.
Linear Molecule
Although the spatial arrangement of the four electron pairs (bp = 1 and
lps = 3) round the central chlorine atom is tetrahedral, due to the presence of
three lone pairs of electrons in three hybrid orbitals, the shape of AX molecule
gets distorted and become linear.
2. Type AX3 Compounds of the type AX3 have trigonal bipyramidal structure,
Fig. 3.5 for the ClF3 molecule.
Bipyramidal structure arises out of sp3d hybridisation involved in the formation
of this compound, as illustrated in the Fig.3.6. The three dotted arrows indicate
electrons contributed by the three fluorine atoms (without lone pair it is T-shaped).
Fig. 3.8 Structure of IF7
An element A occupies group number 17 and period number 2, shows
anomalous behaviour. A reacts with water forms a mixture of B, C and acid D.
B and C are allotropes. A also reacts with hydrogen violently even in dark to
give an acid D. Identify A,B,C and D. write the reactions.
i) The element A that occupies group number 17 and period number 2 is
ii) Fluorine reacts with water and forms a mixture of B and C
2F2 + 2H2O → 4HF + O2
Helium 2 1s2 18 1
Neon 10 1s22s22p6 18 2
Argon 18 1s22s22p63s2 3p6 18 3
Krypton 36 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s2 4p6 18 4
Xenon 54 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s2 18 5
4p64d105s2 5p6
Radon 86 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s2 4p6 18 6
4d104f145s2 5p65d106s2 6p6
To Tr a n sfo rm e r
Soda out
G a se s in
S o d a in
Fig. 3.9 Chemical method for isolation of noble gases
Step 2 Separation of noble gases (DEWAR’S METHOD)
The mixture of noble gases obtained by the above method is separated into
individual constituents by the use of coconut charcoal which adsorbs different
gases at different temperatures.
krypton and xenon are adsorbed by the charcoal while helium and neon remain
unadsorbed. These are pumped out and collected.
The mixture of helium and neon is kept in contact with coconut charcoal at
93K which completely adsorbs neon leaving free helium.
The charcoal at 173K containing argon, krypton and xenon is placed in
contact with another charcoal at the temperature of the liquid air when argon
diffuse into the other charcoal.
The temperature of the first charcoal (temp.173K) still containing krypton
and xenon is raised to 183K when krypton is set free while xenon remain adsorbed
in the charcoal. When it is heated, xenon is recovered.
Xenon forms three binary Fluorides XeF2, XeF4, and XeF6 by the direct
union of elements under appropriate experimental conditions.
Xe+F2 XeF2
Xe + 2 F2 XeF4
Xe+ 3 F2 XeF6
A. Choose the correct answer
1 Which of the following does not belong to group 13?
a) B b) Al c) Ge d) In
2. Which of the following is most abundant in earth’s crust?
a) C b) Si c) Ge d) Sn
3. An element which was burnt in limited supply of air to give oxide A which
on treatment with water gives an acid. B. Acid B on heating gives acid C
which gives yellow precipitate with AgNO3 solution A is
a) SO2 b) NO2 c) P2 O3 d) SO3
4. The compound with garlic odour is
a) P2 O3 b) P2O5 c) H3PO3 d) H3PO4
5. The shape of PCl5 is
a) pyramidal b) trigonal bipyramidal
c) linear d) tetrahedral
6. The compound used as smoke screen
a) PCl3 b) PCl5 c) PH3 d) H3PO3
7. Which shows only -1 oxidation state?
a) fluorine b) bromine c) chlorine d) iodine
8. One can draw the map of building on a glass plate by
a) HI b) HF c) HBr d) HCl
9. Among the halogen acid, the weakest acid is
a) HF b) HCl c) HBr d) HI
10. Halogens belong to the group number
a) 14 b) 15 c) 17 d) 18
Learning Objectives
“There will come a time, when the world will be filled with one science, one
truth, one industry, one brotherhood, one friendship with nature... this is my
belief, it progresses, it grows stronger, this is worth living for, this is worth
waiting for.”
Dimitry Mendeleyev, Russian Chemist in YA Urmantsev.
40 46
Zr Pd
The d-block elements are located in the middle of the periodic table and
consists of metals only. It consists of four series, each series consists of 10 elements.
In these elements, the last electron enters the d orbital of the penultimate
shell i.e. the last electron goes to (n-1) d orbital. Hence these elements are named
as d-block elements. These elements have partly filled d-subshells in their
elementary form or in their simple ions. The d-block elements are called transition
elements because these represent a transition from highly electropositive elements
(metals) of s-block to least electropositive elements (non-metals) of p-block.
Classification of d-block Elements
Based on whether the last electron goes to 3d,4d,5d or 6d orbital, d-block
elements are classified into four series. They are
i) 3d series or First transition series (21Sc to 30Zn)
ii) 4d series or Second transition series (39Y to 48Cd)
iii) 5d series or Third transition series (57La and 72Hf to 80Hg)
iv) 6d series or Fourth transition series (89Ac and 104Rf to 112) or Incomplete
Ele me nt Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn
144 132 122 118 117 117 116 115 117 125
(pm) radii
The atomic radii of first transition series decreases from Sc to Cr and
remains almost constant till Cu and then increases towards the end. This can
be explained based on two effects namely screening and the nuclear charge
effect. These two effects oppose each other resulting in increase in nuclear
charge. Hence very slight variation in the atomic radii from Cr to Cu is
It has been observed that Zirconium and Hafnium have almost equal
atomic radii. This is because of lanthanide contraction.
4.1.2 Metallic character
All the transition elements are metals, since the number of electrons in the
outermost shell is very small, being equal to 2. They are hard, malleable and
It may be noted that Zinc, Cadmium and Mercury salts do not form any
coloured compounds because of the absence of vacant d orbitals to which electrons
can be excited. Sc3+ ions are also colourless because of the absence of d-electrons.
4.1.4 Catalytic Properties
Most of the transition metals and their compounds are used as catalyst.
The catalytic activity of transition metals is due to the following reasons.
i) They show a variety of oxidation states and thereby can form intermediate
products with various reactants.
ii) They are also capable of forming interstitial compounds which can adsorb
and activate the reacting species.
Some examples of catalyst are
i) Iron / molybdenum act as catalyst in the synthesis of ammonia by Haber’s
ii) Vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) is used for catalytic oxidation of SO2 to SO3
iii) TiCl4 is employed as a catalyst in the manufacture of polythene.
4.1.5 Variable oxidation states
All transition elements exhibit variety of oxidation states (or) variable valencies
in their compounds. This property is due to the following reasons.
i) These elements have several (n – 1) d and ns electrons.
ii) The energies of (n – 1)d and ns orbitals are fairly close to each other.
Salient features of oxidation states of transition elements
1. The elements which exhibit the maximum number of oxidation states occur
either in or near the middle of the series. For example , in the first transition
series manganese exhibits maximum number of oxidation states (+2 to +7).
2. The elements in the beginning of the series exhibit fewer oxidation states
because they have less number of d-electrons which they can lose or
contribute for sharing. The elements at the end of the series exhibit fewer
oxidation states, because they have too many d electrons and hence fewer
vacant d-orbitals can be involved in bonding.
3. The transition elements in lower oxidation states (+2 and +3) generally form
ionic bonds and in higher oxidation state form covalent bonds.
4. The highest oxidation state shown by any transition metal is +8. For example,
ruthenium and osmium show highest oxidation states of +8 in some of their
5. Some transition metals show oxidation state of zero in their compounds.
Ni(CO)4 and Fe(CO)5 are common examples.
4.1.6 Magnetic Properties
The magnetic properties of a substance are determined by the number of
unpaired electrons in it. There are two main type of substances.
i) Paramagnetic substances
The paramagnetic character arises because of the presence of unpaired
electrons. Paramagnetic substances are the substances which are attracted by
magnetic field.
ii) Diamagnetic Substances
Diamagnetic character arises because of the absence of unpaired electrons.
Diamagnetic substance are the substances which are repelled by the magnetic
Most of the transition elements and their compounds are paramagnetic and
are attracted by magnetic field. Greater the number of unpaired electrons in the
substance greater is the paramagnetic character, The magnetic character of a
substance is expressed in terms of magnetic moments. The magnetic moment
can be calculated using the relation
Larger the value of magnetic moment, the greater is the paramagnetic character.
In addition to paramagnetic and diamagnetic substance, there are a few
substances such as iron which are highly magnetic as compared to ordinary metals.
These substances are called ferromagnetic substances
4.1.7 Complex formation
The cations of d-block elements have strong tendency to form complexes
with certain molecules (e.g. CO, NO, NH3....etc) or ions (e.g. F-, Cl-, CN-
....etc) called ligands. Their tendency to form complexes is due to two reasons.
i) Small size and high positive charge density.
ii) Presence of vacant (n-1)d orbitals which are of appropriate energy to accept
lone pair and unshared pair of electrons from the ligands for bonding with
Examples of some complex compounds are,
[Cu(NH3)4]2+, [Ag(NH3)2]+, [Fe(CN)6]4-,....etc.
4.1.8 Formation of alloys
Transition metals form alloys with each other. This is because they have
almost similar size and the atoms of one metal can easily take up positions in the
crystal lattice of the other.
Eg. Alloys of Cr-Ni, Cr-Ni-Fe, Cr-V-Fe, Mn-Fe......etc.
4.2.1 Occurrence and principles of extraction of copper
Atomic mass : 63.54 Valency : 1 and 2
Atomic number : 29 Symbol : Cu
Position in the periodic table : Period Number -4, Group Number -11.
Copper was known to the earliest races of mankind. It was named as cuprum
by the Romans because they used to get it from the island of Cyprus. Copper
is found in the native state as well as in the combined state. Native copper is
found in large quantities in Michigan (USA). In India, copper is mainly found in
Singhbhum (Bihar), Khetri and Darbia (Rajasthan) and in Tamilnadu.
i) Copper pyrite, CuFeS2.
ii) Cuprite or Ruby copper, Cu2O.
iii)Copper glance, Cu2S.
The chief ore of copper is copper pyrite. It yields nearly 76% of the world
production of copper.
Extraction from copper pyrites
Extraction of copper from copper pyrites involves the following steps.
1. Crushing and concentration
The ore is crushed and then concentrated by froth-floatation process.
2. Roasting
The concentrated ore is heated strongly in the reverberatory furnace, in
excess of air. During roasting,
i) Moisture is removed.
ii) The volatile impurities are removed.
iii) Sulphur, phosphorus, arsenic and antimony which are present as impurity
are removed as volatile oxides.
S + O2 → SO 2
P4 + 5O2 → 2P 2O5
4As + 3O2 → 2As2O3
iv) The copper pyrite is partly converted into sulphides of copper and iron.
