CV - Gaurav Bahl

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[email protected]
1206 W Green St., 4413 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Urbana, Illinois 61822

Associate Professor, Mechanical Science and Engineering Aug 2018 – present
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Affiliate Faculty, Electrical and Computer Engineering Aug 2012 – present

Affiliate Faculty, Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory (MNTL) Aug 2012 – present
Affiliate Faculty, Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology Jan 2013 – present

PhD, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, California, USA September 2010
MS, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, California, USA June 2008
B.Eng, Summa cum laude, Electrical Engineering, McMaster University, ON, Canada June 2005


Assistant Professor, Mechanical Science and Engineering Aug 2012 – Aug 2018
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Optics and Photonics Laboratory Sept 2010 – July 2012

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, EECS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
• Research focus: Investigating fundamental light-matter interactions in resonant micro-cavities for
optomechanical oscillators (OMOs). Modeling and experimental demonstration towards understanding
phase noise, frequency tuning, stability, fabrication, reliability, and packaging of OMOs.
• Faculty mentor: Prof. Tal Carmon

Stanford Micro-Structures and Sensors Laboratory Apr 2006 – Aug 2010

Research Assistant/PhD Candidate, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
• Research focus: Modeling charging phenomena in dielectrics in MEMS, specifically SiO2 – Si composite
resonators; Silicon microresonator design and fabrication; Resonator-based thermometry and sensing;
Circuit design for frequency references with active and passive temperature compensation; Developing
systems-level techniques for circumventing charge-drift in resonant electrostatic MEMS.
• Primary advisor: Prof. Thomas W. Kenny; Co-advisor: Prof. Roger T. Howe

Information and Quantum Systems Laboratory June 2008 – Sept 2008

MEMS Research Group Intern, HP Labs, Palo Alto, California
• Developed the use of parametric resonance for avoiding charging-drifts in surface-electrode actuators.
• Tested and characterized micromechanical inertial sensors for temperature performance.
• Mentor: Dr. Peter G. Hartwell

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl


• Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), 2019

• UIUC Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research, 2018

• Office of Naval Research, Director of Research Early Career Grant, 2017

• UIUC Engineering Council Award for Excellence in Advising, 2017

• Elevation to Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Feb 2016

• Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Award, 2015

• List of Teachers Ranked Excellent by their Students at UIUC, Fall 2012 and Spring 2018

• Ontario Professional Engineers Foundation for Education Gold Medal, 2005

• Provost’s Honor Roll, McMaster University, 2003 – 2004

• Dean’s Honor List, McMaster University, 2002 – 2005

• Dr. H. L. Hooker Scholarship, McMaster University, 2003 and 2004

• Finalist, Computer Science, 50th Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, Philadelphia, 1999.
Member of the first team representing India at the competition.


• Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) M’09, S’16
• Member, Optical Society of America (OSA) 2010 – Present
• Member, SPIE 2010 – Present
• Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2016 – Present


• Editorial Advisory Board for APL Photonics, Jan 2019 – Dec 2021 (3 year term).

• Guest editor of Focus Collection on “Stimulated Brillouin Scattering” at the New Journal of Physics in 2015.

• Organizing committee for Transducer Research Foundation Microsystems Workshop, Napa, CA, Aug
• Steering committee for Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering (WOMBAT), 2015
• On TPC for SPIE Photonics West - Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control, 2015 onwards.
• On TPC for IEEE Sensors Conference 2014, Valencia, Spain, Nov 2014.
• On TPC for IEEE Sensors Conference 2013, Baltimore, MD, Nov 2013.

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl


• NPG – Nature, Nature Photonics, Nature Physics, Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, Microsystems
and Nanoengineering
• AAAS – Science Advances
• NAS – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
• OSA – Optica, Optics Letters, Optics Express
• AIP – Applies Physics Letters (APL), APL Photonics (APL-P), Journal of Applied Physics (JAP)
• Wiley - Laser & Photonics Reviews, Advanced Materials
• IOP – New Journal of Physics (NJP)
• ACS - ACS Photonics, Analytical Chemistry
• IEEE - Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics (JSTQE), Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (AWPL),
Transactions on Control System Technology (TCST), Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (JMEMS),
IEEE Photonics Journal, Sensors Letters, Trans. on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (UFFC)
• Others - Journal of Visualized Experiments, European Physical Journal


• External Reviewer, Air Force Office for Scientific Research (AFOSR) Dec. 2015
Young Investigator Program 2016, Lasers & Optical Physics, Program Manager: Dr. John Luginsland

• External Reviewer, National Science Foundation DMR (Division of Materials Research) Mar. 2013
EPM Program (Electronic and Photonic Materials), Program Manager: Dr. Charles Ying

• Panel Reviewer, National Science Foundation ECCS (Electrical, Communications and Feb. 2013
Cyber Systems) CCSS Program (Communications, Circuits, and Sensing Systems)
Program Manager: Dr. Massoud Tabib Azar.


• Reviewer, UIUC College of Engineering Strategic Research Initiative (SRI) Program Nov. 2016
• Reviewer, UIUC Electrical and Computer Engineering Yang Award July 2016
• Reviewer, UIUC Campus panel for Lindau-Nobel Travel Awards Sept.. 2018


• Session Chair – Novel Microresonator Optics II – at Laser Resonators, Microresonators, Feb. 2016
and Beam Control XVIII, SPIE Photonics West.
• Session Chair – Sensing Techniques – at IEEE Sensors 2013 Nov. 2013
• Session Chair – Optomechanics II - at Frontiers in Optics 2011 / Laser Science XXVII Oct. 2011


• “Breaking optical symmetry with sound,” featured as a top-30 development in optics in the “Optics in 2018”
special issue of Optical Society of America (OSA) Optics and Photonics News, Dec 2018.

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl

• “Experimental Observation of Brillouin Cooling” featured as a top-30 development in optics in the “Optics in
2012” special issue of Optical Society of America (OSA) Optics and Photonics News, Dec 2012.

• “Bridging Two Worlds: Microfluidic Optomechanics” featured as a top-30 development in optics in the
“Optics in 2013” special issue of Optical Society of America (OSA) Optics and Photonics News, Dec 2013.



1. S. Kim, J.M. Taylor, G. Bahl, "Dynamic suppression of Rayleigh light scattering in dielectric resonators,"
arXiv:1803.02366, 2019.

