The Acceptance of Information Technology by The Accounting Area

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The acceptance of information technology by the accounting area

Article · December 2017

DOI: 10.20985/1980-5160.2017.v12n4.1239


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3 authors, including:

Lieda Souza Tarciana Aline Morais Vieira Ferreira

Faculdade Maurício de Nassau 1 PUBLICATION 0 CITATIONS

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Systems & Management 12 (2017), pp 516-524


Lieda Amaral Souza ABSTRACT

[email protected]
University of Minho – UM,
Guimarães, Portugal The information and communication technologies (ICT) in the accounting area
play a relevant role and reflect the advance in the accounting profession. Accounting
Mykeila Janaina Pereira combined with ICT provides more agility in accounting records and in the management of
Batista Munay da Silva business activities. ICT is, at present, one of the fundamental tools for facilitating the
[email protected] processing of accounting data. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is widely used to
Potiguar University – UnP, Natal,
assess the level of ICT adoption. The foundations of TAM express that individuals tend to
Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
adopt a certain technology from the perceived ease of use and value of their perceived
utility. This field research used a questionnaire with 16 closed questions structured as a
Tarciana Aline Morais Vieira
Ferreira Likert type scale with 7 points; the data were treated and evaluated by means of Structu-
[email protected] ral Equation Modeling, using the software SmartPLS 3.2.1 with the objective of analyzing
Potiguar University – UnP, Natal, the technological acceptance in the accounting environment. The research findings reveal
Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.
that the indicators that predict the construct of behavioral intention are adequate to ex-
plain 32.3% of the model and the current use of the system presents a power of enligh-
tenment around 23.9% through constructs that predict this behavior.
Keywords: Information Technology; Accounting; Technological Acceptance Model (TAM).

DOI: 10.20985/1980-5160.2017.v12n4.1239
Electronic Journal of Management & System
Volume 12, Number 4, 2017, pp. 516-524
DOI: 10.20985/1980-5160.2017.v12n4.1239


The history of accounting has always been associated

with the evolution of Information and Communication 2.1 Accounting and technology
Tech-nologies (ICT). With the advent of ICT as a working
tool, the accounting professional changed the way of ICT provides more agility in the recording of accounting
performing the tasks and adapted to the changes occurred facts and in the management of business activities. Techno-
in the bu-siness scenario. Accounting has as a priority to logical development has given rise to numerous tools that
provide ti-mely and relevant information, in line with the have facilitated the work of accountants, bringing more speed
real needs of customers; thus ICT is a strategic resource for and quality to the production of information and in-creasing
accounting professionals, since it provides more agility in the level of transparency of the decision-making process. Such
the launching and processing of the information and, technological resources helped to maximize the main function
consequently, in the communication to clients. of the accountant, which is the generation of information
(Martins et al., 2012).
ICT has brought great advances to society in general, in-
cluding the accounting area, also contributing to the appre- The use of ICT is fundamental to facilitate the processing of
ciation of this profession. To stay on the market, the profes- accounting data and also to offer confidence and efficiency in
sional must constantly improve on the new tools used in the provision of ancillary services to the management of
the market in which it is inserted, adapting to the new business activities (Sá, 2006). According to Martins et al.
concepts, methods and technologies. For some time, the (2012), the performance of the accounting professional is an
accountant was regarded as a professional who merely important factor in the process of accounting evolution and in
performed cal-culations and filled out forms to assist the the growth of the technologies related to the pro-fession,
treasury. Howe-ver, this scenario has become increasingly since, parallel to the development of the profession and
distant from the current reality. government requirements, the investment in resources for
facilitating the activities and adding value to the service
In the face of changes in the technological environment, provided is greater.
the accounting professional must be permanently updated
in order to provide his clients with reliable and timely in- Throughout history, accountants had to review their pro-
formation. Before this scenario, the following questioning is cedures and experience moments of transition, in which
presented: What influence do new digital technologies the mechanical phase was replaced by the technique and,
have on the professional accounting environment and soon after, by the phase of insertion of digital technologies.
what level of acceptance do these professionals have? Since then, the accountant has sought to play a role ever
more distant from the former bookkeeper role. In view of
The general objective of the study was to analyze the this new reality, the accounting professional must be in
degree of acceptance and effective use of new digital tech- constant evo-lution and qualification, becoming an agent of
nologies by the accountants, using as parameter the Tech- changes in the market, capable of transmitting quality
nological Acceptance Model (TAM). The study innovates by information that helps in the decision-making process of
trying to understand the impacts and improvements companies (Marion, 2005).
related to technological changes that have been taking
place over time in accounting, trying to detect the reasons The term Information Technology (IT) is defined to choo-se
that contri-bute to the acceptance and use of new ICTs. the set of technological resources and computational sys-tem,
use of information and non-human groups destined to the
The research sought to portray the difficulties that the storage, processing and communication of such informa-tion,
accounting professional has faced in order to be able to so as to be organized in a system that can execute a set of
adapt to the technological innovations, which have brought tasks, as described by Borges & Miranda (2011).
more ease and convenience to the professional practice of
accountants. IT can be understood as a set of activities and solutions that
allow the collection, storage, access, management and use of
The theme is justified by contributing to the academic information. In that sense, technology has brought
en-vironment regarding the knowledge of the level of accountants with a different vision: they have left aside stacks
acceptan-ce of new technologies by accounting of books and papers and replaced them with automa-ted
professionals, since, with the use of technological procedures and routines with digital storage. The emer-gence
resources, digital moderniza-tions can bring improvements of the internet caused distances to be eliminated, contacts
to the performance of their activities. that took hours or even days to happen were re-duced to
seconds. With this, communication was facilitated
Electronic Journal of Management & System
Volume 12, Number 4, 2017, pp.516-524
DOI: 10.20985/1980-5160.2017.v12n4.1239

