Maintenance CMMS and Reliability Glossary
Maintenance CMMS and Reliability Glossary
Maintenance CMMS and Reliability Glossary
The Maintenance CMMS and reliability terms and acronyms listed here can be found on the many pages of this website or on other related websites. If you are looking for a maintenance, CMMS or reliability definition and you cannot find it here please let us know and we will ensure that it is added at the next update. This is a work in progress so if you feel that any of the definitions that follow are wrong or misleading please let us know and we can discuss this and make amendments if required.
ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning. Failure Code: Codes used for recording failure types in Maintenance CMMS Systems.
FMEA: Failure Modes and Effects Analysis. FMECA: Failure Modes Effects Criticality Analysis. FMS: Facilities Management System. (See CAFM) FFI: Failure Finding Interval FTA: Fault Tree Analysis KPI: Key Performance Indicator
Maintenance Management: The management and control of all the functions of a maintenance department including, planned and unplanned maintenance, accounting, personnel, etc. This is often controlled with Computerised Maintenance or CMMS systems. MEA: Maintenance Engineering Analysis. MRO: Maintenance Repair and Operations. MTBE: Mean Time Between Events. MTBF: Mean Time Between Failures. MTBR: Mean Time Between Repairs. MTTF: Mean Time To Failure. MTTR: Mean Time To Repair. O&M: Operations and Maintenance. OEE: Overall Equipment Effectiveness. OEM: Original Equipment Manufacturer. PdM: Predictive Maintenance. Periodicity: The interval between planned maintenance routines
Planned Maintenance Routine: A formally recorded procedure for the maintenance of plant or equipment. Computerised Maintenance or CMMS systems are also used to control this. PM or PPM: Planned Maintenance AKA Planned Preventive Maintenance. Proactive Maintenance: Maintenance activities designed to minimise the risk of failure of plant or equipment. Property Management Software: Some property management software applications will normally have some features common to CMMS and CAFM systems for the control of maintenance and repairs. Typically they may also include functionality for the control of Properties, Tenants, Accounts, Suppliers, Insurance and Landlords. RBI: Risk Based Inspection. RCA: Root Cause Analysis. RCFA: Root Cause Failure Analysis Reactive Maintenance: Breakdown Maintenance or maintenance that takes place as a result of an equipment failure, threat of failure or equipment performance issue. RCM: Reliability Centred Maintenance SPC: Statistical Process Control. TPM: Total Productive Maintenance. TQM: Total Quality Management. Unplanned Maintenance: Unplanned Maintenance is the term that is often used to describe breakdowns.
Condition-based maintenance
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Condition-based maintenance (CBM), shortly described, is maintenance when need arises. This maintenance is performed after one or more indicators show that equipment is going to fail or that equipment performance is deteriorating. Condition-based maintenance was introduced to try to maintain the correct equipment at the right time. CBM is based on using real-time data to prioritize and optimize maintenance
resources. Observing the state of the system is known as condition monitoring. Such a system will determine the equipment's health, and act only when maintenance is actually necessary. Developments in recent years have allowed extensive instrumentation of equipment, and together with better tools for analyzing condition data, the maintenance personnel of today are more than ever able to decide what is the right time to perform maintenance on some piece of equipment. Ideally condition-based maintenance will allow the maintenance personnel to do only the right things, minimizing spare parts cost, system downtime and time spent on maintenance.
Despite its usefulness, there are several challenges to the use of CBM. First and most important of all, the initial cost of CBM is high. It requires improved instrumentation of the equipment. Often the cost of sufficient instruments can be quite large, especially on equipment that is already installed. Therefore, it is important for the installer to decide the importance of the investment before adding CBM to all equipment. A result of this cost is that the first generation of CBM in the oil and gas industry has only focused on vibration in heavy rotating equipment . Secondly, introducing CBM will invoke a major change in how maintenance is performed, and potentially to the whole maintenance organization in a company. Organizational changes are in general difficult. Also, the technical side of it is not always as simple. Even if some types of equipment can easily be observed by measuring simple values as vibration (displacement or acceleration), temperature or pressure, it is not trivial to turn this measured data into actionable knowledge about health of the equipment.
Value potential
As systems get more costly, and instrumentation and information systems tend to become cheaper and more reliable, CBM becomes an important tool for running a plant or factory in an optimal manner. Better operations will lead to lower production cost and lower use of resources. And lower use of resources may be one of the most important differentiators in a future where environmental issues become more important by the day.
