HBO Exam Summer 2019

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Sta. Cruz Campus
Province of Laguna

College of Teacher Education

Master Degree
Summer 2019

Final Examination
Human Behavior in Organization
Name: Aldrin P. Manalastas Score: _____
Date: July 14, 2019

1. Which model of organizational behavior do you consider the most, why?

The model of organizational behavior that I consider the most is the System Model.
It depends on trust, community and meaning in which employer and workers have the
initiative to do their work effectively. Because of this, it promotes higher level of meaning
at work which helps for better production and services to the people. Because of the
superior orientation while subordinates orientation, the atmosphere of the working
environment is smooth and there are trust building within the company or organization.
Workers are motivated to work efficiently and effectively which in the end promotes higher
goals and better production.

2. Discuss the Maslow Hierarchy Needs and set yourself as an example.

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs tells the needs of a person in which he will
achieve the maximum and efficient needs. It starts with physiological and safety needs
and ends with self-actualization in which I realize my potential and skills. As a person, it
is very important that I know my purpose in life and what dream I will achieve to pursue
in my work and be a productive citizen. Also, I need to have a safe environment in which
I am surrounded with the people that loves me and respects me in order to be productive.
They are the one who will lift me up when I am feeling doubtful about my feelings or if I
need psychological help.
3. Cite a situation in your work place which pushes you to develop positive and
negative attitudes. Expound your answer.
There is this one time in our faculty room that there is this teacher that rushes her
co teachers to pass their grades because it is the end of the quarter. As a new teacher
during that time, I was feeling anxious and challenged because I know in myself that I
was a slow worker because I am just adjusting from the practice teaching that I was in. I
know in myself that I need to push myself further in order to cope up with my co-teachers.
Because of this, I seek help with my co teacher on how to work faster. Luckily, she was
very kind and gave me techniques on how to manage my time. Because of this, I have
worked a little faster and as the time went by, I learned to cope up and be an efficient
teacher. You just need to be humble, seek help because it’s not wrong to ask, and most
of all, do your job well in order to be an asset in your organization.

4. There are three types of interpersonal behavior namely: aggressive, assertive

and passive. In what situation each may possibly be applied.
It is good to apply aggressive behavior if your workers have lazy attitude or if there
is a need to push your people further because you noticed that they are slacking.
Although aggressive behavior is not good because it hurts the working atmosphere, there
are times that this type of behavior is need in order to ensure production and service.
Next, passive behavior can be applied if you want to speak up about a certain topic. If
you noticed that there is a person that can’t speak up for himself, you need to take a stand
to defend them and help their psychological and attitudinal behavior. Lastly, it is very
essential to have assertive behavior all the time in order to have a smooth and
harmonious atmosphere.

5. Research at least three (3) motivation theories and give your own perception.
Jean Piaget’s Constructivism theory promotes self-construction of knowledge by
the learner in which is very helpful if there is motivation within the learner. It is important
to condition their mind by doing fun activities which is related to the topic. Edward
Thorndike’s learning theory promotes motivation by having the Law of Readiness by
enhancing their skills. Lastly, Burrhus Skinner’s classical and operant conditioning
promotes work by having rewards and conditioning their work ethics by having motivation.

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