and streamlined, thus bringing improvements to the every Tasks that previously took days to be executed are perfor-
day of the professional. med in a fraction of a second and with significant reduction of
errors and costs to the service operator. With the advent of
Updating the technology park is now a fundamental mea- ICT, the need to establish mechanisms that could measure
sure for business competitiveness. Therefore, the accoun-tant their degree of acceptance by market professionals arose. The
should view information technology as a strategy for their following section presents the Technological Acceptan-ce
business, as it directly affects the survival of organiza-tions Model (TAM) developed by Davis et al. (1989), which will base
(Nunes, 2009). According to Ghasemi et al. (2011), IT has the theoretical model proposed in this study.
created significant benefits for accounting departments.
Indeed, computer networks and systems have shortened the
time required for accounting professionals to prepare and 2.2 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
present financial information to management and sta-
keholders. The use of these new technologies has also im- TAM’s development originated from an agreement with
proved the efficiency and accuracy of the information. They IBM Canada and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
represent a gateway to a new era dominated by applications (MIT) in the 1980s. The goal was to assess the market poten-
with a high degree of intelligence, and are also able to faci- tial for new branded products and to identify what determi-
litate the search for information as a support for decision ned the use of equipment (Davis et al., 1989). TAM was de-
making (Ionescu et al., 2009). signed to understand the corresponding similarity between
external variables of user acceptance and effective use of the
The technological advances in the accounting area are at an computer, seeking a better understanding in terms of user
accelerated pace and the innovations are growing every day, behavior by comprehendding the utility and users dis-position
thus improving the service provided to customers. Ac-counting understood by them (Davis et al., 1989). TAM is the research
has begun to work with more precise numbers and apparently method used to evaluate the acceptance of infor-mation
the errors have become smaller and smaller. The automation technologies proposed by Davis et al. (1989), with the purpose
of accounting has brought advantages, such as increasing of explaining the reasons that led users to ac-cept or reject
productivity and improving the quality of services provided certain technology.
and, consequently, raising the level of information security. IT
has been pointed out as one of the most signifi-cant The foundations of TAM indicate that the tendency of an
components of the current business environment, and individual to manipulate a given system is guided by two
Brazilian institutions have used them abundantly, both at principles: the perceived ease of use and the perceived uti-
strategic and operational levels (Albertin & Albertin, 2008). lity; both measured the effects of external variables, such
as system characteristics, growth method, capacity and use
Bazzotti & Garcia (2006) recognize that information sys- plan (Davis, et al., 1989). Perceived utility of use refers to
tems are classified according to their applicability and to the stage at which a person recognizes that the use of a
the return obtained in the decision-making process. The private system is capable of perfecting his behavior. And
ope-rations support systems are responsible for supervising the percei-ved ease of use is a stage in which a person
the activities, processes and updating the database, in recognizes that the use of an information system will
order to provide the necessary information. Management happen regardless of his personal effort.
support systems have the primary purpose of providing
information for development in decision making. As Maia & Cendón (2005) explain, there are reasons that
also hinder user behavior, such as the specific technical skills
With the continuous use of technological resources and of using the systems, in the same way as the context and the
information systems, accountants have become essential for space where the person develops use. In an inquiry with e-
tracking and monitoring activities, improving the quality of commerce users, Gefen (2003) considers the existence of
services provided. In order for the accounting information another independent variable in the TAM model, the habit,
system to be considered useful, it must serve the company in resulting from the experience that users accumulate in rela-
its operational and management needs, transmitting infor- tion to the use of an information system. The author propo-ses
mation to all sectors and connecting them to the company’s that the purpose of use for a new technology is a primary
processes. Given the advances in digital technologies, the product of the rational analysis of the perceived responses by
possibilities of using accounting have increased significantly, the perceived utility constructs and perceived ease of use.
making information about all sectors, activities and emplo- According to Gefem (2003), when people acquire ex-perience,
yees of the organization indispensable (Cotrin et al., 2012). the force of habit dictates most intentional beha-viors, that is,
Such integration is now possible thanks to the perceived ad- previous repetitive behavior tends to influence current
vances in ICT for the rendering of accounting services. behavior regardless of rational judgment.
Electronic Journal of Management & System
Volume 12, Number 4, 2017, pp. 516-524
DOI: 10.20985/1980-5160.2017.v12n4.1239

