Causes and Consequences of Rapid Erosion of Cultural Values in A Traditional African Society
Causes and Consequences of Rapid Erosion of Cultural Values in A Traditional African Society
Causes and Consequences of Rapid Erosion of Cultural Values in A Traditional African Society
Journal of Anthropology
Volume 2012, Article ID 327061, 7 pages
Research Article
Causes and Consequences of Rapid Erosion of
Cultural Values in a Traditional African Society
Copyright © 2012 E. O. Wahab et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The culture of a people is their identity as it affords them due recognition. This paper therefore is aimed at examining the causes
and consequences of rapid erosion of cultural values in nigeria. Social change theory was used in this paper. This study was carried
out in ado-odo/ota lga, with a sample size of 203. Simple statistics like frequency distribution, percentile were used. Chi-square
statistics was used in testing the hypotheses. The study found out that there is a positive relationship between social forces such as
colonialism, westernization and erosion of cultural values. Also, it was found that there is a positive relationship between the local
family structure and the foreign culture. The study concludes that forceful imposition of foreign culture should be discouraged.
1. Introduction across the globe have various and divergent cultures which
they cherish and practice. Nevertheless, no two cultures,
In sub-Saharan Africa, people and culture are inseparable when juxtaposed are absolutely identical as attested to by
since there is no denial of the fact that what makes any ethnographers. In order for a society to operate functionally
human society is its culture; a Latin word which was derived and effectively, they must ensure and maintain strict and
from “colore” meaning to practice or cherish. For a society to constant adherence to the various components of their
be societal it must be cultural; therefore, society and culture culture.
are also intertwined. In the same vein, going by the theory If, as Tylor [3] asserted, “culture is that complex whole
of environmental determinism, the culture of any society which includes knowledge, belief, arts, morals, customs, laws
is largely dictated by its geography. Put another way, there and other capabilities which are learned, shared by men as
is conspicuous sociological interplay among the concepts of members of society, and transmitted from one generation
culture, nurture, and nature. to another.” Any laxity, lassitude, and levity exhibited by its
Further when mirrored with sociological panorama, custodians would result in rapid erosion and disappearance
both the macro- and micro-sociological tentacles, which of the uniqueness of the people and their culture. Since the
subsume the entirety of social institutions, are determined genesis of culture, is as old as man himself, without it, man
by culture; an all-including sociological and anthropological is reduced to an animal. Culture therefore has two essential
concept that is ineluctable for the existence and functionality qualities: first, it is learned and second, it is shared.
of any social group. Linton [1] states that “the culture of a Sociologically, many activities of members of any society
society is the way of life of its members; the collection of such as eating, music, dancing, occupation, education (for-
ideas and habits which they learn share and transmit from mal, informal, and nonformal), visiting friends, courtship,
generation to generation.” Indeed, “culture is a design for marriage (its forms and types), beliefs (festivals and litur-
living held by; members of a particular society” [2]. gies), naming and burial ceremonies, entertaining friends
The culture of a people is their identity as it affords and guests, greetings, and system of government, are all
them due recognition. It is their underlying distinguishing found within the confine of nonmaterial culture which is
factor from other peoples and cultures. In fact, all societies the exclusive preserve and concern of this study. Material
2 Journal of Anthropology
aspect of culture which comprises the physical and touchable requires certain amount of persistence in some of their
implements or objects such as wears, computer, spoon, pot, features in order to perform that expected function. But
cup, cutlass, building, phone, and sandal, is also invaluable observations portray that society and indeed components
and complementary. of social structure change continuously though often imper-
The renowned anthropologist Murdock [4] has produced ceptibly. Social change could either bring about progress for
an itemized list of cultural traits that he claims has uni- the members of a society or visit them with retrogression.
versal application. Included among the eighty-eight general As human beings collectively adapt themselves to their
categories of behaviour are such practices as behavioural environment, they bring about changes to their ways of life.