2CuFeS2 + O2 → Cu2S + 2FeS + SO2
2FeS + 3O2 → 2FeO + 2SO2
3. Smelting
The roasted ore is mixed with powdered coke and sand and is heated in a
blast furnace. It is made of steel plates lined inside with fire clay bricks. Hot air at
800°C is introduced from the tuyers near the base of the furnace. As a result, the
following changes occur.
2FeS + 3O2 → 2FeO + 2SO2
When electric current is passed through the electrolytic solution pure copper get
deposited on the cathode ,impurities settle near the anode in the form of sludge
called anode mud.
Physical properties
Copper is a reddish brown metal, with high lustre, high density and high
melting point 1356°C.
Chemical Properties
i) Action of air and moisture
Copper gets covered with a green layer of basic copper carbonate, in the
presence of CO2 and moisture
2Cu + O2 + CO2 + H2O → Cu(OH)2 . CuCO3
(Green) Copper Carbonate
ii) Action of Heat
Copper when heated to redness (below 1370K) in the presence of oxygen
or air, first it gets converted to black cupric oxide and further heating to above
1370K, it gets converted into red cuprous oxide.
2Cu + O2 ⎯Below
⎯⎯⎯ ⎯⎯→
1370 K 2CuO
4Cu + O2 ⎯Above
⎯ ⎯⎯ ⎯→
1370 K 2Cu2O
iii) Action of acids
a) With dil.HCl and H2SO4
Dilute acids such as HCl and H2SO4 have no action on these metals in the
absence of air or an oxidising agent. Copper dissolves in these acids in the
presence of air
2Cu + 4HCl + O2 (air) → 2CuCl2 + 2H2O
2Cu + 2H2SO4 + O2 (air) → 2CuSO4 + 2H2O
b) With dil. HNO3
Copper reacts with dil.HNO3 with the liberation of NO gas.
3Cu + 8HNO3(dil) → 3Cu(NO3)2 + 2NO↑ + 4H2O
The molten chromium is collected in the crucible and aluminium oxide is removed
as slag.
Cr2O3 + 2Al →2Cr + Al2O3 + 468.6 kJ
Properties of Cr
Physical Properties
1. The metal is silvery white and crystalline.
2. It is very hard and brittle
3. It melts at 2113K.
Chemical Properties
1. Action of air : It is unaffected by air at ordinary temperatures.
When heated to very high temperature at about 2000°C it is oxidised to
chromic oxide.
4Cr + 3O2 → 2Cr2O3
2. Action of Water : There is no action at ordinary temperatures. However it
decomposes steam at red heat to give chromic oxide and hydrogen.
2Cr + 3H2O → Cr2O3 + 3H2
3. Action of Acids : It dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid
to liberate hydrogen and forms chromous salts.
Cr + 2HCl → CrCl2 + H2↑
Cr + H2SO4 → CrSO4 + H2↑
4. With hot concentrated sulphuric acid it gives chromic sulphate and liberates
sulphur dioxide.
2Cr + 6H2SO4 → Cr2(SO4)3 + 3SO2 + 6H2O
5. Dilute nitric acid does not attack the pure metal while concentrated acid
renders it inactive or passive i.e., it does not show its usual reactions.
6. Action with Halogens : Chromium combines directly with fluorine and dry
chlorine to give chromium (III) halides.
2Cr + 3F2 → 2CrF3
2Cr + 3Cl2 → 2CrCl3
Alloys of chromium
ZnO + C ⎯ 1673
⎯⎯K → Zn + CO
Zinc is purified by electrolytic refining. In this process, Impure Zinc is anode
and cathode is of pure thin sheet of Zinc. The electrolyte is ZnSO4 solution
containing a little of dil.H2SO4. On passing electric current, pure zinc get deposited
at the cathode.
Physical properties
i) Zinc is a bluish white metal
ii) It is good conductor of heat and electricity.
iii) It is malleable and ductile.
Chemical properties
i) Action of air
When heated in air at 773 K, it burns to form a white cloud of Zinc oxide
which settles to form a wooly flock called philosopher’s wool.
2Zn + O2 ⎯ ⎯ 773 K
⎯⎯ → 2ZnO
ii) Action of water
Pure zinc does not react with water but impure zinc (Zn-Cu couple)
decomposes steam quite readily evolving H2 gas.
Zn + H2O (steam) → ZnO + H2
iii) Action of dilute acids
Pure zinc is not attacked by dilute acids. However, impure zinc reacts with
dilute acids with the liberation of H2.
Zn + 2HCl → ZnCl2 + H2↑
Zn + H2SO4 → ZnSO4 + H2↑
iv) Action of con.H2SO4
Zinc reacts with hot con.H2SO4 forming ZnSO4.
Zn + 2H2SO4 → ZnSO4 + SO2 ↑ + 2H2O
v) Action of HNO3
Zinc reacts with HNO3 at various concentrations and it gives different
4 Zn + 10 HNO3 (dil) → 4 Zn (NO3)2 + N2O + 5 H2O
Nitrous oxide
4 Zn + 10 HNO3 (very dilute) → 4 Zn (NO3)2 + NH4NO3 + 3H2O
Ammonium nitrate
vi) Action of alkalies
Zinc dissolves in hot NaOH solution forming soluble zincate ion.
Zn + 2NaOH + 2H2O → Na2ZnO2 + H2O
Sodium zincate
Uses of zinc
1. It is widely used for galvanizing iron sheets.
2. It is used in the extraction of gold and silver by the cyanide process.
3. Zinc plates and rods are used in batteries and dry cells.
4. Zinc dust and granulated zinc are used in laboratory as reducing agents.
4.3.1 Occurrence and principles of extraction of silver
Atomic mass : 108 Valency : 1
Atomic number : 47 Symbol : Ag
Position in the periodic table : Period Number -5, Group Number -11.
Silver occurs both in the native as well as in the combined state.
The important ores of silver are
i) Argentite or silverglance, Ag2S
ii) Horn silver or chlorargyrite, AgCl
iii) Pyrargyrite or Ruby silver, Ag2S . Sb2 S3
The chief ore of silver is Argentite. The silver content in these ores is very small
(about 1%). Silver is obtained to a small extent from the gold ores in the kolar
fields in Karnataka and in the Anantapur mines.
Extraction of silver from the Argentite ore
Silver is extracted from the argentite ore by the Mac-Arthur and Forrest’s
cyanide process. The various steps involved in this process are as follows.
1. Concentration
The crushed ore is concentrated by froth-floatation process.
2. Treatment of the ore with NaCN
The concentrated ore is treated with 0.4-0.6% solution of sodium cyanide
for several hours. The mixture is continuously agitated by a current of air, so that
Ag present in the ore is converted into soluble sodium argento complex.
Ag2S + 4NaCN 2Na [Ag(CN)2] + Na2S
Sodium argento cyanide (soluble)
3. Precipitation of silver
The solution containing sodium argento cyanide is filtered to remove insoluble
impurities and filtrate is treated with zinc dust, silver gets precipitated.
2Na [Ag(CN)2] + Zn → Na2[Zn(CN)4] + 2Ag↓
4. Electrolytic refining
The impure silver is further purified by electrolytic refining. The impure silver
is made the anode while a thin sheet of pure silver act as the cathode. The
electrolyte is silvernitrate acidified with 1% nitric acid. On passing electricity
pure silver gets deposited at the cathode.
5. Extraction of silver from silver coins
Silver coins are Ag-Cu alloys. Ag can be obtained from such an allloy by
dissolving the alloy in concentrated HNO3, a solution containing mixture of AgNO3
and Cu(NO3)2 is obtained. The solution is boiled to expel excess of nitric acid,
then the solution is treated with con.HCl, silver is precipitated as AgCl. AgCl is
separated and converted to silver by fusing with excess Na2CO3.
4AgCl + 2Na2CO3 → 4Ag↓ + 4NaCl + 2CO2 + O2
The silver thus obtained, is purified by fusion with borax and followed by
electrolytic purification.
Physical properties
i) It is a white lustrous metal.
ii) It melts at 1233°C and boils at 2485°C.
iii) Molten silver absorbs about twenty times its volume of oxygen which it
again expels on cooling. Globules of molten silver are thrown off. This is called
“spitting of silver”. This can be prevented by covering the molten metal with a
layer of charcoal.
Chemical properties
i) With dilute HNO3
Dilute HNO3 reacts with silver liberating nitric oxide.
3Ag + 4HNO3 → 3AgNO3 + NO↑ + 2H2O
ii) With con.HNO3 or con.H2SO4
Hot con.HNO3 or con.H2SO4 react with silver liberating NO2 and SO2
Ag + 2 HNO3 →AgNO3 + NO2↑ + H2O
2Ag + 2H2SO4 → Ag2SO4 + SO2↑ + 2H2O
iii) Action with chlorine
Chlorine attacks silver, forming silver chloride.
2Ag + Cl2 → 2AgCl
iv) Action of alkalies
Silver is not attacked by alkalies.
Uses of silver
i) Silver salts are used in silvering of mirrors
ii) AgBr is used in photography
iii) Silver salts are used in silver plating.
Physical properties
1. The anhydrous salt is colourless but the hydrated salt is blue in colour.
2. It readily dissolves in water but is insoluble in alcohol.
Chemical Properties
1. Action of Heat
On heating CuSO4.5H2O loses its water of crystallization and decomposes
at 720°C to give cupric oxide and sulphur trioxide.
C u S O 4 .5 H 2 O C u S O 4 .H 2 O
(B lu e) 1 0 0 °C
-4 H 2 O
-H 2 O 2 3 0 °C
7 2 0 °C
SO 3 + CuO CuSO 4
(W h ite)
2. Action of ammonia
Copper sulphate gives deep blue colour with NH4OH forming complex
CuSO4 + 4NH4OH → [Cu (NH3)4]SO4 + 4H2O
3. Action of KI
When KI is added to a solution of CuSO4, a white precipitate of cuprous
iodide is produced.
CuSO4 + 2KI → Cu I2 + K2SO4
2CuI2 → Cu2I2 + I2
(white ppt)
4. Action with KCN
A yellow precipitate of cupric cyanide is first formed with KCN and it
decomposes to give cyanogen gas.
CuSO4 + 2KCN → Cu(CN)2 + K2SO4
723 K
2A gN O 3 2A gN O 2 + O 2
S ilv er n itrite
980 K
A gN O 2 Ag + NO2
2. With NaCl
AgNO3 gives white precipitate of AgCl with soluble ionic chlorides.
AgNO3 + NaCl → AgCl↓ + NaNO3
3. Silver nitrate is strongly caustic and oxidizing in nature.
4. With KBr & KI
AgNO3 gives pale yellow precipitate of AgBr with bromides and yellow
AgI with iodides.
