Charm Cutover and Activation Guide in Solution Manager For Managed System Landscape

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ChaRM Cutover Guide

in Solution Manager
and Managed system

Version 1.0 Author: Krishna Sreeramineni

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1) Purpose of this documentation:- .............................................................................................................. 3
2) SLD Update: .............................................................................................................................................. 3
3) RFC generation:......................................................................................................................................... 4
4) STMS Configuration in managed system : ................................................................................................ 6
5) Establish Domain Link ............................................................................................................................... 7
6) Create Logical Component in Solution Manager .................................................................................... 11
7) Create CHARM project in Solution Manager: ......................................................................................... 13
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1) Purpose of this documentation:-

This purpose of this document is to list and explain the cutover activities which are to be
performed to activate CHARM for managed system landscape in solution manager.

2) SLD Update:
Managed system data should be pushed from managed system to the solution manager (SOP)

Use transaction RZ70 for abap, NWA/Visual admin for java (If local SLD is configured, a SLD bridge needs to be
configured between solution manager (SOP) and managed system SLD.
No impact to the existing functionality if we create a bridge between managed system and solution manager SLDs.

Follow below steps to register the system on SOP’s SLD.

i. Goto transaction rz70(in managed system). Provide the hostname and the service name
of the solution manger system.

ii. Service name is sapgw<system no. of solution manager system>

iii. Click on execute button to publish date to solman sld.

iv. Maintain the SLD access details in sldapicust too.

v. In transaction sldapicust, provide the host name, port, SLD user and the password.
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3) RFC generation:

Generation of RFC to managed systems will be done from SOP using solman_setup/lmdb and not
through smsy. The roles required for users to be used in the RFCs are assigned from solman_setup only
and not manually.

Below users would be created in all the managed system clients while performing the RFC generation
activity in the solution manager system.



Login to SOP and goto transaction LMDB,

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Goto Technical systems tab and enter the SID of the managed system for which you need to generate
the RFCs

Click on edit button and click on “Destinations” in the Navigation tree

Now click on RFC maintenance,

A new window will be opened for RFC maintenance,

Select the relevant client and enter the user details and click on execute to generate the RFC
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4) STMS Configuration in managed system :

TMS should be configured as per CHARM requirement.

A. Define Transport Routes for System Landscape

Transports are supported in the standard transport layer of each client. When you configure transport
routes, note that only consolidation routes that are assigned to the standard transport layer of the
relevant exporting client are taken into consideration. For each exporting client, exactly one target client
and one target group are permitted.

The transport route should be configured as in other landscapes (example: WTD landscape) to ensure
that the routes are defined in the recommended manner. Also, ensure that the routes are defined as
client specific.

B. Activate Extended Transport Control: CTC = 1

1. Call transaction STMS.

2. Choose Overview -> Systems.
3. Double-click each system.
4. The Display TMS Configuration: System <system ID> screen appears.
5. Select the Transport Tool tab page.
6. If the entry CTC does not appear in the Parameters column, enter it there, and then in the Value
column, enter 1.
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7. Save your entries.

C. Configure Transport Strategy:

1. Call transaction STMS.

2. Choose Overview -> Transport Routes.
3. Double-click each system.
4. The Display System Attributes dialog box appears.
5. In the Transport strategy group box, select Single transports (since only Import Single and Import
Project All are used).
6. In the Quality assurance group box, deselect Delivery after confirmation.
(The quality assurance mechanism is used implicitly but not within the TMS context.)
7. Choose Continue.

D. Activate TMS Trusted Services

1. Log on to the SAP system that functions as the transport domain controller.
To find out which system is the domain controller, call transaction STMS and choose Overview ->
Systems. In the Cat column (with the quick info text TMS system type), look for the icon with the quick
info text Controller.
2. Call transaction STMS.
3. Choose Overview -> Systems.
The system overview appears.
4. Choose Goto -> Transport domain.
The Display TMS Configuration: Domain <Domain name> screen appears.
5. Select the Management tab page.
6. Switch to change mode.
7. In the Security options group box, select Activate Trusted Services.
8. Save your changes and distribute the configuration.

5) Establish Domain Link

Domain Links should exist between solution manager and the landscape.
Linking two domains with a domain link involves two steps:

Request a link between two domains.

i. Confirm the link between the two domains.
ii. Requesting a Link between Two Domains.

A) To request a link between two transport domains, proceed as follows:

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Log on to one of the two domain controller systems.

Call Transaction STMS.
Choose Overview Systems. The system overview appears.
Choose SAP System → Create → Domain link.

The dialog box Request for Linking 2 Domains appears.

Enter the system name, host name and system number of the domain controller you want to link to, and
then confirm your entries.

Your SAP System performs the following actions automatically:

Generates the required RFC destinations.

Sends the address data of the controller to the controller in the other domain.
You can now see that you have requested the domain link to the other domain in the system overview.
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For security reasons, you now need to confirm the link between the two domains in the other controller.

B) Confirming a Link between Two Domains.

Log on to the domain controller in the other domain.

Call Transaction STMS.
Choose Overview Systems. The system overview appears.

Position the cursor on the domain controller where you requested the domain link and choose SAP
System → Approve.
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Confirm the prompt and distribute the configuration.

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Distribute the Configuration to all the systems.

6) Create Logical Component in Solution Manager

Logical Component should be crated in solution manager reflecting the transport routes of the managed
system landscape.

Login to SOP and open transaction LMDB.

Navigate to Logical component tab,

Enter the logical component name and click on create button

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Assign the product version of the system to the logical component by clicking on the “maintain”

Now assign the technical systems and maintain the relevant role as shown below.
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7) Create CHARM project in Solution Manager:

Login to solution manager SOP and go to transaction SOLAR_PROJECT_ADMIN

Click on create project,

Decide if your project is an implementation or a Maintenance project.

- In System Landscape Tab

Systems: here you have to enter your logical component

Take into account that all systems that belongs to the TMS landscape must be assigned to the same
logical component, because all system must have the same product version (exception in case of an
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Always define here the same landscape that you have defined in the STMS of the real landscape, if not
the Charm scenario cannot be activated.

- In IMG project tab: define always a project in the development system ONLY! You need to define this
project in the development system in order to assign to this project all transport orders that you are
going to create via a Change request in the solman system, this is a prerequisite for Charm scenario!

Don’t define IMG projects in other roles, systems, different to development.

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- In Change Request tab: Select “Activate Change Request Management”

Select Create Task List

Select the name of your Maintenance Cycle also called Project Cycle.
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Note: Choose Lock/Unlock Group/Subsequent Groups to unlock the tasks in the task list.

If all is working correctly a Task List and a Maintenance transaction type SDMN (called Service Desk
Transaction in the screenshot) is being created.

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