Dating Decoded 1.0

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You’ve just gotten yourself a clients get to hear (and they’ve paid me
copy of what very well could handsomely for it).
be the best information you If you’re wondering what is in the
can find on how to meet, mind of one of the world’s top dating
talk to, and date women in coaches, who’s been doing this for nearly a
Singapore. I’m not sure how decade... if you’re wondering what my best
you found out about me or technique is and what I make sure I pass
Aura Dating Academy... but on to every student who passes through
I’m glad you went ahead and my supervision at the Academy, you’ll find
purchased my book. BOTH in this brief book.
I don’t like making big promises or
sweeping statements, but I am confident ABOUT THE AUTHOR
of this... What you’re about to read can Before we begin, here’s a little bit about
change your life. me. As Asia’s top dating coach and
You’re about to get some never- president and director of the biggest
before-released information on dating dating academy in Asia—Aura Dating
women in Singapore and some of my Academy, based in Singapore—I provide
“greatest hits” that only my private proven solutions and practical guidance
“I knew years ago that David had the for men and women on how love lives; and to deliver a
potential to reach the level of the top to be social and how to total solution for excellence
succeed in love and life. in relationships and lifestyle.
mentors and even beyond. And now I’ve lived as a resident When I was a lonely 29-
he’s fulfilled all that and more! With (not a tourist) in five countries year old graduate student,
all his unique experiences and skills, on three continents. Born depressed over my failed
he is totally going to dominate.” in Taiwan, raised in North marriage and completely
America, and now having clueless about dating and
lived or worked in many socializing, I had the good
parts of Asia for over 15 fortune to be in a class with
years, I have excelled at the Christian Hudson, the co-
highest levels of academic founder of one of the largest
study of Asian culture, with dating skills companies in
awards and fellowships from the world at the time and
Harvard, Princeton, Michigan, who was then responsible
Toronto, McGill, as well for running much of its
as national fellowship and operations. He became my
research foundations. I then first mentor in the dating arts.
proceeded to a tenure-track And I owe him a huge debt.
professorship at the National My many mentors
University of Singapore. taught dating skills to, well,
I founded Aura Dating “ordinary” men. But when
Academy to empower men a life-long academic with a
and women throughout the Ph.D. in Asian culture and
world with the social skills, philosophy appears with an
emotional intelligence, eager, deep desire to learn
and dating strategies to and grow, well... the results
find greater happiness and were on a different level. I
fulfillment in life; to equip dug deeper to understand
people with a proven system not just “how” the various
for achieving success in their techniques, strategies, and
social lives, dating lives, and methods worked, but “WHY.”
I applied my specialized expertise in Singapore, which, with almost no
in psychology, philosophy, culture, advertising, is growing exponentially
and other fields to breakdown and every year.
internalize the principles underlying Having a Ph.D. doesn’t mean I’m
social dynamic interactions and a nerdy academic attempting to teach
relationships. Basically, I approached you dating and charisma. Instead,
the subject that way I did all my Ph.D. imagine a “Doctor” who hangs out
research. The outcome astounded at the top clubs in Singapore having
even me. the time of his life. And imagine Having a Ph.D.
I was also lucky enough to count this “Doctor” studied dating and doesn’t mean I’m
many incredibly alpha Asian men relationships with as much tenacity and a nerdy academic
living in Asia as my mentors. I traveled thoroughness as he did his Ph.D. and is
attempting to teach
the globe, training with some of now giving you the low-down in a short,
the best dating coaches around the easy-to-understand guide. you dating and
world. And I started to get really crazy If that gets you excited to read this charisma.
results. book you just purchased, then good!
Eventually, this led to a flourishing That was the point. Approach each
consultancy, helping men and page and every minute you spend
women around the world from almost reading this with that same optimism
every continent succeed in dating and excitement, and you’ll definitely
and relationships. I’ve successfully learn a ton from these pages that you
coached clients from almost every can apply in your life right away.
continent and throughout Asia, Read it over again once you’re
especially in Singapore, China, Hong done. Absorb and assimilate the
Kong, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, teachings contained herein. Internalize
Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei, as well as them until they become a part of you,
many cities in the USA and Canada. for they are the keys to abundance and
In 2010, I resigned my full-time fulfillment in your dating and social life.
tenure-track professorship at the See you on the other side. ON THE COVER

National University of Singapore Sheiryn Aisiqa, Aura

to follow my passion and found Best, Dating Academy’s
head female dating
and direct Aura Dating Academy David coach.





07 20 28
OVERVIEW How different is a Singaporean girl to do to fix these false views so that
This book begins from other girls? How does that affect you can have an abundant sexual and
by explaining the the way you meet and date them? You’ll romantic life.
three most important learn that and more in this section.
differences to account Don’t take some copy-and-paste
for when dating Understand the proper approaches template that some western dating
women in Singapore and mindsets to have and never shoot “guru” taught you (or the Singaporean
and much of Asia. yourself in the foot again by saying or false guru who copied him blindly
doing the wrong thing. too). Learn the secrets of dating
and attraction... customized for the
You’re in Singapore, right? Read and Singapore context.
understand this short primer... and you’ll
have home court advantage. Have you ever noticed how much of
the common teachings on dating are
Then I’ll explore some of the ways actually contradictory? Learn the right
in which you’ve probably been misled way to interpret all of them through
by common advice about meeting and the lenses of truth.
attracting women and what you need

Have you ever been inundated with so much information

that you ended up applying nothing in the end? That’s
exactly what we’re NOT going to do here. I kept this primer
as concise as I could (and even then it’s over 15,000 words
of pure gold) to make sure we don’t just “cover ground” but
actually go deep with what we cover. These truths are meant
to be applied. So do us both a favor and apply them.

Lastly, I’ll give you the “down and dirty” template on how to
begin a conversation, create a connection, and get contact

info from a beautiful woman in Singapore and much of Asia.

This is an action book, my friend. Not just a theory book.

When you’re done, roll up your sleeves and get ready to put
in practice what you learn in these pages. STARTED

This section explains
three main differences
you should keep in
mind when dating
Singaporean women in
Singapore, which apply
to most other dating
contexts in big cities in
modern Asia.

ere are three differences that make a In Singapore and Asian cultures, the
difference: dominant society is still relatively conservative
and purposely touching strangers is not
1. PERSONAL SPACE AND common. So keep this in mind and calibrate.
THE POLITE ZONE Lay off the physical escalation until you’re
One factor that is culturally variable is the sense in private, whether it’s in your bedroom or
of personal space. her place. If the two of you really can’t restrain
Some men have the mistaken notion that yourselves, you could use a corner booth in a
you should try to get as much as you can as fast dark lounge, bar, or club, where fewer prying 08
as you can, so they look for every opportunity to eyes can spy.
touch a woman as soon as possible. Not only is this important to protect the
This is a very bad strategy in Asia and lady’s reputation, but also because if you
Singapore. If you’re of non-Asian race, you escalate physically too early—before you can Personal
might get a little leeway because she will think capitalize on her arousal and take things even space is
this is what you’re used to in your society. But it’s further—then you run the risk of releasing her largely
not good to depend on her leniency. sexual tension prematurely. It’s generally better determined
to keep the sexual tension going all the way to by two other
the bedroom instead of releasing the tension factors: Eye
by jumping at every opportunity for physical Contact
contact with her like you’re still a schoolboy. and Hip
Obviously, there are exceptions. Club sluts are Direction.
clubs sluts no matter where they are in the world. Remember,
But as a rule of thumb, de-prioritize physical eyes and
touch in public, at least until you are already lovers. hips.
One good way of thinking about personal
space is in terms of the Polite Zone. Recall the premise behind the
The size of the Polite Zone varies Japanese hit film, Shall We Dance?
from society to society and even In Japan, the Polite Zone is relatively 09
from individual to individual within a large. This distance helps when two
society. The Polite Zone is the distance salarymen need to do a deep bow
between two people that is considered towards each other.
comfortable by both parties. But think of Japanese subway cars,
In Latin America, the Polite Zone crammed full of people on the way to
is quite small. You can get physically work. Why aren’t they all screaming rape?
close to a total stranger in Latin This is because the sense of
America, and they won’t think anything personal space is largely determined by
of it. Think of some Latin dance styles two other factors: Eye Contact and Hip
like the bachata. It’s acceptable to Direction. Remember, eyes and hips.
dance hip to hip with a stranger, or to The next time you get on a
speak so closely to someone that they crowded elevator, try to make and
can smell what beer you were drinking. maintain eye contact with the person
In Japan, society is more reserved. next to you. Then you will understand
Physical touch is not as accepted. why eye contact is a determining factor
Every second she accepts your presence inside
her Polite Zone, she will unconsciously become
more and more comfortable with you and
associate you with her close circle.

