Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Hair Dye

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Formulation and Evaluation of Herbal Hair Dye

Ganesh Sarkate1, Akansha Sarode2, Omkar Selmokar3, Prof. Poonam Harpale4, Dr . Rajesh Oswal5
Research Scholar1,2,3, B. Pharmacy Final Year, Assistant Professor Department of Pharmaceutics 5, Principal6
Genba Sopanrao Moze College of Pharmacy, Wagholi, Pune 412207 Maharashtra.

Abstract:- Loss of colour in hair is because of shifted view of encounters of a few groups who were involving
reasons like hereditary impact, impact of ecological different plant items for shading their hair without having any
variables, utilization of alcoholic arrangements, and so issues of irritancy, sensitivity, or responsiveness. The main
forth. However, the long-lasting engineered hair colours aim of the present investigation is to formulate natural and
are accessible in various variety goes and hold normal safe hair colorants.
radiance, they have the main detriment of creating easily
affected responses in certain people. In the current II. ROLE OF INGREDIENTS USED IN THE
examination different blends of powdered leaves and hair FORMULATION OF HERBAL HAIR DYE
care plants like Henna, Indigo, Bhringraj, Amla,
Shikakai, Gulvel, Brahmi, Jatamansi and Shatavari were A. Henna
assessed for their shading and awareness responses. Henna likewise lessens untimely turning grey of hair,
Henna and Indigo detailing was viewed as reasonable since it is stacked with tannins, a plant compound found in a
normal colorant. tea that adds to their rich shading. Henna contains vitamin E,
which assists with mellowing hair. The natural leaves of the
The current examination, endeavours were made to make plant are rich in proteins and antioxidants that support hair
a powder home grown hair colour that gives rosy earthy health.
coloured tone to hair, looking like normal Hair tone with
better colouring impact and more prominent
maintenance limit on correlation with showcased natural
hair colour plan. Most of the showcased Herbal hair
colour definitions contain para-phenylenediamine at 20-
25% fixations which is the primary element of business
engineered colours. Setting off unfavourably susceptible
skin responses in many people is known. Ayurvedic
powder hair colour absent any trace of any engineered
specialist was ready in present examination Work and
assessed for colouring productivity.

Keywords:- Natural Hair Colorants, Dye Yielding Plants,

Hair Care Plants, Henna, Indigo.

Fig 1: - Henna powder
From old days different materials from plants like
Henna, Chamomile, Indigo, and so forth are utilized to colour B. Amla
the silver hair to get regular dark colour yet rather than getting Amla powder upgrades the retention of calcium,
dark colour individuals get red to copper colour. Loss of assisting with making better bones, teeth, nails, and hair. It
variety in hair is because of fluctuated reasons like hereditary keeps up with the hair tone and forestalls untimely turning
impact, impact of natural variables, utilization of alcoholic gray, reinforces the hair follicles. Amla is the most
arrangements, and so forth. However long-lasting engineered extravagant and concentrated type of Vitamin C alongside
hair colours are accessible in changed variety and reaches tannins found among the plants. The Vitamin C found in the
hold regular brilliance, they have the main burden of creating natural product predicaments with tannins that safeguard it
overly sensitive responses in certain people. Some hair from being lost by intensity or light. This amla powder is
colours showcased as regular colour, contain 13% of additionally plentiful in tannins, minerals like Calcium,
phenylenediamine which is an engineered hair colour and Phosphorus, Fe and amino corrosive. The natural product
mess the skin and garments during use. A need was felt to extricate is valuable for hair development and decrease
form an item containing just plant items. which is ok for use balding. Amla has antibacterial and cell reinforcement
and does not have the issues of staining skin during use and properties that can assist with advancing the development of
easily affected responses. In the current examination the solid and shiny hair.
details are created to get normal dark variety utilizing mix of
various plant materials. This examination was arranged in

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 2: Amla Powder Fig 4: Shikakai Powder

C. Reetha E. Tea powder

Reetha is plentiful in vitamin A, D, E, K, saponin, Being rich in polyphenols, selenium, copper,
sugars, unsaturated fats and adhesive. Reetha removes helpful phytoestrogens, melatonin, tea also has been used in
for the advancement of hair development and decreased traditional Chinese medicine and in Ayurvedic medicine has
dandruff. Concentrate of organic product coat goes about as been used since long as hair colourant
a characteristic cleanser, consequently is utilized in home
grown shampoos as hair chemical Reetha as soapnuts or
washing nuts, assume a significant part as normal hair care
items since more established times. This plant is improved
with saponins, which makes the hair solid, gleaming, and
glossy when utilized on customary premise.

