BOLBOK (1st)

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Sets: An Introduction


1. Describes and illustrates well-defined sets, subsets, universal set and null set

2. Defines and describes the union and intersection of sets and the complement of a set.

3. Uses Venn Diagrams to represent sets, subsets and set operations.

4. Solves problems involving sets.

Encircle the correct answer.

1. It is a well –defined group of objects that share a common characteristic.

a. Set b. Equal Set c. Empty Set d. Disjoint Set
2. What is the cardinality of the given set: A = {l,o,v,e}
a. l b. l,o,v c. 4 c. e
3. Which of the following Venn Diagram shows “Set B is a subset of set A”?
a. c.

b. d.

4. The kind of flowers is already a set.

a. True b. False c. Maybe d. I do not know

5. It is the set of elements that belong to A and B or to both A and B.

a. Intersection of 2 sets c. Cardinality of a set
b. Union of 2 sets d. Disjoint sets
6. Which of the following Venn Diagram shows the intersection of 2 sets A and B?

a. c.

b. U d. U B


7. Which set notation represents the shaded region?


a. union of sets A & B b. intersection of set A & B

c. complement of A d. subset of A

8. The complement of a set A is the set of all elements found in the universal set that are not found in
set A.

a. False b. True c. Maybe d. Partially Correct

9. Let U = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, A = {5, 7, 9} and B = {1, 5, 7, 9}, then

a. (AB)’ = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} c. (AB)’ = {1, 5, 9}

b. (AB)’ = {3, 7} d. (AB)’ = {1, 3}

10. If U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10} and A = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, what is A’?

a. {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} c. {3, 6, 9}
b. {2, 4, 6, 8, 10} d. {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
11. Consider U = {integers from 5 to 12 } , A = {even numbers in the range 5 to 12}. List the elements of

a. A ‘ = {5,7,9,11} c. A’ = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}
b. A ‘ = {5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12} d. A ‘ = {6, 8,10}

12. Let U = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} and A = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}, therefore:

a. A’ = {2, 4, 6, 8,} c. A’ = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}

b. A’ = {1, 2, 3} d. A’ = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}

13. If A = {a, e, i, o, u} and B = {a, e, i}, then:

a. B is a subset of A c. The cardinality of the set is {a, e, i}

b. A is a subset of B d. Set A and Set B are disjoint sets

14. A group of students were asked whether they like basketball, softball, or both. If 456 like

basketball, 384 like softball, and 252 like both games, how many students were there?

a. 588 b. 456 c. 992 d. 204


1. Describes and illustrates the absolute value of a number on a number line as the distance of the
number from 0.

2. Performs fundamental operations on integers: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.

3. States and illustrates the different properties of the operations on integers (commutative, associative,
distributive, identity, inverse).

4. Defines and illustrates rational numbers and arrange them on a number line.

1. What is the sum of – 78 + 38 + (-13)?

a. 53 b. – 53 c. 65 d. – 65
2. Negative number plus negative number will result to a:
a. Negative number c. Irrational number
b. Positive number d. None of the choices
3. Fill in the blanks: – 53 + ____ + ( – 77) = – 104
a. – 26 b. 26 c. 25 d. – 25
4. In a laboratory experiment, cube of ice with a temperature of 4 C below the freezing point is
mixed in a calorimeter with warm water with a temperature of 41 C. What is the net
temperature of the water mixture?
a. 38 C b. 39 C c. 40 C d. 37 C

5. Evaluate -8 - 12

a. -20 b. 20 c. 6 d. – 6

6. Complete the equation: 21 – ______ = 40

a. 19 b. 20 c. – 19 d. – 20

7. A submarine was situated 450 feet below sea level. If it descends 300 feet, what is its new position?

a. – 750 b. 750 c. 150 d. – 150

8. The highest peak on earth is Mt. Everest along the boundaries of Nepal and Tibet. It stands at 8,848m
above sea level. The Marianas Trench near Mindanao, is the lowest point. It is 11, 776m below sea level.
How far above the Marianas Trench is the top of Mt. Everest?

a. 20, 624 b. -20, 624 c. 2928 d. -2928

9. A positive number times a negative number is a _____________

a. Negative number c. Irrational number

b. Positive number d. None of the choices

10. When all the factors are positive, the product is _____________

a. Negative number c. Irrational number

b. Positive number d. None of the choices
11. Find the product of ( – 5) (6) (– 7).

a. 37 b. – 37 c. – 210 d. 210

12. The product of two numbers is – 750. If one number is 30, what is the other number?

a. 750 b. 7500 c. – 25 d. 25

13.The quotient of two integers with different signs is a _____________

a. Negative number c. Irrational number

b. Positive number d. None of the choices

14. What is the value of m in the given equation: – 28 ÷ n = 4

a. – 7 b. 7 c. 12 d. – 12

15. Mr. Santos sets aside P1680 for his four children’s weekly allowance. How much is each child’s
weekly allowance if the amount is equally divided among them?

a. P400 b. P450 c. P420 d. P430

16. Rowena’s father earns P132,000 a year. What is his monthly salary?

a. P10000 b. P11000 c. P12000 d. P13000

17. This property states that when two integers were added and multiplied remain as integers, and this
set of integers is closed under addition and multiplication.

a. Distributive property c. Associative property

b. Closure property d. Commutative property

18. What property of operation is applied in this equation: (7) (– 3) = (– 3)(7)

a. Associative property for multiplication c. Distributive property

b. Commutative property for multiplication d. Closure property for multiplication

19. Complete the equation: ____[2 + (– 5) ] = (– 4) (2) + (– 4)(– 5)

a. 2 b. – 4 c. – 5 d. 4

20. Commutative property for addition states that: a + b = _________

a. ab b. a ÷ b c. b + a d. b ÷ a


1. Expresses rational numbers (both repeating and terminating/non-repeating and non-

terminating) from fraction form to decimal form and vice versa.