in personal space. If you more your hips are facing

don’t make eye contact the other person’s, the
with someone, you can more keenly you will feel
actually get really close the Polite Zone.
physically without setting In Singapore, the
off any alarms. Polite Zone is about
Also, next time you arm’s length. So if you are
get on a crowded elevator approaching someone
and everyone is facing on Orchard Road, you
forward, stand at the can usually approach as
door and face inwards. closely as arm’s length
Then you will understand without alarming the
why hip direction is so person.
important. Once you’ve made
So as long as you are eye contact at arm’s
not making eye contact length, step at an angle
and your hips are turned just inside the Polite
away from the other Zone. You’re coming in
person’s hips, you can get at a slight angle so that
very close physically. your hips are not directly
The Polite Zone facing the other person’s
is activated once eye hips. This allows you to
contact is made. And the get a little closer.
Who do we ordinarily accept inside our Polite Zone?
Family, close friends, lovers. Every second she 11
accepts your presence inside her Polite Zone, she will
unconsciously become more and more comfortable
with you and associate you with her close circle.
You will trigger the anchors created by her family,
close friends, and lovers. She will think of you as one
of them. And she will begin to feel towards you, a
relative stranger, the way she feels towards them.
Don’t make the mistake of stepping too far into
the Polite Zone. Don’t be like the Latino man who
forgot he was in Singapore and mis-calibrated the
Polite Zone. If you get too close too fast, you’ll turn
her off and send her fleeing in the other direction.
However, if you stay too far for too long, she’ll put you
in the Platonic Zone and have a hard time thinking of
you sexually.
Don’t make the mistake of stepping too far into Remember that when it comes to
the Polite Zone. Don’t be like the Latino man who touching someone, the key is your
forgot he was in Singapore and mis-calibrated mindset. You should not feel like it’s a
the Polite Zone. If you get too close too fast, big deal. It should be done naturally
you’ll turn her off and send her fleeing in the and without any thought to it.
other direction. However, if you stay too far for Otherwise, she will feel that you’re
too long, she’ll put you in the Platonic Zone and up to something and will get
have a hard time thinking of you sexually. uncomfortable.
Step just inside the Polite Zone. If you’re not used to touching
And when it comes to physical escalation people platonically yet, start
beyond the platonic, it is best to wait until you practicing in harmless contexts,
are in private. such as with those you have no
sexual interest in, like aunties at your KNEE

2. SAVING FACE (“MIANZI”) workplace or your family members.

Related to this aversion to public physical Most Asians aren’t accustomed to even
escalation is Singaporean women’s hyper- hugging their family members. If you’re 12
sensitivity to what others in their community not used to platonic touch, start doing
think of them (“public self-perception”). This it as much as you can, with almost
is one of the main reasons why you everyone you meet.
should generally keep your physical And start doing it early on in
touch non-sexual and platonic. the interaction, so that there isn’t any kind of
Platonic touch in Singapore awkward build-up to the first touch. A good
is any part of the body used for practice is to touch platonically when you
blocking in combat, including greet the person, either with a hug or a hearty
the outer arm, upper back, and handshake.
the outside of the thigh or below Protective touch, like going arm-in-arm as you
the knee. I like to touch people on cross the street or placing your hand on the small
the outside of the elbow when standing of her back in a crowded place, is also acceptable,
or just above the knee when seated. Pairing a as you long you release your hand once the
compliment with a platonic touch is great way situation is over. No lingering touch here.
to get a girl used to associating your touch with Just be careful about crossing the barrier
good feelings. from platonic to sexual when you’re in public
Believe it or not, to become
sexually intimate on your
first date with her, it is
actually unnecessary to
touch her sexually while
you’re in public.
Practice platonic
touch with friends
and family

with her. Sexual touch is a touch on any spot and Citi Private Wealth, Singapore is the world’s
towards the inside of her body—inner arm, richest country by GDP per capita, topping 13

lower back, her abdomen, neck, face, hair, inner Norway, the USA, and Hong Kong. And for the
leg, and of course, her chest and genital areas. third year in a row, Singapore also has the highest
Believe it or not, to become sexually intimate percentage of millionaires in the world according
on your first date with her, it is actually unnecessary to a report from the Boston Consulting Group.
to touch her sexually while you’re in public. About 17% of resident households in Singapore,
Escalating in public, especially outside which equates to more than one in every six
of a nightclub setting, can often cause a households--have disposable private wealth
Singaporean girl to feel self-conscious, anxious, of over US$1 million, even excluding property,
or nervous. She doesn’t want others to think businesses, or luxury goods.
she’s “easy” or “slutty.” It should go without You might think this makes wealth less of a
saying that such feelings are counter-productive factor. But it doesn’t. It just means the stakes are
to smooth escalation and an enjoyable time for higher.
both parties. Don’t make the mistake of playing the
wealth game to get girls. Sure, it can work... but
3. UNABASHED MATERIALISM only if you’re at the top. And as the reports have
According to a report released by Knight Frank shown, it takes a heck of a lot to stay at the top
Instead of falling into the trap that comes
from buying into society’s bullshit about what
you should want in life, determine your own
set of values and live by them.

in Singapore. them with material stuff, but by being your ideal

Men who play the conventional dating self.
game—in which they try to impress girls with And that starts with knowing what values you
their wealth, status, or looks—are playing a stand for and living up to them the best you can. 14

losing proposition. If you don’t want to fall into the trap of

Why? Because they are always and easily playing into the dead-end materialism game,
vulnerable to the Bigger Better Deal: There’s then you have to live by your own set of self-
always going to be some other guy who is richer, determined values.
higher status, or better looking. This is more than just a strategy to us,
Instead of falling into the trap that comes as effective as it is. It is a matter of values.
from buying into society’s bullshit about what Of course, values take some time to truly
you should want in life, determine your own set be internalized, and this is part of the
of values and live by them. transformation process my students and I
If you buy into the stark materialism rampant undertake together.
in Singapore, you will always lose to the Bigger At Aura Dating Academy, we operate by
Better Deal. a set of core values, which all members must
Instead of entering the Social Arms Race, in adhere to. I recommend you think about
which you’ll always be vulnerable to the Bigger these and see which you would be interested
Better Deal, undercut the Social Arms Race by in adopting. Of course, feel free to add any
attracting women, not through trying to impress additional values in which you believe strongly.


Give good feelings to Become our best selves. Have courage in facing
others. Be true to my edge fear; in the face of fear, step
Add value to others by our wherever it may be. up.
presence. Take constructive criticism Push beyond my comfort
Never disregard the like a man. zone.
emotions of others, Be understanding and Persevere; adapt but never
especially the more empathetic. give up.
vulnerable. Compare my progress Speak up when wronged;
Respect the dignity of all against my former self not do not harbour resentment
human beings, regardless of against others; check my ego Have FUN!
race, religion, gender, age, or at the door.
political persuasion.
Earn the respect of others;
do not simply demand it.

I’ve explained these core values in detail in the Aura

Culture Book, which is available for free at If you haven’t 16

already, go download your free copy now.

What values do you live by? What arguments or reasons do you have for adhering to
those values? You will need to know the answers to these questions in order to hold
your own against the forcible current of Singaporean society’s materialism, undercut
the dead end Social Arms Race, and and succeed in relationships with women without
having to rely on money, status, or looks.


aving explored three cultural differences When it comes to Singapore, here’s

that make a difference in dating, I
should also explain how this knowledge the truth. Singapore is THE most
fits into the overall context of acquiring Westernized country in all of Asia.
dating intelligence and skills.
I’ve been living in Singapore since 2008
and in various parts of East Asia for many years 18
before that. And one of the most common heritage and the resultant human brain and
questions I still get asked, whether I’m in North sexual drives that our ancestors bequeathed to
America or Singapore, is, “How is dating Asian us after millions of years of evolution. What we
(or Singaporean) women different in contrast to share in common as human beings far outweigh
Western women?” any cultural differences.
It’s easy to understand the North American Yet, in Singapore, curiosity is not the reason
question from the white guys, as it stems from for assuming there’s something different about
the ubiquitous curiosity about the “Other.” I women in Singapore. It’s something much more
usually just put them at ease with a quick but like a cultural exceptionalism. Look, everyone
accurate answer of, “Other than the language likes to think they’re different; it makes them
factor, cultural differences only account for think they’re unique, special.
about 5% of what you’d do differently in dating In America, guys think that West Coast
in Asia or Singapore. So about 95% of it is the girls are different from East Coast girls, that
same in North America versus Asia.” Miami girls are different from New York girls,
This is because sexual attraction is biological that Northern California girls are different from
and largely determined by our evolutionary Southern California girls, that Upper West Side
Everybody’s the same:
We all want to think
we’re different.

