Account Opening Individual Tier3
Account Opening Individual Tier3
Account Opening Individual Tier3
Title Surname
Residential Address
Number Street Name
State Country
Mailing Address
Country Phone Country Phone
Code Num (1) Code Num (2)
Email Address
4. ACCOUNT SERVICE(S) REQUIRED (Please tick your preferred products and service below)
Visa Credit Card Verve Debit Card Enquiry Only Transactions SMS Alert Mobile Banking
(Charges apply)
NGN Soft Token Hard Token Email Statement
Visa debit Card NGN Master card (Charges apply) (Charges apply) Email Alert
Classic USD Interactive Voice
Response self Service
Statement Preference: Email Collection at Branch Statement Frequency: Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annually Annually
Cheque Book Requisition: (Fees apply) Opened Cheque Crossed Cheque 25 Leaves 50 Leaves 100 Leaves
Cheque Confirmation: Will you like to pre-confirm your cheque? Yes No
Cheque Confirmation Threshold: If the answer to the above is yes, please specify the threshold
Fidelity Bank Plc RC103022
Nature of Business/Occupation
State Country
Name of Beneficial Owner(s) (If any)
Expected Annual Income from Other Sources
Name of Associated Business(es) (if any) 1
Type of Business
Business Address
(Please tick as appropriate)
a. Category of Account:
Joint Account Fixed Investment Account Other Types of Account
Account Type:
Current Account Fixed Deposit Account Savings Account Domicilliary Account
b. Account Name
c. Account No. (for official use only)
d. Mandate authorisation/Combination rule (Please tick as appropriate): Sole Signatory Either to sign Both to sign
e. Signatory I
Surname First Name
Other Names
f. Signatory II
Surname First Name
Other Names
State Country
I agree to abide by the content of this agreement and acknowledge that it has been truly and audibly read over and explained to me by an Interpreter
Please note that the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has directed Banks to periodically send the account details of customers
that do not comply for investigation and prosecution.
ii. If answer to the (i) above is yes, state other documents obtained in line with the bank’s policy on socially / financially disadvantaged customer
in compliance with Regulation 77(4) of AML/CFT Regulation, 2013
iv. If answer to question (iii) above is yes, identify the customer risk category: Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk
Signature: Date:
Signature: Date:
Signature: Date:
COMMENT(S)(Address description and result finding):
Signature: Date:
Signature: Date:
1. I/We hereby apply to open an account for banking and related financial services of the Bank. 3. Until the Bank receives any written notice by way of the Customer to the contrary, the Bank is
instructed to honour signature (s) appearing on the signature card or account(s) for all purposes on the
2. I/We declare that the information given in this account opening form is true and accurate. Customer's account.
3. I/We agree that any information found to be false, incorrect or misleading may cause the Bank to 4. Neither the Bank nor its staff shall be liable for any loss arising as a result of the authority given to
reject this application or close my/our account if it had been opened. the bank on cheque confirmations.
4. I/We agree to promptly notify the Bank of any subsequent change in Customer's account details. 5. The Customer hereby undertakes and agrees to indemnify the Bank upon demand in writing by
the Bank or through the Bank's representatives /agents for any loss the Bank may incur in the event that
5. The Bank will not establish or operate the requested account (s) unless and until it has received the Customer's cheque is returned unpaid by the paying Bank and also will pay interest at prevalent rate
the required supporting documents for the account, a list of which has been provided to Customer and in the event that the Customer has drawn on account before the cheque is returned unpaid, and to
is included with this application form. provide the Bank with a replacement cheque not later than three (3) working days after the date of
service of notice of cheque's return. This indemnity is to be a continuing security for each clearing
6. The Bank is hereby authorized to undertake all “Know Your Customer” (KYC) procedures cheque deposited by the Customer
specified by applicable law and /or regulations and /or Bank policies including the confirmation of .