The study developed by Diniz et al. (2016) eliminates 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

the purpose-of-use ratio and includes the computer use
self-efficacy (autoeficiência no uso do computador - AEC, This is a descriptive research, since it seeks to investiga-
in portuguese) standard; Costa Filho et al. (2007) analy- te the existing relationships through the constructs capable
zed the implications of the “habit” construct in their re- of influencing the intention to use information technology.
search; Shin (2012) introduced four aspects of quality: The descriptive research aims to portray characteristics of
call, service, mobility and coverage; Fernandes & Ramos a particular group, seeking to investigate the relationship
(2012) added the constructs trust, perceived risk and so- between the variables and the constructs of the conceptual
cial influence; Moraes et al. (2014) added the constructs model through a structured technique of data collection and
anxiety, ease of access, ability with the cell phone, fun analysis. Firstly, it was sought to identify, analyze and classify
and compatibility; and other researches that have been scientific articles dealing with the topic related to the impor-
carried out in many areas. tance of ICT in the accounting area. The descriptive research
aims at observing the facts, describing the characteristics
of a given population, recording, analyzing, classifying and
2.3 Conceptual Model understanding them, or establishing relations between the
variables under study (Beuren, 2006).
This research adopts TAM as a conceptual model, the
last model presented by Davis & Venkatesh (1996) . This For accounting professionals, the aim is to show how
model recognizes that, for a behavioral response to exist, it important ICT is for the growth and development of ac-
is essential to have an intention; however, this intention tivities in accounting offices, maximizing time, providing
results from intellectual return or beliefs, and this in turn timely information, and assisting decision making inside
consists of external motivations. and outside organizations. According to Nunes (2009),
information technology is currently a key measure of bu-
Describing a real fact, Venkatesh & Davis (2000) ex- siness competitiveness. Therefore, the accounting pro-
plain that the intrinsic motivations are the external varia- fessional should see information technology in strategic
bles; the intellectual responses are perceived utility and terms, since it is a resource that directly affects the survi-
perceived ease of use; the intention is the behavioral in- val of organizations.
tentions; and at the same time the behavioral response is
determined as the current use of the system. The quantitative approach was used based on the need to
quantify and use statistical techniques, both in data col-lection
TAM assumes that the behavioral intention precedes the and analysis. Moreover, the quantitative approach is used in
current and actual use of a system. In this situation, the descriptive research aimed at differentiating the re-lationship
consequences of external variables on behavioral in-tention between variables and the coincidence between phenomena
are interfered by perceived utility and perceived ease of (Malhotra, 2012; Beuren, 2006). This research used a
use (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000; Venkatesh et al., 2003). questionnaire with 16 closed questions, with the ob-jective of
analyzing technological acceptance in the accoun-ting
In this way, they recognize that perceived utility and environment, which was elaborated through Google Docs.
perceived ease of use influence a person’s behavioral in- Malhotra (2012) describes that a questionnaire has three
tention to use a system and, consequently, reaches the objectives: to demonstrate a set of questions in order to reach
actual use of the system (Davis & Venkatesh, 1996), as the expected information; lead and motivate the researcher to
shown in figure 1. be absolutely involved with the research; re-duce the
response error. The 7-point Likert scale, organized in the range
Perceived of 1 to 7 (I strongly disagree - strongly agree) was used,
Userfulness according to what was used by the author of the scales (Davis
Inten�on Usage et al., 1989). Likert et al. (1993) state that their scale is a
to Use Behavior
Perceived simple technique of distributing points on scales of action,
Ease of Use since it does not cover the use of a set of judges, but relies on
several samplings in order to be more reliable than the original
Figure 1. Technology Acceptance Model - TAM