AgNO3 + KBr → AgBr + KNO3
Yellow ppt
AgNO3 + KI → AgI + KNO3
Yellow ppt
5. Action with organic compounds
Ammoniacal silver nitrate (Tollen’s reagent) is reduced to silver mirror by
compounds like formic acid, formaldehyde or glucose
2AgNO3 + 2NH4OH → Ag2O + 2NH4NO3 + H2O
Ag2O + HCOOH → 2Ag↓ + H2O + CO2
1. It is used in the preparation of silver halides which are extensively used in
2. It is used in silvering mirrors.
3. It is used in preparation of marking inks and hair dyes.
4. It is used for silver plating.
5. It is used as laboratory reagent.
A. Choose the correct answer
1. The general electronic configuration of d-block elements is
a) (n-1)d1-10 ns0-2 b) (n-1) d1-5 ns2
c) (n-1)d0 ns1 d) None of these
2. Formation of coloured ions is possible when compounds contains
a) paired electrons b) unpaired electrons
c) lone pairs of electrons d) none of the above
3. Paramagnetism is common in
a) p-block elements b) d-block elements
c) s-block elements d) f-block elements
4. The colour of Ti(H2O)6 ion is due
a) d-d transistion
b) Presence of water molecules
c) Inter atomic transfer of electrons
d) None of the above
5. The electronic configuration of chromium is
a) 3d6 4s0 b) 3d5 4s1
b) 3d4 4s2 d) 3d3 4s2 4p1
6. Paramagnetism is the property of
a) paired electrons b) completely filled electronic subshells
c) unpaired electrons d) completely vacant electronic subshells
7. d-block elements form coloured ions because
a) They absorb some energy for d-s transition
b) They absorb some energy for p-d transition
c) They absorb some energy for d-d transition
d) They do not absorb any energy
8. The correct electronic configuration of copper atom is
a) 3d10 4s1 b) 3d10 4s2 c) 3d9 4s2 d) 3d5 4s2 4p4
9. Copper is extracted from
a) cuprite b) copper glance
c) malachite d) copper pyrites
A ⎯305K
⎯ ⎯→ B ⎯373K
⎯ ⎯→ C ⎯423K
⎯ ⎯→ D
Identify the compounds A, B, C and D.
40 46
Zr Pd
Learning Objectives
3 -1 2
1 8 in ert g ases
1 -2 s-B L O C K
1 3 -1 7
d -B L O C K
p -B L O C K
f- Block
H 2 PO 4– )
Lanthanide s Actinide s
i) Binding energies of 4f i) Binding energies of 5f electrons are
electrons are higher. lower.
ii) Maximum oxidation satate ii) Due to lower binding energies they
exhibited by lanthanides is +4 show higher oxidation states such
e.g. Ce 4+ as +4, +5 and +6. Uranium
exhibits +6 oxidation state in UF 6
and UO 2Cl2
iii) 4f electrons have greater iii) 5f electrons have poor shielding
shielding effect. effect.
iv) Most of their ions are iv) Most of their ions are coloured U 3+
colourless. (red), U 4+ (green) and UO 22+
v) They are paramagnetic but v) They are also paramagnetic but
magnetic properties can be their magnetic properties are very
easily explained. difficult to interpret.
vi) They do not form complexes vi) They have much greater tendency
easily. to form complexes.
vii) Except promethium, they are vii) All of them are radioactive.
viii) Their compounds are less viii) Their compounds are more basic.
ix) They do not form oxocations. ix) They form oxocations such as
UO 22+ , UO + , N pO 2+ , PuO 2+ .
3. Cerium salts are used in dyeing cotton, lead storage batteries and as catalyst.
4. Lanthanides are used in metallothermic reactions due to their extraordinary
reducing property. Lanthanido - thermic processes can yield sufficiently pure
Nb, Zr, Fe, Co, Ni, Mn, Y, W, U, B and Si.
5. Alloys of Lanthanides are known as mish - metals .The major constituents
of mish-metals are Ce(45-50%), La(25%), Nd(5%) and small quantities
of other lanthanide metals and Fe and Ca impurities. Mish-metals are used
for the production of brands of steel like heat resistant, stainless and
instrumental steels. Mg- alloys containing 30% mishmetal and 1% Zr are
useful in making parts of jet engines.
Uses of Actinides
1. U-235 is fissionable, it is used as fuel in nuclear power plants and as a
component in nuclear weapons.
2. Plutonium - 238 is used as a power source in long mission space probes.
A. Choose the correct answer
1. The electronic configuration of Lanthanides is
a) [Xe]4f0 5d0 6s0 b) [Xe] 4f1-7 5d1 6s1
c) [Xe]4f1-14 5d1 6s2 c) [Xe]4f1-14 5d1-10 6s2
2. The electronic configuration of Actinides is
a) [Rn]5f0-14 6d0 7s0 b) [Rn]5f0-14 6d0-2 7s0
c) [Rn]5f0-14 6d0-2 7s1 d) [Rn]5f0-14 6d0-2 7s2
3. The lanthanide contraction is responsible for the fact that
a) Zn and Y have about the same radius
b) Zr and Nb have similar oxidation state
c) Zr and Hf have about the same radius
d) Zr and Zn have the same oxidation state
4. The most common oxidation state of lanthanides is
a) +2 b) +1 c) +3 d) +4
16. What is the difference in the electronic configuration of transition and inner-
transition elements?
17. What are lanthanides? Give the various oxidation states of lanthanides.
18. What are mish metals? Give their uses.
19. Write the uses of Lanthanides and Actinides.
Learning Objectives
A salt is formed by the neutralisation of an acid by a base. There are different
types of salts. They are:-
a) Simple salt
b) Molecular (or) addition compounds
a) Simple salt
A simple salt is formed by the neutralisation of an acid by a base.
KOH + HCl → KCl + H2O
Normally, a simple salt ionises in water and produces ions in solution. The
solution of the simple salt exhibits the properties of its component ions.
b) Molecular (or) addition compounds
i) Double salts
These are molecular compounds which are formed by the evaporation of
solution containing two (or) more salts in stoichiometric proportions. Hence the
molecular compounds which dissociate in solution into its constituent ions are
known as double salt. Double salts retain their properties only in solid state.
They are also called as lattice compounds.
K2SO 4 . Al2(SO4)3 . 24H2O - Potash alum
FeSO4 . (NH4)2 SO4. 6H2O - Mohr’s salt
K2SO 4 . Al2(SO4)3 . 24H2O → 2K+ + 2Al3+ + 4SO42- + 24H2O
The double salts give the test of all their constituent ions in solution.
ii) Coordination (or complex) compounds
Coordination compound is ‘a compound formed from a Lewis acid and a
Lewis base’. The molecular compounds, do not dissociate into its constituent
ions in solution are called coordination compounds.
Fe(CN)2 + 4KCN → Fe(CN)2 . 4KCN (or) K4[Fe(CN)6]
Ferrous cyanide
Fe(CN)2 . 4KCN 4K+ + [Fe(CN)6]4-
Complex anion
In K4 [Fe (CN)6] the individual components lose their identity. The metal of
the complex ion is not free in solution unlike metal in double salt in solution.
Nature of coordination (or) complex compounds
i) An anionic complex compound contains a complex anion and simple
..N H - C H - C H - ..N H
2 2 2 2
Neutral ligands
The neutral ligands are named as such without any special name. But water
is written as ‘aqua : Ammonia is written as ammine. Note that two m’s to
distinguish from organic amine
CO-Carbonyl, NO-Nitrosyl, NH2 - CH2 - CH2 - NH2-ethylenediamine
(en), Pyridine C5H5N.
Negative Ligands
Negative ligands end in suffix ‘O’.
F --Fluoro, Cl --Chloro, C 2O 42--Oxalato, CN --Cyano, NO 2--Nitro,
Br - -Bromo, SO 42- -Sulphato, CH 3COO - -acetato CNS –-thiocyanato,
NCS--isothiocyanato, S2O32--thiosulphato.
If a ligand is capable of forming more than one bond with the central metal
atom (or) ion then the ring structures are produced which are known as metal
chelates. Hence the ring forming group are described as chelating agents (or)
polydentate ligands.
2 N H 2C H 2C H 2N H 2 + C u
H 2C ..N H NH2
.. ..
H 2C ..N H 2 NH2
Coordination sphere
In a complex compound, it usually, central metal ion and the ligands are
enclosed with in square bracket is called as coordination sphere. This represents
a single constituent unit. The ionisable species are placed outside the square
Compounds having the same chemical formula but different physical and
chemical properties due to the different structural arrangements are called isomers.
This phenomenon is known as isomerism.
Coordination compounds exhibit two major types of isomerism, namely
(A) structural isomerism and (B) stereoisomerism (space isomerism). Each of
these is further classified as shown below.
A) Structural isomerism
a) Coordination isomerism b) Ionisation isomerism
c) Hydrate or Solvate isomerism d) Linkage isomerism
e) Ligand Isomerism
B) Stereoisomerism
a) Geometrical isomerism b) Optical isomerism
6.4.1 A) Structural isomerism
a) Coordination isomerism
In a bimetallic complex, both complex cation and complex anion may be
present. In such a case the distribution of ligands between the two coordination
spheres can vary, giving rise to isomers called the coordination isomers. This
phenomenon is called coordination isomerism. This isomerism is illustrated by
the following pairs of complexes where the complex cation and anion contain
different metal centres.
1. [CoIII(NH3)6] [Cr(CN)6] and [CrIII(NH3)6] [CoIII(CN)6]
Hexammine hexacyano Hexamine hexacyano
cobalt(III) chromate(III) chromium (III) cobaltate (III)
2. [PtII(NH3)4] [CuCl4] and [Cu(NH3)4] [PtCl4]
Tetraammine Tetrachloro Tetraammine Tetrachloro
platinum (II) cuparate (II) copper (II) platinate (II)
b) Ionisation isomerism
Coordination compounds having the same molecular formula but forming
different ions in solution are called ionisation isomers. This property is known as
ionisation isomerism.
e) Ligand isomerism
Ligand isomerism arises from the presence of ligands which can adopt
different isomeric forms. An example is provided by diaminopropane, which
may have the amine groups in the terminal (1,3-) positions or in the 1,2-positions.
H2N - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - NH2 or H2N - CH2 - CH - CH3
6.4.2 Stereoisomerism (space isomerism)
Consider two compounds containing the same ligands attached to the same
central metal ion, but the arrangement of ligands in space about the central metal
ion are different, then these two compounds are said to be stereoisomers and
this phenomenon is known as stereoisomerism. There are two different types of
stereoisomerism. a) Geometrical isomerism or b) Optical isomerism.
a) Geometrical (or) cis-trans isomerism
Geometric isomers are possible for both square planar and octahedral
complexes, but not tetrahedral. In a cis-isomer two identical (or) similar groups
are adjacent to each other whereas in a trans-isomer they are diametrically
opposite to each other.