Customer's details and legal status at the appropriate government registry or parastatal. I/We hereby 6. Customer agrees to assume full responsibility for the genuineness or correctness and validity of all
authorize the Bank to debit Customer's account without further notice to Customer for the attendant endorsements appearing on all cheques, orders, bills, notes, negotiable instruments, receipts and/or
costs of such KYC procedures.
other documents deposited in Customer's account(s).
7. The Bank may, without prior notice , impose or change the minimum balance requirements for
7. Customer agrees that the Bank is under no obligation to honour any cheque (s) drawn on the
Customer's account(s) or alter the applicable interest rate (s) for or the charges relating to such account
Customer's account(s) unless there are sufficient funds in the account to cover the value of the said
(s) or any of them.
cheque (s) and the Customer understands and agrees that any such cheque (s) may be returned to the
Customer unpaid, but if paid, the Customer is obliged to repay the Bank on demand.
8. The Bank is authorized to transfer money from any deposit or other account Customer maintains
to any other account(s) Customer maintains with the Bank whose balance is below the required
8. If a cheque credited to Customer's account (s) is returned dishonoured , the same may be
transmitted to Customer's last known address either by bearer or by post.
9. The Customer agrees that in addition to any general lien right of set -off or similar right prescribed
9. Customer notes that the Bank will accept no liability whatsoever for funds handed to members of
by law , the Bank shall be entitled , without notice, to combine and consolidate all or any of Customer's
the Bank's staff outside banking hours or outside the Bank's premises.
account (s) including but not limited to cash, cheques, valuables, deposits, securities, negotiable
instruments or other assets belonging to customer with the Bank (without any liabilities to the Bank )
and/or to set off or transfer any or all amounts owed by Customer or related party to the Bank against 10. Customer agrees that any disagreements with entries on the Customer's bank statements will be
any and all money which the Bank may hold for Customer's account or any other credit be it cash, made by the Customer within fifteen (15) working days of the dispatch of the bank statements. Failing
cheques, valuables deposits, securities negotiable instruments or other assets belonging to Customer receipt by the Bank of a notice of disagreement of the entries within fifteen (15) days from the date of
whether held on current, deposit,or other account whether in Naira or any other currency (hereinafter dispatch of the Customer's bank statements as rendered is correct.
referred to as “foreign currency”).
11. Customer agrees to be bound by these and other terms and conditions regulating the operations
10. When effecting any set -off the Bank shall be entitled at its absolute discretion , with or without of the Bank account (s) and other financial services including but not limited to Internet Banking ,
notice to Customer to convert any Naira or foreign currency into the currency in which the amount Mobile Banking, Card Services, Telephone Banking, Automated Teller Machine (ATMs), and Money
owed was incurred at the applicable official exchange rate for the currencies in question prevailing in Transfer Services .
Nigeria at the time of such conversion.
12. Where any of the Conditions or the provisions specified herein are invalid, illegal or unenforceable
11. The Bank shall be and is hereby instructed to act on any instructions given on behalf of Customer in any respect under the law, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining conditions and/or
for or in relation to Customer requiring foreign exchange including but not limited to: the purchase or provisions contained herein shall not in any manner be affected or impaired thereby.
sale of any foreign exchange; the opening from time of documentary letters of credit to the intent that
this shall not be a general authority but shall require specific instructions; the signing and settlement of 13. No failure or delay in exercising any right, power or privilege vested in the Bank by these
exchange contracts; and the signing and obtaining delivery of merchandise against trust receipts. conditions shall operate as a waiver thereof neither shall any partial exercise of such right, power or
privilege preclude any other or further exercise thereof.
12. Customer undertakes to provide all exchange control documents that would be required for any
business requiring foreign exchange and further undertakes to indemnify the Bank for any loss, liability, 14. I/We agree that you may at your absolute discretion close at any time my account(s) with you.
damage or expenses resulting from the Customer's default.
