0students Book Grammar Review

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Grammar review

1 Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 My name are / is Jake.
2 How old are / is he?
3 Erica and I are / is not late for class.
4 What is / are your phone number?
5 Mr. Richards and Miss Green is / are teachers at my school.
6 Where is / are your brothers?

2 Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective.

1 They are Rachael and Daniel. brother’s name is Tony.
2 I play three sports. favorite sport is tennis.
3 I’m from Colombia. capital city is Bogotá.
4 This is Suzanna. last name is Martin.
5 This is Jason. cell phone number is (555) 896–5623.
6 “What’s email address?” “My email address is [email protected]”.

3 Look at the picture and complete the sentences with is or are.

1 There a cell phone.

2 There three pens.
3 There a camera.
4 There books.
5 There a key.
6 There a watch.

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4 Complete the sentences with a, an, the, or – (no article).
A: What’s in the box?
B: I can see (1) dvd, (2) umbrella, and (3) backpacks.
A: What color is (4) umbrella?
B: It’s blue. (5) backpacks are really cool. They’re red and blue.
A: What’s (6) DVD about?
B: It’s about (7) artist from Spain.

5 Complete the questions with the correct question words in the box.

How What (×2) When Where Who

1 is your teacher?
2 do you spell your name?
3 are you from?
4 is your email address?
5 languages do they speak?
6 do you do your homework?

6 Put the words in the correct order to form questions.

1 you / how / your / do / last name / pronounce / ?
2 from / where / your / sister’s / husband / is / ?
3 speak / you / can / Italian / ?
4 time / does / class / what / finish / your / ?
5 lunch / you / have / what / do / for / ?
6 like / does / Kelly / job / her / ?

7 Look at the table. Complete the sentences with can / can’t and a verb from
the table.
cook pasta ride a bike speak Spanish

1 Chris and I Spanish. 4 Marion a bike.

2 Chris and Marion pasta. 5 I pasta.
3 Chris and I a bike. 6 Marion Spanish.

8 Complete the questions 1–6. Then match them to the answers a–f.
1 Margarita play the guitar? a) No, I’m not.
2 you a student? b) No, he doesn’t.
3 Jim busy? c) Yes, they do.
4 Henry drive a black car? d) Yes, she does.
5 David and Sara read Arabic? e) No, I don´t.
6 you have an email account? f) Yes, he is.

Grammar UNIT
1 7

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9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.
1 Silvia and her mom (not be) teachers.
2 Jack´s wife (not like) her job in the restaurant.
3 We (work) from ten until nine.
4 I (not have) a middle name.
5 The movie (finish) at eight o’clock.
6 Mark’s dad (go) to work every day.

10 Circle the mistake and write the correct sentence on the line.
1 He’s parents are engineers.
2 Katya favorite hobby is skiing.
3 Ours names are Jessica and Ben.
4 My parents friend’s are from Japan.
5 They can watch a movie at Michaels house.
6 Hers brother’s home is in Sydney, Australia.

11   Rewrite the sentences, using contractions where possible.

1 Hi! My nickname is Don.
2 They are not expensive.
3 What time is your train?
4 Martin is not busy.
5 What are your favorite cd’s?
6 When is your class?
7 The umbrellas are under the desk.
8 There is a sale at the supermarket.

12   Look at the frequency adverb thermometer on the right and put the
words in the box in the correct place in the sentences. Change the verb
form if necessary.

always never often rarely sometimes usually

1 Caroline’s sister / check / her email / every day.

2 I / drink / coffee / in / the / afternoon.

3 Joe / watch / TV / on / Sunday / morning.

4 Lindsey and Julia / get up / late / during the / week.

5 She / write / letters / on weekends.

6 I / spend / a lot / of / time / on the phone.

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