New York girls are different from Lower East Side Moreover, Singapore’s culture is cobbled
New York girls, that girls from up the street have together from several other, more populous
to be approached differently from the girls down Asian cultures, especially Hokkien Chinese,
the street. Malay, and Indian. Within Singapore, many
Everybody’s the same: We all want to think men ask me to teach them how it’s different
we’re different. dating a Chinese Singaporean versus a Malay
Expats think of Singapore as Asia-light. And Singaporean versus an Indian Singaporean.
Westerners looking for an exotic Asian vacation Of course, there are differences, and we
are often turned off by Singapore because it’s can spend hours discussing these, but it’s a lot
not what they traveled to Asia for—the main like tailors debating what buttons to use on
language is the same as back home, there are an identical suit jacket. The jacket, pants, and
many excellent restaurants for Western food, shirt are exactly the same, but the buttons are
it’s as clean and efficient as any Western country different.
(actually more so), and hotels and fine dining are Learn the fundamentals first.
as expensive as in New York or London.

or “How Aura Dating Academy
Differs from the PUA Industry”
he Better Way to Think 1. “PICK UP AS SPORT”
About Attracting Women First, the PUA industry approaches the
(or “How Aura Dating process of meeting, attracting, and
Academy Differs from the dating women as a sport. PUAs
PUA Industry”) compete with each other on how
In the autumn of 2004, Neil many or what percentage of
Strauss published The Game: women they can get numbers,
Penetrating the Secret Society of kisses, or fuck-closes from. They
Pick Up Artists, which went on to don’t treat women as human
become a New York Times bestselling book for beings but as HB6’s (Hot Babe
many years. As recently as 2013, I found stacks 6), UGs (Ugly Girls), or pivots.
of the international version of this book piled They don’t really care about her
up right next to the cash register in a major feelings, dreams, or uniqueness,
bookstore in Bangkok. except insofar as it helps them get a
This book revealed a thriving online global “close” of some kind in the sport of pick
community of men who had been sharing their up. They constantly check their progress 21
experiences and knowledge of how to “pick against other PUAs to see how well they’re doing
up” women, as well as the multi-million dollar in the sport of pick up, for example, whether they
industry selling men coaching and products in can “consistently pick up an HB 6.537 on the
this industry. street” or go “five for five in clubs on an HB8-
In tackling the PUA (“pick up artist”) industry, 8.95” or how many views, comments, or thumbs-
I should clarify that within the broad spectrum up’s they’ve gotten on their lay reports on some
of PUA teachers and teachings lie a lot of random online PUA forum.
contradictions and half-truths. It’s easy to poke Now do you understand why women find the
holes in the teachings of the PUA industry. So whole PUA thing so creepy and why emotionally
the points I make here are carefully selected to mature adults find it dehumanizing to women?
reflect the vast majority of PUA teachings. The whole “pick up as sport” idea was actually
How is the PUA industry different from what created specifically to dehumanize women. Neil
is offered at Aura Dating Academy? Strauss explains in The Game that if you view your
interactions with women as if you were just playing
a computer game, then your ego could never be
hurt by rejection because if you see women like
authentic, and real with people. After all, that’s the
only way in which real love can happen. Not from
seeing people as objects in some virtual reality
computer game, but actually opening yourself up
to getting to know and becoming intimate with
real, individual, human women.
Notice that if you take the
“pick up as sport” attitude,
you’ll actually end up with an
extremely weak framework
for interpreting social
interactions (i.e., a “weak
frame”). You’ll be tracking
your closing percentages
with women and comparing
your scores with other players 22

targets in a video game, then every time you instead of truly screening people
get shot down, you can just hit the “continue” to see whether they’re worth
button and play again. No ego damage. No getting to know.
need to actually open yourself up to real people. This means that how good you feel about
Just see people as targets in a first-person yourself will still be dependent on how women
shooter game, and hey, you don’t have to care treat you and what they think of you. Putting your
about what people think of you anymore. It makes self-esteem at the mercy of others is placing your
complete logical sense. If these people aren’t happiness beyond your own control. And that is a
really human beings, if they’re just objects in a recipe for depression and failure. The real issue
video game, then how can they hurt you? Problem was never really resolved. You just learned how
solved. Dehumanization begins. to run away from it.
That’s NOT how we approach social But if you view interacting with women as a
interactions at Aura Dating Academy. possible opportunity to connect with someone-
-if she is up to your standards and worth your
2. BEING GENUINE attention--then you’ll be coming from a much
At Aura, we place a premium on being genuine, stronger framework, one in which how you feel
about yourself is not 3. PUAS AND SHAME
dependent on how What’s a sure sign of a weak frame and an
others view you or immature boy?
treat you and one He exhibits shame in approaching women.
in which your self- Many PUAs suffer from this shame.
esteem and ego They’re ashamed of what they’re learning
are not at the and doing in attempting to approach and attract
mercy of others. women. And that’s because deep down, they think
Instead, YOU they’re actually doing something ethically wrong.
are in the driver’s They mask it with bravado and
seat. You are the comparing scores, but deep down-
one who calls the there’s an inner conflict that will one
shots. You are the one day rear its ugly head and refused
in control of your own self- to be hidden again.
esteem. This is also why many
Because if you don’t view women as the mere guys give up learning 23

targets of some sport that you’re competing in how to be better with

with other players, then you won’t need to get women altogether. They
or take anything from them to feel good about think that the only way to
yourself. succeed with women is
And finally, you can enjoy women for who to go down a path that is
they truly are--real human beings with dreams, against their values, rather
desires, and passions. You can face them without then encouraging them to
fear because you are not dependent on them. embrace their values even
When you do that, when you adopt the Aura more (which is what I am teaching
attitude of being genuine and authentic with you here).
people, you’ll be amazed at how women are
easily drawn to you, gravitate to you, and open 4. TAKING VS. GIVING
themselves up to you. That’s one of our secrets Do you know why the PUA guys feel like there’s
to the tremendous successes we’ve had at Aura something unethical with what they’re doing?
Dating Academy It’s because they have a “taking” mentality
when it comes to women, showing that they think
they are of lower value than the woman. It’s What if the tables were turned? What
betrayed in their language: if you truly believed that you were of
equal value as the woman? Or even of
“Did you take her phone number?” higher value?
“Did you steal a kiss?” Because if you knew were actually of
“Did you get a date?” equal or higher value, you would speak
“Did you get to third base?” and act differently.
“Did you get sex from her?” All women around the world say that
the number one thing they look for in a man is
They think they’re “taking” something from CONFIDENCE.
her. And they feel like they’re taking something And that kind of attractive confidence comes
from the woman that she doesn’t want to give up. from the deeply rooted belief that when we interact
Why don’t PUAs say instead: with other people, we are actually adding value to
their lives. Their lives are better off for having met
“Did you give her your number?” us and interacted with us. Heck, our very presence
“Did you give her a kiss?” adds value to her life. 24
“Did you let her touch you?” Why?
“Did you give it up to her?” Because we are giving them what women
everywhere value the most: Good feelings and the
This is how hot girls talk. Why don’t PUAs opportunity to know a really amazing guy.
think this way? It’s because they have a “taking” They feel pleasure when we are around them.
mentality. And this pleasure is addictive. When you can
make her laugh at will, arouse her at will, make her
excited and happy when you’re around her, then
women will want to be around you more and more.
And they’ll miss you and obsess over you when
you’re not around. They’ll talk about you with their
other girlfriends. And those girlfriends will become
intrigued about you and want to meet you. And ...
well, you get the picture. That could be your life.
And that’s one of the most telling signs of a guy
who has a “giving” mentality. He knows he’s not
“taking” anything from to enjoy yourself in the
her. Instead, he’s giving presence of others and
her tremendous value. how to be sexy and
And this comes sexual in a way that
from the simple power maximizes pleasure
of expressing yourself for yourself and your
honestly, but in an partners.
attractive way. Unlike the PUA
You don’t have to be industry, at Aura, we
someone else to attract do not view women
her. After all, eventually, as a means to an end.
she will find out who you Women are not objects
really are. in a video game. Women
You can be your are not simply notches
most genuine, authentic on the bedpost to be
self... and still attract bragged about in some 25
women. Heck, when online forum. They aren’t
you master the proper just another number-
way to communicate close, kiss-close, or f*ck-
your genuine feelings close.
and thoughts to a Instead, view women
woman--one of our core as ends in themselves to
lessons at Aura--you’ll be enjoyed for who they
be absolutely irresistible are as unique individuals,
to women. They’ll be with their own dreams,
thinking about you and passions, and goals.
talking about you long If you learn to live
after you’re gone. fully in the present with
a woman and express All women around the world say
5. VALUE AND FUL- yourself genuinely and that the number one thing they look
FILLMENT authentically, with no for in a man is CONFIDENCE.
Rather, you learn how subterfuge or agenda,
Unlike the PUA industry, at
Aura, we do not teach how to
deceive or manipulate women. 26

then women will be drawn to you without even good feelings and adds value to her life by his
knowing why. very presence.
Women love us because we open ourselves At Aura, our members learn how to live lives
to them without fear, not hiding anything, and in full of love, pleasure, and happiness. And woman
turn, they open themselves fully to us. desperately want to be a part of that.
They make our lives better. And we make The point is not to toil away at beating another
their lives better. player at the sport of picking up chicks, checking
So when we approach a woman to get to off another number-close, club make-out, or notch
know her better and see where things may lead on the bedpost.
with her, we know that we are giving her a rare Rather, the point is to learn how to succeed
opportunity to meet an amazing guy, a man who in forming fulfilling experiences and relationships
can add exceptional value by giving her endless and truly making your life extraordinary.


