Review of Related Literature

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This chapter presents the results of the researchers

conducted which refer to other related literature from
books, articles and internet referrences about the cause and
effect of excessive playing of online games by students, as
well as related studies and other information concerning
online games.

According to Donoga(2016) The terms "internet
addiction" and "online addiction" are occasionally used to
describe computer game addiction. Computer game addiction
refers to excessively playing games on a PC. Most of these
game are MMO (Massively Multiplayers Online) or the FPS
(First Person Shooter) genres. Compering online with and
against other players is a significant factors that makes
these particular genres more addictive than others. Thus,
online games especially multiplayer role playing games are
more often associated with gaming addiction than any other
video game genre.

According to Ilagan(1994), Addictive online game

usually employ many well-established psychological
principles to encourage longer and longer periods of play.
Online games or video games also require cooperation with
other human players to advance in the game which creates a
sense of obligation and dedication to one's teammates which
also translates into more and more time strengthening
characters and improving skills. This can be immensely
rewarding and psychologically engrossing. For a small
minority of people, this may lead to an addiction where
online gaming becomes the single most important thing in
that person's life.
According to Pastro(2013)Age is the quality of the mind and
is equated with wisdom and experience. Age is the time that
the person or thing existed since birth. Stated that aging
is growth in experience; as it connotes, growth is a sence
of achievement of the goals purposed to be meaningful to one
self and not those superimposed by others. Age is considered
one of the independent variables that may likely affect the
academic performance of students in this study. Furthermore,
Galiza(2005) said that in education, age was important or
relevant to the person involved. Some individuals become
slower and less adaptable as they grow older but they try to
compensate for these deficiencies by improving their
dependability, stability, and quality of work attendance.

According to Mungcal(2010) Parents involvement as two

independent components parents as supporters and parents as
active partnenrs. Focusing on one of the components alone is
not a sufficient approach to parents involvement. Parents
can be active, yet not supportive of the education process.
They also can be supportive but not active at school of
course, the idea is the parent who is both supportive and
active; but this often is difficult when both parents who
outside the home, or when there is only one parents at home.
In another study parental involvement was defined as
attending school programs, helping choose classes and
monitoring students progress accounts for better school
performance and stronger school engagement for the
According to Abalayan, have always been a
popular means of entertainment and are a universal part of
human experience present in all cultures. It is primarily
undertaken for enjoyment and it is hard to escape whether
you are young or middle-aged man especially if the game you
are in to is an addicting game. Games are often defined by
their rules and are classified by the tools required to play
them that will result in it's requiring skill, strategy,
chance or a combination of all. With the evolution of
technology, people are presented with new mode of
entertainment, all aiming for fun and relaxation

Psychological Factor

These researches we study about the psychological factor,

whether that is factor to the online game addiction among
students. Unlike with substance abuse, the biological aspect
of video game addiction is uncertain. Research suggests
gambling elevates dopamine, but there's more to addiction
than brain chemistry. The addict suffers from a
psychological component to the addiction. Online gaming
allows a person to escape the real world and change the
perception of self-worth. An online gaming addiction is not
that far from drug addiction. Both are searching for a way
to make they feel better. The lure of a fantasy world is
especially pertinent to online role-playing games. These are
games in which a player assumes the role of a fictional
character and interacts with other players in a virtual
world. An intelligent child who is unpopular at school can
feel dominant in the game. The virtual life becomes more
appealing than real life. Too much gaming may seem
relatively harmless compared with the dangers of a drug
overdose, but experts say video game addiction can ruin
lives. Children who play four to five hours per day have no
time for socializing, doing homework, or playing sports
leaving little time for normal social development. According
to Lan Ying Huang, by playing the online game features
online gamer participants may view the games as source of
providing diversion and filling time. “The biggest risk
factor for pathological video game use seems to be playing
games to escape from daily life,” said Joe Hilgard, lead
author of the study and a doctoral candidate in the
Department of Psychological Sciences at Missouri.

“Individuals who play games to get away from their lives or

to pretend to be other people seem to be those most at-risk
for becoming part of a vicious cycle. These gamers avoid
their problems by playing games, which in turn interferes
with their lives because they’re so busy playing games.

Internet addiction gives the gamer to the unique

psychological properties which is the users increase their
use of these internet services, the utility they gain from
each usage does not diminish, leading not only to self-
destructive addiction but also to social ills. When a
problem, playing video games can interfere with real-life
obligations such as work, and players can end up lying about
playing video games. The study found that “problematic”
video game use can have similar effects as other addictive
activities, such as abusing alcohol. As cited in

According to Tubera(2001) That violent video games

provide a forum for learning and practicing aggressive
solutions to conflict situations . The effect of
violent video games appears to be cognitive in nature.
In the short term, playing a violent game appears to
affect aggression by priming agressive thoughts longer
term effects likely to be longer lasting as well, as
the players learns and practices new aggression-related
scripts that become more and more accessible for use
when real-life conflict situations arise if repeated
exposure to violent video games does indeed lead to the
creation and heightened accessibility of a variety of
aggressive knowledge structures, does effectively
altering the person’s basic personality structure, the
consequent changes in everyday social interactions may
also lead to consistent increases in aggressive affect.
The active nature of the learning environment of the
video games suggest that this medium is potentially
more dangerous than the more heavily investigated TV
and movie media

According to Lojo(2008) Video games are natural teachers.

