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Name; __________________________________ 6) When atmospheric pressure changes, what happens to the

Physics: Principles and Applications, 6e Giancoli absolute pressure at the bottom of a pool?
Chapter 10 Fluids A) It does not change.
Classwork B) It increases by a lesser amount.
Conceptual Questions C) It increases by the same amount.
D) It increases by a greater amount.
1) The three common phases of matter are Answer: C
A) solid, liquid, and gas. Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.4
B) solid, liquid, and vapor.
C) solid, plasma, and gas. 7) You are originally 1.0 m beneath the surface of a pool. If
D) condensate, plasma, and gas. you dive to 2.0 m beneath the surface, what happens to the
Answer: A absolute pressure on you?
Diff: 1 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.1 A) It quadruples.
B) It more than doubles.
2) Pressure is C) It doubles.
A) proportional to both force and area. D) It less than doubles.
B) proportional to force and inversely proportional to area. Answer: D
C) inversely proportional to force and proportional to area. Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.4
D) inversely proportional to both force and area.
Answer: B 8) State Pascal's principle.
Diff: 1 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.3 Answer: If an external pressure is applied to a confined fluid,
the pressure at every point within the fluid increases by that
3) Which of the following is not a unit of pressure?
Diff: 1 Type: ES Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.5
A) atmosphere
B) N/m
9) State Archimedes' principle.
C) Pascal
Answer: The buoyant force on an object immersed in a fluid is
D) mm of mercury equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by that object.
Answer: B Diff: 1 Type: ES Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.7
Diff: 1 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

4) Consider three drinking glasses. All three have the same 10) As a rock sinks deeper and deeper into water of constant
area base, and all three are filled to the same depth with water.
Glass A is cylindrical. Glass B is wider at the top than at the density, what happens to the buoyant force on it?
bottom, and so holds more water than A. Glass C is narrower A) It increases.
at the top than at the bottom, and so holds less water than A. B) It remains constant.
Which glass has the greatest liquid pressure at the bottom? C) It decreases.
A) Glass A D) It may increase or decrease, depending on the shape of the
B) Glass B rock.
C) Glass C Answer: B
D) All three have equal pressure. Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.7
Answer: D
Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.3 11) Salt water is more dense than fresh water. A ship floats in
both fresh water and salt water. Compared to the fresh water,
5) What is the difference between the pressures inside and the volume of water displaced in the salt water is
outside a tire called? A) more.
A) absolute pressure B) less.
B) atmospheric pressure C) the same.
C) gauge pressure D) cannot be determined from the information given
Answer: B
D) N/m2
Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.7
Answer: C
Diff: 1 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.4
12) A 10-kg piece of aluminum sits at the bottom of a lake,
right next to a 10-kg piece of lead. Which has the greater
buoyant force on it? Answer: D
A) the aluminum Diff: 1 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.3
B) the lead
C) Both have the same buoyant force. 3) A person weighing 900 N is standing on snowshoes. Each
D) cannot be determined without knowing their volumes snowshoe has area 2500 cm2. What is the pressure on the
Answer: A snow?
Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.7 A) 0.18 N/m2
B) 0.36 N/m2
13) A piece of wood is floating in a bathtub. A second piece C) 1800 N/m2
of wood sits on top of the first piece, and does not touch the D) 3600 N/m2
water. If the top piece is taken off and placed in the water,
Answer: C
what happens to the water level in the tub?
Diff: 1 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.3
A) It goes up.
B) It goes down. 4) How much pressure (absolute) must a submarine withstand
C) It does not change. at a depth of 120.0 m in the ocean?
D) cannot be determined from the information given A) 1200 N/m2
Answer: C B) 1310 N/m2
Diff: 3 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.7
C) 1200 kPa
D) 1310 kPa
14) An ideal fluid flows at 12 m/s in a horizontal pipe. If the
pipe widens to twice its original radius, what is the flow speed Answer: D
in the wider section? Diff: 1 Type: BI Var: 3 Page Ref: Sec. 10.3