Before I give you any lines, techniques, methods, Also, the most important mindset to have when
or “things to say,” I must remind you that when you’re socializing is what I call the Attraction
it comes to attraction and likeability, the words Mindset.
you say account for less than 10% of the result. The Attraction Mindset dictates that at least
It’s all in the delivery, your body language, eye 90% of your mental processes are taken up with
contact, vocal tonality, and most of all, your the following in this exact order:
mindset during the interaction.
A WOMAN. The remaining 10% of your mental processes 29
can be taken up with any techniques or strategies
If you don’t present a good image with good you are working on and handling logistics, such as
fashion and don’t have solid body language, where you are going to take her next or handling
tonality, eye contact, and the right frame and obstacles.
mindset, then even the best words probably will If this is your first time attempting a cold
not save you. approach, you will probably forget the Attraction
These are what I call “the fundamentals.” In Mindset, which is a horrible beginner’s mistake.
the Aura Dating Academy Total Transformation Just remember: Have FUN first and foremost.
Program, we have a six-hour sequence of By “have fun,” I mean enjoy yourself. Have a smile
courses on Fashion & Image led by our resident on your face. Get in a fun mood first. That’s the
image specialists, a two-hour course just on MOST IMPORTANT thing, far more important
body language, a two-hour course focusing on than what you say.
eye contact and vocal tonality, and over a dozen
hours of courses on the right attitudes, frames, 3. THE ANXIETY OF APPROACHING
and mindsets. For more info, check out our But since beginners always want to know what to
website: say, I’ll give you an excellent default opener.
First, you’ve got to is not a crime. In fact, it is actually a crime for a man
get up the courage to to physically assault you for simply speaking to a
approach that beautiful woman. So modern law actually protects you when
girl you see walking by. you strike up a conversation with a new woman.
Feeling nervousness or However, your caveman brain will still generate
anxiety at the thought adrenaline in your body when you approach a
of approaching and stranger. Heck, my caveman brain makes my heart
flirting with a woman you race when I know I have to raise my hand and
don’t know is incredibly speak up in a large university classroom. That’s
common. In fact, if you didn’t just our evolutionary instincts kicking in.
feel that way, you’re probably not human. Look at it another way though. Successful
Through the process of evolutionary people embrace the adrenaline rush that comes
adaptation, our caveman ancestors bequeathed from taking risks.
to us a brain that is programmed to hesitate Think of it this way: Hundreds of thousands of
before taking certain risks, such as approaching people every day around the world pay over $50
strange women for mating. Back in caveman each to enter an amusement park and ride roller- 30
days, if a man approached the wrong female, he coasters that scare the heck out of them. They
could be bludgeoned to death by her husband, actually pay good money to scare themselves.
brothers, or father who were just out of sight Actually, our brains can’t distinguish between
around the boulder. The cavemen who blithely the feeling of fear and adrenaline. It’s our
attempted to mate with any female he saw had interpretation of the context that makes
his genes eventually weeded out of existence. that feeling either pleasant or unpleasant.
There is about a 100,000 year lag between That feeling you get when the roller-
the evolutionary development of our physical coaster is slowly ascending up the
bodies and our environments. Life in the track to the very first drop is exactly the
modern world means that you’re mostly safe same feeling you get when you’re first
from these caveman risks. approaching a new woman.
Fortunately, in It’s just that the guys who are really good
The possibilities are There is about
modern cities like with women—the masters—have learned to a 100,000 year
endless... and easy to Singapore, merely love and anticipate that adrenaline high and lag between the
come up with. approaching and have trained themselves to feed off that feeling. development of our
physical bodies and
speaking with a woman If you want to learn how to eradicate our environments.
approach anxiety forever, Aura Dating Academy to meet your friend, directions to the nearby art
offers a one-day workshop that takes you into museum, directions to a good sushi restaurant, or
the real world—onto the streets of Singapore— even directions to the restroom.
and takes you through how to do exactly that: But you could also use almost anything in the
How to conquer your approach anxiety, and environment as your pretense.
even in fact, how to turn your greatest weakness If you’re in the pasta aisle at the grocery store,
into your greatest strength.* you could ask whether she knows which pasta
sauce mixes best with seafood.
4. THE OPENER: “DROP THE PRETENSE” If you’re in the travel section of the bookstore,
you could ask her if she’s been to the place on the
Also, the most important mindset to have when cover of the travel guide she’s skimming.
you’re socializing is what I call the Attraction If you’re in a clothing shop, you could ask
Mindset. her for her opinion on the accessories selection
Second, once you’ve walked over and gotten because you’re looking for a gift for your sister.
her attention, what should you say? The possibilities are endless... and easy to
Here I shall reveal to you the most versatile come up with. 31
opener known to man. Some masters use this The point of the pretense is just to break the
as their only default opener because it is THAT ice and get her to start talking...
effective. You can use it in ANY situation in which But... and here’s maybe one of only two tricky
you find yourself. parts...
I call it: “Drop the Pretense.” It’s easy and You have to interrupt her after 2-3 seconds.
simple to use. Anybody can learn it. Don’t interrupt her right away. Don’t interrupt
There are basically just two parts to the opener. her after 5 seconds; that’s too long. 2-3 seconds is
the sweet spot.
I. First, you need a pretense to begin the This means you can’t ask for directions to a
conversation. This is usually some bit of place that is right near you, or she will just point,
information that any civilized, mature human and you’re done. You also shouldn’t ask for
being would be willing to offer you. For example, directions to a place that is really far away, or
directions are a good one. If you’ve ever been a she’ll just give up and tell you to ask someone
tourist lost in a foreign country, you’ve probably else.
done this part before. You could ask directions So you should ask a question that would
to the Starbucks nearby where you are supposed prompt a response of at least 5 seconds, so
that you can interrupt her after 2-3 seconds. Her: [Her answer]

II. After she starts to answer your question, You (after 2-3 seconds): “Actually, I already
you interrupt her after 2-3 seconds with know where it is, haha. I just wanted to come
something like the following: over to talk with you ‘cause I thought you were
really cute.” (sheepish smile)
“Actually no, I don’t really need to know.”
“Actually, I already know.” Her: Haha
“Actually, I don’t really care.”
It’s generally a good idea to get logistical
This interruption will be completely information right after this. Ordinarily, you should
unexpected... And that’s what makes it funny. stay away from boring questions. But in this case,
Yes, funny. It is absolutely essential that she you can capitalize on her emotional high from the
finds your interruption completely unexpected. humor, as well as make yourself seem normal and
This is what makes it funny. not like a player, which can hurt your Believability
Make a girl laugh, and you’re well on your (more on that later). 32
way to getting more intimate with her. But, you only get one logistical question. You
can ask something like the following:
III. Then follow up with your explanation.
“I just wanted to come over to talk with you “So who are you here with?”
‘cause I thought you were really cute,” followed (if it’s in a social environment, like a bar or
by a sheepish smile. nightclub)
You must not do this opener with a serious
or straight face. It must be humorous, and your “So where are you headed?”
smile must be sheepish, like you just got caught (if you’re on a city street or in a shopping mall)
playing a harmless prank.
Thus, putting it all together, you have: Or, you can ask something more pointed like:

You: “Do you know where the Starbucks in “So how do you know the host?”
this mall is located? I’m supposed to meet a (if you’re at a house party)
friend there.” (Or whatever Pretense you’ve
“So how are you connected with [XYZ
(if you’re at a launch party or a networking

You can only ask ONE such logistical
question after the opener. Do NOT get caught
up in a question train of boring questions!
Then you can riff off her answer to the
logistical question, or you can move on to your


Going by chronological order, the next thing
you’ll do is transition into your Screen, which I’ll
describe in the next section. 33
However, your transition will be largely
determined by the Screen you want to use. So
while chronologically speaking, the Transition 1
Most models of attraction are linear, what I call “diachronic” models (dia
section should be here, I’m going to save the as in the Greek, which means “through”). That is, they say how attraction is
built through time.
explanation of Transitions until after I explain
how to Screen and Qualify. Diachronic models have a lot of limitations. One of the most salient is that
life rarely proceeds exactly as planned, and this applies to flirting and fun
conversations. Diachronic models are just not flexible enough to take into
6. THE V-I-B MODEL account the constantly changing circumstances of real life.
The technique I’m about to show you is
If you must think in terms of a linear, diachronic model, keep it simple. My
incredibly effective because it’s one of the only “A-B-C” linear model is as simple and effective as it gets. A-B-C stands for
techniques that simultaneously increases all the Approach-Build Believability/Pump Buying Temperature-Close.
factors that account for sexual attraction. I need
Synchronic models (syn from the Greek, which means “with”) are much more
to acknowledge the influence and teaching of flexible and accurate. A good synchronic model enables you to analyze how
my old friend, Sebastian Drake, for inspiration much attraction you have from a woman at any point in time.
on the V-I-B Model and for first teaching me the Take any slice of time, say t3, and you can figure out how much attraction
basics of Screening & Qualifying.1 you’re getting from a woman at t3 by simply using the synchronic model.
By the way, it’s fine
to be “friends” with a
woman. Women hook
up with their male
friends. Women marry
their male friends.
This is perfectly


