JANEL REBETA - Anti Frizz Leave On Spray Conditioner

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Gabriel International School (SGIS)

Senior High School Department

“Anti-frizz Leave on Spray Conditioner”

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements

Science and Technology

Prepared by:

Ann Rose Janel A. Rebeta

Submitted to:

Ms. Marie R. Rodriguez, LPT

January 2019

Title Page 1

Table of Contents 2

Acknowledgments 3

Abstract 4

Introduction 5

Review of Related Literature 8

Methodology 15

Experimental Data and Results 28

Results and Recommendations 32

Bibliography 34

The researcher would like to express her sincere gratitude to the

following people who’s help was greatly appreciated in the making of

this research.

First and foremost, the researcher would like to give thanks and

praise to The Almighty God for giving the researcher strength,

knowledge and inspiration.

The researcher would also like to express the deepest gratitude

to Ms. Marie Rodriguez for her sincere guidance, expertise and support

in doing this reserch.

The researcher would like to extend her sincere gratitude to

teachers namely, Ms Deborah Talampas, Ms Carmencita Abuso, Ms

Joan Magapi, and Ms Karleene Hadap for sparing their time to panel

and share their knowledge to further improve the study. A great

appreciation to the students namely, Chris Cocjin, Andrea Carpio,

Pamela Gonzales and Nevaeh Go who took their time to participate for

the study.

Lastly, the researcher would like to thank her family and friends

who showed their constant support and encouragement to do her best

in creating this research.


Humidity causes hair to become frizzy, untamable and bushy,

especially in the tropical climate of the Philippines.To tame this,

conditioners are used to make hair smoother and healthier. However,

many people are not aware of the ingredients in conditioners in the

market. The ingredients used may be potentially harmful to one’s

health and the environment. This is why the researcher sought to

study and produce an all organic anti-frizz leave on spray conditioner

which can be created at home.

The main objective of this study is to review and analyze the

benefits and composition of different ingredients to produce the

conditioner. The all organic conditioner is intended to become a

substitute to conditioners in the market.

After gathering and reviewing ingredients, trials and

experimentations were done to produce the final product, an anti-frizz

leave on spray conditioner. The ingredients were chosen specifically

for dry and frizzy hair, to make them smoother and easier to manage.

This investigatory project shows how rose water, rosemary essential

oil, argan oil and macadamia oil can be used to produce a safe

alternative to harmful chemicals for a conditioner.


This Investigatory Project is about creating a leave on spray

conditioner, specifically designed for dry and frizzy hair by using only

organic products.

The warm tropical climate of the Philippines is well acquainted

with the effect of humidity on one’s hair. Humidity causes hair to

become frizzy, untamable and bushy.

Conditioning the hair helps smoothen the hair and keep it

hydrated, controlling the frizz and making it soft. There are many

conditioners and other hair products on the market that contain many

different chemicals in which the consumers are unaware or unfamiliar

with, that may potentially harm their skin. Harmful ingredients such

as: Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES) which is a very strong detergent

that strips the oils from hair, taking its moisture; alcohol which has a

drying effect; parabens are found to disrupt hormones and even pose

a cancer risk (nutrafol.com). The said ingredients are only a few of

many manufactured chemicals that can cause adverse effects on


The main objective of this study is to create an all organic

conditioner as a substitute to conditioners in the market. It will allow

the consumers to have knowledge on the ingredients that they are

applying on their scalp and hair.The contents of this study will also

inform the consumers about the benefits of the ingredients used in the



This scientific investigatory project will benefit people who are

having trouble with their dry hair since the conditioner is specifically

for them.

As this product can also be made at home, the consumer will be

able to change the ratio and proportion of the ingredients to match

and satisfy their own specific hair type. This organic product will be

safer for consumers and will provide great benefits as it does not

contain any chemicals, additives or synthetic ingredients that may

harm an individual’s health or the environment.

By making the packaging of the product a spray bottle, it will

be more efficient for consumers. It is time efficient since the product

will not take a long time to put on. One will be able to skip the use of

a conditioner while showering because they can easily use this product

afterwards. It can also be used anywhere and anytime, whenever one

needs to use it.

This investigatory project focuses on the benefits of the

ingredients used to produce the anti-frizz spray conditioner.The

organic ingredients that were researched on and used to produce the

conditioner were: rose water, rosemary essential oil,argan oil and

macadamia oil.

The researcher did not study nor test the shelf life of the

product. The product was not clinically tested in a laboratory.


This chapter presents the gathered related literature and

existing studies done by researchers regarding this study. The review

of the study focuses on the ingredients used to create the product and

the benefits it will provide for the consumers.

