July 12, 2019
Hi Silvia,
So great to see that pic of you! Hope all is well with you, Rolf, and the family.
So proud of all the work I see you doing!
I do have 2 questions:
1. Are there any frequencies that can help with compromised Kidney Function whether
from Hypertension or Diabetes Mellitus?
2. Any frequencies that can help with Prostate and elevated PSA?
I am thinking some frequencies that can help with inflammation may be a start (of course,
while supporting other elements of good health for the body!).
Warmest Regards,
Big Hugs!!!!!
Karlene ChinQuee, M.D., New York
Thank you, my dear friend Karlene for your kind words and your questions. I hope you, Bob,
and the rest of your family are doing very well.
My answer addresses both questions:
As I explained in my previous email newsletters, ONDAMED frequencies always help reduce
inflammation by activating the body’s self‐regulating processes with induction of micro‐
currents. The key is finding the primary reaction areas of dysfunctional tissue including
inflammation, infections, scar tissue, as well as unresolved emotional shock/trauma. This is
done with the vascular signal palpating the radial pulse.
It is also important to fine‐tune the needed stimulation by the patient using ONDAMED’s 4
available Modules as discussed in the beginning of my newsletter Question #6. I also need
you to pay attention to the nutritional intake as described in the same newsletter.
Let me share a case with you of one of my patients I treated in Germany:
77 year old male diagnosed on April 22, 2015: Prostate Cancer metastasized into 9th rib
(risk of fracture), left sacrum and L‐5. Considered incurable.
Symptoms: Decreased flow of urine, pain during urination, bone pain, fatigued, depressed
Treatment: 10 one‐hour ONDAMED Sessions (7 weekly Sessions, then 3 Sessions every 3
weeks). First session: all 4 modules, following sessions were comprised of
Mod dules 1 and 2 or Modu ules 2 and 3
3 with Modu ule 4 used aat the end o
of the
sesssion if it sho
owed up in my Module e 2 scan.
PSA valu
ues: April 23: 30.30 ng/m
3 l
Mayy 11: 8.73
Junee 8: 1.89
Aug. 13: 1.58
nine: Stab
ble at around 0.95
Results: Patient haas no more symptoms,, feels enerrgetic and lo
oves life!
Examination on Se
ept. 30, 201
Ultrasound shows prosstate signifiicantly shru
No more evvidence of m metastases as found in
n previous C
No more rissk of fracturre
Lymph nodes drastically reduced from 4.0 x 3.4cm to 2.3 x 0.8cm
Here is a good merridian chart you, may w
wish to dow
Besides root canal proceduress, there are other healtth risks ticking in our ppatient’s mo
ng mercury fillings, 2 diifferent mettals in the m
includin mouth, infla
ammation, iinfections,
necrosiss, and ortho
odontic issuues along wiith wrong to ongue placeement.
Here is a good dental chart for you: