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S.Divya et al.

/ International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET)


S.Divya1, D.Thyagarajan2, G.Sujatha3
B.Tech (Food Technology), College of Food and Dairy Technology
Koduvalli, Redhills, Chennai-52, India
[email protected]
Faculty of Food Science, College of Food and Dairy Technology
Koduvalli, Redhills, Chennai-52, India
[email protected]
Electrical Engineering department, College of Food and Dairy Technology,
Koduvalli, Redhills, Chennai-52, India
[email protected]
Abstract-This paper investigates the process optimization of various food processing methods such as
drying, freezing, freeze drying, extrusion, rehydration of liquid foods, slurries, and suspensions, dry
powders and baked products etc., which is an essential step in the optimization of many food
manufacturing processes. This article will discuss about the quality factor associated with cellular tissue
and also in chocolates. And also this article will give an idea about the on-line MRI for process control
and quality assurance in the food processing operations and controlling the quality parameters and act
as on-line sensors in quality control of intermediate or final products. The single magnet design and NMR
protocol will differ for various applications and it is necessary to adapt a spectrometer operation to each
specific application. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an emerging technology in foods, and it
allows the interior of the food to be imaged noninvasively and non- destructively. These images can then
be quantified to yield information about several process and material properties ranging from the
composition of a material to the physical structure of the material. The signal detected by a MRI machine
varies depending on water content and local magnetic properties of a particular material. Different
substances can be distinguished from one another in the study image. This technology provides a real
time internal process control for the food industry. This article will also discuss about the various
techniques such as solid – imaging techniques for quality check of dried-food products and functional
imaging techniques for optimizing the food crops in the field using MRI technology.
Keywords: MRI, NMR, process optimization, spectrometer, superconductors.
The possibility for exploiting MRI as an online sensor for process control and quality assurance
throughout the food manufacturing sector are very great, and the term online generally refers to the real time
measurement during processing. The optimization at all stages of production is possible right from the
optimization of crop yield and post harvest processing for improved food quality, safety, and energy efficiency
in many processing operations, and to do this various techniques are used accordingly such as fast imaging
techniques like FLASH imaging, FAST imaging, EPI(echo planar imaging), projection imaging. And we all
aware of that, the chemical composition of a food are one essential factor determining its quality and for this
chemical shift imaging (CSI) is followed. This article will discuss about the various process optimization and
process control of food commodity right from the cellular tissues to the dried and rehydrated products.
Once a food crop has been harvested, it will undergo some form of industrial processing such as
extrusion, cooking, drying, freezing, freeze drying. The noninvasive attribute of MRI makes it almost ideal tool
for monitoring the processing operation, and it is technically demanding to use MRI in a dynamic mode to
follow changes in food materials in real time as they undergo various processing methods. And this technology
is well suited for the real time and on-line investigation of all the food processing operation.

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Depending on the imaging protocol, these include spatial maps of spin number density, relaxation
times, magnetization transfer rates or self-diffusing coefficients. And the NMR parameters can be converted into
maps of quantities such as moisture content, temperature, and food quality needed for optimizing food
processing conditions. A dry cooking process is used for industrial roasting, baking, drying, toasting. In the
baking oven hot air is blown over the food and in this all the manufacturing operation has to be optimized to
produce the desired food quality with minimum cost. Reference [1] shows the Process design and analysis by
combining a theoretical simulation of the entire process with selective measurement of parameters values.
A. MRI Drying Studies
It is, in principle to use MRI to investigate the drying process. Diffusion model is one of the earliest model for
drying studies, since this model has number of difficulties and more complicated and therefore MRI becomes
apparent by providing real-time noninvasive maps of the moisture distribution W(r, t). And a study undertaken
as in [2] involved drying an agar gel which is dried in a radially symmetric airstream of controlled humidity,
velocity, and temperature inside the MRI probe. It exhibits many of the characteristic features of food material
and expected to conform to a diffusion controlled drying mechanism. The drying of extruded pasta is
investigated with MRI [3]. It shows that drying too fast or too slow will cause differential shrinkage, bending,
and stress cracking to the pasta, and also optimizes the drying conditions by understanding the drying kinetics
and it is investigated using radial microimaging. To permit unhindered shrinkage and a radially symmetric
flow of dry air around the pasta, a specially designed holder is required for a pasta freezing and also for drying
shown in (fig:I).

Fig I: Probe Arrangement for the Drying and Freezing of Cylinders of Pasta and Potato.

