Tunnelling in Rock Masses - Guidelines: Part 2 Mechanized Tunnelling Methods by Tunnel Boring Machines
Tunnelling in Rock Masses - Guidelines: Part 2 Mechanized Tunnelling Methods by Tunnel Boring Machines
Tunnelling in Rock Masses - Guidelines: Part 2 Mechanized Tunnelling Methods by Tunnel Boring Machines
Indian Standard
ICS 93.060
BIS 2023
This Indian Standard (Part 2) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Rock
Mechanics Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
Usage of tunnel boring machines (TBM) for tunnel excavation has increased across infrastructure sectors like
hydropower, transportation and others. Compared to conventional tunnelling, tunnel boring machines limit
disturbance to surrounding ground making it suitable for heavily urbanized areas as well as cost effective for
longer tunnels which will require more time to complete using normal drill and blast techniques.
Tunnel boring machines perform full face excavation and mostly excavate circular cross-section of tunnels with
diameters varying from 1 m to almost 15 m in variety of ground conditions and for various purposes. Excavation
process produces a smooth tunnel wall after installation of precast segments. Cost of constructing a tunnel with
tunnel boring machines is generally more than conventionally drilled tunnel in terms of cost per metre. However,
tunnel boring machines give huge savings in terms of construction time through faster production rates.
Different types of tunnel boring machines suit different ground types. Hence, to ensure a reliable progress, it is
of paramount importance to select and design tunnel boring machines suiting to ground, characterized through
site investigations, topographical and hydrogeological surveys. Long and deep tunnels face different hazards and
risks compared to tunnelling in shallow overburden.
The standard on tunnelling in rock masses IS 15026 was first published in 2002. In this revision, the tunnelling
method in rock masses has been grouped into two parts. This standard (Part 2) covers guidelines for mechanized
tunnelling methods. The other part being:
Part 1 Conventional tunnelling methods
This standard covers following important aspects:
a) Selection of tunnel boring machines;
b) Geological and geotechnical modelling;
c) Production aspects of segment lining;
d) Geotechnical risk management; and
e) Developments in TBM design to reduce squeezing ground risks.
This standard does not cover process management for design and manufacturing of TBM segments at this stage.
In the formulation of this standard due weightage has been given to international co-ordination among the
standards and practices prevailing in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field in this
country. This has been met by deriving assistance from the following publications:
“Recommendation for Gasket Frames in Segmental Tunnel Linings” published by STUVA, Germany.
ITA COSUF N° 03 “Current Practice on Cross-Passage Design to Support Safety in Rail and Metro Tunnels”
published by International Tunnelling Association (ITA), Switzerland.
ITA Report N° 22 “Guidelines for the Design of Segmental Tunnel Linings” published by
International Tunnelling Association (ITA), Switzerland.
“Recommendation for the Selection of the Tunnel Boring Machine” published by German
Tunnelling Committee (ITA-AITES), Germany.
The composition of the Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex E.
This standard contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 9 'Industry, innovation and
infrastructure' towards building resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and
foster innovation; and Goal 11 ‘Sustainable cities and communities' towards making cities and human settlements
inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS 2 : 2022 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (second revision)’. The number of significant places
retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
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vadodara([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
Indian Standard
1 SCOPE planning. TBM tunnelling is a major form of
mechanized tunnelling used across the globe and in
This standard (Part 2) provides guidelines for India as well. The standard brings out various
construction of tunnels using mechanized tunnelling provisions and guidelines from past experiences and
methods through tunnel boring machines (TBM) in current practices for use of practising professional in
soil and rock. The scope of this standard is to lay out the field of TBM tunnelling.
the guidelines and provisions related to design and
construction of TBM tunnels. This standard also 4 TYPES OF TBM AND THEIR SUITABILITY
defines guidelines for selection of type of TBM for
Tunnel boring machines perform full face
tunnelling, geotechnical investigation, interpretation,
excavation. TBMs can be manufactured suiting to
characterization, properties and how they affect TBM
different diameters, ranging from micro TBM less
tunnelling; manufacturing, durability and curing
than 1 m to TBM for large tunnels greater than 15 m.
criteria for segmental lining, grouting in TBM lining;
TBMs are available for different geological
risk and mitigation measures related to TBM tunnels
conditions ranging from hard rock to soft ground.
and construction of cross-passages in TBM tunnels.
2 REFERENCES One of the requirements for use of a TBM is to have
a detailed assessment of geology along the route of
The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions the tunnel. A universal machine suiting all types of
which through reference in this text, constitute rock and soil conditions does not exist (although
provision of this standard. At the time of TBMs with multiple modes of operation are being
publication, the editions indicated were valid. All developed).
standards are subject to revision, and parties to
agreements based on this standard are encouraged to TBMs are classified based on mode of operation that
investigate the possibility of applying the most is, open or closed (see Table 1). In closed mode, the
recent editions of these standards. excavation chamber of a tunnel boring machine is
held under a measured and monitored positive
3 GENERAL pressure. The pressure is applied through slurry,
Tunnelling by tunnel boring machine is a vast remoulded earth or compressed air. Based on
subject, with overlapping expertise from geological conditions, TBMs are operated in open or
geotechnical, geological, civil, mechanical and urban closed modes.
Open Closed
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
i) Competent rock
a) Gripper GRT √ –
b) Single shield/open shield OPS √ –
c) Double shield DOS √ –
ii) Soft ground/mixed geology/weak
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Table 1 (Concluded)
Sl No. TBM Type Abbreviation Operation Mode
Open Closed
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
a) Slurry shield SLS √ √
b) Earth pressure balance shield EPB √ √
Guidelines for areas of application and selection strength through these systems. However, these
criteria for different TBM types are in Annex B. empirical relationships are to be used with caution.
