Food Chemistry: Changhong Liu, Wei Liu, Xuzhong Lu, Wei Chen, Jianbo Yang, Lei Zheng

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Food Chemistry 195 (2016) 110–116

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Potential of multispectral imaging for real-time determination

of colour change and moisture distribution in carrot slices
during hot air dehydration
Changhong Liu a, Wei Liu b, Xuzhong Lu c, Wei Chen a, Jianbo Yang c, Lei Zheng a,d,⇑
School of Biotechnology and Food Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
Intelligent Control and Compute Vision Lab, Hefei University, Hefei 230601, China
Rice Research Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hefei 230031, China
School of Medical Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Colour and moisture content are important indices in quality monitoring of dehydrating carrot slices dur-
Received 3 November 2014 ing dehydration process. This study investigated the potential of using multispectral imaging for
Received in revised form 24 April 2015 real-time and non-destructive determination of colour change and moisture distribution during the
Accepted 27 April 2015
hot air dehydration of carrot slices. Multispectral reflectance images, ranging from 405 to 970 nm, were
Available online 6 May 2015
acquired and then calibrated based on three chemometrics models of partial least squares (PLS), least
squares-support vector machines (LS-SVM), and back propagation neural network (BPNN), respectively.
Compared with PLS and LS-SVM, BPNN considerably improved the prediction performance with coeffi-
Multispectral imaging
cient of determination in prediction (R2P ) = 0.991, root-mean-square error of prediction
Moisture content (RMSEP) = 1.482% and residual predictive deviation (RPD) = 11.378 for moisture content. It was con-
Colour change cluded that multispectral imaging has an excellent potential for rapid, non-destructive and simultaneous
Dehydration determination of colour change and moisture distribution of carrot slices during dehydration.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction quality but also diversifies the offer of foods for consumers
(Prakash, Jha, & Data, 2004). Furthermore, it brings about substan-
Carrot (Daucus carota L.) is considered one of the healthiest veg- tial reduction in weight and volume, minimising packaging, stor-
etables due to its pleasant flavour, nutritive value and great health age and transportation costs and enables storability of the
benefits related to its antioxidant, anticancer, antianaemic, healing product under ambient temperatures (Baysal, Icier, Ersus, &
and sedative properties (Doymaz, 2004; Gamboa-Santos, Montilla, Yıldız, 2003). Currently, dehydrated carrots are used as an ingredi-
Soria, & Villamiel, 2012). In recent years, the consumption of carrot ent in many prepared foods such as instant soups and are an excel-
and its related products has increased steadily (Hiranvarachat, lent ingredient for developing oil-free, healthy snack foods (Lin,
Devahastin, & Chiewchan, 2011). However, as with the rest of Durance, & Scaman, 1998). Owing to changing lifestyles, there is
vegetables, carrot is highly seasonal and abundantly available at now a great demand for a wide variety of high quality dehydrated
particular times of the year. Furthermore, carrot is a high- carrots with emphasis on freshness and convenience.
moisture food with moisture content of 90/100 g and wilts rapidly Dehydrated carrots are commonly prepared by sun drying, hot
after harvest if it is not stored under appropriate environmental air drying, freeze drying, or vacuum microwave drying (Lin et al.,
conditions, which results in poor appearance that is not acceptable 1998), and its quality, e.g., colour and moisture content, has
to consumers (Toğrul, 2006). For extending the availability of this received considerable attention from processors and consumers.
root, several preservation processes have been assayed. Among The applied dehydrating conditions and pre-treatments highly
them, dehydration is one of the most important since it not only influence the resulting physical, chemical, microbial, functional
significantly extends vegetable shelf life and retains the nutritional and organoleptic properties of the carrot products. Therefore, the
improvement of carrot products quality and the rationalisation of
production in many branches of industry require a permanent
⇑ Corresponding author at: School of Biotechnology and Food Engineering, Hefei
quality control of intermediate and finished products and continu-
University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China.
ous monitoring of technological processes. The assessment of
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (L. Zheng).
0308-8146/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Liu et al. / Food Chemistry 195 (2016) 110–116 111