15. The Customer acknowledges that the Bank consults with various credit bureaus and reference
13. The Customer agrees to hold the Bank harmless and free from any responsibility for any loss of agencies, and may be required to disclose the Customer's information to these credit bureaus for the
funds deposited with the Bank due to any future governmental order, law, levy, tax, embargo, exchange purpose of conducting checks on the Customer. The Customer hereby irrevocably and unconditionally
restriction or other cause beyond the Bank's control. grants his /her/its consent to the Bank and expressly authorizes such disclosure of any or all information
on his /her/its account(s)/ transaction(s) with the Bank , to such credit bureau and reference agencies
14. The Bank shall be entitled to retain and not repay any amount whatsoever that is owed to whether based locally or abroad, including information on the Customer's Directors and other
Customer or which the Bank holds on Customer's behalf and until all amounts owed by Customer or the personnel, transactions and conduct on the Customer's account together with details of any non -
related party to the Bank have been repaid or discharged in full and, for so long as such amounts have payment or delayed payments as the Bank may deem necessary. The consent herein given discharges
not been discharged or repaid in full, the Bank shall be entitled to appropriate any amounts so owed to the Bank from all liabilities, claims, and damages for such disclosure made by the Bank to any credit
Customer or held on Customer's behalf in or towards the payment and discharge of the amounts owed bureau pursuant to the consent herein granted.
by Customer or the related party to the Bank.
16. Where these conditions are signed by or on behalf of more than one person whether individually,
15. Where the Bank, in the absence of any previous agreement as to rate of interest and costs and jointly or as legal person or juristic person as the Customer, all of such persons are bound by these term
charges that will apply if Customer's account (s) or becomes overdrawn, in its absolute discretion allows and conditions.
Customer to make any drawing that results in Customer's account (s) becoming overdrawn, the Bank
shall be entitled to charge such rate of interest and impose such charges as , in its absolute discretion, it 17. Agree that the account relationship hereby established shall be governed and construed in
considers appropriate in the circumstances and Customer agrees to pay such interest and charges to accordance with Nigerian law and by reference to the accepted principles and practices of banking.
the Bank on demand.
16. Where Customer gives any instruction for a payment (s) that in aggregate exceed (s) the
amounts standing to the credit of Customer's account (s) against which payment is to be made, the A. Terms of Services
Bank reserves the right to decline to carry out such instruction or where there is more than one
transaction , to select the transaction that shall be executed without reference to the date of dispatch or Fidelity Electronic Banking Services include but are not limited to the Bank's Internet Banking,
time or receipt of Customer's instructions, if the Bank in its discretion makes any such payment for Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Services, Electronic Fund Transfer and Short Message Service (SMS)
which Customer's account (s) is not funded, Customer shall repay the Bank whether or not the Bank Alerts (“the Service” or “e-banking”) provided to registered users of the Service. By using Fidelity e-
makes a demand in addition to charges and interest accrued thereon. banking, you agree to be legally bound by this Fidelity e-banking User Agreement (the “User
Agreement”) and Fidelity Bank terms of service If you do not agree to this user agreement please do
17. Where any uncleared effects credited to Customer's account (s) by the Bank is subsequently not use Fidelity e -banking. We reserve the right, at our discretion to change, modify, add, or remove
dishonoured and/or the Bank for any reason is required to repay to the paying banker or any other party portions of this user agreement at any time. Please check these terms periodically for changes . Your
all or any part of any amount credited to Customer's account (s), the Bank will be entitled to debit continued use of Fidelity e - baking following the posting of changes to these terms will mean you
Customer's account(s) with the amount of such uncleared effects and/or repaid amounts plus accrued accept those changes. You can always check out the most current version of the agreement on this
interest and applicable bank charges. page. We will do all we reasonably can do to prevent unauthorised access to your account and to make
sure they are secure.
18. Commission and charges shall be levied in accordance with the Bank's standard scale of charges in
force from time to time and copies which are made available on request. The Bank reserves the right to
B. General terms of service and restrictions on use of materials
amend its rates of interest in accordance with its standard scale of charges and /or conditions from time
to time.