patterns of cleanliness training, food taboos, and funeral But for the purpose of the status quo, we are concerned
rites; such principles of social organization as property about the changes that transform the fabric of our culture
rights, religious practices, and kinship arrangements, such occasion our forgotten values day in day out. The applica-
practical knowledge as fire making, the use of tools and bility of this theory is that it has strongly affected the ways
names for different plants. It is important to keep in mind of doing things in all societies. The urbanization and indus-
that at no point do cultural universals carry down to the trialization have altered the totality of our social institutions,
actual details of what people say and do [5]. It is the forms— not living the political and economic systems unaffected. The
the broad types of “behavior”—and not the specific contents Nuclearization of the family has also negatively touched the
of behaviour that are found in all cultures. socialization and internalization processes.
Culture is essential to our humanness. It contains a set of In a nutshell, the factors responsible for social change
readymade definitions each of us reshapes very little in deal- have brought about major changes in the traditional-to-
ing with social situations. In other words, culture provides a modern society. Since change is inevitable, cultural dynamics
kind of blueprint or map for relating with others. Consider of any society cannot be foreclosed be it in form of cultural
how you find your way in social life. How do you know how accumulation, that is, addition of new traits to the already
to act in a gathering, with a stranger, in a funeral, naming existing ones or cultural reduction, or cultural diffusion
ceremony, toward a person who smiles, leers or swears at you? which is infusion of new cultural traits. All this can still be
Your culture supplies you with broad, standardized, prefabri- in a way checkmated.
cated answers, and formulas or recipes for dealing with each
of these situations. Not surprisingly, if we know a person’s 4. Methods and Materials
culture, we can understand and even predict a good deal of
his or her behaviour. The need for this research arose due The area in which the study was carried out is Ado-Odo/Ota
to the unbridled increase in disappearance of cultural values LGA. The study area happens to be one of the twenty (20)
among the Aworis in Ado-Odo/Ota Local Government Area local government areas in Ogun State, while Ogun State is
(LGA) Ogun State. Thus, to unravel the causes and con- one of the thirty-six (36) states in the federation with its
sequences of the eroding significant cultural values among capital, Abeokuta. Myriad of cultural groups with different
the Aworis in Ado-Odo/Ota LGA, Ogun State, certain clear- dialects among the Yoruba’s other than the Aworis, such
cut questions have to be provided answers to. For instance, as the Egbas, Ijebus, Yewas, Ondos, and Oyos are equally
what language do you understand or speak best? How many traceable in the geographical settlement.
languages do you speak or understand? How many native Further, the local government area houses are virtually a
attires do you have compared with the English wears? representative from all the over 350 ethnic groups in Nigeria
such as the Hausas, Igbo, Fulani, Itshekiri, Urhobo, Nupe,
and Efik, who have mingled with and peradventure married
2. Theoretical Orientation the autochthons or the Aborigines.
The study population is not without their occupations.
Theory is a set of interrelated ideas or proposition on a social
Predominantly, majority of the people opt, for farming and
phenomenon, and it is used to describe tested and untested
trading as dictated and determined by their geography. It
ideas. In other words, theory generally refers to the summary
is expedient to assert therefore that colonialism, Western
of knowledge in the subject field arranged in interrelated
Education or Westernization and industrialization have
transformed the circumstance as we now have civil servants,
Based on this, theory of social change was used to explain
company and factory workers, and those working in other
the rapid erosion of cultural values.