moisture content is very important in the production of dehy- vector machine (LS-SVM) and back propagation neural network
drated carrots. The removal of moisture prevents the growth and (BPNN) analyses for the prediction accuracy of moisture content;
reproduction of microorganisms which cause decay, and min- (3) develop image processing algorithms for the visualisation of
imises many of the moisture-mediated deteriorative reactions. moisture content of carrot slices in all pixels within an image to
However, too low moisture content can badly influence food taste, form distribution maps of moisture content of carrot slices.
and even destroy nutrition contents such as carotenoids and vita-
min. In addition, the moisture content controlling has great influ-
2. Materials and methods
ence on dehydrated carrots transportation and storage. Common
methods for moisture analysis include oven-drying (AOAC, 1990),
2.1. Sample preparation
freeze-drying or lyophilisation (Seligman & Farber, 1971) and
electronic moisture analyser (Sinija & Mishra, 2011). However,
Two batches of fresh carrots (D. carota L.) were obtained from
these methods are time-consuming, tedious and destructive, and
the local fruit and vegetable distribution centre of Hefei (China).
not suitable for the situation where a large number of samples
Carrots with no visible damage were selected for the experiment.
are required to be measured. A rapid, reliable, robust and
Carrots were properly washed in tap water to remove external
non-destructive analytical method is needed for the prediction of
impurities and cut into slices of 40 ± 2 mm diameter and 4 mm
moisture content in carrots during dehydration.
thickness. Fifty carrot slices from each batch (n = 100 slices in total)
In addition to moisture content, the colour of the dehydrated
were used for analysis. The multispectral images of the carrot slices
carrots is another important quality factor, which is affected by
were first captured using the multispectral imaging system. Then,
the operation conditions. Food colour usually is the first quality
the sliced carrot slabs were weighed and blanched immediately in
parameter evaluated by consumers and is critical in the acceptance
boiling water for 1 min to inactivate the enzymes responsible for
of the products. In addition, colour measurement is an objective
quality deterioration of processed carrots (Gamboa-Santos et al.,
parameter for the evaluation of quality changes during food pro-
2013). An air temperature of 60 °C was selected to simulate indus-
cessing, storage, and distribution. At present, colour measurements
trial practice and preserve the bioactivity of heat-sensitive carrot
of carrots are performed using conventional colorimeter and
constituents. In order to obtain different levels of moisture content,
spectral photometer after drying (Baysal et al., 2003; Rawson,
carrot slices were dehydrated in a hot wind oven for seven time
Tiwari, Tuohy, O’Donnell, & Brunton, 2011; Wu, Ma, et al., 2014;
periods of 0, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240 and 300 min, resulting in a total
Wu, Pan, et al., 2014). However, these traditional instrumental
of 700 samples (100 repeats for each dehydration period). For each
techniques are time-consuming because of the repeated measure-
dehydration period, each carrot sample was first scanned by the
ments required to obtain a representative colour profile and to
multispectral imaging system and then its reference value of mois-
reduce the measurement error. Moreover, these instruments are
ture content was determined.
designed for colour measurements on flat surfaces rather than on
out-of-flatness surfaces, which are found in dehydrating carrot
slices. The uncertainty of these instrumental measurements might 2.2. Multispectral image acquisition and analysis
introduce further error in analysis (Huang, Wang, Zhang, & Zhu,
