Republic of The Philippines Leyte Normal University Graduate School Tacloban City

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Republic of the Philippines

Leyte Normal University

Graduate School
Tacloban City

Action Plan on Grammar Awareness and Sentence Construction

Remedial Program among Grade IV Pupils
S.Y. 2017-2018

Phases of the Success

Goals/Objectives Activities/Strategies Persons Involved Resources Needed Time Frame
Institutionalization Indicator

Phase I:

Pre-Implementation 1. To present to the 1. Meeting and presenting Principal, Grade IV MPS Result, Teachers 4th Week of Level of Support to
School principal the need the data to the School Teacher and other Class Record in English January the Program
Conceptualization of conducting remedial Principal regarding School Faculty and Pupils’ Activity 2018.
(Conceptualization of the teaching on grammar pupils’ difficulty in Sheets
Grammar Awareness and awareness and sentence sentence construction.
Sentence Construction construction to Grade IV
Remedial Program among pupils based on pupil’s
Grade IV Pupils) low performance during
the 2nd Quarter Exam in
English and based on
teacher’s feedback about
the pupil’s difficulty in
writing simple sentences.

Level of
2. Information School Principal, Letter to Parents, 4th week of Acceptability among
ORIENTATION 2. To give orientation Teacher, the parents and
on the nature, dissemination and Attendance Sheets, January
(Orientation and Orientation of parents and Students, and And Copy of the Scope, 2018. pupils manifested in
scope, and rationale of
Introduction of the Grammar pupils through letters and Parents Nature and Rationale of their attendance and
the remedial
Awareness and Sentence personal conversation. the Program. also, their positive
teaching to pupils and
Construction Remedial attitude during the
parents for
Program to the Pupils and familiarity and to
their Parents) stimulate students
love for reading and

Phase II:
Implementation Proper

CONDUCT 1. To assess pupils’ level 1. Assessment of pupil’s level Teacher and Pre-Test 1st Week of Mean and MPS
(Actual Implementation of of understanding and of understanding and point of Pupils Questionnaire February Reports on the
the Grammar Awareness points of difficulties on difficulties on English Grammar 2018 Diagnosis/ Result of
and Sentence Construction English Grammar and and Sentence Construction (MON-FRI the Pre-Test
among Grade IV Pupils) Sentence Construction by 3:30- 4:30
conducting pre-test. PM)

2. To increase the 2. Adoption of Teacher and Pupils Worksheets, Story At least 75% of the
pupils’ understanding on Grammar and Sentence Books, Scrabble, Picture
Puzzles, Word Bank pupils have increased
English grammar and Construction their understanding
sentence construction by Intervention such as: on grammar and
engaging in interactive sentence construction
activities.  Spelling Activity as reflected in their
 Vocabulary learning portfolio.
 Word Game (Scrabble)
 Word Bank
 Picture Puzzles 2nd Week of
 Picture and Word/ February - 2nd
Sentence Association Week of
 Describing a picture in March 2018
one sentence. (MON-FRI
 Story Reading 3:30- 4:30
 Writing a short PM)

3. To develop a 3. Facilitate pupils to write At least 75%

sense of personal short composition about of the pupils
their day-to-day will get
responsibility for one’s experiences (Diary Teacher, Pupils Pupil’s Diary and Satisfactory- Very
own progress. Writing) even at home and Relatives Teacher’s Scoring Satisfactory Rating
with guidance of their Rubric. using the
parents and other family Analytic Scoring
members. Rubric.

Phase III:
Post-Implementation 1. To evaluate the 1. Evaluation of pupils’ Teacher and Furnished Copies 3rd week of -Report on Mean and
improvement of pupils’ writing ability through Students Pupils’ Write-ups and March 2018 Proficiency Level
FINAL EVALUATION grammar awareness and post writing test. Teacher’s Class Record (March 23, - Feed backing of
(Diagnosis) sentence construction
after having undergone 2018) results to the parents
the remedial program. - Pupils’
understanding on
grammar and
sentence construction
would increase by at
least 75% from the

Submitted by: Submitted to:


MAED Professor

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