Practice Teaching Portfolio

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Philippine Normal University

The National Center for Teacher



To be assessed by:
Professor Glinore S. Morales
Hazel May G. Delos Reyes
College Supervisor
A. Introduction

“Education is what survives

when what has been learned

has been forgotten.”

-B.F. Skinner (1904 - 1990)

Every individual reflect education as the most valuable and important thing that

they can receive. It is the treasure and wealth that cannot be taken from you even a

greatest theft in the world. Government offered education for free in public schools

excluding the miscellaneous fees for this is their way of making our country highly

competitive in line with globalization. Aside from that, they wanted to make sure that

every individual can be beneficial into our country not disadvantageous one. In this

society, acceptance could be gained if we are well – educated. Basically, success - all

the possibilities are guaranteed and it would be very impressive if one has attained

college degree. It has been always considered as the highest attainable battle in our

life. Therefore, in order for us to have a good reputation and acceptance in this society,

education is a prerequisite.

Why examinations do makes our problems so complicated? Why do home works

keep on disturbing our leisure time? And why are does projects require us not to sleep

to the point of putting yourself in real anxiety? Come to think of it? It’s just easy for us to
complain as much as there are no words left to say. But please don’t get it wrong. We

often just say that but we don’t even know how these matters change our lives.

Education is generally about knowledge and experience gain. It’s not only about the

facts from the textbooks nor the subject matter of the lessons we often learned every

day. What I mean to say is that education concerns also the lessons in life that we learn

from the classroom setting, from the people that we relate with, from the teacher who

imparts his or her experiences in life, and from ourselves on how we apply what we

learned and normally act in particular environment. It leads us to our personal growths

on how we act and use the right attitude during a specific situation and how do we deal

with certain situations. It builds our mind to think critically with knowledge of what is right

and wrong and to see deeply what the reality of this world is and teaches us to respect

each other and interact in a very humane way where we use appropriate action in

treating one another with the God’s perspective.

Lastly, education provides hope for the people and for the rest who are chasing

after their dreams. It’s a necessity and a greatest demand of our society. The higher the

education, the greater career opportunities waits. Being well - equipped with the

knowledge, experience, and proper attitude in dealing with each matter, we can achieve

the challenges in life. It creates beautiful melodies that lead us to harmony.

B. Rationale for Practice Teaching

What is practice teaching?

“Practice Teaching / teaching by trainee teachers: the part of a student teacher's

training that consists of placement in a school where classroom teaching is undertaken

by the student under the supervision of a certified teacher” (Microsoft Encarta 2009).

Meaning to say, practice teaching is an on-the-job training or internship for 4th

year college students who have chosen education as their field of profession. Practice

Teaching allows the future teachers to apply what they have learned from their major

ship and university to the physical world. It’s the great opportunity to showcase the

general domains that we have embraced, used, and performed during these three years

of professionalism. It engaged the student teachers to experience the actual teaching

and learning environment. This is not just as hard as what have been experienced in the

field study because it is the most complicated part. During the teaching practice,

student teacher undergoes the art of teaching before actually getting into the real world

of the teaching profession. You have to know your place as a “student teacher”- two

words that value dual responsibility. Meaning, our stand is in the middle and there are

limitations on what a student teacher should do in the field. As a consequence, teaching

practice creates a mixture of expectation, apprehension, excitement, enjoyment and

passion in the student teachers as they commence their teaching practice.

What are the benefits you expect to derive from Practice Teaching?

Practice Teaching serves as a real battle field for future teachers. If the field

study serves as our training ground, well I might say that practice teaching is more than

a training ground. I expect to learn further matters, experience, and new prospects for
my improvement. Every 4th year students like me, are looking forward to this course

because this is the most important and uneasy to take. Even from applying forms for

practice teaching, it’s indeed difficult for it requires complete and passing grades from

subjects you have been taken 1st year to 3rd year. Yet, the prerequisite of these

privations is a lot more beneficial since I believe that this will boost my strengths and

develop some of my weaknesses. There are lots of possibilities that teachers might face

unpredicted circumstances every day in the school, classroom environment, with their

co-teachers, with individuals they meet and they come to interact with, with their

families, and other personal matters. How can a student teacher like me enable to

handle those challenges? Am I going to be an effective one? Do I really know what the

course that I’ve entered is? Everyday teachers need to prepare lesson plans, visual aids

regarding the lesson, manage the class, and deal with different types of students and

with their heads. These things cause major distress and without physical, mental, and

social solidity, teachers won’t be able to surpass this.

I am about to enter education as a profession. But there are times I used to ask

myself “Do I deeply understand the nature of this career?” This course requires great

demands. This is not just a job for me to earn money and survive a life. I am not going

to work to manipulate a machine, an apparatus, nor a corporation. There is more

beyond teaching. My job is to manipulate brains, to influence a future, to share my

beliefs, and to create dreams. Teaching is a responsibility and nobility. You will

substitute the role of a parent. A student teacher shall accomplish this role for him to

encourage love, share love, and let them feel their belongingness.
Student teachers are considered as apprentice of a cooperating teacher who are

guiding and assisting them, teachers with expertise and who is already serving for

years. These teachers will guide us in our way, help us in enlightening ourselves for our

own advantage, correct some of our inappropriate actions, give us the necessary

instructions that we must undergo, and help us in understanding by heart that practice

teaching is not merely about completion of our requirements for us to obtain a degree

but it is also about being passionate and dedicated in the profession that we would be

entering and holding for a lifetime

C. Readiness for Practice Teaching

a. What made you take up teaching us a


At first, when I was in high school, I

honestly find teaching as an unexciting career.

It doesn’t take my interest since it troubles me

that if I am going to be a teacher, my upcoming

will be the same from my teachers that time

who always get mad to students, annoyed,

stressed, and burn – out. I’m just a student who loves singing, drawing, dancing, and

other subjects in lined with performing arts. The guts that I have were my talents,

personal relations to people, and my pleasing personality. Ten years from that time, I

see myself as a famous singer in television towards internationally well known.

Suddenly, the wind blows unconditionally different when preparing myself to find a

career. I applied and take the examinations in the course that I’ve really wanted which is

mass communication in Polytechnic University of the Philippines. However, because of

nervousness since it was my first time to take one - hour timed examination, the day

ended unluckily, the result showed what I expected. My parent scolded me because of

what happened and they pressured to pass an another state university examination, at

the same time, clarify to me that if I fail again, they will never enroll me in any college

school because it’s too expensive to study in luxurious universities. Our status is just in

average so we can’t afford those kinds of schools which require costly enrollment fees. I

wanted to cry that time but God still loves me because my cousin refers me to take

qualification exam to Philippine Normal University, the national center for teacher

education. She said there nothing will lose if I’ll just try to accompany her. Why not? I

said to myself. I’m good and skilled in the field of Music, Physical education, and

English. But I prefer the most is to be a Music teacher. I’ve also heard that the choral

group in the Philippine Normal University was internationally well – known and honored

with so many accomplishments. I realized, that If I audition, my skills in music will be

much developed and I can use someday. My days studying at PNU have gotten too

tough because the training deals with too much expectation, indeed pressure, and

humane attitude. PNU hones us to be a good model, knowledgeable leader, towards

effective teacher someday. As time goes by, I understood the prerequisites of education

as career. I accepted the sacrifices, I appreciated the principles, I embraced the general

domain of being a teacher, and most importantly, I enjoyed and loved this profession. I

don’t know what PNU have done to me. What I am thinking right now is how I am going
to thank the professors and doctors who form me to be a noble one. No money or words

can cost their teachings. Even though we’ve been bad students for them, that every

time we meet, keep on scolding us, I believe what they are doing is for our own sake.

Someday I will thank them. I am going to be successful licensed teacher. I really do! I

believe I can be!

Professional Readiness for Practice Teaching

D. The School Environment

The Aurollo National High School is under the public governance located in

United Nation, Taft Avenue, Manila. ANHS took ought for its mission and vision. Its

mission stated- “1. Enhance survival skills, attitudes and values for global

competitiveness; 2. Maintain self – propelled and child – friendly mentors; 3. Establish a

culture of inter dependence among clients and stakeholders”. While their vision

pronounced “Premiere School: Home of world class life long education”. This is where I

am currently taking my on – the – job training. As my observations form everyday work,

I noticed positive and some negative claim for this school. Since this is a public school, I

already prepared myself and as my cooperating teacher oriented me, my expectations

don’t get wrong.

Let me describe the image of

the school with its surroundings. Outside, there is a highway crossing where jeeps,

buses, different private vehicles, and even big ten wheeler trucks are taking the road

every day thus, I found out that it’s very dangerous for the students to cross. There are

also unpermitted street vendors who were selling dirty foods and some other stuff in

front of the school. It may be a cause craving but still, the health of the students is
unpredictable if they usually buy. However, if there are street foods, there are also fast

foods, convenient stores, supermarkets, expensive and non – expensive restaurants

since manila is a place where you can find your needs everywhere. If the school

surroundings are like this, it will be the cause of temptation. Instead of going to school,

students will find it pleasurable if they will just skip classes and go outside for some

reason. Most of my students specially the lower sections, they really love to take cutting

classes and the reason is, they are outside of the school. I might guess what they are

doing but it’s indeed frustrating if I list down one by one.

