FCIC Crim Book 1 First Quiz

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Franciscan College of Immaculate Conception

A. Bonifacio St., Baybay City


I. Enumeration
1. Give at least 2 Sources of Criminal Law.
2. Give at least 2 Constitutional Rights of an accused.
3. Give at least 2 Statutory Right of an accused.
4. Give at least 3 persons exempt from the operation of our criminal laws by virtue of the
principles of public international law.
5. Give at least 1 limitation on the power of the law-making body to enact penal legislation.

II. Define the following terms:

1. Criminal law
2. Crime
3. What are the main characteristics of Criminal law, explain each.

III. Essay
1 AAA committed acts of treason against the Philippines while he was in China. During the
prosecution for the crime of treason, AAA raised the defense that he cannot be made liable
for the said crime because at the time of the commission of the crime, he was outside the
territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines. Is A’s contention tenable?
2 After Drinking of one (1) case of Red Horse beer and taking two plates of “pulutan”, Binoy a
Filipino seaman, stabed to death Sio My, a Singaporean seaman, aboard M/V “Princess of
the Pacific”, an overseas vessel which was sailing in the south china sea. The vessel,
although panamian registered, is owned by Lucio Sy, a rich Filipino businessman. When
M/V “Princess of the Pcific” reached a Philippine port at Cebu City, the captain of the vessel
turned over the assailant Binoy to the Philippine Police authorities. The prosecutor filed an
information against Binoy in the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City. Is the prosecutor
correct? Why?

Franciscan College of Immaculate Conception

B. Bonifacio St., Baybay City


I. Enumeration
1. Give at least 2 Sources of Criminal Law.
2. Give at least 2 Constitutional Rights of an accused.
3. Give at least 2 Statutory Right of an accused.
4. Give at least 3 persons exempt from the operation of our criminal laws by virtue of the
principles of public international law.
5. Give at least 1 limitation on the power of the law-making body to enact penal legislation.
II. Define the following terms:
1. Criminal law
2. Crime
3. What are the main characteristics of Criminal law, explain each.

III. Essay (5 points each)

1. AAA committed acts of treason against the Philippines while he was in China. During the
prosecution for the crime of treason, AAA raised the defense that he cannot be made liable
for the said crime because at the time of the commission of the crime, he was outside the
territorial jurisdiction of the Philippines. Is A’s contention tenable?
2. After Drinking of one (1) case of Red Horse beer and taking two plates of “pulutan”, Binoy a
Filipino seaman, stabed to death Sio My, a Singaporean seaman, aboard M/V “Princess of
the Pacific”, an overseas vessel which was sailing in the south china sea. The vessel,
although panamian registered, is owned by Lucio Sy, a rich Filipino businessman. When
M/V “Princess of the Pcific” reached a Philippine port at Cebu City, the captain of the vessel
turned over the assailant Binoy to the Philippine Police authorities. The prosecutor filed an
information against Binoy in the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City. Is the prosecutor
correct? Why?

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