A more down to earth scenario where value can be created is by monitoring the health of your car motor. Rather than changing parts at predefined intervals, the car itself can tell you when something needs to be changed based on cheap and simple instrumentation. It is Department of Defense policy that condition-based maintenance (CBM) be "implemented to improve maintenance agility and responsiveness, increase operational availability, and reduce life cycle total ownership costs"[1].
Improved system reliability Decreased maintenance costs Decreased number of maintenance operations causes decreasing of human error influence
Disadvantages are:
High installation costs, for minor equipment items more than value of equipment Unpredictable maintenance periods are causing costs to be divided unequally Increased number of parts (CBM installation) that need maintenance and checking
CBM today due to its costs is not used for less important parts of machinery despite obvious advantages. However it can be found everywhere where increased reliability and safety is required, and in future will be even more applied.[cit
Dave Porrill Tags: maintenance and reliability, planning and scheduling, reliability-centered maintenance, preventive maintenance, CMMS and EAM
Creating a maintenance plan is generally not difficult to do. But creating a comprehensive maintenance program that is effective poses some interesting challenges. It would be difficult to appreciate the subtleties of what makes a maintenance plan effective without understanding how the plan forms part of the total maintenance environment.
This article explains what makes the difference between an ordinary maintenance plan and a good, effective maintenance program.
Maintenance policy Highest-level document, typically applies to the entire site. Maintenance strategy Next level down, typically reviewed and updated every 1 to 2 years. Maintenance program Applies to an equipment system or work center, describes the total package of all maintenance requirements to care for that system. Maintenance checklist List of maintenance tasks (preventive or predictive) typically derived through some form of analysis, generated automatically as work orders at a predetermined frequency. Short-term maintenance plan (sometimes called a schedule of work) Selection of checklists and other ad-hoc work orders grouped together to be issued to a workshop team for completion during a defined maintenance period, typically spanning one week or one shift.
Figure 1 Maintenance Information Loop The large square block indicates the steps that take place within the computerized maintenance management system, or CMMS. It is good practice to conduct some form of analysis to identify the appropriate maintenance tasks to care for your equipment. RCM2 is probably the most celebrated methodology, but there are many variations. The analysis will result in a list of tasks that need to be sorted and grouped into sensible chunks, which each form the content of a checklist. Sometimes it may be necessary to do some smoothing and streamlining of these groups of tasks in an iterative manner. The most obvious next step is to schedule the work orders generated by the system into a plan of work for the workshop teams. Less common, however, is to use this checklist data to create a long-range plan of forecasted maintenance work. This plan serves two purposes: The results can be used to determine future labour requirements, and They feed into the production plan. The schedule of planned jobs is issued to the workshop and the work is completed. Feedback from these work orders, together with details of any equipment failures, is captured in the CMMS for historical reporting purposes. A logical response to this shop floor feedback is that the content of the checklists should be refined to improve the quality of the preventive maintenance, especially to prevent the recurrence of failures. A common mistake however, is to jump straight from the work order feedback and immediately change the words on the checklists. When this happens, the integrity of the
preventive maintenance programme is immediately compromised because the revised words on the checklist have no defendable scientific basis. This should be avoided wherever possible. The far better approach to avoid this guessing game is to route all the checklist amendments through the same analysis as was used originally to create the initial checklists. This means that the integrity of the maintenance program is sustained over the long term. Implicit in this approach, however, is the need to have a robust system in which the content of the analysis can be captured and updated easily. Finally, all the information that gets captured into the CMMS must be put to good use otherwise it is a waste of time. This is the value of management reports that can be created from maintenance information.
The center column is what will be found in any typical RCM-style analysis. In addition to that, there is value in constructing a hierarchy of the equipment system showing assemblies, subassemblies and individual components. This helps to keep track of
which section of the system is being considered at any time, and the list of components also helps to identify the spare parts requirements for the system. Of vital importance is the clear identification of the root cause of each failure, as this will affect the selection of a suitable maintenance task. To illustrate this point, consider for example, a seized gearbox. Seized is an effect. There could be several root causes of this failure mode that can be addressed in different ways through the maintenance program. There is usually no value in aiming maintenance at the effect of a failure. Also important from a planning perspective is to identify the time it will take to carry out each task independently. The sum total of these task times gives a good indication of how long the total work order will take. All of the above depends on the production process and the sites operating context, so these comments should be taken simply as a guideline. The following are a few points to consider when constructing a preventive maintenance program: Preventive maintenance tasks must:
measure or check for conditions against a standard report the results create a follow-on task to repair or replace at the next opportunity
Check and replace, if necessary tasks destroy planned times Frequencies and estimated times for each task must be accurate and meaningful Try wherever possible to only plan shutdown time for non-running tasks. Keep running tasks to be done during periods of normal production. Structure the maintenance program to allow for this.