Inside of the school, you will see three to four story buildings. However, there are

building which is under construction and I can say that it is provided with lower security

from the students’ safety. The trees inside the school are rare but they have garden that

gives relaxing treatment. They have auditoriums and stages where different events are

executed. But most of the time, since classroom are still lacking because of countless

students, classes are performed in this place even if it is inconvenient.

School faculties are numerous in ANHS. Most of them are graduated from

Philippine Normal University that is why it’s inspiring to work with them. They truly

believe on what a PNUAN can do and in our ability. We as music student teachers from

PNU, shall accomplish their expectations and maintain the image that our alumni’s took

care with. It’s complicated especially to those faculties which is hard to deal with. But of

course there are also faculties which is enjoyable to stay with and they are actually

I didn’t assume a lot that ANHS is a beautiful school. This is a public school and I

am a product of it in my place. Of course there are no perfect facilities except private

schools. But as long as the school maintains its cleanliness and orderliness, I believe

that good learning upon students will be acquired.

E. The Classroom Environment

I was assigned to teach twenty two

sections every week. Our classroom is somewhat convenient for it was located in a new

building inside the school. It was facilitated with three electric fans- one ceiling fan, a

stand fan, and one for my cooperating teacher. The blackboard is also appropriate to

use since it is really wide and brand new and it’s comfortable for me to post my visual

aids from time to time. The room is simply painted by white and green colors which

relaxing to the eye while the windows are made of glass that creates elegant looks as

well as the fluorescent lights up above the ceiling. However, our room has no

decoration and as you observe the room, it is evident that the things and other stuffs are

not yet orderly compiled. My cooperating teacher shared to me that he doesn’t yet

spend time for the room’s beautification since he was newly evacuated. Even the choir’s

(organized by my cooperating teacher) gowns and barongs, it was only hanged beside

the windows. My cooperating teacher is currently planning to buy cabinets and some

other utilization for him to manage the orderliness of his stuffs.

The flooring of the room is tiled, and its color is white which I find it very hard to

clean because the dusts are too obvious specially those falling hairs of the students that

used to sweep every day. The two things that I am wishing for my classroom to have

are chairs for my students and a table in front of boards where I can put my visual aids

and other instructional materials. My students have no choice but to have an Indian seat

when we are having classes. I know uncomfortable for them to sit like that is why I told

them to take the risk. The sound inside the room is well projected and I like it but I

mostly hate it when my students become very noisy and their voice is overpowering


What the most important again is, to keep the classroom maintain its cleanliness

and orderliness make learning convenient and well transmitted. Because the product of

good teaching and learning deals with how the classroom environment being organized.

That is why every day, before and after classes, I used to clean our room and its

inspiring when my cooperating teacher appreciated my effort.

F. Meeting the Pupils/ Students

Let me just first describe the characteristics of the students in the Aurollo

National High School. I can define their students as disrespectful, disgraceful, untidy,

and senseless. That is also the orientation I’ve acquired from my cooperating teacher.

He said, I should never give them pleasing and sweet personality instead, I should act

like a monster that never smile with an

eyebrows crossing each other.

He also state that whenever

students met a teacher, the natural and

humane way of responding is to smile,

give a space, then greet the teacher.

But the thing is, they never do that and

they are not familiar with that. I was

really upset about this because the real me always smile and give my true personality to

others. However, I knew that my cooperating teacher was right. He’s not kidding about
this matter because the time I enter the school for my first day of on – the – job training,

students never recognize me as teacher. Maybe they are acquainted that students

teacher shouldn’t be treated nice since every year, the school have always receiving

student teachers from different universities that is why the students are expert of dealing

with student teachers. They attempted to bump you while walking in the hallways as if

they trying to show that they never fear you. They didn’t even give you a glance when

trying to discipline them unless you scold them. They really loved you to get angry all

the times. When you’re pushing your voice so hardly to get louder to the point of

abusing your throat, they don’t care. Have you ever met a student who always tries to

correct you as if they gazes you so low?, students who are very hyper and mentally

disordered. Isn’t it annoying when you see those judgmental eyes with some deep

meaning that can be predicted as rebelling, teasing, condemning, and so on? How can

you feel at ease when your students are like this? I still remember when my cooperating

teacher advises me; never ever cry in front of your students. I said why? Then my sir

responded that they will only feel

better when they made you cry.

He said I am the authority in the

classroom- one vs. numerous

students? How can I deal with

this? Do anger, punishment, and

bad criticism can be able to

change and disciple them? How?

As I always try to ask myself.

Public school students are very different than students in Private schools. Private

school’s high class and average class of students have a nature in term of discipline,

while in public’s low class student I conditionally saw them hopeless. I am not referring

to all of the students. Of course, there are hopeful ones but the sad part is, I can count

them one by one. Though I am very surprised about their characteristics, I should not

lose hope. I already accomplished the road that they are taking so I know that I am

more knowledgeable than them. And my role is to share that knowledge I have acquired

in my life. I believe that they heart are longing for love and belongingness. If their own

family cannot give these high triumphs, then I shall provide what are their needs. My

heart pounds every time I see those eyes seeking for help. They need a teacher like

me. I’ll never let their madness conquer their heart. If they find me as useless teacher,

well I will change their impression towards me and I never failed to do so. A time goes

by; I know that I’ve already grasps their tickles. Their smiles inspire me, they listen to

me but sometimes not, their senseless jokes make me laugh and I don’t even know how

I did that. All of this is because I pray, and my prayers guide me in educating my


G. Lesson Planning

Importance of a Lesson Plan

A teacher has a twin thing in life and that is the lesson plan. From the word itself,

this serves as a guide script in lined with the whole step by step process of teaching a
lesson. Teacher will be well-prepared during the actual teaching since she has already

an overview of the things to be taught and to be learned every day. A good lesson plan

ensures an efficient execution towards achieving the goals and objectives of a lesson.

Lesson plan also allows teachers to teach in methodical way as it requires to list down

the detailed progression of the lesson from the very beginning up to the last part of the


Lesson plan is like a music key which gives general domains where the lesson

should be led. It gives appropriate directions and some adjustments to the teacher since

you don’t even know what will happen in the real execution. Some of the students will

try to distract you so the challenge here for the teacher is how will she maintain her

focus? Tendency, the entire lesson will be bewildered. The lesson plan is the solution

for this kind of problem. This will never allow the lesson to be obstructed just because of

these problems that might occur upon carrying out the lesson. Isn’t it shameful when

you forget some of your lines in from of the student? What if you just memorized

everything and suddenly, your mind get blocked? Again, the aid here is the lesson plan.

Don’t get it wrong! Lesson plan shouldn’t be memorized. It is being relieved freely then

refer back again to the guide. These also functions as an assessment guide for the

teachers to know the weakness or what strategies to be improved as well as the

strength of the lesson or what strategies to be maintained. It simply gives you

suggestions in everyday teachings. If lesson plan is at your side, don’t worry or stop

worrying! It removes away negative vibes from the classroom’s weird aura. In addition

of that, it will give you more power and energy to attain the goals and objectives

efficiently. It adds lots of confidence and willingness since you will never get nervous of
thinking what you are going to do and what will you going to say. Furthermore, well –

accomplished lesson plan inspires you to perform passionately with a sense of

superiority and your entire effort will lead you to a well – systematized lesson.

In teaching as career, it’s like being in a relationship with the lesson plan.

Commitment with this is making an assurance to see you towards success since this is

necessary to make every day.

Type of Lesson Plan Used during Practice Teaching

I was assigned by my cooperating teacher (Mr. Jonathan E. Antonio) to make a

lesson plan in K – 12 format because it was the suggested by the school administration.

I’ve been oriented with this K – 12 lesson plan by Ms. Morales my professor in

Philippine Normal University the time when we are tackling the subject entitled

“strategies in teaching music” and it’s good for me that my cooperating teacher will

broaden up my knowledge since I will be going to make a lesson plan in this format

every day since I find myself a little bit weak in this category for the reason that in PNU,

we are much knowledgeable in making detailed lesson plan, and semi – detailed.

However, because K – 12 curriculum was made, I shall push myself to get virtuoso in

this format. Luckily, Sir Antonio is really a masterminded person in making lesson plan.

This is my opportunity to learn a lot from him but it takes me a hard time to master

because every time I submit my lesson plan, my paper turned into a bloodily flowing ink.

I did nothing but just to smile and tell myself to keep on trying. Mr. Antonio instruct me

that K – 12 lesson plan is almost the same with the UBD’ized lesson plan which is
considered as the most complicated among lesson plans because they are both

requiring numerous process such as conducting different activities. The procedure of K

– 12 lesson plan it that you shall provide the; CONTENT STANDARD: (From the


(Depend on appropriateness of the lesson for the day taken from the CG/LM/TG so

there’s no need to create), II. CONTENT- under this are A. Subject Matter, B.

Materials/Activities, C. Reference/s or other reference/s. After that is the III. LEARNING

ACTIVITIES, then IV. ASSESSMENT and lastly, V. ASSIGNMENT (optional). A K - 12

lesson plan just shows the step by step procedure of the activities for lesson execution

towards to the entire substance of the lesson.

Effects of a Good Lesson Plan

Is there a perfect lesson plan? As I’ve remembered, my Prof. Morales told us that

there is no lesson plan which is perfectly done. Because the thing is, there is no teacher

have been executed a lesson flawlessly, there is always a hit and a missed. If it is

perfectly done without even a single mistake, then there are no rooms for improvement

unless if the teacher is a genius one.