Source: Elaborated from Davis et al. (1989) Field research was conducted during the months of July
to September 2016, and as a data collection instrument,
questionnaires were used to analyze the index of techno-
logical acceptance by professionals in the accounting area.
The questionnaire was also made available to groups of
Electronic Journal of Management & System
Volume 12, Number 4, 2017, pp.516-524
DOI: 10.20985/1980-5160.2017.v12n4.1239

accountants on social networks (Facebook) and shared by The collected data were analyzed through the modeling
email with accountants of the researchers’ contact network. of structural equations in order to statistically measure the
effective connection between the constructs of the model.
We considered the following research variables distribu- This structure is also considered as hypothetical path analy-
ted in the respective constructs presented in the sis of relationships between a set of variables, which is
conceptual model previously exposed. used to identify and analyze the correlation between latent
varia-bles. This procedure allows a number of benefits,
Dimension / including the probability of covering the application of a
Concept more detai-led structure in its model, containing latent
UP1 I can achieve my goals using modern ac- variables (not measured directly) and observable variables
counting systems (indicators of latent variables), in addition to providing the
UP2 I perform tasks faster using new technolo- analysis at the same time from a group of analogy (Hwang
gies et al., 2010; Hair et al., 2009).
UP3 Using new technologies streamlines the
execution of my tasks The procedure of modeling structural equations using
UP4 Using new technologies improves my pro-
the PLS technique shows the hypothesis and prepara-tion
of two directly associated models. The first model depicting
FUP1 Learning how to use new technologies is
the latent variables, or constructs, constitutes the model
Ease of FUP2 Training is required to use new technologies and the relation with the constructs and their variables,
percei- that is, the criteria that allow to estimate the constructs.
FUP3 The use of new technologies is clear and The second model corresponds to the quality relation
ved use
easy to understand between the constructs and the clarification po-wer in the
FUP4 Using new technologies is easy model.
IC1 I am motivated to use new accounting
technologies McDaniel & Gates (2003) assert that statistical analyzes
Behavio- IC2 I think we should use new technologies as are used to decrease and evidence data that allow for un-
ral Intent much as possible derstanding and to allow the relationships between varia-
IC3 I prefer to use new accounting technologies bles to be verified. Malhotra (2012) admits that there is a
IC4 I recommend using new technologies technique of data analysis that represents the choice of
UAS1 The use of new technologies is independent per-fectly filled and acceptable questionnaires, the creation
of suppliers of data and their reproduction.
UAS2 It is safer to use a modern accounting
system 4. RESULTS
UAS3 Using new technologies is a way to save
UAS4 Using new technologies favors the develop- The collected data were treated and evaluated through
ment of the accounting class the statistical program SmartPLS 3.2.1 in the Modeling of
Subtitles - UP: perceived utility; FUP: perceived ease of use; IC: behavioral Structural Equations for the formation of data of general
intention; UAS: Current System Usage.1 evaluation of the model and the information treated. In
order to proceed with the data procedure, the structu-ral
The hypotheses adopted were those specific to the TAM: model of the project was generated in SmartPLS, as shown
in figure 2. In the model, the perceived utility, per-ceived
• H1: Perceived ease of use positively influences per- ease of use, behavioral intention and current use of the
ceived utility. system constructs are linked with their respective initial
• H2: Perceived ease of use influences behavioral in-
tention. After the calculation of the PLS algorithm, the first cri-
terion was the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). This coef-
• H3: Perceived utility positively influences behavioral ficient analyzes the multicollinearity of the data, whose
intention. presence would be capable of generating exorbitant or
incorrect results; the ideal result would be a VIF value
• H4: Behavioral intention positively influences the below 3.3. The initial verification of the data presented a
current use of the system. satisfactory VIF, as evidenced in table 1, whose values