Craft Frequency Safety / Non-safety tasks Running / Non-running checks and sensible Timing, etc.
Figure 2 Smoothing the PM workload In order to achieve this smoothed workload pattern, it may be necessary to return to the timings, frequencies, groupings, start dates, etc., that were specified in the original analysis and rework some of the data. This is the iterative approach that was mentioned earlier in the description of Figure 1.
Figure 3 Example of weekly maintenance work schedule Most often, a CMMS will only produce report data in text or numerical format. Because engineers like to see things in a graphical or pictorial representation, however, it may be necessary to combine the use of the CMMS with another package that has graphics capability, such as a spreadsheet. The following descriptions rely on the ability of the
CMMS to produce a flat file from a report, which can then be imported into a spreadsheet and manipulated further. If possible, it would be preferable to retain all the raw data within the CMMS and simply produce all the graphs and reports from that environment. There are two obstacles to this approach, however: Very few CMMS packages have graphical capability; Very few CMMS packages will capture or provide the full spectrum of data that may be required to construct the desired selection of graphs. The alternative solution, therefore, is to copy the required selection of data from the CMMS to the spreadsheet environment where it can be manipulated further.
the forecasted maintenance hours for each operating unit, by craft type, in weekly chunks over a 24-month horizon. Table 2 below illustrates what the structure of a long-range maintenance plan might look like. A flat file is created from the master data table in Maximo which contains details of all the maintenance tasks and checklists with their corresponding equipment details, duration, frequencies, crafts, next due dates, etc. This information is imported into a spreadsheet, which uses a series of filters and formulae to produce the long-range plan.
Table 2 Example layout of long-range maintenance plan Based on this report, the production planners make the necessary allowances in the production calendars so that the equipment will be made available for maintenance. This allowance is initially made at a macro level. The exact dates and times for maintenance will be agreed in the week or two before it is due.
This arrangement of the numbers can also be used to help smooth the workload across the weeks by adjusting the due dates of the maintenance tasks in the CMMS as described earlier.
done each month with the corresponding man-hours of labor available. A graph is constructed for each craft group within each workshop team, spanning the next 18- to 24month horizon. If the long-term prediction shows that the level of maintenance activity is about to increase beyond the level that can be accomplished with the existing resources, this advance warning will ensure that there will be sufficient time to recruit and train additional resources before the situation goes out of control. Similarly, a decrease in the predicted level of maintenance activity will give sufficient advance visibility of the opportunity to reassign craftsman resources to other teams or activities. This proactive approach will lead to improved manpower utilization and less panic. Listed below are some of the categories of data that are used to construct the graphs: Workload (i.e. everything that will occupy the craftspeoples time)
preventive maintenance hours from the CMMS breakdown allowance corrective / follow-on work / results-based tasks project work (ad-hoc hours for each forthcoming project activity independently) allowances for meetings / training, etc.
gross man-hours available in the crew allowances for leave and sickness additional allowance for overtime
The sum of the workload hours for each month draws the workload line. The sum of the manpower hours draws the labor capacity line. Where the workload exceeds the labor capacity, the load must be smoothed, or additional resources may be required. The preventive maintenance hours from the CMMS are obtained from the totals from the long-range maintenance plan described in the previous section. The allowances for breakdowns, corrective work, etc., are calculated as a rolling 12-month average of the demonstrated actual data from the CMMS. Data for other allowances may be sourced from elsewhere if not contained in the CMMS. Manpower is basically the effective number of man-hours available for each craft in the crew. Some example graphs are shown in Figure 4 below.
Figure 4 Example workload vs. labor-capacity graphs Where the manpower exceeds the workload, everything is in control. Where the workload exceeds the manpower, it will be necessary to reduce some of the non-essential activities at that time, or increase the people availability.