Fig 5 :Tea Powder

F. Hibiscus
It is magnificent for expansion in hair development
movement. Hibiscus is normally enhanced with Calcium,
Phosphorus, Iron, Vitamin B1, Vitamin C, Riboflavin and
Niacin, which help to advance thicker hair development and
diminishes untimely turning gray of hair. This blossom is
utilized for controlling dandruff Hibiscus displays cancer
Fig 3: Reetha Powder prevention agent properties by delivering flavonoids, for
example, anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds.
D. Shikakai Restoring the hair by molding it can be utilize.
Shikakai is an astonishing spice that is ordinarily
tracked down in the tropical woods of India. Shikakai is a
strong normal home grown plant that keeps on being utilized
by age to age. Shikakai otherwise called "Acacia Concinna"
for a long time presently, has been utilized as hair care fixing
to clean their hair and reason is its various natural properties.
Shikakai is otherwise called the hair natural product as it
gives various supplements to the hair and speeds up
development. Shikakai contains high purifying properties, in
this manner it works best as a cleanser substitution. Shikakai
is plentiful in cell reinforcements and nutrients like A, C, and
K which makes a difference in keeping the hair healthy and

Fig 6: Hibiscus Powder

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
G. Jatamansi
Jatamansi roots are converted into a paste and applied
on the scalp to promote hair growth. Extracted jatamansi hair
oil reduces hair fall and increases hair growth also reduces
bald patches. The jatamansi hair oils also impart blackness to
the hair and are also used as a natural dye. Jatamansi is an
important drug of ayurveda and is used in different traditional
system of medicine such as ayurveda, unani, siddha etc. Its
rhizomes and roots are used as tranquilizer, laxative, cardiac
tonic, nervous headache, low and high blood pressure.

Fig 9: Brahmi Powder

J. Lavender oil:
Lavender oil has been found to invigorate hair
development and give a thicker hair than expected. As per
studies, lavender oil is known to upgrade conditions like
example hair sparseness or alopecia. Lavender oil is
antimicrobial and doesn't permit microorganisms or parasites
to develop. At the point when lavender oil is applied to the
scalp, it can help in the treatment of microbial diseases. It
very well may be utilized to treat bothersome scalp, dandruff
and furthermore further develop contaminations.
Fig 7: Jatamansi Powder

H. Indigo powder
Indigo powder conditions and feeds the foundations of
the hair and makes each strand of hair more grounded. Indigo
powder forestalls scalp disease and utilizing it with coconut
oil advances the scalp with every one of the supplements and
makes hair more grounded and better.

Fig 10: Lavender Oil

K. Rosemary
Rosemary is extremely normal and effectively open
spice. It is green in appearance with meager, needle-like
leaves with a profound, sharp smell. With regards to its
commitments to hair it is by all accounts generally useful.
Fig 8: Indigo Powder
Here is a short rundown of its purposes and advantages to
I. Brahmi:
Normal use of Brahmi reinforces your hair roots and
Hair Growth - Stimulates and improves circulation to the
keeps them very much sustained. This spice is stacked with
scalp thus encouraging hair growth.
supplements that can help your hair. Because of its
Hair Cleanser - Due to its antibacterial quality it gently
biochemical organization, it is successful in treating brief
cleanses hair.
Shine - Increases shine.
Scalp issues - Relieves irritated, dry, flaky, dandruff ridden
Brahmi has cell reinforcement properties that guarantee
the scalp is kept clean. Adding Brahmi into your cleaning
agent can guarantee you have a solid scalp that is liberated
from any aggravations.

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig 11: Rosemary



Sr. no Ingredients Quantity

1 Henna 25gm
2 Amla 5gm
3 Reetha 2gm
4 Shikakai 2gm
5 Bhrinjraj 2gm
6 Tea powder 2gm
7 Rosemary 2gm
8 Gulvel 2gm
9 Brahmi 2gm
10 Jatamansi 2gm
11 Lavender oil 5 drops
12 Peppermint 1gm
13 Hibiscus powder 2gm
14 Indigo powder 2gm
Table 1: The composition of formulation is reflected in
the following table.

 Methods
Marketed herbal hair dye formulations only contains a
For the preparation of herbal hair dye, we have selected traditional ingredient which is use for hair growth like indigo,
different herbal ingredients such as Henna, Reetha, Amal, henna, amla, Bhringraj, Brahmi, neem, shikakai. These
Shikakai, Bhrinjraj, Tea powder, Lavender oil, Rosemary, traditional ingredients are only having effect on hair growth
Gulvel, Indigo powder, Brahmi, Jatamansi, Pepper mint, and they only provide a colour to the grey hairs.
Hibiscus powder etc.
1. This all ingredients were collected from the authorized In the newly prepared herbal hair dye preparation, we
stores of the local market in the powdered form. used additional ingredients like Reetha, Tea powder,
2. The all the ingredients was weighed and passed through rosemary, Gulvel, Jatamansi, lavender oil, hibiscus
Sieve no. 24. powder etc. these all ingredients are helpful for hair growth,
3. Then all ingredients were mixed uniformly to prepare promote health of hairs and scalp, reduce hair fall and
homogenous mixture of a powder form of dye. nourishes hairs along with the attractive hair colour.
4. The homogenous mixture was weighed and packed in a
plastic bag.