Square planar complexes of the type [Ma2b2]n+ where a and b are
monodentate ligands, exist as cis and trans-isomers as shown below. Example
of this type of complexes are [Pt (NH3)2 Cl2] and [Pd(NH3)2 (NO2)2]. The cis-
trans isomers of these compounds are represented as
a a a b
b b b a
c is-iso m e r tra n s-iso m e r
H 3N NH3 H 3N Cl
Pt Pt
Cl Cl Cl NH3
c is-iso m e r tra n s-iso m e r
c is-d ia m m in ed ich lo ro p la tin u m (II) tra n s - d ia m m in ed ic h lo ro p la tin u m (II)
H 3N NH3 H 3N NO2
Pd Pd
O 2N NO2 O 2N NH3
cis-iso m er tran s-iso m er
cis-d iam m in ed in itro p allad iu m (II) tran s-d iam m in ed in itro p a lla d iu m (II)
4 3
Along the twelve edges of the octahedron, there are twelve cis positions.
They are (1,2) (1,3) (1,4) (1,5) (2,6) (3,6) (4,6) (5,6) (3,4) (4,5) (2,5) and
(2,3). In order to avoid confusion, generally it is assumed that the 1,2 positions
are cis-positions. There are three trans positions; they are (1,6) (2,4) and (3,5).
Normally it is taken that 1,6 positions are trans-positions in order to avoid
An octahedral complex of the type [Ma4b2] where a and b are monodentate
ligands, exists as two geometrical Isomers:
n+ n+
b b
a b a a
a a a a
a b
cis-iso m e r tran s-isom er
Co Co
H 2C N H 2C H 2N
H 2N CH2 Cl
cis-iso m e r tran s-iso m e r
Cl Cl
py Cl py Cl
Rh Rh
py Cl py py
py Cl
cis-iso m ers tran s-iso m er
b) Optical Isomerism
This is a phenomenon in which certain organic or inorganic compounds
have the property of rotating plane polarised light. The compounds which exhibit
this property are called optical isomers. The optical isomers of a compound have
identical physical and chemical properties. The only distinguishing property is
that the isomers rotate the plane of polarised light either to the left or right. In a
coordination compound of type [PtCl2(en)2]12+, two geometrical isomers are
possible. They are cis and trans. Among these two isomers, cis isomer shows
optical activity because the whole molecule is asymmetric.
Cl lC
Pt Pt
Cl lC
Alfred Werner (1866-1919) French born Swiss chemist founded the modern
theory on coordination compounds. His theory and pioneering experimental work
on metal complexes won for him the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1913. Werner
was the first inorganic chemist to be awarded the nobel prize in chemistry. He is
considered at “Father of coordination chemistry”.
2) These vacant orbitals form covalent bonds with the ligand orbitals.
3) A covalent bond is formed by the overlap of a vacant metal orbital and filled
ligand orbitals. This complete overlap leads to the formation of a metal
ligand, σ (sigma) bond.
4) A strong covalent bond is formed only when the orbitals overlap to the
maximum extent. This maximum overlapping is possible only when the metal
vacant orbitals undergo a process called ‘hybridisation’. A hybridised orbital
has a better directional characteristics than an unhybridised one.
The following table gives the coordination number, orbital hybridisation and
spatial geometry of the more important geometrics.
Coordination number Types of hybridisation Geometry
2 sp linear
4 sp3 tetrahedral
4 dsp2 square planar
6 d2sp3 octahedral
6 sp3d2 octahedral
Magnetic moment
A species having atleast one unpaired electron, is said to be paramagnetic.
It is attracted by an external field. The paramagnetic moment is given by the
following spin-only formula.
ìs = n(n+ 2) BM
μs = spin-only magnetic moment
n = number of unpaired electrons
BM = Bohr magneton, the unit which expresses the magnetic moment. When
the species does not contain any unpaired electron, it is diamagnetic.
Number of unpaired electrons Spin-only moment (BM)
1 1(1 + 2) = 3 = 1.73
2 2(2 + 2) = 8 = 2.83
3 3(3 + 2) = 15 = 3.87
4 4(4 + 2) = 24 = 4.90
5 5(5 + 2) = 35 = 5.92
Applications of valence bond theory
1) Nickel atom
Outer electronic configuration 3d8 4s2
3d 4s 4p
Ni atom
Ni +2 ion
[Ni(NH3)4]2+ N
sp h y brid isa tio n
Number of unpaired electrons = 2
∴ ì s = 2(2 + 2) = 2.83 BM
Since the hybridisation is sp3, the geometry of the molecule is tetrahedral.
2) [Ni(CN)4]2-
Another possible geometry for the 4 coordinated complex is the square
planar configuration involving dsp2 hybridisation.
3d 4s 4p
N i io n
The ligand CN- is a powerful ligand. Hence it forces the unpaired electrons to
pair up in d orbitals. Hence this complex ion does not contain unpaired electrons.
It is diamagnetic.
3d 4s 4p
2- N N
[N i(C N ) 4 ] N N
- - - -
d sp h y brid isatio n
The geometry of the molecule is square planar.
Octahedral complexes
1) Fe atom
Outer electronic configuration 3d6 4s2
3d 4s 4p
F e ato m
3d 4s 4p
F e + 2 io n
3d 4s 4p 4d
II 4 N N N N N
[F e (F ) 6 ] N
F- F- F- F- F- F-
sp 3 d 2 h y b rid is atio n
In [Fe(CN)6]4- complex the CN- ligand is a powerful ligand, it forces the unpaired
electrons in 3d level to pair up inside. Hence the species has no unpaired electron.
The molecule is diamagnetic.
3d 4s 4p
[F e (C N ) 6 ] 4 - N
the pH and using suitable indicators, mixtures of metals can be analysed, e.g. Bi3+
in the presence of Pb2+. Alternatively, EDTA may be used as a masking agent to
remove a metal ion which would interfere with the analysis of a second metal ion
3. Extraction of Metals
Sometimes certain metals can be leached from their ores by formation of
stable complexes e.g. Ag and Au as complexes of cyanide ion.
4. Bio-Inorganic Chemistry
Naturally occurring complexes include haemoglobin, chlorophyll, vitamin
B12 etc.
Therapeutic chelating agents are used as antidotes for heavy metal poisoning.
EDTA and other complexing agents have been used to speed the elimination
of harmful radioactive and other toxic elements from the body. (e.g. Pb2+). In
these cases a soluble metal chelate is formed.
5. Chemotherapy
An example here is the use of cis-Pt(NH3)2Cl2 as an anti-tumour drug.
6. Synthetic detergents
Synthetic detergents containing chelating agents such as tripolyphosphate.
The chelating agent sequesters hard-water cations, rendering them incapable of
interfering with the surfactant.
Coordination compounds play an important role in many biological processes
in plants and animals.
The following table gives some of the important bio coordination compounds.
Name Function
1. Haemoglobin Transport and storage of oxygen
2. Chlorophyll Photosynthesis
3. Ferredoxins Rubredoxins Electron Transfer
Among the Bio-coordination compounds function and nature of haemoglobin
and chlorophyll play dominant role in natural process.
6.7.1 Haemoglobin
Haemoglobin in the red blood cells carries oxygen from the lungs to the
tissues. It delivers the oxygen molecule to myoglobin in the tissues. When the
oxygen has been released for cell respiration, haemoglobin loses its bright red
colour and becomes purple. It then combines with the waste carbon dioxide
produced by the cells and deposits in the lungs so that the gas can be exhaled.
Nature of haemoglobin and myoglobin
Both are having the same structure excepting the fact that myoglobin is a
monomer and haemoglobin is a tetramer. Both are iron-porphyrin complex.
These are biocoordination complexes formed between porphyrin and iron
in its +2 oxidation state (Fe2+). The iron-porphyrin complex is called the heme
group, which is a part of haemoglobin. Each haemoglobin molecule consists of
four subunits, each unit is being a folded chain.
The working part of haemoglobin is a hemegroup containing an Fe2+ cation
coordinated to four nitrogen atoms of porphyrin group and one nitrogen atom of
histidine group. The sixth octahedral site is available to bind oxygen molecule.
6.7.2 Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll is a magnesium - porphyrin complex. The magnesium is at the
centre of the modified porphyrin ring septeon (corrin). The oxidation state of
magnesium is +2 (Mg2+). The modified porphyrin acts as the ligand.
There are several kinds of chlorophyll that vary slightly in their molecular
In plants, chlorophyll ‘a’ is the pigment directly responsible for the
transformation of light energy to chemical energy. Hence in plants, the green
pigment chlorophyll helps photosynthesis. The conversion of atmospheric
carbondioxide and atmospheric moisture into carbohydrate and molecular oxygen
in the presence of sunlight, by the plant is called as photosynthesis. Chlorophyll
acts as a light sensitiser in this important process.
xCO 2 + yH 2O ⎯chlorophyl
⎯ ⎯ ⎯l→ Cx(H 2O)y + O 2
Learning Objectives
( Learn about nuclear energy and nature of nuclear fission and nuclear
fusion reactions.
Henry Becquerel (France) was awarded nobel prize for his discovery of
spontaneous radioactivity in 1903.
In the same year Pierre Curie (France) and Mary Curie (France) were
awarded for their research on radiation phenomenon. In 1911, Marie Curie
(France) was awarded nobel prize for the discovery of radium and polonium,
and the isolation of radium. In 1938, Enrico Fermi (Italy) was awarded
Nobel Prize for the discovery of nuclear reactions induced by slow neutrons.
Nuclear Chemistry
* Radioactivity : The phenomenon of spontaneous disintegration of certain
atomic nuclei resulting in the emission of radioactive rays is called radioactivity.
Radioactivity is a nuclear phenomenon and it is not affected by external
factors such as temperature, pressure etc. This phenomenon was discovered
by Henry Becqurel.
* To explain the spontaneous decay of radioactive elements, Rutherford and
Soddy put forward the theory of radioactive disintegration. According to
this theory the quantity of a radioactive element which disappears in unit
time is directly proportional to the amount (atoms) of radioactive substance
present at that time.