If you do not comply with the user agreement at any time , Fidelity Bank reserves the right to terminate
your account and your access to Fidelity e-banking. Fidelity Bank may discontinue or alter any aspect of
19. Any communication by the Bank to Customer shall be deemed to have been made as soon as it
Fidelity e-banking, including, but not limited to (i) restricting the time Fidelity e-banking is available, (ii)
is sent to the most recent address on the bank's mailing list in the case of a letter /mail or most recent
restricting the amount of use restricted, and (iii) restricting or terminating any user's right to use Fidelity
telephone number in the case of a short message service (SMS) or most recent electronic mail address
e-banking, at Fidelity Bank's sole discretion and without prior notice or liability. You are responsible for
in the case of an electronic mail provided by Customer and the date indicated on the medium of
all charges associated with connecting to Fidelity e-banking through an available access number. You
communication (letter/mail, SMS or electronic mail) will constitute the date on which the communication
are also responsible for obtaining or providing all access lines, telephone and computer equipment
was sent.
(including modem) or other device, necessary to connect to Fidelity e-banking.
20. Customer understands and acknowledges that electronic mail, facsimile and verbal
communications are insecure transmission media . Where Customer advises the Bank to accept If you use the Service, your computer and internet settings must meet any reasonable requirements we
instructions in such manner, Customer undertakes to indemnify the Bank in full for any loss it may suffer may set; you must carry out your own regular virus checks; and you must not change or copy any
or incur by reason of its honouring Customer's letter, electronic mail , facsimile or verbal instructions, software we provide or give same to another person.
irrespective of whether same are erroneous, fraudulent or issued otherwise than in accordance with the
mandate for Customer's account(s). In order to permit Fidelity Bank to protect its reputation, employees, affiliates, partners, stakeholders,
members and the quality of its products and services , you hereby consent to Fidelity Bank Support
21. Where any and all payment instructions are issued in accordance with the Customer's account(s) Group, being able to access your account and records on a case by case basis to investigate complaints
mandate and which bears or purports to bear the facsimile or electronic mail signature of the person(s) or allegations of fraud or illegal or misleading activity, or abuse. Fidelity Bank shall not disclose the
whose specimen signatures have been provided to the Bank by the Customer, the Bank is hereby existence or occurrence of such an investigation unless required by law.
authorized to honour and to debit the Customer's account(s), for any and all payment instructions/
confirmations issued or provided by Customer using a pre-agreed format for same which may include You acknowledge that Fidelity e -banking contains information, software, test, graphics, music, sounds
but is not limited to oral or written instructions/confirmations and where given orally such oral or other material (collectively “Content”) that are protected by copyrights , patents, trademarks, trade
instruction may if previously agreed involve the use of specific password (s) and when given in writing secrets or other proprietary rights, and that these rights are valid and protected in all forms, media and
may be given by letter, facsimile or electronic mail. technologies existing now or hereafter developed.
All Content is copyrighted as a collective work under the copyright laws and Fidelity Bank owns Please Note the Following Important Disclaimers Or Warranties
a copyright in the selection, coordination, arrangement and enhancement of such content. The
Fidelity Bank name and logo are trademarks of Fidelity Bank. All other trademarks appearing on Fidelity e-banking is provided 'as is' and you use it at your sole risk. Fidelity Bank expressly
Fidelity e-banking are trademarks of their respective owners; Fidelity Bank's partners may also disclaims all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to
have additional proprietary rights in the Content which they make available through Fidelity e- the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement.
banking. You may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in transfer or sale, create derivative Fidelity Bank does not make any warranty that Fidelity e-banking will meet your requirements,
works, or in any way exploit, any of the content, in whole or in part. that it will be uninterrupted , timely, secure or error free , or that the quality of any products,
services, information, or other material obtained through the Fidelity e-banking will meet your
C. Account Password and Security expectations . Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of Fidelity e-
banking is done at your sole risk and you will be solely responsible for any damageto your
To open an account, you must complete the registration process by providing us with current, computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such material.
complete and accurate information as prompted by the registration process. You may be Furthermore, please note that no advice or information, obtained from by you from Fidelity
required to choose a password and an account name. You are entirely responsible for Bank or through the Fidelity e-banking shall create any warranty not expressly provided for in
maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account. Furthermore, you are entirely this user agreement.
responsible for any and all activities that occur under your account.