2. I. H. Grinberg, M. Lin, C. Harris, W. A. Benalcazar, C. W. Peterson, T. L. Hughes, G. Bahl, "Robust temporal

pumping in a magneto-mechanical topological insulator," arXiv:1905.02778, 2019.


1. C. W. Peterson, W. A. Benalcazar, M. Lin, T. L. Hughes, G. Bahl, "Strong nonreciprocity in modulated resonator

chains through synthetic electric and magnetic fields," arXiv:1903.07408 (accepted for publication in Physical
Review Letters, 2019.

2. I.H. Grinberg, A. Mangu, C.W. Peterson, E. Wilken-Resman, J.T. Bernhard, G. Bahl, “Magnetostatic spring
softening and stiffening in magneto-mechanical resonator systems,” IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,
doi:10.1109/TMAG.2019.2906864, 2019.

3. K. Han, J. Suh, G. Bahl, "Optomechanical non-contact measurement of microparticle compressibility in liquids,"

Optics Express 26(24), pp. 31908-31916, 2018.

4. C.W. Peterson, S. Kim, J.T. Bernhard, G. Bahl, “Reconfigurable arbitrary nonreciprocal transfer functions
through nonreciprocal coupling,” Science Advances 4(6), eaat0232, doi:10.1126/sciadv.aat0232, 2018.

5. Y.-C. Chen, I. Ghosh, A. Schleife, P.S. Carney, G. Bahl, “Optimization of anisotropic photonic density of states for
Raman cooling,” Phys. Rev. A 97, 043835, 2018.

6. C.W. Peterson, W.A. Benalcazar, T.L. Hughes, G. Bahl, "Demonstration of a quantized microwave quadrupole
insulator with topologically protected corner states," Nature, 555, pp.346–350, doi:10.1038/nature25777 ,

7. D.B. Sohn, S. Kim, G. Bahl, "Time-reversal symmetry breaking with acoustic pumping of nanophotonic circuits,"
Nature Photonics, 12, pp.91-97, Feb 2018. * Cover article for Feb 2018 issue.

8. J. Suh, K. Han, G. Bahl, "Imaging of acoustic pressure modes in opto-mechano-fluidic resonators with a single
particle probe," Applied Physics Letters, 112, 071106, 2018.

9. S. Kim, X. Xu, J.M. Taylor, G. Bahl, “Dynamically induced robust phonon transport and chiral cooling in an
optomechanical system,” Nature Communications, 8, 205, doi:10.1038/s41467-017-00247-7, 2017.

10. J. Kim*, S. Kim*, G. Bahl [* = equal contribution], “Complete linear optical isolation at the microscale with
ultralow loss,” Scientific Reports, 7:1647, 2017.

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl

11. S. Kim, G. Bahl, “Role of Optical Density of States in Two-Mode Optomechanical Cooling,” Optics Express
25(2), pp.776-784, 2017.

12. J. Suh, K. Han, C.W. Peterson, G. Bahl “Real-time sensing of flowing nanoparticles with electro-opto-
mechanics,” APL Photonics 2, 010801, doi:10.1063/1.4972299, 2017.

13. Y-C. Chen, S. Kim, G. Bahl, "Brillouin Cooling in a Linear Waveguide," New Journal of Physics, 18, 115004,
doi:10.1088/1367-2630/18/11/115004, 2016.

14. H. Keum, Z. Yang, K. Han, D.E. Handler, T.N. Nguyen, J. Schutt-Aine, G. Bahl, S. Kim, "Lego-like Microassembly
of Heterogeneous Materials for 3D microsystems," Scientific Reports, vol.6, 29925, doi:10.1038/srep29925,

15. G. Bahl, “Raman Cooling in a semiconductor,” Nature Photonics 10, pp.566-567, doi:10.1038/nphoton.
2016.142, July 2016.

16. K. Han, J. Kim, G. Bahl, "High-Throughput Long-Range Photonic Sensing of Flowing Microparticles with Opto-
mechano-fluidics," Optica 3(6), p.585-591, 2016. * Cover article for June 2016 issue of Optica

17. K. Zhang, K. Han, S. Shi, G. Bahl, S. Tawfick, "Highly stretchable conductors made by laser draw-casting of
ultralong metal nanowires," Advanced Electronic Materials, 1600003, doi:10.1002/aelm/201600003, 2016.

18. N. Dostart, S. Kim, G. Bahl, "Giant Gain Enhancement in Surface-Confined Resonant Stimulated Brillouin
Scattering," Laser & Photonics Reviews, doi:10.1002/lpor.201500141, October 2015.

19. Y.C. Chen, G. Bahl, “Raman Cooling of Solids through Photonic Density of States Engineering,” Optica 2(10),
pp.893-899, October 2015.

20. J. Kim, M. Kuzyk, K. Han, H. Wang, G. Bahl, "Non-reciprocal Brillouin scattering induced transparency,"
Nature Physics 11, pp.275-280, doi:10.1038/nphys3236, 2015.

21. M.R. Gartia, S. Seo, J. Kim, T.-W. Chang, G. Bahl, M. Lu, G.L. Liu, J.G. Eden, “Injection-seeded optoplasmonic
amplifier in the visible,” Scientific Reports, vol.4, 6168, doi:10.1038/srep06168, 2014.

22. K. Zhu, K. Han, T. Carmon, X. Fan, G. Bahl, "Opto-Acoustic Biosensing with Optomechanofluidic Resonators ,"
European Physical Journal Special Topics, 223, 1937-1947, 2014.

23. K. Han, K. Zhu, G. Bahl, “Opto-Mechano-Fluidic Viscometer,” Applied Physics Letters, 105, 024103, 2014.

24. K. Han, K. H. Kim, J. Kim, W. Lee, J. Liu, X. Fan, T. Carmon, and G. Bahl, “Fabrication and testing of microfluidic
optomechanical oscillators,” Journal of Visualized Experiments, vol.87, e51497, doi:10.3791.51497, 2014.

25. K. Han, J. Kim, G. Bahl, “Aerostatically tunable optomechanical oscillators,” Optics Express, vol. 22, issue 2,
pp. 1267-1276, 2014.

