FS 2 Episode 1-5

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FS 2 episode 1

1.Competencies does a great teacher possess are great teacher loves to teach and loves to learn."A
great teacher thinks like an adult but act like a kid."A great teacher understands that students have a life
outside school."A great teacher sings." A great teacher is chill. "A great teacher notices when students
struggle." A great teacher listens to students. "

2. Are these competencies limited only to professional competencies? I suppose I can say yes. Why am I
saying this? Professional competencies are the skills, knowledge, and characteristics that are specifically
valued by professional associations and or organizations. To put it another way, it would be
inappropriate if it was used by non-professionals. We must keep in mind that these competencies are
linked to our future career.

3.The greatness of a teacher is not measured by how well he/she is able to plan a lesson plan and
execute it, manage a class, assess learning, or compute and report grades. These are actually just
manifestations that a teacher is doing his/her job based on his/her job description.

The greatness of a teacher is measured by his/her outputs----the students.

If the students are gaining significant learnings from their teacher, we can say that a teacher is great.

If the students are applying their learnings in real-life situations, they've got a great teacher.

If students are influenced by the teacher to pursue their dreams and aim higher, their teacher is a great

If a teacher is able to touch the lives of his/her students, he/she is a great one. A teacher need not be
very intellectual.

4.Professional and personal qualities are equally important for a teacher, and a teacher, in my opinion,
would be incomplete without either of them. Personal qualities such as good communication skills are
essential for teachers to understand the needs of their students. Professional qualities or competencies
are also required because it allows you to learn the fundamental methods of teaching, techniques, and
hands-on training to deal with a wide range of students. Furthermore, a teacher who possesses these
two qualities has an advantage because they will make them a great teacher. To summarize what I've
said thus far, a teacher is a complete package if he or she possesses the two qualities.

Who are the teachers that we remember most? Teachers who are kind to us are the ones we remember
the most, in my opinion. Another thing is the teacher who has left an imprint on us. Furthermore, the
teacher who is capable of developing a positive relationship with us. Also, the teacher who has the
patience to explain things to us. Finally, there is the teacher who is dedicated to teaching and engaging
us in learning.


Which personal traits do I possess? Not possess? Where do I need improvement in? I have the ability to
listen, which is one of my personal characteristics. I, too, have a friendly demeanor. I'm also a patient
person with a strong work ethic. I don't have good communication skills, which is one of my personal
flaws. Also, I am still lacking in the area of preparation, so in order to improve, I must continue to work
on it as long as possible because I know that preparation is the key to becoming a great teacher in the

Which professional competencies am I strongly capable of demonstrating? The professional

competencies i am strongly capable of demonstrating,able to collaborate, maintain professional
appearance, Creating a safe learning environment. Make use variety of teaching aids.

In which competencies do I need to develop more? Among the professional competencies, I believe that
global perspective is the one on which I should focus my attention and time. Why am I saying this? So
that I can follow the global trend of teaching. Also, so that in the future, I can apply innovation to my
own teaching styles. Overall, I need to work on broadening my perspective.

Write Action research Prompts

1. Observe-in assisting my Resource Teacher, I observed that personal traits such as being kindness and
compassionate and professional competencies like delivering the performance and communication
were least/not displayed and as a result. it affect the performance of the students.

2.REFLECT - The lack of these personal traits and professional competencies mentioned in #1) may be
caused by kids' poor performance, which may have an influence on their development and growth.

3.PLAN-I would like to address this problem (mentioned in #2) by conducting an action research on A
Paper Discusses Session from the American Education Research Association (AERA) presents a
mechanism for improving Teacher Quality and Classroom Practice. which I believe will be extremely
useful in addressing this issue.

4. ACT

a) The main objective of my action research is to have a betterunderstanding of what is going on

in a school/classroomand what can be done to help instructors and studentslearn more

.b) My specific research questions are: to improve people'scognitive skills, feelings of

efficacy, desire to share andcommunicate, and attitudes toward change

c) To answer my specific research questions, I want to establish asimple, repeatable process of

iterative learning,assessment, and improvement for schools and instructorsthat leads to ever better

Check for Mastery







Personal qualities as well as professional competencies were taught to me. Also, I learned that using
professional competency in teaching provides a more encouraging environment for students and
creates a broad horizon of knowledge for them, making them feel secure in the knowledge they gain
from the teacher. Another thing I learned is that as a professional teacher, you must seek out all of your
students' needs in order to provide or give them the appropriate treatment for their difficulties. I also
learned that as future educators, we must prioritize what is best for our students over all else because it
is one of the most important aspects of being a teacher. Furthermore, it gives me an idea of how these
two qualities help you work toward your goals while also working efficiently with your students.

I realized that if you want to be a great teacher, you must demonstrate certain competencies in order to
meet the standards of a great teacher. I also realized that having the two qualities would help me
become a better teacher in the future. Another thing is that it would be ideal if I possessed these two
qualities because they would be of great assistance to me since we will be practicing teaching soon.
Developing these skills, or qualities, through the course I'm currently enrolled in will be extremely
beneficial to me. I know it won't be easy, but I'm willing to work hard to improve these skills through the
course I'm currently enrolled in. And so I will do my best to develop all of the competencies because, for
me, each competency requires improvement, and I want to excel in each competency in order to be a
better teacher for my students. Also, I want to have these qualities now that I'm halfway through my
future career. Maybe not right now, but I hope to have those qualities in the near future. It is simply a
matter of willingness and acceptance to develop such qualities. It might be difficult, but I'm willing to
give it a shot and see what happens.

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