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How To Guide: Simple Tips For Using Our Most Popular Tools

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How To Guide

Simple Tips for Using Our Most Popular Tools

If you’re reading this guide, that means you’ve already taken the first
important step towards simplifying Lean Six Sigma tools like control
charts and statistics. QI Macros for Excel is easy to use and will
provide a wealth of tools to help improve your processes.
If you haven’t already completed your download, let’s get started.
1. Close Excel on your desktop
2. Look for an email with a link to click and download
3. Select either the PC or MAC file
4. Run the Installation Wizard
5. Reopen Excel and look for QI Macros on your tool bar



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Most Commonly Used Tools
QI Macros for Excel has over 40 charts, 20 statistics and 90
Lean Six Sigma tools that you can use to reduce costs and
boost profits. This quick start guide will show you how to use
our most popular tools.
Control Charts to Analyze Stability:
Control charts are great tools for tracking processes over
time. They can tell you if your process is consistent and
Control Chart Histogram Chart
predictable or has unstable conditions that need to be
Histograms with Cp and Cpk Capability Metrics:
Use these tools to determine if your process meets your
customer’s requirements as defined by upper and lower
specification limits.
Pareto Charts and Ishikawa/Fishbone Diagrams: Pareto Chart Ishikawa/Fishbone
Pareto charts help narrow your focus to the “vital few”
defects, mistakes and errors. Ishikawa diagrams capture the t-Test 0.05

%EV 17.6%
root causes. Batch 1 Batch 2
Mean 92.255 92.733
%AV 20.0%
Statistical Tools for Testing Hypotheses: Variance
t Stat

Do two or more data sets have the same or different means P(T<=t) one-tail 0.386 %R&R 26.7%
and variances? Or is there a relationship between them? Cannot Reject Null Hypothesis: %PV 96.4%
Statistical tools can answer these questions. p > 0.05 (Means are the same)

Gage R&R/MSA: Statistical Tools Gage R&R/MSA

A common cause of variability in manufacturing is
measurement error. Gage R&R Studies help determine if
measurement processes are a root cause of variation and if
the variation is caused by appraisers or equipment.

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Control Charts Overview
Control charts are a great tool for analyzing and monitoring process stability
and performance. There are different types of control charts depending on
your data. They fall into two categories: attribute and variable.

Attribute Charts for Counted Data Variable Charts for Measured Data
• c Chart • XmR – Individual Moving Range Chart
• np Chart • XbarR Chart
• p Chart • XbarS Chart
• u Chart

The most commonly used control charts are:

Services (e.g., healthcare): XmR, p and u charts.
Manufacturing: XbarR, p and u charts.

Not sure which control chart to use?

The QI Macros Control Chart Wizard
will analyze your data and select the
right control chart for you.

Watch the
Control Chart Wizard Video

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Creating a Control Chart Step 1: Point to Select the Datat
QI Macros loads practice data on your computer in:
Creating control charts for analyzing the stability of Documents:QI Macros Test Data:AIAG SPC.xls or select
a process couldn’t be easier. Just follow these steps your own data.
and you’ll have the charts you need to determine if
your process is consistent and predictable. Step 2: Click on the Control Chart Wizard
Go to the QI Macros menu in Excel and select a specific
type of control chart from the drop down menu or select the
Control Chart Wizard.
Step 3: Analyze and Improve Based on Control Chart
The QI Macros will do the math and draw the graph for you.
Red points represent unstable conditions that should be

Watch the QI Macros

Control Chart Video Control Chart Advantages

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Capability Analysis Overview
Histograms are a great tool for evaluating process capability.
There are a several different types of histograms:

• Frequency Histogram: For consistent measurements (e.g., 0.05, 0.10, etc.)

• Histogram or Capability Suite: For variable measurements.
• Weibull Histogram: For evaluating failure times of products or equipment.