26. G. Bahl, K. H. Kim, W. Lee, J. Liu, X. Fan, T. Carmon, "Brillouin cavity optomechanics with microfluidic devices,"
Nature Communications, 4:1994, doi:10.1038/ncomms2994, 2013.

27. K. H. Kim*, G. Bahl*, W. Lee, J. Liu, M. Tomes, X. Fan, T. Carmon [* = equal contribution], "Cavity
optomechanics on a microfluidic resonator with water and viscous liquids," Light: Science and Applications,
2, e110, doi:10.1038/lsa.2013.66, 2013.

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl

28. G. Bahl, X. Fan, T. Carmon, “Acoustic whispering gallery modes in optomechanical shells,” New Journal of
Physics, vol.14, 115026, 2012.

29. G. Bahl, M. Tomes, F. Marquardt, and T. Carmon, “Observation of Spontaneous Brillouin Cooling,” Nature
Physics, doi:10.1038/nphys2206, 2012.

30. M. Tomes, F. Marquardt, G. Bahl, T. Carmon, “Quantum mechanical theory of optomechanical Brillouin
cooling,” Physical Review A, 84, 063806, 2011.

31. G. Bahl, J. Zehnpfennig, M. Tomes, T. Carmon, “Stimulated Optomechanical Excitation of Surface Acoustic
Waves in a Microdevice,” Nature Communications, 2:403, doi:10.1038/ncomms1412, 2011.

32. J. Zehnpfennig, G. Bahl, M. Tomes, T. Carmon, “Surface Optomechanics: Calculating optically excited acoustical
whispering gallery modes in microspheres,” Optics Express, Vol. 19, pp.14240-8, 2011.

33. G. Bahl, J. Salvia, R. Melamud, B. Kim, R.T. Howe, and T. W. Kenny, “AC Polarization for Charge-Drift
Elimination in Resonant Electrostatic MEMS and Oscillators,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems,
Vol. 20, No. 2, April 2011.

34. S. Yoneoka, J. Salvia, G. Bahl, R. Melamud, S. A. Chandorkar, and T. W. Kenny, “Active Electrostatic
Compensation of Micromechanical Resonators Under Random Vibrations,” JMEMS Letters, Vol. 19, No. 5,
October 2010.

35. G. Bahl, R. Melamud, B. Kim, S. A. Chandorkar, J. Salvia, M. A. Hopcroft, D. Elata, R. G. Hennessy, R. N. Candler,
R.T. Howe, and T. W. Kenny, “Model and observations of dielectric charge in thermally oxidized silicon
resonators,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, Vol. 19, No. 1, Feb 2010.

36. R. Melamud, S. A. Chandorkar, B. Kim, H. K. Lee, J. Salvia, G. Bahl, M. A. Hopcroft, and T. W. Kenny,
“Temperature Insensitive Composite Micromechanical Resonators,” Journal of Microelectromechanical
Systems, Vol. 18, No. 6, Dec 2009.

37. M. Agarwal, S. A. Chandorkar, H. Mehta, R. N. Candler, B. Kim, M. A. Hopcroft, R. Melamud, C. M. Jha, G. Bahl, G.
Yama, T. W. Kenny, and B. Murmann, “A study of electrostatic force nonlinearities in resonant
microstructures,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 92, pp. 104106-3, 2008.

38. M. Agarwal, H. Mehta, R. N. Candler, S. A. Chandorkar, B. Kim, M. A. Hopcroft, R. Melamud, G. Bahl, G. Yama, T.
W. Kenny and B. Murmann, “Scaling of A-f nonlinearities in electrostatically transduced microresonators,”
Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 102, p. 74903, 2007.

39. C. M. Jha, G. Bahl, R. Melamud, S. A. Chandorkar, M. A. Hopcroft, B. Kim, M. Agarwal, J. Salvia, H. Mehta, and T.
W. Kenny, “High resolution microresonator-based digital temperature sensor,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol.
91, p. 74101, 2007.

40. M. A. Hopcroft, B. Kim, S. Chandorkar, R. Melamud, M. Agarwal, C. M. Jha, G. Bahl, J. Salvia, H. Mehta, H. K. Lee,
R. N. Candler, and T. W. Kenny, “Using the temperature dependence of resonator quality factor as a
thermometer,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91, p. 013505, 2007.

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl


1. I. Grinberg, J. Kim, G. Bahl, “Eigenmode Optimization and Topologically Protected States in Magneto-
Mechanical ULF Transmitter Arrays,” at Solid State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton
Head Island, SC, June 2018.

2. I. Grinberg, M. Lin, W. Benalcazar, T. Hughes, G. Bahl, "Magneto-Mechanical Topological Lego," at APS March
Meeting, Los Angeles, 2018.

3. C. Peterson, W. Benalcazar, T. Hughes, G. Bahl, "Measurement of topologically protected corner states in a

microwave metamaterial quadrupole insulator," at APS March Meeting, Los Angeles, 2018.

4. J. Suh, K. Han, and G. Bahl, “Imaging of acoustic pressure field in opto-mechano-fluidic resonators with a single
particle probe,” Frontiers in Optics 2017, Washington DC, Sept 2017.

5. S. Kim., X. Xu, J.M. Taylor, and G. Bahl, “Optomechanical cooling without added damping,” Frontiers in Optics
2017, Washington DC, Sept 2017.

6. C.W. Peterson, J.T. Bernhard, and G. Bahl, "Nonreciprocal zero-transmission filters through nonreciprocal
coupling to resonators," International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), Besancon, France, July 2017.

7. D. Sohn, S. Kim, and G. Bahl, "Piezo-optomechanical nonreciprocal modulator," Workshop on Optomechanics

and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technology (WOMBAT), Besancon, France, July

8. D. Sohn, J. Kim, S. Kim, and G. Bahl, "Non-reciprocal Optomechanical Modulator," Conference on Lasers and
Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, May 2017.

9. Y.-C. Chen, I. Ghosh, G. Bahl, “Optimization of anisotropic photonic density of states for Raman laser cooling,”
at SPIE Photonics West (Optical and Electronic Cooling of Solids II), Feb 2017.

10. J. Suh, K. Han, C.W. Peterson, G. Bahl, “High-throughput real-time sensing with microfluidic electro-opto-
mechanical resonators,” at SPIE Photonics West, Feb 2017.