Figure 5 Example weekly failures report The algorithm shown in Figure 6 below describes the thought process that should be going through the minds of the reliability engineers every time they review the failure work orders as shown on the summary report in Figure 5 above. It must be remembered, however, that every time the Amend Checklists option is selected, this amendment should be routed through the original RCM analysis to ensure the integrity of the maintenance program is not violated. Amending the checklists without running through the method and structure of the original analysis is a mistake. Regardless of the approach that has been used to record the original analysis, it is worth it in the long run to force the reliability engineers to route every amendment through the analysis and record the results for future reference. If a spreadsheet has been identified as the most appropriate option, then it should be structured in a robust and user-friendly fashion. If it is clumsy to update, it will fall into disrepair, and the integrity of the program is lost. A database system is a far better option for this purpose, if a suitable one is available.
The results
The purpose of maintenance measures should be to monitor the health of the maintenance organisation. Where everything is in control, the metrics will reflect the success that has been achieved. Conversely, they should also be used to highlight problem areas and irregularities in order to drive the desired behaviours or areas for improvement. The graphs in Figure 7 below illustrate some of the benefits that have been realized on the authors site as a result of having a well-functioning maintenance organisation. These graphs form just part of the regular reporting metrics by which the maintenance activities are managed. The first graph shows the conformance to the weekly planned maintenance schedule. The target is set at 95 percent and is consistently being exceeding across all of the engineering teams. Graphs 2 and 3 show how the number of failures has been decreasing month-on-month in one particular work center over the past 12 months, and correspondingly, the mean time between failures has been increasing over the same period. The last 2 graphs show machine availability in two of the key work centers where a full reanalysis of all the maintenance requirements was recently conducted using an adapted RCM2 approach. It is clear to see how, in both cases, the equipment availability was far out of control and from the time the improvement activity was started, the availability stabilized and is now still tracking consistently above 90 percent. This has been the result of a few things: one is improving the quality of the preventive maintenance routines, and another is good maintenance planning
Figure 7 S ample graphs showing the benefits of an effective maintenance program Types of Maintenance 1. Breakdown maintenance It means that people waits until equipment fails and repair it. Such a thing could be used when the equipment failure does not significantly affect the operation or production or generate any significant loss other than repair cost. 2. Preventive maintenance ( 1951 ) It is a daily maintenance ( cleaning, inspection, oiling and re-tightening ), design to retain the healthy condition of equipment and prevent failure through the prevention of deterioration, periodic inspection or equipment condition diagnosis, to measure deterioration. It is further divided into periodic maintenance and predictive maintenance. Just like human life is extended by preventive medicine, the equipment service life can be prolonged by doing preventive maintenance.
2a. Periodic maintenance ( Time based maintenance - TBM) Time based maintenance consists of periodically inspecting, servicing and cleaning equipment and replacing parts to prevent sudden failure and process problems. 2b. Predictive maintenance This is a method in which the service life of important part is predicted based on inspection or diagnosis, in order to use the parts to the limit of their service life. Compared to periodic maintenance, predictive maintenance is condition based maintenance. It manages trend values, by measuring and analyzing data about deterioration and employs a surveillance system, designed to monitor conditions through an on-line system. 3. Corrective maintenance ( 1957 ) It improves equipment and its components so that preventive maintenance can be carried out reliably. Equipment with design weakness must be redesigned to improve reliability or improving maintainability 4. Maintenance prevention ( 1960 ) It indicates the design of a new equipment. Weakness of current machines are sufficiently studied ( on site information leading to failure prevention, easier maintenance and prevents of defects, safety and ease of manufacturing ) and are incorporated before commissioning a new equipment.