1 T.N. – The initials were kept according to the titles in Portuguese.

Electronic Journal of Management & System
Volume 12, Number 4, 2017, pp. 516-524
DOI: 10.20985/1980-5160.2017.v12n4.1239

reached for the VIF met the criteria recommended by Kock (2014) of 0.50. Table 2 shows the final values of the adjust-
(2015). ment quality criteria.

Table 1. Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) Table 2. Quality criteria adjusted model


Alpha by
FUP 1,183 1,000 Constructs AVE pound R²
IC 1,000 reliability
UAS UP > Perceived utility 0,656 0,850 0,155 0,7
UP 1,183 FUP > Perceived ease
0,794 0,875 0,8
Source: Research Data (2016). of use
Subtitles - UP: perceived utility; FUP: perceived ease of use; IC: behavioral IC > behavioral
0,553 0,784 0,323 0,6
intention; UAS: Current System Usage.3 intention
UAS > Current System 0,581 0,806 0,239 0,7
Afterwards, adjustments were made to the initial model, Usage
Source: Research Data (2016).
eliminating the variables with lower factor loads in three in-
Subtitle – AVE: Average Variance Extracted
teractions. The variables UP2 and FU2 were excluded from the
model; IC2 and UAS1. With the elimination of these four
variables we obtained values of Average Variance Extracted The discriminant validity of the model is to compare the
(AVE) above the parameter recommended by Ringle et al. individual AVEs with the square root (Pearson’s correlation)
3 T.N. – The initials were kept according to the titles in Portuguese.

Figure 2. Structural model adjusted – SmartPLS.

Source: Research Data (2016)
Subtitles - UP: perceived utility; FUP: perceived ease of use; IC: behavioral intention; UAS: Current System Usage. 2

2 T.N. – The initials were kept according to the titles in Portuguese.

Electronic Journal of Management & System
Volume 12, Number 4, 2017, pp.516-524
DOI: 10.20985/1980-5160.2017.v12n4.1239