11. S. Kim, X. Xu, J.M.Taylor, G. Bahl, "Dynamically induced chiral phonon transport in an optomechanical
system," at Nanometa 2017, Seefeld, Austria, Jan 2017.

12. C.W. Peterson, J.T. Bernhard, G. Bahl, "Toward lossless nonreciprocity through spatiotemporal modulation,"
at Nanometa 2017, Seefeld, Austria, Jan 2017.

13. J. Kim, S. Kim, G. Bahl, "Ultralow loss optical isolation in silica microresonators," at Nanometa 2017, Seefeld,
Austria, Jan 2017.

14. D. Sohn, J. Kim, G. Bahl, “Ultrahigh-Q Silica-AlN Hybrid Disk Optomechanical Modulator,” IEEE MEMS 2017,
Las Vegas, Jan 2017.

15. K. Han, J. Kim, and G. Bahl, "Opto-Mechano-Fluidic MEMS for Extremely High-Throughput Photonic Sensing
of Flowing Microparticles," at Solid State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head Island,
SC, June 2016.

16. Y.-C. Chen, G. Bahl, "Raman cooling in silicon photonic crystals," at SPIE Photonics West (Optical and
Electronic Cooling of Solids), San Francisco CA, Feb 2016.

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl

17. Y.-C. Chen, G. Bahl, “Raman Cooling of Solids through Density of States Engineering,” at Frontiers in Optics,
San Jose, CA, Oct 2015.

18. K. Han, J. Kim, G. Bahl, “Towards High-Throughput Opto-Mechanical Flow Cytometry,” at Frontiers in Optics,
San Jose, CA, Oct 2015.

19. J. Kim, M. Kuzyk, K. Han, H. Wang, G. Bahl, “Magnet-Free Linear Nonreciprocity in Brillouin Systems,” at 8th
International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), Materials Research Society of
Singapore (MRS-S), Symposium F: Emerging Infrared Technologies and Applications, June 2015.

20. K. Zhang, S. Shi, K. Han, G. Bahl, S. Tawfick, "Flexible Transparent Conductor/Strain Sensors from Downsizing
Traditional Metallic Wires to the Nanoscale", MRS Conference Spring, April 2015.

21. J. Kim, M. Kuzyk, K. Han, H. Wang, G. Bahl, "Observation of optical non-reciprocity in a Brillouin
optomechanical system," at SPIE Photonics West (Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control
XVII), San Francisco CA, Feb 2015.

22. Ng, E., Y. Yang, V.A. Hong, C.H. Ahn, D.B. Heinz, I. Flader, Y. Chen, C.L.M. Everhart, B. Kim, R. Melamud, R.N.
Candler, M.A. Hopcroft, J.C. Salvia, S. Yoneoka, A.B. Graham, M. Agarwal, M.W. Messana, K.L. Chen, H.K. Lee, S.
Wang, G. Bahl, V. Qu, C.F. Chiang, T.W. Kenny, A. Partridge, M. Lutz, G. Yama, and G.J. O'Brien, "The long path
from MEMS resonators to timing products," Proc. 28th IEEE MEMS 2015, Estoril, Portugal, 18-22 Jan 2015.

23. J. Kim, M. Kuzyk, K. Han, H. Wang, G. Bahl, "Magnet-free Non-reciprocity Demonstrated with Brillouin
Scattering Induced Transparency," Postdeadline paper at Frontiers in Optics, Tucson AZ, Oct 2014.

24. J. Kim, M. Kuzyk, K. Han, H. Wang, G. Bahl, “Observation of Brillouin Scattering Induced Transparency in a
Silica Microsphere Resonator,” at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO:2014), June 2014.

25. M.R. Gartia, S. Seo, J. Kim, T. Chang, G. Bahl, M. Lu, J.G. Eden, G. Liu, “Injection-Seeded Optoplasmonic
Amplifier in the Visible,” at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO:2014), June 2014.

26. K. Han, K. Zhu, G. Bahl, “Optomechanical Viscometer,” Solid State Sensors Actuators and Microsystems
Workshop, Hilton Head Island, SC, June 2014.

27. G. Bahl, K.H. Kim, W. Lee, J. Liu, X. Fan, T. Carmon, “Brillouin cavity optomechanics with microfluidic devices
(invited),” SPIE Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XVI (Photonics West), San Francisco,
CA, January 2014.

28. K. Han, J. H. Kim, G. Bahl, "Radiation driven optomechanical pressure sensor," Frontiers in Optics 2013/Laser
Science XXIX, Orlando, FL, Oct 2013.

29. K.H. Kim, G. Bahl, W. Lee, J. Liu, M. Tomes, X. Fan, T. Carmon, "Microfluidic Optomechanics," Frontiers in
Optics 2013/Laser Science XXIX, Orlando, FL, Oct 2013. [Winner of Emil Wolf Best Student Paper Award]

30. G. Bahl, K. H. Kim, W. Lee, J. Liu, X. Fan, and T. Carmon, "Brillouin actuation of whispering-gallery modes in
microfluidic optomechanical oscillators," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose CA, June
9-14, 2013.

31. G. Bahl, M. Tomes, F. Marquardt, and T. Carmon, "Observation of Spontaneous Brillouin Cooling (invited)," at
Phonons 2012, Ann Arbor, MI, USA, July 8-12, 2012.

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl

32. G. Bahl, K. H. Kim, W. Lee, J. Liu, X. Fan, and T. Carmon, "Microfluidic Optomechanical Oscillators," at the
Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head Island, SC, USA, June 3-7, 2012.

33. G. Bahl, M. Tomes, F. Marquardt, and T. Carmon, “Observation of Brillouin Cooling (invited),” at Conference
on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO:2012), San Jose, CA, USA, May 2012.

34. G. Bahl, M. Tomes, F. Marquardt, and T. Carmon, “Optical filtering of Stokes lines for cooling (invited),” at
SPIE Laser Refrigeration of Solids V (Photonics West), San Francisco, CA, USA, January 2012.

35. G. Bahl, M. Tomes, F. Marquardt, and T. Carmon, “Observation of Brillouin Cooling,” at Frontiers in Optics
2011, San Jose, CA, USA, Oct 16-20 2011.

36. G. Bahl, J. Zehnpfennig, M. Tomes, and T. Carmon, “Characterization of Surface Acoustic Wave
Optomechanical Oscillators,” at the International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS 2011), San Francisco,
CA, May 2011.

