Account Opening Form For Company
Account Opening Form For Company
Account Opening Form For Company
Account Details
Name of the Company (Account name)
Subsequent name change (if any) - Name of the Company (Account name)
Current Correspondence Address Registered Address (only if different to current correspondence Address)
E-mail Address
Cheque book (Only For GBP A/C”s) Internet Banking (View Only)
Statement Frequency
Monthly Quarterly Half Yearly Yearly None Debit Card*
*Please fill the annexure (D)
Personal Details (Authorised Signatory 1) (Authorised Signatory 2)
Title Mr. Mrs. Miss Dr. Others Title Mr. Mrs. Miss Dr. Others
Surname Surname
Country Country
Passport/DVLA No Passport/DVLA No
Citizenship Citizenship
Mobile No Mobile No
Country Country
Title Mr. Mrs. Miss Dr. Others Title Mr. Mrs. Miss Dr. Others
Surname Surname
Country Country
Passport/DVLA No Passport/DVLA No
Citizenship Citizenship
Mobile No Mobile No
Country Country
We hereby request the Bank to open the account in the above name. We hereby declare that the above information is true and correct
to the best of our knowledge. We understand that the account will be opened on the basis of the information provided by us. We hereby
agree that any new account opened immediately or on a future date will be subject to the same terms and conditions as contained in
this application form.
We undertake that we will not claim any interest on any of our Term deposit/s made from time to time after the maturity date unless and
until we have made a specific request to renew the deposit. Notwithstanding this we hereby authorise Punjab National Bank
(International) Ltd to renew the term deposit/s made from time to time, on maturity for an identical period in the absence of any specific
notice to the contrary.
We agree to comply with the Bank’s rules with regard to the conduct of the accounts. We understand that the information we have given
may be used to offer other services from the Punjab National Bank (International) Ltd. In this connection contact may be made to us
personally or by direct marketing means.
We resolve to provide to the Bank in writing any changes in our details (including personal details of signatories) or circumstances that
may change from time to time.
We undertake to abide by the rules governing the usage of Internet and Telephone banking and also undertake to ratify and confirm all
that the user/s do/es or cause/s to do through these facilities. This undertaking should continue to be valid until and unless we revoke it
by written notice to you.
We choose NOT to be contacted by Punjab National Bank (International) Limited for marketing purposes by ticking this box.
Under the Data Protection Act 1998, there are restrictions placed on data processors (PNBIL) regarding the transfer of data outside the
EU. The data provided by us or already in the Bank’s records will be provided to the Back Office of PNBIL in India for processing and
may be communicated to the Bank’s corporate office in India, who may, for regulatory or statistical purposes, provide information to the
Indian Regulatory Authorities. Information may be used for credit search. I/we understand that the bank may validate name, address and
other personnel information supplied by me/us during the process against appropriate third party databases. By accepting these terms
and conditions I/we consent to such checks being made. In performing these checks personal information provided by me/us may be
disclosed to a registered Credit Reference Agency which may keep a record of that information. I/We understand that Bank may make
periodic searches with credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies to manage my/our accounts with Bank. Bank will record
details at the credit reference agencies of my/our agreements with Bank, the payments I/we make under it and any default or failure to
keep to its terms. These records will be shared with other organizations and used by Bank and them to make decisions about credit
related services, trace debtors, prevent money laundering and fraud. The credit reference agencies may use this information for
statistical analysis. All information provided by me/us will be treated securely and strictly in accordance with the “Data Protection act
1998”.Bank will disclose the information Bank holds if bank is allowed by law, if we give permission/authority to the bank, if it is in bank’s
interest or if there is a public duty to do so. We have the right to request the data held about us. The Bank’s compliance officer will
answer any question we may have. By signing below we have understood this General Agreement and provide consent to the Bank to
process data for the purpose noted above, including sending the data to the Bank’s Back Office/Corporate office in India.
We hereby declare that we have read the general terms and conditions and agree to abide by them.
Account will be operated by (Tick whichever is applicable)
Names and shareholding of all shareholders having more than 20% shareholding (In case of Private Companies)
Draft Resolution to open an Account
To Punjab National Bank (International) Ltd
We hereby certify that a resolution of the Board of Directors of ......................................... Company, Limited was passed at a meeting of
the Board duly convened and held on the ............................ and has been duly recorded in the minutes book of the said Company.
Punjab National Bank (International) Ltd (‘the Bank’) be appointed the Bankers of the Company, regarding the Company accounts, the
bank is here by authorized and requested to open Bank Accounts in the name of the Company and:-
To honor and comply with all Cheques, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, Promissory notes, Acceptances, Negotiable instruments and orders
expressed to be drawn accepted made or given on behalf of this Company at any time or times whether the banking account or accounts
of this company are overdrawn or any overdraft is increased by any payment thereof or in relation thereto or are in credit or otherwise
but without prejudice to the Bank's right to refuse to allow any overdraft or increase of overdraft.
To honor and comply with all instructions to deliver or dispose of any securities or documents or property held by the bank on behalf of
the company; to hold the company liable on all agreements and indemnities in connection with the issue of letter of credit, drafts, and
telegraphic/electronic transfers and with all banking transactions. Provided any such Cheques, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, Promissory
notes, Acceptances, Negotiable instruments and orders instructions agreements and indemnities are signed by the persons holding the
under mentioned offices for the time being.
