Could, Was / Were Able To, Managed To

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Grammar: Extension

5 Imagine that you’re on vacation in Italy. 7 Underline the mistakes in the sentences and
Write about the things you wish you could then write the words correctly.
change. You can use the ideas in the box, or My friend could find tickets for the flight–he had
your own ideas. no problem. was able to
the beaches ​the weather ​your hotel room ​ 1 He didn’t have a map, so he didn’t manage to
the people ​the food ​the Italian language find his hotel.
2 How could the police catch the
3 I met a German person. It was difficult, but in the
end, I was able to communicate with him using
4 Which sports did she manage to do when she
was twelve?
5 We had to walk a very long way, but
we finally could reach the mountain
6 What did you manage to do when you were
could, was / were able to, 7 When my brothers were ten, they managed to
managed to swim well.
6 Choose the correct alternatives.
A My grandpa wasn’t able to /
didn’t manage to / couldn’t read or write
when he was nine.
B Oh, well. He can now!
1 A Was the mountain difficult to climb?
B Yes! So we didn’t manage to /
weren’t able to / couldn’t reach the top.
2 A 
Could you / Did you manage to /
Were you able to get us a table at Nick’s
B Yes, it was easy because it was for a Tuesday
3 A Did June and Robert find any information
about the resort?
B Yes, they could / were able to /
managed to read about it online.
4 A My brother could / managed to /
was able to ride a bike when he was ten.
B Yes. Most people can.

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Grammar: Extension Answer Key
Unit 1 Unit 3
1 1  b  ​2  c  ​3  a  4
​   c  ​5  c  ​6  b 1 1 My dad has known my mom since 1999.
2 1  may  ​2  will  ​3  will  ​4  may  ​5  will  ​ 2 You’ve lived in this city for six years.
6  may  ​7  will 3 Manos has had his new guitar since June.
3 1 f, won’t 4 I haven’t been at the library for ten minutes.
2 a, will 5 The girls have studied Science (at university) for
3 e, may / might three months.
4 c, won’t 6 We’ve been at the restaurant since 8 p.m.
5 d, will 7 He hasn’t lived in China for two years.
4 Students’ own answers. 2 1 How long has your dad known your mom?
5 1 h, who / that 2 How long have I / we lived in this city?
2 e, who / that 3 How long has Manos had his new guitar?
3 f, whose 4 How long have you been at home / How long
4 a, whose has it been since you left the library?
5 c, where 5 How long have the girls studied Science
6 d, which / that (at university)?
7 g, who / that 6 How long have you been at the restaurant?
6 1 who / that Bill works for earns lots of money. 7 How long has he lived in Canada? / How long
2 which / that we bought is on Maple Avenue. has it been since he lived in China?
3 whose husband I met yesterday. 3 1  for  ​2  ’s / has  ​3  long  ​4  since  ​5  for  ​
4 which / that Petros has gone to is at his friend’s 6  How  ​7  since  ​8  for
apartment. 4 Students’ own answers.
5 who / that we were talking to is our favorite 5 1  e  ​2  h  ​3  d  ​4  b  ​5  g  ​6  a  ​7  f
teacher. 6 1 correct
6 where we ate last week. 2 themselves, each other
7 Students’ own answers. 3 each other, yourselves
4 yourself, myself
Unit 2 5 itself, each other
1 1 Do I have to babysit my little brother tonight? 6 myself, themselves
2 The cat has to sleep in its own bed. 7 correct
3 We have to buy Mom a birthday present. 7 Students’ own answers.
4 Does she have to water the plants on Sundays?
5 Millie and Chris don’t have to do the Unit 4
housework today. 1 1 T V wasn’t watched in my house.
6 He doesn’t have to check his mail every hour. 2 M  ovies aren’t produced in this city.
2 1 You aren’t allowed to go out 3 These songs were sung by children around the
2 Is Tony allowed to go world.
3 They’re allowed to watch 4 This documentary was made in a studio.
4 Maria isn’t allowed to wear 5 T he shows aren’t watched by millions of
5 We’re allowed to eat people.
3 1  has  ​2  ’s  ​3  allowed  ​4  don’t  ​5  have  ​ 2 1 isn’t hurt
6  ’re  ​7  to  ​8  have 2 wasn’t made
4 Students’ own answers. 3 are told
5 1 must not 4 aren’t sold
2 doesn’t have to 5 were taken
3 must not 6 is set
4 must not 7 weren’t asked
5 don’t have to 3 1 How many trees are cut down every year?
6 must not Over 3.5 billion trees are cut down every year.
7 don’t have to 2 In what year was To Kill a Mockingbird written?
8 don’t have to To Kill a Mockingbird was written in 1960.
9 must not 3 When were the Academy Awards started?
10 must not The Academy Awards were started in 1929.
6 Students’ own answers.