2014). Furthermore, current methods for measuring moisture con- The data acquisition was done using the VideometerLab equip-
tent and colour cannot measure the two parameters ment (Videometer A/S, Hørsholm, Denmark) which acquired the
simultaneously. multispectral images at 19 different wavelengths ranging from
Multispectral imaging is an increasingly used optical technol- 405 to 970 nm and the detailed information of the measured wave-
ogy that integrates image with spectroscopic technique to obtain length were 405, 435, 450, 470, 505, 525, 570, 590, 630, 645, 660,
both spatial and spectral information from an object simultane- 700, 780, 850, 870, 890, 910, 940 and 970 nm. The acquisition sys-
ously. It has the advantages of being non-destructive, rapid, and tem recorded the surface reflections with a standard monochrome
requires no sample pre-treatment, which makes this technology charge coupled device chip, nested in a Point Grey Scorpion camera
directly useful for real-time applications in the field (e.g., fruit (Point Grey Research GmbH, Ludwigsburg, Germany). The carrot
packinghouses and food processing plants) (Gowen, O’Donnell, slice was placed inside the integrating sphere or Ulbricht sphere
Cullen, Downey, & Frias, 2007; Qin, Chao, Kim, Lu, & Burks, with a matte white coating to ensure a uniform reflection of the
2013). More importantly, this technique has the great potential cast light, and thereby a uniform light in the entire sphere. At
to measure the multiple components at the same time for quality the rim of the sphere, light emitting diodes (LEDs) with
assurance. Recently, this technology has been applied as a power- narrow-band spectral radiation distribution were positioned in
ful process analytical tool for non-destructive and on-line process the pattern of side by side distributing the LEDs of each wavelength
monitoring and quality control in the food industry (Andresen, evenly across the whole perimeter to avoid shadows and specular
Dissing, & Løje, 2013; Kim et al., 2008; Lu & Peng, 2007; Park reflections. The setup of the instrument is further described in Liu
et al., 2007). Therefore, multispectral imaging is a promising et al. (2014). The system was first calibrated radiometrically and
method for industrial use since it has potential to be used as an geometrically using well-defined standard target, followed by a
on-line instrument for non-contact measurements of carrots on a light setup based on the type of object to be recorded (Dissing
conveyer belt during production. et al., 2013). Image segmentation was performed using the
To our knowledge, there is no research reported about the VideometerLab software version 2.12.23. To remove the image
application of multispectral imaging technique for determining background, all items except the carrot slice were removed by a
colour change and moisture distribution in carrot slices during Canonical Discriminant Analysis (CDA) (Cruz-Castillo et al., 1994)
hot air dehydration. Therefore, the overall objective of the present and segmented using a simple threshold. The mean spectra were
study was to evaluate the feasibility of using multispectral imaging calculated as mean values of all the pixels in carrot slice samples.
technique in the spectral region of 405–970 nm for the colour
change detection and moisture content prediction of carrot slices 2.3. Reference measurements
during dehydration process. The specific objectives were to: (1)
determine the colour change and moisture content in carrot slices The moisture content, expressed in per cent wet basis (%), was
during dehydration process; (2) compare the performances of lin- measured by the gravimetric method using the oven-drying
ear partial least square (PLS) and nonlinear least square-support method (AOAC, 1990). Colour values (L⁄, a⁄ and b⁄ values) of carrot
112 C. Liu et al. / Food Chemistry 195 (2016) 110–116