Further advancement has been made into TBMs in 5.1.6 Hard ground and soft ground have a high
terms of boring shape for projects with unique impact on TBM design and progress. Particularly the
challenges. Since conventional circular TBMs strength and abrasivity of rock and their jointing
cannot completely meet the requirements of pattern affect boring. Therefore, correct assignment
underground space exploitation regarding the of engineering properties to various geologic
cross-section and space-utilization ratio, domains is of prime importance.
non-circular TBMs, which are the tunnelling 5.2 Testing for Rock Properties
equipment for an ideal cross-section, have become
the new market growth point. List of non-circular 5.2.1 Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS)
TBMs available is provided below:
Uniaxial compressive strength test determined as per
a) Double-O-tube, multi-circular face, and IS 9143 is the most basic property that describes the
quasi-rectangular shield machines; intact rock strength; and is measured by
compression testing machine on rock cylinder
b) The rectangular TBM; and
samples. During TBM tunnelling, samples must be
c) The horseshoe shaped TBM. extracted from tunnel face and walls by portable
drilling machines at a regular interval or when there
is a change in lithology. With the variable advance
rates in different geology, it is difficult to give an
5.1 Characterization of Rock Mass interval for regular testing, but it is suggested to test
at every 500 m, minimum and when there is a change
5.1.1 A key step is analysis of investigation results in rock type.
and geological interpretation followed by
engineering characterization of rock mass and 5.2.2 Other methods of strength determination may
selection of suitable TBM. also be used such as point load test as per IS 8764,
Schmidt’s hammer test as per IS 12608 or geological
5.1.2 Information collected through a series of hammer test from specialist literature.
surface geological mapping, drilling, test tunnelling
NOTE — Special literature may include guidelines from
or drifting, soil and rock mechanic testing must be International Society for Rock Mechanics (ISRM) or any
interpreted and characterized so that the same could other guidelines as per the agreements.
be used by the designers and for risk assessment.
Additional drilling investigations may be planned at 5.2.3 Other rock mechanic tests on laboratory rock
cross passage locations to have better assessment at samples for each rock type should be conducted.
these locations. These tests are as given below:
a) Physical properties — Density, porosity,
5.1.3 The standards IS 11315 (Parts 1 to 12), water absorption, hardness, slake durability;
describe techniques and formats for collection of and
information on various parameters which are b) Mechanical properties — UCS Schmidt
subsequently used in rock mass classifications. hammer test and point load index as above,
5.1.4 Geophysical methods like electrical resistivity modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, tensile
test and seismic refraction tests can be performed for strength, shear strength.
both shallow and deep tunnels. 5.2.4 For TBM tunnels certain specialized tests as
per specialized literatures are recommended for each
5.1.5 Rock mass classification systems RMR and Q,
rock type as encountered in tunnel:
their broad impacts on underground openings are
described in IS 13365 (Parts 1 and 2). These a) Mohs hardness and Vickers hardness;
classifications are a part of engineering b) Sievers J value;
characterization of rock masses. Several empirical c) Brittleness J value S20; and
relationships are available for working out the d) Cerchar abrasivity index.
properties such as modulus of deformation and shear
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NOTE — Special literatures may include guidelines systems should be developed and implemented for
from International Society for Rock Mechanics
generation and record of geological data.
(ISRM), (NTNU/SINTEF), (CAI) or any other
guidelines as per the agreements. 5.3.2 Several types of TBMs are in use and every
type of machine has different facilities for recording
5.2.5 Some of the analysis does require rock joint
of data. In open type or main beam or shaft
characteristics such as Joint stiffness which may be
machines there is a gap between the cutter head and
determined from rock cores from core drilling
backup support systems. This opening is used for
campaign or visible rock exposures in the
recording of geological data and preparation of 3D
geological maps of the excavated surfaces. In the
5.2.6 Ideally 10 samples should be tested for each TBMs, it may be noted that it is not possible to
rock type for the various rock mechanic properties record the face data continuously as the cutter head
but minimum of 05 samples shall be required for is in operation at the face. When the situation
each rock type. demands, cutter head may be retracted back for
repairs or maintenance purposes during which face
inspection is possible by entering through the cutter
5.3 Collection of Geological and Geotechnical
head window. However, such occasions neither are
Data during Construction
at regular intervals nor frequent to generate the
The geological model for a TBM tunnel is developed geological information continuously. Rarely, cutter
through a series of investigations during feasibility head may also be retracted solely for the purpose of
and investigation stages. By the time the project is geological inspection.
put through bidding process, the base line
geotechnical reports should be prepared. However, 5.3.3 For documentation of rock conditions at the
for detailed design if some additional testing is face, cutter head embedded with cameras could be
required, the same must be conducted prior to used. Existing machines could also be upgraded
commencement of construction. It should be clearly with cameras for geological mapping. Qualified
understood that detailed investigations should be personnel study the pictures and develop the records
carried out during design stage and well before therefrom. Such state-of-the-art devices be used to
commencement of construction. Only confirmatory generate data in invisible areas which cannot be
tests for detailed design as mentioned above may be accessed for physical inspection.
conducted prior to construction. 5.3.4 For mapping of the walls, conventional 3D
On the other hand, there may be situations where geological mapping with details of discontinuities
supplementary tests are required even during the together with recording of other parameters used for
construction if there are substantial variations. Such rock mass classification systems is required.
cases need to be dealt carefully with the impact on NOTE — In view of the severity of the site conditions,
project safety and timelines. Engineer-in-charge may take a decision to perform other
methods for collection of data required in 5.3.4.
However, collection of geological data and rock
classification is a part of tunnelling cycle and must 5.3.5 Duration of time consumed for geological
be conducted for characterization of rock mass and mapping after each tunnelling cycle, may be decided
efficacy or suitability of tunnel supports for various as agreed to between the interested parties.
situations. Collection of data is different in case of 5.4 Post Construction phase
open TBMs when compared to double shield TBMs
where neither the face nor walls are visible. It has Wherever possible, relevant geophysical tests
been experienced that the difficult ground conditions should be carried out post construction to capture
and extra ordinary geological conditions cause impact of TBM tunnelling to mitigate risk of post
considerable hold-ups and extra cost particularly if construction damage to surrounding ground and
conditions are not as predicted. built environment.
