Twinning Engineering Programmes (TEP) & Thammasat English Programme of Engineering (TEPE) Faculty of Engineering Thammasat University

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Twinning Engineering Programmes (TEP) &

Thammasat English Programme of Engineering (TEPE)

Faculty of Engineering
Thammasat University
Undergraduate Examination 1st Semester of 2011 (Mid-term)
ME 230 Fundamental of Thermodynamics Section 750001
Date August 5, 2011 Time : 12.00 – 14.00
Instructor : ………………………………..

Name :________________________________ ID no._______________Seat no.

Instructions :
1. The test contains 5 problems, 8 pages (this page inclusive). Each of which is worth 10
marks. Before doing the test, make sure that you have got all the problems.
2. Do all the problems in a book provided. Remember to print your name, identification
number (ID), and seat number clearly on your workbook.
3. Scientific calculator is allowed to be used for the test provided that it must be initially
reset and have visual checks by a proctor. Note that the use of an inappropriate calculator
will be considered as misconduct.
4. No program in any form may be taken into the examination room. Also, calculators with
facilities for storing and retrieving text, graphical calculators, personal organizers,
dictionaries, thesauruses, and computer are not allowed.
5. Other communicating devices such as mobile phones, pagers, etc. are not permitted in the
6. Textbooks, short notes and relevant material are not brought into the test room.

Cheating is a serious misconduct!
Stiff penalty will be imposed to a cheater.

Before entering the examination room, make sure that you do not to bring any disallowable
materials into the examination room, intentionally or unintentionally. If proctors have found them
in your occupation, you will be seriously punished by suspending your study for one year
and receiving a Fail(F) grade in this subject.
Name :________________________________ ID no._______________Seat no.

1. (a) Provide the definition or description of the following words

Closed, open, and isolated systems…....……….…………...…...............................................................................


Intensive and extensive properties..…..…….......……………................................................................................


1st Law of Thermodynamics……………………………............................................................................................


Saturated vapor and Superheated vapor..............................................................................................................


Quality (x)…...........................................................................................................................................................
Name :________________________________ ID no._______________Seat no.
(b) Complete the following table for water.
T, C P, kPa v, m3/kg x Phase description
a) 111.35 150 0.4 0.344 Sat. mixture
b) 95 >85 ~0.001040 - Compressed liq.
c) 600 1800 0.22200 - Superheated water
d) 130 270.28 0.334575 0.5 Sat. mixture
e) 45 9.5953 15.251 1 Sat. vapor

2. Water initially at 300 kPa and 250 C is contained in a piston-cylinder device fitted with stops. The water is
allowed to cool at constant pressure until it exists as a saturated vapor and the piston rests on the stops. Then
the water continues to cool until the pressure is 100 kPa. (a) Sketch, with respect to the saturation lines, the
process path passing through both the initial, intermediate, and final states of the water on the T-v diagrams. (b)
Label the T, P, and v values for end states on the process path. (c) Find the overall change in internal energy
between the initial and final states per unit mass of water.

(a) T
P= 300 kPa
2 Water Heat
300 kPa
250 C

P= 100 kPa

State 1: P = 300 kPa and T = 250 C Î Superheated water [properties @ Table A-6]
v1 = 0.79645 m3/kg u1 = 2728.9 kJ/kg
State 2: P = 300 kPa and T = Tsat = 133.52 C Î Saturated vapor [properties @ Table A-5]
v2 = 0.60582 m3/kg u2 = 2543.2 kJ/kg
State 3: P = 100 kPa and v3 = v2 Î Saturated vapor [properties @ Table A-5]
x = (v3 – vf)/(vg – vf) = (0.60582 – 0.001043)/(1.6941 – 0.001043) = 0.35721
T3 = Tsat = 99.61 C u3 = uf + x ufg = 417.4 + 0.35721x2088.2 = 1163.32 kJ/kg

(c) Δu = u3-u1 = 1163.32 – 2728.9 = -1565.58 kJ/kg

Name :________________________________ ID no._______________Seat no.
3. Freshwater and oil flowing in parallel horizontal pipelines are connected to each other by a U-
tube manometer, as shown in the figure. Determine the specific gravity of oil.

Po + So(ρw g)Δho = Pw + ρw g Δhw + SHg(ρw g)ΔhHg

200,000 + So 1,000x10x1 = 100,000 + 1,000x10x0.22 + 13.6x1,000x10x0.78

So = (-100,000 + 1,000x10x0.22 + 13.6x1,000x10x0.78)/10,000 = 0.828
Name :________________________________ ID no._______________Seat no.
4. The steam requirements of a manufacturing facility are being met by boiler whose rated heat input is 5.0 x106
kJ/h. The combustion efficiency of the boiler is measured to be 0.7. After tuning up the boiler, the combustion
efficiency rises to 0.8. The boiler operates 4200 hours a year. Determine the amount of fuel saved annually as
a result of tuning up the boiler if the heating value of burned fuel is 44,000 kJ/kg.


5.0 3.5

3.5 4.375
5.0 4.375 0.625

0.625 2.625

The amount of fuel saved is 2.625 x109 kJ/y / 44,000 kJ/kg = 59,659 kg/y
5. A 1-m3 tank (Tank A) containing air at 25 C is connected through a valve to another tank (Tank B) which is
evacuated and has a volume of 1.5 m3 as shown in the figure. The pressure gauge reads 100 kPa. Now the
value is opened, and the entire system is allowed to reach thermal equilibrium with the surroundings, which are
at 20 C. Determine
(a) the final pressure reading on the gauge.
(b) the mass of air in tank B

100 kPa


1 m3
1.5 m3
25 C

Tank A Tank B

(a) Assume that air is ideal gas, therefore

P1V1/T1 = P2V2/T2

[(100,000+101,325) Pa x 1 m3] / 298 K = P2 x(1 m3+1.5 m3) / 293 K

P2 = 79178.83 Pa

(b) m = pV/RT = (79,178.83 Pa x 1.5 m3)/( 0.287 kJ/kg.K 293 K) = 1.41 kg

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