Mod 4 CB Iep

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Individual Education Plan

Northern District/Middle School in BC 2018-2019

Student Details
Student Name: John Smith Primary Ministry Designation (s): G
Grade: 7 Additional Ministry Designation (s):
PEN: 555 4545 IEP Date: October 12, 2018
Date of Birth: Oct 27, 2006 Case Manager: Allison McNutt
Student Support Team: Role:
HG Teacher
SS EA Assistant
ME Counsellor
PB Principal
Parent/Guardian consulted on: September 26, 2018

My Personal Profile
My Interests: ☒ Location of Evidence: Student File in Resource office
 Math
 Science
 Taekwondo
 Piano
 Hanging out with my best friend
 Reading

My Learning Preferences: ☒ Location of Evidence: Student File in Resource office

 I work hard
 I need visual support
 I work best on my own or with my best friend
 I rather do projects orally, but may need to do them alone as I am very shy

What you need to know about me: ☒ Location of Evidence: Student File in Resource office
 I can get overwhelmed at times
 Loud noises and in class conflicts make me feel very anxious
 I might need assignments or concepts broken up into smaller pieces and instructions repeated.

My Learning Profile
Personal Social Intellectual
☒ Thoughts from my What I am able to do on What I am able to do with How I think.
my own. others.
-I know what days I have piano -I am friendly -I am good at math and science
lessons and taekwondo classes -I get along with everyone -I love to read
- I can get ready for school -I prefer spending time with my best -I like working out math problems
-I can do my homework friend -I enjoy working on the computer
My Strengths Thoughts from my team Thoughts from my team Thoughts from my team
-very kind and friendly -has one very good friend which they -enjoys reading
-tries eveything are together all the time -enjoys working on the computer
-works very hard -works well with others
-very shy
-I struggle with writing down my -sometimes I get overwhelmed -I struggle with writing
homework in my agenda -I am too shy to initate conversations -I struggle getting my thoughts down on
-I need to practice typing on the -I do no usually share my thoughts paper
My Stretches computer with a group -I struggle getting me thoughts organized
Thoughts from my team Thoughts from my team Thoughts from my team
-needs to advocate for himself -needs to work with other students -struggles with writing

MyEdBC Competency Based IEP Template v. XI

Individual Education Plan
Northern District/Middle School in BC 2018-2019
-can get overwhelmed by too -is often too shy to express his -requireds some chunking of more
much information thoughts complex content
-gets overwhelmed by loud noises or
conflicts between other people
My focus Area This
☒ ☐ ☐
Core competency connections Core competency connections Core competency connections
These learning domains can
inform the IEP development Positive Personal + Communication Creative thinking
in these core competency
Personal awareness + Critical thinking
areas. Social responsibility

Support and Plans

Universal Classroom Supports: **** Essential Supports:
Highly structure environment with Opportunties for breaks or alternate Step by step instruction Reduce number of question
clear and consistent expectations preferred activities after completion
of work tasks
Use a visual schedule and timer Extended time LST Support Reduce length of assignments/projects
Use of a calculator,table of math Teach growth mindset Shared EA support in the classroom
facts, number line, manipulatives
Supplementary Plans: Date:

Core Competency-Based Goals

Core Competency: Personal Awareness and Goal: I can use strategies to help me manage my feelings and
Responsibility emotions.

Objective: John will demonstrate the ability Instructional Strategies:

to identify signs of frustration/anxiety.  Direct instruction/social skill lessons on methods to
appropriately deal with anger (small group, individual, or
whole class lessons)
 Use role play to practice appropriate responses to
frustrations/anxiety, including a cool down period and labeling
of feelings.
 Vocalize/model/self-talk your own steps for dealing with
potential anxiety and frustration.
 Positively reinforce/reward appropriate behaviour, even small
 Speak privately to the student
 Provide stress reduction tools (doodle pad, stress ball, iPod)
 Use preferential seating, close to the teacher or peers who will
model appropriately, and away from any source of conflict

Objective: When John feels overwhelmed or Instructional Strategies:

frustrated, he will ask for help or take a  Provide a break card
voluntary break, (move to a quiet area).  Use role play to practice appropriate responses to
frustration/anger, including a cool down period.
 Provide a time-out/cool down location

MyEdBC Competency Based IEP Template v. XI

Individual Education Plan
Northern District/Middle School in BC 2018-2019
 Use preferential seating, close to the teacher or peers who will
model appropriately, and away from any sources of conflict
 Positively reinforce/reward appropriate behaviour, even small

Curricular Competency-Based Goals

Area of Learning: Language Arts Supplemental/ Replacement Teacher: / Support Staff: HG/SS

Big Idea: Developing our understanding of how language works allows us to use it purposefully
Learning Standard: Use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create engaging and meaningful literary
and informational texts for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Objective: Write paragraphs containing a main Instructional Strategies:
idea and a closing sentence related to a topic.  Provide graphic organizers to support the development of
writing ideas
 Use computer and assistive technology for speech to text
 Use or provide a word wall/bank
 Provide explicit instruction
 Allow extra time for completion
 Provide step by step instruction
 Provide self-monitoring checklist while working

Objective: Revise writing by adding and deleting Instructional Strategies:

text.  Allow student to use computer to produce written product in
order to make the process easier for revising their writing
 Explicitly teach strategies for revising their writing
 Provide guidelines for editing and revisions
 Provide checklist to begin self-evaluating their work
 Provide opportunities to edit teacher preparation material to
practice editing skills

Additional Comments
 John has a diagnosis of high functioning Autism. He is a kind, hardworking student, but at times he gets
overwhelmed with outbursts.
 John is working at grade level curriculum with adaptions.
 John recently got glasses that he must wear in class, especially when reading the board.
 Parents are very involved and would like to be contacted on a regular basis through email.

MyEdBC Competency Based IEP Template v. XI

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