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6.4.2 Types of Gaskets based on Affinity to Water careful handling and storage as the hydrophilic
material can swell before installation upon exposure
Compressible gaskets are made of EPDM (ethylene
to water/moisture and loose its effectiveness to swell
propylene diene monomer) which achieves water
post ring installation (see Fig. 3).
tightness by compression of two gaskets of adjacent
segments during ring assembly. 6.4.3 Requirements and Testing
Hydrophilic gaskets are composite seals made of Requirements for elastomeric material of gasket
EPDM and a hydrophilic material which swells in profiles and frames is recommended in Table 2 and
the presence of water to ensure the designed water Table 3. Compliance with these requirements shall
tightness. These can be either slotted hydrophilic or be checked for initial acceptance and suitability
co-extruded hydrophilic type. Such gaskets require testing.
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Table 2 Test Requirements for Elastomeric Material of Gasket Profiles and Frames
(Clause 6.4.3)
NOTE — Special literatures may include ISO 5893 : 2019 and STUVA recommendation or any other guidelines as per agreement
between the parties.
In above Table 2, test for deflection force and water per IS 16752. However, tight tolerance class E1 may
tightness are performed for suitability testing to be specified for better performance (see Table 3).
groove geometry and water pressure. In water Profile width should be at least 1.6 times the profile
tightness test, water pressure shall be kept at least height to prevent tilting of profile while erecting the
two times the design water pressure to cater for ring.
long-term relaxation.
Gasket manufacturing tolerances on profile height For ozone resistance test as per IS 3400 (Part 20),
and width are normally for the tolerance class E2 as recommended test conditions are given at Table 4.
Table 3 Allowed Tolerances for Profile Height and Width According to IS 16752
(Clause 6.4.3)
(1) (2)
i) Class ≥ 10 to 16 ≥ 16 to 25 ≥ 25 to 40 ≥ 40 to 63 ≥ 63 to 100
ii) E1 ± 0.5 mm ± 0.7 mm ± 0.8 mm ± 1.0 mm ± 1.3 mm
iii) E2 ± 0.8 mm ± 1.0 mm ± 1.3 mm ± 1.6 mm ± 2.0 mm
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6.4.4 Gaps and Offsets follow at least one method for preliminary design
Gap is the distance between concrete surface of and at least two methods (with validation of results)
adjacent segments after erecting a ring. Offset is for detailed design of the tunnel lining. Additional
mutual displacement of opposing gasket frames design methods (as given below) can be used to
perpendicular to the gasket axis (see Fig. 4). Higher verify or optimize the design during construction
than designed gap or offset for a particular profile and site-specific behaviour observed from
height and groove base distance reduces the instrumentation and monitoring data.
compression force on the gasket, required to achieve
a) Analytical approach
specified water tightness.
Gaps and offsets result due to cumulative effect of Curtis-Muir Wood method shall be used to
tolerances on segment manufacturing and ring carry out design.
installation and the connection system used between b) Numerical approach
adjacent segments. Gaskets should be tested for
water tightness with extreme combination of gaps Numerical modelling can be done on a
and offsets permitted during construction. 5 mm gap numerical geotechnical model in 2D or 3D
and 10 mm offset is generally defined as an upper and/or a beam-spring model in structural
limit at which segments should be installed. model.
6.5 Design Methods Continuum models are generally preferred for
Design of TBM segmental linings can be done simplicity; although, discontinuum model can also
through various methods. It is recommended to be done for detailed analysis on case-to-case basis.
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vadodara([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
During the design process following parameters, in TBM Jacks or at vicinity of joints). Reinforcement
addition to general structural and geotechnical spacing shall allow fixing of built-in-parts in the
design criteria, shall be considered: segment mould before casting. Segment design shall
specify permitted rebar/reinforcement bar cage
a) Allowable surface settlements and effects of
placement tolerances.
liquefaction (short term, due to deflection of
tunnel linings and long term). For an improved post-cracking flexure strength,
b) Allowable volume loss – Recommended crack control and overall economy, fibre
maximum allowable value for soft ground is reinforcements should be used for design and
1 percent, however may vary as per manufacture of precast concrete segments, in
geological conditions and impact on third accordance with specialist literature supported with
party assets in the tunnel influence zone. field testing. Adoption of design with reinforcement
c) Building/utility damage assessment shall be bars, fibres or hybrid solution should be confirmed
carried out as per specialist literature. against specified performance requirements through
d) Design shall be validated from full scale bending test of casted precast segment.
instrumentation and monitoring results Production and testing shall continue throughout
obtained during construction and segment casting to demonstrate that the specified
optimization shall be done if required. performance is being achieved. Testing of concrete
e) Design shall include the checks for shall demonstrate that the fibres are uniformly
estimated stresses due to fabrication, distributed throughout the concrete mix.
demolding, handling, storage/stacking,
6.6.3 Fire Resistance
transportation, ring assembly/erection,
floatation, and seismicity. During tunnel fire, thermal gradients develop in
f) Design shall include splitting tensile checks concrete lining which result in spalling due to
due to thrust force from TBM jacks. thermal expansion of concrete due to restraint and
g) Design shall include checks for primary and buildup of water vapour pressure. One method to
secondary grouting. provide fire resistance is addition of
h) Design shall include checks for stress micro-polypropylene (PP) fibers with dosage
concentration due to compression of 1 kg/m3 to 2 kg/m3 of concrete which significantly
waterproofing gaskets. reduces risk of spalling. Micro PP fibers melt before
j) Design shall include checks of the reaching temperature of 160 °C providing channels
bolts/inserts and their impact on TBM for escape of water vapour. Full scale fire testing
segment. may be performed on precast concrete segments to
k) Load cases and load factors shall be as per determine dosage for ensuring performance under
relevant Indian standards or other complex scenarios. For more details, guidance from
international guidelines. IS/ISO 834 (Parts 1 to 9) may be taken. Minimum
m) Design shall reduce the capacity of lining at nominal cover of 40 mm shall be provided for 4 h
joints due to discontinuity. fire resistance as per IS 456.
6.6 Manufacture of Precast Segments 6.6.4 Curing of Segments
6.6.1 Concrete Mix Design Depending on project requirements for faster
production, steam curing shall be considered.