V-I-B stands for Value-Investment-Believability, According to the many studies in

which are the three pillars of attraction. evolutionary psychology, social psychology, and
How attracted a woman is to you at any neuropsychology, women generally value the
given time, say t3, can be determined by following in men: economic capacity, social status,
analyzing how much Value, Investment, and emotional maturity and intelligence, ambition and
Believability you have at t3. industriousness, intelligence, physical strength
In the Total Transformation Program at Aura and size, good health, and most of all, whether he
Dating Academy, we have a two-hour course can give her good feelings. There’s obviously a lot
on Value, a four-hour sequence of courses more to be said about this, but I’ll leave it at that
just on Investment, and a two-hour course on for now.
Believability. “Investment” refers to how much time
Simply put, “Value” here refers to how and effort a woman is putting into you, your
important the woman thinks you are, i.e., how relationship, and the interaction. Money can be
much she “values” you. a good gauge here, i.e., how much money she
spends on you, because
usually, it takes time and
effort for her to make
money. But money is not
the only sign of time and
effort. Again, much more
can be said here about
Investment, including the
Cost-Worth connection
and differing Investment
Scales, but this is enough to
get us started.
“Believability” becomes the
determining issue when you have your
fundamentals down, that is, when your body
language and tonality are solid and when you 35
have a strong sense of your identity and your
own value. Unlike PUAs, I don’t personally think
much about “social value.” I try to live my life
the way I want, going for the goals I feel are
important to myself, and giving it my best. After
all, Value is relative. While many of us value
the same things, there are always people who
consider different things to be important. So
I don’t much bother actively to “demonstrate
higher value.” It’s not something I do. I just am.
And at this point, believability really becomes
THE most important issue, in my experience.
That’s why I call it the key to ELITE game.
Believability gets at the issue of whether
the girl feels she can believe your sincerity,
that you really do mean what you say in your
compliments and verbal rewards, and that your What you don’t want is to be a “just friend.”
touch escalations make sense emotionally. If a woman ever tells a man they are “just
Let’s be clear that she does not need to friends,” this means the man just failed in
believe that you want to have sex with her. Every
an escalation attempt.
hot girl will automatically think that she can
attain sex from you. That’s not what’s in question.
What she craves to know is that you appreciate
her for being more than just a sex object.
That’s a quickie explanation of Believability. Any player worth his salt would look good and can
For more on Value, Investment, and make her laugh. She finds him fun to talk to and
Believability, you should take the sequence of pleasing to the eye. However, when it comes time
courses offered through the Academy. to escalate further, she hesitates and withdraws.
So at any given time, you can simply stop This is the “Player’s Problem.”
and ask yourself, “How am I doing on Value? Why would she pull back? Because he lacks
How am I doing on Investment? How am I Believability. She doesn’t trust his sincerity. He
doing on Believability?” If you find that your now has to depend on getting her drunk or high
Believability is low at that time, it won’t do you enough that she isn’t in her right mind (or, he can
any good to try to bump up your Value. Actually, find a girl who is just feeling slutty that night). This
that’s one of the biggest mistakes of the PUA is the Player’s only recourse.
community, which generally assumes that the So now the Player knows that getting
man is of lower social value and is obsessed further Value or Investment from her is counter-
about trying to increase Value all the time to the productive. He needs to shore up his Believability.
detriment of the other two factors. In the second case, the man has moderately
To help you understand how explanatorily high Value and very high Believability, but
powerful the V-I-B model is, consider the moderately low Investment. This is the man
following cases. caught in the Platonic Friend Zone.
In the first case, the man’s Value and By the way, it’s fine to be “friends” with a
Investment are high, but his Believability is low. woman. Women hook up with their male friends.
That is, the woman considers him high value and Women marry their male friends. This is perfectly
is putting in time and effort into the interaction. normal.
What you don’t want is to be a “just friend.” If
a woman ever tells a man they are “just friends,”
this means the man just failed in an escalation bad boy who keeps ignoring you,” she believes
attempt. Imagine you turned to your guy his sincerity. So Believability is not his problem.
friend and said, “Hey dude, we’re just friends.” His weakness is that he’s not getting enough
Something weird just happened, ha. Investment from her. She’s not kissing him or
So the Platonic Friend who has been given opening herself up to him physically.
the “just friends” speech needs to improve his So he can skip the Believability techniques and
Investment mainly and to a lesser degree, his even the Value techniques for now.
Value. What he needs to focus on first is to ramp
She values him to a degree and that’s why up his Investment. So now he can turn to his
they’re friends. Friends are important to us. arsenal of Investment strategies and start to build
And when he tells her, “Babe, you’re so Investment from her.
smart and sexy. You’re way too good for that You see how powerful this model is?
I’ve drawn these out in bar graphs for you to
see at a glance:





7. SCREENING thing is, almost every time I ask a guy what he’s
Now that you’ve had a whirlwind tour of how looking for in a woman, the first (and only) things
the V-I-B model works, let’s move onto one of he tells me are her physical traits—how tall she
the only techniques that simultaneously raises is, her bust, waist, and hip measurements, her
all three—Value, Investment, and Believability. hair color, yada yada. Dude, this is one of those
(Before I go on, let me remind you that if you reasons why you don’t have a girlfriend yet. Sure,
have questions or want to dive deeper into the I have a pretty good picture of my ideal physical
V-I-B Model, we’re just an email away: support@ woman. But what we’re after here are her non- I kept that section short so we physical qualities. Otherwise, you’re just like the
could move on but realize you may need further next creepy guy.
explanation.) Think of at least five non-physical traits and
This technique is called “Screening and write them down. To give you an example, I’ll give
Qualifying.” you an abbreviated version of my current list.
w You’ll see why as we proceed. The “bad” girl character traits I like: Open-
Overall, Screening & Qualifying done minded. Non-judgmental. Non-jealous. Non-
properly: possessive. A girl who “goes with her feelings.” 38
Spontaneous. Adventurous in life. Sexually
Shows that you genuinely have high adventurous. Independent.
standards (Value). The “good” girl character traits I like:
Loyal. Mature. Cultured. Sophisticated. Caring.
Allows her to earn your attention and Affectionate. Responsible. Understanding.
affection for her non-physical qualities I look for a girl who combines the “bad” and
(Investment). “good” girl character traits, the more the better!
In addition, I’m also looking for the following more
Shows her you appreciate her for her personalized qualities.
special characteristics and for meeting your
high standards (Believability). Loves East Asian culture, especially its
movies, art, music, history, fashion, and food
First, Screening. (the last is a deal-breaker)!
You should reflect on what you’re looking Loves to travel and experience new cultures
for in a woman. I know almost all of you know Appreciates the arts and has some artistic
what kind of physical traits you want. The funny talent (dance, drama, music, visual arts)
S & Q (“Screening and Qualifying”)
raises all three of Value, Investment,
and Believability.

Passionate about life and is a positive and maintain a SCREENING

optimistic person in general FRAME. You are in the
I’ll omit the rest; you get the idea. position of the evaluator,
the judge, the referee.
These are just a few examples of what I You should have this frame 39
screen for. You should come up with your own throughout the interaction, from
list. That means you’ll actually have to pause and the approach to the close, and over
reflect for a minute or two. the long-term.
Take a moment to do it right now. Reflect and In fact, this should be your default frame in
write down at least five non-physical traits you life, not just with women, but with everyone. You
want in your ideal woman. should be a man of high standards, who knows
For you to pull this off properly, you should what he’s looking for in women, in friends, in a job,
genuinely want these qualities in a woman. in colleagues, employees, etc.
It’s really up to you how much you’re willing to So that’s the mental preparation and mindset
compromise on any of them. For me, she would behind Screening, which are far more important
have to be insanely hot for me to compromise than the actual words you use.
on any of the above. These can be in the form of either statements
This is NOT merely a technique. This is a whole or questions. Always contextualize your
frame of mind. statements and questions. Don’t just ask or say
To do this properly, you need to have and them out of the blue. For example, talk about a