To treat all Cheques, Drafts, Bills of Exchange, Promissory notes, Acceptances, Negotiable instruments and orders as being endorsed
on behalf of the company and to discount or otherwise deal with them provided such endorsements purport to be signed by
To cancel all existing mandates (if any) in force at the date hereof with regard to the Company's said Account(s) which mandates are
hereby terminated.
Provided that all authorities, instructions, instruments and transactions authenticated in accordance with any existing mandate and
purporting to have been given, made issued or entered into prior to receipt by Punjab National Bank (International) Ltd of notice of this
resolution shall have effect as between the company and Punjab National Bank (International) Ltd as though this resolution had never
been passed.
A list of the names and specimen signatures of the persons at present authorised to sign under this resolution be furnished to the Bank.
The foregoing mandate and list of names remain in force until receipt by the Bank of a duly certified copy of resolution rescinding or
amending the same.
The Bank be and is by this resolution authorised to provide the Company's auditors from the time being and from time to time with such
information as the Company's auditors may request from time to time until notice in writing to the contrary is received by the Bank.
The Company agrees to provide to the Bank in writing any changes in details or circumstances that may change from time to time.
The Company Secretary shall, as and when necessary, supply to the Bank a list of the current directors and, if applicable, other officials
authorised to sign with specimen signatures and the Bank may on such lists signed by the Secretary.
The Company agrees that it will not claim any interest on any of its Term deposit/s made from time to time after the maturity date unless
and until the Company made specific request to renew the deposit. Notwithstanding this, the Company authorizes Punjab National Bank
(International) Ltd to renew the term deposit/s made from time to time, on maturity for an identical period in the absence of any specific
notice to the contrary.
The Company hereby confirms that none of the directors are or have been disqualified under the Company Directors Disqualification Act
1986 or any similar overseas legislation covering the disqualification of directors or other officers of a company.
These resolutions be communicated to the Bank and shall constitute the Company's Mandate to the Bank and remain in force until an
amended resolution can be passed by the Board of Directors and a copy thereof, certified by the Chairman and the Secretary or by any
Director or the Secretary acting or purporting to act on behalf of the Company shall have been received by the Bank.
In this resolution the expressions `Directors' and 'Secretary' shall be construed as Director(s) and Secretary for the time being of the
Company and shall, in the case of Director(s) include alternate Director(s) and in the case of Secretary shall include any Joint Secretary,
Assistant Secretary or Temporary Secretary.
We certify that the signatures set down within Section II and IV of this account opening form are those of all the Directors, the Secretary
and of any other Officers of the Company authorised to sign, that such signatures are the genuine signatures of such persons and that
such signatures operate as the specimen signatures of each of such persons.
Yours faithfully,
(The position occupied by each signatory i.e. Secretary, Trustee, Committee Member etc., should be stated with each name)
Date Date
Name And Position Name And Position
Date Date
Name And Position Name And Position
Yours faithfully,
Certificate of Incorporation
New Certificate of Incorporation (2)
New Certificate of Incorporation (3)
Memorandum and Article and Association certified as being true, complete and up-to-date
Letter of Bank reference
A certified copy of resolution by the governing body to open account/s with Punjab National Bank (International) Limited,
specifying names of authorised signatories, providing their specimen signatures and mode of operation
A copy of last year’s report and audited accounts for the last three years
The Bank to be supplied with:
Original Certificate of Entitlement to Commence Business issued by registrar (for public limited ompanies only)
Resolution of Board of Directors on company letterhead authorising opening of banking account with Punjab National Bank
(International) Limited providing names and signatures of the persons authorised to operate account and mode of operation
Provide details of your current Banker on the Bank Reference Form. This form will be sent by us directly to your current
Banker to seek reference about your company
Copies of certified audited accounts for the last three years
Full information of general/specific charge on company’s assets in favour of third party. No objection certificate regarding
opening account with us will be required from third party
Copies of any resolutions concerning the foregoing, which may be passed from time to time.
Additional Information
Branch Office:
In consideration of Bank granting a Debit Card (in the name of company or any of its authorized persons to the
Company/ its authorized signatory(ies) / director(s), we irrevocably and unconditionally agree and undertake to
indemnify the Bank, and to keep the Bank, indemnified against all losses, claim, liabilities, actions, proceedings,
demands, damages , costs and expense whatsoever and howsoever arising (the “liabilities”) which may be
suffered, incurred of sustained by the Bank, as a result of or in connection with the operation of the Debit Card.
We irrevocably and unconditionally authorize the Bank to debit any of our account(s) with the Bank at any of its
branches and in whatever currency will all amounts chargeable to us as a result of the bank receiving or acting
upon the use of the Debit Card.
This indemnity shall be governed by and constructed in all respects in accordance with English law. We hereby
submit to the non-jurisdiction of English courts.
Extract from the Minute Meeting of the Board Of Directors of the above company duly convened, held and
constituted on the ...................................................... day of...........................................................................
Present: (1)....................................................................(Chairman)
In Attendance (3)......................................................................................
The Chairman reminded the Board of the previous meeting of the Board and of the fact that arrangements had
been concluded with the Punjab National Bank (International) Limited ( “The Bank”) to operate a Debit Card in
the name(s) of Mr................................................. & Mr.................................................
The meeting noted that it was a condition of the bank issuing a Debit Card that the company grants to the Bank
an indemnity in the form attached.
The Secretary reported the under the Articles of Association of the Company, the Directors were empowered to
implement the arrangements with the Bank.
There was produced to the meeting a copy of the indemnity
Name Of Chairman.............................................