I will honestly share to you that most of the time, my lesson plan have been

carelessly done. Maybe the reason is, in a subject matter, so many ideas come into my

mind from time to time and it puzzled me up to the limit. Tendency, the focus of the topic

is misleading. Though my ability is frustrating, my cooperating teacher told me “don’t

think too much broaden because your students are not music major like you. Try to
make your ideas simply and specific and consider the abilities of your students. Let

them enjoy the lesson don’t pressure them too much just to understand you. Just give

them event just a hint of values integration and trust, that is the thing that will retain in

their minds”. Therefore, I conclude that a good lesson plan contains values. The effect

is that, students will surely forget the content of the subject matter that have been teach

to them but the values that have been instilled to their minds, that is their pathway to

apply what have been teach to them. That is the true essence of education. So give

some time to create a good lesson plan, an impressive one, and it surely gives you a

more rewarding and satisfying feeling. That is the time where you can conclude that you

are an efficient and effective teacher.

Here is my K – 12 based lesson plans and my cooperating teacher usually

checks it through email while some of my lesson plans are hand written.

H. Teaching Strategies
As a music teacher, I really have to

deal with very good teaching strategies

since most of the students consider music

as an easy subject which is uninteresting.

The solution here is to think effective

strategies. Teaching strategies are very important medium towards the success of

executing lessons. This should be studied carefully and without experience, you can

never prove if a certain strategy is effective. Do methods of teaching can be performed

spontaneously? definitely not. This requires critical thinking and deep considerations

among students’ intellectual abilities. Every day, teachers met different students with

also different intellectual abilities. Observe carefully their way of learning. Are they fast

learners? Average learners? Or slow learners? Still, they are learners. Teacher should

reflect on this equally and make sure that all of the students shall benefit with the kind of

strategy being conducted. Just imagine those student who scratch their head when their

listening, those who nod at you and say aah… even though they do not understand you,

and some bothering students whose mind is floating in the air. Another consideration is

the teacher itself who’s delivering the strategy. Although the strategy sounds very good,

it still be useless especially when the delivery is dull. Teacher must be jolly up to the

point where you use your talent in acting and most importantly, used her confidence to

the fullest so that the students will possibly absorb you’re energy. In order to facilitate

effective learning, the teacher itself should be skilled enough and choose her most

excellent field to apply it in her strategy. A strategy should also be compatible with the
classroom capability. Do not be so unrealistic. With the resource provided, limited or

not, this is also part of considerations otherwise, teacher should manage her

resourcefulness. Music is a subject that in need with instruments, speakers, audio

players, pieces, and so on. This will challenge a music teacher like me in lined with my

resourcefulness that is why I was told by my C.T. to invest because part of my

strategies, are the effective learning materials. Both learning materials and strategy are

interrelated with each other. And the last, strategies must be student – centered all the

time. Think always for the benefit of the students where in everybody shall be

cooperative since this is the value that need to be imposed.

I. Instructional Materials

Students are visually

motivated in terms of learning. You

can definitely catch their attention if

the visual aids are creatively

managed. After a teacher planned for a particular strategy, it is very important for her to

think of suitable resources that she will use for instructional materials. Because of that,

the strategy will absolutely become more meaningful, effective, and absorbable by the

students. They may not understand what you are saying for the reason that, most of the

time, they don’t care but once you have catches their attention and discussion will be

more interactive. Visual aids, charts, graphs, pictures, textbooks, handouts, worksheets,

printed materials, graphic materials, videos, and multi – media presentations are some

of the examples of instructional materials. However, in music, instructional materials

depend on the musical instruments like piano, guitar, which is commonly used in class,

and most importantly the musical piece or notation. If students are not exposed with

these instructional materials, the teaching and learning process are low. When

introducing a song to study, teacher should have speakers for her to present an audio

material. How can they understand music without listening unto it? Teachers really rely

their lesson to instructional materials. This can be an aid for assessing prior knowledge

of the students through describing its

contents which is basically considered as a

new innovative way of assessing student’s


In Aurollo National High School, I

didn’t see any faculty who are using LCD

projector. Most of them they use traditional

instructional materials while some, they use their personal laptop and stuffs like lapel.

Since ANHS do not have enough funds for proving these expensive instructional
materials, I might say that learning is less competitive / technologically proficient. But I

know that faculties are trying their best that they can do to teach even without these

kinds of materials. In my teaching experience in this school, I honestly say that it was

really hard to teach since I am just barrowing a speaker from dance troupe department

every time. If it is not available, I bring my own netbook and speakers which I invested

for I know that it’ll be useful. I often use manila paper, cartolina, colored papers, pictures

and other traditional materials in my teaching.

J. The Art of Questioning

Being a trainee teacher, I am quite unaware on the techniques on how I am I

going to throw questions to my students since it is requiring lots of experience upon

interacting with students. How am I going to let my students feel free upon reacting on

my questions as well as asking their confusions upon the lesson? This should be aided

through the art of questioning.

Questions are used in many aspects of teaching and learning. This is not only

addressed for the teachers but also for the students you are interacting with, who have

doubts in their mind and who wanted to know more about the topic. It is merely part of

assessment. A competent teacher should never proceed to the next topic without

assimilating if the students really have learned something within her past lesson.

Questions also promote class participation where in you can figure out if students find

difficulty in learning the subject. Through this, teacher can determine what the best

strategy that’s applicable is and rate its productivity. During my actual teaching
experience, I have learned that questioning challenge critical thinking skills where in you

should know how to defend back to students what is your expected answer. However

don’t ever neglect the wrong answers from the students because this is indeed

important. That means, they are putting an effort just to acquire the correct answer.

And as I always remember, teachers can freely choose which part of the lesson they

are going to throw questions. It can be for introductory, where in you give students a

hint on what is the topic are heading to then let them discover the subject matter; for

developmental, in which a teacher is trying to enrich the discussion and at the same

time, guide the learners to focus on a certain topic; then for summary of conclusion, as

you integrate values within the answers of the learners so that their interest and

curiosity arouses even more.

K. Working with Cooperating Teachers

I proudly represent to you my very handsome,

intelligent, cool, talented, and Godly oriented

cooperating teacher namely, Mr. Jonathan E. Antonio-

conductor of an award winning competitive choir-

ANHS Chorale, Philippine Normal University Rondalla

Alumni, Secondary Level and College Instructor,

Teacher 2, graduated from Philippine Normal

University, and currently taking up Master’s Degree in

the same school which he was graduated. These acknowledgements are merely the
once he shared to me. I know that there is lot more than this. He also told me that often

invited to be a speaker in such big events and seminars considering the audiences have

older job experience than him with higher degree of accomplishments. In spite of this,

his knowledge and skills are still valuable for these Professional people, and Sir Jon

never fail for these job because it’s his passion even though at first, he badly want to be

an architect.

Working with him is really fun. In PNU, we have a Rondalla subject and he was

already my Professor before and I am his past student. But know, this is a different

thing. I am now his student

teacher. He had given me

different complicated task to the

point that it’s so tiring and my

tears nearly run. But instead of

claiming in front of him, I never

let him get disappointed with me. The

product of PNU have been molded his trust.

His past student teachers such as Ma’am

Charm, Ma’am K.J, and Sir, Roger build this

kind of impression to him and to the school.

Therefore, it is my responsibility to maintain

his trust and defend the impression of

ANHS for the music student teachers.

I totally felt acceptance and great appreciation of effort from him. Even though

I’ve shown him my true abilities that I am not that so knowledgeable, intelligent, skillful,

and so on, he still handled me with full of gratitude and trust that I can do everything. I

remembered when our supervisor Miss Morales send a message to Sir Jon that we

student teacher was going to demonstrate surprisingly, a night before tomorrow, I was

nervous and look at myself so downed because of thinking that I cannot do that, then

Sir Jon said “You can do it!”- With conviction. I was overwhelmed and he boosts up my

confidence to the highest level. I will also never forget how he instructed, and give

comments and suggestions regarding of my teaching skill. I never felt being personally

assessed and criticized. There are times when he disciplines me why I am late in

passing some of my lesson plans and also there are times which he gives me

motivating words such as acknowledging my good performance. What I liked the most

is that, he never let me recognize that he was observing me since he is acting like so

busy in his desk. After a lesson, I was surprised for he has already assessed my

teaching performance. By this strategy, I’ve realized that he never wants me to feel

nervous and uncomfortable in the actual execution.

It’s been a nice time being his student teacher. I’ve learned a lot from him and I’m

so lucky for he is the one who became my cooperating teacher.

L. Classroom Management/ Discipline

There are many scenarios that are unpredictable inside the classroom. Most of

the time, this happenings are the cause of interruption for the teachers. Upon thinking a
strategy, the very important thing is how you will manage the class for the whole period

of time. Yes, it is natural for the students to misbehave so the teacher should be

responsible in disciplining them. Teacher must establish authority. Students are wise in

cheating and in any deceitful act towards the teachers. I shall never tolerate them. From

time to time I used to correct their wrong manners, lower or higher section; they are

almost the same in their conduct as what I’ve been experienced in my classroom. I don’t

want them to pass my subject without learning anything to me most especially the

values which I always emphasizing to them. Every day, I used to check their

attendance. If a student is always absent, I’m always asking his/her classmates what is

the reason. Some are having cutting classes, some are excused, some are sick, and

other problems with unreasonable excused. At the end, if they still continue their bad

habits, I told them that they deserve failing grade.