A) 12 m/s
B) 6.0 m/s
5) What is the gauge pressure if the absolute pressure is 300
C) 4.0 m/s
D) 3.0 m/s
A) 97 kPa
Answer: D
B) 101 kPa
Diff: 1 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.8
C) 199 kPa
D) 300 kPa
15) State Bernoulli's principle.
Answer: Where the velocity of fluid is high, the pressure is Answer: C
low; and where the velocity is low, the pressure is high. Diff: 1 Type: BI Var: 3 Page Ref: Sec. 10.4

Diff: 1 Type: ES Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.9-10.10

6) What is the absolute pressure at a location 15.0 m below

Quantitative Problems the surface of sea? (The density of seawater is 1.03 × 103
1) A plastic block of dimensions 2.00 cm × 3.00 cm × 4.00 A) 1.01 × 105 N/m2
cm has a mass of 30.0 g. What is its density? B) 1.51 × 105 N/m2
A) 0.80 g/cm3 C) 2.48 × 105 N/m2
B) 1.20 g/cm3 D) 2.52 × 105 N/m2
C) 1.25 g/cm3 Answer: D
D) 1.60 g/cm3 Diff: 1 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.4
Answer: C
Diff: 1 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.2 7) A 500-N weight sits on the small piston of a hydraulic
machine. The small piston has area 2.0 cm2. If the large
2) A brick weighs 50.0 N, and measures 30.0 cm × 10.0 cm × piston has area 40 cm2, how much weight can the large piston
4.00 cm. What is the maximum pressure it can exert on a support?
horizontal surface?
A) 25 N
A) 1.25 Pa
B) 500 N
B) 12.5 Pa
C) 10000 N
C) 1.25 kPa
D) 40000 N
D) 12.5 kPa
Answer: C
Diff: 1 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.5 13) If the density of gold is 19.3 × 103 kg/m3, what buoyant
force does a 0.60-kg gold crown experience when it is
8) In a hydraulic garage lift, the small piston has a radius of immersed in water?
5.0 cm and the large piston has a radius of 15 cm. What force A) 3.0 × 10-5 N
must be applied on the small piston in order to lift a car B) 3.0 × 10-4 N
weighing 20,000 N on the large piston?
C) 3.0 × 10-2 N
A) 6.7 × 103 N
D) 0.30 N
B) 5.0 × 103 N Answer: D
C) 2.9 × 103 N Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.7
D) 2.2 × 103 N
Answer: D 14) A crane lifts a steel submarine (density = 7.8 × 103
Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.5
kg/m3) of mass 20,000 kg. What is the tension in the lifting
cable (1) when the submarine is submerged, and (2) when it is
9) A 13,000 N vehicle is to be lifted by a 25 cm diameter entirely out of the water?
hydraulic piston. What force needs to be applied to a 5.0 cm
A) (1) 2.0 × 105 N (2) 1.7 × 105 N
diameter piston to accomplish this?
B) (1) 1.7 × 105 N (2) 2.0 × 105 N
A) 260 N
C) (1) 2.6 × 103 N (2) 2.0 × 105 N
B) 520 N
D) (1) 2.0 × 105 N (2) 2.6 × 103 N
C) 2600 N
Answer: B
D) 5200 N
Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.7
Answer: B
Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.5
15) An object weighs 7.84 N when it is in air and 6.86 N
when it is immersed in water. What is the specific gravity of
10) The small piston of a hydraulic lift has a diameter of 8.0
the object?
cm, and its large piston has a diameter of 40 cm. The lift
raises a load of 15,000 N. A) 6.0
(a) Determine the force that must be applied to the small B) 7.0
piston. C) 8.0
(b) Determine the pressure applied to the fluid in the lift. D) 9.0
Answer: (a) 600 N Answer: C
(b) 1.2 × 105 Pa Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.7
Diff: 2 Type: ES Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.5

