How To Copy Tables To Another System Using R3trans
How To Copy Tables To Another System Using R3trans
How To Copy Tables To Another System Using R3trans
If you need to copy some tables to another system, you can use R3trans. The steps are the following: Create in the system source the file: export.ctl Export File = 'export.dat' Client = 201 Select * from table And in the system target create the file: import.ctl Import File = 'export.dat' Client = 301 Then execute
This process saves you from re-entering data manually in SM59 after a system refresh. The process is just to export and import the tables related to RFC data. Code 1. Before the refresh create a control file as <RFC_export> in OS level with following content: Export file 'c:\usr\sap\trans\bin\<SID>_rfc' delete from rfcattrib select * from rfcattrib delete from rfcdes select * from rfcdes delete from rfcdoc select * from rfcdoc 2. Execute following command to export the data: R3trans -w <log_file> RFC_export
Review the log file. After the refresh: 3. Create a import file as "RFC_import" with following contents: import file = '<SID>_rfc' 4. Execute following command to import R3trans -w <log_file> RFC_ import review log file 5. Verify that RFC's were updated sucessfully in SM59