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
V. EVALUATION OF THE HERBAL HAIR DYE pack were applied to the region for the proper time. Irritancy,
redness, and enlarging were checked and notice for standard
A. Organoleptic evaluation of hair dye: stretch as long as 24 hours if any.
1. Colour of formulation
2. Odour of Formulation  Stability test:
3. Appearance Solidness testing for the pre-arranged plan was
4. Texture performed by putting away at various temperature condition
for the hour of time of one month. The pressed glass vials of
B. Physio - chemical evaluation: definition were put away at various temperature condition for
The physical and chemical features of the herbal hair the actual boundaries like tone, smell, pH, surface and
dye were evaluated to determine the pH, itsmoisture content smoothen.
for the purpose of stability, compatibility and the amount of
inorganic matter present in it. VI. APPLICATION OF HAIR DYE

C. Phytochemical evaluation: The pack, which is as powder, ought to be utilized week

after week on wet hair, shaping a glue of in water with ideal
a. Molisch’s test consistency. It ought to be applied uniformly on the hair with
 Take 1 gm of sample in dry test tube the assistance of a brush, covering the roots to the hair tip The
 Take 2 ml of distilled water in a sample scalp ought to be covered. It should be left for 2-3 hours on
 Add 2 to 3 drops of Molisch’s reagent to solution the scalp for complete drying. Then it should be removed by
 Observe colour change at junction of two layers washing with plain water.

b. Volatile oil test: VII. RESULT AND DISCUSSION

 Sample + alcoholic solution of Sudan III
 Observe the colour A. Organoleptic evaluation:

c. Mayer’s test (For alkaloid):

 Sample + Mayer’s reagent
 Observe the colour

d) Rheological evaluation:

 Bulk Density: Table 2: Organoleptic evaluation

 Weigh accurately 5gm of powdered dye and transfer in
100ml of measuring cylinder. Carefully level the powder
blend without compacting, and read the unsettled apparent
 Bulk density= Bulk mass/Bulk volume Table 3: Physico-chemical evaluation of herbal hair dye
 Tapped Density:
 Weigh accurately 5gm of powder dye and transfer in B. Phytochemical Evaluation:
100ml measuring cylinder.
 Then precisely tap the chamber containing the example by a. Molisch’s Test
raising the chamber and permitting it to drop under its Appearance of purple colour indicates the presence of
own weight utilizing mechanical tapped thickness carbohydrates.
analyzer at ostensible pace of 300 drops each moment.
 Tapped Density = Mass/Tapped volume

 % Carr’s index=
(Tapped density- Bulk density)/ tapped density*100

 Housner’s Ratio =
Tapped density/Bulk density

 Patch test:
This normally include spotting the limited quantity of
watery arrangement of hair color behind the ear on or internal
elbow in a space and passing on it to dry. The
indication of disturbance or feeing of non-health is noted, if
any. Estimated and little amounts of the pre-arranged hair
Fig 12: Molisch’s Test

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Volume 7, Issue 8, August – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
b. Volatile Oil Test c) Stability testing:
It gives red colour Indicates Volatile oils are present.
S. No. Parameters Room 35°C
1. Colour No change No change
2. Odor No change No change
3. pH 6.5 6.7
4. Texture Fine Fine
5. Smoothness Smooth Smooth
Table7: Stability Testing of Herbal Hair Dye


A home-grown hair pack colors the hair in a most

Fig 13: Volatile Oil Test extreme delicate way. The upsides of home-grown based
beauty care products are their nontoxic nature. It nitrifies the
c. Mayer’s Test skin of the scalp and hair. This hair detailing gives
It gives yellow precipitation, indicates alkaloids are indispensable sustenance to the skin. It assists with treating
present. dandruff by expulsion of abundance oil from scalp.
Successive utilization of this pack prompts reasonable, frizz
free shaded hair. Contamination, maturing, stress and brutal
environments seriously influence the nature of hair. In this
exploration, we found powerful properties of the home-grown
hair pack and further examinations are required to have been
performed to investigate more helpful advantages of this
natural hair pack Natural cures are generally acknowledged
with open hands these days as they are more secure with
negligible secondary effects when contrasted with the
synthetic based items. Home grown plans are extremely
popular to satisfy the temperaments of the developing scene
market. It is an observable endeavour to figure out the natural
hair pack containing the decency of powders of various
Fig 14: Mayer’s test
plants, which are incredible for hair care.
C. Phytochemical Evaluation
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