37. G. Bahl, J. Zehnpfennig, M. Tomes, and T. Carmon, “Surface Optomechanics: Observation of Surface Acoustic
Resonances in Whispering Gallery Resonators,” at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2011),
Baltimore, MD, USA, May 2011.

38. J. Zehnpfennig, G. Bahl, M. Tomes, and T. Carmon, “Surface Optomechanics: Observation of Surface Acoustic
Resonances,” at Frontiers in Optics 2010, Rochester, NY, USA, Oct 24-28, 2010.

39. G. Bahl, J. Salvia, H. K. Lee, R. Melamud, B. Kim, R.T. Howe, and T. W. Kenny, “Heterodyned Electrostatic
Transduction Oscillators Evade Low Frequency Noise Aliasing,” at Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and
Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head 2010, Hilton Head, SC, USA, 2010.

40. H. K. Lee, J. Salvia, S. Yoneoka, G. Bahl, Y. Q. Qu, R. Melamud, S. Chandorkar, M. A. Hopcroft, B. Kim, and T. W.
Kenny, “Stable Oscillation of MEMS Resonators Beyond the Critical Bifurcation Limit,” at Solid-State Sensors,
Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head 2010, Hilton Head, SC, USA, 2010.

41. G. Bahl, J. Salvia, I. Bargatin, S. Yoneoka, R. Melamud, B. Kim, S. Chandorkar, M. A. Hopcroft, R. Bahl, R. T.
Howe, and T. W. Kenny, “Charge-Drift Elimination in Resonant Electrostatic MEMS,” in Proc. 23rd IEEE MEMS
2010, Hong Kong, China, Jan. 24-28, 2010.

42. S. Yoneoka, Y. Q. Qu, S. Wang, M. W. Messana, A. B. Graham, J. Salvia, B. Kim, R. Melamud, G. Bahl, and T. W.
Kenny, “High-Cyclic Fatigue Experiments of Single Crystal Silicon in an Oxygen-Free Environment,” in Proc.
23rd IEEE MEMS 2010, Hong Kong, China, Jan. 24-28, 2010.

43. H. K. Lee, J. Salvia, G. Bahl, R. Melamud, S. Yoneoka, Y. Q. Qu, S. Chandorkar, M. A. Hopcroft, B. Kim, and T. W.
Kenny, “Influence of the Temperature Dependent A-f Effect on the Design and Performance of MEMS
Oscillators,” in Proc. 23rd IEEE MEMS 2010, Hong Kong, China, Jan. 24-28, 2010.

44. H. K. Lee, S. Yoneoka, G. Bahl, J. Salvia, Y. Q. Qu, R. Melamud, S. Chandorkar, B. Kim, M. A. Hopcroft, and T. W.
Kenny, “A Novel Characterization Method for Temperature Compensation of Composite Resonators,” in Proc.
23rd IEEE MEMS 2010, Hong Kong, China, Jan. 24-28, 2010.

45. G. Bahl, R. G. Walmsley, B. E. DeMartini, K. L. Turner, and P. G. Hartwell, “Passivated Electrode Actuator with
Stable Resonance Amplitude,” in Proc. 22nd IEEE MEMS 2009, Sorrento, Italy, Jan. 25-29, 2009.

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl

46. S. Yoneoka, G. Bahl, J. Salvia, K. L. Chen, A. B. Graham, H. K. Lee, G. Yama, R. N. Candler, and T. W. Kenny,
“Acceleration Compensation of MEMS Resonators Using Electrostatic Tuning,” in Proc. 22nd IEEE MEMS 2009,
Sorrento, Italy, Jan. 25-29, 2009.

47. J. Salvia, M. Messana, M. Ohline, M. A. Hopcroft, R. Melamud, S. Chandorkar, H. K. Lee, G. Bahl, B. Murmann,
T.W. Kenny, “Exploring the Limits and Practicality of Q-Based Temperature Compensation for Silicon
Resonators,” in Technical Digest 2008 International Electron Devices Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, pp.
671-674, December 15-17, 2008.

48. G. Bahl, R. N. Candler, R. Hennessy, D. Elata, R. Melamud, S. Chandorkar, B. Kim, M. Hopcroft, J. Salvia, C. M.
Jha, S. Yoneoka, G. Yama, R. T. Howe, and T. W. Kenny, “Observation of Fixed and Mobile Charge in Composite
MEMS Resonators,” in Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head 2008, Hilton
Head, SC, USA, pp 102-105, 2008.

49. C. M. Jha, G. Bahl, R. Melamud, S. A. Chandorkar, M. A. Hopcroft, B. Kim, M. Agarwal, J. Salvia, H. Mehta, and T.
W. Kenny, “CMOS-Compatible Dual-Resonator MEMS Temperature Sensor with Millidegree Accuracy,” in
Transducers’07, Lyon France, Vol. 1, pp. 229-232, 2007.

50. B. Kim, R. Melamud, M. A. Hopcroft, S. A. Chandorkar, M. Agarwal, G. Bahl, M. Messana, R. N. Candler, G. Yama,
and T. W. Kenny, “Si-SiO2 Composite MEMS Resonators in CMOS Compatible Wafer-scale Thin-film
Encapsulation,” in IEEE Frequency Control Symposium, Geneva, Switzerland, 2007.

51. M. A. Hopcroft, H. K. Lee, B. Kim, R. Melamud, S. A. Chandorkar, M. Agarwal, C. M. Jha, J. Salvia, G. Bahl, H.
Mehta, and T. W. Kenny, “A High-Stability MEMS Frequency Reference,” in Transducers'07, Lyon France, vol.
2, pp. 1307-1310, 2007.

52. M. Agarwal, H. Mehta, R. N. Candler, S. Chandorkar, B. Kim, M. A. Hopcroft, R. Melamud, G. Bahl, G. Yama, T. W.
Kenny, and B. Murmann, “Impact of Miniaturization of the Current Handling of Electrostatic MEMS
Resonators,” in Proc. 20th IEEE MEMS 2007, Kobe, Japan, pp. 783-786, 2007.

53. S. Chandorkar, H. Mehta, M. Agarwal, M. A. Hopcroft, R. N. Candler, G. Yama, G. Bahl, B. Kim, R. Melamud, K. E.
Goodson, and T. W. Kenny, “Non-Isothermal Micromechanical Resonators,” in Proc. 20th IEEE MEMS 2007,
Kobe, Japan, pp. 211-214, 2007.

