Domain Archeaa

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 Are prokaryotes, which consists of a

CHARACTERISTICS: single cell with a simple internal
 Obligate anaerobes  Microscopc single- celled organisms
 Extremophiles that thrive in diverse envinronments.
 One-tenth of a micrometer to more  Can live within soil, in the ocean and
than 15 micrometers(size) inside the human gut.
 Cells consists of a think cytoplasm
 Lipids in their cell membranes SPIRILLA
 Cell may contain plasmids

 Are anaerobic
organisms, that
methane as a
waste product
of cellular metabolism.  Spiral- shaped bacteria of the
 They are found mostly in anaerobic family Spirillaceae
freshwater environment, such as lake
sediments and the digestive tracts of BACILLI

 are all micro
 most of them
are bacteria,  has two orders
while some are -bacillales and Lactobacillales
very primitive  Have rod shape
 eukaryotes are more complex COCCI
organisms with a nucleus and
membrane – bound organelles
 Halophiles are found in salty places,
such as the Great Salt Lake in Utah and
the Dead sea

 A coccus (plural cocci) is any
bacteria or archaeon that ha a
spherical , ovoid, or generally
round shape. It is one of the three
distinct bacterial shapes, the other
two being bacillus( rod s- shaped)
 Is an organism- a type of extremophile and spiral – shaped cells.
– that thrives at relatively high
temperatures, between 41 and 122 oC )
106 and 252 oF).
 Many thermophiles are archaea.
 Thermphiliceubacteria are suggested to
have been among the earliest bacteri


 can be found in the gut and faeces

(poo) of animals and is commonly
found in or on raw poultry.  Is the largest genus of Actinobacteria
 You become infected with and the type genus of the family
Campylobacter by taking in the Streptomycettaceae.
bacteria through our mouth  Over 500 species of Streptomyces
 This can be by: eating contaminated, bacteria have been described.
undercooked meat, especially chicken,  As with the other Actinobacteria
drinking contaminated water or stretomycetes are gram- positive, and
unpasteurized milk. have genomes with high GC content,


 A parasite is an organism that lives on

or in a host organism and gets its food
from or at the expense of its host.  Are diazotrophic bacteria that fix
 There are three main classes of nitrogen after becoming established
parasites that can cause diseade in inside the root nodules of legumes
human protozoa, helminthes, and (Fabaceae)
ectoparasites.  To express genes for nitrogen fixation,
rhizobia require a plant host: they
ALLERGEN cannot independently fix nitrogen.
 In general, they are gram negative, mob
ile, non- sporulating rods.


 An allergen is a usually harmless

substance capable of triggering a
response that starts in the immune
system and results in an allergic  Are diazotrophic bacteria that fix
reaction. nitrogen after becoming established
 For instance, if you have an allergy to inside the root nodules of legumes
pollen, your immune system identities (Fabaceae)
pollen as an invader or allergen.  To express genes for nitrogen fixation,
rhizobia require a plant host: they
cannot independently fix nitrogen.
In general, they are gram negative, mob ile,
non- sporulating rods

 Protists are eukarytic organisms that

cannot be classified as a plant, animal,
or fungus.
 They are mostly unicellular, but some,
like algae, are multicellular. Kelp, or
seaweed, is a large multicellular protest
that provides food shelter and oxygen
for numerous underwater ecosystem.


 are the organisms that carry out photon

capture to acquire energy.
 They use the energy from light to carry
out various cellular metabolic
 It is a common misconception that
phototrops are obligatory


 Is a genus of unicellular eukaryotes

that are obligate parasites of
vertebrates and insects.
 The life cycles of Plamodium species
involve development in a blood –
feeding insect host during a blood

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