time when you or your friends were X before you Frame and you must have a Screening Delivery.
ask her how X she is. What’s the right delivery? Well, you want her to
These should roll off your tongue as if they’re put some work into her answers, to Invest in you.
the sort of things you say or ask everybody you You’re aiming for at least a 50-50 workload here.
talk to. Actually, the more she talks, the better.
Here are some bare bones Screening After you make the statement or ask the
lines. Just substitute the X for the trait you are question, pause and hold the tension. Freeze your
Screening for. body language, and look at her expectantly. Lean
And here are some more personalized back a little as if you are judging her and are a
Screening questions that arose out of my own little skeptical that she will have a good answer.
personal interests: After all, you have high standards. Apply social
pressure with your expectant silence. High-value
[After talking passionately about some people expect others to answer their questions
travel-related topic,] I say, “So where do and respond to their statements.
you like to travel?” (this is a positive If she doesn’t give you anything after you
presumption which implies that she does in pause, resist the urge to fill the silence with 41
fact travel) babbling. Look away or withdraw your body
“You have that artistic air about language slightly to let her know she’s losing you.
you / You look artistic. What kind of art Then slowly turn back to her if you want to give
do you do?” (again, positive presumption) her another chance.
“All my friends are adventurous. It’s I usually give a girl three strikes before I
something I look for in new friends. move on. It’s up to you how much you’re willing
What’s the most adventurous thing to compromise on your standards. Remember,
you’ve done... in the past month?” though, it’s much more powerful if your standards
“Uh, you don’t get jealous easily do
If she gives you a great answer, which
Now the delivery is crucial here. You can she should if you did this right, you
parrot these words, but if you have the wrong should reward her
delivery, you’ll totally flop. So if you want her
working to get your attention and affection, you
absolutely must have the mindset of a Screening
are genuine. I’ve had plenty of girls that I’ve In a conversation, good effort can include
next’ed come find me later in the night because speaking a lot, asking you questions, telling you
they were so impressed that I held to my a story, telling you a joke or just plain making you
standards and walked away. laugh, defending her view, changing her own view
If she gives you a great answer, which she to match yours, or even just taking the time to pay
should if you did this right, you should reward attention to you and focus on what you’re saying.
her, which brings us to step two: Qualification. You get the idea. She is supposed to contribute to
One caveat: Having explained all that, you the conversation and make an effort before being
should realize once you get really good at the reward with a Qualification.
Screening technique, you can use it to screen Before you proceed to the Qualifying stage,
on just about any trait, even if you don’t really you must first get her to Invest in you. That is how
care about that trait. In fact, one fun exercise we you build your Investment.
do in the Academy is to give you a random trait Qualifying prematurely, without any effort
and have you make up a screen for it and start on her part, is worse than not Qualifying at all
a conversation with it on the spot. Screening because it will just showcase your neediness.
on a trait you don’t actually care about is called When you Qualify properly, you should see her 42
“False Screening.” So yes, although ideally, it eyes kind of light up and a smile on her face, as if
should include the whole mindset of a Screening nobody had really appreciated that in her for a
Frame, it could be just a technique. As long as while.
you can act out the delivery properly, it’ll work. This is because you will only be
However, you either have to be a good actor or qualifying her on non-physical traits.
really experienced with the technique to do this Almost everyone else will be focusing
smoothly. For now, just focus on “Real Screening,” on a hot girl’s looks, everyone but you,
getting practice and experience using Screening that is. You will be looking right past
on traits that you actually care about. her superficial appearances and
appreciating her personality
8. QUALIFYING and character. That’s what
Before you can qualify, you MUST get builds your Believability.
Investment from the girl. In other words, she has There is often a
to put time and effort into the conversation. good thirty seconds
Always reward good effort and punish bad to three minutes
behavior. or more of
conversation between contextualize and personalize the Qualification
the Screen and the as much as possible. Again, the X stands for the
Qualification. This personality trait you were Screening for.
is because you are
allowing her to
Invest in you and the
conversation, which
is vital to generating
Remember, the overall level of
Attraction a woman has for you is only as high
as the lowest of the three factors—Value,
Investment, and Believability. So if your Value is
very high, but your Investment and Believability
are low, it will do you no good to raise your
Value even more. The only way to generate 43
Attraction then would be to also raise your
Investment and Believability to match your level I like to sprinkle the word “friend” into my
of Value. Qualifications. Like most strategies that work,
Also, once she has either demonstrated the it’s counter-intuitive. It gives you plausible
trait you are Screening for and she has put in time deniability—you’re not hitting on her, you’re just
and effort into the interaction, you MUST right appreciating her personality. And if you deliver
then Qualify her. You should not wait until later to it correctly, she’ll like that you appreciate her
Qualify her on that trait because then she will not personality and will feel more attracted to you.
associate the verbal reward with her effort. But then she’ll wonder to herself, “Wait, why is
You should Qualify her immediately after he calling me just a friend? Isn’t he attracted to
she Invests the time or effort into attempting to me? I like him. I guess my womanly charms aren’t
demonstrate that trait. working on him. I’ll have to work harder to get him
So that’s the “when.” Here’s what you’re hooked on me.”
actually going to say. Yes, I am suggesting you put girls in the Friend
The following are examples of a bare Zone first. LJBF them, haha. This makes them work
bones Qualification. Obviously, you should even harder for you.
“Too bad you’re such a dork/geek/nerd/
snob/baby, etc.”
“But don’t get a big head, … or I’ll have to
spank you… maybe I’ll do it anyway.”
“I knew this would happen. I’d compliment
you. You’d get a big head. And then I’d
regret it.”
“Too bad you’re not my type.”
“But you’re too cold/arrogant, etc.”
Your verbal rewards and escalations should be
accompanied by touch rewards and escalations.
Start off small. Give her a friendly squeeze on the
outside of her elbow or her outside thigh. Pull her
in for a big hug. Look deeply into her eyes with a 44
puppy dog “where have you been all my life?” look.
Basically here, you use S&Q as reasons for
your touch escalation.
You screen her. She passes. You verbally
reward her with qualifications while also physically
rewarding her with touch escalation. It all makes
By rewarding her after she meets your screen, sense to her rationally and emotionally. She’s
you are verbally escalating. Another way to put this earned your affections and now she gets to collect
is that you are escalating on her high points. her rewards.
If you stack enough of these screens followed To give you a better idea of how this would
by qualifications, pretty soon, the girl will be work, here’s an excerpt. Notice how I hold off on
begging you to escalate big time. my approval until she gives me something worth
If you feel that she isn’t taking the compliment rewarding:
well, you should release her from her discomfort
by injecting a “backhand rejection” or takeaway. [A minute into the interaction, I say, it’s great
Here are a few backhand rejections you can use: to be back in town.]
Me: I just got back from backpacking Her: Haha, no.
through southwest China. We were in
Sichuan and trying to get to Tibet, but with [Me, looking at her expectantly, controlling the
all the rioting there, they wouldn’t let us in. tension.]
Had a blast, though… So where do you like
to travel? [looking at her expectantly] Her: Oh, … I loved the beaches. We spent the
whole week on these beaches that were
Her: Oh, I like southeast Asia. almost completely deserted. What a nice
change from the crowded beaches in China.
Me: Cool. Which part? (notice she gave me (wow, this is a lot. So many possible threads to
so little, so I only gave her a one-word take here.)
Me: That’s awesome. My best friend was there
Her: Uh… Thailand! last month, and she showed me all these
awesome photos of them scuba-diving. It
Me: Nice. So what do you like so much looked absolutely beautiful. What was the 45
about Thailand? (again, a one-word answer most adventurous thing you did while you
deserves a one-word reward. Expect more.) were there?

Her: Oh, I don’t know. [Me, holding the Her: Uh, oh, yeah. We took a little boat out to
silence and tension while leaning back with a explore the small islands off the coast. And
skeptical look.] then we went diving off the boat. We were
swimming with the fish!
Me: Well, a lot of guys like Thailand for all
the cheap sex. I’m assuming that’s not why Me: Damn, you’re like adventure-girl! I like
you like it. that you about you. Gimme the rock, HB!

Her: Haha, no. [HB gives me the rock and smiles big-time]

Me: (smiling) ‘Cause if it was, that’s okay, Me: You’re really making me want to explore
too. I’m not judging. Thailand now. The closest I’ve been is Bali. You
know Bali? [wait for the nod] The beaches
there were divine, and the surf’s awesome! Me: Wow, you’re an adventurous eater, too!
That’s cool. Mmm, okay, you pass. [Pull her in
[HB nods vigorously] for a big hug.] We can be friends now. [big
Her: Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard!
This girl opened up after just a little bit of
Me: I went surfing for the first time there, probing. It can get more complex depending on the
and I totally wiped out, like over and over type of girl.
and over. For a more advanced technique, check out my
article on “Challenge Screening” on my blog http://
Her: Hey, me too! Well, I was in Thailand, I’ve used the more
but yeah, surfing’s a lot harder than it looks. advanced technique of Challenge Screening to great
effect on pretentious girls who often think they have
Me: Hey, if you like southeast Asia, you must higher social status, like models, actresses, rich girls,
have been to Singapore. and the like.
Her: No, not yet, but I really want to. 9. GOING FROM PLATONIC TO SEXUAL
Up to this point, you’ve gotten a great recipe
Me: Cool. I was just there a few weeks ago. for starting conversations with women, building
Man, it’s like a food-lover’s paradise! I connections, and making friends with them.
haven’t had so many different kinds of Now though, you might want to turn things
curries in one place before. sexual.
The easiest way to have women thinking of you
Her: Oh, I’ve heard. I love curry. That’s all we sexually is to project a sexual vibe in your image,
ate in Thailand. body language, eye contact, and tonality. These
are all covered in separate classes and modules
Me: Thai curries are so diverse. Yellow curry, in the Aura Dating Academy Total Transformation
green curry, red curry, and they’re all sweet Program and in the Attraction Accelerated Weekend
and spicy at the same time! Workshop, which you can learn more about here:
Her: I know, I love it! In addition to these all-important non-
verbal factors, you can also change your verbal
Qualifications from the gauge her current degree of
platonic (the “I like X about attraction to you.
you” variety) to the sexual. I usually do variations
This is most smoothly on this: “Look, missy, just
accomplished after you’ve because you’re all sexy and
delivered a few platonic sh*t doesn’t mean you can
Qualifications. expect everyone to treat you
An easy way to go from like a queen.”
platonic to sexual is to use Or, “Oh, good. I thought
an Embedded Qualification. you were just another pretty
An Embedded Qualification face who just likes shopping
is where you bury the and watching TV.”
X-quality (some sexual You could also be
adjective, like “sexy,” “hot,” more direct, which could
“attractive,” “gorgeous,” be riskier. The degree of
etc.) in the middle or the directness is something 47
beginning of the sentence, you calibrate to the specific
so as not to draw attention context and woman you’re
to it and make yourself interacting with.
sound smoother. With some girls, you
The classic line, “Not might even have to just say,
only are you sexy, but you’re while looking deeply into her
adventurous too!” is an eyes, “I think… you are …
example of an Embedded really… beautiful.”
Qualification where the X is As the interaction
“sexy.” goes further and further,
This is of the form: “Not you can use Sexual State
only are you [X sexual trait], Transference, a technique I
but you’re [Y non-sexual teach and demonstrate in my
trait], too,” which is a good Desire video course and in
way to gradually build my live coaching programs.
sexual interest, as well as to At the same time, you can

