Essex Center UMC 7/7/2019 Bulletin

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 HYMN You, Lord, Are Both Lamb and Shepherd W&S 3043

Quote for Reflection: to a cross.

The incarnation began with Jesus and it has never PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE & THE LORD’S PRAYER
stopped . . . God takes on flesh so that every home I would rather it be otherwise,

becomes a church, every child becomes the Christ-child, because it means faith

and all food and drink become a sacrament. God's many is me

faces are now everywhere, in flesh, tempered and turned making the choice
down, so that our human eyes can see him. PRAYER OF DEDICATIONTed Loder
  to say yes, still, Eternal Friend,
~ Ronald Rolheiser. ~ to love grant me an ease
and to a life of faith
 to breathe deeply of this moment,
which will cost me everything this light,
We Gather as God’s People simply by living it. this miracle of now.
Beneath the din and fury
HYMN O Sing a Song of Bethlehem UMH 179 of great movements

CALL TO WORSHIP We Listen for God’s Word and harsh news

and urgent crises,
Sisters and brothers, rejoice! GOSPEL John 1 make me attentive still
We live sustained by God's presence!
 to good news,
In the beginning was the Word
Thanks be to God!
 [Word- logos: pure thought, reason, logic, order, wisdom] to small occasions,
As we mourn the wounds of God's children,
 And the Word was with God, and the grace of what is possible
God weeps with us.
 And Word was God. for me to be,
As we struggle for justice,
 to do,
The Word was in the beginning with God.
God struggles with us.
 to give,
[In the beginning, God created . . .]
As we strive for peace,
 Through the Word everything came about to receive,
God strives with us.
 And without the Word not a thing came about. that I may miss neither my neighbor’s gift
As we work to build the beloved community,
 nor my enemy’s need.
God works with us.
 What came to be in the Word was life
[Life: real, abundant, renewed, eternal]
As we offer our gifts to all,
And the life was the light of all people.
God blesses us.
 And the light in the darkness shines (tune: Here I Am, Lord)
Sisters and brothers, rejoice.
 And the darkness could not apprehend it . . . .
Sustained by God's presence and love we worship God.
And the Word became Flesh We Are Sent Into God’s World
[Flesh- sarx: meat, carcass, gritty, grimy, bloody, human]
HYMN Alleluia, Alleluia UMH 162 And lived among us. ANNOUNCEMENTS
[skeno’o- to pitch a tent, encamp, tabernacle]
PASSING THE PEACE And the Word became fleshAnd lived among us. BENEDICTION
And we gazed on his glory,
YOUNG PEOPLE’S MESSAGE The glory of the only begotten of God, RESPONSE Let There Be Peace on Earth UMH 431
Who is filled with grace and truth.
OPENING TO GOD Cheryl Lowrie, modified
I don’t know if this makes me a heretic, Jesus,
but I don’t think you deliberately chose the cross. We Respond to God’s Word j
I think you simply chose love

at every available moment
 REFLECTION What Is God Really Like?
even though such love led Pt. 2: The Vodka Is Strong, But The Meat Is Rotten
Birthdays and Anniversaries Below are people, places, & concerns that folk have lifted up.
Please keep them in your prayers at home.
July 9: Tracy Jones July 12: Dana LaClair Please call or email the church office to add to the prayer list. What Is God Really Like?
July 9: Julia Davenport & Otis Cleveland Anniversary
Ongoing Prayers Lifted Up Last Sunday
Essex Eats Out Schedule Arlitha Kathryn - protection of firework Part 2: Incarnation
Callie technicians, especially Steffen
July 12: Holy Family July 19: St James July 26: EUMC “The Vodka Is Good,
Anne Kennison June - thankful for new lamp on the piano
Mary Willard Mitch - for the churches and pastors
But the Meat is Rotten”
Calendar Norma Strickland experiencing changes of appointment;
Judy & Diezela for Anne, Sara and Brij on their Mission
Tue, 9 July-Tue, 23 July: Pastor Mitch and Barb will be
Matthew C. to India
traveling to Wild Goose Worship, a multi day experience of
worship, prayer, song, workshops, and activism in Hot Springs, Elissa & Leif Marjorie - Debra’s son Greg, unknown
North Carolina, and taking a week of vacation time following Greg mass on cervical spine
that. Pastor Mitch may the contacted by cell phone at 802 881 Paula DeMichele
3268. Pastoral Emergencies are being covered by Rev. Jen Don Strickland
Mihok. (802) 899 1722 email: [email protected] Ellie Uckele
j Cole
Sun, 7 July: Adult Sunday Class 9:00 am Harley
Brief Admin. Board after worship Michael Parker
Gordon Mitchinson
Fri, 12 July: Lights for Liberty, A Vermont Interfaith Action Susan
Vigil to end Human Detention Camps, 8:00 pm to
9:30 pm, downtown Burlington Tim

Sun, 14 July: Narda Carlson leads worship

Fri, 19 July: WoWW Luncheon at Olive Garden at 11:30 am

Sat, 20 July: Food Shelf at Good Shepherd Lutheran

Sun, 21 July: Narda Carlson leads worship Essex Center United Methodist Church
[email protected] tel. 878-8304
Sun, 28 July: Adult Sunday Class 9:00 am

Ministers: the entire congregation Lay Leader: Joshua Knox

Sat, 10 Aug: The Garage Sale That Ate Essex! Equipping Pastor: Rev. V. Mitchell Hay
Please start bringing your donated items in early July cell tel. 881-3268 (feel free to call) [email protected]
and leave in the back room in the Hall. Please keep
large items until July 27, and have all donations at the Office Manager: Elissa Johnsen
church by August 6. All proceeds for a new Sunday School Coordinator: Krista Rochefort
Fellowship Hall roof. Call Linda or Ron with
questions or for help with large items: 878-2926
Organ: Kathryn Parker
Song Leader: Dana LaClair
Piano: June Packard
Projection: Bob McLan Essex Center
PLEASE NO textbooks, encyclopedias, computer
gear, or clothing! Nursery Helper Jody H next week: Liz R Un-Tied Methodist Church
Parent Helper: Nancy N next week: Emily F
Thanks to Barb Myers for the Beautiful Altar Covering Greeters: Sally J next week: Bill & Maureen W 7 July 2019 Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Ushers: Dawn H-F, Donna P next week: Donna P

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