54. S. Dumitrescu, X. Wu, and G. Bahl, “Fast Algorithms for Optimal Two-Description Scalar Quantizer Design,” in
Data Compression Conference (DCC 2004), pp.42-51, 2004.


1. D. Sohn, S. Kim, G. Bahl, "Breaking optical symmetry with sound," Optics and Photonics News, "Optics in 2018",
to appear, December 2018.

2. G. Bahl, K.H. Kim, W. Lee, J. Liu, M. Tomes, X. Fan, and T. Carmon, "Bridging two worlds: Microfluidic
optomechanics," Optics and Photonics News, "Optics in 2013", Vol. 24, Issue 12, p.39 (2013).

3. G. Bahl, M. Tomes, F. Marquardt, and T. Carmon, "Experimental observation of spontaneous Brillouin cooling,"
Optics and Photonics News, "Optics in 2012", Vol. 23, Issue 12, p.43 (2012).

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl

1. G. Bahl, "Microfluidic Optomechanics," Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology, Ed: Bharat Bhushan, Dordrecht:
Springer Netherlands, 2015. ISBN: 978-94-007-6178-0 (invited)

2. G. Bahl and T. Carmon, "Brillouin Optomechanics," Cavity Optomechanics, Eds: Markus Aspelmeyer, Tobias
Kippenberg, Florian Marquardt, Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, 2014. ISBN:978-3-642-55312-7 (invited)


1. US Patent # 9,594,257. Mar 14, 2017. System and Method for Brillouin Scattering Induced Transparency.
Authors: Gaurav Bahl, JunHwan Kim, Hailin Wang, Mark Kuzyk. (UIUC OTM# TF14123-PRO, Provisional
patent: 62/064,648. Oct 16, 2014).

2. Provisional Patent: 62/104,391. Jan 16, 2015. System and method for linear non-reciprocal communication
and isolation. Authors: Gaurav Bahl. (UIUC OTM# TF14137-PRO)

3. Provisional Patent: 62/234,182. Sept 29, 2015. System and Method for Nano-Opto-Mechanical-Fluidic Sensing
of Particles. Authors: Gaurav Bahl, Kewen Han. (UIUC OTM# UIUC2015-086)

4. Provisional Patent: 62/234,178. Sept 29, 2015. System and Method for High-Throughput, Optomechanical
Flow Cytometry. Authors: Gaurav Bahl, Kewen Han. (UIUC OTM# UIUC2015-087)

5. Disclosure filed with UIUC. Oct 7, 2016. Real-time sensing of flowing nanoparticles with electro-opto-
mechanics. (OTM# UIUC2016-214)


1. Keynote speaker at Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals Applications and
Technologies (WOMBAT) at The University of Sydney, July 2015. Hosted by Prof. Benjamin Eggleton and
Prof. Christopher Poulton.

2. Plenary speaker at IONS Midwest Conference at Purdue University Discovery Park. Aug 2-3, 2018.


1. “Brillouin optomechanical systems” at IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS), New
Orleans, May 2016. Host: Prof. Gianluca Piazza.

2. “Cavity optomechanics: Theory and phenomenology,” Tutorial at Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin
Scattering: Fundamentals Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT) at The University of Sydney, July 2015.
Invited by Prof. Benjamin Eggleton and Prof. Christopher Poulton.

3. "Optomechanical sensors and actuators," a 90-minute tutorial session at IEEE Sensors 2013 in Baltimore,
November 3rd, 2013. Invited by Prof. Masood Tabib-Azar.

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl

1. "Non-reciprocal photonics with optomechanical resonator systems" at CREOL The College of Optics and
Photonics, University of Central Florida, 17 Jan 2019. Host: Prof. Mercedeh Khajavikhan.

2. "Reconfigurable nonreciprocal acoustics and topological phases in spatiotemporally modulated media," at

EFRI Grantees Meeting, San Diego, 17-19 Oct 2018.

3. "Demonstration of a microwave-frequency quadrupole topological insulator with topologically protected

corner states," at Nature Conference on Topological Photonics - From Concepts to Devices, at Washington
University in St. Louis, Nov 11-13th 2018. Host: Prof. Lan Yang.

4. "Non-magnetic reconfigurable optical isolators for cold-atom microsystems" at Midwest Cold Atoms
Workshop (MCAW) at UIUC, 10 Nov 2018. Host: Prof. Bryce Gadway.

5. “Chirality and nonreciprocity in optomechanical resonator systems,” at IEEE Summer Topicals Meeting: Non-
Hermitian and Topological Photonics (NTP), Waikoloa, Hawaii, 10 July 2018. Host: Prof. Mikael Rechtsman.

6. "Extremely high-throughput nanoparticle detection with opto-mechano-fluidics", at Gordon Research

Conference on Lasers in Micro, Nano and Bio Systems, 17-22 June 2018. Host: Prof. Xudong Fan and Prof.
Seok-Hyun Yun.

7. "Non-reciprocal photonics with optomechanical resonator systems," at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,
IEEE EDS Seminar, New Delhi, India, 21 March, 2018. Host: Dr. Samaresh Das.

8. “Chirality and nonreciprocity in optomechanical resonator systems,” at Gordon Research Conference on

Mechanical Systems in the Quantum Regime, Feb 25 - Mar 2, 2018. Host: Dr. John Teufel and Prof. Markus

9. “Non-reciprocal and chiral acoustics in optomechanical systems,” at International Congress on Ultrasonics,

Hawaii, Dec 2017. Host: Prof. Vincent Laude.

10. "Non-reciprocal photonics and acoustics with optomechanical resonator systems," at Army Research Lab,
Adelphi, MD, Nov 13th 2017. Host: Dr. Robert Benoit.

11. "Chirality and nonreciprocity in optomechanical resonator systems," at University of North Texas, Physics
Colloquium, Oct 31st 2017. Host: Prof. Arup Neogi.

12. "Chirality and nonreciprocity in optomechanical resonator systems," at Banff International Research Station
for Mathematical Innovation and Discovery (BIRS) Photonic Topological Insulators Workshop, in Banff,
Canada, Sept 2017. Host: Prof. Mikael Rechtsman.

