Constructivism and Teaching Strategies

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Scholarly Research Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies,

Online ISSN 2278-8808, SJIF 2018 = 6.371,



Devendra Kumar Yadav

Research Scholar, Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya, Wardha,
Maharashtra Email:[email protected]


Constructivism is a theory of how the learner constructs knowledge from experience, which is unique
to each individual. In the constructivist learning environment, the students should be encouraged to
think and they should be helped to develop solutions way for the problems. The National Curriculum
Framework (2005) advocates the constructivist approach for teaching and learning. With the help of
constructivist teaching strategies a teacher can enhance academic achievement and creative thinking
of students. This paper identifies various types of teaching strategies in the classroom.

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Learning without meaningful understanding is valueless in our life. That’s why teachers
should always teach students by using a fruitful teaching method so that students can learn
meaningfully and apply their learned experience in their daily life. But today in teaching,
what we do today is only transfer the knowledge from one brain to another which doesn’t
allow the involvement of all the students. Therefore, students should be provided such
learning environment where they acquire knowledge and skills in an interactive way.
Constructivism is basically a theory based on observation and scientific study about how
pupil learns. It says that pupil construct their own understanding through experiencing things
and reflecting on those experiences. Constructivism is the process construction of knowledge.
It is the philosophy that views learning as an active process in which learners construct their
own understanding and knowledge of the world through action and reflection and by
connecting new ideas to the existing on the basis of materials presented to them. Students
learn by being actively engaged in doing authentic tasks, not by passively receiving
knowledge. Personal knowledge is socially constructed within an active and collaborative
learning environment. Vygotsky (1986) believes that the learning is meaningful to children
when it builds on experiences they have already with them. Children are more likely to retain
knowledge that build or generate themselves rather than which simply receives passively.
According to Dewey, knowledge is constructed by knower and there is a relationship between

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Devendra Kumar Yadav
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the individual, the community and is mediated by socially constructed ideas. (Oxford,
1997,PP: 35-37).Constructivist teaching poses a questions to the students, who then work
together in small group to discover one or more solutions (Yager, 1991). Constructivism is an
epistemological view of knowledge acquisition emphasizing knowledge construction rather
than knowledge transmission (Jha, 2009). Constructivism’s central idea is that human
knowledge is constructed, that learners build new knowledge upon the foundation of previous
learning. T his view of learning sharply contrasts with one in which learning is the passive
transmission of information from one individual to another, a view in which reception, not
construction is key. The constructivists argue that knowledge does not have an objective or
absolute value. Rather, the learner while interacting with his environment constructs and
interprets knowledge based on his experiences and perceptions. This construction of new
knowledge is mediated through the previous knowledge of the learner. Therefore,
constructivism implies that learner are encouraged to construct their own knowledge, instead
of copying it from an authority, be it a book or a teacher, in realistic situations instead of
decontexualised, formal situation such as propagated in traditional textbooks and together
with others instead of on their (Kanselaar et al.,2001). Experience is the central point around
which learning and knowledge are generally interpreted in constructivism. It is belief that one
constructs knowledge from one’s experience, mental structures and belief that are used to
interpret objects and events. Thus, constructivism is philosophy based on our premise that by
reflecting on our experience, we construct our knowledge of the world surrounding us.
The constructivist perspectives are rooted in the psychological works of Jean Piaget, Lev
Vygotsky and Jerome Bruner and in the philosophical work of John Dewey. In fact, there is
no single constructivist theory of learning, rather multiple perspectives and approaches of
constructivism of constructivism are there. Two prominent perspectives of constructivism
have been psychological constructivism and social constructivism. The psychological or
cognitive constructivism, based on the ideas of Piaget visualises knowledge acquisition as a
process of continuous self-construction by the child. It is not a process of imparting
information for child’s understanding and use rather it is a process under which the child
constructs his/her own know knowledge through experiences. According to Piaget, child’s
individual action is the starting point of his or her intellectual development. While interacting
with his/her surrounding environment he/she begins to form mental constructs or cognitive
structures called schemas by Piaget constitute the knowledge of the individual child. Thus,
Piaget’s psychological constructivist perspective is less concerned with correct representation
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and more interested in meaning as constructed by the individual. Rather than knowing an
objective reality, individuals only construct a version of it for themselves (Jha, 2009). On
other hand, the social constructivism having its origin in the work of Lev Vygotsky
emphasises the significance of social interactions and of the cultural context in understanding
and explaining the process of learning. Vygotsky believed that social interaction, cultural
tools and activity shape individual development and learning. For Vygotsky, the, cognitive
development of children is not an individualised process rather is a result of a dialectical
process, where the child learns through the shared problem-solving with someone else (Jha,
2009). The social context, where different people interact with the child from his/her birth
onwards thus forms the very basis of his/her cognitive development. Because, it is this social
context which provides the child with the cognitive tools like language needed for his/her
intellectual development. Therefore, Vygotsky considered an individual’s cognitive system to
be a direct result of an inseparable from social life. In the field of education, constructivism
thus acknowledges the active role of the learner in the construction of knowledge and
interpretation of reality. Constructivism also suggests that our constructions and views of the
world are not stable, but are in continuous change as we build on past experiences.
Constructivist Teaching Strategies
In the context of constructivist strategy the teacher is a facilitator who encourages learner to
reflect, analyze, classify, predict, create and interpret in the process of knowledge
construction (N.C.F.; 2005). Constructivist classroom are based on the theory of
Collaboration, Cooperation, Interaction and Project based activities. The classroom
environment is in such a way that full freedom is given to the learners to think freely in
multidirectional ways on single idea. Providing rich experiences to the learner will relatively
help him to construct the knowledge and meaning. There are many strategies which can be
employed in constructivist classroom.
Discovery Learning
It is an instructional method in which students are free to work in learning environment with
little or no guidance. For example, discovery learning is the method of instruction when
students are given a math problem and asked to come up with a solution on their own, when
students are given a scientific problem and allowed to conduct experiment, or when students
are allowed to learn how a computer program works by typing commands and seeing what
happens on a computer screen.