F. Limitation of liability
When we contact you, or you contact us, we need to check your identity before you can give us
instructions or before we can disclose or discuss confidential information about your accounts. You expressly understand and agree that Fidelity Bank shall not be liable for any direct,
To do this you must complete a security procedure we have agreed with you personally. The indirect incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages including but not limited to,
security procedure includes the use of a user identity number we give you, and a password and damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other tangible losses (even if Fidelity Bank
memorable information you choose, or where we have provided you with one, an access code has been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from (i) the use or the inability
device, which generates a unique number to enter when requested; and in the case of your debit to use Fidelity e-banking (ii) the cost of procurement of substitute goods and services resulting
or credit card, your Personal Identification Number (PIN) and your Card Verification Value (CVV) from any goods, data, information or services purchased or obtained or messages received or
(your 'Security Details'). transactions entered into through or from Fidelity e-banking (iii) unauthorized access to or
alteration of your transmissions of data (iv) statements of conduct of any third party on Fidelity
As long as we have confirmed your identity by completing the agreed security procedure, we will e-banking; or (v) any other matter relating to the Fidelity e -banking or operation of the Fidelity
assume that we are dealing with you and that you have agreed to us disclosing information and Bank sweepstakes. In no event shall Fidelity Bank's total liability to you for all damages, losses,
acting on any instructions without getting further confirmation from you. and causes of action (whether in contract, tort (including, but not limited to, negligence) or
otherwise exceed the amount paid by you, if any, for accessing this site.
When you give us instructions using the Service, we will ask you to check and confirm your
instructions using the security procedure. For additional security, we may also call you when you We will not be liable for losses or costs caused by abnormal and unforeseeable circumstances
give us instructions, for example when setting up a payment to a new recipient or when you are outside our reasonable control , which would have been unavoidable despite all efforts to the
using the platform from an unusual location or region. You will need to confirm your instructions contrary, for example delays or failures caused by industrial action, problems with another
when we call by entering the security details we provide you. You are responsible for checking system or network, mechanical breakdown or data-processing failures.
your instructions are correct.
You agree that any and all disputes which cannot be resolved between the parties, and causes
You will need to provide us with at least one telephone number so we can contact you under the arising out of or connected with Fidelity e-banking, shall be resolved individually, without resort
condition above to confirm your instructions, otherwise, we will not be able to carry them out. to any form of class action.
You can view and amend your contact details at any time
Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation or exclusion
You must: of liability for incidental or consequential damages.
a) follow instructions we give you , which we reasonably consider are needed to Accordingly, some of the above limitations may not apply to you.
protect you and us from unauthorised access to your accounts;
G. Indemnification
b) not let anyone else use your Security Details , not even someone sharing a joint
account with you as he or she will need to use his or her own; You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and account .
Furthermore, you are entirely responsible for any and all activities which occur under your
c) keep your Security Details secure and, where relevant, protect them from damage; account. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Fidelity Bank its, affiliates and
subsidiary companies, officers, directors, employees, consultants and agents from any and all
d) log off each time you finish using the Service (for your security , we will third party claims , liability, damages and /costs (including, but not limited to, attorney fees )
automatically log you off the Service if there has been no activity on the Service after a short arising from you use of our services, your violation of the user agreement or your infringement,
period); or infringement by any other user of your account , of any intellectual property or other right of
any person or entity. You agree to immediately notify Fidelity Bank of any unauthorized use of
e) do all you reasonably can to make sure no one finds out your Security Details, for your account or any other breach of security known to you.
example by not:
H. Termination and modification
(i) choosing an obvious password or memorable information as part of your Security
Details, such as your date of birth; You agree that Fidelity Bank, in its sole discretion may without prior notice to you, suspend or
terminate your password, account (or any part thereof) or use of the Fidelity e-banking, and
(ii) writing your Security Details on documentation that relates to your account; remove and discard any content within Fidelity e -banking, for any reason, including, without
limitation, for lack of use if Fidelity Bank believes that you violated or acted inconsistently with
(iii) writing down your Security Details in a way that is recognisable; or the letter or spirit of this User Agreement. Fidelity Bank may also in its sole discretion and at
any time discontinue providing Fidelity e-banking, or any part thereof, with or without notice .