Process Capability Metrics

Cp - Cpk –
Capability Index Centering Index
• Measures how well the • Measures how well the
data fits between the data is centered between
USL and LSL. the USL and LSL
• Cp ≥ 1.33 is desirable • Cpk ≥ 1.33 is desirable

Watch the
About Capability Analysis
Capability Suite Video

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Creating a Histogram Step 1: Point to Select the Data
QI Macros loads practice data on your computer in:
with Cp & Cpk Documents:QI Macros Test Data:histogram.xls or use your own.
Step 2: Click on the Chart You Want
Creating histograms for capability analysis couldn’t
be easier. Just follow these steps and you’ll have the Go to the QI Macros menu in Excel and select Histograms
charts you need to evaluate if your process is meet- and Capability. Select one of the histograms or the Capability
ing your customer requirements. Suite. Enter the Upper Specification Limit (USL) and Lower
Specification Limit (LSL).
Step 3: Analyze and Improve Based on the Chart
The QI Macros will do the math and draw the graph for you.

QI Macros 2014
Histograms & Capability

Capability Suite
Histogram with Cp Cpk
Frequency Histogram
Histogram (Weibull)

Watch the QI Macros

Histogram Video Histogram Advantages

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Lean Six Sigma Tools Overview
There are over 40 charts and 90 fill-in-the-blank templates for Lean Six Sigma.
Improvement projects fall into two main categories: reducing defects or reducing
deviation (i.e., variation):
Reducing Defects Reducing Deviation
• XmR, p or u Control Charts • Capability Suite
• Pareto Chart • XbarR Control Charts
• Ishikawa/Fishbone Diagram • Histograms
• Ishikawa/Fishbone Diagram

Pareto Chart

Control Chart Ishikawa/Fishbone

Histogram Chart

http://www.qimacros.com How To Guide 8

Creating a Pareto Chart
Creating Pareto charts to identify the biggest causes of defects, mistakes and
errors is simple. Just follow these steps and you’ll have the charts you need to:
create powerful improvement projects.
Step 1: Point to select the data
QI Macros loads practice data on your computer in:
Documents:QI Macros Test Data:Pareto.xls or select your own data
Step 2: Click on the Pareto Chart
Go to the QI Macros menu in Excel and select Pareto Chart from the drop down menu.
Step 3: Analyze and Improve Based on the Pareto Chart
The QI Macros will do the math and draw the chart for you. Each colored bar on the left side
of the chart could be used as the problem statement in the head of the fishbone/Ishikawa

Category Count QI Macros 2014

Conveyor Failure 71 Pareto
Flooding 20
Generator Failure 346 Scatter Charts
Safety 26 Chart Templates
Training 34

Watch the QI Macros

Pareto Chart Video Pareto Chart Advantages

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Creating an Ishikawa Diagram
Creating Ishikawa/Fishbone Diagrams for root cause analysis is easy. Just follow these steps
and you’ll have the diagram you need to identify the root causes of defects and deviation.
Step 1: Point to Select the Ishikawa/Fishbone Template
Go to the QI Macros menu in Excel and select Ishikawa/Fishbone diagram from the
Improvement Tools Menu.
Step 2: Fill in the text for the main bones and 5 Whys
Step 3: Click the Create Ishikawa/Fishbone button.

QI Macros 2014 Formulas Process Step 1 - Why? Why?

Lean Tools Improvement Tools Why?
Diagrams Ishikawa / Diagram Step 2 - Why? Why?
Calculators Cause Effect Matrix
People Category - Why? Why?

Watch the Ishikawa FIsh- QI Macros Ishikawa FIsh-

bone Diagram Video bone Diagram Advantages

http://www.qimacros.com How To Guide 10

Statistical Tools Overview
Hypothesis testing is a great way to evaluate two or more methods of production or materials. There are many differ-
ent types of statistical tools. Most fall into three main categories: 1) comparing means, 2) comparing variances, and 3)
analyzing relationships.