Since my subject is to teach music, it’s a big challenge for me to require my

students to sing. Their habit is to laugh at each other every time. Once I demonstrate

how to sing, they used to clap their hands for me. Some of them are shouting and do

not taking our activity seriously. What I did is to ask those students to sing in solo in

front of the class which they find it so shameful. Noise and hyper activeness are also a

big problem; moreover, they always wanted to answer me in chorus. Since my voice is

sometimes not well – projected tendency, they are overpowering my voice and it’s hard

to fight them back by pushing my throat to its limit. Staring at them with an angry eye is

a nice strategy, waiting them to be sensitive, then, they will keep quiet.

However, in a public school like ANHS, students are not sensitive, they are

beyond unmannerly oriented. I shall conclude that with those students, punishment is
the best way to disciple them. In my point of view, I am agree with corporal punishment

but since it is prohibited for this generation, school permitted punishments shall be

given such as, community service, confiscating the ID, etc., and calling their parents to

the guidance office. Likewise, teachers shall never get the wrong way of punishing their

students. Because it might be a cause of lowering their self – esteem and just make

them continue misbehaving repeatedly, to the point that they are getting worse than

before. If they are being scolded all the time, their eagerness to study will lessen. At the

end, It is the teacher’s fault for humiliating God’s children.

M. Auxiliary Service
I have been teaching in ANHS for

the months of November and December.

This is the months where school activities

and programs are being executed. My

cooperating teacher require me to join

with this since his choir are always apart

of these events. The first one that we

have joined is the “RICE CEREMONY”

held in Luneta Park. Since the schools within the division of manila area are invited,

most of the participants of the program came from these areas. Dance contest are

executed, while the highlight of the program it harvesting the rice. This celebration is for

their 100th annual anniversary of rice harvesting. Next is the “TECHNOLYMPICS”

Division area. At the opening ceremony of this event, Sir Antonio’s choir is invited to

sing the National Anthem of the Philippines, prayer, and intermission numbers. He

asked me to conduct his choir. This is a good opportunity for me to apply my knowledge

in choir conducting. After this, the choir joined the annual chorale competition organized

by “HALLMARK’S MEMORIES”. I am the apprentice of Sir Antonio for training his choir.

In the elimination round, we won 5,000 php and recognized as one of the finalist.

However, in the final round, we don’t know what happened on the judges’ criteria if it is

really followed or not? We also don’t even know what happened to the judges’ ear that

time because the one who won doesn’t deserve to be a winner. The well performance of

our choir made us expect that we are going to win compare with the other choirs. But
this incident happened and I’m so very sad for our choir. Same incident happened with

the “OCEAN PARK CHORAL COMPETITION” held in Manila. It’s an open category and

we also expect a win since we did our best. Still, we loose and it’s really awful because

in this day, it’s Sir Antonio’s birthday.

Then the very significant event

every December has come. This is the


practice teachers are the one who

serve and practiced the students to

sing beautifully and lively for this day.

We also facilitated the program so that

it will be well organized. Students per year level have their own intermission numbers

then after that, they will simultaneously sing together; Grade 7 students sang-

Payapang Daigdig, Grade 8 sang- Pastol, pastol gumising, 3rd Year sang- Oh Magsaya,

while the 4th year sang Tanging Gabi. As a grand finale, they all sing Noche Buena,

Pasko na Naman, and Ang Pasko ay

Sumapit. This Christmas cantata will serve

as their projects since they also buy a

santa hat that we required them to have

for this special event. I listed only

important events but there are actually

many school events that we’ve been participated.

N. Getting Acquainted with School Forms

I have been told by my cooperating teacher that school forms are the essential

records kept by the school. He introduced to me the cumulative records of his students

or basically, their student’s profile. Aside from that, he showed me the Form 137 and

Form 138 and explained its purpose. Assessing the students are not just done in the

classroom. Through school records, you can assess the students by monitoring their

basic information. Moreover, it serves as a tracing instrument for determining their

health problems, and other problems that concerns you most. If you really want to know

a student deeper, school records will help you understand everything about him.

Enriching our discussion with my cooperating teacher, he stated that Form 137 is the

schools file collection of students’ grades card. Form their lowest grade level of learning,

up to the highest prior to the present. A school will not consider a student certifiably

enrolled without his Form 137. It is being requested by the school to transfer it to them

once a student is going to collegiate level or will transfer to another school.

Furthermore, this form is also the best way upon determining who will be given special

awards such as academic topnotches, honorariums, and other recognition. On the other

hand, Sir Antonio presented to me the Form 138 which contains the grade of the

students from a particular year level. It is the card given by the adviser and the end of

the grading period after evaluating their students’ academic performance. As parents

are concerns, the suggestion and comments of the adviser are cited in this card.
O. Conference

A student teacher’s performance is being evaluated by the cooperating teacher.

At the end of the training as she execute the final demo, she’s performance reflects on

how a cooperating teacher monitor his student. A conference is a form of assessment

and constructive criticism. This is for the sake of student teacher’s further development.

Sir Antonio has his own way of observing my performance. In his table, I usually noticed

him doing something and busy while me, is concentrating with my report. At the end of

my demonstration, when the students are dismissed, he will come after me and deliver

his comments and suggestions. He always wrote it on a yellow sticky note even though

I never seen he’s writing it. Apart from that, he is very nice when he is mentioning his

remarks. I never felt that I am being downed or much criticized wherein he’s focus is just

to correct my wrongs without being personally condemned. I’m feeling free and at ease

every time I used to ask question to feed my curiosity. Having conference with him is

really fun. I never get scolded instead; he always used to laugh at me whenever I did

foolish things in my job. Because of that, I was really inspired and promised to myself

not to repeat that again yet, do what he wanted be to do, and obey it wisely, intelligently,

and carefully. Aside from conference, he gave advice as if I felt that he’s my elder

brother and even if it’s short words of wisdom, it’s truly means a lot and overwhelming to

the point that it brings out the best of me and I told myself that I shall hold his trust so

tight. That is why at the end of the teaching day, even if it is so tiring, I used to go home

well encouraged to be a teacher.

Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher


To be assessed by:

Professor Glinore S. Morales

College Supervisor

Hazel May G. Delos Reyes

Republic of the Philippines
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education

DFSPT Form 7
PT’s Professional Readings

Title of Books / Article: The Modern Teacher

“Wanted: Brigada Guro”
Author: Sarilyn Carmen-Agoo
Place / Year of Publication: June 2012
Area (e.g. Classroom Management)

Key Points Why do you feel this is helpful In what learning situation(s) is
in teaching? this applicable?

- If there is brigade - If the school will be - This is applicable

eskwela, there should ready for the beginning before the classes’

also be brigade guro of the school year, how starts so that the

- This is a self-check about the teachers? preparation is for the

program will teachers - Meaning to say, whole school year this

undergo self-reflection teachers should also be includes the lesson

to find out if they are ready before the school plans, class record,

set to teach for that year starts most instructional materials,

school year specially if the teacher the cleanliness of the

is a fresh graduate, desk and classroom,

they should be oriented the modules, and so

ahead of time on.

Submitted by: Hazel May G. Delos Reyes Year and Section: IV-17 BSE Music
Republic of the Philippines
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education

DFSPT Form 7
PT’s Professional Readings

Title of Books / Article: The Modern Teacher

“You can Survive!”
Author: Isagani Costales Canonizado
Place / Year of Publication: June 2012
Area (e.g. Classroom Management)

Key Points Why do you feel this is helpful In what learning situation(s) is
in teaching? this applicable?

- If there are retired - In the first year of public - This can be applied in
teachers, new teachers school teaching, the the situation when I am
come. If they are worse thing is, what if I getting to know the
culture shocked, how were assigned to teach background of the the
they can survive? combination classes school. What are the
and I do not have characters of its
training at all? teachers, students,
- Therefore, I should staffs, and others
follow this advice from
the article:
1. Make an adjustment for
2. Be open with my colleagues
3. Have time to read the
school’s manual
4. Be genial with my co-
5. Manage my time
6. Seek for assistance
Submitted by: Hazel May G. Delos Reyes Year and Section: IV-17 BSE Music
Republic of the Philippines
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education

DFSPT Form 7
PT’s Professional Readings

Title of Books / Article: The Modern Teacher

“Do we need k+12?”
Author: Jhon Rey D. Ortal
Place / Year of Publication: June 2012
Area (e.g. Classroom Management)

Key Points Why do you feel this is helpful In what learning situation(s) is
in teaching? this applicable?

- It is the high time for us - Future teachers like me, - In classroom situation, k-

Filipinos to embrace this will absolutely deals with 12 curriculum should

kind of reformation the k-12 curriculum that is focus on lots of students’

because we are the only why it is important for me activities rather than

country in Asia and among to be aware of the content spoon feeding

the countries in the world of its teaching guide. - Values integration must be

that has 10-year basic - By just following the given importance and

education program. curriculum smoothly and should be applied during

- Studies show that a 12- surely, I believe that my the discussions or

year basic education students in the future will activities inside the

curriculum results in better become globally classroom

performance of competitive and

pupils/students successful.

Submitted by: Hazel May G. Delos Reyes Year and Section: IV-17 BSE Music
Republic of the Philippines
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education

DFSPT Form 7
PT’s Professional Readings

Title of Books / Article: The Modern Teacher

“5 Principles for the Teacher of Adult learners”
Author: Ladylove L. Ureta
Place / Year of Publication: September 2012
Area (e.g. Classroom Management)

Key Points Why do you feel this is In what learning situation(s)

helpful in teaching? is this applicable?

