BSC6900 GSM SAU User Guide (Nastar Service Components) (V900R019C10 - 01) (PDF) - EN
BSC6900 GSM SAU User Guide (Nastar Service Components) (V900R019C10 - 01) (PDF) - EN
BSC6900 GSM SAU User Guide (Nastar Service Components) (V900R019C10 - 01) (PDF) - EN
Issue 01
Date 2017-03-15
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2 Overview......................................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Background.....................................................................................................................................................................3
2.2 Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Benefits........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Specifications..................................................................................................................................................................4
2.5 Feature or Function Supported by NE............................................................................................................................ 4
3 Technical Description...................................................................................................................5
4 Related Features.............................................................................................................................6
5 Network Impact........................................................................................................................... 10
6 Engineering Guidelines............................................................................................................. 11
6.1 When to Use GTMUb SingleOM................................................................................................................................. 11
6.2 Required Information....................................................................................................................................................11
6.3 Planning........................................................................................................................................................................ 12
6.3.1 RF Planning............................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.3.2 Network Planning...................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.3.3 Hardware Planning.................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.4 Deploying GTMUb SingleOM..................................................................................................................................... 12
6.4.1 Deployment Requirements........................................................................................................................................ 12
6.4.2 Data Preparation........................................................................................................................................................ 13
6.4.3 Precautions.................................................................................................................................................................13
6.4.4 Activation.................................................................................................................................................................. 13
6.4.5 Activation Observation..............................................................................................................................................13
6.4.6 Deactivation...............................................................................................................................................................13
6.5 Performance Monitoring...............................................................................................................................................13
6.6 Parameter Optimization................................................................................................................................................ 14
6.7 Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................................................ 14
7 Parameters..................................................................................................................................... 15
8 Counters........................................................................................................................................ 17
9 Glossary......................................................................................................................................... 18
10 Reference Documents............................................................................................................... 19
1.1 Scope
This document describes the GBFD-170205 GTMUb SingleOM feature and the GTMUc
SingleOM function, including its technical principles, related features, network impact, and
engineering guidelines.
This issue includes the following changes.
Draft A (2016-12-30)
Compared with Issue 01 (2016-02-29) of GBSS18.1, Draft A (2016-12-30) of GBSS19.1
includes the following changes.
1.4 变更信息
2 Overview
2.1 Background
GSM networks are evolving towards multi-mode (GSM/UMTS, GSM/LTE, GSM/UMTS/
LTE) networks. On multimode networks, base stations in different modes share the main
control board UMPT to achieve SingleOM.
SingleOM refers to the unified O&M mode for multi-mode base stations.
Most BTSs on installed base GSM networks are equipped with the main control board
GTMUb. To evolve this type of networks into SingleOM-capable multimode networks,
operators must reconstruct BTSs into multi-mode base stations and replace GTMUb boards
with UMPT boards, requiring a considerable amount of manpower and costs.
To unify the O&M mode on GSM, UMTS, and LTE networks, Huawei introduces the
GTMUb SingleOM feature, allowing customers to use the SingleOM solution without
hardware reconstruction.
The GTMUc board is a newly developed main control board inheriting functions of the
GTMUb board and supporting SingleOM.
The BTS is a GBTS when the GTMUb SingleOM feature or the GTMUc SingleOM function is not
enabled and is an eGBTS when either of them is enabled.
2.2 Introduction
GTMUb/GTMUc SingleOM enables GSM BTSs equipped with the GTMUb/GTMUc board
to use the SingleOM mode so that the O&M modes of GSM, UMTS, and LTE base stations
are unified.
2.3 Benefits
Installed base GTMUb/GTMUc boards support SingleOM by upgrading software. This
feature unifies the O&M mode of GSM, UMTS, and LTE base stations, helping customers
improve product maintenance efficiency.
2.4 Specifications
When the GTMUb SingleOM feature is enabled, a single BTS supports a maximum of 24
logical TRXs.
When the GTMUc SingleOM function is enabled:
l A single BTS supports a maximum of 48 logical TRXs when the Abis interface uses IP
over E1/T1 transmission.
l A single BTS supports a maximum of 72 logical TRXs when the Abis interface uses IP
over FE transmission.
Differences in the GTMUb and GTMUc specifications are differentiated using the BRDSPEC
parameter for the eGBTS.
GTMUb √ √ × √
GTMUc √ √ × √
√ indicates that the NE supports this feature or function. × indicates that the NE does not support this
feature or function.
3 Technical Description
Network Deployment
On newly deployed networks, the GTMUb/GTMUc board and the UMPT board
(recommended) can be used to support SingleOM.
The GTMUb/GTMUc boards use the old software version and do not support SingleOM
during their manufacturing and delivery. To support SingleOM, enable the GTMUb
SingleOM feature or GTMUc SingleOM function onsite using a USB flash drive.