private and public establishments. An explanatory survey
design has been employed to provide a relatively detailed
3. Social Change Theory account of the working of a phenomenon under conditions.
It is aimed at explicating, in some detail, the characteristics
Odetola [6] see “social change as primary change in social of a large and homogenous population of a sample of that
relation.” Succinctly put, social change means change in population. And to answer questions of the type “why”
social structure, within the framework of such structural and “how” so as to primarily learn more about the given
changes, in social institutions. situation, and therefore facts and information are gathered
Basic institutions perform function for the society, thus to form the basis of increase understanding. Six (6) houses
these basic institutions are dynamic and adaptive to changes. were sampled from every one of the six (6) streets in the two
It should be noted that the environment of social structure (2) Awori communities, where six (6) questionnaires were
Journal of Anthropology 3
Table 1: Sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents. with its total percentage of all facts and information put
at hundred. In the analysis, the cross-analysis of chi-square
S/N Characteristics Variables Frequency Percentage method of testing hypothesis was used. This will include both
Male 119 58.62 dependent and independent variables.
1 Sex
Female 84 41.38 With regard to the sex, about three-fifth are males, while
Total 203 100 the remaining two-fifth are females.
Islam 122 60.10 In terms of religious affiliation, more than half of the
sampled respondents are Muslims, while the remaining
2 Religion Christianity 75 36.95
two-fifth was shared between Christianity and the African
ATR 6 2.95 traditional religion (ATR). As portrayed by age distribution,
Total 203 100 about two-fifth of the respondents fall within the age bracket
20–24 71 34.98 20–24, while the remaining three-fifth was shared by other
25–29 56 27.59 age brackets.
3 Age 30–34 30 14.78 Close to half of the population, as regards marital status,
35–39 24 11.83
are single, while the rest of the statuses hold on to the
remaining percentage. As revealed by educational status,
40 and above 22 10.83
less than half of the respondents possess SSCE/WASSCE
Total 203 100 certificate, while the remaining figure goes for monogamy.
Married 68 33.50 No other type of marriage was being practiced.
4 Marital status Single 95 46.80 In terms of whether colonialism is responsible for erosion
Separated 13 6.40 of cultural values, more than three-fifth responded “yes”
Divorced 27 13.30 while the remaining less than two-fifth was paired by other
two variables.
Total 203 100
As regards responses on whether one who is opportune
Primary 30 14.78 to travel abroad would still return even if the situation is
SSCE/WASSCE 88 43.35 still not encouraging, about two-fifth opted for “yes”, while
NCE/OND 42 20.69
the remaining three-fifth went for “I do not know” and “no”
status variables.
BSC/HND 27 13.30 Regarding the characteristic that asks whether foreign
Others 16 7.88 culture is better than, yours, close to two-fifth of the
Total 203 100 respondents went for “yes”, while the remaining three-fifth
go for the other two variables.
Monogamy 79 38.92
In terms of the seeming indifference of the Aworis
6 Type of family Polygamy 124 61.08 in promoting their cultural values, more than two-fifth
Others — — responded YES, while the remaining figure was paired by the
Total 203 100 rest of the variables.
Concerning whether the family structure has been
improved by the foreign culture, more than half of the
distributed for respondents in each house. This implies that respondents opted for NO, while the remaining variables
in each community, 108 questionnaires were administered. shared by the rest less than half percentage.
The questionnaires were distributed for males and females With regard to whether western education as a foreign
alike so as to be gender sensitive and to forestall bias which culture has done us good than bad, about three-fifth of the
could be inimical to the research outcome. In all, a total of population opted for “yes”, while the remaining close to two-
216 questionnaires were administered. fifth was shared between the other two variables.
For the purpose of this study, structured questionnaire Concerning the question of whether the culture is safe
(quantitative technique) has been chosen. Preference was from destruction in the nearest future, about two-fifth
given to it as it facilitated easier analysis and interpretation responded “no”, while the remaining figure was paired by the
of responses to the questions asked. Simple statistical tools other two variables.
such as simple percentage and chi-square have been adopted On the question of whether the Aworis have lost much
for data interpretation and test of hypothesis. Using the significant cultural values significant cultural values than
chi-square to test the null hypotheses against the data they have benefited from the foreign cultures; about three-
collected. fifth of the population responded yes, while the remaining
two-fifth went for the remaining variables.