- The teacher of aldult learners has - My course is about - I have experienced in

a different job from the one who educating the adult classroom situation every
teaches children. If you are learners because I will be time I used to discipline
teaching adult students, it is teaching students in high them. Most of them have
important to understand the five school. High school is very the eyes that cannot look
principles in teaching adult different than elementary. I at me straight. My
learners: don’t even know what their interpretation with it is
1. The understand why goals in their journey are maybe they don’t like the
something is important to so I don’t have the right to way I correct them.
know or do keep on dictating them. Directing them so much
2. They have the freedom to They now have own irritates their ear. So I have
learn in their own way principle in life and my role realize that, I should be
3. Learning is experiential is to just guide them to the careful on every word that I
4. The time is right for them correct and better road to should say. Always have a
to learn be taken. positive counterpart and
5. The process is positive explain to them why I got
and encouraging mad it’s because there is
something wrong. Let them
explore the learning by
Submitted by: Hazel May G. Delos Reyes Year and Section: IV-17 BSE Music
Republic of the Philippines
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education

DFSPT Form 7
PT’s Professional Readings

Title of Books / Article: The Modern Teacher

“Disaster Risk Reduction Tips”
Author: Zenaida M. Hoggang
Place / Year of Publication: July 2012
Area (e.g. Classroom Management)

Key Points Why do you feel this is In what learning situation(s) is

helpful in teaching? this applicable?

- A little knowledge and a few - Philippines is a disaster - We teachers don’t even

precautionary safety central point. The latest know what time does the
measures can enormously is Yolanda which typhoon or earthquake will
increase our chances of destroys the southern attack. What if this occur in
surviving in any types of part of our country. As school days during the time
calamities and hazards a teacher, I can help a of classes? The life of the
- This aims to reduce socio- lot to deal with this by students is on the teacher’s
economic vulnerabilities to just teaching simple hand. The teacher should
disaster as well as dealing precautionary tips that be the first one who should
with the environmental and can be integrate in not panic and give the
hazards that trigger them to class discussions. clear direction to the
minimize, to avoid, or to limit students what they will do
the adverse impacts of and discipline them not to
hazards this includes: panic move smoothly and
1. Typhoon safety tips surely.
2. Earthquake safety

Submitted by: Hazel May G. Delos Reyes Year and Section: IV-17 BSE Music
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher


To be assessed by:
Professor Glinore S. Morales
College Supervisor

Hazel May G. Delos Reyes

Republic of the Philippines
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education

DFSPT Form 8
Journal of Experiences

1ST Week Date _November 11-15, 2013_

Significant Experience(s) Learning(s) / Insight(s) Gained

Day 1
November 11, 2013
7am – 5pm

- This day has no classes because of the - Teachers and students in the division of

“Palarong Maynila” with the special Manila are very competitive as well as

guest Mayor Estrada. It’s my first time to the school that I am serving – “Aurollo

see him in person. High School”

- In the afternoon, my C.T. required me to - It’s a big challenge to me and an

help him teach his choir. They will go to important part of my training. Although

compete for Nov. 30, 2013 HallMark’s its hard, but I’m still lucky to have a very

Choir competition. competitive C.T.

- My C.T. gave me an assignment to - Shoot me now! Teaching is a profession

make 3 lesson plans and visual aids which requires business… Well, I’ll just

because starting tomorrow, I will be enjoy this :)

teaching his 22 sections in assorted

grade level- Grade 7 – 8 – 9.

Day 2
November 12, 2013
11am – 6pm
- I teached my Tuesday Classes. I have - I need to get looking scary like lion in

four Grade 9, and one Grade 8 classes my every class so that my students will

for today. be terrified and follow my instructions

- Choir rehearsals every day! - They need to be sound more


Day 3
November 13, 2013
8am – 5pm

- Today is our Pinning Ceremony- we - We are now certified practice teachers. I

sang the Practice Teaching March, we remembered the speaker said, “Don’t

ought taking, we listened to the teach just to make a living, but Teach to

respective speaker, and then attached make life worth living” 

our pins with each other.

Day 4
November 14, 2013
11am – 6pm

- I teach my Thursday classes. I have - My C.T. told me that I improved. And it’s

Grade 8 and Grade 9 for today good to hear because that words

- Our classroom is not available today relieved my tiredness made by working.

because an unexpected seminar I am so lucky because I felt so much

conducted by U.P. was organized in our appreciation of effort in this school. It

room. For that reason, I teach in an gave me more power to pursue harder.

open air venue. I consider it as a - It’s not easy to teach outside the

covered court. classroom. My voice cannot be hear by

- We Practice teachers have a meeting the students at the back and it’s too

with Miss Morales today- our College painful if I force myself to exert too

Supervisor. much voice

Day 5
November 15, 2013
11am – 6pm

- Almost all of my classes in Grade 9 are - There is a lot of school activity in this

excuse for today because of school grading period. That is why the hard

activity so, I only teach one class in part is, how am I going to follow the

Grade 8. I finally found the student budget of lessons if majority of the

which will be my subject for my case classes will be excused everytime?

study. - No time should be wasted

- I used my vacant time making lesson - How can we make our sound as one if

plans some of them are always absent? What

- I teach the choir and it so disappointing a headache 

because their attendance is always


2nd Week Date _November 18-22, 2013_

Significant Experience(s) Learning(s) / Insight(s) Gained

Day 6
November 18, 2013
11am – 6pm

- I teach the same topic in last week’s - I should always keep and take care of

lesson because Monday last week, my visual aids because I may not be
“Palarong Maynila” so, all of my classes aware in some classes that are late with

are late with the lessons that should be the lessons.


- My classes today, are Grade 7 which - I should adjust myself depending on the

are lower sections. Actually, I handled class that I will handle. If it is lower

many lower sections and I have only section, so more disciplinary and keep

few higher my expectations also flexible because

section. they are slow learner. While If it is

higher section, I should keep my

expectation a little higher because most

of them are fast learner. And still, I

should keep my disciplinary rules apply

to them.

- For the choir rehearsal today, the

members are improving

Day 7
November 19, 2013
11am – 6pm

- I have to teach new topic for today and - I realized that it is hard to teach a song

it is all about vocal music of India for even if it is simple because most of the

Grade 8, and vocal music of Romantic students are not interested in singing

Period in Grade 9 and they find it so funny. But, I

commanded them strictly so that all of

them will be required to study a song.

My voice is too tired teaching lots of

students. My C.T. said that it is much

better if I invest for Lapel so that my

voice will not be forced too much.

- On Friday, the choir will sing in a school - It’s a good opportunity 

program and Sir Jon assigned me to

conduct the choir

Day 8
November 20, 2013
11am – 6pm

- I have 4 continuous classes for today - I salute hard working teachers! Now I

and it is all Grade 9 feel my feet is too painful because of

standing for a long period of time.

- There are section which is easy to pick - My throat is also aching because of

up a tune while some sections are not speaking for a long period of time. It’s

because they are not taking it seriously really hard

- There is no choir rehearsal today - Teachers should also be considerate to

because Sir Jon got pitiful to his tired the situation of his/her students

members who came after their


Day 9
November 21, 2013
11am – 6pm

- Again same topic to discuss because - I should think of different routine or

my lesson is for the whole week activity every section “nakakaumay kasi”

kulang nalang irecord ko yung sinasabi

ko dahil parating paulit-ulit

- I got mad to my students who did not do - I should not tolerate their bad habits

their assignments

- I’m happy because my students enjoy - Lessons should be Values integrated so

music that they will enjoy studying the subject

Day 10
November 22 ,2013
7am – 6pm

- I came early in the school because we have - I am lucky because my C.T. bring me with

performance today but Sir Jon said that it is this kind of occasion- there is food,

cancelled so what we did is just to souvenir, and a little allowance. I donate

represent the school in the program the allowance to the choir so that they have

launched at the Luneta Park. It is about the money for transportation going to the

“11th Rice Ceremony” It is done yearly and venue of their competition next week.

Sir Jon said that the choir always join its - Attending this occasion is also part of my

choral competition and they became community service

champion last year.

- I did not meet my first class because of the - Being a music teaching needs a lot of

program we underwent and tomorrow, responsibility. Because even your rest day,

there is also another program even it is it is not an excuse for lots of performance

Saturday, we have to be there to conduct and contest assigned to you


3rd Week Date _November 25 - 29, 2013_

Significant Experience(s) Learning(s) / Insight(s) Gained
Day 11
November 25, 2013
11am – 6pm

- My last class section named III – - Every day, Its always been equal. At

Mathew are so silly. They have an first, I am mad because of III – Mathew

activity today and yet most of the who caused me much head ache. But of

students are not cooperating. Aside course, if there is somebody cause you

from that, they love to see me get angry. such pain, somebody will also cause

- However, one of the sections that I have you happiness. III – Bondone made me

taught today is really good. I didn’t happy for today. It’s been a tiring day

expect they will perform very nice in our yet motivating. For I know that there are

activity. I’ve grouped them into three students who really want to learn and

groups and their task is to portray the love you as their teacher.

characteristics of Romantic period - I will never be a selfish one when giving

through singing or role playing, or grades most especially if the students

dancing, or any kind of performance that really deserve it. As what my students’

can be a product of their creative minds asked me. Why am I giving them such a

- For the group two which had performed high grades? I told them that they

“fantasy”, I gave 88. For the group three deserve it.

who performed “emotion”, I graded

those 88. And for the best group, I gave

those 90. I will love this section for they

are good and bright students

Day 12
November 26, 2013
11am – 6pm
- I have a new lesson to teach for today. - I realized that even though my students

My new lesson is all about the music of are bad, noisy, silly, and naughty, their

India and music of Romantic Period. Of innocent smile and arrogant minds

course this is a broad concept. But the encourages me to help them. Throwing

specific one that I will discuss are the back a big smile towards them made

instrumental music under the subject them really happy and feels comfortable

matter that I have said. with me.