2. Performs operations on rational numbers and illustrate their properties.

3. Describes principal roots and tells whether they are rational or irrational.

4. Determines between what two integers the square root of a number is.

5. Estimates the square root of a number to the nearest tenth.

6. Illustrates and graphs irrational numbers (square roots) on a number line with and without
appropriate technology.

7. Describes, represents and compares the different subsets of real numbers.

8. Finds the union, intersection and complement of the set of real numbers and its subsets.

9. Arranges real numbers in increasing or decreasing order.

10. Determines the significant digits in a given situation

11. Writes very large or very small numbers in scientific notation.

12. Describes and represents real-life situations which involve integers, rational numbers,
square roots of a rational numbers and irrational numbers.
13. Solves problems involving real numbers.

1. These are numbers that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers.

a. Decimals c. Irrational numbers

b. Proportions d. Rational numbers

2. Not all rational numbers are integers

a. True b. False c. Maybe d. None of the choices

3. Where can we locate positive rational numbers?

a. to the left of 0 c. between 1 and – 1

b. to the right of 0 d. none of the choices

4. If the largest negative integer is – 1, then, the smallest positive integer is 1.

a. True b. False c. Maybe d. None of the choices

5.What is three more than three and one-fourth?

a. 6¼ b. -6¼ c. 5 ¼ d. -5¼

6. Angel bought 6¾ meters of silk, 3 ½ meters of satin and 8 ⅖meters of velvet. how many meters of
cloth did she buy?
a. 18 10/20 b. 16 10/20 c. 18 13/20 d. 18 5/20

7. Marites weighs 48 ¾ kilos and Roselyn weighs 50 ½ kilos. How many kilos heavier is Roselyn than

a. 1 ¾ b. 1 ½ c. 2 ¾ d. 1 ¾

8. Mike bought 14.5 meters of chicken wire. After making a chicken coop he still had 1.75meters of
chicken wire left. How many meters did Mike use?

a. 12.5meters b. 13.75meters c. 12.75meters d. 13.25meters

9. Which fractional number is equal to 0?

a. – 5 b. – 5 + 5 c. 1 d. (– 2)(4)
5 6 0 (2)(4)
10. Give the correct value of n: 2 = n
3 12

a. 4 b. 8 c. 6 d. 3
11. Mother baked a pie which she divided into eight congruent parts. Father ate one part. What part of
the pie did Father eat?

a. 1 b. 1 c. 1 d. 1
4 8 2 3

12. Ben has a poultry in Tanay. He has 270 chickens. 40 of these are hens. How many hens does he

a. 106 b. 107 c. 108 d. 109

13.Fill in the blank: (a + b)___ = ac + bc

a. c b. a c. b d. – a

14. What property is not illustrated in the statement 1  0 = 0  1 = 0?

a. Closure b. Commutative c. Identity d. Distributive

15. What is the multiplicative inverse of a?

a. 1 b. a c. – a d. a2

16. Identify the property that makes (9 + 2) + 1 = 9 + (2 + 1) true.

a. Commutative property of multiplication

b. Commutative property of addition

c. Associative property of addition

d. Associative property of multiplication

17. The only square root of 9 is +3.

a. True b. False c. Maybe d. None of the choices

18.What is the first digit of the given square root:  8

a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1
19. Complete the equation:  225 –  100 = ______

a.  10 b. 10 c. 125 d. 5

20. The length of the side of a square can be determined by getting the square root of the area. Find the
length of the side of a square whose area is 1521 mm2?

a. 37mm b. 38mm c. 39mm d. 40mm

21.What is the opposite of – /856/?

a. 856 b. – 856 c. 658 d. – 658

22. What is the absolute value of –1 8?

a. 18 b. – 18 c. 81 d. 9

23. Complete the given statement to make it correct: /– 9 / ____ /9/

a. > b. < c. = d. ≠

24. Choose an integer to represent the given situation: Aaron lost three 1-peso coins because of a hole
in his pocket.

a. 3 b. 1 c. – 1 d. – 3

24. Along the real number line, the infinite set of integers increases from right to left.

a. True b. False c. Maybe d. None of the choices

25. The total land area of Ilocos Norte and Ilocos Sur are 3,399km2 and 2, 579km2, respectively. How
much larger is Ilocos Norte than Ilocos Sur?

a. 810km2 b. 820km2 c. 830km2 d. 840km2

26. The temperature at 6am is 29.5C and the temperature at 9am is 32.1C. What is the temperature

a. 2.4C b. 2.5C c. 2.6C d. 2.7C

27 .Is 10 = 0 ?

a. True b. False c. Maybe d. None of the choices

28. How much is zero divided by a counting number equal to?

a. Zero b. A counting number c. Undefined d. One

29. A crate and its vegetable content weigh 98.75 kilos. The crate alone weighs 2.5kilos. What is the
weight of the vegetables?

a. 95.25kilos b. 95.5kilos c. 95.75kilos d. 96.25kilos

30. Our family spends 55% of its income for food. If the combined income of my father and mother is
P17,000 a month, how much do we spend a month for food?

a. P9350 b. P9450 c. P9500 d. P9400

Prepared by: Dahlia L. Contaoi

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