16) A piece of aluminum with a mass of 1.0 kg and density of

11) An object has a volume of 4.0 m3 and weighs 40,000 N. 2700 kg/m3 is suspended from a string and then completely
What will its weight be in water? immersed in a container of water. The density of water is
A) 40,000 N 1000 kg/m3.
B) 39,200 N (a) Determine the volume of the piece of aluminum.
(b) Determine the tension in the string after the metal is
C) 9,800 N
immersed in the container of water.
D) 800 N
Answer: (a) 3.7 × 10-4 m3
Answer: D
(b) 6.2 N
Diff: 1 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.7
Diff: 2 Type: ES Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.7
12) A 4.00-kg cylinder of solid iron is supported by a string
while submerged in water. What is the tension in the string?
(The specific gravity of iron is 7.86.) 17) A rectangular box of negligible mass measures 5.0 m
long, 1.0 m wide, and 0.50 m high. How many kilograms of
A) 2.50 N
mass can be loaded onto the box before it sinks in a lake?
B) 19.6 N
A) 0.5 × 103 kg
C) 23.7 N
B) 1.5 × 103 kg
D) 34.2 N
Answer: D C) 2.5 × 103 kg
Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.7 D) 3.5 × 103 kg
Answer: C
Diff: 1 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.7 23) How much pressure does it take for a pump to supply a
drinking fountain with 300 kPa, if the fountain is 30.0 m
above the pump?
18) An object floats with half its volume beneath the surface A) 294 kPa
of the water. The weight of the displaced water is 2000 N. B) 300 kPa
What is the weight of the object? C) 594 kPa
A) 1000 N D) 675 kPa
B) 2000 N Answer: C
C) 4000 N Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.8-10.10
D) cannot be determined from the information given
Answer: B 24) Suppose that the build-up of fatty tissue on the wall of an
Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.7 artery decreased the radius by 10%. By how much would the
pressure provided by the heart have to be increased to
19) A solid object floats in water with three-fourths of its maintain a constant blood flow?
volume beneath the surface. What is the object's density? A) 48%
A) 1333 kg/m3 B) 52%
C) 46%
B) 1000 kg/m3
D) 54%
C) 750 kg/m3
Answer: B
D) 250 kg/m3
Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.12
Answer: C
Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.7
25) Two narrow tubes are placed in a pan of water. Tube A
has twice the diameter of tube B. If water rises 24 cm in tube
20) A 200-N object floats with three-fourths of its volume A, how high will it rise in tube B?
beneath the surface of the water. What is the buoyant force on
A) 12 cm
the object?
B) 24 cm
A) 50 N
C) 48 cm
B) 150 N
D) 96 cm
C) 200 N
Answer: C
D) 267 N
Diff: 1 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.13
Answer: C
Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.7
26) The surface tension of water is 0.073 N/m. How high will
water rise in a capillary tube of diameter 1.2 mm?
21) Liquid flows through a pipe of diameter 3.0 cm at 2.0
A) 1.2 cm
m/s. Find the flow rate.
B) 1.5 cm
A) 1.4 × 10-3 m3/s
C) 2.2 cm
B) 5.7 × 10-3 m3/s
D) 2.5 cm
C) 14 m3/s
Answer: D
D) 57 m3/s
Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.13
Answer: A
Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 3 Page Ref: Sec. 10.8-10.10

22) Water flows at 12 m/s in a horizontal pipe with a pressure

of 3.0 × 104 N/m2. If the pipe widens to twice its original
radius, what is the pressure in the wider section?
A) 3.0 × 104 N/m2
B) 4.9 × 104 N/m2
C) 7.4 × 104 N/m2
D) 9.8 × 104 N/m2
Answer: D
Diff: 2 Type: BI Var: 1 Page Ref: Sec. 10.8-10.10

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