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Wavelengths (nm) light. Its effects become most prominent when the re-
365.0 ± 2.0 tarding voltage is high. The retarding voltage is seen as
404.7 ± 2.0 an accelerating voltage by these electrons and they travel
546.1 ± 2.0
uninhibited from the anode to the cathode, opposite the
direction of the expected flow.
577.0 ± 2.0
Another feature that should not be neglected is the
TABLE I: Spectrum from Oriel mercury lamp. non-linear nature of the photocurrent vs. voltage curve
near the stopping voltage. Theoretically, at the stopping
voltage, we expect the current to be zero. However, as
A Leybold photocell served as our target, containing a we decrease the stopping voltage, the current rises only
potassium (W0 = 2.3eV ) photosurface as the cathode very slowly until it begins to take on a familiar I = αVr
and a platinum ring (Wa = 5.7eV ) as the anode sepa- linear form. This is to be expected since the number
rated by a vacuum. It was enclosed in a black box with of states with energy near the minimum binding energy
a small circular opening to allow for incoming light. Pre- N (E ≈ −W0 ) may in fact be very small, and increases
cautions were taken to shield the setup from ambient as the binding energy increases.
light, to protect the filters and photocell from overheat- Complicating effects such as the two represented above
ing, and to minimize illumination of the anode. compromise the reliability of zero-current crossings for
determination of stopping voltages. Instead, we look to
two different methods for extrapolating the data points
4. DATA AND ANALYSIS of interest. Any differences in results will be used in
calculation of a lower bound on our systematic error.
An example of our tabulated raw data is shown in Ta-
ble II for the 365.0 nm wavelength over five trials.
The normalized currents for each wavelength are plot- 4.1. Method One for Voltage Cut-Off
ted against their respective retarding voltages in Figure Determination: Linear Fit Method
2 with the standard deviations as error bars. The nor-
malization removes the scaling effects of the non-uniform
distribution of intensities across the spectrum of our light Demonstration of the Linear Fit Method of Stopping Voltage Approximation
source. With intensity normalized away, it is already ev-
ident from this figure that the cut-off voltages have some 35
Measured Values (I vs. V) for 404.7nm Photons
Low Voltage Best Fit Line
Plot of Photocurrents Induced by Four Wavelengths of Light (Normalized to 577.0 nm Curve) X = 1.9
365.0 nm
404.7 nm 20
35 546.1 nm
577.0 nm
25 404.7 nm
Photocurrent Detected (pA)
y = mx + b
m = 0.0 +− 3.5
5 b = −0.3 +− 6.4
(Vr = 0.6V ,I = −0.3pA) 2
X =0
20 365.0 nm
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
10 Magnitude of Retarding Voltage Applied (V)
546.1 nm
FIG. 3: Graphical demonstration of the High and Low Voltage
577.0 nm
Linear Fit Method of stopping voltage determination. Calcu-
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
lations based on the normalized data points with error for
Retarding Voltage Applied (V) 404.7 nm wavelength light.
FIG. 2: Plot of photocurrent as a function of the magnitude of Since the asymptotic behavior of each curve at both
retarding voltage applied for each wavelength of incident light. low and high values of retarding voltages (discounting
Normalized to the zero-voltage point of the lowest intensity saturation) is linear, both sections can be fit to sepa-
wavelength. rate linear regressions. The criteria for determining how
many data points to fit on each end was simple: mini-
A back current was a noticeable effect for several wave- mum number of points required for a meaningful fit while
lengths. Back current is caused by photoelectrons liber- maintaining a reasonable χ2 . A linear fit should involve
ated from the platinum anode as a result of scattered greater than two points but maintain a χ2 of less than
λ = 365.0 nm ± 2 nm
Voltage (V ± 0.1V) Current (pA ± 1pA) - All Trials Statistical Analysis
All Trials Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Trial 5 Mean Var. Std. Dev.
0 416 416 420 420 422 418.8 5.76 2.40
0.2 298 300 301 301 304 300.8 3.76 1.94
0.4 202 200 203 203 205 202.6 2.64 1.62
0.6 126 125 127 127 129 126.8 1.76 1.33
0.8 70 70 71 71 73 71 1.2 1.10
1 34 34 36 36 37 35.4 1.44 1.20
1.2 13 13 16 16 17 15 2.8 1.67
1.4 1 1 3 3 4 2.4 1.44 1.20
1.6 -4 -4 -2 -2 -1 -2.6 1.44 1.20
1.8 -7 -7 -5 -5 -4 -5.6 1.44 1.20
2 -8 -8 -6 -6 -6 -6.8 0.96 0.98
TABLE II: Raw data table for 365.0nm wavelength light. Statistical data is provided on the right. Standard deviations from
these measurements were used as a primary measure of random error.
from right to left and picks out the first point that devi- dissipative elements. Thus, the electron sees not the ap-
ates from the flat-line end behavior and assigns that value plied voltage V’ but a voltage V adjusted by the work
to be the stopping voltage for that particular wavelength. functions of the two metals. An illustration (Figure 6)
We tested the precision of this method by setting differ- from the same source [1] pg. 20 helps facilitate the ex-
ent threshold (minimum deviation) values and observing planation.
any change in resulting data set. For a threshold be-
tween 0 and 0.5 this method yielded the exact same set
of points and values. Since this method relies on discrete
points, the ”real” value can fall anywhere between the
chosen value and the next points on either end, so we
estimated the error in stopping voltage to be about the
interval between successive data points.
point in 2-D space: teraction with matter. We were able to demonstrate for
2 2 light the linear dependence of its energy on its wavelength
1 1 and determine to some accuracy the constant of propor-
σx2 = σb22 + σb21 tionality. The actual value of Planck’s constant fell out-
m1 − m2 m1 − m2
2 2 side of our errorbars, which is less than ideal. Our final
b2 − b1 2 b2 − b1 2 uncertainty on the value proved to be 50% of the value
+ σm + σm (6)
(m1 − m2 )2 1
(m1 − m2 )2 2
itself. This is very large and makes the task of drawing
solid conclusions difficult.
When faced with two different calculated values for
Planck’s constant (h1 and h2 ), and their respective un- Though we cannot necessarily reduce random errors,
certainties (σh1 and σh2 ), we determined our final value we can seek to better characterize it in our experiments.
of h by taking the average, This can be accomplished through not only more re-
h1 + h2 peated trials but especially more independent trials. If,
h = h̄ = = 1.92 × 10−15 eV · s (7) in the future, we attempt to reset the amp meter and
voltage supply for each trial or wait a longer period of
and determined our random error on h, σhr , by prop- time between trials, we may find a more representative
agating both uncertainties using the formula, variance in our measurements.