8 Minute Evacuation Time

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The document discusses ridership projections and egress analysis for Vijaya Nagar station across multiple years. It evaluates the station plan against National Building Code rules for egress and suggests modifications. Key parameters considered for station design are also outlined.

The station is projected to see ridership increases from 120-130 passengers per hour currently to over 400 passengers per hour by 2054 during peak hours on the upline. Ridership on the downline is projected to increase from around 90 currently to over 170 by 2054 during peak hours.

The document evaluates the station plan against requirements for evacuating passengers from the platform and through fare gates within specified time limits. It finds that with the current configuration, the plan does not pass NBC rules for egress. Widening staircases is suggested as a modification for compliance.

STATION Vijaya Nagar

Ridership from DPR

Peak Hour
Station name Year Track side Peak Hour Boarding Alighting

upline 120 130

Dnline 89 0
upline 172 163
Dnline 66 61
upline 228 216
dnline 88 81
upline 304 288
Dnline 117 108
VIJAYA NAGAR upline 446 423
Dnline 172 159

1 Peak hour period

Boarding Alighting Load
up 446 423 4685
2 Surgre factor Sf 1.2
3 Headway 1.75
4 Service disruption 5
5 Crush load 1950
Platform occupant
6 load,POL

7 Entraining load *Sf*Sd/60
Crush load for
8 Alighting load incident platform
9 ting load 1994.6

Egress analysis
Egress Element
Platform To Concourse Number Width p/mm-min Total

Stair 2 2800 0.0555 311

Escalator* 1 1000 0.0555 56
fire escape stair 1 2800 0.0555 155

concourse level

Fare Gate (50 per Gate) 18 50 900

Service Gate 2 1 81.9 164
* one escalators discounted due to clause

Walking time for Longest Distance,m speed(m/min) Time(min)

Exit Route
On platform T1 24 37.7 0.64
Platform to concourse T2 6.64 14.6 0.45

Concourse to fare barrier T3 3 37.7
Barrier to safe area T4 63 37.7 1.67
Total T = T1+T2+T3 2.84

Test no. 1
Evacuate platform occupant load from platform Fp = Platform occupant Load 3.82
in 4 minutes or less Fp (time to clear platform) /Platform Exit Capacity

Less than 4min as per the clause NFPA 130


Evacuate platform occupant load from most remote point on platform to a point of
safety in 6 minutes or less
Wp (waitning time at platform exits) = Fp-T1 3.19
Concourse Occupant Load,COL = POL incident +POL non incident -Fire exit capacity 1956

Ffb(fare barrier flow time) concourse occupant

load/fare barrier
egress capacity 1.8390674939
Wfb( waiting time at fare
barriers) Ffb-Fp -1.98

Total Egress Time 6.03

Time takento evacuate

the incidemt platform to
a point of safety is 6.03
PR Normal Service Sitting

Platform area Calculated Normal

Sectional Loading/Link load Service Platform
provided in Sq.m Area Required, Sq.m

1921 1050 19.535

756 1010 93.345
1801 1050 19.630
743 1010 87.805
2397 1050
990 1010
3190 1050 23.165
1317 1010 76.048
4685 1050 19.673
1934 1010 61.148

Read and Feed

from drawings

Station evacuation calculation

Dn 172

incident platform Non incident platform

44.6 17.2
1950 100



p/min 3.8232700786


the station plan does not passes nbc rules

if you provide stair width of 2700 and fire stair width
2600 then it will be according to nbc rules REMARKS
ervice Sitting Emergency Service Platform Area Sizing

Check for Nominal Entraining Load Platform Occupant Calculated Platform Actual Area
Service Platform for waiting Area Required in provided at
Load Load
width passengers meters for emergency platform

OK 973 973 194.6 1050

OK 9 973 982 196.38 1010
OK 17 973 990 198.04 1050
OK 7 973 980 195.92 1010
Ok 23 1946 1969 393.76 1050
Ok 9 1946 1955 390.96 1010
OK 30 1946 1976 395.28 1050
OK 12 1946 1958 391.54 1010
OK 45 1946 1991 398.12 1050
OK 17 1946 1963 392.64 1010


tion calculation
Horizon year 2054
Alighting Load
159 1934

Non incident platform



a Sizing calculation for Platfo

Check for Emergency Platform exit capacity No. of Escalators Exit Capacity No. of Public
Service Holding needed (Persons per Provided (clear width provided by Area Stairs
Platform Holding minute) 1000 mm) Escalators provided

OK 243 2 111 2
OK 245 2 111 2
OK 248 2 111 2
OK 245 2 111 2
OK 492 2
OK 489 2
OK 494 2 111 2
OK 489 2 111 2
OK 498 2 111 2
OK 491 2 111 2
calculation for Platform exit capacity and staircase width

Total exit Check for >50% Fire Exit stairs

Exit Capacity Fire Exit stairs
Width of Stairs capacity
provided by exit capacity in exit capacity width needed by
provided ( Public stairs + public area
public stairs needed calculations, mm

2400 266.4 377 OK -134 0

2400 266.4 377 OK -132 0
2400 266.4 377 OK -130 0
2400 266.4 377 OK -133 0
2400 266.4 266
2400 266.4 266
2400 266.4 377 OK 117 2103
2400 266.4 377 OK 112 2018
2400 266.4 377 OK 120 2167
2400 266.4 377 OK 113 2043

365 199.8 577

NO. of Fire Minimum width Provided
of fire Stairs
Exit Stairs needeed by width of fire
provided stairs

2 0 0
2 0 0
2 0 0
2 0 0

2 1051 1800
2 1009 1800
2 1083 1800
2 1022 1800

SI - service interval (as per DPR)

SD- Service Disruption Time (3*SI) or 5-10 minutes in case of low headway(finalised by GC)
TL- Tain Crush Load for longest rolling stock as per NFPA 130 (Crush load capacity advised by GC)
PL-Platform Length (for 6 car train)
PSDW-PSD installation width
SF - surge factor
CSM-Circulation Safety Margin
LOSN - Level of service Area per person in normal service
LOSE-Level of service Area per person in emergency condition
ET - Time limit to Evacuate platform as per NFPA 130
ERT- Time LIMIT for evacuating platform load from most remote point to a point of safety as per NFPA 130
STRC - capacity of Stairs as per NFPA 130
ECN - Capacity of Escalators in stopped condition as per NFPA 130

ECE - Capacity of Escalators in moving condition im direction of egress ( it is to ensured that such elevators will be of
reversible type, emergency powered with the ability to be restarted again from stopped position in line with NFPA 130)
SR - Service Rate of POM/BOM
SCH- smart card holders
POMP - Percentage of Passenger operated Machines
SRD - Spare capacity for rush days
AFCC - Gate capacity in normal condition as per DPR
AFCE - Gate capacity in emergency condition as per NFPA 130
YEAR 2054
1.75 minutes
5 minutes
1946 persons
0.4 metres
1.2 times
0.6 meters
0.5 sq.m.
0.2 sq.m.
4 minutes
6 minutes
55.5 person per minute per meter
55 person per minute per meter

121 person per minute per meter

5 pax/minute
60 %
70 %
50 %
28 pax/minute
50 pax/minute

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