Network Reconstruction
On installed base GSM networks, the GTMUb SingleOM feature or GTMUc SingleOM
function can be enabled using remote software, without requiring hardware reconstruction.
4 Related Features
Prerequisite Features
Feature ID Feature Name Description
GBFD-510801 MSRD -
Impacted Features
Feature ID Feature Name Description
5 Network Impact
System Capacity
When the GTMUb SingleOM feature is enabled, the maximum number of logical TRXs
supported by a single BTS decreases to 24.
When the GTMUc SingleOM function is enabled:
l A single BTS supports a maximum of 48 logical TRXs when the Abis interface uses IP
over E1/T1 transmission.
l A single BTS supports a maximum of 72 logical TRXs when the Abis interface uses IP
over FE transmission.
Differences in the GTMUb and GTMUc specifications are differentiated using the BRDSPEC
parameter for the eGBTS.
Network Performance
Installed base GTMUb/GTMUc boards can support SingleOM by upgrading software. During
a software upgrade, ongoing services are interrupted.
6 Engineering Guidelines
PKI deployment information The public key infrastructure (PKI) must be deployed
when an operator's device certificate is required for
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication. For the
information required for deploying the PKI feature, see
PKI Feature Parameter Description.
Information Purpose
6.3 Planning
6.3.1 RF Planning
For details about the maximum number of logical TRXs supported by a single BTS, see 2.4
After the GTMUb SingleOM feature or GTMUc SingleOM function is enabled, O&M
channels are established between the BTS and U2000/external LMT to support SSL
BTS: Only DBS3900, BTS3900, BTS3900L, BTS3900A, and BTS3900AL support this
feature. GSM-only BTSs do not support the UTRPc board. Multimode base stations do not
allow the GTMUb/GTMUc board to manage the UTRPc board.
Aspect Requirement
Aspect Requirement
MS None
MSC None
Others None
6.4.3 Precautions
With the GTMUb SingleOM feature enabled, if the number of logical TRXs configured for a
BTS exceeds the maximum number:
6.4.4 Activation
For details, see 3900 Series Base Station Initial Configuration.
If you want to activate this feature by reconstructing installed base GSM networks, which
involves complex operations, contact Huawei technical support.
6.4.6 Deactivation
This feature does not need to be deactivated.
6.7 Troubleshooting
7 Parameters
BRDSP BTS390 None None None Meaning: Indicates the type of a board. If this
EC 0, parameter is not specified, the base station and CME
BTS390 check board configurations based on the maximum
0 specifications of a configured board. If this parameter
WCDM is specified, the base station and CME check board
A, configurations based on the specifications of the
BTS390 specified board so that the CME can identify incorrect
0 LTE configurations before delivering configurations to the
base station. This parameter must be specified based
on the actual hardware type of the board. For example,
if the hardware type of a board is UMPTa, this
parameter can be set to UMPTa or UMPTa/b. If the
hardware type of a board is UMPTb, this parameter
can be set to UMPTb or UMPTa/b. If the configured
type of a board is WMPT or LMPT or this parameter
is not specified, the value of this parameter is NULL.
The values are case insensitive.
GUI Value Range: 0~15 characters
Unit: None
Actual Value Range: 0~15 characters
Default Value: NULL(empty string)
RSLLI BSC690 ADD None None Meaning: RSL bearer type of eGBTS TRXs.
NKTYP 0 BTS GUI Value Range: SCTP(Sctp), LAPD(Lapd)
E MOD Unit: None
Actual Value Range: SCTP, LAPD
Default Value: SCTP(Sctp)
RSLLI BSC691 ADD None None Meaning: RSL bearer type of eGBTS TRXs.
NKTYP 0 BTS GUI Value Range: SCTP(Sctp), LAPD(Lapd)
E MOD Unit: None
Actual Value Range: SCTP, LAPD
Default Value: SCTP(Sctp)
AISSAd BSC690 ADD GBFD-1 Soft- Meaning: This parameter specifies the enhanced
Switch 0 AISSCF 18201 Synchro AISS. When this parameter is set to ON, this function
G nized is enabled. When this parameter is set to OFF, this
MOD Network function is disabled.
G Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: OFF(OFF)
AISSAd BSC691 ADD GBFD-1 Soft- Meaning: This parameter specifies the enhanced
Switch 0 AISSCF 18201 Synchro AISS. When this parameter is set to ON, this function
G nized is enabled. When this parameter is set to OFF, this
MOD Network function is disabled.
G Unit: None
Actual Value Range: OFF, ON
Default Value: OFF(OFF)
8 Counters
9 Glossary
10 Reference Documents