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Problem-Based Learning
Problem based learning is an innovative learner- oriented instructional strategy. It draws on
constructivist principles of learning, advocating student centred engagement with course
materials and content as well as students interaction with peers as central to the process
associated with learning. PBL is an approach that empowers learners to the conduct research,
integrate theory and practice and apply knowledge and skills to develop a viable solution to a
defined problem. Problem based learning is focused, experientially based learning organised
around the investigation and resolution of messy, real-world problems. In this strategy
actively engaging the students to take responsibility for problem with support from a tutor or
instructor and creating a learning environment to guide student inquiry at a deeper level of
Cooperative Learning
Cooperative learning is an increasingly popular instructional strategy. In recent decades,
theorists have extended the traditional focus on individual learning to address cooperative,
collaborative and social dimensions of learning which focused on students learning than on
teachers teaching. Cooperative learning provides an approach to teaching which is conducive
to the development of the skills required for changing world and its benefits are well
documented. There is extensive research into the effectiveness of cooperative learning as a
particular method of structuring this social interaction, which increases pupil attainment.
There are three major benefits to cooperative learning: higher achievement and greater
productivity, more positive relationships and grater psychological health, social competence
and self-esteem. There is a possibility that there may be no other teaching strategy that
simultaneously may achieve so many different outcomes. Cooperative learning is an
approach to learning and teaching which delivers the key components of formative
assessment by offering the opportunity for regular and rigorously designed group work,
where children are very clear about the learning intentions and success criteria and are
encouraged to work collaboratively while still encouraging individual accountability.
Inquiry Based Learning
Constructivist teaching practice, particularly inquiry based learning, seeks to mediate the
learning process and make this kind of cognition an object of classroom instruction. Through
inquiry learning, students play the role of scientists, a role that is familiar to researchers, as it
is modeled on the authentic inquiry activities of professional scientists. Their tasks include
formulating questions, designing informative investigations, analyzing pattern, drawing
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inferences, accessing evidence in responding to questions, formulating explanations from

evidence, connecting explanations to knowledge, and communicating and justifying claims
and explanations. The focus on inquiry learning originated with the work of Jean Piaget on
the development of adolescent reasoning skills, particularly his focus on the discontinuous, or
abrupt, transition from concrete to formal operational thought during adolescence.
Brainstorming is an instructional method that works well when used in combination with the
nominal group technique. Brainstorming is most often used to channel a group’s collective
thoughts through structured group input over a short period of time in ways that invite
uninhibited participation. This process can result in fresh solutions to old problems.
Brainstorming works well with group sizes that are not larger than eight. When using
synchronous technologies, such as video or audio conferencing, one participant should be
assigned recorder of the ideas generated while the rest of the group spontaneously contribute
their ideas. The time required should range from five to fifteen minutes with an equal amount
of time for evaluation and discussion. When using asynchronous technologies, such as
computer mediated conferencing software, group sizes should also be limited to eight.
Limiting group size with computer-mediated conferencing software is important in that it will
as ensure that all class participants have an opportunity to generate their ideas, yet will not
result in an overwhelmingly large number of message to read as can often happen when
group sizes are too large. One to three days is the time frame suggested for brainstorming
with asynchronous technologies; longer period of time can often result in the degeneration of
fresh ideas. Rather than a final discussion on evaluation, as is suggested with synchronous
technologies, the group should work together through a negotiation process and produce a
summary of the most worthwhile ideas generated.(Jha,2009).
Case Method
Much of the literature on constructivism learning principles stresses the importance of
experiential learning. Case studies provide one such opportunity to enhance learning through
the examination of real life situations tailored to raise those issues that are important for
learners to consider. A case study provides information about simulated situations; learners
respond to predetermined questions or develop an action plan. If cases are developed so as to
bring about a questioning of learner assumptions and if learners are also provide with
opportunity to examine those assumptions in interactions with others, critical self-reflection
will fostered. Case studies can be made effective at facilitating constructivism learning
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principles in asynchronous environments through the use of role play. According to Renner
(1997), role playing is experiential learning at its best and can be used to insert a slice of the
life into the classroom, connect theory with everyday practice, practice unfamiliar skills in a
safe setting and learn to appreciate contradictory viewpoints. Role play can be made even
more interesting with asynchronous software that allows for users to have an alias. The alias
is where a user can be assigned an alternate user name on the conferencing software. Using
the alias, the instructor can assign roles from the case study to class participants where they
are a different gender, socio-economic status, ethnic origin or age. In this way, the learners
must not only act from an alternative perspective, but also respond to their fellow class mates
who will not know the true identity of each class member. This kind of learning activity helps
learners to understand that much of what we know to be true is often contextually and
culturally situated.
Constructivism in education emerged after the behaviourist movement as a welcome and
refreshing view of learning that centres on the active learner within the teaching-learning
process. In constructivism, development of understanding requires the learner actively engage
in meaning making. Therefore we can say that teaching strategies are of outmost importance
in constructivism and it is upon the teachers how they use these strategies in the different
context. Keeping in view the above merits of constructivism, there is a very need of
constructivism based teaching in our classroom from primary to higher education.
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