Reference [4] shows the MRI to study the moisture profile during the air drying of raw potato cylinders and
two-dimensional spin wrap imaging sequence were used since water affect the quality and structural changes in
potatoes during storage, handling, and processes such as freeze drying ,freeze thawing and cooking . A study
on corn kernel using three – dimensional imaging and explored the origins of stress cracking in kernels and
determined the effects on crack development of factors such as variety, drying temperature and moisture
content [5] [6]. While considering the drying of plant tissue [7] [8], have imaged the distribution of water in
sultana grapes before and after drying for 24 hr at 40°c. The Vapor-phase diffusive transport mechanism has
been studied [9]. The vapor-phase transport for low-water-content porous media [10].
B. Rehydration
Most dried foods are rehydrated by the consumer before consuming it and so it is very important to ensure
that the rehydrated product has a satisfactory quality. The stickiness and cohesion after rehydration are
important quality factors. MRI can assist in optimizing the choice of raw material by providing detailed
information about the moisture profile within individual spaghetti strands during rehydration and to do this, dry
spaghetti, extruded from various types of wheat, was immersed in water at 80°c and samples removed every few
minutes for radial imaging with a spin –echo sequence [11]. A STRAFI (stray- field imaging) solid-imaging
study on the rehydration of a starch glass by liquid water and by water vapor has been reported [12]. The MRI
has been used to compare the rehydration of wheat grains by boiling and steaming [13]. And the moisture
images were obtained by spin-echo signal for transverse relaxation and by calibration of the spin density map
with gravimetric measurement of water content. It was found that during boiling, water penetrates evenly into
the wheat grain from all points on the boundary, including the inside of the crease. In contrast, steaming gives

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slower rehydration and spatially uniform water content throughout the grain gets gradually increased. The MRI
image of the uptake of water into dry beans has been studied [14]. Here the major processing requirement is to
optimize the water uptake rate and water holding capacity while decreasing splitting of the beans. If the beans
split, the seed coats often separate and expose the cotyledon. The processing equipment usually discards these
beans, causing reduced yields. If exposed cotyledon escapes detection and end up in the product they cause
starching and cause change in the heat transfer coefficient, increasing thermal processing requirement. And it
won’t comply with quality standards. The MRI study gain insight into the rehydration kinetics. Result showed
that water uptake by the undamaged beans occurs in two phases. The first appear to be controlled by natural
barriers, such as the seed coat, and the rehydration dissolves the middle lamella. The released seed coats are
water permeable and become taut as the cotyledon expands during rehydration. As with potato drying
experiment the intensities were proportional to the moisture content and it was found that the hard layer
produced on the outside of the potato during drying (i.e., through case hardening) acted as permeability barrier
to rehydration, which was therefore much slower than the initial stages of drying. The structural changes
induced in the surface layers by case hardening also resulted in much slower and smaller volume expansion
during rehydration than the volume shrinkage observed during drying. And this emphasizes the importance of
incorporating the case hardening in the theoretical models of tissue drying and rehydration [15].
C. Freezing Drying
Freeze drying involves the removal of water by sublimation of ice into vapor under vacuum. The sliced food
is frozen and the ice removed by sublimation under vacuum is what is conventionally called the primary drying
stage. This is followed by the secondary drying stage, where residual unfrozen water is removed by heating the
product under vacuum. MRI has been used to follow the kinetics of the primary stage of the freeze-drying of
potatoes [16]. Ice gives no signal in MRI but here the unfrozen water distributed among microscopic
compartments in the frozen core of the food matrix is sufficient to provide a signal under high receiver gains. A
simplified theoretical model of the primary freeze-drying stage that gives a reasonable fit to the MRI potato data
is based on the assumption that the sublimation process proceeds by a series of pseudo steady states where all
the heat supplied to the ice front is used for sublimation. Heating ovens during the baking of cookies and bread
is expensive, so maximizing the throughput while maintaining quality is an industrial priority. Imaging the
baking process is also difficult because fat contents are usually high and water contents become very low and
transverse relaxation time is short, especially toward the end of the baking process. The localized spectroscopy
and MRI is used to study void formation, lipid migration, and moisture loss during cookie baking in the united
states, the result show an increase in moisture content in the center of the cookie but little lipid migration [17].
The quantified data of the moisture migration is done by calibrating image intensity against gravimetric water
loss. Their lower limit on detectable water content is about 15%, which can be compared to a typical moisture
content of 3% to 4% in a baked cookie. And optimizing the temperature and blend of frying oils is especially
important to minimize the oil loss, maximize the quality, and in responding to the changing consumer fat
consumption patterns and the trend to less saturated oils [18]. By using MRI the image of oil-water interfaces in
2-cm-diameter potato cylinders after frying 6 min at 190°c has been studied and compared the result with SEM
(Scanning Electron Microscopy) [19].
D. Extrusion
Extrusion is perhaps one of the least understood food processing operations, yet its uses are widespread
throughout the industry because it is a continuous operation, very flexible in its range of application, and gives
end products of reproducible quality. And During extrusion process, a complex series of physical and chemical
changes take place, such as mixing, gelatinization, denaturation, evaporation, flavor production and flavor loss,
and rheological changes. understanding these factors and mathematically modeling these complex and rapid
changes is a major challenge.MRI can greatly assist in providing real time noninvasive images of the flow
within the extruder and potentially, spatial maps of other NMR parameters such as relaxation times, chemical
shifts, and diffusion coefficient as well as images of temperature and/or chemical changes. The various
measurements were made by McCarthy and co workers with a special extruder made of nonmagnetic materials
and operated inside the magnet of the NMR spectrometer.
There are many factors that determine the quality of a food Such as color, taste, aroma, texture, and
chemical composition, including the concentration of factors such as vitamins, sugars, and lipids. The extent of
denaturation and gelatinization of biopolymers and the changing phase structure of the food caused, for
example, by polymorphic transitions in lipids and fats, crystallization of sugars, and retro gradation processes
associated with biopolymers. Not all quality factors are amenable to MRI analysis. MRI being used to monitor
changes in food quality can be found in most classes of food, including confectionery, fruits and vegetables, fish
and meat, and cereal and dairy products.