13. "Nonreciprocity and chirality in optomechanical resonators," at 2017 Napa Institute Microsystems
Workshop sponsored by the Transducers Research Foundation (TRF), Aug 2017. Hosts: Prof. Sunil Bhave
and Prof. David Horsley.

14. "Exploring nonreciprocity and high throughput sensing with optomechanical interactions," at Atominstitut,
TU Wien, Vienna, Austria, July 2017. Host: Prof. Arno Rauschenbeutel.

15. "Brillouin Optomechanics in Microresonators," at OSA Incubator on Materials for Optomechanical Actuation,
June 2017. Host: Dr. Antti Makinen (Office of Naval Research).

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl

16. "Exploring nonreciprocity and induced chirality for light and sound with opto-mechanical coupling in fiber
resonators," at ONNA: Optical Nanofibre Applications 2017 at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology
(OIST), Japan. June 2017. Host: Prof. Sile Nic Chormaic.

17. "Exploring nonreciprocity and high-throughput nanoparticle sensing with opto-mechanical interactions,"
Cornell University Electron Devices Society (EDS) seminar series, 24th Feb 2017. Host: Prof. Amit Lal.

18. "Nonreciprocal slow and fast light with whispering gallery optomechanics" at SPIE Photonics West (OE122),
San Francisco CA, 28 Jan - 2 Feb 2017. Host: Prof. Selim Shahriar.

19. “Ultra-high throughput microfluidic optomechanical sensors” at SPIE Photonics West (OE114), San
Francisco CA, Feb 2017. Host: Dr. Giuseppe Leo.

20. “Exploring optical isolation with silica microresonators” at SPIE Photonics West (LA203), San Francisco CA,
Feb 2017. Host: Dr. Vladimir Ilchenko.

21. “Exploring optical isolation and nonreciprocity with resonators” at SPIE Photonics West (OE109), San
Francisco CA, Feb 2017. Host: Prof. Xudong Fan.

22. "Exploring nonreciprocity and induced chirality for light and sound with opto-mechanical microresonators,"
Stanford University Ginzton Lab Optics & Electronics Seminar, 31st Oct 2016. Host: Dr. Jonathan Fan.

23. "Exploring nonreciprocity and induced chirality for light and sound with opto-mechanical microresonators,"
MIT Micro-Nano Seminar, 26th Oct 2016. Host: Dr. Nicholas X. Fang

24. “Exploring nonreciprocity and high-throughput sensing with optomechanical interactions,” Special AMO
seminar, Northwestern University Department of Physics. 31 May 2016. Host: Prof. Selim Shahriar.

25. "Brillouin optomechanics and optomechanofluidics." seminar at Lehigh University Physics Department
Colloquium. 28 April 2016. Host: Prof. Jean Toulouse.

26. "Brillouin and Raman cooling in resonant and non-resonant systems," at SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco
CA, 13-18 February 2016. Host: Prof. Denis Seletskiy.

27. "Slow and fast light through Brillouin Scattering Induced Transparency," at SPIE Photonics West, San
Francisco CA, 13-18 February 2016. Host: Prof. Selim Shahriar.

28. "Nonreciprocal transparency and isolation with WGRs," at IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), Reston VA, 4-8
October 2015. Host: Dr. Andrey Matsko.

29. "Nonreciprocal transparency and isolation with whispering-gallery resonators," at DARPA MTO Workshop
on Emerging Nonreciprocal Technologies for RF Devices and Systems, 5th October 2015. Host: Dr. Troy

30. "Optomechanics and light-vibration interactions : Research and outreach at the Bahl Research Group," at the
UIUC Illinois Scholars Undergraduate Research Program (ISUR) fall luncheon, 16 Sept 2015. Host: Dr.
Natasha Mamaril.

31. "Brillouin Optomechanics, Nonreciprocity, and Opto-Mechano-Fluidics," UIUC Condensed Matter Physics
seminar, 4th September 2015. Host: Dr. Lucas Wagner.

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl

32. “Brillouin Optomechanics, Brillouin Cooling, and Raman Cooling,” at 8th International Conference on
Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S),
Symposium: Laser cooling of solids and optical refrigeration, June 2015. Host: Prof. Qihua Xiong.

33. Invited speaker at Nanyang Technological University, School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, in
Singapore, 30th June 2015. Host: Prof. Qihua Xiong.

34. Speaker for the MolES Nanotechnology Seminar Series organized by the Molecular Engineering and Sciences
Institute at the University of Washington, 31 March 2015. Hosted by Prof. Karl Bohringer.

35. "Brillouin Optomechanics," at Nano-EP Seminar Series at UIUC, November 10th 2014.

36. "Brillouin Optomechanical Systems and Optomechanical Non-Reciprocity," at Oklahoma State University
(Physics Department colloquium), October 9th, 2014. Hosted by Prof. Girish Agarwal.

37. "Microfluidic optomechanics," Photonics West 2014, LASE symposium, February 2014. Host: Dr. Vlaldimir

38. "OptoMechanoFluidic Sensors," at IEEE Sensors 2013 in Baltimore, November 4th, 2013. Host: Prof. Yogesh

39. “Observation of spontaneous Brillouin cooling,” at Phonons 2012, Ann Arbor, MI, July, 2012.

40. “Observation of Brillouin cooling,” at Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose, CA, May

41. “Cooling by optical filtering of Stokes lines,” at SPIE Photonics West, Laser cooling of solids, San Francisco,
CA, January 2012.

42. “Surface Acoustic Wave Optomechanical Oscillators,” at Electron Devices Society seminar series, Cornell
University, Ithaca, NY, May 2011.

43. “MEMS Frequency References and Charge-Drift Control,” University of Michigan, Apr 2010.

44. “Charge-Drift in Micromechanical Resonators,” at SiTime Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA; Oct 2009.

45. “Overview of Charge Phenomena in Oxide-Coated Flexural Mode Resonators,” at Hewlett-Packard

Laboratories, Palo Alto, CA; 28th November 2007.

1. “Magnet-Free Nonreciprocity in Brillouin Systems,” at 8th International Conference on Materials for Advanced
Technologies (ICMAT), Materials Research Society of Singapore (MRS-S), Symposium: Emerging infrared
technologies and applications, June 2015.