Precast concrete segments remain in contact with
Precast segments are steam cured in static or
ground during their entire service life and hence
carousel-based segment production method, to
should be of required durability. Depending on
achieve required demoulding strength (depending
exposure conditions, all concrete ingredients and
on design check for segment) within 8 h of casting.
concrete manufacturing shall be quality controlled in
Steam curing shall be done at 100 percent relative
accordance with IS 456 and IS 10262. Development
humidity and maximum steam temperature limited
of mix design should be conducted well in advance
to 70 °C. During application/discontinuing of the
considering exposure conditions during production
steam curing, the ambient air temperature shall
and designed service life.
change at a rate not exceeding 22 °C per hour.
6.6.2 Reinforcements Generally, duration of steam curing at peak
temperature is kept between 6 h to 8 h. Trials shall
Precast concrete segments are reinforced with steel
be done to ascertain correct duration of steam
reinforcement bars or fibres (steel or polypropylene)
curing, to achieve desired concrete strength.
or a combination of both. When reinforced with
only steel reinforcement bars, categorization is done Generally, 2 h to 4 h after placing concrete and after
as transverse (to resist main tunnel forces), the concrete has undergone initial set, the first
longitudinal (to resist temperature and shrinkage) or application of steam should be made, unless
joint/special reinforcement (to resist forces from retarders are used, in which case the waiting period
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vadodara([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
before application of the steam should be increased concrete. Resistance to chloride ion permeability is
to 4 h to 6 h. Water curing methods to be used from important to prevent attack on steel reinforcements.
the time concrete is placed until steam is first Maximum chloride permeability rating shall be
applied. Adding hot water in cold weather facilitates specified depending upon project exposure
curing as well as reduces thermal gradient inside conditions; however, no individual test result shall
concrete segment during steam curing. Temperature exceed 1 000 coulombs at concrete age of 28 days.
monitoring may be documented for checking For test methods and frequency of chloride ion
adverse effects of high curing temperature. penetration testing, special literature may be
Post demoulding, curing compound shall be applied
as an alternate to further water curing of concrete NOTE — Special literature may include
ISO 1920 (Part 11) : 2013 ‘Testing of concrete: Part 11
ensuring complete personal protection equipment.
Determination of the chloride resistance of concrete,
The segment surface temperature during application unidirectional diffusion’ or any other guidelines as per the
of curing compound should not be more than agreements.
atmospheric temperature by 20 °C. Alkali silica reaction (ASR)
6.6.5 Durability of Precast Segments
ASR is a heterogeneous chemical reaction which
Durability of concrete precast segments should be takes place in aggregate particles between the
ensured to meet requirements of load bearing alkaline pore solution of the cement paste and silica
capacity of the ring and its individual components, in the aggregate particles. All aggregates shall be
water tightness under designed ground water tested for alkali silica reaction as per
pressures, avoiding spalling and excessive IS 2386 (Part 7) and deleterious content as per
degradation due to corrosion of reinforcements or IS 2386 (Part 2). The aggregates should be
aging of concrete by carbonation over the designed innocuous for alkali reactivity and shall have
life period. deleterious content limited to 2 percent by mass.
See also IS 383. Design life and crack width
Precast segments are not easily repairable or Delayed ettringite formation (DEF)
serviceable and hence designed for minimum DEF is expansion and cracking of concrete
100 year service life. Crack widths should be associated with the delayed formation of the mineral
limited to less than 0.2 mm during design and ettringite which is a normal product of early cement
subsequently during service stage. Precautions shall hydration. DEF should be prevented by limiting the
be taken to avoid thermal cracking of concrete internal concrete temperature to 70 °C during its
during casting. early life. Carbonation of concrete and chloride/ Numerical assessment of design life
sulphate attack
Various softwares are available to assess design life
Mostly durability is affected due to carbonation of of structures using inputs of concrete quality and
concrete and severe exposure towards sulphate properties of surrounding environment and provide
attack from ground water on reinforcements, the design life of structure as output. These
amongst others. Maximum acid soluble chloride techniques shall be adopted to ensure the desired
content shall be limited to 0.4 kg/m3 and water design life of structure.
soluble sulphate content expressed as SO3 shall be
limited to 4 percent by mass of cement as per IS 456. 6.7 Quality Control in Precast Concrete Segment
However, provision of minimum concrete cover of Production
40 mm on intrados and extrados of precast concrete Quality control is required to establish reasonable
segments for steel reinforcement bars shall be confidence in the performance of the concrete mix
followed. and its constituents to deliver the required Concrete permeability of concrete performance throughout the design life of the
structure. Projects may define their own frequency
Maximum depth of water penetration shall be and specific requirements; however, testing is
restricted to 10 mm for a sample prepared and tested conducted for initial suitability and confidence in
at design ground water pressure as per IS 3085 for control over continuous production process.
72 h.
A quality control plan shall list out all factors Chloride ion penetration responsible for influencing quality of concrete as
Chloride attack poses a significant threat to well as Initial suitability and production process.
reinforced concrete especially for structures that are Testing for concrete shall be carried for checking
likely to be exposed to high concentrations of salts. concrete compressive strength, splitting tensile
Chloride attack results in corrosion of steel strength, flexure strength, permeability and other
reinforcement, leading to cracking and spalling of
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tests related with durability as per IS 456 and check are recommended in Table 5.
requirements stated in 6.6.5 of this standard to the
6.7.2 Fabrication Control and Installation
extent applicable.
Tolerance for Precast Segments
6.7.1 Dimensional Control for Segment Moulds
These are allowable deviations from design
Tolerance to mould dimensions shall be agreed with dimensions in casted segments or from designed
manufacturer during design of each mould catering installation geometry, which do not result in damage
to temperature variations and number of casting to the segmental lining or rendering it unusable for
cycles expected at segment casting yard. After the intended function. Segment design should
fabrication, dimensional accuracy (angles, always be checked for tolerances comprising of
distances, and torsion) shall be ascertained before fabrication and installation tolerances separately for
using them for factory production. After being both individual segments and complete ring.
reused, say for 30 times post commissioning of Fabrication tolerance
casting factory, each mould shall be rechecked for
dimensional accuracy. Subsequently, during Fabrication tolerances for every segment for first
continuous production, each mould shall be 10 castings from a new mould should be measured
rechecked for dimensional accuracy at every and subsequently, say for every 50th casting.