5. Results In terms of whether it affect ones being an Awori even
if all the cultural values are eroded, close to half of the
5.1. Introduction. Attempts were made to present all facts population responded “yes”, while the remaining percentage
and information regarding the study, and it focuses on the go for the other variables.
analysis of quantitative data. In the presentation, an attempt With regard to the type of medical care one always go
was made to use the simple percentage analysis at first, for, half of the population responded that they always opt
4 Journal of Anthropology
for orthodox medical care, while the remaining half are for HA: there is positive relationship between forces such as
traditional and other types of medical care. colonialism, westernization, and erosion of cultural
On the question of whether virginity must be protected values.
until after marriage, over four-fifth of the respondents opted
for YES, while the remaining percentage do not seem to In X 2 distribution, when X 2 cal. > X 2 tab. We reject Ho
encourage it. and accept HA and vise versa.
As regards who is to blame for the forgotten values, less The degree of freedom = (C − 1)(R − 1)
than two-fifth of the population blamed it on the individuals,
DF = (2 − 1)(3 − 1)
while the remaining percentage think that other variables (1)
should shoulder it. = (1)(2).
Concerning whether it is advisable for the Awori indi-
genes in schools to be taught in Yoruba rather than English, Under 0.05 (i.e., 5%) significant level = 5.99:
more than half of the respondents do not encourage it,
thereby responded “no”, while the remaining percentage was X 2 cal. = (0 − e)2 = 24.94. (2)
shared by the other variables. The decision rule says:
Lastly in terms of whether there is any effective way
to prevent the culture from vanishing, about four-fifth If X 2 cal > X 2 Tab—reject Ho.
responded YES, while the remaining one-fifth do not see any If X 2 cal < X 2 Tab—accept HA.
way out.
This implies that the majority still believe that despite From the Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, since X 2 calculated (i.e.,
the observed adverse effects wrought by the social forces 24.94) is greater than X 2 tabulated (i.e., 5.99), we therefore
that are telling on our cultural values, all hope is not lost reject Ho and accept the (alternative hypothesis) HA which
if individuals and concerned agencies can discharge their states that there is positive relationship between social forces
accorded responsibilities. such as colonialism, westernization, and erosion of cultural
5.2. Test of Hypotheses
Hypothesis 2.
Hypothesis 1.
Ho: there is negative relationship between the local family
Ho: there is negative relationship between social forces structure and foreign culture;
such as colonialism, westernization, and erosion of HA: there is positive relationship between the local family
cultural values; structure and foreign culture.
Journal of Anthropology 5
Table 4: Recommendations.
S/N Characteristics Variables Frequency Percentage
Yes 171 84.24
19 Must virginity be protected until after marriage? I do not know 6 2.96
No 26 12.80
Total 203 100
Government 43 21.18
Individuals 69 33.99
20 Who is to blame for our forgotten values?
Col. masters 56 27.59
Predecessors 35 17.24
Total 203 100
Yes 72 35.47
Do you advise that the Awori indigenes in schools
21 I do not know 18 8.86
be taught in Yoruba rather than English?
No 113 55.67
Total 203 100
Yes 162 79.80
22 Is there any effective way to protect our culture? I do not know 7 3.45
No 34 16.75
Total 203 100
6 Journal of Anthropology
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[2] C. Kluckhorn, Mirror for Man, Greenwich, Conn, USA, 1951.
[3] E. Tylor, Culture, Signet, New York, NY, USA, 1871.
[4] G. P. Murdock, Social Structure, Free press, New York, NY, USA,
[5] J. Snarey, A Question of Morality, 1987.
[6] P. O. Odetola, Nigerian Heritage, Heinemann, Ibadan, Nigeria,
[7] H. Lauer, “Rethinking “tradition versus modernity”: the social
construction of the “HIV/AIDS crisis” in Africa,” Culture Today
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