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Grammar: Extension Answer Key
4 What time is the news shown on TV every Unit 6
evening? 1 1 haven’t, hasn’t
The news is shown on TV every evening at six 2 since, for
o’clock. 3 for, all
4 Students’ own answers. 4 has, have
5 1 Did I / you use to enjoy going to rock concerts? 5 Carl has, Has Carl
2 My house used to have flowers in the backyard. 6 for, since
3 We used to spend lots of money on books and 2 1 Has the market been selling organic produce
magazines. since 2017?
4 Did she use to be an actor in Bollywood? No, it hasn’t.
5 Mom and Dad didn’t use to go to music 2 Have you been recycling plastic for long?
festivals every summer. Yes, I / we have.
6 Steven didn’t use to play the drums in a 3 Have we been using too many fossil fuels?
famous band. Yes, we / you have.
6 1 You didn’t use to be a binge watcher. 4 Have Hans and Deidre been living in a
Did you use to stream movies? sustainable way since 2016?
2 He used to stream movies. Yes, they have.
He didn’t use to enjoy dramas. 5 Has Maggie been raising money for the SPCA
3 She used to be a binge watcher. lately?
Did she use to stream movies? No, she hasn’t.
4 We used to stream movies. 3 1 has been sleeping since
Did we use to enjoy dramas? 2 ’ve been coming to this wildlife park for
5 They didn’t use to be binge watchers. 3 ’ve been working in your garden since
They used to enjoy dramas. 4 long have you been recycling
7 Students’ own answers. 5 hasn’t been raining for
Unit 5 6 long has Priya been worrying
1 1 altered his nose, (has) had his nose altered 4 1 have they been doing
2 correct 2 ’ve been helping
3 cut their hair, have / get their hair cut 3 has been cleaning up
4 correct 4 has been selling
5 fix, fixed 5 hasn’t been feeling
6 cooked our meals, had our meals cooked 6 have been collecting
2 1 isn’t having her hair cut 7 has your family been doing
2 (has) had his washing machine fixed 5 1 correct
3 doesn’t have her dinner cooked 2 texted, been texting
4 had the pool cleaned 3 been loving, loved
5 having my new TV delivered 4 correct
3 1 The students are having their photos taken. 5 been understanding, understood
2 We’ve had our windows cleaned. 6 read, been reading
3 I had my computer fixed. 7 been having, had
4 Karen has had her hair dyed (purple). 6 1 My parents have been in Brazil for two weeks.
5 Mira had her favorite dress dry-cleaned. 2 How long has Brianna been helping
endangered animals?
4 Students’ own answers.
5 1 should take 3 You haven’t believed in ghosts since 2010.
2 should visit 4 I have loved my job at this eco-friendly camp
since I started.
3 Should we stay up
4 shouldn’t do 5 We haven’t been reading books all night.
5 should turn off 6 How long has he liked outdoor sports?
6 Should he call
7 shouldn’t phone
8 should put
6 1, 2, 5, 8
7 Students’ own answers.

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Grammar: Extension Answer Key
7 1 Have you been recycling plastic bags all year? Unit 8
2 Have you seen any nature documentaries in the 1 1  a  2  b  3  a  4  b  5  c
last month? 2 2 d, wasn’t
3 Have you and your friends been doing 3 b, asked
volunteer work recently? 4 f, let
4 Have you had any problems at school today? 5 e, won
5 Has your family been recycling plastic lately? 6 h, didn’t have to take
Students’ own answers. 7 a, was
8 g, liked
Unit 7 3 1 Would you know what to do if you lost your
1 1  a  2  c  3  b  4  a  5  c  ​6  b passport?
2 1 must be Joe’s favorite street artist 2 If your parents took a vacation, where would
2 could / may / might be on the wrong bus they visit?
3 can’t / couldn’t be one of Picasso’s 3 If you went to Hawaii, what would you pack?
4 may not / might not like modern art 4 W ould you eat frog legs if you visited France?
5 can’t / couldn’t be Brenda. She’s on vacation in 5 If you had the chance to swim with dolphins,
Cuba would you do it?
3 1 must have Students’ own answers.
2 couldn’t have 4 1 g, had
3 may not have 2 b, had
4 can’t have 3 a, were
5 must have 4 f, got
4 1 5 d, could see
a can’t / couldn’t have bought 6 e, played
b may / might / must have forgotten 5 Students’ own answers.
2 6 1 didn’t manage to
a must have created 2 Were you able to
b may / might have broken 3 were able to
3 4 could
a may / might not have had 7 1 didn’t manage, wasn’t able
b can’t / couldn’t have liked 2 could the police, were the police able to
5 1 who, whose 3 was able, managed
2 that, which 4 did she manage to, could she
3 who, where 5 could, managed to
4 which, whose 6 did you manage to, could you
5 where, which 7 managed to, could
6 who, which
6 1 , who owns the sculpture,
2 , where my dad was born,
3 , which is the reason
4 , whose movies
5 , who is my neighbor,
6 , where we had lunch
7 , which was very nice of him
7 Students’ own answers.

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