Backlog Maintenance Guideline
Backlog Maintenance Guideline
Backlog Maintenance Guideline
Guidelines for
Backlog Maintenance
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Guidelines for Backlog Maintenance December 2010
1.0 Backlog Maintenance - Definition
• Planned or scheduled work that must and shall be undertaken to comply with
the relevant statutory and legislative requirements
• Non-maintenance work eg. Minor capital acquisitions – (previously termed
minor new works)
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Guidelines for Backlog Maintenance December 2010
3.0 Backlog liability review
The provision of funding for all backlog maintenance issues is the sole responsibility
of the Health Service District or the Business Unit asset controller.
The corporate allocation of funding from the Policy Planning and Asset Services
(PPAS) is not a guaranteed stream of funding. Funding from corporate sources is
distributed on a statewide basis to address and target high risk and high priority areas
that have the potential or are already impacting on service delivery requirements. If
corporate funding is made available for distribution to address backlog maintenance
liabilities, the present process requires all statewide asset controllers to submit a
consolidated list with all identified backlog maintenance priorities for funding
consideration. From the 30 June 2005 this information will be extracted from the
CMMS on an as needed basis. It is therefore critical that all Health Service
Districts input their historical as well as any new backlog maintenance issues into
the CMMS.
CMMS Backlog maintenance lists will be used by PPAS as the primary evaluation
tool to identify and fund statewide priorities. Due to the sheer volume of data and the
high degree of analysis that must be undertaken during the evaluation process, there is
very little scope for PPAS to consult with asset controllers or their representatives on
their preferred funding priorities. The onus is (as previously stated) on the Health
Service Districts to ensure their backlog data is kept within the CMMS and up to date
to ensure that backlog maintenance liabilities are able to be evaluated and considered
for possible funding.
The primary tool to identify backlog maintenance issues is by applying the Mandatory
Condition Assessment methodology to the districts maintainable assets. Other means
of backlog identification are made through normal District maintenance strategies and
activities e.g. (planned and corrective maintenance). During these regular ongoing
activities potential backlog issues can be raised and elevated to the appropriate levels
of awareness for resolution management (Refer to QH Condition Assessment
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Guidelines for Backlog Maintenance December 2010
7.0 Backlog Maintenance Risk
Risk: The combination of the selected Consequence and Likelihood ratings will
produce a Risk Rating. There are (25) possible combinations, each is mapped to one
of the five risk ratings; this will be used to prioritise Backlog Maintenance.
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Guidelines for Backlog Maintenance December 2010
1/ Consequence; what is the level of consequence if the item is not maintained at a
level or standard to meet its operational specification?
Example: Stumps, if they are not replaced/ refurbished then the building will collapse
and endanger lives. Therefore the rating should be set at 5 - EXTREME
2/ Likelihood; what is the likelihood of the item deteriorating further to a point that
would create a dangerous situation?
Example: Stumps, if the problem occurred as a result of white ants and the stumps
were found to be in an extremely poor condition then the likelihood would be 5 -
The example; would produce a risk rating of EXTREME
Consequence and Likelihood - (see previous section 7.1) for explanation on these.
Risk: this field is display only and is the end result of the Risk Matrix calculations
resulting from the Consequence and Likelihood entries. The risk will be used to
prioritise the backlog maintenance items.
Cost; this would be the actual cost of the backlog if known; otherwise an estimated
value must or should be provided until an actual cost can be entered.
Risk Comments: This is used to explain the consequence i.e. (the building will
Backlog Status: BREQ – Backlog Requested
BREJ – Backlog Rejected
BACK– Unfunded Backlog Item
BFND – Backlog District Funded
BANA – Backlog Corporate Funded
Status Set By: This will populate with the UserID and Name of the person who
applied the Backlog status along with the date it was done.
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Guidelines for Backlog Maintenance December 2010
9.0 Backlog Workflow Diagram
• District Backlog Maintenance Items are identified through the various processes
i.e. (Condition Assessments, Planned & Corrective maintenance strategies).
• Backlog Maintenance Items are entered into the CMMS originating from
Maintenance Work Requests from Wards/Depts, as direct work orders from
observations made during normal maintenance activities and as the result of
Condition Assessment activities. These items can have the backlog status set to
BREQ – Backlog Requested
• District Management review the Backlog items by discussing the available
funding options and the associated risk for the backlog activities. The responsible
district officer will then update the backlog items with the appropriate backlog
• BREJ – Backlog rejected (process as normal work order)
• BFND – Backlog District Funded
• BACK – Unfunded Backlog (Unable to fund at a District Level)
• BANA – Backlog Corporate Funded
• If corporate funding is available – the Asset Management Services Unit (AMSU)
will run a report to extract all of the Backlog Maintenance Items from both
Condition Assessments as well as Work Orders. The report parameters will be
Backlog Status BACK – Unfunded Backlog and Risk: EXTREME & VERY
HIGH. Once the data has been analysed and funding priorities are made the
districts will be formally notified in writing of the funding decisions.
• Districts must regularly review their CMMS backlog items and update, where
needed, the Risk rating through the Consequence and Likelihood values to reflect
any changes over time.
• As funding is not infinite, not all backlogged items can and will be funded even if
they are of a high risk rating. There will always be some rationalisation in
analysing the backlog data and it will be up to the Districts to manage the risk
associated to any of these unfunded backlogged items.
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Guidelines for Backlog Maintenance December 2010