start escalating touch and blaming it on her: you’ll say between the Opener and your first
“Don’t look at me like that. You’re driving me Screen. You literally just insert the short Transition
crazy. Stop it.” in between the Opener and the Screen. As
“You don’t know how hard I’m trying not to I mentioned, the Transition you use will be
kiss you right now.” dependent on the Screen you’re transitioning into.
Eventually--maybe after a couple of hours of There are basically three types of Transitions.
building sexual tension--you can be even more
direct and say, while making sexual eye contact 1. Backstory
and in slow and smooth tonality, “I want to do 2. Observation
you really, really hard.” 3. Tacit
Or, “I am going to do you so hard you won’t
even be able to walk in the morning.” 1. First, with the Backstory Transition, you’re
All of these sexual compliments should be going to transition using an explanatory story or
accompanied by some kind of touch escalation. anecdote. Keep it short and sweet.
The degree and kind of touch you apply Some examples:
depends on the woman you’re with and where “I just got back from an amazing trip through 49
you’re at in the interaction. You can start off with the islands around Phuket. Amazing snorkeling.
a light tap on the outside elbow, to pulling her And the sand was perfect... So where do you like
in for a big hug, to putting your arms around her, to travel the most?”
to pulling her face in for a kiss, to caressing the “Just had a crazy intense workout today at the
body part you’re complimenting, and so on. Crossfit gym... So which gym do you go to?”
But just make sure that your touch escalation “My buddy from Korea is visiting next week,
are rewards. That is, she should feel like she’s and I can’t wait. Whenever we get together,
won that physical touch for the reasons you state we get into some crazy adventures... So, what’s
in your compliment. And if you’re in Asia and the most adventurous thing you’ve done ... this
interacting with an Asian woman, remember to month?”
hold off on sexual touch until you are alone in
private. 2. Second, with the Observation Transition,
you’re going to transition using an observation
10. THE TRANSITION REVISITED related to your Screen. Generally, the more
Now that we’ve covered Screening & Qualifying, specific you can be, the better.
we can return to the Transition, which is what Some examples:
“You look really fit! ... So what do you to Her: “Great!”
keep so fit? What’s your secret?”
You: “So, what’s the most fun thing you’ve
“I love how you’ve matched the blue in your done today?”
heels with the blue in your bracelet and belt.
You’ve got a great aesthetic sense... So what After the transition, you get right into your
kind of art do you do?” Screen.

“You seem like a really cosmopolitan 11. SPECIAL NOTE ON HUMOR
person... So where do you like to travel the Even though there is no stage marked “Humor”
most?” (again, it’s best not to think too rigidly about
sequential or chronological stages, but to
3. Third, you can use the Tacit Transition, which analyze interactions instead using the synchronic
is where you just skip the Transition because you V-I-B model), you should remember to sprinkle
realize that you don’t really need one. A high- in humor throughout your interactions.
value person just asks a thoughtful question 50
and expects a smarts answer. These are best for
high-comprehension environments like a coffee ALWAYS KEEP THINGS LIGHT AND FUN!
shop, a lounge, or a quiet bar.
Some examples, starting from the opener: This is especially true if you’re in a
higher energy or louder environment
“Hey there [smile]... So, what’s like a nightclub. The more
your passion in life?” low-comprehension the
environment—the less
“Hey there [smile]... So people in that environment
what kind of art do you can comprehend
do?” conversations—the more
humor you should use.
Or, If you’re looking for
practice and coaching in
You: “How’s your girls’ humor, you should consider
night out going? the Aura Academy’s Total
Transformation Program, which features multiple
modules on humor and frequent drills and exercises
to develop your skills with humor: http://www. If the city you live
in has classes in improvisational comedy, you can try
out those classes, which are another good place to
develop your humor.


If you’ve done everything else up to this point
correctly, this will be the easiest part.
You can get an attractive woman’s number
or contact info within a minute of meeting her.
But there’s no harm in establishing a more solid
connection before getting the digits.
The most common amateur mistake is waiting 51
too long to exchange contacts, which makes it into
a “big deal” in the guy’s head and messes up his
The most important thing to realize in getting
the contact info is that IT’S NOT A BIG DEAL. As
long as you believe it’s not a big deal, then she
won’t think it is either.
I get asked all the time by the media how to get
a girl’s number. The fact is that the number doesn’t
really matter.
What’s important is whether she’s attracted to you.
What the media should really be obsessed with asking
me is how to get a girl attracted to you.
You see, if she isn’t attracted to you, even if
you tricked or manipulated her into giving you her
number, it wouldn’t matter because she won’t be
picking up your calls or responding to your Instead, use the more more neutral term
texts. “phone” here.
But if she is attracted to you, then you So again, the key question is:
won’t even have to worry about asking for the “So do you have your phone with you?”
number. She’ll be eagerly waiting for you to ask It’s also a great question because you’re not
her and even asking for yours first. actually asking for her number here. You’re just
When should you go for the exchange? asking a simple factual question of whether she
Notice that I wrote “exchanging” numbers has her phone with her or not.
and not “getting” her number. This is because It’s a Yes-or-No question, so there are only
you should always see your interactions as an two responses here.
exchange of equals. If she says, “No.” You say, “No problem, I’ve
You should view the contact exchange as a got mine.” And you take out your phone and
REWARD for her. Your number is her reward for open it to the keypad and put it in her hand.
investing time and effort into the interaction. Girls usually know what to do with something 52
So the best time to pop the question is right once it’s in their hands ;)
after she’s Invested in you or the interaction. If she says, “Yes.” Then you say, “Great! Let’s
In other words, it’s the same time when you trade.” And you do the same thing. Take out your
Qualify. phone, open it to the keypad, and put it in her
Right after your second or third hands.
Qualification (“I like X about you”), follow up Remember to give her a missed call.
immediately with this default line. You can also do this on her phone instead if
“Let’s keep in touch. Do you have your she’s got hers out. And you can save your name
phone with you?” as something cheeky like, “[Your name], Man of
The reason we are using the word “phone” My Dreams” or “[Your name], Super Stud.”
and not “number” is because the word And then carry on as if it’s no big deal...
“number” is too deeply anchored with a “pick because it isn’t.
up” scenario where the guy is trying to get a Exchanging numbers is simply a logistical
girl’s number. Unfortunately in modern culture, tool so that when you’ve parted, the two of you
“number” is too loaded with bad connotations. can get in touch again.
Facebook is just as good as a number
these days, especially in Singapore,
which has one of the highest rate of per capita
Facebook users of any city in the world. Just
make sure you’ve got a killer Facebook profile
because she will check out your profile.

Carry on the really doesn’t matter

conversation for at least except as a logistical
a few minutes longer tool).
so it doesn’t seem like ... And that’s it!
you were just collecting Just remember. The
phone numbers (which magic line is, “Let’s keep
you shouldn’t be anyway, in touch. Do you have
since like I told you, it your phone with you?”
hus concludes Part 3-- and fail to truly internalize them. I’ve 54
The “How To,” and it placed a lot of emphasis on adopting
concludes the rest of this the proper mindsets and attitudes about
primer. I really hope it was many things, and I strongly suggest that
helpful. It is really a ton of you read and reread those points over and
information, tightly packed over until you’ve internalized them.
into these pages, so if I were This is when true change happens.
you, I’d read it over several When your thinking is set straight, the
times to make sure that the way you behave, talk, and carry yourself
principles stick. will naturally change too. Then the girls
Remember that it’s not just about will begin to notice. It isn’t just an image
“knowing” something in your head. you’re projecting. It’s really something you
There are a lot of guys who read tons of believe.
material online and then get nowhere... Then you will be sexually attractive,
just thinking about a lot of things but not genuinely and authentically.
really doing anything. And while this book is as packed as I
Worse, they may know a lot of things could make it, without turning it into an
encyclopedia, and is truly powerful if you to start doing a few things on your own
apply everything I’ve taught you thus far... and gaining a bit of confidence, and
it still falls short in the areas where our then your hunger to grow further in this
Coaching Programs shine and succeed. area will push you to reach out to us for
I mastered this area of my life largely personal coaching. I would love to meet
because I got the right mentors and the you in person! You can grow just by
right coaching at just the right times in my reading this book. But when you’re in one
life. The ideal mentor really cares about of our personal coaching programs, you
your progress. He tracks your growth, will transform in ways you never thought
listens to your concerns, pinpoints your possible.
natural strong points and diagnoses your I want to thank you for taking the time
weak spots. He challenges you when you to read this and for taking a bet on me and
give him bullshit excuses and reins you in the Aura Academy. I trust it was worth if
when he knows you need to pause and for you, and I look forward to hearing from
reflect to understand a lesson or point you!
more deeply. Get it done. Get it handled. 55
Only a great coach can do that.
My hope is that you’ve received a lot All the best,
of value from this brief book... enough David Tian, Ph.D