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In general the long term storage of fat containing foods can be affected by fat crystal growth and
polymorphic transitions in the solid fat phase. [20] NMR measurements of the transverse relaxation times based
on an FID sequence are now used routinely for the determination of solid-liquid fat ratios. In chocolates MRI
signal originates from the protons in cocoa butter and milk fat. The amount of solid and liquid fat in the
chocolate will obviously vary with temperature. Six polymorphs have been identified by differential scanning
colorimetry where, slowly cooling cocoa butter produces the more stable number 5 polymorph, whereas more
rapid cooling gives the less stable number 3 or 4 polymorph [21]. The larger amounts of a solid in amorphous
phase exhibit greater chain stability and a longer transverse relaxation time [22]. The blooming is an important
quality factor caused by polymorphic transition and long term storage and result in loss of surface gloss change
in flavor and hardness. The migration of liquid lipid components between two phases in multilayer
confectionery products greatly affects the long term quality of the product. A study on the image of the transport
of liquid lipids into the chocolate in a model lamellar two-layer chocolate product consisting of a layer of
hazelnut oil and sugar layered over with dark chocolate [23]. And the time course of the lipid migration was
followed over an 84-day period for two samples stored at 19 and 28°c. At 19°c the liquid lipids tend to
accumulate at the interface between the hazelnut oil and chocolate layers. In contrast, at 28°c the lipid
accumulates at the chocolate surface.

Fig II: Time course of the liquid triacylglycerol content in chocolate.(A)experiment at 190c; (B) experiment at 28◦c; (C)migration profiles of
the liquid triacylglycerol in chocolate at 19 ◦c; (D)migration profiles of liquid triacylglycerol in chocolate at 28°c

A study has been done on the lipid transportation and its effect on the quality of the product during the
migration of fat into the bread from peanut butter using MRI [24]. And also the lipid transport is studied during
the separation of cream from milk over a 9-h period using the NMR imaging in dairy products [25].
A. Quality Factors Associated With Cellular Tissue
Reference [26] shows a study on MRI spin-echo imaging of whole fresh and frozen cod for determining the
differences in the water binding capacity and its effect on the fish texture noninvasively. This is an important
storage problem because cod shows marked changes in texture due to protein aggregation during frozen storage,
thereby making the fish unpalatable. And in bacon manufacturing industry variation in the quality of cured
meat, such as pork, during brining, is of primary interest. And the two-and three- dimensional 23Na imaging has
been used to image the spatial distribution of brine in cured rabbit muscle and in tumbled ham[27].The MRI
manganese diffusion studies act as a indirect method to follow the diffusion of sodium and chloride in to the
meat [28].
In cereals the distribution of lipid and solute concentrations in cereal grains is one important quality factor
amenable to MRI analysis.Ishida and co-workers (national food research institute, Japan, unpublished
conference abstract) have used chemical shift micro imaging and localized spectroscopy to image the production
and spatial distribution of maltose and other metabolites in germinating barley seeds, which affects the quality
of beers and spirits.
In fruits and vegetables number of feasibility studies has used MRI to monitor fruits and vegetable quality,
such as bruising in apples, pears, onions, and peaches. [29] [30] shows a study which is carried on the
deterioration of apples in storage. And a detailed analysis of the origins of image contrast in bruised apples has