- One of our activity for today is that, - You cannot judge an arrogant mind. It is

students will going to draw what idea natural for a student to be like that. That

which come up with their mind upon is why the role of us teachers is to

hearing the instrumental music of boosts them to learn and enrich their

Romantic period. I’ve told them not to minds.

draw literally what they’ve heard

because I told them to focus on them

content and meaning and the emotion

applied to the music. As I’ve checked

their papers, I draw non – sense things.

Most of they treat our activity like a joke

and each of them are laughing towards

the drawing ability of each other. Their

draw very literally as if that they truly

showed me their arrogant minds.

- Upon teaching the different instruments - Getting ideas and knowledge from the

of India, my cooperating teacher told me internet are not all reliable like what

that I have teach the students wrong happened from the content that I’ve
concepts and Ideas about some teach for the students. It’s really hard to

instruments. Basically, my teachings correct the ideas that a teacher had

today is not efficiently deliver. imposed to them.

Day 13
November 27, 2013
11am – 6pm

- Sir Antonio will not be around for today

because he and one of our choir

member which is a tenor, are scheduled

for today’s kundiman solo singing

contest that will be held in the other

school. Before they went to that school,

Sir Antonio asked me to vocalize Mark.

- I have III – year level classes for today. - Not all students have an open heart to

There are sections that are comfortable accept you. I really strive for it as long

to be with while there are also sections as I can.

which are annoying. However, the day

passed smoothly.

- The choir will sing tomorrow in a said - Practicing is always been a part of a

school event that is why we rehearsed performer’s life.

today. Although at first, they hesitate to - Hesitation will do nothing. Trying will do

join the Hallmarks’ singing competition, better until you succeed.

but they’ve realized that they really

wanted to win and I believe that they will

push it to the top.

Day 14
November 28, 2013
7am – 6pm

- Early in the morning, I already went to - It’s really complicated to sing in the

school because now is the event where morning. And the members of the choir

in the choir is invited to sing. It is so have a bad habit of being late. If they

disappointing because most of the will do that all the time, they will not

members of the choir are late without grow as responsible singers.

considering that their sound is not yet

even woke up. Well, I God’s grace, the

choir sang nicely as what Sir Jon said. I

asked me to conduct the choir as part of

my training.

- Because of this school event, I have - School events really affect the lessons

two sections which I didn’t attended. since we become late in discussing it.

They are III – Picasso, and III – Dalton.

- On Saturday, the choir will finally go for - God bless you choir!  you can make it!

their battle. I shall support them.

Day 15
November 29, 2013
11am – 6pm
- Today is Friday yet, it’s been too busy - Don’t take or trigger the students

day for me. Tomorrow is the contest foolishness. You just making yourself so

stupid in front of them. Even though they

where the choir will join that is why we
are just kidding, it means a lot. A teacher is
keep on rehearsing. My grade 8
“uto – uto” if she keeps on following
students today will be excused because
students’ request.
of a school event again.

However, In the other class that I’ve

met to they, It feels so great sharing

laughs with them. They really want me

to sing for them from time to time. But

of course, time of classes is for

academics unless our subject is vocal


4th Week Date _December 2 - 6, 2013_

Significant Experience(s) Learning(s) / Insight(s) Gained

Day 16
December 2, 2013
11am – 6pm

- This is the week where we should start - It will be challenging for me to teach

practicing to make the annual Christmas Christmas songs for the 22 sections
cantata well organized. This will serve with 50 students. I expect students will

as project for the students. We will stop never sings seriously. I shall think of

discussing our lessons for the mean ways to discipline them.

time. Instead we will study the songs to

be sung for the Christmas cantata.

- III – Mathew always treat our song study

so playful. They didn’t taking it seriously.

Day 17
December 3, 2013
11am – 6pm

- I missed recording important things to - In teaching, time management is really

my class record. I feel at ease for important. I’ve learned a lot from this

thinking that there will be much time. experience.

But I got it wrong. Now, I’m so haggard - Never forget to monitor the class

for completing my records. The quizzes records

and attendance are written on a paper

which I should transfer it to my class


- To spend my time wisely, my strategy is

to do my works for my class record

while my student are copying the songs

that they will be singing for Christmas

cantata as what I’ve require them to do.

Day 18
December 4, 2013
11am – 6pm

- Never get nervous in a surprised

- I have an unexpected demo for
demo. Just think that you are just
today. Miss Glinore Santiago
teaching in a normal class situation.
Morales, our college supervisor
And think of the people who you
informed Sir Antonio last night that
treasured the most to make you
she will going to visit today and
inspired in your work.
observe us practice teachers in our
- If someone gives your heart with too
demo. Again I felt fear from her. I
much fear and pain. Don’t ever get
don’t know what will happen to me in
hard feelings towards that person.
my demo since I experienced
Instead, treat it as a positive one and
terrifying things with her. I can’t help
never get tired loving that person.
my self-thinking that doing my best
- If someone leaves you, there will be
in front of her is a non – sense. I
a new angel sent from God who will
don’t feel anger, I don’t feel hard
treasure you a lot.
feelings. I just felt fear, that’s all.

Since the day where she always

keeps on scolding me and my

classmates, I felt this feeling. Yes I

know the reason why she always do

that but there no cure for this feeling.

I always hope to bring back the days

that I am closed with her and I never

forget those smile and big heart that

I’ve seen before. Since it is a

surprised demo, I told Sir Antonio

that I am felt hesitation towards my

abilities that I can make a successful

one. However, I am overwhelmed for

he said that I can make it. I never

knew he will give his trust in me. He

told me to make an L.P. for

tomorrow and he will check it.

- At the end of the day, my teaching

demonstration was smoothly

delivered. During my demo, I felt

unease because Ms. Morales is

observing me. But I should never get

affected to my fear. Sir Antonio’s

motivational words, inspires me to

execute my teaching nicely.

Day 19
December 5, 2013
11am – 6pm

- All the time, I teach Christmas songs for - Being passionate with your work is truly

cantata. I didn’t get much stress for this fulfilling.

day because I really love to teach songs

and that is my forte. Moreover, I always

check and monitor my class records

since I don’t want to get late finishing it


Day 20
December 6, 2013
7am – 6pm

- Again, we have an early in the - It is so encouraging upon hearing

morning performance today. As what positive comments from you

I expected, most of the male singers surroundings.

are absent. I am also tasked to

conduct the choir. The hard thing is,

how can we get our sound louder

with just small number of singers?

Upon walking through the stage, so

many students keep on yelling and

shouting at me. They are my

students. Well, it’s so fulfilling, my

students are real crazy and that’s

what I like the most from them.

After the performance, Sir Antonio

told me that the sound is nice and

that is also the comment of his co –

faculty with full curiosity for who I

- Manage time very well.
- I have so many vacant times today.

Since I have only three classes to

teach, I will do the rest of my works

which are the lesson plans, visual

aids, and so on.

5th Week Date _December 9 - 13, 2013_

Significant Experience(s) Learning(s) / Insight(s) Gained

Day 21
December 9, 2013
11am – 6pm

- Try and try until you succeed!

- I have heard the news that Sir Jon’s
- Do not expect too much. Instead,
choir has been defeated last night.
expect the unexpected.
They won as finalist but they did not

make it through the finals. We don’t

know what happened to the ears of

the judges because the winner

doesn’t deserve the prize. And also

the criteria, it’s doesn’t followed. We

expect something since the choir

performs well yet, they fail to do so.

However, complaining will do

nothing. So, we will join again

another choir competition!

- I’m teaching the songs for cantata

again. This will be performed at

December 19, the end of the


Day 22
December 10, 2013
11am – 6pm

- Today, one of the co - faculty of Sir - In the reality of teaching, not all the

Jon triggers me to have hard faculties are comfortable to be with.

feelings towards him. He is our Some of them are nice; some are

senior in Philippine Normal plastics, while some are

University when I was in 2nd year accountable. So the mere lesson

college. I knew his attitude since here is, deepen you understanding

before. But my point is, we are to the people you are interacting

student teachers now. He should with. Allot much patience and do not

make a little adjustment in the way throw hard feelings towards them.

he treat us. Yes, before in PNU, he

keep on treating us like we the lower

years is his servants. But for now, It

is a different matter considering that

he is not my cooperating teacher.

What happened is, I used to come to

school early, so that I can do my

works and finish it. But I was

surprised, when he go to my room

and tell me that I should teach his

students for cantata. Maybe if he

favoured me in a pleasing ways, I

can accept his command. But the

thing is, he scolded me for the

reason that I am cleaning my room

instead of teaching his class for

cantata. I’m just trying to understand

him even if it is unjustifiable. Maybe

he is pressured for being an

organizer for the Christmas cantata.