Means Variances Relationship

• ANOVA • F-Test • Correlation
• t-Test • Levene’s Test • Paired t-Test
• Covariance
• Regression

QI Macros 2014 Insert Page Layout Not sure which statistic to use?
Batch 1 Batch 2 The QI Macros Stat Wizard
t-Test  will
91.50 89.19
Stat Wizard Lean Tools Improvement analyze your data and
1 Batch the
94.18 90.95
Statistical Tools Diagrams DOE Gage mostMean
appropriate statistical
92.255 tests
for you.
Variance 5.688 8.901
92.18 90.46 Descriptive Statistics - Normality Test
t Stat -0.302
95.39 93.21 ANOVA Single Factor P(T<=t) one-tail 0.386
91.79 97.19
F-test: Two-sample for variance Cannot Reject Null Hypothesis:
t-Test: two-sample p > 0.05 (Means are the same)

Watch the
Stat Wizard Video

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Performing Statistical Step 1: Point to Select the Data to Analyze
QI Macros loads practice data on your computer in:
Analysis Documents:QI Macros Test Data:anova.xls
Step 2: Click on the Statistical Test:
Doing hypothesis testing couldn’t be easier.
Just follow these steps and you’ll have the Go to the QI Macros menu in Excel and select a specific type of statistical
analysis you need to identify optimal results. analysis from the drop down menu or select Stat Wizard.
Step 3: Analyze and Improve Based on the Results
The QI Macros will do the math and interpret the results for you. P values
less than 0.05 indicate significant differences in means or variances.

QI Macros 2014 Insert Page Layout

Batch 1 Batch 2 t-Test  0.05
Stat Wizard Lean Tools Improvement
91.50 89.19 Batch 1 Batch 2
Statistical Tools Diagrams DOE Gage Mean 92.255 92.733
94.18 90.95
Variance 5.688 8.901
92.18 90.46 Descriptive Statistics - Normality Test
t Stat -0.302
95.39 93.21 ANOVA Single Factor P(T<=t) one-tail 0.386
91.79 97.19
F-test: Two-sample for variance Cannot Reject Null Hypothesis:
t-Test: two-sample p > 0.05 (Means are the same)

QI Macros
Watch the T test Video
Statistics Tool Advantages

http://www.qimacros.com How To Guide 12

Gage R&R Study Overview
Gage R&R Studies are a great tool for evaluating if your measurement system is repeat-
able and reproducible. There are several types of Gage R&R Studies:

• Average and Range

2-3 Appraisers and 2-5 Trials of 10 parts
• Type 1 50 trials of a single part
• Attribute Used for Pass/Fail Gages – 3 Appraisers and 3 trials
The QI Macros Gage R&R Template contains a separate
tab for each of these study types.

http://www.qimacros.com How To Guide 13

Performing a Step 1: Run a Gage R&R study to gather the data
QI Macros loads Ford’s test data on your computer in:
Gage R&R Study Documents: QI Macros Test Data: AIAG SPC.xls or use your own data.
Step 2: Point to Select the Gage R&R Template
Performing a Gage R&R study is easy. Just follow these
steps to determine if your measurement system is okay Go to the QI Macros menu in Excel and select Gage R&R.
or needs improvement. Step 3: Fill the data into the yellow cells provided.
If NDC < 5 is then you need to use parts with more variation. If the
NDC > five, then evaluate the %R&R. A %R&R less than 10% is ac-

Appraiser 1 Trial 1 3.64 3.94

QI Macros 2014 %EV 17.6%
Trial 2 3.58 3.93
DOE GageR&R FMEA Trial 3 3.62 3.90 %AV 20.0%
A3 Report Appraiser 2 Trial 1 3.59 3.92
%R&R 26.7%
Trial 2 3.63 3.91
Design of Experiments
Trial 3 3.63 3.95 %PV 96.4%
Gage R&R

QI Macros
Watch the Gage R&R Video
Gage R&R Advantages

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Other Resources
Click on links below to download Quick Reference Cards and User Guide

Control Charts

Capability Analysis


Gage R&R

QI Macros User Guide

View All of Our Free Training Resources

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