200 reuses and readjusted if necessary. Allowable Recommended fabrication tolerances for precast
tolerances to mould dimensions during any stage of segments are provided in Table 6.
≤ 8.0 m ≥ 11.0 m
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Longitudinal joints tolerances (based on the load transfer surface)
a) Longitudinal joint deformation ± 0.3 mm ± 0.5 mm
b) Angular deviation of the longitudinal joint ± 0.5 mm ± 0.7 mm
c) Addition rule of 1.1 and 1.2 ± 0.6 mm ± 0.9 mm
ii) Overall segment deviations (based on the median plane)
a) Segment width ± 0.5 mm ± 0.7 mm
b) Segment thickness ± 3.0 mm ± 4.0 mm
c) Segment arch length ± 0.6 mm ± 0.7 mm
d) Inner radius of each segment ± 1.5 mm ± 2.5 mm
e) Difference of the diagonal length of a segment to the target ± 1.0 mm ± 2.0 mm
f) Vertical spacing of the fourth segment corner from the ± 5.0 mm ± 8.0 mm
plane formed by the other three corners
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vadodara([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
Table 6 (Concluded)
Sl Description Tolerances based on Inner
No. Ring Diameter
≤ 8.0 m ≥ 11.0 m
(1) (2) (3) (4)
iii) Sealing groove
a) Sealing groove width ± 0.2 mm ± 0.2 mm
b) Sealing groove depth ± 0.2 mm ± 0.2 mm
c) Position of sealing groove axis ± 1.0 mm ± 1.0 mm
iv) Flatness of the contact zones
a) Longitudinal and ring joint ± 0.3 mm ± 0.5 mm
v) Tolerances on the entire segment ring
a) Outside diameter ± 10 mm ± 15 mm
b) Inside diameter ± 10 mm ± 15 mm
c) Outer circumference (measured at three heights) ± 30 mm ± 45 mm
vi) Position of the fixing components
a) Erector cones ± 2.0 mm ± 2.0 mm
b) Spiral pockets and bushings ± 1.0 mm ± 1.0 mm
1 Interpolate the values for inner ring diameter between 8 m and 11 m.
2 Individual maximum tolerances are not allowed to add up and go beyond tolerances on entire segment ring.
3 In the case of inconsistency between two dependent tolerances, the more stringent shall be adopted.
4 Relaxation in tolerances for gasket groove shall be in accordance with the requirements of the gasket supplier/gasket type after
ensuring performance for specified conditions.
5 Tolerances on the entire segment ring relate to the tolerances of the master ring only. For these any two rings shall be erected on
a flat and level base with the top ring rotated one bolt pitch from the bottom ring with the bolts inserted. The base ring shall be
retained as the master ring. Checks shall be made against the master ring at intervals not exceeding 1 in every 200 produced rings. Dimensional control measurement records of laser interferometer with the theoretical ring
individual segments and ring sets preferably after geometry.
segment striping should be maintained as per project Installation tolerances
requirement. Laser based measurement of moulds
and segment which deliver a complete 3D geometry Deviations from design ring geometry can be
check to detect deviations in the sub-millimetre observed due to inaccurate ring installation.
range may also be employed. Tolerances on Excessive deviation from installation tolerances lead
complete ring can be measured by physically to reduced advance rates, joint misalignments,
placing one ring on top of another ring or comparing reduced sealing performance and overall functional
digitized models of ring geometry generated by a performance of the segment (see Table 7).
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Table 8 Recommended Remedial Measures for Damage Repair during Segment Production
(Clause 6.8)
Sl Damage Type Description Remedial Measure
(1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Voids Small voids visible on surface Closure of voids by stopping with
cement-bound mortar and final surface
ii) Cracks Cracks with more than 0.2 mm opening Penetration can be done with epoxy resin.
Cracks less than 0.2 mm can be penetrated
with glue.
iii) Spalling Separation of concrete layer from Post forming with cement mortar and final
segment normally near the groove or forming for spalling of less than 5 mm
segment edges depth and/or less than 20 m length. Spalling
greater than 30 mm will need epoxy resin
for reconstructing original geometry.
iv) Breakage Within groove, contact areas, near Upto 8 mm depth and 50 mm length
erector cones or bolting gaps breakage can be repaired with closure of
voids by stopping with non-shrink
cement-bound mortar and final surface
v) Pockets Locally limited and do not reach Reach intact concrete zone and fill with
reinforcement non-shrink cement-bound mortar.
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8 PRINCIPLES FOR DESIGN AND cross-passages to protect the safe area in the
CONSTRUCTION OF CROSS PASSAGES non-incident tube. During normal operation, the
cross-passages shall house and protect technical
8.1 Cross-passages are essential elements of twin-tube
equipment of various technical systems
railway and road transit tunnels. During construction
(for example, low voltage power supply,
and operation, cross-passages serve multiple
data/communication installations, etc). During
functions. For the operation phase of a tunnel,
maintenance, the cross-passages shall support a safe
major requirements result from the unique needs of
working environment for staff.
normal, maintenance and emergency mode of
tunnel operation. 8.3 Selection of Cross-passage Shape as Per
Ground Condition
8.2 During an emergency, cross-passages contribute
significantly to the safety of tunnels by providing an 8.3.1 The geometry of the cross-section of
escape route for the tunnel users from the incident to cross-passage are important to identify as per
the non-incident tube, that is, to a safe area, and by geological and loading condition for safety and
providing an access route for emergency forces from economical design. The shape of the cross-section
the safe area to the incident tube. Cross-passages depends on the external and internal forces acting on
need to be designed such that smoke or hazardous the perimeter of the excavated profile as detailed in
gases may not propagate into or through the Fig. 6.