Hair Porosity

Hair porosity is how well hair absorbs and retains

moisture.Porosity is usually genetic, but it can change depending on a

variety of factors. Exposure, heat

treatments, chemical processing,

and environmental damage (like

pollution) can all affect hair porosity.

There are three types of hair based on porosity: low porosity hair,

normal porosity hair and high porosity hair.

Each individual hair strand is made up of layers. The outer layer

is called the cuticle, and it looks like scales or roof shingles placed over

each other. The cuticle is flexible and can open up to allow oils and

water to pass in and out of hair.

If the cuticle is close together and tightly compacted, then water

and products will have a hard time permeating hair strand. This is low

porosity hair, which takes a while to dry and is more difficult to

style.Low porosity hair has a tightly-bound, compact cuticle layer.

Cuticles will lay flat and smooth, and do not open up easily to allow

moisture in orout.

Medium levels of porosity are the lowest-maintenance of the

three kinds of hair. Hair easily absorbs and retains moisture, as

demonstrated in full, bouncy, and elastic locks.

On the other hand, high porosity hair is characterized by very

open cuticles. This kind of hair is usually prone to frizz and drying out

and needs


hair care

products to

keep it healthy and shiny. High porosity hair has wide-open cuticles

with gaps and holes, so it can easily absorb water and products. This

also means that it dries out quickly, leaving hair dehydrated, frizzy,

and tangled. If hair has gone harsh heat or chemical treatment, having

high porosity hair will most likely happen.(christonyc.com)

Rose Water

Rosa Damascena or Damask

Rose, was discovered by the

Sasanian Empire, they used its

fragrant to make perfumes. In the

10th Century, a scientist named

Avicenna refined rose water and

made it a profitable source of

trade for Persians

(Cilkrosewater.com, 2017).

Along with the use of its fragrance, rose water was used as a

medicinal ingredient for many ancient cultures, such as the Romans.

It is also used for its benefits to health and beauty. Rose water was

used by the famous Queen Cleopatra; she regularly bathed in

authentic rose water, regarding it as her beauty secret.


Roses are rich in vitamins which enhances the quality of hair,

making it healthier. It is a way to reduce dryness and repairs

damaged hair. According to the website, naturallycurly.com, rose

water stabilizes the hair’s pH balance and by doing this, it repairs the

hairs damaged porosity. Also, rose water has natural antiseptic

properties, this cleans the hair and lessens dandruff which ultimately

promotes hair growth.

Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a plant that belongs to the

mint family. Rosemary essential oil is extracted from the leaves and

flowers of the plant.

In an article by mercola.com, it stated that Rosemary has been

used for centuries and is considered sacred by ancient Greeks,

Romans, Egyptians and Hebrews. This is because of its herbal, culinary

and beauty benefits.

As for beauty

benefits, more specifically

hair, rosemary essential oil is used on thin and brittle hair. The use of

rosemary on hair softens and conditions it with its vitamins and

natural moisturizing oils. It also increases hair thickness and fullness

while making it healthier. (goodhealthacademy.com)

Argan Oil

Argan Oil is sourced from

the kernels of Argan trees

(Argania Spinosa), native to

Morocco. (verywellhealth.com).

Due to argan oils extraordinary

characteristics, it is considered

very valuable to Morocco. It has

been used topically and orally to improve the health of skin, hair and


Argan oil contains many different beneficial properties and

vitamins; it is rich in fatty acids and antioxidants like Vitamin E. Some

benefits of argan oil to health is that it protects the skin from damage,

moisturizes skin, treats acne and skin

infections, anti-aging and improves

wound healing. (healthline.com)

In addition to the said benefits, argan oil is mostly used for hair

protection and treatment by acting as the optimal moisturizer, treating

dry and frizzy hair. When applied to the hair, it replenishes and locks

hair moisture in a natural and efficient way. Its rich nutritional

components straighten hair to heal split ends and restore its


Macadamia Oil

Macadamia nut trees, also

known as Macadamia ternifolia, are

mainly found in Hawaii and when

the nuts fall from the tree they are

then husked.

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrient

database stated that macadamia oil contains calcium,iron, magnesium

phosphorous. The nutrient composition and high concentrations of

fatty acids of macadamia oil makes it very beneficial for hair and skin.

(naturallycurly.com) The nutrients provide the hair with restorative

properties to make hair look better. Macadamia oil is used in cosmetics

and skin care for its nutritious and hydrating characteristics.