(iv) recording your Security Details in software which retains it automatically such as You agree that any termination of your access to the Fidelity e-banking may immediately
internet browser “remember password” features. deactivate or delete your account and all related information and files in your account and /or
bar any further access to such files or the Fidelity e-banking. Further, you agree that Fidelity
You agree to notify Fidelity Bank immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or other Bank shall not be liable to you or any third party for any termination of your access to Fidelity
breach of security. e-banking.
You must change your Security Details for using the Service or tell us as soon as you can by I. Non-use of Account
calling our helpdesk or visiting one of our branches if you:
Unless you have Fidelity e-banking account set up for you, Fidelity Bank may terminate your
a) think that your Security Details have been lost, stolen, damaged or are being login account and delete all transactions, files and correspondence in your account without
misused; prior notice to you if you have not logged into or accessed your account for ninety consecutive
b) think someone may be accessing your accounts without your authority; or
J. Variation
c) think that someone has discovered your Security Details.
The Bank may vary the terms of this Agreement at any time without notice to you . Notification
If you elect to register to use Fidelity e-banking you agree to: (a) provide true, accurate, current of any such variation shall be either in writing or by publication thereof , by such means as
andcomplete information about yourself as prompted by Fidelity e-banking registration form Fidelity bank may select and a variation so notified shall bind you.
(such information being the “Registration Data”) and (b) maintain and promptly update the
Registration Data to keep it accurate. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate or K. Violation of the user agreement
incomplete or Fidelity Bank has reasonable grounds to suspect that such is the case, Fidelity
Bank has the right to suspend or terminate your account without notice to you and refuse any Should you violate this user agreement or any other rights of Fidelity Bank and or the Fidelity
and all current or future use of Fidelity e-banking (or any portion thereof). e-banking, Fidelity Bank reserves the right to pursue any and all legal and equitable remedies
against you, without limitation, terminating any and all user accounts for any of the Fidelity e-
D. Illegal Activities banking.
Fidelity Bank reserves the right to immediately suspend, terminate, access and investigate any L. Governing Law and other miscellaneous terms
account which it believes, in its sole discretion, is transmitting or is otherwise connected with any
fraudulent or illegal activities. These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Nigeria, without
giving effect to principles of conflicts of law . You agree that any action at law or in equity arising
In addition, because of the difficulty associated with quantifying damages, if actual damages of or relating to these terms shall be filed only in the state or federal courts located in Nigeria
cannot be reasonably calculated then you agree to pay Fidelity Bank liquidated damages of N and you hereby consent and submit to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the purposes
150,000 for each piece of transaction from or otherwise connected with your account or the of litigating any such action. If any provision of these terms shall be unlawful, void, or for any
maximum liquidated damages permitted under the law, whichever is greater, otherwise you reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from these terms and shall
agree to pay Fidelity Bank's actual damages, to the extent such actual damages can be not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.
reasonably calculated.
If a fraudulent activity is associated with the operation of your account, you agree that we have
E. Disclaimer the right to apply restrictions to your account and report to appropriate law enforcement agencies
Fidelity Bank utilizes diligent efforts to maintain Fidelity e-banking, but Fidelity Bank is not This is the entire agreement between you and Fidelity Bank relating to the subject matter
responsible for any defects or failures associated with Fidelity Bank or any damages (such as lost herein and shall not be modified by you except in writing, signed by both parties. The User
profits or other consequential damages) that may result from any such defects or failures. Agreement will inure to the benefit of Fidelity Bank's successors, assigns and licensees.