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8.4 Location and Dimension Association” or any other guidelines as per the
8.4.1 Where tunnels are provided in twin tube
configuration, cross passages to the adjacent tube 8.5.2 During the design of opening for cross passage
can be considered a safe refuge. The cross passage in railway or road transit system where TBM
should be of at least 2 h fire resistance rated segment have been used, the load in tunnel lining
construction, and should be equipped with from which the segments are removed, is transferred
self-closing fire rated doors that open in both to the adjacent fully enclosed rings, as illustrated in
directions. Distance between any two Fig. 7.
cross-passageways and other design requirement 8.5.3 Permanent disruption to the structural response
should be as per SP 7 (Part 4). Special literature may of nearby segmental lining and re-distribution of soil
also be referred depending upon the project effective stresses will happen at the opening area
requirement. The system shall incorporate a where cross-passages will be constructed. This
walking surface or other approved means for creates additional stresses on the nearby segments at
passengers to evacuate a train at any point along the opening area which should be safely distributed to
train way so that they can proceed to the nearest other structural elements. The segments located at
station or other point of safety. Cross-passageways opening of cross-passage must be designed to
shall be a minimum of 1 200 mm in clear width and withstand all load cases and combinations which
2 100 mm in height, if intended of only pedestrians. they will be subjected during their design life. In
Larger cross passages may be required for deciding upon the type of the temporary opening
movement of emergency vehicles as per project support systems, it is important to review the
requirements. geological and geotechnical parameters through
NOTE — Special literatures may include guidelines from additional investigations as per site feasibility for
NFPA 130 or any other guidelines as per the agreement(s). safe and economical design. The ovalization
8.5 Design Considerations acceptance criteria of the segments at the opening
8.5.1 Cross-passages are used to be designed in location shall be decided as per the project
railway and road infrastructure for both soil and rock requirement considering the Schedule of Dimension
condition. In exceptional cases, cross-passages are (SOD). The approach for junction design of
used to be designed by the Box-Pushing Method in cross-passage can be analysed using analytical and
soil condition. For detailed design of cross-passage numerical methods of design.
and support arrangements IS 15026 (Part 1), IS 456 8.5.4 Different temporary support systems are
or special literature can be followed. Load available to create an opening on the precast
combinations for design shall be adopted as per concrete segments. Temporary steel bracing can be
SP 7 (Part 6), and project requirements. installed inside of tunnel at opening space to provide
NOTE — Special literatures may include guidelines from support and mitigate ring ovalization resulting from
Indian Road Congress, (IRC) SP-91, FHWA-NHI-09-010 opening and cross passage excavation. Commonly
and ITA-COSUF N° 03 “International Tunnelling used systems are mentioned in Fig. 8 to Fig. 11.
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8.6 Precautions for Cross Passage Construction out the task as per drawings, construction
Problems encountered during cross-passage methodology and specifications.
construction and precautions required are given as 9 FACE PRESSURES
If the ground is unstable, weak enough with high
8.6.1 Ingress of Water and Proper Assessment of the deformations than desired or groundwater exist at
Ground Condition the tunnel face with undesirable water inflow, then
Water can inflow through rock-joints during it should be kept under pressure. The pressure in the
construction of opening for cross-passage if water work chamber should be kept at a level that allows
level is high, which can cause difficulty in stable working conditions. If it is too low an
cross-passage construction. Adequate preparedness uncontrolled collapse into the chamber could occur
for fillings of the joints with grouting arrangement and if it is high, it may cause a 'blow out' or
shall be readily available. The ground condition deformation of the ground surface.
shall be accurately assessed to minimize the risk of
failure. These issues may cause chimney formation
and an unsafe working environment. Probe-drilling
shall be done before opening for cross-passage from
safety aspect. 10.1 Ground and Sub-Surface Displacements
8.6.2 Inadequate Design and Construction Scheme Ground and subsurface displacements shall be
considered as an important criterion in design and
Inappropriate support arrangement and construction
construction of tunnel. The settlement shall be
scheme can trigger the risk for failure of
calculated with empirical approach. The estimation
cross-passage. It is to be ensured before construction
of displacement shall be verified with analytical and
that the support systems are in order as per the
numerical approaches.
ground and loading condition.
During construction, ground movement records and
8.6.3 Material and Equipment Issue
controls shall be put in place. Various limits on
Use of construction material and equipment with ground movement shall be defined as per design,
inadequate properties may lead to failure of and demarked with colors such as green, amber and
cross-passage. Suitable quality material and red as per the severity of ground movement. The
equipment as per project specifications shall be data collected on ground movements during
used. construction shall be used to correlate with design
values and validation/review of design shall be
8.6.4 Delay in the Installation of Support System
carried out, if required.
The delay in the installation of support system may
10.2 Tunnelling Induced Vibrations
lead to failure in critical ground condition. Skilled
person shall be deployed at site to take decision All tunnel induced vibrations shall be within limits
instantly upon observing the criticality of the ground to have minimum impact on the state of structural
condition to minimize the risk of failure. The health of third-party structures/buildings in the
materials and equipment shall be in place to carry influence zone of construction.
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Hz mm/s
I Industrial reinforced concrete and steel 10 – 60 30
buildings and structures 60 – 90 30 – 40
II Buildings with concrete foundations and 10 – 60 18
floors; Underground structures 60 – 90 18 – 25
III Buildings with concrete foundations and 10 – 60 12
basement floor, wooden floors and 60 – 90 12 – 18
brickwork walls
IV Buildings sensitive to vibrations or 10 – 60 8
requiring protection 60 – 90 8 – 12
Detailed study on vibration impact for sensitive Association” or any other guidelines as per the
cases not listed above, shall be done in accordance
10.3 Groundwater Contamination Geotechnical risks are always part of tunnelling,
Groundwater contamination during construction however for successful TBM tunnelling, it is
shall be within the limits as specified in the project important to undertake detailed ground
specifications, local guidelines and laws. investigations to identify all hazards and then
consequently selection and design of an appropriate
11 INSTRUMENTATION AND MONITORING TBM. Long and deep tunnels face different hazards
Main objective of instrumentation and monitoring compared to tunnelling in shallow overburden. Few
are to: identified geological hazards for different TBM
types along with identification of consequences on
a) obtain information on ground response due the selected TBM and location of the hazard are
to tunnelling; given in Annex B. Recommendations for mitigation
b) provide construction control; measures for various hazards depending on selected
c) verify design parameters and analysis; TBM are given in Annex D. List of hazards and
d) measure performance of support system mitigation measures presented in Annex C and
during and after construction; Annex D are just for guidance purpose and need to
e) assessment of groundwater impact due to be updated to the project requirements. These
tunnelling from environmental aspect; and mitigation measures shall not be construed to reduce
f) indicate a warning of critical ground importance of detailed investigations during initial
condition due to tunnelling. project stages.