of the AVE of each construct (Ringle et al., 2014). The res- From the reading of figure 3 we conclude that H1 hypo-
pective values are shown in table 3. theses (perceived ease of use positively influences perceived
utility), H3 (perceived utility positively influences behavioral
Table 3. Discriminant validity intention) and H4 (behavioral intention positively influences
current system use) were confirmed by a coefficient greater
FUP IC UAS UP than 1.96, which indicates statistical significance. However, the
FUP 0,839 H2 hypothesis (perceived ease of use influences beha-vioral
IC 0,239 0,744 intention) was not confirmed.
UAS 0,488 0,489 0,762
UP 0,394 0,568 0,712 0,81 Figure 3 shows the significance levels between the
Source: Research Data (2016). constructs, obtained through the bootstrapping module of
Subtitles - UP: perceived utility; FUP: perceived ease of use; IC: behavioral SmartPls 3.2.1. The t-Statistic was calculated for each
intention; UAS: Current System Usage.4
relation (statistically significant when values higher than
We then examined the path coefficients (CC) 5 of the hy-
pothetical model. This index presents the hypothetical rela-
tions through the constructs, and they diverge from -1 to 5. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS
+1. At the moment in which values are close to +1, it
conjectures that strongly favorable relations and those The purpose of this paper was to analyze the level of ac-
closest to -1 are in a negative relation. Usually the values of ceptance of ICT by accountants. It was possible to notice that
-1 and +1 are statistically relevant (Hair et al., 2009). Table 4 the profession of the accountant had the mechanical phase
shows the CCs identified in the model after adjustments. replaced by the technique and, soon after, by the pha-se of
the technology. In view of the new reality, accounting
Table 4. Path coefficient professionals have been in constant evolution and qualifica-
tion, being able to transmit quality information, assisting in
the decision-making process of the companies.
FUP 0,018
IC 0,489 This research sought to answer the following question:
UAS what influence do the new technologies have on the pro-
UP 0,561 fessional accounting environment? For that, a field survey
Source: Research Data (2016).
was carried out and the data collected underwent a statisti-
Subtitles - UP: perceived utility; FUP: perceived ease of use; IC: behavioral
intention; UAS: Current System Usage.6
cal procedure through the modeling of structural
equations, applying the process of partial least squares.

The relationship between the variables of the sample The objective of the study was to make possible the
was then evaluated. Table 5 shows the results, covering the analy-sis of this conviviality and was fully achieved to the
va-lues reached for each of the variables. extent that it was possible to verify the degree of
acceptance and effective use of new digital technologies
Table 5. Analysis of relationship between variables by accountants, through the use of TAM.
Relationship between
Variable It was observed that the practical consequences drawn
from this field study show clear evidence of the relationship
FUP IC 0,182
between the constructs to explain the intent and the current
FUP UP 3,876
usage of a system by the accountants. The statistical results
IC UAS 5,523
confirmed that the proposed conceptual model was appro-
UP IC 7,169
priate to explain the current intention and use of the system.
Source: Research Data (2016).
The endogenous constructs of perceived utility, behavioral
Subtitles - UP: perceived utility; FUP: perceived ease of use; IC: behavioral
intention; UAS: Current System Usage.7
intent and current system use had a coefficient of determi-
nation (R² adjusted) for the proposed model of 0.155, 0.323
and 0239, respectively. Based on this result, it is concluded
4 T.N. – The initials were kept according to the titles in Portuguese.
that the indicators that predict the construct of behavioral
5 T.N. – The initials were kept according to the titles in Portuguese. intention are adequate to explain 32.3% of the model and the
6 T.N. – The initials were kept according to the titles in Portuguese. current use of the system presents a power of enlighten-ment
7 T.N. – The initials were kept according to the titles in Portuguese. around 23.9% through constructs that predict this be-havior.
In this way, the results confirmed that the proposed
Electronic Journal of Management & System
Volume 12, Number 4, 2017, pp. 516-524
DOI: 10.20985/1980-5160.2017.v12n4.1239

Figure 3. Structural design model - SmartPLS

Source: Research Data (2016).
Subtitles - UP: perceived utility; FUP: perceived ease of use; IC: behavioral intention; UAS: Current System Usage. 8

8 T.N. – The initials were kept according to the titles in Portuguese.

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DOI: 10.20985/1980-5160.2017.v12n4.1239

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Received: April 08, 2015.

Approved: October 11, 2017.
DOI: 10.20985/1980-5160.2017.v12n4.1239
How to cite: Souza, L.A.; Silva, M.J.P.B.; Ferreira, T.A.M.V. (2017), “The acceptance of information technology by the
accounting area”, Sistemas & Gestão, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 516-524, available from:
php/sg/article/view/1239 (access day abbreviated month. year).

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