Based on the above theory, the following equation is derived which confirms
that all radioactive reactions follow I order
2.303 N0
t= log
ë N
λ = decay constant N0 = Number of radioactive atoms
present initially
N = Number of radioactive atoms
at time ‘t’
* Half life period : The time required to disintegrate one half of any radioactive
substance is called half life period (t½). The half life period (t½) of a
radioactive substance is independent of initial concentration. It depends only
on the disintegration constant (λ) of the radioactive element. t½ is used to
indicate the relative stability of radioactive substance. If t½ is the shorter,
faster is the rate of decay and hence the substance is more unstable and
⎛ 0.693 ⎞
⎜ t½ = ⎟
⎝ ë ⎠
1 t½
Average life, τ (Tau) = = = 1.44 t½
ë 0.693
The following facts are taken into account while expressing a nuclear reaction:
i) Reactions are written like a chemical equation. Reactants are written on the
left hand side and products on the right hand side with an arrow in between.
ii) Mass number is written as super script on the symbol of the element. For
example 7N14 stands for an atom of nitrogen with mass number 14 and
atomic number 7.
iii) In a chemical reaction the total number of atoms of various elements are
balanced on the two sides. Similarly in nuclear reaction , the total mass
number and atomic number are balanced on the two sides.
iv) Symbols used for projectiles:
The bombarding particles are called projectiles. These projectiles are
represented by the following symbols.
n1 - neutron
H1 or p - proton
He4 or α - α particle
H2 or 1D2 - deuteron
e0 or e - electron or β-particle
e0 - positron
N14 + He4
→ 8
O17 + 1
projectile ejected particle
This reaction can be represented as (α, p) type reaction .Hence the above
reaction is represented as 7N14 (α,p) 8O17.
Balancing of nuclear reaction
Cl37 + 1H2 → 18
Ar38 + ?
Cl37 + 1H2 → 18
Ar38 + 0
∴ x is neutron
Cl37 + 1H2 → 18
Ar38 + 0n1
This reaction is represented as
Cl37 (D, n) 18
Q value of a nuclear reaction
The amount of energy absorbed or released during nuclear reaction is called
Q-value of nuclear reaction.
Qvalue = (mp-mr) 931 MeV
where mr - Sum of the masses of reactants
mp - Sum of the masses of products
In the case of energy absorbed then mp>mr, then Q value will be positive.
Q value of a nuclear reaction in the case of energy released = (mp–mr)
931 MeV. In the case of energy released, mr>mp, and hence Q value will be
Cu63 + 2He4 + 400 MeV → 17Cl37 + 14 1H1 + 16 0n1
2. Nuclear fission reaction
Nuclear fission is the process in which a heavy nucleus breaks up into two
lighter nuclei of almost equal size with the release of an enormous amount of
energy. This type of nuclear fission reaction was first observed by German
Chemists Otto Hahn, F.Strassman and Meitner by bombarding 92U235 with slow
moving neutrons. The process is usually accompanied by emission of neutrons.
The nuclear fission has been produced in heavy nuclei such as 235U,238U, 232Th
by neutrons, protons, deuterons.
Mechanism of fission
In the fission process, the heavy nucleus absorbs a neutron and forms an
unstable compound nucleus. The compound nucleus then breaks up more or less
in the middle to give fission product.
A typical example of the fission process in the fission of uranium by neutrons
is explained by the following equation.
U235 + 0n1 → 56
Ba141 + 3 0n1 + 200 MeV
Further, the neutrons released (say three) from the fission of first uranium atoms
can hit three other uranium atoms. In this way a chain reaction is set up resulting
into the liberation of an enormous amount of energy. In the case of nuclear fission,
U236 formed breaks up in several ways.
140 93 1
56 B a + 36K r + 3 0n
92 U
+ 0n
92 U
5 4X e + 38 S r 90 + 2 0 n 1
144 90 1
55C s + 3 7R b + 2 0n
This fission process is self multiplying process and hence a tremendous amount
of energy is released in a very short interval of time. Therefore, explosion takes
place. Atom bomb is based on nuclear fission process.
Energy released in nuclear fission reaction
U235 + 0n1 → 42
Mo95 + 57
La139 + 20n1 + 7-1e0
The isotopic mass of U235 = 235.118 amu
The isotopic mass of 42Mo95 = 94.936 amu
The isotopic mass of 57La139 = 138.95 amu
The isotopic mass of 0n1 = 1.009 amu
∴ 235.118 + 1.009 → 94.936 + 138.95 + 2 × 1.009
236.127 amu → 235.906 amu
∴ The mass converted into energy is
= (236.127 – 235.906) amu
= 0.213 amu
Since 1amu (atomic mass unit) = 931 MeV, for one 235U fission energy
released = 0.213 × 931.48 = 200 MeV
The first atom bomb used in Hiroshima (Japan) utilised 92U235 isotope as
the main reacting substance and second bomb in Nagasaki made use of
Plutonium (239) (August 1945). The fission in both the cases is similar and
uncontrolled. Enormous amount of energy equal to that produced by 20000
tons of TNT is produced accompanied by heat, light and radioactive
3) Nuclear Fusion
When lighter nuclei moving at a high speed are fused together to form a
heavy nucleus, the process is called nuclear fusion.
In fusion reaction, the mass of heavier nucleus formed is less than the total
mass of two lighter nuclei. Thus, just like a fission reaction, the source of energy
in a fusion reaction is also the disappearance of mass, which gets converted into
Nuclear fusion reaction takes place at very high temperature of about 108K.
Therefore, this reaction is called thermonuclear reaction.
H2 + 1H3 →
He4 + 0n1 +
Deuterium Tritium Helium
The Mass loss is equal to 0.018 amu and the corresponding energy released
is 1.79 × 109 KJmol-1.
Hydrogen Bomb
The highly destructive hydrogen bomb is also based on the fusion reactions
of hydrogen to form helium producing large amount of energy. Hydrogen bomb
consists of an arrangement for nuclear fission in the centre surrounded by a mixture
of deuterium (1H2) and lithium isotope (3Li6). Fission reaction provides the high
temperature necessary to start the fusion.
Fusion reactions take place in hydrogen bomb.
i) Fission → heat + neutrons
ii) 3
Li6 + 0n1 → 1
H3 + 2He4 + 4.78 MeV
H2 + 1H3 → 2
He4 + 0n1 + 17.6 MeV
This method was developed by Willard and Libby to determine the age of
wood or animal fossils. This method is based onthe fact that 6C14, radioactive
isotope of carbon is formed in the upper atmosphere by reaction with neutrons
(from cosmic rays).
N 14 + n1
→ 6
C 14 + 1H1
The C14 atoms thus produced are rapidly oxidised to 14CO2 which in turn is
incorporated in plants as result of photosynthesis. Animals too consume C14 by
C 14 → 7
N 14 + -1
5700 years a fossil (plant or animal) will lose half the amount of carbon-14
present in its living state. Therefore by knowing either the amount of C14 or the
number of β-particles emitted per minute per gram of carbon at the initial and
final stages, the age of carbon material can be determined by the following equation.
1) Carbon dating has proved to be a great tool for correlating facts of historical
2) It is very useful in understanding the evolution of life, and rise and fall of
It has been estimated that the sun is giving out energy equally in all possible
directions at the rate of 3.7 × 1033 ergs/sec. The energy of the sun is supposed to
arise from the fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium nuclei which in going on
inside it all the time.
The various fusion reactions taking place in the sun are as follows:
a) Proton - proton chain reaction:
H1 + 1H1 ⎯fusion⎯⎯→ 1H + +1e
2 0
+ energy
⎯⎯⎯→ 2He + energy
2 1 3
H + 1H fusion
H3 Tritium Measure water content of the body
C 11 Carbon - 11 Brain scan
C 14 Carbon - 14 Radio immunology
I131 Iodine - 131 Diagnosis of damaged heart muscles and hyper
Hg197 Mercury - 197 Kidney scan
P 32 Phosphorous-32 Detection of eye tumours
Fe59 Iron - 59 Diagnosis of anemia
Co60 Cobalt - 60 Treatment of cancer
Na24 Sodium - 24 Location of blood clots and circularity
Au198 Gold - 198 Curing of cancers
Radio isotopes which are useful in industry and in agriculture
Sr90 Strontium - 90 Thickness of coatings or levels of liquids in tanks
Practice Problems
1) On neutron bombardment fragmentation of U-235 occurs according to the
U235 + 0n1 → 42
Mo95 + 57La139 + x -1e0 + y 0n1
Calculate the values of x and y.
[Ans : x = 7, y = 2]
2) On neutron bombardment fragmentation of U-235 occurs according to the
U235 + 0n1 → 42
Mo98 + 54Xe136 + x -1e0 + y 0n1
Calculate the values of x and y.
[Ans : x = 4, y = 2]
Solved Problems
1. After 24 hours, only 0.125 g out of the initial quantity of 1g of a radioisotope
remains behind. what is half-life period?
N0 = 1g N = 0.125 g, t = 24 hours
2.303 N
∴ ë = log 0
t N
2.303 1
= log
24 0.125
= 0.0866 hour-1
0.693 0.693
∴ t½ = = = 7.99 hours
ë 0.0866
0.693 0.693
∴ ë= = = 0.00693 sec −1
t½ 100
1 1
Average life period, ô == = 144.3 sec
ë 0.00693
For 90% decay, N0 = 100; N = (100 - 90) = 10
2.303 N
t =
ë N
2.303 100
= log
0.00693 10
= log 10 = 332.3 sec
3. The half-life of cobalt - 60 is 5.26 years. Calculate the % activity remaining
after 4 years.
t½ = 5.26 years
ë = year−1
t = 4 years
Here to find the % of activity (i.e) to find N
2.303 N
ë = log 0
t N
N0 ë×t
log =
N 2.303
0.693 4
= ×
5.26 2.303
= 0.2288
= Antilog (0.2288)
= 1.693
N 1
= = 0 .59
N0 1.693
% of activity = 0.59 × 100
= 59%
4. Wooden artifact and freshly cut tree are having 7.6 and 15.2 counts
min-1g-1 of carbon (t½ = 5700 years) respectively. Calculate the age of the
2.303 ⎡ Amount of fresh wood ⎤
Age of the artifact log ⎢ ⎥
ë ⎣ Amount of old wood ⎦
But t½ =
∴ë =
0.693 0.693
ë= =
t½ 1500 yrs
1500 × 365 × 24 × 60 × 60 sec
= sec −1
4730 × 4 × 10 4
A. Choose the correct answer
1. The phenomenon of radioactivity was discovered by
a) Madam curie b) Pierre curie c) Henry Becquerrel d) Rutherford
2. The most penetrating radiations are
a) α rays b) β rays c) γ rays d) all are equally penetrating
3. In the nuclear reaction, 92U238 → 82Pb206, the number of α and β particles
emitted are
a) 7α, 5β b) 6α, 4β c) 4α, 3β d) 8α, 6β
30. 92
U238 undergoes a series of changes by emitting α and β particles and
finally 82pb206 is formed. Calculate the number of and particles emitted during
the change.
31. The atomic mass of Th is 232 and its atomic number is 90. In terms of its
radioactivity six α and four β particles are emitted. What is the mass number
and atomic number of the product.
32. Calculate the average life of 79Au198 leaving t½ = 150 days.
33. Complete the following
i) 7
N14 +2He4 → 8O17 + ? .
ii) 92
U235 +0n1 → 56
Ba137 + 36Kr93 + ? .
iii) 29
Cu53 → 28
Ni58 + ? .
iv) 21H3 → 2He4 + ? .