12.1 Geotechnical Risk Mitigation Measures
The quantity and frequency of instruments and
monitoring shall be based on ground response and 12.1.1 Advance Probing
same shall be adopted as per project requirement.
Advance probing is used in difficult ground
IS 17446 provides the details of instrumentation and conditions to predict indication of water ingress, gas
monitoring of tunnels, special literature may be potential, fault, and transition zones. Both direct and
referred for the details. indirect methods are used for this purpose. Direct
NOTE — Special literatures may include guidelines from methods require to drill an investigation hole ahead
ITA tech report N° 03 “International Tunnelling of tunnel face whereas indirect methods use
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geophysics to provide data regarding strata ahead of investigations are non-destructive methods,
face. conducted by using geophysical methods. These List of direct methods for advance probing methods require less time for probing; however, they
are presented in Table 10. Direct investigations are cannot replace application of direct methods
conducted by drilling ahead of TBM head with or completely. Commonly used geophysical methods
without core recovery. Systematic probing with an are based seismic wave velocity and electrical
overlap of 5 m to 10 m is mandatory to correctly resistivity of the ground ahead of cutter head.
predict the strata likely to be encountered for TBM Depending on ground properties, appropriate
boring through difficult ground conditions. Geophysical methods can be used to predict ground
conditions. However, selective confirmation of List of indirect methods for advance
interpretation by core drilling is recommended.
probing are presented in Table 11. Indirect
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freezing point of the groundwater shall be on the diameter) per meter of shield. If not estimated
determined. The process shall be carefully properly, conicity can unnecessarily increase TBM
monitored during construction. Thermocouple cutting diameter and consumption of annulus grout
strings shall be used to monitor the ground behind segmental lining leading to overall increase
temperatures between the freezing elements and to in construction cost.
monitor the refrigerant temperature. Lubrication of TBM shield extrados
Ground freezing shall be carried out as per specialist
literature. To reduce skin friction at points of contact between
rock and shield, provision to lubricate shield
12.1.3 Developments in TBM Design to Reduce extrados with bentonite or similar material should be
Squeezing Ground Risks made during design stage. This lowers skin friction
Squeezing ground conditions risk TBM operations, coefficient and reduces the torque and thrust
when deformations occur which close gap between requirement of TBM during advancement.
shield and surrounding excavated rock. Converging
tunnel face puts additional load on the cutter head Sufficient torque and thrust
requiring a higher torque for rotation. In TBMs with
low thrust/torque capability, this leads to jamming Squeezing zones should be excavated by adopting
of shield or cutter head due to friction. TBM all measures as stated above, however when
jamming usually occurs in shielded rock TBMs with jamming of TBM shield or cutter head occurs due to
high in-situ stresses and soft ground conditions. circumstances beyond control at site, then additional
Following measures may be adopted based on thrust and torque can help to rescue and release the
project requirements to mitigate TBM squeezing shield from converging ground.
risks. Convergence monitoring devices on TBM Enlargement of boring diameter by shield
increasing radial overcut
Convergence monitoring device comprises of steel
In squeezing ground conditions, additional space cylinders fixed inside front shield which can be
around TBM shield should be provided to allow pushed outwards towards excavated rock when
ground relaxation by deforming without squeezing TBM is not advancing. When these cylinders are
the shield. Increased radial overcut can be achieved provided at ring width spacing, they can measure
by shimming the periphery cutters, increasing deformation at same location 3 times or more. This
diameter of periphery cutters and installing helps in knowing the deformation trends during each
additional cutters at guage positions. Typically, a ring building cycle and helps in strategizing
uniform radial overcut of up to 100 mm can be additional measures to prevent shield jamming due
provisioned in TBM during design stage. to squeezing ground. Cutter head offsetting
By design, diameter of cutter head is kept slightly AND VENTILATION
bigger than diameter of connecting end of front
shield by 50 mm to 100 mm. Typically, in squeezing Ventilation systems shall be design by both
ground conditions, deformations are observed empirical and analytical approaches.
mostly in tunnel crown, hence TBM cutter head
should have provision to move cutter head vertically 13.1 Empirical approach may be based on:
up. Vertical cutter head offsetting is used together a) Emergency ventilation smoke control in
with boring diameter enlargement to increase radial roadways tunnels; and
overcut at crown.
b) Vehicle emission and air demand for Conical shield ventilation in road tunnels.
During TBM excavation, deformation in tunnel wall
For railway tunnels the emissions expected during
occurs behind TBM shield as TBM advances ahead.
operation shall be converted to equivalent truck
Based on most frequent ground properties and
numbers and above guidelines shall be used. For
condition of in-situ stresses, deformation values can
empirical approach special literatures may be used.
be easily estimated. A conical shield having larger
front shield diameter and lesser tail shield diameter NOTE — Special literatures may include guidelines from
AASHTO, PIARC or any other guidelines as per the
can be provisioned during TBM design to cater for
deformation which is bound to happen most of
times. The rate of conicity from front to tail shield
may be kept in range of 5 mm to 10 mm (calculated
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13.2 Analytical approach may be based on CFD greater security to sensitive data and make it simple
(computational fluid dynamics) analysis and SP 7. for projects to access siloed data for AI and ML
Special literatures may also be referred. projects.
NOTE — Special literatures may include guidelines from
UIC 779-9R, TSI-SRT, and NFPA 130 or any other
14.3 Since AI and ML use in a project has
guidelines as per the agreements. challenges, it is important to understand specific and
clear conditions for following:
AND MACHINE LEARNING (ML) IN TBM a) Specific provisions on collection, storage
TUNNELLING and processing the data;
14.1 Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are b) Specifying the restricted access to relevant
ongoing developments in many industries including data to concerned users at various stages of
tunnelling. These technologies shall be carefully project that is, setting up a system to
included in the projects with inclusion of processes provide users with access to relevant data
and provisions in the project requirements. The only at a particular stage of project;
local guidelines/laws for use of these technologies c) Specifying the control on data and defining
shall be adhered to. controls with respect to the project stages;
14.2 Data-driven automation in project may result in d) Specifying the security standards for data
issues related to data security. Each project is unique security;
and has its own challenges related to who can collect e) Clearly specifying the requirement for
the data, how to store it, how to ensure its security, processing the data and related use of
who owns the data during project and after systems required for the same;
completion of project, who has access to data and f) Specifying the outputs from programs;
during which stage of the project. This control over g) Defining the allowed error in output
data shall be defined by client and controls must be expectations from the programs;
defined in detail. Therefore, it shall be integral for h) Specifying the ownership of data and/or
projects to embrace the best and right data AI/ML program; and
management environment for implementation of AI. j) Specifying training requirements for use of
Such a data management environment will offer data and program.