slices were extracted from the image analysis and processing. L⁄ dimensional feature space. Leave-one-out cross-validation was
represents lightness, a⁄ represents redness or greenness while b⁄ used to obtain the optimum value of the parameters for the model
represents blueness or yellowness values. Colour difference (DE) to produce a high accuracy.
was used to describe the colour change in the fresh and dehydrated
carrot slice samples and was calculated using the following equa- 2.4.3. BPNN
tion (Zenoozian, Devahastin, Razavi, Shahidi, & Poreza, 2007). A lar- One of the most popular neural network topologies is BPNN,
ger DE value denoted greater colour change before and after which is used as calibration method for its supervised learning
dehydration. ability proved to be well suited for prediction (Mouazen, Kuang,
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Baerdemaeker, & Ramon, 2010). The basic structure of a BPNN
2   2
DE ¼ ðL2  L1 Þ þ ða2  a1 Þ2 þ ðb2  b1 Þ ð1Þ was composed of three layers which are input layers, hidden layers
and output layers. The input layer was used to receive information
where subscripts 1 and 2 were referred to as colour components from external sources and pass this information to network for
before and after dehydration, respectively. processing. The information from the input layer is processed in
hidden layer and the results are sent in output layer.
2.4. Establishment of calibration models The difference between the desired and calculated network out-
put, defined as the goal error of the network, will gradually become
In the current study, three different multivariate analysis, less until it meets the desired value. The goal error of the network
namely, PLS, LS-SVM and BPNN were used to establish quantitative is calculated as:
models between moisture content and the spectral data extracted
1 X k
from all samples at different dehydration periods. E¼ Ei ¼ ðy  t i Þ2 ð3Þ
2k i¼1 i
2.4.1. PLS
where k is the number of training bags, yi is the actual output value
PLS is a very well-known bilinear regression method for multi-
of the ith bag and ti is the target value of the ith bag, respectively.
variate calibration. It has been widely applied in fruits and vegeta-
An off-line training algorithm based on a gradient descent
bles analysis and obtained favourable results. PLS compressed a
approach was used to update network weights that ensures the
large number of variables into a few much smaller number of
designed neural network converge to the desired controller output
latent variables (LVs) that were linear combinations of the spectral
in BPNN. One cycle through all the training patterns is defined as
data (X) and used these factors to ascertain for the analyte’s con-
an epoch. Before the optimal network output error is achieved
centration (Y), explaining much of the covariance of X and Y. In
for all training patterns, many epochs are required for the back
order to avoid the problem of over-fitting, a critical step in the
propagation. The transfer function of node takes the form:
algorithm is the determination of the appropriate number of LVs.
This was determined by minimising the value of the prediction 1
f ðxÞ ¼ ð4Þ
residual error sum of square (PRESS). In the current study, the 1 þ ex=Q
X- and Y-variables used in the PLS models were the whole reflec-
where Q is the parameter of function Sigmoid. As a highly non-linear
tance spectra and the moisture content measured by the
mapping from input to output, the main aim of the algorithm is to
oven-drying method, respectively.
find a mapping.
Leave-one-out cross-validation procedure was adopted to avoid
2.4.2. LS-SVM over-fitting. Several network architectures were tested by varying
Support vector machine (SVM) is a learning algorithm used for the number of neurons in the hidden layer with different initial
classification and regression tasks proposed by Cortes and Vapnik weights. The optimal parameters of the hidden nodes, the goal
(1995). The most valuable properties of SVM are their ability to error and iteration times were determined by the least goal error.
handle large input spaces efficiently, to deal with noisy patterns
and multi-modal class distributions, and their restriction on only
2.5. Model evaluation
a subset of training data in order to fit a (nonlinear) function.
LS-SVM, which solves a set of linear equations instead of solving
A total of 700 carrot slice samples were randomly divided into
a quadratic programming problem, is an optimised version based
calibration set (75%, including 75 samples at each dehydration
on the standard SVM. It possesses the advantage of not only good
period) and prediction set (25%, including 25 samples at each
generalisation performance as SVM, but also simpler structure and
dehydration period). To compare among different calibration mod-
shorter optimisation time. The LS-SVM model can be expressed as:
els established, the coefficient of determination (R2) in calibration
(R2C ) and prediction (R2P ), root-mean-square error (RMSE) of calibra-
yðxÞ ¼ ai Kðx; xi Þ þ b ð2Þ
tion (RMSEC) and prediction (RMSEP) were considered. For better
evaluation, the ratio between RMSEP and RMSEC was introduced,
where K(x, xi) is the kernel function, xi is the input vector, ai is to provide information about the relationship between calibration
Lagrange multipliers called support value and b is the bias term. and prediction.
Proper kernel function and optimum kernel parameters are cru- Residual prediction deviation (RPD) index was determined to
cial in LS-SVM. Here, a radial basis function (RBF) with Gaussian evaluate the robustness of the models; it was calculated as the
function was used as the kernel function which handled nonlinear ratio between the standard deviation of reference data and the
relationships between the spectra and target attributes and was bias-corrected RMSEP. The higher the RPD value the greater the
able to reduce the computational complexity of the training proce- probability of the model to predict the chemical composition in
dure, giving a good performance under the general smoothness samples accurately. An RPD value range between 2.4 and 3.0 is
assumptions. There were just two parameters (c, r2) needed for considered poor and the models could be applied only for very
LS-SVM. The regularisation parameter c was used to determine rough screening, while an RPD value greater than 3.0 could be
the trade-off between minimising the training error and model considered fair and recommended for screening purposes and good
complexity. The parameter r2 was the bandwidth and implicitly for quality control, respectively (Sinelli, Spinardi, Di Egidio,
defined the nonlinear mapping from input space to some high Mignani, & Casiraghi, 2008). Generally, a good model should have
C. Liu et al. / Food Chemistry 195 (2016) 110–116 113