Day 23
December 11, 2013
11am – 6pm

- Sir Jon is currently planning to join a - Being competitive is really fun and your

new contest. It is scheduled on the day future lies if you know how to step out

of his Birthday. One, is an open within the comfort zone.

category choir competition that will be

held at OCEAN PARK Manila. The other

one, is also an open category

competition that will be held in EVER

GOTESCO MALL Manila also. The

contest will simultaneously held at the

same date. The choir needed to run

from Ocean Park, to Ever Gotesco Mall.

What a tour.. I therefore salute my

cooperating teacher for his braveness

and dedication for his choir.

- I thank God for giving me time for rest - A little rest is needed by a teacher. We

today. I only have four III year classes. are also humans.

Day 24
December 12, 2013
11am – 6pm

- How disappointing! I addressed this - Life is like a wheel. Sometimes you are

to those judges of those on top, but sometimes you are below.

competitions which our choir joined. Opportunity knocks once in a lifetime. If

it is your time to shine, grab it and never

 I feel so awful towards Sir Jon
let go of it.
because among the choir

competition they have joined, they

didn’t win yet. Sometimes I used to

blame myself for being his unluckiest

student teacher. Unlike these past

years, his choir always gain

recognition and trophy for winning

many contests.

- Again, we just practiced the students for


Day 25
December 13, 2013
11am – 6pm

- This will be the last day of collecting - If money is involved in a work, It

the payments of Santa hat. This will should be intelligently recorded with

be wearing on December 19, the day all the details and list of those who

of performing the cantata. If a are paid. Keep the very important

student is paid, that means, he has a papers that are involved so that

project. But if he just joined without evidences are available right away if

wearing this, he will be having points ever problems might arrive.

for participation only. Students are

so bothersome most especially to

those who are paying late. It is easy

for me to record the payments if it is

submitted by section. It caused me

much headache recording those who

are paid or not and also the one who

will get refund because the price of

the Santa hat is not consistent. The

first price is 50 pesos then it became

30 pesos. I am only one and yet the

students are too many. It is really


6th Week Date _December 16 - 19, 2013_

Significant Experience(s) Learning(s) / Insight(s) Gained

Day 26
December 16, 2013

- This morning, my grandmother died. - Even though personal matters are

I requested my cooperating teacher reasonable, It truly affects your work

to excuse me from the classes. because of your absence.

Day 27
December 17, 2013

- This is the 1st day of “LAMAY” for my

passed Lola

Day 28
December 18, 2013
11am – 6pm
- Even though I wanted to be - Sir Jon has no choice but to replace

excused, I still went to school to help with his own money those Santa hat

cooperating teacher to manage the that is not recorded. Money

money of the students and for computation is really complicated.

helping him to distribute the Santa Problems might arise possibly.

hat of the students. I am the one

who is responsible for the records so

I came to work with Sir Jon. I know

my grandmother will understand me

for being not around in the “Lamay”

Day 29
December 19, 2013

- This is the last day of students’

classes. Finally, Christmas cantata

was held today and it is very well

executed according to my co-

student teachers. Again, I requested

for an excuse.

7th Week Date January 6 - 10, 2014_

Significant Experience(s) Learning(s) / Insight(s) Gained
Day 30
January 6, 2014
11am – 6pm

- This is the first day of classes for the - Computation of grades should be

year 2014. It’s been a stressing day systematically done with corresponding

because when I checked the details listed.

- Give some considerations to those

notebooks of my students, their
students who are present every class.
notes are limited. Notebooks are my

requirement for the percentage of

their grades. I’ve also checked the

people who did not participated the

cantata because they have no

grades for their project. So what Sir

Jon said is, as substitute for the

cantata, per section are required to

pass a plant for decoration outside

his room. I asked them to copy their

reviewer for their periodical exam

next week; I’ve started to compute

their grades so that I can finish this

as soon as possible. We only have

two weeks left here in Aurollo High

Day 31
January 7, 2014
11am – 6pm

- Same routine happened today. I asked - Students challenged my patience

the students to copy their reviewer, because of their laziness and

checked their notebooks, their untidiness. It way clearly reflected in

attendance and gave the refund of the their notebooks.

ones who paid 50 pesos.

Day 32
January 8, 2014
11am – 6pm

- Finally, the schedule of our final

- I will miss Aurollo High School. We
demonstration was planned. It will be
only have two weeks left and yet I
executed next week January 16,
am not excited to leave the school.
2014. I don’t felt excitement or
My heart was already attached to my
nervousness. I just felt pressure,
students in this school. The time
that’s all. I am computing the grades
runs so fast.
of my students as fast as I can. I am
- I should complete my requirements
also doing my portfolio as fast as I
as soon as possible.
can. So many requirements to do. I

did not yet know what topic to report

for my final demonstration. I am so

Day 33
January 9, 2014
- Rest time is very much prohibited
- This day is NAZARENO DAY- no

classes but so many things to do.

Day 34
January 10, 2014
11am – 6pm

- Sir Jon is planning again for joining

- It’s really painful for a conductor to
another choir competition this February
lose his pioneer members
2014. His choir is also busy practicing
considering that Sir Jon is planning
for the VOICES. Sir Bogs of Torres High

School merged his choir with Aurollo to join another choir competition.

High School choir since he is lack of - When computing grades, it’s truly

sopranos. important that you have a basis. If

- Regarding with my class which is III – none, what is your evidence if there
Beethoven, their notebooks do not have are problems or complain?
any notes. I’m so much stressed out

because of this because I am worried

how I am going to compute their grades.

- Mark, one of our tenors in the choir is

going to quit. He has a lot of potential

and Sir Jon was really sad because of

this since he is trained him from first

year – fourth year.

Submitted by: Hazel May G. Delos Reyes Date__________ Year and Section: IV-17 BSE Music
Republic of the Philippines
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education

DFSPT Form 10
Case Study Format

I. Personal Data
a. Name of the child:

Lenard Belen

b. School:
Araullo High School
c. Home Address:
Bldg. 3 Room 302 Sapan
Condo Paco, Manila
d. Yr. & Section:
Grade 7 – Sakay
e. Age:
12 years old
f. Date of Birth:
April 27, 2001

II. Family Background

Mother: Father:

a. Name: Eden Belen a. Name: Tony Belen

b. Occupation: Flower Shop (sales
b. Occupation: None / house wife man)
c. Educational Attainment: c. Educational Attainment: High
Elementary School

d. Socio-eco level of the family: Fair

e. Language spoken at home: Tagalog

f. Church Affiliation: Roman Catholic

g. Marital Status of parents: Separated

h. Living with: His mother

i. Number in the family: Three

j. Order of birth: Eldest

III. Statement of the Problem

The most undesirable section among Grade 7 students in Aurollo High School
is the “Grade 7 – SAKAY”. Sections that begins with letter S – means the
lowest section and Mr. Lenard Belen belongs to this section. Boys are rare in
this section. I can only saw 3 – 4 boys attending the class and the rest is 5 –
10 girls considering that the total number of students in their section is
maximum of 40 students. As I observe him during our classes, he is quite
uncomfortable with his classmates. He also didn’t communicate with them.
Even in recitation, he is not cooperating yet his academic standing according
to my records is overwhelming. I noticed that he didn’t also smile. I saw
something beyond of his sadness. That is why I am very curious about this
child. He is not like the other student who in average and higher status in life.
His family and he have below status in this society.

IV. Examination and Diagnosis

a. Interview with student

When I am interacting with him, I’ve perceived that he is type of person

that has shy type personality. He is simple. I can describe him like the leaves of
makahiya. He is quite unease when I am talking to him that is why I told him to
pretend that I am his elder sister that time.
The first question I’ve asked him is about his problems towards his
classmates. He told me that he didn’t want the characters of his classmates and
he has no choice. He honestly said the classmates are bad influence; fraternity
oriented, and has a very low dedication to study that is why he keeps distance
from them. Even actually the girls in their section, they act unmannerly; putting
red seductive lipsticks considering that they are too young, their nails are long
with dark coloured cu tics, hair is tangled high and distorted, and keeps on
displaying their tongues.
I also asked how about the impression of teachers towards your section?
Did they generalize the bad people among you? If yes, how much are you
affected into it? He said that he was really affected unto it most especially to
those teachers who don’t want to teach them instead, always leaving them visual
aids to just copy. He also said that it is learning and studying is really hard since
he had those kinds of classmates which pull him down.
Another question I thrown is, who among your classmates do you find the
most accountable? Then he stated, it was Mr. Amodia his best friend. They are
the same have good academic standing in my class. He have shared to me that
they have also the same dream of attaining high education. That is why they are
helping each other to pulling their best upward in spite of being influenced by
their bad classmates.
Are you getting bullied?- He said yes, by his former classmates who are
now dropped because of not attending the classes.
Do you feel any hatred towards you classmates who have crab mentality?-
Yes at sometimes, when they are getting involved with the wickedness of his
classmates. He said.
How about in your teachers? Do you have hard feelings towards them?-
Yes ma’am specially when to those teachers who are getting tired of teaching
them. He explains that because there is only small number of students attending
classes, teachers are getting tired of teaching them.
Do you encountered family problems?- I have separated parents. My
father is living with other woman. He only sends money to us. There are times
that my mom can’t give my school need because my father didn’t sent money
yet. And the most awful one is his little one year old sister who is sometimes
can’t take her milks because his father can’t give them money right away
Now, Do you have a dream? Yes ma’am, someday, I am going to be a
pilot and a responsible father for my future family.