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(Clause 2)
(Part 9) : 2002 Specific requirements for IS/ISO 4866 : 2010 Mechanical vibration and
non-load bearing ceiling shock - vibration of fixed
elements structures — Guidelines
for the measurement of
IS 2386 Methods of test for vibrations and evaluation
aggregates for concrete: of their effects on
(Part 2) : 1963 Estimation of deleterious
materials and organic IS 8764 : 1998 Method of determination
impurities of point load strength
index of rocks (first
(Part 7) : 1963 Alkali aggregate
IS 9143 : 1979 Method for the
IS 3085 : 1965 Method of test for determination of unconfined
permeability of cement compressive strength of
mortar and concrete rock materials
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(Part 2) : 1987 Spacing (under revision) (Part 2) : 2019 Rock mass quality for
prediction of support
(Part 3) : 1987 Persistence (under pressure, support system
revision) and engineering properties
in underground openings
(Part 4) : 1987 Roughness (under (first revision)
(Part 5) : 1987 Wall strength (under IS 15026 (Part 1) : 2022 Tunnelling methods in rock
revision) masses — Guidelines:
(Part 6) : 1987 Aperture (under revision) Part 1 Conventional
tunnelling methods (first
(Part 7) : 1987 Filling (under revision) revision)
(Part 8) : 1987 Seepage (under revision)
IS 16752 : 2018 Rubber — Tolerances for
(Part 9) : 1987 Number of sets (under ISO 3302-1 : 2014 products — Dimensional
revision) tolerances
(Part 10) : 1987 Block size (under IS 17446 : 2020 Observational method for
revision) tunnelling in rock masses
(Part 11) : 1985 Core recovery and rock — Guidelines
quality designation
SP 7 : 2016 National building code of
(under revision)
India, 2016
(Part 12) : 1992 Drill core study (under
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(Clauses 4 and 12)
B-1 RECOMMENDED AREA Table 13 and Table 14. These tables are provided
The recommended area of application for various only for common guidance and actual selection
TBMs is provided in Table 12. criteria of TBM type may depend on project specific
requirements. In the table, (√) denotes main
B-1.1 Recommended selection criteria for different
application area, (o) denotes limited application area
TBM types for application in soil and rock on basis
and (x) denotes application not recommended.
of relevant geotechnical parameters is provided in
Table 13 Areas of Application for Gripper (GRT) and Double Shield (DOS) TBM
(Clause B-1.1)
Sl Parameter Application on Rock
(1) (2) (3)
i) Unconfined 0–5 5 – 25 25 – 50 50 – 100 100 – 250 > 250
compressive GRT x o √ √ √ √
strength (MPa) DOS o o √ √ √ √
ii) Rock quality 0 – 25 25 – 50 50 – 75 75 – 90 90 – 100
designation GRT x o √ √ √
(RQD) DOS o √ √ √ √
iii) Rock mass ratio < 20 21 – 40 41 – 60 61 – 80 81 – 100
(RMR) GRT x o √ √ √
DOS o √ √ √ √
iv) Water inflow per 0 0-10 10-25 25-125 > 125
10 m tunnel GRT √ √ √ o x
DOS √ √ √ o x
v) Abrasivity (CAI) 0.1 – 0.5 0.5 –1 1 –2 2–4 4–6
GRT √ √ √ o o
DOS √ √ √ o o
vi) Swelling None Poor Fair High
potential GRT √ √ o o
DOS √ √ o o
vii) Confinement 0 1–4 4 –7 7 –15
pressure [bar] GRT √ x x x
DOS √ x x x
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(Clause 12)
Back-up area
2 Unwanted — Risk mitigation measures
Single shield
Tunnel face
TBM area
shall be identified. The measures shall be
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Double shield
Back-up area
2 Unwanted — Risk mitigation measures
Single shield
Tunnel face
TBM area
shall be identified. The measures shall be
implemented if the costs of the measures
are not disproportionate with the risk
reduction obtained
3 Unacceptable — The risk shall be
reduced at least to unwanted, regardless
of the costs of risk mitigation
2 2 2 Reduction of advance rate up to stop - - -
Complete stop of the TBM due to site - - -
3 3 3
iv) Extremely high-
water inflow 2 2 2 Mucking-out difficulties - √ √
0 2 2 Difficulty in bedding the segment - √ √
3 3 3 Hazardous working conditions √ √ √
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(Clause 12)
The examples of mitigation measures for various geological hazards and difficulty in implementation based on
the selected TBM shall be as given in Table 16.
Table 16 Mitigation Measures Regarding the Consequences of the Hazards duringTBM Operation
According to the Selected TBM Type
(Clause D-1)
Sl Hazards Difficulty Level Example of Mitigation Measures
No. to Implement
(1) (2) (3) (4)
0 Not concerned
Double Shield
Single Shield
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Double Shield
Single Shield
1 Easy to implement on site, to be previously considered in the design
2 Medium difficulty of implementation
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IS 15026 (Part 2) : 2023
Rock Mechanics Sectional Committee, CED 48
Organization Representative(s)
Central Soil & Materials Research Station, New Delhi SHRI HARI DEV
Central Water and Power Research Station, Pune SHRI RIZWAN ALI
DR S. A. BURELE (Alternate)
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vadodara([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].
IS 15026 (Part 2) : 2023
Organization Representative(s)
In Personal Capacity (Jal Vidyut Apts, Sector 21-C, SHRI IMRAN SAYEED
Member Secretary
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development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.
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This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 48 (20381).