It is used a lot for hair care and treatments as the properties of

macadamia oil help moisturize dry and brittle strands, strengthen and

add shine. (goodhealthacademy.com). The oil smoothens split ends

and straightens frizzy hair and since it is a light oil, it will not weigh

the hair down nor make it greasy. Its antioxidant properties and

vitamins also fight off bacteria, making it healthier.




Gathering of organic ingredients

Chemical composition

Mixing process


Figure 1.Flowchart illustrating the Theoretical Framework

of the study

The ingredients used for the product are all organic. As seen

from the review of related literature, the active organic ingredients

have a lot of benefits. Rose water is rich in vitamins which enhances

the quality of hair, making it healthier. Rosemary essential oil softens

and conditions hair using its natural moisturizers. Argan oil and
macadamia oil smooths out dry hair, giving it moisture and locking it

in. All of the ingredients will then be mixed together to produce and

test the anti-frizz leave- on conditioner.



-Water - Create Rose

-An organic
-Rose petals usingsteam
leave on
–Rosemary spray
-Mix all of the conditioner
essential oil ingredients for dry and
frizzy hair.
-Argan oil - Testing of
the product

Figure 2. Paradigm of the concepts of the study from

input, process to the output.

This is used as a guide for the researcher, so that they have an

overview of the processes, testing and output. Nature of rose water,

rosemary essential oil, argan oil and macadamia oil will serve as the

primary source of information of the study.


In conducting the study of hair types, conditioners and

procedures, extensive research was done; facts and information were

attained from computer research.


 Large pot with lid  Jar/ Cup

 2 Glass Bowls  Funnel

 Spray Bottle  Measuring spoons


 2 tbs– DistilledWater

 1 tbs – Rose water

- 6roses

- Distilled or tap water

- Ice Cubes

 1 tsp – Argon Oil

 1 tsp – Macadamia Oil

 2 drops – Rosemary Essential Oil


Part 1. Making Rose Water

Step 1.

Select 6 fresh roses and rinse

them. Pull the petals off and put them in

a bowl, discard the rest of the rose.

Step 2.

Use a double boiler to steam the petals. To make a double

boiler, take a pot, place a small glass bowl in the middle of the

saucepan and another glass bowl on top of it.

Step 3.

Arrange the rose petals in the pot, surrounding the glass bowl.

Then, pour water into the pot with the rose petals, the water should

just be above the glass bowl under.

Step 4.

Take the lid of the pot and invert it to place on the pot. Add ice

on top of the inverted lid; the steam will collect on the lid surface and

then funnel down to its center to drop into the bowl.Add more ice

when it melts. Ice cubes are used to exaggerate and quicken the pace

of the condensation process. Keep doing this until the process is over.

Step 5.

On low/med heat, simmer water and

petals until the petals lose their colour. Do

not boil the water, just a simmer.

Step 6.

When the petals have lost majority of their pigment, remove the

heat and allow the water to cool. Once cool, take the steamed rose

water from the small bowl into a jar and keep in a cool and dry place.

Part 2. Mixing all of the ingredients

Step 1

Take your empty spray bottle and put a funnel in the opening.

Use the ratio 2:1 of water to rose water. Pour2 tablespoons of

waterand1 tablespoonof rose water into the spray bottle.

Step 2

Add 1 tsp of argan oil and 1 tsp of macadamia oil.

Step 3

Add 2 drops of rosemary essential oil into the mixture.

Step 4

Tightly close the bottle and make sure to shake it before use.

Store the product in a cool dry place.


To test the product, the researcher looked for grade 11 and 12

respondents who perceived to have high porosity hair due to

characteristics such as, fizzy, dry and tangled hair.

There were 4 persons who identified with having high porosity

hair and agreed to test the product. They were informed about the

ingredients as well as its benefits. The researcher asked the

participants to test the product on their skin first to see if there were

any adverse side effects. The participants were instructed to use the

product for two consecutive days. The researcher also instructed them

to not use their regular conditioner and use the anti-frizz leave on

spray conditioner as a substitute.

After two days of trying the product, the researcher interviewed

the respondents. The researcher asked the participants for their

opinions, suggestions and the effectiveness rating of the product on a

scale of 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest).

The first participant gave the product a rate of 4 out of 5. They

used the product three times a day. They liked the product because

they found that their hair got smoother and less frizzy after applying

the product; they also enjoyed its scent. The participant also found

the use of a spray bottle very convenient as they were able to carry it

with them and use it when needed. However, the participant thought

that the product would be more effective if it is used consistently for a

longer period of time.