high values of R2C , R2P and RPD, low values of RMSEC and RMSEP, and 3.2. Colour change of carrot slices during dehydration
a small difference between RMSEC and RMSEP.
Colour change during carrot slices dehydration is due to various
2.6. Visualisation of moisture distribution factors including thermal and/or oxidative destruction of carote-
noids and enzymatic or non-enzymatic browning (Nahimana &
For detailed food analysis, it is required to visualise and analyse Zhang, 2011). A recent paper by Løkke, Seefeldt, Skov, and
the distribution of spatially nonhomogeneous properties of inter- Edelenbos (2013) compared CIELAB values from a spectrophotomet-
est in a sample, rather than their average concentration. Because ric analysis of wild rocket leaves with those from a multispectral
each pixel in a multispectral image had a corresponding spectrum, imaging analysis (18 wavelengths in the VIS and the NIR range of
the moisture content can be calculated at each pixel in the carrot the electromagnetic spectrum) and reported that CIELAB values
slice sample by inputting its spectrum into the established spectral from the multispectral images allowed for a more detailed determi-
quantitative model. Then the moisture content was folded back to nation of colour compared to measurement with a spectrophotome-
generate a 2-D visualised map using the positions of all corre- ter. Furthermore, the multispectral images enabled subtraction of
sponding pixels to visualise the moisture distribution of the carrot background information of the sample and gave more accurate
slice sample. All of the above computations, chemometric analyses results on visual colour of wild rocket leaves. Similarly, Trinderup,
and visualisation process were performed using the commercial Dahl, Carstensen, Jensen, and Conradsen (2013) also reported that
software Matlab 2009 (The Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA, USA) and the multispectral images (19 spectral bands, ranging from 410 to
Origin 8.5. 955 nm) gave a more descriptive measure of colour and colour vari-
ance of the meat samples than the colorimeter. Based on these
results, multispectral image analysis was chosen for investigating
3. Results and discussion
colour change of carrot slices during dehydration.
The overall colour difference (DE) for dehydrated carrot slices at
3.1. Analysis of reflectance spectra
different dehydration periods are shown in Fig. 2. The colour differ-
ence (DE) ranged from 4.060 to 22.762, and the mean value was
Average reflectance spectra in the wavelength range of 405–
10.379, with a standard deviation of 3.886. Furthermore, due to
970 nm of the examined carrot slice samples original from seven
different moisture content caused by dehydration, the carrot slices
dehydration periods are shown in Fig. 1. The spectral reflectance
showed an appearance of colour change with a large degree of col-
curves of carrot slice samples at different dehydration periods
our heterogeneity. In general, the colour of carrot slices became
were smooth and had the same trends across the whole tested
darker along with the progress of dehydration. Shrinkage also
wavelength region. Carotenoids are colour pigments which are
occurred as the carrot slice samples lost moisture content.
responsible for imparting the characteristic orange colour to car-
Moreover, different visual appearance was noticed for each carrot
rots. The optimal individual waveband for carotenoids estimation
slice indicating heterogeneous distribution of moisture content
was identified as 470 nm (Blackburn, 1998). As shown in Fig. 1, it
and other components in the same carrot slice. Therefore, it was
was clear to discover that a downward peak centred at around
necessary to utilise multispectral imaging to predict the moisture
470 nm, which was probably due to the presence of carotenoid
content and visualise the spatial distribution of moisture content
in the carrot slices. In addition, a main absorption band observed
for each carrot slice.
between 940 and 970 nm related to O–H third stretching overtone
was assigned to moisture content (Wu, He, & Feng, 2008).
Furthermore, it was noticed from Fig. 1 that carrot slices with
3.3. Spectral variation among carrot slice samples
higher moisture content generally had higher reflectance spectra
in the region of 405–890 nm and had lower reflectance spectra in
Principal component analysis (PCA) is a common multivariate
the region of 910–970 nm. The magnitude of reflectance increased
statistical modelling and analysis tool to obtain a parsimonious
or decreased along with the increment of dehydration time. This
representation of multivariate data. In the current study, PCA
tendency was in agreement with the real colour change and mois-
was performed initially to visualise any variation among carrot
ture content of these samples during dehydration.