Condition / Citizen Job/Maintenance Comments Inspection Enquiry a locally service levels service of generated providing clean framework. streets 3. Calendar based, Not required in Usually Pre-planned pattern Examples are Pre-planned or relation to the comments on of jobs based on Grounds Routine regular the condition of the domain science Maintenance, maintenance maintenance. the asset or an and studies made Street Sweeping May be event requiring by experts in and Refuse performed on an an ad-hoc relevant collection. ad-hoc basis in maintenance circumstances. Sometimes response to an action dependent on unusual event. local budgets and political considerations. 4. Statistical Not required in Reports an Similar to no 3 the Often used for based: a relation to the unusual event pre-planned pattern vehicles, plant preventative regular as the principle of maintenance is and production maintenance maintenance. is to maintain based on previous machinery technique common May be 100% studies by domain with machine and performed on an availability. or asset experts. possibly vehicle ad-hoc basis in maintenance. response to an unusual event. 5. Condition Is the basis for Where received Jobs collected from Roads, Bridges, based: often where this maintenance usually initiate Inspections cannot Play Equipment a human inspection type. a technical always be are all examples results in Sometimes the inspection. executed, due to of where this is maintenance actions inspection will budget limitations, used in the being collated and be prescribed by building up a Municipal then issued as funds Code of Practice Work-bank or context allow. or Legislation. backlog 6. Predictive An inspection or No usually Jobs aim to prevent Common where Maintenance based sensor will take relevant failure and maintenance is on science or condition minimise asset costly (e.g. Street condition readings: readings and, down-time Lights) and for visual or sensorbased on some types of based readings, jobs machinery. are proposed 7. Reliability Inspections may Not usually Carrying out jobs RCM starts with 7 Centred be made on the involved, on assets on the questions: Maintenance. It is bench in the although staff bench or closed generally used to case of Rotable operating these down results in What is the item achieve Assets or done assets will better reliability supposed to do
Condition / Citizen Job/Maintenance Inspection Enquiry improvements in when machinery report unusual with high capital fields such as the is taken out of performance cost items. establishment of use on a and will usually safe minimum levels production line be trained to act of maintenance, (line switched as non-expert changes to operating off or rotable eyes procedures and assets within the strategies and the production line) establishment of capital maintenance regimes and plans. Successful implementation of RCM will lead to increase in cost effectiveness, machine uptime, and a greater understanding of the level of risk that the organization is presently managing. Common for very high cost assets where reliability has a high consequence, e.g. production line machines, airline engines and so on.
and its associated performance standards? In what ways can it fail to provide the required functions? What are the events that cause each failure? What happens when each failure occurs? In what way does each failure matter? What systematic task can be performed proactively to prevent, or to diminish to a satisfactory degree, the consequences of the failure?
What must be done if a suitable preventive task cannot be found? 8. Financially Can be any mix Citizens report Jobs depend on Pavement Optimised of machine in non-expert budgets as other Management is Maintenance: based, visual or mode so expert options are typical and Bridge Carry out sensor. inspections available: e.g. close Maintenance in Maintenance to fit usually ensue a road, restrict the UK is heading the available funds. bridge width in that direction In Public life in the available to with the Bridge
Condition / Inspection UK and other countries, we might notice PMS and Bridges moving in this direction.
Citizen Enquiry
5. Condition based: often where a human inspection results in maintenance actions being collated and then issued as funds allow. This can also include where sensors relay a signal and software interprets each type of signal so that an inspection event or a maintenance event is triggered. 6. Predictive Maintenance: In the context of Public assets, this may seem similar to Statistical based maintenance. Bridges and PMS have inspections based on a predictive cycle but the replacement of Street Light Lamps could be said to be predicitive as no ongoing revision it taking place as with Statistical maintenance. Predictive Maintenance may prevail over statistical techniques in Public life as Infrastructure Assets have a high consequence of failure and thus public liability is ameliorated. Think of a Tree falling on a car or even a Bridge collapsewe have heard of such catastrophes. 7. Reliability Centred Maintenace: Not so common with Public Infrastructure Assets as Inspection based maintenance is often swapped out. An example might be the replacement of bearings on a bridgeit might not be acceptable to have a target of 98% non-failure whereas a baked bean production machine might suit this approach. 8. Financially Optimised Maintenance: Carry out Maintenance to fit the available funds. In Public life in the UK and other countries, we might notice PMS and Bridges moving in this direction. Certainly we notice many algorithms in PMS seeking to optimise proposed treatments based on a available funds rather than maximising safety through surface to tyre friction.
Framework Naturally, one could write book or even a series of books on this subject and the continuous improvement of the eights types of maintenance within the context of many asset types. One article is but a drop in the ocean and offers a framework for discussion. As the context for Maintenance changes in the post recession world we find ourselves in, we are all looking for more cost effective ways to maintain the public street vista that is what most citizens take for granted. Never ending rounds of cost cuts are coming (did they ever not stop) and, in the inter-connected 24 hours world of today, citizens are demanding higher quality services. Do the eight categories offer a new window to look through? This article does not offer content on the other side of the glass, which is for the many vocational professionals to decide, but well framed windows can stimulate comment!