The Transformation Program of to lifestyle design, all for about the
Aura Dating Academy gives you price of a weekend bootcamp! We 56
365 days of ongoing follow-up have members not just in Singapore,
coaching for about the price of but from all over the world, including
a 3-day weekend bootcamp. It’s Kuala Lumpur, Brunei, Jakarta,
also unique in featuring monthly Shanghai, Los Angeles, Vancouver,
in-field outings, weekly 1:1 private Houston, Boston, and New York City.
coaching sessions, coaching from “Aura Dating Academy is quite
Asia’s top female coaches and wing possibly one of the best, if not
women, and much more. It includes THE absolute best program I have
over 176 hours of unique course ever seen. I have been studying
material organized in a structured and practicing ’social dynamics’ for
curriculum, specially planned to avoid about 8 years now, doing many more
information overload and to ensure approaches than most instructors in
guys get the right information at just the world. I’ve gotten coaching from
the right time, covering everything David Wygant (my old mentor), Art
from mindsets to approaching to of Charm, Mystery, David D., Style,
dating to long-term relationships and Adam Lyons, and am currently
coaching for one of the biggest to approach the attractive women he
dating skills companies—and have did see.
devoured all of their stuff, and I’d just He had read in the papers about a
like to say that Aura Dating Academy guy who had “snagged 30 women in 2
has by far the most influence on how months”–Singapore’s Hitch–a lifestyle
I currently feel about social dynamics. consultant who was teaching men
I can’t describe how far ahead of in Singapore how to be better with
the curve you are at Aura Dating women and relationships. Michael had
Academy.“ –Aaron, professional been both offended and intrigued.
dating coach in the USA and Asia But when he finally got around to
All of our dating skills programs checking out the guy’s website, he
come with a money-back guarantee, saw that the man was no longer
so you really have absolutely nothing offering coaching. But from reading
to lose. some of the blog articles, he found
out that there was a whole community
* The following is a true story, which of guys learning the science and art 57
took place in Singapore * of attraction and dating. He hoped
maybe they could help him.
A couple years ago, Michael Tan A few weeks later, he read the
(not his real name), a 27-year old whole of Neil Strauss’s New York
Singaporean engineer realized he Times-bestselling book, The Game
needed help with women. He had but was highly skeptical that any of
had girlfriends before—two of them— those lines would work in Singapore
one during his JC years and another and doubted any of it was actually
during his uni days. Neither of those true. He also found an e-book called
girls were what he considered “ideal,” Double Your Dating, which taught him
but anyway, they had dumped him. to be a jerk so girls would like him.
Now single for over two years and He tried it a few times on the girls at
working in a small engineering firm, work, and it totally backfired.
he had no idea how to meet new He had a couple friends from uni
women outside his increasingly days who went clubbing regularly, and
smaller social circle and no clue how he thought he should try to be more
social, so he joined them on a couple all the alumni he met from XYZ’s
weekends at Zouk and Butter Factory. company just seemed like a bunch of
He didn’t like to drink much. He didn’t young punks chasing dumb club girls.
know how to dance. And he thought it Almost half a year had passed
was much too loud to talk to anybody. when he got an email newsletter from
To top it all off, he got the feeling that an overseas-based company, DEF,
his friends thought he was a real drag, announcing that they’d be offering
too. So after that, he just stopped a bootcamp in Singapore. Michael
going. thought that the $4,000 SGD cost was
Still depressed about his social exorbitant, but Michael thought that
life, he tagged along with a friend if they could deliver what they were
who had signed up for a weekend promising in their sales letter, it would
dating seminar led by some guy be worth it. So he signed up and But then he
named ABC. It was just $500, and he waited. overheard his friends
had some cash saved up since he He found the weekend
talking about this
rarely went out after work. Crammed exhilarating. For the first time in 58
into a windowless little room for two his life, Michael completed a cold report about that
long afternoons, Michael learned approach. And the girl hadn’t slapped Dr. Date guy holding
some basic techniques about him or anything. In fact, she was pretty auditions and
attraction. But there was no in-field polite. In the seminar, he learned A initiations for his
coaching. A week after the seminar, LOT of information. Far too much new dating Academy.
nothing in his life had changed, and for him to absorb that weekend.
he never got around to putting the Information overload. But at least
things he learned into practice. by the end of that bootcamp, he
He ran into another dating coach had gotten more comfortable at
he knew about, XYZ, in a club a few approaching and opening.
weeks later. He had heard that XYZ Fast forward three months later,
had started offering bootcamps. and the high from the bootcamp had
He signed up for one of his group long since faded. While Michael had
bootcamps, and after that weekend, gotten some more approaches under
he found those guys to be just too his belt, he still couldn’t seem to hold
immature for his tastes. Besides, a girl’s interest for more than a few
minutes and wasn’t much nearer to his women specifically in Singapore,
goal of getting a girlfriend. frequent Rockstar nights with in-
Michael had tried ebooks but field assessments and coaching, a
thought they weren’t suitable for comprehensive curriculum carefully
the Singapore context. He had tried planned to avoid information
going clubbing with his friends, but he overload to ensure guys get the right
just couldn’t fit in. He had tried ABC’s information at the right time, and a
weekend seminar, but there was no price that makes this 12-month follow
in-field coaching or follow up, so he up program as affordable as a 3-day
never improved. He had paid $3000 bootcamp!
USD for the overseas company’s Fed up with all his
bootcamp and got better at opening disappointments, Michael abandoned
but didn’t improve much beyond learning this whole “pick-up” thing
that. In fact, he was overwhelmed and resigned himself to getting
with all the information jammed into what he’d always gotten.But then he
that weekend and suffered from overheard his friends talking about 59
information overload. this report about that Dr. Date guy
What Michael needed was a holding auditions and initiations
program offering coaching: for his new dating Academy. The
prospective students had to do some
-Tailored to the Singapore context pretty wild stuff to get admitted. That
-With an in-field component got his attention.
-With extensive follow up Turned out Dr. Date had quit his
-With the right information given university professorship to open this
at the right time Dating Academy and was offering
-Spread over the long term for lasting coaching again. This was the guy who
change had started him on this whole quest
in the first place. Maybe he’d turn out
Michael needed Aura Dating like all the others, Michael thought, or
Academy, which features long- maybe he was the real deal.
term follow-up for a year that Michael checked out the dating
trains men how to meet and date Academy website and filled out the
short application form. He got an He went to class twice a week at
email response later in the day to the start, soaking in everything he
set up a phone appointment. On the could. Whenever he had a question
phone call, he was told the price. It during the week, he jotted it down in
was pretty steep. But if he gave up his iPhone, and then asked it during
that vacation to Korea, maybe he class or posted it on the online,
could afford it. private forum any time of day or
In any case, he figured he might night. He learned just enough new
as well go along to the no-obligations information that he could focus on
audition (called the “Admissions practicing just that much during the
Congress”) to meet Dr. Date and see week.
what this was going to be like. So he And he got a real sense of
put down the refundable deposit to satisfaction seeing his posts on the
hold his spot. online Forum, tracking his progress
At the try-out a week later, he week after week, and seeing a
met nine other guys. They hit it off steady trajectory. He also got a lot 60
pretty well as they had quite a lot in of motivation out of seeing how the
common. They had to do some pretty other guys were doing.
outrageous stuff. He did things he He was paired up with another
never imagined he would do, like guy—his personal wingman. And they
singing at the top of his lungs on a kept each other accountable. There
street corner. But man, was it a high were a lot of guys hooked into the
once he was done. dating Academy, and they pushed
After waiting an hour, he got each other to go out on weekends
the SMS telling him to meet the and try out new things. They were
instructors. He showed up, and 5 having a lot of fun and were even
other guys were there, too. They had meeting girls for once!
gotten in. For the first time in his life, he felt
He was hooked. This was like he belonged to something cool.
cool. And different. He signed the After seven weeks of weekly
forms and opted for the 12-month classes, he finally went all the way with
membership as it was the best value. a girl he met from a cold approach.
And then the week after, it
happened again with a new girl.
Three weeks later, he hooked up
with a beauty pageant winner who
was drop dead gorgeous yet super
sweet to him.
Before the dating Academy,
he would’ve been happy to

have made one of those girls his
girlfriend, but now he was like a kid
in a candy store and wanted to try
all the candy before deciding on
his favourite.
Eventually, as he matured
over the next several months, the
dating Academy was right there
for him, giving him just the right
information at just the right time,
Simply visit and click
until he was ready to settle down
on the “Enroll Now” button. All our fees, schedules and other
with the girl he had chosen. He
information will be there, along with a short video you might want
had achieved more than he ever
to watch.
thought he could.
5 Minutes from now, YOU could be enrolled in the best coaching
Aura Dating Academy program for dating intelligence and social confidence. Then, get
ready to write your transformation story!
is for the hundreds
of thousands of guys Visit now. For more
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in Singapore just like

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