Fig. 1. Average reflection spectra of carrot slices original from seven different Fig. 2. Colour difference (DE) of carrot slices original from seven different
dehydration periods. Vertical bars represent standard deviations from one hundred dehydration periods. Vertical bars represent standard deviations from one hundred
measurements. measurements.
114 C. Liu et al. / Food Chemistry 195 (2016) 110–116

Fig. 3. Three dimensional score plot of the first three principal components conducted on the spectral data.

Table 1
The prediction performance of PLS, LS-SVM and BPNN models
Sample statistics for moisture content (%) of calibration and prediction sets.
for the determination of moisture content in carrot slices are pre-
Property Number of Minimum Maximum Mean Standard sented in Table 2. For PLS model, the ideal number of LVs was
samples deviation
determined as 10 based on the lowest value of PRESS. In the stage
Calibration set 525 15.505 92.728 74.722 18.357 of model development using LS-SVM with RBF kernel, the optimal
Prediction set 175 21.356 91.504 74.766 17.604
combination of (c, r2) was found at the value of (256, 0.0039) for
moisture content prediction. For BPNN model, the optimal param-
eters in modelling process were set as follows after the adjust-
ments of parameters. The number of hidden nodes, the goal error
slices attributed to differences in their spectral data during dehy- and iteration times were determined to be 0.1, 0.004 and 800 for
dration in principal component (PC) space. Fig. 3 shows the three moisture content prediction, respectively.
dimensional score plot of the first three principal components The selection of the best calibration model was important in
(PCs) from the spectral data extracted from the multispectral spectral analysis. In the current study, the results of PLS, LS-SVM
images of all samples. The first three PCs, which account for the and BPNN models were compared. Compared with PLS and
most spectral variations 98.17%, were used to make differentiation LS-SVM models, BPNN model had the best predictive accuracy with
clearer. It was noticed that there was a better separation among
R2C of 0.990, R2P of 0.991, RMSEC of 1.344%, bias of 0.487%, RMSEP
samples at different dehydration periods. Furthermore, it was also
of 1.482% and RMSEP/RMSEC ratio of 1.103. According to Shenk,
observed that objects corresponding to 30 min were scored far
Workman, Westerhaus, Bums, and Ciurczak (2001), a robust model
from all the remaining periods in PC3, which was probably due
can be achieved if the corrected standard error of prediction for
to the moisture of carrot slice samples decreased faster during
bias (RMSEPcorrected) does not exceed 1.30 times the RMSEC
the first 30 min. Similar results were reported by Soria et al.
and when the bias value does not exceed 0.6 times the RMSEC.
(2010) and others.
In the current study, the upper limit values were 1.103
(RMSEPcorrected/RMSEC) and 0.362 (Bias/RMSEC) in BPNN model,
respectively, which indicated that the developed model was
3.4. Multivariate statistical analysis for moisture content
robust. Furthermore, the largest RPD of 11.378 showed that the
BPNN model was considered to be adequate for process control
The sample statistics for moisture content of calibration and
of moisture content in carrot slices. Although the LS-SVM model
prediction sets are shown in Table 1. A wide variability in moisture
had the nearly same coefficient of determination (R2) as the
content was observed as a result of the different dehydration peri-
BPNN model, the RMSEP was higher and RPD was lower than those
ods: moisture content from 15.505% to 92.728%. Furthermore,
in BPNN model indicating that the LS-SVM model was slightly less
structured selection using only spectral information treatment
good for moisture content prediction. Regarding to PLS, the RMSEP
algorithms proved adequate, since the calibration and prediction
sets displayed similar values for mean, standard deviation, the was higher and R2P was lower than LS-SVM and BPNN models in
minimum value and the maximum value for moisture content. prediction set indicating that the model was poor. Therefore,

Table 2
Performance of PLS, LS-SVM and BPNN models for predicting moisture content (%) in carrot slices.