34. Predict the bombarding projectile in the following nuclear reactions
i) 13
Al27 + ? → 11
Na24 + 2He4
ii) 34
Se83 + ? → 34
Se84 + γ rays
iii) 7
N14 + ? → 8O17 + 1H1
35. The decay constant for 6C14 is 2.31× 10-4 year-1 calculate the half life period.
* This chapter explains the basic concept of nuclear chemistry.
* Difference about nuclear reaction and chemical reactions.
* Nature of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion reactions are briefly explained.
* Principle of nuclear reactors, nuclear reactions in sun and applications of
radioactive isotopes are thoroughly discussed.
1. Inorganic Chemistry by Puri and Sharma.
2. Inorganic Chemistry by P.L.Soni.
d (f = g) = df + dg
d (fg) = fdg + gdf
d(f/g) = 1/g df – f/g2 dg
dxn/dx = nxn–1
deax /dx = aeax
d ln x /dx = 1/x
∫ xndx = xn+1/ n+1
∫ (1/x) dx = ln x + constant
Learning Objectives
Solids are characterised by incompressibility, rigidity and mechanical strength.
Solids are usually classified as either crystalline or amorphous. Crystalline solids
have definite and ordered arrangement of the constituents extended over a long
distance and is called a long-range order. They possess a sharp melting point.
Amorphous solids like glass, rubber etc., although possessing many characteristics
of crystalline solids such as definite shape, rigidity and hardness, but are devoid
of a regular internal structure and melt gradually over a range of temperature. For
this reason they are not considered as true solids but rather highly supercooled
Crystallography : A study of internal structure of crystals. 1913 - English
physicists, Father and Son, William and Lawrence Bragg developed X-ray
crystallography further by establishing laws that govern the orderly arrangement
of atoms in crystal interference and diffraction patterns. They also demonstrated
the wave nature of X-rays. In 1915 William Bragg and Lawrence Bragg were
awarded Nobel prize for physics for X-ray analysis of crystal structure.
Unit cell is the smallest fundamental repeating portion of a crystal lattice
from which the crystal is built by repetition in three dimension.
Characteristic parameters of a unit cell
A face atom is shared equally between two unit cells and therefore a face
⎛ N ⎞
atom contributes only ⎜ 2 ⎟ to the unit cell.
⎝ ⎠
Nc Nf 8 6
The number of atoms per unit cell in fcc = + = + = 1+ 3 = 4
8 2 8 2
Nf = Number of atoms at the faces.
Nf = Number of
atoms at the
In a bcc lattice, the body centred atom belongs exclusively to the unit cell.
The total number of atoms per unit cell in bcc
Nc Nb 8 1
= + = + = 1+1 = 2
8 1 8 1
Nb = Number of atoms inside the body
Nc Ne
= + Ne = Number of atoms at the edge centre
8 4
8 12
= + = 1+3=4
8 4
Ne Ne
Io n isatio n
ch am b e r
In c id e n t
X -ra y s
Tu rn ta b le
C ry sta l
S ca le to m e asu re
ro tatio n o f cry sta l
For sodium chloride, the maximum reflection or peaks for 100 plane occurred
at θ = 5.9°, 11.85° and 18.15°. The sines of these angles are 0.103, 0.205 and
0.312 which are in the ratio 1:2:3. These peaks represent the first,second and
third order reflections. The ratio confirms the correctness of Bragg’s equation.
Crystals are classified into the following four types depending upon the
nature of the units which occupy the lattice points.
1. Molecular Crystals 2. Covalent Crystals
3. Metallic Crystals 4. Ionic Crystals
8.2.1 Molecular Crystals
The lattice points in molecular crystals consist of molecules which do not
carry any charge. The forces binding the molecules together are of two types
(i) Dipole-dipole interaction and (ii) Vanderwaal’s forces. Dipole-dipole forces
occur in solids which consists of polar molecules e.g., ice. The Vanderwaal’s
forces are more general and occur in all kinds of molecular solids.
8.2.2 Covalent Crystals
The lattice in covalent crystals consists of atoms linked together by a
continuous system of covalent bonds. Diamond is a good example for this type.
8.2.3 Metallic Crystals
Metallic crystal consists of an assemblage of positive ions immersed in a sea
of mobile electrons. Thus, each electron belongs to a number of positive ions and
each positive ion belong to a number of electrons. The force that binds a metal
ion to a number of electrons within its sphere of influence is known as metallic
bond. This force of attraction is strong and is thus responsible for a compact
solid structure of metals.
8.2.4 Ionic Crystals
In ionic crystals, the units occupying lattice points are positive and negative
ions. Each ion of a given sign is held by coulombic forces of attraction to all ions
of opposite sign. The forces are very strong. The ionic crystals have the following
Nc 8
Number of chloride ions per unit = = =1
8 8
Nb 1
Number of cesium ion per unit = = =1
1 1
Thus number of CsCl units per unit cell is one.
Compounds having the general formula AB2 generally crystallise in forms
based on the following eight typical lattices like CO2, SiO2, TiO2, CaF2, Cu2O,
FeS2, CdI2 and MoS2. For example Rutile (TiO2) has the following structure.
- Ti
- O x y g en
+ -
N a m issin g C l m issin g
Schottky defects appears generally in ionic crystals in which the positive and
negative ions do not differ much in size.
Frenkel defects
This defect arise when an ion occupies an interstitial position between the
lattice points. This defect occurs generally in ionic crystals in which the anion is
much larger in size than the cation. AgBr is an example for this type of defect.
One of the Ag+ ion occupies a position in the interstitial space rather than its own
appropriate site in the lattice is shown in Fig. 8.4.
+ - + - + - + - +
Ag Br Ag Br Ag Br Ag Br Ag
- + - + - + - + -
Br Ag Br +
Ag Br Ag Br Ag Br
+ - Ag - + - + - +
Ag Br Br Ag Br Ag Br Ag
- + - + - + - + -
Br Ag Br Ag Br Ag Br Ag Br
Typical metals are good conductors of electricity while elements like silicon
and germanium are non conductors at ordinary temperature. However, they exhibit
appreciable conductivity upon addition of impurities as Arsenic and Boron. The
resulting materials are called semiconductors. Semi conductors which exhibit
conductivity due to the flow of excess negative electrons are called n-type
semiconductors. The conductivity due to the positive holes are called p-type
semiconductors. Semiconductors find application in modern devices as recitifiers,
transitors and solar cells.
8.4.1 Super conductors
The ability of certain ultra cold substances to conduct electricity without
resistance is called super conductivity. This superconductivity state is a state in
which a material has virtually zero electrical resistance. Substances having this
property are called super conductors.
N o rm al
m etal
R esistiv ity
S u p er co n d u cto r
The super conducting transition temperature ‘Tc’ of a material is defined as
a critical temperature at which the resistivity of the material is suddenly changed
to zero. Thus at that temperature a material is changed from normal material to
At the extremely low temperatures, vibration of the nuclei of certain atoms
slow down so much and they synchronise with the passing waves of electrons in
a flow of electric current. When this happens, resistance to electric current
8.4.2 Application of superconductors
1) It is a basis of new generation of energy saving power systems. Super
conducting generators are smaller in size and weight when we compare
with conventional generators. These generators consume very low energy
and so we can save more energy.
1 −
In the fcc arrangement, there are Eight corners 8 × = Cl ion
At the six faces 6 × = 3Cl − ions
1 +
Along the 12 edges 12 × = 3Na ions
1× 1 = 1Na + ion
At the cube centre ___________________
Total 4 Cl– and 4Na+ ions
Hence, the unit cell contains four NaCl units.
2) The diffraction of crystal of Barium with X-ray of wavelength 2.29A° gives
a first order reflection at 27°8′. What is the distance between the diffracted
Bragg’s equation is nλ = 2d sin θ
n = 1, λ = 2.29 A° d=? θ = 27°8′
on substitution, 1 × 2.29A° = 2d sin 27°8′
2.29A° = 2d (0.456)
d= = 2.51 A°
2 × 0.456
3) In a fcc arrangement, the corner atoms are A type and those at face centres
are B type. What is the simplest formula of the compound ?
Number of A type atoms in the unit cell, 8 × = 1
Number of B type atoms in the unit cell, 6 × =3
Hence the formula is AB3
4) In a fcc lattice of A and B type atoms are present. A atoms are present at
the corners while B type are at face centres. If in each unit cell, one of the A
type atom is missing from the corner, what is the simplest formula of the
1 7
Number of atoms of A type in the unit cell = 7 × =
8 8
Number of atoms of B type in the unit cell = 6 × =3
Hence the formula is A7/8 B3 or A7 B24
The study of crystals by X-rays are discussed.Types of ionic crystals AB
and AB2 type are explained with examples. An elementary idea about imperfections
in solids. The properties of ionic crystals and nature and properties of glasses
are discussed. Bragg’s equation and its significance are discussed.
1) C-Kittel, Introduction to solid state physics,Third edition, John Wiley,1966.
2) A Text book of Physical chemistry, A.S.Negi, S.C.Anand, Fifth
3) Problems in Physical chemistry, K.K.Sharma, Second Edition, 1997.
4) Physical Chemistry, Peter Atkins Julio de Paula, 7th Edition 2003, Oxford
Learning Objectives
( To learn about Gibbs free energy change and to know the relation
thus % efficiency = x 100
The machine can be a heat engine also. Consider a heat engine which has
an initial temperature T1 and final temperature as T2, then if T1>T2 then when
some amount of heat is being converted into work, T2 is the lowered temperature.
The efficiency ‘η’ is given by,
⎛ T −T ⎞
% efficiency = ⎜⎜ T ⎟⎟ x 100
1 2
⎝ 1 ⎠
According to II law of thermodynamics it is impossible to have a machine
or heat engine which converts the input energy completely into output energy or
output work without any amount of heat or energy being absorbed by the machine.
⎛ T2 ⎞
∴ % efficiency = ⎜⎜1 − T ⎟⎟ x 100
⎝ 1 ⎠
S2 – S1 = ΔS = = ∫ T
where the process is a reversible one. Entropy (S) and the change in entropy of
the process (ΔS) are each state functions even though q and δq path functions.
In a reversible process, entropy of universe remains a constant.
S universe = S system + S surroundings = Constant
Entropy change (ΔS) can be derived for various thermodynamic processes
as below:
Isothermal process (T = constant)
q −q
ΔS = T ∫ ä q rev = 2 1
The term ‘natural process means that the process is spontaneous and does
not need to be induced. In order to find out whether a process is spontaneous
or not, the entropy changes of the system and the surroundings for the stipulated
process is considered. If this change is positive i.e. if the entropy of the universe
increases, the process will take place spontaneously and irreversibly.
If the entropy change of the universe is zero or negative (ΔS<0) the system
will behave as non spontaneous.
