Student Details

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The document provides details about a student named Ben, including his interests, learning preferences, strengths and areas of growth. It outlines goals and support strategies to help him develop key skills.

Ben is good at staying with his class and identifying letters/sounds. He needs support knowing when to take breaks and expressing his feelings. He is working on reading sight words.

Ben's goals include being an active listener, making kind comments, initiating social interactions, recognizing when he needs a break, and using self-regulation strategies.


Education Plan

Student Details
Student Name: Ben Digby Ministry Designation (s): G
Grade: 3 IEP Activation Date: October 2, 2019
PEN: 123456789 IEP Yearly Review Date: June 20, 2020
Date of Birth: 01-Jan-2011 Case Manager: Eunice Ho
Student Support Team: Role:
Mrs. Reed Classroom Teacher
Ms. Ho Skills Teacher/ Case Manager

Mrs. McDonald Educational Assistant

Parent/Guardian consulted on: September 21, 2019

Student Profile
My Interests: √ Link: Fresh Grade
- Building with Lego, and craft materials
- Playing with Playdough
- Watching YouTube videos
- Being active and playing ball games
- Power Rangers
- Dogs

My Learning Preferences: √ Link: Fresh Grade

I learn best when I am able to see information visually. It is hard
for me to learn by just listening.

The best way for me to show you what I know:

- Building with my hands
- Drawing a picture
- Showing by doing it

What you need to know about me: √ Link: Fresh Grade

- I respond well to visuals
- I don’t like loud noises
- I get distracted easily in busy environments
- I enjoy stamps and stickers

Core Competencies
My Focus
My Strengths: My Area
Personal Skills I am good at staying with the rest of my class I still need support with knowing when my body √C
Personal and not wandering off. needs a break and asking for breaks. √ PS
Personal Identity
Social Skills I am good at sharing my toys with my I need to get better at expressing my feelings and √C
Communication friends. using my words to solve problems. √ PS

Intellectual Skills I can identify all the letters and letter I am working on reading more sight words. √C
Critical Thinking sounds. √ PS

Support and
Universal Essential Supports
Shape of the Day classroom visual Visual (Boardmaker pics) schedule for work time and break
Sensory tools to help feel calm and to focus Designated time in self-regulation room daily
Using simplified language and writing key vocabulary on the Reduced workload
Plans Date
Positive Behaviour Support Plan June 05, 2019
Student Core Competency-Based Goals
I have authored my own goals: √ Yes, with some support Yes, with full support
Teacher/Support Staff: Mrs. Reed, Ms. Ho, Mrs. McDonald
Communication Goal/ Connect and Engage with Others
I can be an active lister. I can support and encourage the person speaking by

Objective: Raising my hand and waiting to be called upon Instructional Strategies: - Explicit Instruction of “Whole Body
before speaking. Listening”
- Visual image of what “Whole Body
Listening” looks like and sounds like
- Diminishing prompts
Objective: Making kind comments to my peers after their Instructional Strategies: - A visual bank of 5 appropriate
show and tell. comments to choose from
- rehearsing ahead of time

Student Core Competency-Based Goals

I have authored my own goals: √ Yes, with some support Yes, with full support
Teacher/Support Staff: Mrs. Reed, Ms. Ho, Mrs. McDonald
Social Goal/ Building Relationships
Responsibility I can be part of a group. I can develop peer relationships by

Objective: Initiating a social interaction/ conversation. Instructional Strategies: - video-modeling

- friendship group with some adult
- social stories
Objective: Accepting an invitation into a group. Instructional Strategies: - video-modeling
- friendship group with some adult
- social stories

Student Core Competency-Based Goals

I have authored my own goals: √ Yes, with some support Yes, with full support
Teacher/Support Staff: Mrs. Reed, Ms. Ho, Mrs. McDonald
Personal Goal/ Self-Regulation
Facet: I can use strategies that help me manage my feelings and emotions by
Awareness and
Objective: Recognizing when my body is feeling dysregulated Instructional Strategies: - Zones of Regulation teaching &
and then asking for a body break. visuals
- prompting to take a break
- allowing use of break card
Objective: Using a self-regulation strategy to get myself in the Instructional Strategies: - calming visual choice card
green zone before beginning/ continuing a task in - spending time in self-regulation
the classroom. room
- Zones of Regulation teaching &
Curricular Competency/Content-Based Goals
Course/Subject: English Language Arts/ Teacher/Support Staff: Mrs. Reed, Ms. Ho, Mrs. McDonald
Learning Standard: I can use a variety of decoding and comprehension strategies to read and understand text by

Objective: Increasing my reading level to a PM Benchmark Instructional Strategies: - LexiaCore5 Reading program
level 5 - small group instruction
- guided reading groups
- leveled reading books
Objective: Reading the primer words on the Jerry Johns Instructional Strategies: - daily practice on word rings
graded word list. - set of home flash cards
- small group instruction

Curricular Competency/Content-Based Goals

Course/Subject: English Language Arts/ Teacher/Support Staff: Mrs. Reed, Ms. Ho, Mrs. McDonald
Learning Standard: I can communicate using sentences and most conventions of Canadian spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Objective: Using periods at the end of my sentences. Instructional Strategies: - visual card to remind the use of
- explicit instruction
- prompts to edit work
Objective: Spelling high frequency words correctly (ex. Instructional Strategies: - high frequency word list taped on desk
like, what, the, this) - repeated spelling practice

Curricular Competency/Content-Based Goals

Course/Subject: Mathematics Teacher/Support Staff: Mrs. Reed, Ms. Ho, Mrs. McDonald
Learning Standard: I can develop mental math strategies and abilities to make sense of quantities by

Objective: Adding and subtracting numbers up to 10. Instructional Strategies: - use of visual tools (i.e. hundreds chart,
number line, manipulatives)
- repetition and graphing of
- small group or individual instruction
Objective: Counting to 50 independently. Instructional Strategies: - use of visual tools (i.e. hundreds chart,
number line, manipulatives)
- repetition and graphing of
- small group or individual instruction
- audio listening of 1 to 50 paired with
visual numbers


- Ben has a diagnosis of Autism and ADHD. Earlier this school year, he was prescribed medication for reducing ADHD
tendencies but it has led to an increase in physical behaviours. He has currently stopped taking medication.
- His parents are separated and his mom has main custody. Mom is the main contact person with the school.
- Ben works with a private behavioural interventionist who provides weekly therapy every Monday and Thursday.

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