Calibration model R2C RMSEC R2P Bias RMSEP RPD RMSEP/RMSEC

PLS 0.970 2.997 0.952 0.537 3.420 4.930 1.141

LS-SVM 0.995 1.249 0.984 0.985 1.925 8.757 1.542
BPNN 0.990 1.344 0.991 0.487 1.482 11.378 1.103

R2C , coefficient of determination in calibration; R2P , coefficient of determination in prediction; RMSEC, root mean square error of calibration; RMSEP, root mean square error of
prediction; RPD, residual predictive deviation.
C. Liu et al. / Food Chemistry 195 (2016) 110–116 115

Fig. 4. Visualisation of moisture content in carrot slices at different dehydration periods.

BPNN was considered as the best way for establishing the of colour change and moisture content in carrot slices during dehy-
quantitative model of moisture content in carrot slices during dration process without any preliminary sample preparation.
dehydration. The obtained model confirmed the suitability of mul- Better prediction results for moisture content were achieved using
tispectral imaging for moisture content determination in carrot BPNN model with R2P = 0.991, RMSEP = 1.482% and RPD = 11.378, as
slices in a non-destructive manner. compared with PLS and LS-SVM models. Furthermore, the simulta-
neous representation of both spectral and spatial data was exclu-
3.5. Visualisation of moisture distribution in carrot slices during sively involved in multispectral imaging techniques compared to
dehydration the other spectral or optical methods. Hence, variations in mois-
ture content in a sample could be assessed with greater details
Recognising moisture distribution in a carrot slice at different during dehydration process. The results suggest that multispectral
dehydration periods was useful to understand the changing of imaging could become a promising non-destructive method for
moisture content in the slice during dehydration. In the current rapid and efficient inspecting the colour change and evaluating
study, the selected best model was used for further visualisation the distribution of moisture content in carrot slices during dehy-
of moisture content in carrot slices. An illustration of this is seen dration process at the processing plants.
in Fig. 4, the predicted moisture content of each pixel was mapped
with a linear colour scale where different moisture content from Acknowledgements
high to low were shown in different colours from red to blue
(the colour bar at the bottom of Fig. 4). Because the established This study is supported by the Specialized Research Fund for the
BPNN model had high R2P of 0.991 and RPD of 11.378, and a low Anhui Province Key Technologies Research & Development
RMSEP of 1.482%, the resulting distribution maps were reliable. Program (1301031033), the National Key Technologies R&D
Fig. 4 shows the final visualised images of moisture distribution Programme (2012BAD07B01), the Key Project of Anhui Provincial
of a carrot slice at seven different dehydration periods. It was Educational Department (KJ2014ZD26), the Doctoral Program of
observed that the intensity of moisture distribution of the carrot Higher Education (20120111110024), the Fundamental Research
slice at different dehydration periods was not homogenous. This Funds for the Central Universities (2012HGCX0003), the National
phenomenon can be explained by the different behaviour of the Natural Science Foundation of China (31401544), the China
different tissue types, the moisture content at the xylem part of Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2014M561822), and the Funds
the slice was higher than that of the surrounding phloem part. for Huangshan Professorship of Hefei University of Technology
Such phenomenon was much obvious for slices dehydrated after (407-037019).
180 min. Although many variations in moisture content were
observed across the carrot slices, there was a general trend of References
decrease in overall moisture content from red to blue, which was
a clear indication of moisture status during dehydration of carrot Andresen, M. S., Dissing, B. S., & Løje, H. (2013). Quality assessment of butter cookies
applying multispectral imaging. Food Science & Nutrition, 1, 315–323.
slices. Moreover, it was noticed that the moisture content of the
AOAC 950.46. (1990). Official methods of analysis (15th ed.). Arlington, VA: AOAC
surrounding part of carrot slice decreased faster than that of the International.
centre xylem part, presumably because the surrounding part had Baysal, T., Icier, F., Ersus, S., & Yıldız, H. (2003). Effects of microwave and infrared
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