Math 8

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

3rd Quarter Examination in MATHEMATICS 8

Name: Grade and Section:

TEST I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Read each statement below and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provider.
_____1. Which of the following strongly describes mathematical system?
a. consist of some undefined terms c. statement that is assumed to be true
b. has four parts; undefined terms, defined terms, postulates, theorem d. none of these
_____2. It is a statement that is assumed to be true.
a. Line b. definition c. postulates d. theorem
_____3. What undefined term in mathematical system is illustrated by an object like an” electric wire ”.
a. line b. plane c. point d. space
_____4. What undefined term in mathematical system is illustrated by an object like a” tip of a pencil”.
a. line b. plane c. point d. space
_____5. What object represented by a plane?
a. thumbtacks b. electric wire c. floor d. edge of a notebook
_____6. Two-dimensional figure: length and width.
a. line b. plane c. point d. space
_____7. It is define as the location in Geometry. It has no size, no width, no length, and no depth. A point is shown by a dot.
a. line b. plane c. point d. space
_____9. A theorem that follows from another theorem as a “by product”.
a. Corollary b. definition c. postulates d. theorem
_____10. Geometric terms such as point, line and plane.
a. undefined terms b. definition c. postulates d. theorem
TEST II. Identification
Directions: Give MOR, answer the following question even without the figure?
_____11. What is the included angle between side MR and side MO?
_____12. What is the included angle between side MR and side RO?
_____13. What is the included side between angle M and angle r?
_____14. What is the included side between angle O and angle R?
_____15. What is the included side between angle M and angle O?

TEST III. Identification

Directions: Identify the postulates that best describes the given congruent triangles.
_________16. _________17. __________18. _____ _______19. ____ _______20.

TEST IV. Completion Type

Directions: Complete the statement with the correct answer.
Given MOT is congruent to HOA M A
21. The Corresponding angle of angle MOT is _________.
22. Side MO corresponds to ________.
23. The corresponding angle of angle T is _________.
24 TOM is congruent to ____________. T H
25. Side TO correspond to ____________.
TEST VII. Completion Type
Directions: Fill the blanks with the appropriate information. R U
Given: side RS is congruent to side UV T
RS is perpendicular to ST, UV is perpendicular VT
T is the midpoint of SV S V
Prove: side RT is congruent to side UT

Side RS is congruent to side UV 26.
27. Given
28. Def. of a perpendicular lines
29. 30.
T is the midpoint of SV 31.
32. 33.
34. 35.
36. 37.

Given: Side IH is congruent to side JK I O J

O is the midpoint of side IK
O is the midpoint of side JH H K
Prove: IOH is congruent to KOJ
Side IH is congruent to side JK 38.
O is the midpoint of side IK 39.
40. Def. of a midpoint
41. Given
42. 43
IOH is congruent to KOJ 44.

TEST VIII. Solving

Directions: Solve the following. (Show your solution)
45-47. RSE is congruent to UVT. Find the value of x.



.48-50. ABC is congruent to DEF. Find the value of y if the measure of side RS is 3y-9 and the measure side UV is 18.

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