2. "Brillouin actuation of whispering-gallery modes in microfluidic optomechanical oscillators," at Conference on

Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), San Jose CA, June, 2013.

3. "Brillouin Optomechanics," at 11th Annual UIUC Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST)
Nanotechnology Workshop, May 3rd, 2013.

4. "Brillouin MEMS," at UIUC iOptics Seminar Series 2013, on 3/12/2013.

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl

5. “Microfluidic Optomechanical Oscillators," at Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop,

Hilton Head Island, SC, June, 2012.

6. “Observation of Brillouin Cooling,” Frontiers in Optics 2011, San Jose, CA, Oct 2011.

7. “Characterization of Surface Acoustic Wave Optomechanical Oscillators,” at IEEE International Frequency

Control Symposium (IFCS), San Francisco, CA, May 2011.

8. “Surface Optomechanics: Observation of Surface Acoustic Resonances,” at Frontiers in Optics 2010, Rochester,
NY; 27th October 2010.

9. “Charge-Drift Elimination in Resonant Electrostatic MEMS,” at IEEE Intl. Conf. on Micro Electro Mechanical
Systems (MEMS), Hong Kong, China; 26th January 2010.

10. “Observation of Static and Mobile Charge in Oxide-Coated Resonators,” at IEEE Solid State Sensors,
Actuators and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head Island, SC; 5th June 2008.


1. "Accelerometers" at Girls Building Awesome Machines (G-BAM) during Girls’ Adventures in Math Engineering
and Science (GAMES) summer camp in July 2013 at the University of Illinois.
Participants: Gaurav Bahl, Joseph Muskin
Sponsorship: UIUC MechSE

2. "Paper accelerometers," for a sub-freshmen class at University of Illinois High School (teacher Elizabeth
Westfall) in November 2013.
Participants: Elizabeth Westfall, Joseph Muskin, Gaurav Bahl
Sponsorship: UIUC MechSE

3. "Paper MEMS devices," for a senior engineering class at University of Illinois High School (teacher Elizabeth
Westfall) in December 2013.
Participants: Elizabeth Westfall, Joseph Muskin, Gaurav Bahl
Sponsorship: UIUC MechSE

4. "Opto-Mechanical Sensors," at Girls Building Awesome Machines (G-BAM) during Girls’ Adventures in Math
Engineering and Science (GAMES) summer camp in July 2014 at the University of Illinois.
Participants: Shengtai Shi, Joseph Muskin, Gaurav Bahl
Sponsorship: National Science Foundation ECCS-1408539 and UIUC MechSE

5. "Opto-Mechanical Sensors in the Classroom," for senior class at University of Illinois High School (teacher
Sharlene Denos) in September 2014.
Participants: Shengtai Shi, Donggyu Benjamin Sohn, Sharlene Denos, Joseph Muskin, Gaurav Bahl
Sponsorship: National Science Foundation ECCS-1408539 and UIUC MechSE

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl

6. "Converting light to mechanical motion," at Girls Building Awesome Machines (G-BAM) during Girls’
Adventures in Math Engineering and Science (GAMES) summer camp in June 2015 at the University of
Participants: Joanna Bober, Eric Currier, Indronil Ghosh, Joseph Muskin, Peter Du, Gaurav Bahl
Sponsorship: National Science Foundation ECCS-1408539 and UIUC MechSE

7. "Opto-Mechanical Sensors in the Classroom," for senior class at University of Illinois High School (teacher
Sharlene Denos) in Sept-Oct 2015.
Participants: Donggyu Benjamin Sohn, Christopher Peterson, Sharlene Denos, Joseph Muskin, Gaurav Bahl
Sponsorship: National Science Foundation ECCS-1408539 and UIUC MechSE

8. "Converting light to mechanical motion," at Campus Middle School for Girls, March 2017.
Participants: Anudeep Mangu, Inbar Grinberg, Indronil Ghosh, Gaurav Bahl
Sponsorship: National Science Foundation ECCS-1408539.

1. Christopher Peterson – Curriculum development on “Introduction to CAD, 3D printing, and rapid prototyping”
for 6th Grade students at Jefferson, Edison, and Franklin Middle Schools in Champaign, IL. Oct 2015 – May

2. Donggyu Benjamin Sohn – “Introduction to engineering: Paper rockets, popsicle catapults, hot chocolate
machines” for 3rd Grade students at Dr. Howard Elementary School in Champaign, IL. Oct-Nov 2014.

3. Nathan Dostart – “Introduction to engineering” for 4th Grade students at Stratton Elementary School in
Champaign, IL. Oct 2013.

McMaster Solar Car Project Sept 2002 – Aug 2005
Electrical Team Leader, McMaster University
• Designed electrical subsystems (battery protection, telemetry, lighting, signaling) for solar powered
competitive racing vehicles
• Participated in the Canadian Solar Tour (2004), North American Solar Challenge (2003) and Formula Sun
Grand Prix (2004).

• 2018, Distinguished Graduate Student, UIUC Mechanical Science and Engineering award for Seunghwi Kim.

• 2018, Outstanding Mechanical Engineering PhD Dissertation, for Kewen Han.

• 2017, Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad, for Kewen Han. Award
amount: $6,000.

• 2016, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRF), for Christopher Peterson.
Award amount: $138,000.

• 2016 Yee Fellowship, UIUC College of Engineering, for Kewen Han, Award amount: $5,000.

Curriculum Vitae – Gaurav Bahl

• 2016, Illinois Scholars Undergraduate Research Program (ISUR), grant for Indronil Ghosh. Sponsor:
Semiconductor Research Corporation. Award amount: $1,000.

• 2016, Illinois Scholars Undergraduate Research Program (ISUR), grant for Alan Luo. Sponsor: Semiconductor
Research Corporation, Intel. Award amount: $1,000.

• 2015 Distinguished Graduate Student, UIUC Mechanical Science and Engineering award for Kewen Han.

• 2015, UIUC MechSE Society for Engineering Mechanics, Undergraduate research grant for Jafir Haidri. Award
amount: $2,000.

• 2015, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRF), for Donggyu Benjamin
Sohn. Award amount: $132,000.

• 2014, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRF), for Nathan Dostart. Award
amount: $132,000.

• 2013, UIUC MechSE Society for Engineering Mechanics, Undergraduate research grant for Kaiyuan Zhu.
Award amount: $2,000.


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