Interview with father and mother

b. Home Visits
c. Anecdotal records
d. Cumulative Records
e. Results of sociometry

V. Treatment or Remedies Applied

VI. Evaluation

Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education

DFSPT Form 10
Case Study Format

VII. Personal Data

g. Name of the child:

Lenard Belen

h. School:
Araullo High School
i. Home Address:
Bldg. 3 Room 302 Sapan Condo Paco, Manila
j. Yr. & Section:
Grade 7 – Sakay
k. Age:
12 years old
l. Date of Birth:
April 27, 2001

VIII. Family Background


a. Name: Eden Belen

b. Occupation:


c. Name: Romeo Villarba

d. Occupation: Carpenter

b. Socio-eco level of the family: Good

c. Language spoken at home: Filipino
d. Church Affiliation: Iglesia Ni Cristo
e. Marital Status of parents: Living Together
f. Living with stepmother and stepfather
g. Number in the family: 4
h. Order of birth: eldest

IX. Statement of the Problem

The child belongs to a lower section which is known as the most unpleasant section in the
fourth year level. Despite of their record, I have observed that this child is the only boy who
has sense of respect towards their teachers. He listens and responds very well.

X. Examination and Diagnosis

f. Interview with student
I interviewed him one time after the class. I asked him basic questions until it came to a
point when I ask him why he chooses to stay with the girls than staying with the boys.
He revealed to me that he is adopted. No one knows it except for me and his two
friends. He cried in front of me because somehow he is still longing for his real mother.
He also told me that when he was born, his real mother gave him to a friend who takes
care of him now. The reason of living him is because his biological father left them
without any support. He was also informed that he has older sister. Now he was told by
somebody that he will be secured with the care of a woman or a girl.
With his step parents, he is not close to his stepfather. He shared that he was
called “bobo” when he commits mistake but he was financially supported by his
stepfather. When I asked him about his relationship with his mother, he shared that he
is much closer to her. He was emotionally supported by her mother.

Interview with father and mother

g. Home Visits
h. Anecdotal records
i. Cumulative Records
j. Results of sociometry

XI. Treatment or Remedies Applied

I make it sure that he will be consistent in responding. When I talked to him, I told him
that he should keep going because he is a very good boy. I told him everything about his
positive side which I usually see. Then I told him that he must not feel anger whatever
happens. That he may not trigger it in his heart but may he choose to face it in a positive
way. Mostly, I told him to pray and ask for God’s guidance.
XII. Evaluation
He said in our last meeting that he will continue his studies and he will take education as his
course because he is overwhelmed when he sees his little sister learning when he teaches
her. It only means that this child has ability that no one notices. He said that he want to
prove himself someday to his real family. He still looks forward to see them. And when I told
him to pray always, he said that he always does.

Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education


Observation Guide
Directions: Take down notes from the beginning to the end of the lesson. Based on
these notes, answer directly the given questions on important aspects of
the lesson.


1. Materials Instruction

1.1 What materials were used?

Keyboard, music notation on a manila paper, speakers, and other visual aids
1.2 What were the reasons for the use of such materials?
To vocalize the students, to teach a song, and to introduce vocal music of
Romantic periods
1.3 Were the materials adequate and appropriate? Why or Why not?
Yes, because music is a subject which requires this kind of instruments most
importantly when teaching vocal music.

2. Classroom Management

2.1 What routine activities were systematized?

Prayer, checking of attendance, motivation, discussion, listening activities,

groupings, singing, quiz

2.2 Was the classroom atmosphere conducive to learning?

Yes indeed. He not let the students to become bored even though most of
the students are doesn’t interested to sing, he make sure that everyone
should sing.

2.3 How did the teacher maintain discipline? By letting the students participate
in the lesson.
He make sure that before singing, he ask the students to concentrate
without talking to their seatmates, then sit up straight for they can sing

2.4 What classroom management problems were evident?

Yes, students keeps on laughing when one heared out of tune.

2.5 How did the teacher cope with such incidents?

He will tell that for those students who are laughing, he will let the student
sing solo acapella in front of the class. Through this, students will feel

2.6 Was the class well-managed? Justify your answer.

Yes, because physically, my cooperating teacher naturally looks
authoritative. And with his gestures, students even the most stupid one, do
not even dare to distruct the lesson.

Submitted by: Hazel May G. Delos Reyes Date: _Nov. 13, 2012_ Year and Section:
IV-17 BSE Music

Teacher Observed: _Mr. Jonathan E. Antonio_______ School: __Aurollo National High


Republic of the Philippines

Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher Education

Observation Guide

Directions: Take down notes from the beginning to the end of the lesson. Based on
these notes, answer directly the given questions on important aspects of
the lesson.


1. What was the terminal objective of the lesson?

Vocal Music of Romantic Period

2. What were the specific objectives of the lesson?

To identify, describe, appreciate, and perform the Vocal Music of Romantic


1. Preparatory Activities
1.1 How did the teacher secure the attention of the learner?
Through his motivational activities which is listening, students became
encouraged to listen.

1.2 How did the teacher arouse and maintain the interest of the learner on the
He made the activities enjoyable that all learner with different intelligence
level can participate.

1.3 How did the teacher established learner’s goal or direction of learning?
He has a very good strategy in teaching as well as his lesson plans.
Through this, students are well guided

2. Developmental Activities
2.1 How did the teacher present the lesson?
He presents the lesson through the integration of other subjects such as
history and arts,
2.2 How did the teacher solicit learner’s participation/involvement in the
He has sense of humour. Dropping jokes to the students makes them
enjoy the lesson.

Did the students participate actively? Why or why not?

Yes. if it is enjoyable and challenging

What instructional styles were utilized?

He will let his students synthesizing holistic ideas to specific until they
acquired the focus of the topic

3. Synthesizing Activities

3.1 Did the learners discover the concepts/principles?

How did the teacher lead them to discovery?
He will demonstrate first.

3.2 What technique/s did he/she used to help the class arrive at the synthesis
of the lesson?
Tabulating the ideas under the subject matter

3.3 What provisions were made for the application on the lesson?
He always integrate values

4. Evaluation Activity
4.1 What evaluation instrument was used?
Rubrics or criteria for performances, and quiz

4.2 Was the evaluation instrument appropriate to assess students’ progress

on the lesson?
Rubrics because psychomotor activities are always applied

4.3 Were the items in the evaluation instrument consistent with the
instructional objectives?

5. Follow-up Activity
5.1 What provisions were made for the students’ mastery of lesson?
If their scores are high and their performance are well executed

5.2 Was the agreement an appropriate follow-up on the lesson?

If not, what are the justifications for the agreement?


Submitted by: Hazel May G. Delos Reyes Date__________ Year and Section: IV-17
BSE Music
Teacher Observed: _Mr. Jonathan E. Antonio_______ School: __Aurollo National High

C.T. : Mr. Jonathan E. Antonio

P.T. : Hazel May G. Delos Reyes

Content Standards:
 Demonstrates understanding of salient features of music from different historical

Performing Standards:
 Participates in a presentation of a creative interpretation of the different historical
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should have,

a. Identify the two famous composers of Romantic Period

b. Analyze examples of music from each composer and describe how the
musical elements are used
c. Appreciate through listening to samples of the famous works of each
d. Report the two famous composers of Romantic Period

II. Content
a. Subject Matter- The Composers of Romantic Period
“Chopin and Tchaikovsky
b. Materials- Audio, pictures, visual aids
c. Reference- Winold’s “Music Appreciation”

III. Learning Activities:

1. To introduce the lesson, teacher will divide the class into two groups for a
game entitled “Picture Puzzle”. Each group will be given a jumbled puzzle and
they will be asked to solve the puzzle correctly until they form of a picture of
composer- Chopin / Tchaikovsky. The winning group will be given (plus 5) in the
2. For developmental activity, with the same groupings, each one will choose a
representative to report about the composer of Romantic period that is assigned
to them by the teacher.
3. Enriching the knowledge they have acquired, the teacher will let the students
listen to the audio samples of the composer’s famous works.
4. Let the students analyze the examples of music from each composer and
describe how the musical elements are used such as: melody, meter, and
5. Let them realize that the works of each composer has a relationship and
functions to the lives of people in those times.

IV. Assessment

a. Criteria for grading the report

- Delivery - 40 %
- Understandings - 50 %
- Values integration - 10 %
TOTAL – 100 %

b. Quiz

Direction: Identify what is asked.

1. Cause of death of Chopin

2. The most famous Russian composer of Romantic Period.
3. Chopin’s famous work- a Polish dance.
4. Great composer who wrote exclusively for piano.
5. Tchaikovsky’s 1876 famous work for ballet.

c. Answer key

1. Tuberculosis
2. Tchaikovsky
3. Polonaise in A flat

4. Chopin
5. Romeo and Juliet

V. Assignment
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher


To be assessed by:
Professor Glinore S. Morales
College Supervisor Hazel May G. Delos Reyes
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher


To be assessed by:
Professor Glinore S. Morales
Hazel May G. Delos Reyes
College Supervisor
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher

11 A – 11 B

To be assessed by:
Professor Glinore S. Morales
Hazel May G. Delos Reyes
College Supervisor
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher


To be assessed by:
Professor Glinore S. Morales
Hazel May G. Delos Reyes
College Supervisor
Philippine Normal University
The National Center for Teacher


To be assessed by:
Professor Glinore S. Morales
Hazel May G. Delos Reyes
College Supervisor

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