When the external pressure is less than the internal pressure of a gaseous
system, the gas expands spontaneously. When volume increases in expansion,
the disorder in the movement of gaseous molecules increases. Thus, spontaneous
processes are associated with increase in disorder. When disorder in a process
is favoured it occurs spontaneously and we say, the entropy change is positive.
Entropy is a measure of microscopic disorder in the system and also represents
ÄH vap −1
ΔS = = 21cal.deg .mole −1
vap Tb
ÄH vap −1 −1
ΔSvap = 4
= 21cal.deg .mole
-1 -1
∴ ΔHvap of CCl4 = (21 cal. mole . deg × 4.184J) (273 + 76.7)K
= 30.71 kJ mol.-1
ΔHvap of CHCl3 = (21 cal. mole-1.deg-1 × 4.184 J) (273 + 61.5)K
= 29. 376 kJ mol-1
ΔHvap of H S = (21 cal mol-1.deg-1 × 4.184 J) × (273–59.6)K
= 18.74 kJ.mol-1
Characteristics of entropy ‘S’
i) The term ‘S’ entropy is evolved from the formulation of II law of
thermodynamics as a thermodynamic state function.
ii) Entropy change ‘ΔS’ of a system under a process is defined as the constant
equal to the ratio of the heat change accompanying a process at constant
temperature to the temperature of the system under process. The process
should be reversible at that temperature.
Äq rev
ΔSrev =
Heat, q is not a state function , But for a reversible process Δq = (q2-q1)
divided by temperature (T) of the process is a state function.
iii) A spontaneous process is accompanied by increase in the ‘disorder’ (or)
‘randomness’ of the molecules constituting the system. Entropy increases in all
spontaneous processes. Hence entropy may be regarded as a measure of disorder
(or) randomness of the molecules of the system.
iv) When a system undergoes a physical (or) a chemical process, there occurs
a change in the entropy of the system and also in its surroundings. This total
change in the entropy of the system and its surroundings is termed as the entropy
change of the universe brought about by the process. For an isothermal process
(T=constant), the entropy change of the universe during a reversible process is
The entropy of the universe increases in an irreversible process.
v) The energy of the universe remains constant although the entropy of the
universe tends to a maximum.
Example 3
Calculate the change of entropy for the process, water (liq) to water (vapor,
373K) involving ΔHvap = 40850 J mol-1 at 373K.
q surroundin gs + 75J
ΔSSurroundings = = = + 0.260 JK −1
Tsurroundin gs 293K
q 3710 J
ΔS = = = = 37.1 J K-1mol-1.
T 100 K
ΔS of expansion = 37.1 J K-1mol-1.
Standard Entropy
The absolute entropy of a pure substance at 25°C (298 K) and 1 atm
pressure is called the standard entropy, S°. The standard entropies of all substances
either elements or compounds at any temperature above 0°K always have positive
When the standard entropies, S° of various substances are known, the
standard entropy change of a chemical process or reaction is written as
ΔS° = Σ S° – Σ S°
products reactants
expression for free energy change ΔG, at constant temperature, the overall
magnitude of ΔG becomes negative for a spontaneous process. Here, ΔH and
ΔS terms refer only to the system.
Hence, criterion for the prediction of feasibility of a reaction (or) the prediction
of thermodynamic spontaneity of a process based on the free energy change
(ΔG) of the process is given as : when at constant temperature and pressure of
the system, if,
ΔG < 0, ΔG is –ve, the process is spontaneous and feasible
i.e. ΔG = 0, the process is in equilibrium
i.e. ΔG < 0, ΔG is +ve, the process is non spontaneous and non feasible.
In chemical thermodynamics, spontaneous processes are also known as
irreversible (or) feasible processes while non spontaneous processes are known
as non feasible processes since time factor of the process is not considered here.
All reversible processes are considered as equilibrium processes.
Thermodynamic conditions for spontaneity and equilibrium
Spontaneous Equilibrium Non spontaneous
(irreversible) (reversible) (nonfeasible)
at constant P and T
ΔG < 0 ΔG = 0 ΔG > 0
ΔH < 0 ΔH = 0 ΔH > 0
ΔS > 0 ΔS = 0 ΔS < 0
iii) G has a single value for the thermodynamic state of the system.
iv) G and ΔG values correspond to the system only. There are three cases of
ΔG in predicting the nature of the process. When, ΔG<0 (negative), the
process is spontaneous and feasible; ΔG = 0. The process is in equilibrium
and ΔG > 0 (positive), the process is nonspontaneous and not feasible.
v) ΔG = ΔH – TΔS. But according to I law of thermodynamics,
ΔH = ΔE + PΔV and ΔE = q – w.
∴ ΔG = q – w + PΔV – TΔS
But ΔS = and TΔS = q = heat involved in the process.
∴ ΔG = q – w + PΔV – q = –w + PΔV
(or) –ΔG = w – PΔV = network.
The decrease in free energy –ΔG, accompanying a process taking place at
constant temperature and pressure is equal to the maximum obtainable work
from the system other than work of expansion.
This quantity is called as the “net work” of the system and it is equal to
(w – PΔV).
∴ Net work = –ΔG = w – PΔV.
–ΔG represents all others forms of work obtainable from the system such
as electrical, chemical or surface work etc other than P-V work.
Standard free energy (G°)
Like standard enthalpy of formation of substances, standard enthalpy change
of a reaction, standard free energy of formation of substances and standard free
energy change of reactions are considered. The standard free energy value (G°)
of all substances either elements or compounds may be calculated from H° and
S° values at standard conditions of temperature (298 K) and pressure (1 atm)
and the substance being present in the standard state.
i.e G° = H° – TS°
Standard free energies of formation of elements are taken as zero. Hence,
standard free energy change of a reaction which is stoichiometrically balanced, is
equal to the difference between the total sum of the standard free energies of
products and the total sum of the standard free energies of reactants, at standard
ΔG°reaction = ΣG° product – ΣG° reactants
ΔG°reaction can also be calculated from ΔH°reaction and ΔS°reaction values. ΔH°reaction
and ΔS°reaction can be calculated from H°f and S° values of respective product
and reactant molecules at the constant temperature and pressure.
Example 10
For a chemical reaction the values of ΔH and ΔS at 300 K are –10 k cal
mol-1 and 20 cal. deg-1 mol-1 respectively. What is the value of ΔG of the reaction?
Calculate the ΔG of reaction at 400 K assuming ΔH and ΔS values are constant.
Predict the nature of the reaction.
at 300 K; ΔG = –10,000 – 20 × 300
= –16,000 cals. mole-1
at 400 K; ΔG = –10,000 – 20 × 400
= –18,000 cals. mole-1
At 300 K and 400 K, the values of ΔG reaction are negative (<0). Therefore
the reaction is spontaneous (feasible) at both temperatures.
Example 11
ΔH° for the reaction 3C2H2(g) C6H6(l) is -631 kJ. mol-1 at 25°C.
Calculate ΔG° reaction and predict the direction in which the reaction is
spontaneous at 1 atm pressure. Given S°C2H2 = 200.8 JK-1mol-1 and
S°C6H6=172.8 JK-1 mol-1.
3C2H2(g) C6H6(l)
ΔS° = ΣS° products – ΣS° reactants
= S°C – 3 × S°C H
6H6(l) 2 2
= 172.8 – 3 × 200.8 = –429.8 JK-1
ΔG° = ΔH° – TΔS°; T = 298°K
ΔH° = –631 KJ. mol-1
A. Choose the correct answer
1. The amount of heat exchanged with the surrounding at constant temperature
and pressure is called
a) ΔE b) ΔH c) ΔS d) ΔG
2. All the naturally occuring processes proceed spontaneously in a direction
which leads to
a) decrease of entropy b) increase in enthalpy
c) increase in free energy d) decrease of free energy
25. Predict whether the reaction CO(g) + H2O(g) → CO2(g) + H2(g) is spontaneous
or not. The standard free energies of formation of CO(g), H2O(g) and CO2(g)
are – 137.27, –228.6 and –394.38 kJ mole-1 respectively.
[Ans : ΔG°r = –28.51 kJ]
26. Calculate the standard free energy change of the reaction : 4NH3(g) + 5O2
→ 4NO(g) + 6H2O(l) and predict on the feasibility of the reaction. Standard
free energies of formation of NH3(g), NO(g) and H2O(l) are 16.65, 86.61,
–237.20 kJ. mole-1 respectively.
[Ans : –1010.02 kJ mole-1]
27. The standard heat of formation of H2O(l) from its elements is –285.83 kJ.
mole-1 and the standard entropy change for the same reaction is –327 JK-1
at 25°C. Will the reaction be spontaneous at 25°C?
[Ans : ΔG°r = –ve; spontaneous]
28. The boiling point of benzene at 1 atm is 80.2°C. Calculate the enthalpy of
vaporisation of benzene at its b. pt. [Ans : 30.022 kJ.mol-1]
29. The standard entropy change ΔS°r for
CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)
is -242.98 JK-1 at 25°C. Calculate the standard reaction enthalpy for the
above reaction if standard Gibbs energy of formation of CH4(g), CO2(g) and
H2O(l) are -50.72, -394.36 and - 237.13 kJ mol-1 respectively.
[Ans : ΔH°r = –890.31 kJ.mol-1]
30. Standard enthalpy change for combustion of methane is –890 kJ mol-1 and
standard entropy change for the same combustive reaction is -242.98
J.K-1 at 25°C. Calculate ΔG° of the reaction. [Ans : 817.6 kJ mole-1]
31. The standard entropy change for the reaction
C3H6(g) + O → 3CO2(g) + 3H2O(l)
2 2(g)
is – 339.23 JK-1 at 25°C. Calculate the standard reaction enthalpy change
if the standard Gibbs energy of formation of C3H6(g), CO2(g) and H2O(l) are
62.78, – 394.36 and –237.13 kJ.mol–1 respectively.
[Ans : -2058.2 kJ mole-1]
* I law of thermodynamics possesses limitations on the directional, spontaneity
and probability of occurrence characteristics of a process.
* II law of thermodynamics can be stated in many ways. Entropy function ‘S’
is a state function defined as qrev/T. For a process with ΔS equals to positive
(or) zero (or) negative value becomes spontaneous (or) equilibrium (or)
ÄH vap
non spontaneous respectively. Trouton rule is ÄSvap = .
Learning Objectives
k f [C]c [D] d
k r [A]a [B] b
= K c = equilibrium constant
[C]c [D]d
∴Kc =
[A]a [B]b
p lL p mM p nN .....
then Kp =
paA p bB peC ......
pi ni
Ci = since pi = RT
where = Ci = number of moles of i per litre. V = volume in litres.
Substituting, concentration terms by partial pressures,
(p L /RT)l (pM /RT) m (p N /RT)n ...
Kc =
(pA /RT)a (pB /RT)b (pC /RT)c ...