The next participant rated the product 3.5 out of 5. They used

the product only after taking a shower. The second participant said

that their hair became softer and easier to manage and comb. In

addition, they said that the use of a spray bottle was efficient; they

were able to apply it quickly and without too much effort. The second

participant recommends to use the product for longer to be able to see

better results as two days were not enough.

The third participant gave the product a rate of 5 out of 5. This

participant used the product after every few hours. According to

them, they found the product really effective as their frizzy hair

immediately became smoother and shinier. They also liked the scent

of the product as it had the same scent of other products in the

market that they use. Also, they said that the spray bottle came in

handy, they were able to carry it with them and use it whenever they

needed to.

The last participant rated the product 4.5 out of five. This

participant used the product two to three times a day. They found the

product very effective; their hair was shinier, softer, healthier and less

frizzy than usual. The effects were long-lasting and noticeable. Also,

they thought that the use of a spray bottle was efficient, it allowed fast

and even application. However, since the product is oil based, it made

their hair oilier than usual.




Respondent 1



Respondent 2:



Respondent 3:



Respondent 4:





Rose Water 100 ml ₱240

Rosemary Essential Oil 1 ml ₱ 36

Argan Oil 30ml ₱265

Macadamia Oil 30ml ₱150

TOTAL ₱ 691

The table above shows the price for each ingredient used in

making the product. The amount of ingredients can make up to six

30ml bottles of the anti-frizz conditioner. The prices were added and

divided by the number of conditioners produced, thus, a bottle of the

anti-frizz leaveon spray conditioner is ₱ 115. The price is at par with

conditioners on the market but it is definitely lower than other organic

hair products in the market.



The main objective, that is to produce an all organic anti-frizz

leaveon spray conditioner was accomplished by the researcher.

However, the researcher found some obstacles along the way.

In the first trial, the researcher did not have the correct ratio for

the oils and the water. When applied to the hair, the fragrance of the

rosemary essential oil was too strong. The scent of rosemary is only

pleasant in small amounts, an excess will make it smell like eucalyptus

and menthol. This scent is not favourable for a conditioner. Also, the

researcher put too much carrier oils (argan and macadamia oil). Thus,

when it was applied to the hair, the strands became too oily, it made it

look greasy, and the weight was heavier. So, the researcher

decreased the amount of oils and increased the amount of rose water

for it to be balanced.

After testing the product, the researcher asked the participants

to rate the effectiveness of the product from 1 to 5. The overall rating

of the effectiveness of the product was 4.25 out of 5. Based on the

response of the participants, the product was effective. They said that

the product definitely reduced the fizziness of their hair and ultimately

made it smoother and shinier. Also, they said that the spray bottle

made it more convenient and efficient to use because they were able

to easily apply it anywhere and whenever they needed to. The

researcher initially thought that the scent of rosemary essential oil

would not be favourable but the participants enjoyed and preferred the

scent as it was said to be refreshing. Yet, the participants also said

that its effects would be better and would last longer through

consistent use of the product.


The researcher recommends it to future researchers to study the

shelf life of the spray on conditioner, with consideration to its

ingredients. The researcher also suggests to have proper clinical and

laboratory tests on the product. Since the ingredients are all organic,

this makes it safe for use but to ensure customer assurance,

laboratory tests should still be conducted.For future tests on the

product, the frequency of application as well as the amount should be

considered. Future researchers should try other organic ingredients to

give hair moisture and improve dry hair. Moreover, other hair types

and concerns such as, dull hair, split ends, greasiness, thinning and

hair fall should be looked into to create a spray conditioner specifically

for those concerns.


14 Benefits and Uses of Rosemary Essential Oil. (n.d.). Retrieved from


5 Toxic Ingredients in Shampoos and Conditioners You Should Avoid.

(2016, June 29). Retrieved from https://www.ecowatch.com/5-

Argan Oil for Skin: Benefits and Uses for All Skin Types. (n.d.).
Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/argan-oil-

DIY Rose Water: Tips To Make It And Use It For Skin Care. (2012,
June 21). Retrieved from

Everything You Need to Know About Hair Porosity - Christo Fifth

Avenue. (2018, November 9). Retrieved from

How to Boost Hair Growth & Repair Hair with Macadamia Oil. (2018,
May 18). Retrieved from

Rose Water: History, How To Use and Benefits. (2012, December 17).
Retrieved from https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/rose-water-

The history of rose water. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Khadija. (2014, January 25). Argan oil natural hair care: The ultimate
All-Rounder for your hair. Retrieved from

Wong, C. (2011, October 7). The Positives and Negatives of Argan Oil
for Body and Health. Retrieved from


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