Children find them highly motivating, by virtue of their
interactive nature, children are actively engaged with them:
they provide repeated practice; and they include rewards for
skillful play. These facts make it likely that video games
could have large effects, game designers intend some of
which, and some of which may not be intended. Although
increasing students subject matter understandings and
competencies may be the most important goal of instruction,
it is widely understood that student’s attention, effort,
and engagement in academic tasks are critical intervening
variables in determining whether those outcomes are
attained. In fact, the widespread appeal of designing
computer-based activities for students is at least partly
due to teachers’ accumulating experience that students are
generally more on task and express more on positive feelings
when they use computers than when they are given other tasks
to do.

Negative Effects of Online Gaming

Addicted gamers spend so much time playing that their

personal relationships get neglected and sometimes disappear
altogether. Among addicted gamers who are married, up to 50
percent report a strain in their marriage as a result of
their addiction. Addicted gamers also neglect the
responsibilities of everyday life such as school and work.

It’s not just neglect that costs addicted gamers their

relationships. Some of them talk so much about their game of
choice – to the exclusion of everything else – that people
no longer want to be around them. They can’t, or won’t,
engage in real world conversations or be a source of support
or encouragement to friends and family. Because their
friends talk about other things, they begin to feel left
out, which in turn causes them to feel irritated or
offended. It doesn’t occur to them that they’ve chosen to be
left out by devoting all their time to gaming.
This lack of social interaction that results from obsessive
gaming can have long-term social consequences. An addicted
teenager won’t develop effective social skills, which will
hinder his ability to develop and maintain healthy
relationships in college and beyond. Suddenly, he’s 21 but
has the social skills of a 15-year-old. He doesn’t know how
to make friends, talk to girls, or just “hang out” and enjoy
people’s company. The social awkwardness created by the
isolationism of gaming addiction, unfortunately, feeds the
addiction. The gaming addict will likely retreat back to his
online world where relationships are easier and already
waiting for him.
Physical consequences of gaming addiction include carpal
tunnel, migraines, sleep disturbances, backaches, eating
irregularities, and poor personal hygiene. Some of the
physical consequences of video game addiction can lead to
social consequences as well. For instance, an addicted gamer
who loses sleep because he’s playing so much simply doesn’t
have the energy to invest in relationships. Lack of sleep
may also make him irritable and difficult to be around.

Psychiatric Disorders Most Commonly Comorbid with Internet


Mood Disorders
• Substance-induced mood disorder
Anxiety Disorders
• Social phobia
• Generalized anxiety disorder
• Anxiety disorder NOS

Attentional Disorders
• Attention deficit disorder
• Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Substance Use Disorder

• Amphetamine (or amphetamine-like) abuse or
• Cocaine abuse or dependence
• Cannabis abuse or dependence

as cited in

Positive Effects of Online Games

1. Critical Thinking
The very nature of online games actually forces kids to
think in quick succession. Especially, action games that
demand a user to apply quick decisions. Kids addicted to
online gaming, when presented with unusual queries, usually
solve them instantly. This process not only improves their
critical thinking, but also teaches them the importance of
trying different solutions for a given problem.
2. Social Development
Video games are often blamed for poorly developed social
skills in children. However, according to Psych Central,
online games are actually helping children to develop a
social circle beyond boundaries. Since majority of the games
played online allow players from all over the world to come
together and work coordinated to complete at given tasks or
solve problems, these games actually help children to expand
their friend circle. This is especially beneficial for
children suffering from Autism as they can comfortably
respond to many visual and verbal questions.

3. Educational

You cannot consider all online games to be mindless.

According to assistant professor at the Michigan State
University, John L. Sherry, many educators are now making
use of the educational games in their classrooms as a highly
motivational tool. The right kind of games are actually
helping children master many fields efficiently.

4. Hand-Eye Coordination
untouched by such games. The study also revealed that
children who played Online games displayed better skills in
throwing, kicking and catching balls.
5. Emotional Outlet
Children who do not like playing football or any form of
aggressive sports, for them online games may actually act as
a source to release
out suppressed, frustration and aggression. This indirectly
helps them vent out stress. Plus, video games also help
introvert kids to exert their dominant side, which they do
not apply in their routine life.
As cited in

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