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been made by McCarthy and co-workers and suggests that gradient –recalled images may be more useful in
future online MRI sensing of bruising apples.
The end product of food processing operations such as drying, baking, and freeze-drying result in low
moisture content shelf stable products. Although conventional imaging methods can be used to follow moisture
migration during the early stages of baking or drying, this is not true during the later stages, as the system
becomes more solid like and the transverse water proton relaxation times shorten to less than 1 ms. So that solid
imaging techniques comes in to picture to overcome this thing. Many baked foods, such as bread and cookies,
not only have a low water content but also a very high porosity created as gas replaces water during the baking.
These highly heterogeneous, porous solids are difficult to image conventionally because of the low water
content and the massive susceptibility broadening effects created around the gas pores, but solid imaging
techniques are able to circumvent these difficulties and could perhaps be used to image the final stages of the
baking process. And some of the solid imaging techniques are stray-field imaging (STRAFI), phase encoding
solid imaging (PSI), and sinusoidal gradient-echo imaging and finally combined multipulse-sinusoidal gradient
echo imaging. In food cryopreservation, either in the chilled or frozen states, is another obvious area where solid
imaging could have an impact. Because of their heterogeneity and compositional complexity, there is rarely a
single liquid-solid phase transition as the food is cooled. Instead, different microscopic compartments and
fractions in the food will freeze, or crystallize, at different temperatures. Solid imaging offers the possibility of
observing the spatial distribution of these transitions as the food is cooled [31].
Optimizing the production of food crops in the field requires detailed knowledge of the effects of environmental
factors on plant development. These environmental factors include osmotic stress caused by drought, as well as
nutritional requirements and the effects of herbicides, pollutants, and disease. By permitting noninvasive, in
vivo monitoring of the whole plant as it develops under realistic environmental conditions, functional imaging
has become a powerful tool in the whole-plant armory.
There are various experimental protocols for imaging a living plant under realistic environmental conditions.
• One possibility is to bring the spectrometer to the plant which is growing in the field by using portable low-
field (e.g., 10MHz) permanent- magnet spectrometers in which the magnetic poles are split so they can be
placed around the plant stem [32]. But this can be suitable for flow imaging but unsuitable for chemical
shift imaging at high resolution, where high, well- shimmed fields are needed.
• The other approach is to bring the plant to the spectrometer, but here the problem is to maintain the root
system bathed in nutrient and the whole plant in an environment of controlled humidity, temperature, and
luminescence intensity.
• Final possibility is to use surface coils attached to various parts of the plant, and the recent commercial
development of superconducting coils offer several possibilities for doing this[33].

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Fig III: Schematic of a probe arrangement suitable for whole-plant functional imaging.

The process of functional root imaging is done by placing a vessel containing soil and roots inside the
spectrometer magnet, the development of a plant root system can be followed, noninvasively, in real time
assessment [34] [35]. The relationship between the root development and water depletion zones set up in the soil
as the root extracts water and nutrients can be studied quantitatively. The noninvasive aspect is mandatory
because any disturbance of the soil by removal of a root can change the soil porosity, the spatial distribution of
water and nutrient, and the distribution of microbiological population within it. A recent application of this
underground functional MRI has been to follow the development of pine roots using three-dimensional images
to distinguish the soil and root [36].The development and the physiology of underground crops such as carrots
and potatoes can be imaged for understanding the irrigation pattern and soil type on the growth of carrots,
potatoes, and other tubers.
The possibility of exploiting MRI as an on-line sensor for process control and quality assurance throughout
the food manufacturing sector is very great and the term on-line generally refers to real – time measurement
during processing. The type of food material and the production environments vary so greatly that no single
magnet design and NMR protocol will be suitable for all applications and it will be necessary to adapt
spectrometer operation to each specific application.
The constraints imposed on all on-line NMR/MRI measurements by spin physics:
• The sample container should not be metallic, because radio frequency radiation does not easily
penetrate metal.
• The conveyor and all components therefore need be made of nonferrous material.
The first step in on-line NMR is to polarize the sample in a constant magnetic field. Polarization involves the
relaxation of longitudinal magnetization from zero to the equilibrium value determined by the Boltzmann factor
temperature T in a field Bo. Here two magnets could be used, a high-field magnet one for polarization for a short
time, and a lower-field magnet for on-line detection. And we can also redesign the conveyor system so that there
is a reservoir of samples waiting in the polarizing field before entry on to the conveyor.
Once the sample is polarized, the next step is signal excitation. Here spin physics dictates that the sample
has to pass through the excitation coil and the static magnetic field simultaneously and that the static and
excitation fields must be in orthogonal directions. Electromagnets can generate higher fields but can have high
power consumption and require cooling. Superconducting magnets give the highest fields, and therefore best
signal-to-noise ratio with no power consumption but are very expensive and require filling with liquid nitrogen
and helium. Finally, low cost, high-temperature superconductors would be the ideal for on-line applications.
Rapid data collection and analysis are needed for real-time monitoring, and in some cases this could become the
rate limiting step.

