Identical Particles in Quantum Mechanics: P. J. Grandinetti
Identical Particles in Quantum Mechanics: P. J. Grandinetti
Identical Particles in Quantum Mechanics: P. J. Grandinetti
Chapter 20
P. J. Grandinetti
Chem. 4300
April 4, 2019
p⃗̂ 21 p⃗̂ 22
̂ 2) =
(1, + ̂ r1 , ⃗r2 )
+ V(⃗
2me 2me
To preserve indistinguishability Hamiltonian must be invariant to particle exchange,
̂ 2) = (2,
(1, ̂ 1)
If this wasn’t true then we would expect measurable differences and that puts us in violation of
uncertainty principle.
We must get the same energy with particle exchange:
̂ 2)Ψ(⃗x1 , x⃗2 ) = EΨ(⃗x1 , x⃗2 ), and (2,
(1, ̂ 1)Ψ(⃗x2 , x⃗1 ) = EΨ(⃗x2 , x⃗1 )
Define x⃗ = (r, 𝜃, 𝜙, 𝜔) with 𝜔 defined as spin coordinate which can only have values of 𝛼 or 𝛽,
that is, ms = + 12 or ms = − 12 , respectively.
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When particles are indistinguishable
̂ 2) = (2,
(1, ̂ 1) doesn’t imply that Ψ(⃗x1 , x⃗2 ) is equal to Ψ(⃗x2 , x⃗1 ).
|Ψ(⃗x1 , x⃗2 )|2 is probability density for particle 1 to be at x⃗1 when particle 2 is at x⃗2 .
|Ψ(⃗x2 , x⃗1 )|2 is probability density for particle 1 to be at x⃗2 when particle 2 to be at x⃗1 .
These two probabilities are not necessarily the same.
But we require that probability density not depend on how we label particles.
̂ 2) = (2,
Since (1, ̂ 1) it must hold that
Both Ψ(⃗x1 , x⃗2 ) and Ψ(⃗x2 , x⃗1 ) share same energy eigenvalue, so any linear combination of
Ψ(⃗x1 , x⃗2 ) and Ψ(⃗x2 , x⃗1 ) will be eigenstate of .
Is there a linear combination that preserves indistinguishability?
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Particle Exchange Operator
Introduce new operator to carry out particle exchange.
Obviously, Ψ(⃗x1 , x⃗2 ) and Ψ(⃗x2 , x⃗1 ) are not eigenstates of .
̂ (1,
Calculating [, ̂ 2)]:
̂ (1,
[, ̂ 2)]Ψ(⃗x1 , x⃗2 ) = ̂ (1,
̂ 2)Ψ(⃗x1 , x⃗2 ) − (1,
̂ 2)Ψ(⃗̂ x1 , x⃗2 )
= EΨ(⃗ ̂ 2)Ψ(⃗x2 , x⃗1 ) = EΨ(⃗x2 , x⃗1 ) − EΨ(⃗x2 , x⃗1 )
x1 , x⃗2 ) − (1,
= 0,
̂ (1,
Since [, ̂ 2)] = [, ̂ (2,̂ 1)] = 0, eigenstates of ̂ and ̂ are the same.
But Ψ(⃗x1 , x⃗2 ) and Ψ(⃗x2 , x⃗1 ) are not eigenstates of .
Eigenstates of ̂ are some linear combinations of Ψ(⃗x1 , x⃗2 ) and Ψ(⃗x2 , x⃗1 ) that preserve
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Symmetric and Anti-Symmetric Wave functions
We can examine the eigenvalues of ̂
̂ = 𝜆Φ
ΦA = √ [Ψ(1, 2, 3) − Ψ(1, 3, 2) + Ψ(2, 3, 1) − Ψ(2, 1, 3) + Ψ(3, 1, 2) − Ψ(3, 2, 1)]
Wave functions for multiple indistinguishable particles must also be either symmetric or
anti-symmetric with respect to exchange of particles.
Mathematically, Schrödinger equation will not allow symmetric wave function to evolve into
anti-symmetric wave function and vice versa.
Particles can never change their symmetric or anti-symmetric behavior under exchange.
Particles with half-integer spins s = 1∕2, 3∕2, 5∕2, … are always found to have
anti-symmetric wave functions with respect to particle exchange. These particles are
classified as fermions.
Particles with integer spins s = 0, 1, 2, … are always found to have symmetric wave
functions with respect to particle exchange. These particles are classified as bosons.
When you get to relativistic quantum field theory you will learn how this rule is derived.
What about identical composite particles, such as a nucleus composed of proton and neutrons,
or an atom composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons?
Thus, identical hydrogen atoms are bosons. Note, to be truly identical all hydrogens have to
be in the same eigenstate (or same superposition of eigenstates). In practice you’ll need ultra
low temperatures to get them all in the ground state if you want them to be identical.
Solution: Lithium nuclei contain 3 protons, which are spin 1/2 particles.
7 Li nucleus additionally contains 4 neutrons, which are also spin 1/2 particles.
Total of 7 spin 1/2 particles tells us that 7 Li nucleus is fermion.
Single particle Hamiltonians must have same form for particles to be identical.
Schrödinger Eq. solutions for non-interacting particles can be written
Non-interacting identical particles will be starting approximation for multi-electron atoms and molecules.
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Pauli exclusion principle
Remember! There is zero probability of 2 fermions having same coordinates, x⃗1 = x⃗2 .
Non-interacting fermions have stronger constraint, aka the Pauli exclusion principle:
two fermions cannot occupy identical wave functions, that is, same quantum states.
{ ( ) ( )
ΦA = √ 1s 𝛼(1) 1s 𝛽(2) 2s 𝛼(3) − 2s 𝛼(2) 1s 𝛽(3) − 1s 𝛽(1) 1s 𝛼(2) 2s 𝛼(3) − 2s 𝛼(2)1s 𝛼(3)
( )}
+2s 𝛼(1) 1s 𝛼(2) 1s 𝛽(3) − 1s 𝛽(2) 1s 𝛼(3)
Slater determinants enforce anti-symmetric wave functions. Any time 2 columns or rows are
identical the determinant is zero.
For example, if we try to place 3 identical electrons into the 1s orbital we find
| 1s 𝛼(1) 1s 𝛽(1) 1s 𝛼(1) |
1 || |
ΦA = √ | 1s 𝛼(2) 1s 𝛽(2) 1s 𝛼(2) | = 0
| |
3! | 1s 𝛼(3) 1s 𝛽(3) 1s 𝛼(3) |
| |