(l+ m + n +....)−(a + b + c +...)
p lL p mM p nN ..... ⎛ 1 ⎞
= a b e ⎜ ⎟
p A p B p C ...... ⎝ RT ⎠
= and ∴ Kp = Kc(RT)Δng
(RT) Äng
Kc′ is considered as the dissociation constant of SO3 gas. Usually, the equilibrium
constant of the dissociation equilibrium is the reciprocal of the equilibrium constant
of the formation equilibrium reaction.
10.1.3 Applications of law of chemical equilibrium to homogeneous
Formation equilibrium of HI
H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g)
(2x/V) 2
= 4x 2 V2
(a − x) (b − x) = 2 ×
× V (a − x)(b − x)
4x 2
= = Kp
(a − x)(b − x)
x is also known as the extent of reaction.
Calculate the Kc, when a mixture containing 8.07 moles of H2 and 9.08 moles of
I2 are reacted at 448°C until 13.38 moles of HI was formed at the equilibrium.
The reaction equilibrium is
H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g)
(2x) 2
Kc =
(a − x)(b − x)
Initially, 0.1 moles each of H2 and I2 gases and 0.02 moles of HI gas
are mixed in a reaction vessel of constant volume at 300K. Predict the direc-
tion towards which the reaction proceeds [Kc = 3.5 × 10-2].
The formation equilibrium is
H2(g) + I2(g) 2HI(g)
[HI] e2
Kc = = 3.5 × 10 − 2 at 300 K
[H 2 ]e [I 2 ]e
Under non equilibrium conditions
[HI]2 (2 × 10 − 2 ) 2
Q= = = 4 × 10 − 2
[H 2 ][I 2 ] 0.1 × 0.1
Thus Q > Kc.
Therefore, the reaction will proceed initially before attaining the equilibrium
in a direction such that Q value is reduced. That is, concentrations of H2 and I2
should be increases, which is a reverse reaction.
The reaction proceeds in the left side of formation equilibrium of HI and HI
decomposes initially to H2 and I2 until Q = Kc.
Dissociation equilibrium of PCl5
The dissociation equilibrium of PCl5 in gaseous state is written as
PCl5(g) PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)
Let ‘a’ moles of PCl5 vapour be present in ‘V’ litres initially. If x moles of
PCl5 dissociate to PCl3 and Cl2 gases at equilibrium at constant ‘V’ litres, then
molar concentrations of PCl5, PCl3 and Cl2 gases at equilibrium will be a − x ,
x x V
and respectively.
[PCl3 ][Cl2 ]e
Kc =
[PCl5 ]e
x/V× x/V x 2 V
= = 2×
(a − x)/V V (a − x)
Kc =
(a − x)V
x is also known as the degree of dissociation which represents the fraction of
total moles of reactant dissociated.
_____ x2P
Kc = =
(1–x)V (1–x)RT
In terms of partial pressures of PCl5, PCl3 and PCl2 then
p PCl 3 .p Cl 2
K p = atm
p PCl 5
x 2P
and K p = atm
(1 − x 2 )
If the degree of dissociation is small compared to unity, then (1–x) is
approximately equal to 1.0.
∴ Kc = (or) x 2 = Kc × V
x á V But V á
where x is small, degree of dissociation varies inversely as the square root of
pressure (or) varies directly as the square root of volume of the system.
Degree of dissociation of PCl5 at 1 atm and 25°C is 0.2. Calculate the
pressure at which PCl5 is half dissociated at 25°C.
For PCl5 dissociation equilibrium,
x 2P
Kp = P = total pressure = 1 atm
1− x2
x = 0.2
(0.2)2 (1.0) 0.04 0.04
Kp = = = = 0.042 atm
1 − (0.2) 2
1 - 0.04 0.96
when x = 0.5, P = ?
K p (1 − x 2 ) 0.042(1 − (0.5)2 ) 0.042(1− 0.25)
P= = =
x2 (0.5) 2
0.042(0.75 )
= = 0.126 atm
10.2 Le Chatelier’s Principle
There are three major factors that alter the state of equilibrium. They are
concentration, temperature and pressure. The addition of a catalyst has no effect
on the state of equilibrium. Its presence merely hastens the approach of the
Le Chatelier’s Principle
According to this principle, if a system at equilibrium is subjected to a
disturbance or stress, then the equilibrium shifts in the direction that tends to
nullify the effect of the disturbance or stress. Let us consider the effects of changes
in temperature, concentration and pressure, on the equilibrium reactions and the
predictions of Le Chatelier’s principle.
Effect of change of concentration
Consider the following equilibrium reaction
N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g)
At the equilibrium conditions the reaction mixture contains both the reactant and
product molecules, that is, N2, O2 and NO molecules. The concentrations of
reactant and product molecules are constant and remain the same as long as the
equilibrium conditions are maintained the same. If a change is imposed on the
system by purposely adding NO into the reaction mixture then the product
concentration is raised. Since the system possesses equilibrium concentrations
of reactants and products, the excess amount of NO react in the reverse direction
to produce back the reactants and this results in the increase in concentrations of
N2 and O2. Similarly if the concentration of reactants such as N2 and O2 are
purposely raised when the system is already in the state of equilibrium, the excess
concentrations of N2 and O2 favour forward reaction. Concentration of NO is
raised in the reaction mixture.
In general, in a chemical equilibrium increasing the concentrations of the
reactants results in shifting the equilibrium in favour of the products while increasing
the concentrations of the products results in shifting the equilibrium in favour of
the reactants.
Effect of change of temperature
A chemical equilibrium actually involves two opposing reactions. One
favouring the formation of products and the other favouring the formation of
reactants. If the forward reaction in a chemical equilibrium is endothermic
(accompanied by absorption of heat) then the reverse reaction is exothermic
(accompanied by evolution of heat).
Let us consider the example
N2O4(g) 2NO2(g) ; ΔH = +59.0 kJ/mole
In this equilibrium, the reaction of the product formation (NO2) is endothermic
in nature and therefore, the reverse reaction of reactant formation (N2O4) should
be exothermic. If the above equilibrium reaction mixture is heated then its
temperature will be raised. According to Le Chatelier’s principle, the equilibrium
will shift in the direction which tends to undo the effect of heat. Therefore,the
equilibrium will shift towards the formation of NO2 and subsequently dissociation
of N2O4 increases. Therefore, generally, when the temperature is raised in a
chemical equilibrium, among the forward and reverse reactions, the more
endothermic reaction will be favoured. Similarly, if the temperature of the
equilibrium is decreased i.e., cooled, then the exothermic reaction among the
forward and reverse reaction of the equilibrium will be favoured.
Effect of change of pressure
If a system in equilibrium consists of reactants and products in gaseous
state, then the concentrations of all components can be altered by changing the
total pressure of the system. Consider the equilibrium in the gaseous state such as
N2O4(g) 2NO2(g)
Increase in the total pressure of the system in equilibrium will decrease the volume
proportionately. According to Le Chatlier’s principle, the change can be
counteracted by shifting the equilibrium towards decreasing the moles of products.
Hence, the reaction of combination of NO2 molecules to N2O4 formation will be
In case of a gas phase equilibrium which is accompanied by decrease in
number of moles of products formed, the effect of pressure can be considered as
N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g)
such a reaction and shifts the equilibrium towards the product formation direction.
Therefore, nearly 300-500 atm pressure is applied on 3:1 mole ratio of H2:N2
gas mixture in the reaction chamber for maximum yield of ammonia. The ammonia
formation reaction is exothermic. By Le Chatlier’s principle, increase in temperature
favours decomposition reaction of ammonia. However, at low temperature the
time to reach the equilibrium becomes very long. Hence an optimum temperature
close to 500°C-550°C is maintained. Iron catalyst is chosen to speed up the
attainment of the equilibrium concentration of ammonia. In order to maintain the
equilibrium conditions, steam is passed to remove away the ammonia as and
when it is formed so that the equilibrium remains shifted towards the product
side. The maximum yield of ammonia is nearly 37%.
Contact Process
This process involves the equilibrium reaction of oxidation of SO2 gas by
gaseous oxygen in air to manufacture large quantities of SO3 gas.
2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g) ΔH0f = -47 kcal/mole
The formation reaction of SO3 involves a decrease in the overall moles of the
reactants. By Le Chatlier’s principle, when large pressure is applied, forward
reaction is favoured. 700 atm - 1200 atm pressure is maintained on the 2:1 mole
ratio mixture of pure SO2 and O2 gases in the reaction chamber. SO3 production
is an exothermic reaction. Hence, increase in temperature favours SO 3
dissociation. However, lowering of temperature prolongs the time of attainment
of equilibrium. Therefore, an optimum temperature at nearly 400°C to 450°C is
maintained to favour the equilibrium.
The most widely used catalyst for SO3 production is porous vanadium
pentoxide (V2O5). Presence of moisture deactivates the catalyst. Only dry and
pure SO2 and O2 gases are used over the catalyst. Since oxidation of SO2 is a
slow process, presence of V2O5 speeds up the equilibrium process and high
yield of SO3 is achieved in a short period. SO3 is the anhydride of H2SO4.
Therefore, SO3 from contact process along with steam is used in oleum and
H2SO4 manufacturing processes in contact process, the yield of SO3 is nearly
A. Choose the correct answer
1. State of chemical equilibrium is:
a) dynamic b) stationery c) none d) both
2. If the equilibrium constants of the following reactions are 2A B is K1
and B 2A is K2, then
a) K1 = 2K2 b) K1 = 1/K2 c) K2 = (K1)2 d) K1 = 1/K22
3. In the reversible reaction 2HI H2 + I2, Kp is
a) greater than Kc b) less than Kc c) Equal to Kc d) Zero
4. In the equilibrium N2 + 3H2 2NH3, the maximum yield of ammonia will
be obtained with the process having
a) low pressure and high temperature
b) low pressure and low temperature
c) high temperature and high pressure
d) high pressure and low temperature
5. For the homogeneous gas reaction at 600 K
4NH3 + 5O2 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g)
(g) (g)
the equilibrium constant Kc has the unit
a) (mol dm-3)-1 b) (mol dm-3) c) (mol dm-3)10 d) (mol dm-3)-9
6. Two moles of ammonia gas are introduced into a previously evacuated 1.0
dm3 vessel in which it partially dissociates at high temperature. At equilibrium
1.0 mole of ammonia remains. The equilibrium constant Kc for the dissociation
a) 27/16 (mole dm-3)2 b) 27/8 (mole dm-3)2
c) 27/4 (mole dm-3)2 c) None of these
7. An equilibrium reaction is endothermic if K1 and K2 are the equilibrium
constants at T1 and T2 temperatures respectively and if T2 is greater than T1
a) K1 is less than K2 b) K1 is greater than K2
c) K1 is equal to K2 d) None
[Ans: 1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-d, 5-b, 6-a and 7-a]
(MAY 2016)