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The standard design of NMR spectrometers, whereby the sample is placed inside a magnet and RF coil, is
based on spectrometers, but however this standard configuration is not necessarily the best for on-line studies,
especially with large samples. For much application inside-out design is more appropriate, in which excitation
and detection does not have to occur inside the magnet and detector coil [37], and they found application in the
oil industry. In Fig IV it shows a schematic of the basic features and how excitation and detection occur in the
outer region.

Fig IV: Conventional NMR apparatus with a solenoid coil adapted for use around a moving conveyor

And further designing aspects for on-line process control is discussed [38] about the use of NMR for on-line
process control and quality assurance.
A. Non-spatially Resolved On-Line NMR
One of the first nonspatially resolved, on-line NMR instruments was developed [39] and it is used for
monitoring the composition of a liquid stream using the chemical shift spectrum and the spectrum was recorded
for every 6s using a continuous wave system and here the fluid was diverted through the spectrometer in a side-
line arrangement and a small reservoir within the magnet was used for polarization. A similar side-line method
has been reported [40] and used to monitor the fat content in flowing the meat pastes. [41] Described an on-line
system that sits below the production line and samples from it by lowering a mechanical piston so that the
sample falls into a cylindrical NMR sample chamber. After measurement, the sample is returned to the
production line by raising the piston. A schematic of the apparatus is shown in Fig:V and this system is well
suited for finer, dry products such as powders but could, in principle, be used with fluids. The measurement of
an on-line FID of whole avocado travelling on a conveyor belt using a surface coil has been studied [42]. They
showed that the oil/water spectral peak ratio was unaffected by velocities up to 250 mm/s. And a portable
nonimaging spectrometer for quality assurance has also been described [43].

Fig V: Piston off-line sampling arrangement

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B. Spatially Resolved On-Line NMR

The internal defects in fruits and vegetables, such as bruises, diseases, sages of ripeness, and worm damage, can,
at least in principle, be detected noninvasively in MRI from changes in some NMR parameters, such as signal
intensities, relaxation times, or diffusion coefficient. And building on-line MRI sensors of fruits or vegetable
quality suitable for use with a moving conveyor belt in an industrial factory is possible.
Pitting fruits such as cherries, plums and olives is an important industrial process, usually preferred by holding
the fruits and pushing the pit out of the fruit with a mechanical plunger. It is, of course, important that any
samples still containing pits are detected with as high efficiency as possible. An on-line imaging system for
detecting pits in cherries has been described [44]. It involves taking one-dimensional projection images using a
spin-echo imaging sequence. Here cherries are positioned in the groove of a moving belt and a sagittal slice is
taken through the cherries, followed by transverse projection through the slice. And distinguishing the cherries
with pits relies on the use of superconducting magnets equipped with slice selection facilities.
VII. Conclusion
This technology provides real time internal process control for the food industry. Previously most of the
parameters were tested and monitored by sampling or lab testing. But now by Using MRI, the results of
additional tests such as: chemical analysis, oil and moisture distribution, sugar level, Ph and physical analysis of
structure, voids, thickness of filling and coating, are immediately tested within seconds on the production line.
And we can monitor and optimize the quality parameters of the foods which are being processed and stored.
The idea about the value of MRI technology and its application in a food industry is going to improve and
maintain the quality in processing, testing, and optimizing the parameters. And the high cost of imaging
facilities is another hindrance to the exploitation of MRI in a food industry.
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